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    Analysis and Enlightenment of American Test of Gross Motor Development
    LI Bo, DIAO Yucui, LI Jing, HONG Jintao, SUN Jiangang, LIU Yang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (2): 58-64.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.010
    Abstract3003)      PDF(pc) (1621KB)(1139)       Save
    Based on the perspective of applying evaluation systems, this paper conducted a research on the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD) in the United States, including its development background, measurement and evaluation system, reliability, advantages and disadvantages, and application to promote the research on children's movement developmentin China. The results show that the origin and development of TGMD has a specific social and academic background; after 30 years of development, the TGMD series has become the most widely used assessment tool for children's gross motor skills in the world for it has been highly standardized. While TGMD has shortcomings in indicator applicabilityand process evaluation, which deserve users' attention.By interpreting the TGMD series and the Chinese translation of the latest version of the scoring table, this present paper, with reference to its application situation in China, makes some enlightenment for the study on children's movement development in China interms of both perspective and method.
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    Problem Analysis and Path Innovation of Chinese Youth Basketball Competition System from the Perspective of Sports-Education Integration
    HU Boran, LI Mingda, ZHU Kaidi, ZHAO Sumiao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 109-116.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.013
    Abstract157)      PDF(pc) (2316KB)(332)       Save
    Deepening the integration of sports and education requires the support of a scientific and reasonable youth tournament system and a reserve talent training system. This paper makes comprehensive use of the methods of literature review, expert interview, participant observation, and starts from the principles and targets of building youth sport competition system for the new era in Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Sports and Education to Promote the Healthy Development of Adolescents to find that the youth basketball league in China is currently still characterized by the "dual-track system" jointly led by the sports sector and the education sector, and that issues including cross-border cooperation difficulties, unscientific organization methods, insufficient number of games, and imperfect guarantee and supervision still exist. Based on the reform goals of integrating sports and education and revitalizing the development of basketball, volleyball and football, this paper proposes that the principle of "integrated design and integrated promotion" should be adopted to promote the construction of youth basketball league by multiple subjects, and that the league should cultivate the "three types of talents" based on the growth law of young people. It also put forwards the idea of innovating "China Youth Basketball League".
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    China's Preparation for the Paris Olympics: Situation Analysis, Winning Advantages and Countermeasures
    PENG Guoqiang, GUO Yuede
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (3): 77-84.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.03.010
    Abstract185)      PDF(pc) (1426KB)(495)       Save
    China's preparation for the 2024 Paris Olympics is facing a complex and changing situation at home and abroad for, on the one hand, the Paris participation cycle is compressed into a "4-1" model, athletes' training and preparation rhythm is passively adjusted, the level of leading competitive sports nations in key events has improved significantly, and the competition in the Olympic Games has become fiercer; on the other hand, the development of China's competitive strength in sports events is not balanced, and its preparation for key events and key parts is not sufficient. In addition, the changes in the rules and events of the Paris Olympic Games have greatly affected China's participation in some events. In spite of these challenges, China has built key event groups with advantageous events as the main body, and its preparation mode based on the whole nation system has institutional advantages. Besides, the level of scientific training and competition has been continuously improved through scientific and technological innovations, and finally the change in the world situation and the adjustment of the Olympic rules affect the participation pattern, which is conducive to China's training and preparation. The study proposes that China can give full play to the "new type of whole nation system" to integrate various resources to strengthen the prevention and control of training and preparation risks, and the comprehensive guarantee of competition; strengthen the research and judgment of the rules of the Paris Olympic Games and information collection to improve the precision of preparation for the participation in various events; improve the ability of athletes in different events by classification, and scientifically select the athletes with the strongest comprehensive strength; create accurate technology assistance programs for different events to improve the scientific and smart level of training and preparation.
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    Historical Background, Ideological Logic and Practical Value of the Sustainable Development Concept of Beijing Winter Olympics Legacy
    SUN Baoli, WANG Meng, LI Shengxin, YE Fanxi, Hou Kun, NIU Ben, ZHANG Bin, ZHAO Yue, SONG Qiran, LV Fang, ZHAO Yihua
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 1-8.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.001
    Abstract186)      PDF(pc) (1269KB)(320)       Save
    As the first Olympic Games since the promulgation of the "Olympic Agenda 2020" to fully implement the concept of sustainable development in legacy planning and management from the beginning of preparations, the Beijing Winter Olympics has achieved fruitful results in the sustainable development of Olympic legacy, set a new example for the world and contributed Chinese wisdom. This study adopts the methods of literature review and logical analysis to explore the historical background, ideological logic and practical value of the Beijing Winter Olympics legacy sustainable development concept, hoping to gain a better understanding of the concept. Research shows that the sustainable development concept was generated in the context of the globalization of sustainable development, the "Two Centenary" historical nodes and the deepening reform of the Olympic Games' sustainability. Ideological guidance, goal system, practical policy, long-term principle, and scientific response constitute the ideological logic for the Beijing Winter Olympics legacy sustainable development concept. Its unique practical value is exhibited through the triple vision of individual, nation and the world. The concept has contributed Chinese wisdom to the sustainable development of the Olympic legacy.
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    A Systematic Review on Correlates of Fundamental Motor Skills in Children Aged 6 to 12: Based on Semi-quantitative Assessment and Meta-analysis
    QIU Yanping, WANG Lijuan, CHEN Huan, WANG Lijing, WANG Yankun
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 95-108.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.03.22
    Abstract209)      PDF(pc) (5148KB)(311)       Save
    To systematically review the characteristics, method, and results of the research on the correlates of fundamental motor skills in children aged 6~12 years by semi-quantitative evaluation and meta-analysis. Related studies published before June 2022 were searched in five foreign language databases such as WOS and three Chinese databases such as CNKI. A total of 30 studies were included in this systematic review. The results of semi-quantitative evaluation showed that age/grade (60.0%), health-related physical fitness (100%), physical activity (87.5%), parents' perception of children's FMS (100%), physical education (100%) were positively correlated with children's FMS level. Meta-analysis results showed that intervention of physical activity and physical education could effectively improve children's FMS level, and the intervention effect of physical activity was better. Intervention period > 20 weeks, ≥3 times per week and intervention duration > 60 min had the best intervention effect on FMS. It is suggested that in future FMS intervention or policy formulation of school-age children in China, factors related to the consistency of children's FMS and intervention programs should be fully considered, so as to better guide and promote the development of children's FMS.
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    Analysis and Validation of German Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder (KTK)
    Li Bo, LIU Yanan, SHI Lijuan, ZHU Xiaoling, LIU Yang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (4): 70-75.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.010
    Abstract272)      PDF(pc) (2077KB)(779)       Save
    Objective: To verify the reliability and validity of German Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder (KTK) in the fundamental movement skills test of Chinese primary school students. Methods: 145 grades 1-5 students (age: [8.98±1.48] years old) from a primary school in Shanghai were selected as test subjects, and KTK and the American Gross Motor Development Test (TGMD) were used to test students' fundamental movement skills. Statistical test for validity. Results: The average KTK score of primary school students was 178.20±41.68, and the score increased with grades (F=11.94, P<0.001). The ICC in the test-retest reliability is between 0.966 and 0.992; the Cronbach's alpha coefficient in the internal consistency reliability is 0.820; the factor analysis model is well fitted in the construct validity (x2/df=0.036, RMSEA=0.001, AGFI=0.999); there was a moderate correlation between the concurrent validity and the TGMD total score (r=0.639, P<0.001). Conclusion: KTK has good reliability and validity in the fundamental movement skills test of Chinese primary school students, and it can be used as an effective evaluation tool for the development of fundamental movement skills of primary school students.
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    Actors, Translations and Networks: Xinhua News Agency's News Production for the Tokyo Olympics and Its International Cooperation
    ZENG Wenli, YANG Xi
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 64-71.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.008
    Abstract138)      PDF(pc) (2565KB)(307)       Save
    Xinhua News Agency participated in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games as an international news agency authorized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the IOC Photography Agency for the first time. Using Actor Network Theory (ANT) as frame and mixed method of social network and grounded theory, the study analyzes the internal and external networks, segments, influencing factors, and process in Xinhua News Agency's news production during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. The results show that the network was centered around journalists and editors, and formed a multi-layered structure. The actors in the network adopted the translating strategy of "ecological competition and cooperation". The findings broaden the perspective of actor network theory in journalism research, and highlight the motivational role of affective factors in the coverage of major sports events, as well as the importance of compliance and observance, and international media cooperation.
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    Reflection on Theory and Action Logic of Sports Culture Work in China
    LI Nan, SUN Shuhui
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 37-47.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.06.02
    Abstract158)      PDF(pc) (1314KB)(297)       Save
    Based on the conceptual-historical research paradigm, the article analyses the evolution of the connotation of sports culture in China at different stages of history, and reveals that, from a practical point of view, the enhancement of sports in China should emphasize and pay attention to sports culture in the narrow sense. From the perspective of ‘looking at sports outside of sports’, sports work should focus on emphasising and promoting the cultural attributes and connotations of sports. The thesis discusses the contemporary requirements for strengthening sports culture based on the development needs of the post-materialist era, the development strategy of cultural empowerment, and the rise of the concept of public governance, etc. It also puts forward the roadmap for strengthening sports culture in the new era and the new journey: firstly, it is committed to move from the emphasis on the unidirectional top-down ‘construction’ to ‘governance’. It also proposed a course of action for strengthening sports culture in the new era: first, to move from a one-way top-down emphasis on ‘construction’ to ‘governance’; and second, to cultivate and disseminate Chinese sports culture.
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    Study on the Construction of Physical Fitness Promotion Model for College Students
    SHAO Yuan
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 124-131.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.015
    Abstract169)      PDF(pc) (1845KB)(299)       Save
    This study collected 838 college students’ body composition and multidimensional data of national physical fitness monitoring program, and used structural equation modeling (SEM) algorithms to construct a comprehensive and detailed digital model of physical fitness structure. The findings indicate that muscular robustness, adipose tissue obesity, and cardiovascular function are key indicators of physical fitness among college students. These factors collectively contribute to the level of cellular health. Based on these findings, it is recommended that college physical education should place greater emphasis on both curricular content design and extracurricular exercise guidance for strength and aerobic capacity, and strengthen the education of healthy lifestyle to promote the physical health level of college students more efficiently. It is recommended to carry out diverse health education through digital technology, build a network platform to form social partnership to enhance students’ health, and broaden the teaching methods of college physical education courses in the digital context to better serve the diverse needs of students' physical health promotion.
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    Change of Women's Role in the Participation of Traditional Ethnic Sports ——A Case Analysis Based on "Saer'he"
    YUAN Jiao, XIONG Huan
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 147-154.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.018
    Abstract171)      PDF(pc) (1690KB)(296)       Save
    This paper takes women's participation of "Saer'he" as a case study to examine the changes of women's role in the participation of traditional ethnic sports. It's found that women's role has changed from "absence" to "presence" in their participation of "Saer'he", which is manifested in three aspects: number of participants, participation behavior, and diverse role-playing. But the change of women's role is not accomplished at one stroke. It in fact has experienced the obstacles from society, cultural systems, and ideologies. In order to gain the role of "presence", women engaged in game and negotiation of gender rights, gender division of labor, and gender culture under gender relations, with motivation and resistance existing at the same time.
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    The Knightly Martial Arts of the Late Middle Ages ——Analysis of Italian Martial Arts Literature The Flower of Battle
    YU Yongtao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (3): 129-135.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.03.017
    Abstract196)      PDF(pc) (1916KB)(501)       Save
    Fior di Battaglia (The Flower of Battle) is a martial arts document written around the beginning of the 15th century by the Italian martial artist Fiore. This book is a comprehensive and systematic account of the chivalry fighting in the late Middle Ages, covering unarmed combat, sword, axe, spear, dagger and other weapon-fighting techniques, including dismounted combat and mounted. This book reveals a lot of details about knights' battles, which is an inescapable historical literature for the study of knights' martial arts in the Middle Ages of Europe. In recent years, The Flower of Battle has drawn many researchers' attention, and has been translated into English. There are even many U.S. and European fencing enthusiasts trying to recover lost knight grapple skills according to the text for many years. Unfortunately, there is not much research on western knight martial arts in China at present, and few Chinese scholars mention this literature. Based on the manuscript of the Flower of Battle collected in J. Paul Getty Museum and the English translation by Colin Hatcher, it is not difficult to find that the Knightly Martial Arts of the late Middle Ages is a comprehensive and hierarchical system. In order to adapt to different combat environments, knights need to master various combat skills. If compared with Chinese traditional martial arts, we can also find many similarities between them.
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    A Theoretical and Empirical Study on The Impact of Digital Economy Development on Residents' Sports Consumption
    CHEN Po, Liu Congzhong, YANG Shicheng, FU Kaixin
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 28-36.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.004
    Abstract166)      PDF(pc) (1267KB)(311)       Save
    In the process of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, the digital economy has become a new form to drive the high-quality development of China's economy, and brought new opportunities, new momentum and new characteristics to sports consumption. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces and cities (autonomous regions) in mainland China from 2015 to 2021, the article utilized the fixed-effects model together with the mediated-effects model and heterogeneity analysis to explore the impact effect of the development of the digital economy on residents' sports consumption. The results show that the digital economy has an obvious promotional effect on the development of sports consumption in China, and the impact on sports consumption has spatial heterogeneity, which is more obvious in the eastern region than in the central and western regions, and more obvious in the coastal region than in the inland region. On the action path, digital economy can promote the development of sports consumption through scientific and technological innovation ability. Therefore, we should accelerate the construction of information network facilities, orderly promote the upgrading of infrastructure, continue to promote the development of innovative capacity, accelerate the innovation of sports consumption experience, constantly broaden the digital sports consumption market, promote the integrated development of digital urban and rural areas, optimize the structure of regional economic development, and promote the narrowing of the regional digital economy gap, in order to improve the high quality development level of sports consumption in China and contribute to promoting economic growth and building a new development pattern.
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    Historical Investigation and Practical Thinking on Perfecting China's Sports Honor System
    QI Bing, ZHANG Yan, DANG Ting
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 48-55.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.006
    Abstract144)      PDF(pc) (2199KB)(286)       Save
    The sports honor system has the function of mobilizing, motivating and behavior guidance, and it is necessary to perfect the sports honor system for the new era and the new journey. By tracing the historical development of the sports honor system in China and studying the merit and honor systems in other countries, this paper puts forward four suggestions on perfecting the sports honor system. First, adhere to the correct political direction and strengthen the political guidance to resolutely implement the Party's basic theories, routes, and strategies, and actively translate the Party's political propositions and major decisions and arrangements into laws, regulations, policies, and decrees that are meritorious to the Party and the state, and into work practice. Second, the sports honor medals are not only the monument of China's sports cause, but also the condensation of the Chinese sports spirit and the Olympic spirit. The sports honor medals should be built as a key project of sports honor in the future. Third, exert lasting influence and leadership through such measures as establishing a national sports merit book, a historical memorial hall, and a medal-displaying museum. Fourth, the internationalization of the national merit and honor system is a world practice, and the sports honor system should be promoted to go international.
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    A Study of University Students' Satisfaction with Physical Education in Colleges and Universities Based on Chinese Customer Satisfaction Theory
    GUO Zhibin, ZHENG Lei, ZHOU Wei, GUO Ningning
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 132-138.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.016
    Abstract133)      PDF(pc) (1511KB)(291)       Save
    Based on the theory of “China Customer Satisfaction Index (CCSI)”, the PLS-SEM method was used to construct a model of college students’ satisfaction with physical education, which provides ideas and reference for the evaluation of the quality of physical education in colleges and universities. It was found that (1) teacher image is an exogenous variable in the whole model of college students’ satisfaction with physical education, and has a direct positive effect on all the variables (P<0.005); (2) teacher image and value perception have a direct positive effect on college students’ satisfaction, and student satisfaction has a direct positive effect on college students’ loyalty, and college students’ satisfaction can also reverse the effect of students’ complaints; (3) quality perception and student expectations have no direct influence on college students’ satisfaction, but quality perception can indirectly influence college students’ satisfaction through value perception. Conclusion: College students’ physical education satisfaction mainly originates from three aspects: first, the direct utility generated by teachers’ image and value perception, second, teachers’ image and quality perception can have an indirect effect through value perception, and third, college students’ expectations have an indirect effect on college students’ physical education satisfaction through the joint effect of quality perception and value perception.
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    High-Quality Development of National Fitness in the New Era: Scientific Connotation, Problem Orientation and Practice Ideology
    LEI Zhengfang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 17-26.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.003
    Abstract238)      PDF(pc) (1279KB)(962)       Save
    National fitness is related to the people's happy and healthy life and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Its high-quality development is not only the premise of realizing the strategy of building a leading sports nation, but also the key to promoting the construction of a socialist modern country. Drawing on the new development concepts, this study comprehensively interprets the scientific connotation of high-quality development of national fitness, pointing out that innovation is the primary driving force for the high-quality development of national fitness, coordination is the internal requirement for the high-quality development of national fitness, going green is the basic form for the high-quality development of national fitness, opening up is the road that the high-quality development of national fitness must take, and sharing is the ultimate purpose of high-quality development of national fitness. The key issues in the high-quality development of national fitness include insufficient service supply, unbalanced development structure, incomplete ecological protection, closed internal or external linkage and insufficient sharing of results. Ideology to guide practice include the efficiency priority concept of innovating both policy and product, the system balance concept of complementing shortcomings and optimizing structure, the sustainable development concept of paying equal attention to improving understanding and controlling scale, the collaborative practice concept of opening up development and diversifying governance bodies, and people's livelihood concept of strengthening consensus and promoting integration. It is hoped that this study can provide enlightenment or reference for the theoretical research and practical development of national fitness.
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    Research on the Influence of TTR System on Table Tennis Competition and the Preparation Strategy for the Tokyo Olympics
    WU Fei, HONG Chenlu, LI Lin, XIAO Dandan
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (1): 131-136.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.019
    Abstract789)      PDF(pc) (1507KB)(758)       Save
    The Table Tennis Review (TTR) system has been officially applied to table tennis matches since December 2019 and it will be put into use in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. At present, Chinese table tennis players, coaches and umpires have not understood the TTR system well, which will pose a huge challenge to the national table tennis team's preparations for the Tokyo Olympics. This article analyzes the working principle, application range and impact on table tennis matches as well as makes a comparison between the system and umpires' penalty, in order to develop reasonable and effective coping strategies for Chinese table tennis team to prepare for the Tokyo Olympics. Conclusions TTR system can make the "edge" and "net" penalty more accurate; the penalty on the serve is more severe and stricter; the introduction of TTR system improves the enjoyment of matches. The players' challenge to TTR means that they have doubts about the referee's decision. The audience's guessing and waiting for the final result of the round are drawn onto the screen display in the stadium, which improves the participation of spectators and the enjoyment of matches. Meanwhile the introduction of TTR system may become a tactic for players to interrupt a match, delay the match, relieve the situation on the field, and also affect the continuity of matches. The use of TTR system is a revolutionary change for table tennis competition, which puts forward higher requirements for players' legal serve, and players' serve will have stricter penalty decisions in terms of height, angle and whether to block.
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    Mechanism, Realistic Dilemma and Optimization Path of Using Sports Consumption Vouchers to Promote Sports Consumption
    CHEN Yuanxin, SHI Yu, ZHOU Biao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 9-17.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.002
    Abstract138)      PDF(pc) (1312KB)(288)       Save
    Sports consumption is an integral part of the strategy of expanding domestic demand. Sports consumption voucher is an important measure to promote both sports consumption and the high-quality development of sports industry. Based on the practice of issuing sports consumption vouchers in many provinces (cities), this paper systematically analyzes the mechanism and practical difficulties in using sports consumption vouchers to promote sports consumption, and puts forward the optimization path of issuing sports consumption vouchers. The results suggest that we should broaden the targeted group of sports consumption vouchers to expand voucher's function, build purchase-sale link and open up consumption channels to strengthen voucher's function, enhance the accuracy of voucher's function to relieve the difficulties faced by the market main bodies, and strengthen the guarantee of issuing sports consumption vouchers to enhance the effectiveness of voucher's function in promoting sports consumption and contributing to the steady economic growth.
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    Analysis on the Concept of Physical Education Learning Approach ——Discussing with the Author of Physical Education Learning Methods
    LI Wangjie, LU Jinfeng
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 117-123.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.014
    Abstract128)      PDF(pc) (1243KB)(282)       Save
    The purpose of this study is to clarify the concept of physical education learning approach through the analysis on Physical Education Learning Methods. The author of Physical Education Learning Methods equates "sports learning approach" with the "physical learning method", even the individual behavior of students in sports classroom, which is contrary to the intention of instructing students to "learn how to learn" in the book. The concrete and narrow boundary of physical education learning methods in the book causes the involution of physical education leaning methods, and confusion of teaching methods and learning methods. As a result, the real concept of physical learning approach becomes obscured. Defining physical learning approach as the law or rule of learning physical education can distinguish sports learning approach from sports learning method, learning behavior, learning ability and other related concepts. According to the requirements of comprehensively deepening curriculum reform, in school physical education, especially in the primary education stage, shifting the teaching focus from sports game teaching to learning approach teaching is in line with the modern teaching concept of developing students' core literacy, and will empower students to meet the needs of lifelong growth and social development.
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    Philosophic Thinking and Applied Thinking of the Way of Replacing Training with Competition and the Way of Driving Training with Competition
    DENG Wanjin
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 107-112.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.017
    Abstract4668)      PDF(pc) (1182KB)(2071)       Save
    Although they are all high-intensity competitions in order to improve the comprehensive control ability of athletes, there are obvious differences between the way of replacing training with competition and the way of driving training with competition. In terms of specific content, the practice in substituting competition for practice refers to comprehensive training involving competition rules and competition psychology which is not limited to special training and the training in training with competition refers to the training with feedback nature which is mainly based on special training and divided by the level objectives of competitions. In terms of applicable objects, the competition instead of practice is suitable for high-level athletes who do not have competition experience or experience and the competition leading training is suitable for multi-level athletes. In terms of training load, the way of replacing training with competition shows high-intensity load and the way of driving training with competition shows the specific load reflecting the special characteristics of a specific event. In terms of the theory basis, the way of replacing training with competition executes the main line of the system training theory and the way of driving training with competition break through the shackles of periodic training theory and plate training theory. Finally, the author puts forward the application thinking of the way of replacing training with competition. We scientifically design the hierarchical superposition path around the objectives of the competition and optimize the multi-level promotion strategy around the integration of special capabilities. The application thinking of the way of driving training with competition are put forward. We should optimize the training model of competitive performance according to the guiding ideology of goal integration training and should design the training cycle model of change-adapt according to the idea of optimization of competitive ability.
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    Research on Campus Ice and Snow Sports Policy in China from the Perspective of Policy Tools ——An Analysis of 14 Campus Ice and Snow Sports Policy Texts since Winning the Right to Host the Winter Olympic Games
    WANG Qi, XIA Ran, LI Jingzhan, XIANG Xin, CHAI Hongqin, LIU Hong
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 80-87.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.010
    Abstract151)      PDF(pc) (2089KB)(294)       Save
    Using the methods of literature review and content analysis, this paper analyzed 14 campus ice and snow sports policy texts enacted at the national level since China obtained the right to host the Winter Olympic Games, and concluded that the application structure of supply-type, environment-type, and demand-type policy tools for campus ice and snow sports in China shows an unequal distribution; the frequency of the use of the demand-type policy tools for campus ice and snow sports and the types of application are significantly lower than those of supply-type and environment-type policy tools. The supply-type policy tools for campus ice and snow sports are still constrained by external environmental factors such as economic system, education concept, public service mechanism, government procurement, and sports service outsourcing. As a result, it is proposed to improve the structure of the combination of campus ice and snow sports policy tools, to innovate and promote the equalization of the application of campus ice and snow sports policy tools, and to strengthen and coordinate the construction of informationization of campus ice and snow sports policy tools.
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    Reversal and Cycle: Body Discipline Mechanism and Micro Power Games on Fitness Live Streaming Platforms
    CHEN Jinru, WAN Xiaohong
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 72-79.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.009
    Abstract136)      PDF(pc) (1266KB)(282)       Save
    Based on Foucault's theory of body discipline, the study observed two fitness livestreaming studios on the TikTok platform by means of participant observation and interviewed livestream fitness followers on the platform through semi-structured interview, in an attempt to understand the "changed" and the "unchanged" of micro-power operation in the fitness livestreaming sector against the mobility of power relations and the complexity of body's absence and presence, and to reveal the alienation and challenges faced by digital fitness and contemporary notions of body. The findings show that Foucault's body discipline still exists in mediated interactions based on digital media, which is the "unchanged". What has changed is the "decentralization" and the "two-way interaction" in cyberspace, which reverses the power relations diffused in it; The micro-power in the fitness livestreaming sector is flowing, and eventually forms a chain structure. The study concludes that when we see the many advantages of fitness livestreaming, we should not overlook the power mechanism flowing in it, which makes the sport that can liberate the body be trained as a standardized production method to manipulate the body, and exposes the individuals in the chain of training to the risk of self-objectification.
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    Applications of Isometric Mid-thigh Pull Test in Lower Body Muscular Strength Evaluation
    LU Heng, XU Yilin, WANG Ran
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (1): 129-135.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.01.021
    Abstract445)      PDF(pc) (1368KB)(682)       Save
    As a multi-joint isometric test, the isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) is commonly used to evaluate athletes' lower body strength and power. With the portability of the testing device, IMTP has been used in high-performance sports worldwide. However, its application in China has never been reported before. Existing literature shows that the IMTP is more efficient and less fatigable compared with traditional dynamic test and single-joint isometric test. Besides, peak force, rate of force development, and impulse derived from the IMTP force-time curve are highly reliable and correlated with strength, power, sprint, and change-of-direction. Coaches and researchers could use IMTP to evaluate performance profile and monitor the training process, understand the training status and adaptation, and optimize training programs to further improve athletes' performance.
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    Mechanism and Path of High-quality Development of Sports Consumption in Creating a High-quality Life
    TAO Yuliu, WANG Yue, LIU Yuxin, WU Xianglei, GUO Ruoning
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 18-27.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.003
    Abstract146)      PDF(pc) (1393KB)(281)       Save
    The high-quality development of sports consumption will be an important engine to meet the people's growing demand for a better life. This paper systematically elaborates the connotations of high quality development of sports consumption and high quality of life, and constructs a research framework to analyze the mechanism and practical basis of high quality development of sports consumption to promote the creation of high quality of life. The research suggests that the basic, core, and safeguarding effects of sports consumption can provide people with a sense of achievement, happiness, and security, thus driving the creation of a high-quality life. The transformation and upgrading of consumption concepts, consumption structure, consumption level, consumption patterns, and consumption environment are the main manifestations of high-quality development in sports consumption, and they serve as the practical basis for high-quality sports consumption to contribute to a high-quality life. Entering the new stage of development, we should promote the high-quality development of sports consumption with the new development concept to provide a solid material foundation for creating a high quality of life; adhere to the dual reform of the supply side and demand side of the sports industry to provide a rich and effective supply for creating a high quality of life; build a new development pattern of sports consumption double cycle while take the domestic market as the main source for creating a high quality of life; and continuously improve the institutional construction focusing on people's livelihood to provide a stable institutional guarantee for creating a high quality of life.
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    Development Trend of Strength Training: From Physiological Control and Group Variation to Fine Regulation
    LIANG Meifu, WANG Xiong, ZHAO Kewei, ZHU Xueqiang, ZHAO Ningning, ZHOU Ruihang, SUN Junzhi
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (1): 88-96.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.01.012
    Abstract1125)      PDF(pc) (1656KB)(724)       Save
    The international research on strength training methods has shown a trend of rapid development in recent years, which promotes the continuous innovation of modern strength training methods. Using pre-stimulation to induce acute enhancement of skeletal muscle strength, limiting blood flow, improving training efficiency, changing strength training structure, improving single action quality and total training volume, allocating optimal load to maximize output power and achieve fine regulation of strength training process are the hotspots and breakthrough points of modern strength training. This paper systematically analyzes the new ideas and methods of strength trainingintroduced, popularized and applied during athletes’ preparation for the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games to figure out the development trend of modern strength training from physiological control, group variation to fine regulation, hoping to highlight the research hotspots, so as to help Chinese athletes prepare for the Paris Olympic Games.
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    Harmony in Diversity: Comparison Between Taijiquan and Daoyin Regimen
    TAO Shuoxiu, YU Dinghai
    成都体育学院学报    2014, 40 (12): 45-48.  
    Abstract2711)      PDF(pc) (1000KB)(4286)       Save
    Taijiquan and Daoyin Regimen are two unique cultural forms of Chinese sport health maintenance. Both originating from traditional Chinese culture, most researchers focus on their similarities but neglect their individualities. In order for both events to develop and people to do exercise properly, it is of great significance to clarify their essences and to definitely grasp their similarities and individualities. This research deeply analyzes their distinct differences from the three aspects of essential features, movement connotations and value pursuits.
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    Study on the Spatial Aggregation and Collaborative Inheritance of Sports Intangible Cultural Heritages in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle
    HE Tao, YANG Lifang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (1): 58-65.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.01.008
    Abstract707)      PDF(pc) (1630KB)(787)       Save
    Using the methods of geographic centralization, K-nearest neighbor, kernel density estimation and buffer analysis, this paper analyzes the geospatial distribution of sports intangible cultural heritages in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. The findings show that sports intangible cultural heritages in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle have formed the highest kernel density value gathering circle in the central city of Chongqing, the higher kernel density value region in Rongchang, and the moderate kernel density value region in Chengdu, Leshan, Guang’an, Yibin, Wanzhou and Qianjiang. The Spatial aggregation is concentrated and is of the agglomeration type. The main category of sports intangible cultural heritage is martial arts, followed by folk games and ethnic forms of athletics, and the number of ethnic forms is the least. The paper further analyzes by means of geographical detectors the influencing factors, finding that the influencing factors are mainly concentrated in rivers and elevated areas, traditional villages and cultural scenic spots, transportation and population density areas which are associated with social development level. Based on the analysis results and the principle of overall layout and coordinated construction, the paper proposes the paths to realize the inheritance of sports intangible cultural heritages, which include: constructing intangible cultural heritage corridors along rivers systems, building sports intangible cultural heritage resorts and accurately locating the role of cities with different development levels in the collaborative inheritance of sports intangible cultural heritages.
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    Breaking Secular Prejudices: Study on the Professional Development of Male Preschool P.E. Teachers from the Perspective of Professional Gender Segregation
    GUO Jingpu, LUO Xi, LIU Liu
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 139-146.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.017
    Abstract138)      PDF(pc) (1253KB)(281)       Save
    There is a serious occupational gender segregation in the preschool education. With more and more male physical education teachers joining the profession of preschool education, occupational gender segregation is being broken. However, male teachers of preschool physical education have encountered many problems in their work and career development. This paper adopted qualitative research based on interview to survey 12 male physical education teachers from kindergartens in Sichuan, Fujian, Hubei, Beijing, and Shandong in China. The findings indicate that male physical education teachers' entry into kindergartens is a need from the early childhood education in the new era. They are pioneers in breaking occupational gender segregation in preschool education sector. Strengthening and optimizing the working environment for male teachers of preschool physical education is the key to enhancing their work stability and promoting the development of preschool physical education in China.
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    A Study on the Body Symbols and Cultural Memory of Yi Nationality's Dijiao Dance ——Take Baisha Village, Xiaoheiqing Town, Huili City, Sichuan Province as an Example
    SUN Dezhao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (4): 63-70.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.014
    Abstract696)      PDF(pc) (3786KB)(726)       Save
    Dijiao dance, a "native dance" of the Yi nationality that combines geographical and blood relationship, has the cohesive structural function of connecting the memory of individuals, ethnic group and society, and the physical activity symbols of Dijiao dance have the unique characteristics of restoring and presenting the cultural memory of individuals, ethnic group and society. This paper studies from the perspective of cultural memory theory the cultural symbols and cultural memory of Yi's Dijiao dance by means of literature review, field survey and oral history. The study shows that Yi's Dijiao dance is attached to myth and hero worship ——it is the product of the body memory of both individuals and ethnic group of the Yi nationality and the social practices of their body; Yi's Dijiao dance has an inner connection with Yi's totem worship ——it is a comprehensive representation of the body practice of both individuals and ethnic group of the Yi nationality in the framework of life; Yi's Dijiao dance is dependent on the regional and humanistic environment of "life", "survival" and "living" of the Yi nationality ——it is the product of the social practice of body memory for both individuals and ethnic group of the Yi nationality to achieve the "Sansheng" education, namely the education of life, survival and living; Yi's Dijiao dance bears an inherent relationship to their "religious sacrifice" and "festival celebration" ——it is a vivid expression of the social practice of body memory for both individuals and ethnic group of the Yi nationality to realize their "religious sacrifice" and "wedding ceremony". Yi's Dijiao dance embodies the three dimensions of human harmony: it reveals the harmony between nature and humanity in the vertical direction of history; it infiltrates the harmony between man and society (man to man) in the horizontal direction of socialization; it has the memorial characteristics of bridging the balance and imbalance within man's self at the intersection of vertical and horizontal dimension.
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    Study on the Development of Ice and Snow Sports in China under the Background of Building a Leading Sports Nation
    ZHAO Jing, LI Ziwei
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 88-94.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.011
    Abstract134)      PDF(pc) (1248KB)(278)       Save
    Following the goal of building a leading sports nation featuring socialist modernization, the development of ice and snow sports in China should make good use of the legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games in constructing a leading ice and snow sports nation. By applying the new concept of development to the whole process of ice and snow sports development in China, and examining the status que of mass ice and snow sports, competitive ice and snow sports, and ice and snow sports industry in China with reference to the five strategic tasks given in the Outline for the Construction of a Leading Sports Nation, this paper puts forward the following strategies: (1) popularize mass ice and snow sports to boost the implementation of the Healthy China strategy; (2) develop the overall competitive strength of winter sports through developing ice and snow sports to enhance the ability of winning glory for the country; (3) improve the operational efficiency of ice and snow sports industry to foster economic development; (4) facilitate the cultural inheritance of ice and snow sports to carry forward the spirit of Chinese sports; and (5) strengthen the international exchanges and cooperation in ice and snow sports to serve the major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.
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    Review: Latest Progress in Biomechanics Research of Tennis Serve
    MA Xiaogang, SHI Bing
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (2): 122-127.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.020
    Abstract766)      PDF(pc) (1291KB)(708)       Save
    Tennis serve has the characteristics of exquisite technique, complex movement and high risk of injury. Relevant studies mainly focus on sports biomechanics. By reviewing the progress in research of tennis serve mechanics at home and abroad, this paper aims to summarize the law of technical action, analyze the damage mechanism and innovate the instrument structure, and provide a systematic theoretical model for the characteristics of tennis serve mechanics. The research indicates that the domestic tennis service research should broaden the research angle, focus on the rigor of the experimental design, and pay attention to the comprehensive and targeted principle when selecting the indexes. The hitting force of the flat service ball comes from the ir-internal Rotation of the shoulder joint, and the end joint regulates the parameters of the hitting point. The morphological characteristics have a great influence on the quality of the serve, but it depends more on the training factors and technical performance. The spatial position of the hitting point, the angle of the racket face, the component of speed and the rate of rotation are the key indexes to determine the different types and different drop points of serve. Improving the concealment of service can increase the difficulty of the receiver to extract the information of anticipation and improve the quality of service. Serve injury mainly occurs at the waist (LBP - the Lower Back Pain), spine, lumbar, shoulder joint (SLAP) and upper limb joints, finish stage and back stage are the moments when the highest risk damage may occur. Racket material, mass distribution, moment of inertia, felling and string bed have close link with such factors as individual's preference, morphological characteristics, technology and tactics. The research trend shows that the study of tennis service mechanics is gradually transiting from summarizing the technical rules and the causes of damage to the mechanical characteristics of each joint, dynamic indexes, instrument innovation and dynamic research.
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