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    Philosophic Thinking and Applied Thinking of the Way of Replacing Training with Competition and the Way of Driving Training with Competition
    DENG Wanjin
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 107-112.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.017
    Abstract4668)      PDF(pc) (1182KB)(2071)       Save
    Although they are all high-intensity competitions in order to improve the comprehensive control ability of athletes, there are obvious differences between the way of replacing training with competition and the way of driving training with competition. In terms of specific content, the practice in substituting competition for practice refers to comprehensive training involving competition rules and competition psychology which is not limited to special training and the training in training with competition refers to the training with feedback nature which is mainly based on special training and divided by the level objectives of competitions. In terms of applicable objects, the competition instead of practice is suitable for high-level athletes who do not have competition experience or experience and the competition leading training is suitable for multi-level athletes. In terms of training load, the way of replacing training with competition shows high-intensity load and the way of driving training with competition shows the specific load reflecting the special characteristics of a specific event. In terms of the theory basis, the way of replacing training with competition executes the main line of the system training theory and the way of driving training with competition break through the shackles of periodic training theory and plate training theory. Finally, the author puts forward the application thinking of the way of replacing training with competition. We scientifically design the hierarchical superposition path around the objectives of the competition and optimize the multi-level promotion strategy around the integration of special capabilities. The application thinking of the way of driving training with competition are put forward. We should optimize the training model of competitive performance according to the guiding ideology of goal integration training and should design the training cycle model of change-adapt according to the idea of optimization of competitive ability.
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    Virtue of Courage: The Fundamental Orientation of "Fostering Virtue through Education" in Chinese Wushu
    JIN Yuzhu
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 93-101.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.011
    Abstract218)      PDF(pc) (1323KB)(1617)       Save
    Fostering virtue through education is the fundamental task of education, and the most important thing to complete this task is to stick to the Chinese discourse of innovation, solid foundation and moral education. Using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper takes Wushu education in the new era as the starting point to examine the virtue of courage from the perspective of virtue cultivation. The research concludes that as a kind of life energy, virtue of courage in Wushu does not have a fixed form of courage, but exhibits the subject's virtue of acting bravely for justice and shouldering responsibilities. It is in fact a virtue of "relying on oneself rather than others" through perfecting one's wisdom and benevolence. By injecting "benevolence", "righteousness" and "rituals" into the natural courage of personality and behavior, the virtue of courage gradually evolves into a moral virtue and becomes a life spirit of ultimate existence. As the fundamental orientation of Wushu education, virtue of courage has the following implications: in moral dimension, it embodies the ideology of "dare to straight oneself and do one's will"; in life dimension, it embodies the strength of "noble and brave spirit";in value dimension, it embodies the virtue of "keeping aloof and helping the world". The contemporary enlightenment of Wushu courage lies in reconstructing the ontological cognition of Wushu that "body is the starting point of education for growth", consolidating the ideology of Wushu education that "sharpens the mind and toughens the body", and fostering the fertile ground of Wushu education that "interweaves hero image into daily life".
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    Concept of and Practical Reflection on Endogenous Dynamics of Competitive Sports
    GU Dehong
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 71-77.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.009
    Abstract179)      PDF(pc) (1264KB)(1593)       Save
    In order to clarify the concept of endogenous dynamics of competitive sports as well as to better examine the dynamics in competitive sports development in China, this paper analyzes the characteristics of government and society and the market as the dynamics of competitive sports development by means of literature review, interview and logical analysis. The study concludes that the primary value subject of competitive sports is human being, and human being and human needs are the core value subjects and needs to be taken care of in the development of competitive sports. Society and market are closely connected with the intrinsic value subjects and needs of competitive sports, and they are the endogenous dynamics for the development of competitive sports. The political function of competitive sports is a function constructed with the development of modern society. When competitive sports are equated with "winning glory for the country", the government becomes the endogenous dynamics of competitive sports development. However, competitive sports should not be equated with "winning glory the country" or "winning gold and silver medals", because that would narrow down or even alienate the meaning of competitive sports. The study suggests that, on the basis of satisfying human needs, it is beneficial to construct an endogenous dynamics chain for the development of competitive sports, stimulate the sources of development, and form a positive development cycle.
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    Standardization of Basic Public Sports Services in The Process of Chinese-style Modernization: Intrinsic Logic, Realistic Dilemmas, and Practical Strategies
    ZHANG Dachao, DENG Feng
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 21-29.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.003
    Abstract211)      PDF(pc) (1527KB)(1541)       Save
    In the process of Chinese-style modernization, the standardization of basic public sports services will meet people's high-level need for a better life. Through the methods of literature review, field research and logical analysis, this paper expounds the intrinsic logic between Chinese path to modernization and the standardization of basic public sports services. Chinese path to modernization puts forward requirements for the standardization of basic public sports services from six aspects: high-quality supply, scientific decision-making, service efficiency, equal benefit, energy conservation and low-carbon, and standardized implementation. The standardization of basic public sports services has promoted people's modernization, social modernization, ecological modernization, governance modernization, management modernization, and institutional modernization. Therefore, the standardization of basic public sports services includes five core elements: theoretical support, content support, institutional support, resource support, and execution support. During the implementation process, the standardization of basic public sports services faces some challenges such as high difficulty in inclusive development, imbalanced urban-rural development, structural imbalance in public sports services, and insufficient legal protection for public sports services. Measures that can be taken include: integrated service standards, co-melting urban-rural rights, balanced supply structure, and strengthened legal protection.
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    The Application of Punitive Damages in the Case of Stealing Broadcast of Sports Programs: Focusing on the Amendment of Civil Code and Copyright Law
    ZHAO Jiehong
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 102-108.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.013
    Abstract143)      PDF(pc) (1215KB)(1521)       Save
    Every time a large-scale event is held, there will always be illegal broadcasting of event programs on the Internet. However, in the case of illegal broadcasting, the court generally rules that the amount of compensation paid by the illegal broadcaster is low and only has the nature of compensation, which does not effectively prevent the illegal broadcasting. The Civil Code and the new Copyright Law implemented in 2021 stipulate that the infringer who intentionally infringes the copyright of others should bear punitive damages if the circumstances are serious, which means that in the case of illegal broadcasting of event programs after 2021, the infringed can ask the infringer to bear compensatory and punitive damages. The application of punitive damages in the case of illegal broadcasting of event programs should meet the four conditions of "infringement of copyright, subjective intention, serious circumstances and the request of the infringed". Only when the event program is recognized as a work in the copyright law can the illegal broadcasting be an infringement of copyright. If the illegal broadcaster not only violates the duty of care for the authorization of the event program, but also has the behavior of promoting and editing the event program, it can be deemed that he has subjective intention. In the punitive damages litigation, the broadcaster authorized by the event organizer can be the infringed and enjoy the right of action. The broadcaster can only claim punitive damages if he claims that the copyright has been infringed, and he should claim both punitive damages and compensatory damages. The judge combines the loss of the infringed, the profit of the illegal broadcaster and the development of the event industry to establish the amount of punitive damages on the basis of compensatory damages.
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    Analysis on the Possibility of Including E-sports into Olympic Games from the Choice Criteria and Procedure, Concept and Trend of Sports and Events for Olympic Programme
    YI Jiandong
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 10-17.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.002
    Abstract1584)      PDF(pc) (1894KB)(1420)       Save
    By literature review, this paper reveals that programmes in modern Olympic Games have undergone five stages: instability, slow expansion, booming, strict control, and re-expansion. The Evaluation Criteria of Olympic Programmes have been much simplified since the 2004, 2012, and 2015 versions. Currently, the five first-level indicators of evaluation in use are: Olympic proposal, value added to the Olympic movement, institutional matters, popularity and business model. Meanwhile, the procedure for the inclusion of any sports or events into Olympic Programmes is decided through three steps: proposal by OCOG and Olympic Programme commission of IOC, approval by IOC Executive Board, and confirmation by IOC Session under the regulation of limit in 310 events and 3 years before Olympic Games. E-sports or events maybe be included into the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Programme, however, it is highly uncertain whether E-sports can be included in the 2032 Brisbane Olympic programme or not.
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    The Promotion Path, Theoretical Framework and Practical Interest of Foreign E-sports Research
    XU Xiaohan
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 24-28.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.004
    Abstract1454)      PDF(pc) (1023KB)(1411)       Save
    Academic research on e-sports in foreign countries has been carried out much earlier, almost accompanying the whole evolution process of video games, online games and e-sports. The research perspectives involve natural sciences, social sciences and various branches of humanities. This study is a comprehensive review of e-sports research in foreign countries over the past 30 years. On the macro level, the study summarizes the systematic feature of multidisciplinary approach and the longitudinal advancement of continuous research on the single proposition of e-sports with a large number of samples. On the micro level, the study firstly explores the evolutionary path of the relationship between Ludology and Sports Science in foreign countries along with the information technology development; secondly, the study highlights the significant correlation between online games/e-sports and physical and psychological diseases such as Internet Gaming Disorder; thirdly, the study combines relevant theories of political economy of communication to discern and critique the development of e-sports industry in foreign countries.It is hoped that the review of foreign e-sports research with long-term, multi-angle, wide themes and rich dimensions can provide some enlightenment for Chinese academic community.
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    The Realistic Problems and Perspective Turn of Chinese E-sports Academic Research
    CHEN Yikai
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 29-34.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.005
    Abstract1310)      PDF(pc) (1124KB)(1206)       Save
    Using the methods of literature and comparative analysis, this paper explores the feasibility of changing the perspective of E-sports research from macro industrial analysis to micro project ontology and related groups. Firstly, this paper analyzes the existing academic achievements, points out 10 deficiencies in existing research, and draws on the evolution of classical theories in other research areas to provide reference for the shift of research perspective. Secondly, it analyzes the difficulties and opportunities faced by researchers, and puts forward the strategies to improve research literacy and suggestions on the overall research process. Finally, it generalizes the problems and solutions into 12 principles to help researchers tobreak through the existing research content and change research perspective with the times.
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    Network Interaction and Interest Balance in Institutionalization: Research and Judgment of E-sports Events in Hangzhou Asian Games
    HONG Jianping, LIU Qingzhen
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 18-23.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.003
    Abstract1349)      PDF(pc) (1328KB)(1163)       Save
    The inclusion of e-sports as an official event in the Hangzhou Asian Games is an important step towards the institutionalization of e-sports, marking that Asia is once again takes a lead in the development of global e-sports. This paper investigates from a combined perspective of process analysis and actor network theory a series of events in the inclusion process of e-sports into the Asian Games, analyzes the type characteristics of e-sports events in the Asian Games, examines the interest interaction and balance in the network composed of international sports organizations, e-sports organizations, event organizers and e-sports game manufacturers. This paper also examines the functions of industrial economy, cultural politics and Olympic values in the formation and evolution of e-sports, aiming to reveal the impact of e-sports inclusion in the Asian Games on the institutionalization of e-sports and the enlightenment of innovative exploration on the inclusion of e-sports into comprehensive games.
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    Students' PhysicalEducation Learning Engagement Model and the Variation of Different School Age Groups: A Physical Activity Intensity Perspective
    TANG Yan, MA Xiao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (2): 1-9.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.02.001
    Abstract562)      PDF(pc) (1528KB)(1107)       Save
    Using physical activity intensity as the dependent variable, the article constructs a physical education learning engagement model of primary and secondary school students based on empirical data, and reveals the variation of different school age groups in the model structure and its implied pedagogical issues. The results show that teaching content, learning and practice format, classroom interpersonal atmosphere, and physical education function recognition are the main factors influencing students' physical education classroom engagement level, and there are distinct school-age differences in the effect paths of the factors. The professionalism and interpersonal characteristics of the learning and practicing style at different school age groups have universal implications for the enhancement of students' physical education learning engagement, and the influence of the professionalism and sense of value of physical education learning on learning engagement gradually increases as school age increases.
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    Discussion on the Legislation Manifestation and Main Characteristics of the Progress of CPC-Led Law-based Governance of Sports
    YU Shanxu
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 1-9.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.001
    Abstract1367)      PDF(pc) (1520KB)(1079)       Save
    Leadership by Communist Party of China (CPC) is both the essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the fundamental guarantee of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, the Party-led legislation has developed into the important political principle, governing system and rule of law practice. During the process of comprehensively summarizing the achievements and experiences of the Party's century-long struggle, it is necessary to study the Party-led sports legislation as an important issue ofChinese sports development under the Party's leadership. To make clear the transformation of the Party-led law-based governance ofsportsfrom policy to legislation, the paper outlines and explains the evolution processand the overall situation in all historical stages from the revolutionary base period through the exploration period of socialist construction, the new period of reform and opening up to the new era. On this basis, the paper generalizes the main characteristics of the progress of the Party-led law-based governance of sports from three perspectives, namely, the remarkable achievementof strategic positioning of sports in promoting the Party-led sports legislation, the contribution of the Party's political decisions at different stagesto the sports legislation, and the people-firstprinciple as the fundamental purpose of the Party-led sports legislation.
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    The Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Take Sports Research as an Example
    SHI Yan
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (1): 24-28.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.01.003
    Abstract2785)      PDF(pc) (1202KB)(1072)       Save
    One of the important features of scientific research is to make scientific explanations, and researchers need to choose appropriate methods to carry out deductive or inductive work in relation to their research problems and purposes. Qualitative research and quantitative research are two major research methods, and they take different approaches in terms of methodological orientation and research practice. This paper examines the difference between qualitative and quantitative research from four aspects: philosophical stance, applicability, research strategies and procedures, and quality evaluation criteria. In terms of research hypotheses, samples, and collection and analysis of data, qualitative and quantitative research are different from each other to certain degree. Quantitative research can be evaluated by procedural norms and outcomes, while qualitative research is mainly evaluated by procedural norms. Although qualitative and quantitative research are different from each other, their combined use will become a tendency as sports research continues to evolve in both details and depth.
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    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (1): 1-5.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.01.001
    Abstract860)      PDF(pc) (1207KB)(1012)       Save
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    Current Situation, Problems and Optimization of After-School Sports Service for Primary and Secondary School Students Under the "Double Reduction" Policy
    LI Yanru, DANG Xunuo
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (6): 51-56.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.06.008
    Abstract1641)      PDF(pc) (1210KB)(1003)       Save
    After-school service refers to an educational activity that is carried out after students complete their compulsory education at school. With schools as the main channel and social educational resources as a supplement, after-school service can relieve parents' anxiety and meet students' diversified needs at the compulsory education stage. Whether sports, as an important part of after-school service, plays an effective role as expected is yet to be tested. Using the methods of questionnaire and mathematical statistic, this paper analyzes the current situation and problems of after-school sports service. The study shows that after-school sports service is relatively stable in terms of both time and frequency, and has a significant effect on the reduction of students' stress. But the differences in both learning stage and region are large, and the connection between grades is not steady. The reasons for the differences and limitations on student participation include the ambiguity of policy regulation, the lagging policy updates, the limitations of subjective and objective factors, the utility of educational environment and the incompleteness of supervision mechanism. In view of the present situation and problems of after-school sports service, the authors propose some optimization measures including strengthening publicity, tapping students' needs, supplementing teachers, upgrading the system, and strengthening supervision and incentives.
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    Generative History of Sport: Disciplinary Reflections on the "Sports History" Based on the Development of Textbooks
    WANG Guanghu
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 1-9.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.001
    Abstract241)      PDF(pc) (1314KB)(982)       Save
    The development of textbooks for sports history should, under the guidance of historical materialism, grasp the historical process and historical context of the generation of sport, clarify the historical motives and historical conditions of the generation of sport, and analyze the historical role and historical significance of the generation of sport, so as to produce a generative history that is in line with the nature of the discipline. However, in the existing textbooks on sports history, there is a tendency that should not be overlooked: the physical education attributes of sports history are overemphasized, and under the influence of the preconceived notion of sports the investigation and compilation of physical activities or physical behaviors have unconsciously weakened the real history of sports. In view of this, the current reflections on the discipline of "sports history" should take the textbooks of "sports history" as a starting point to be consciously oriented to historiography. Based on the historiographic ideas and the new historiographical theories, the deficiencies or shortcomings in textbooks should be reevaluated from the dimensions of textbook style and historical logic, historical time and key nodes, historical space and world history, new historiographic views and historical questioning.
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    High-Quality Development of National Fitness in the New Era: Scientific Connotation, Problem Orientation and Practice Ideology
    LEI Zhengfang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 17-26.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.003
    Abstract238)      PDF(pc) (1279KB)(962)       Save
    National fitness is related to the people's happy and healthy life and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Its high-quality development is not only the premise of realizing the strategy of building a leading sports nation, but also the key to promoting the construction of a socialist modern country. Drawing on the new development concepts, this study comprehensively interprets the scientific connotation of high-quality development of national fitness, pointing out that innovation is the primary driving force for the high-quality development of national fitness, coordination is the internal requirement for the high-quality development of national fitness, going green is the basic form for the high-quality development of national fitness, opening up is the road that the high-quality development of national fitness must take, and sharing is the ultimate purpose of high-quality development of national fitness. The key issues in the high-quality development of national fitness include insufficient service supply, unbalanced development structure, incomplete ecological protection, closed internal or external linkage and insufficient sharing of results. Ideology to guide practice include the efficiency priority concept of innovating both policy and product, the system balance concept of complementing shortcomings and optimizing structure, the sustainable development concept of paying equal attention to improving understanding and controlling scale, the collaborative practice concept of opening up development and diversifying governance bodies, and people's livelihood concept of strengthening consensus and promoting integration. It is hoped that this study can provide enlightenment or reference for the theoretical research and practical development of national fitness.
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    Opportunities, Problems and Strategies of Rural Sports in Rural Revitalization
    Yang Hua
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (5): 8-14.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.05.002
    Abstract1085)      PDF(pc) (1287KB)(957)       Save
    Accelerating rural revitalization in an all-round way, sports are indispensable. This is not only an inevitable response to the rural vitalization strategy, but also a special presentation and vivid expression of the basic theory of Sports with Chinese characteristics in rural construction in the new era. Research suggests: Under the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, the development of rural sports is facing five opportunities and seven problems,in view of the opportunities and problems, put forward seven strategies:taking the rural revitalization strategy as the guide to promote the development of sports in rural areas; to promote the balanced allocation of sports resources flow and exchange on the platform of urban-rural sports integration development; relying on the construction of beautiful countryside, we will make up the weak points in the construction of sports facilities in rural areas; to ensure the efficient and orderly development of sports activities with the support of sports organization network construction; with the content and form of sports activities innovation as the connotation, attract farmers willing to participate in can participate in music participation; taking scientific fitness instruction as the breakthrough point to improve the physical literacy of all farmers; we will consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation through sports in rural areas with precision as our focus again.
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    Social Health Supporters: The New Role of International Sports Organizations in the Field of Health ——Based on the Comparison of Social Network Structure and Health Resources of the International Olympic Committee before and after the Outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic
    HUANG Lixin, GUO Qing, YANG Xi
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (2): 10-16.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.02.002
    Abstract353)      PDF(pc) (2461KB)(949)       Save
    The global spreading of Covid-19 pandemic has made public health issues become the focus of international attention once again. Based on the theory of social health, and the theory of social network, and using the methods of content analysis, text analysis, and social network analysis, this study compares the social network relation types, structure and the characteristics of network health resources of the International Olympic Committee before and after the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, trying to find out the transformation in the action of international sports organizations in the field of health, and putting forward the new role that international sports organizations should take in improving the health level of the general public in a broader sense.It is believed that: in addition to keeping their original social network health resources, and network relations and structure advantage, international sports organizations should actively break their organizational border, construct a “no hole” structure which is more open, flat and decentralized, increase total output of social health resources through a variety of coupling relationship, shift roles from personal health supporters to social health guiders, important bridge of the international community, healthy rights supporters, thus playing a more positive leading role in the global action of social health.
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    The New “Olympia” Vision: Historical Retrospect and Contemporary Interpretation of Pierre de Coubertin' s Olympic City Thoughts
    FENG Yanan, SUN Baoli, BI Tianyang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (2): 17-23.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.02.003
    Abstract585)      PDF(pc) (1238KB)(947)       Save
    Pierre de Coubertin's new “Olympia” vision is multi-dimensional and complex. However, few studies have been devoted to excavating, presenting and analyzing his thoughts on Olympic City. Based on Coubertin's autobiography, books, lectures, letters, IOC files, this study analyzes his Olympic city thoughts from 4 aspects: his support for Olympic City, his emphasis on building Olympic space, his insistence on holding the games in turn by different cities and the plight of the new “Olympia” taken as a utopia, thus revealing Coubertin' s new “Olympia” vision. It is hoped that this study not only adds a unique perspective to enrich the history of the Olympics in view of its current development, but also provides a reference for the reform of the Olympic movement, hosting games and development of Olympic cities and the long-lasting charm of Beijing as a Double Olympic City.
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    Thoughts on Higher Physical Education Institutions' Service toward Improvingthe State's International Communication Ability in the New Development Stage
    SHU Weiping, ZHANG Xiaolin
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (6): 1-5.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.001
    Abstract1485)      PDF(pc) (1343KB)(943)       Save
    An important aspect of higher physical education institutions' practice in fulfilling their social responsibilities in the new developmentstage is to improve the state's ability to engage in international communication. Higher physical education institutions should attach great importance to this mission, and effectively improve their capacity and influence in international communication by giving full play to their own advantages and characteristics in developing international education, enhancing international communication awareness,optimizing international communication content, and expanding international communication networks.They can help improve the state's international communication ability by making full use of their rich academic resources, cultural resources, high-level human resources, and international partner network resources to strengthen theoretical research and talent training, and make due contributions in creating a lovely, credible, and respectable image of China.
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    Stage Characteristics, Driving Force and Trend Prospect of Talent Transfer in Competitive Sports in China
    LI Xin, LI Zan, ZHAO Huimin, DONG Zhitong
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (4): 144-151.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.020
    Abstract260)      PDF(pc) (1211KB)(937)       Save
    Talent transfer is one of the important measures that China took in preparation for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Using the methods of literature review and expert interview, this present paper systematically analyzes the stage characteristics and driving force of talent transfer in competitive sports in China, and makes a prediction on its development trend. The research shows that the development of talent transfer in competitive sports in China presents the characteristics of adaptive adjustment in the sporadic transfer stage, organized development in the government-guided stage and large-scale development in the Winter Olympics intensification stage. The intrinsic driving force for the development of talent transfer in competitive sports in China ensures a compound advantage, while the extrinsic driving force lies in the national-level policy support. Measures to promote the development of talent transfer in the future include strengthening policy guidance to enhance the status of talent transfer in the athlete training system, deepening the integration of sports and education to facilitate the development of young athletes from specialization at an early stage to diversified development at a later stage; stressing talent transfer for sports items to ensure the applicability and rationality of items concerned.
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    Carrying Forward the Fine Tradition and Forging Ahead with the Project of Building World-class Sport University——A Retrospect and Prospect of the 80-Year History of Chengdu Sport University
    SHU Weiping, PAN Xiaofei
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (5): 1-7.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.05.001
    Abstract874)      PDF(pc) (1276KB)(933)       Save
    Chengdu Sport University was firstly known as Sichuan Provincial School of Physical Education, which was founded in 1942. In its 80years of history full of hardships and achievements, the university has forged the distinctive characteristics of “taking sports as the basis, promoting the integration of sports and medicine, making sports and literature interpenetrated, and developing sports and arts in a parallel way”, and has become an institution of higher physical education with wide influence at home and abroad. In the years to come, the university will make every effort to completeits relocation project and start the new journey of building a world-class sport university with distinctive characteristics on the new campus.
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    Effect of Sitting Tai Chi on Upper Limb Motor Function in Brunnstrom Ⅱ Stroke Patients
    WANG Wuhao, ZHANG Guangpeng, XIE Haijiang, QU Pengyu, QU Pengcheng, WANG Xihu, ZONG Weijie
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (2): 82-87.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.02.012
    Abstract342)      PDF(pc) (1211KB)(929)       Save
    Objective: To investigate the effect of sitting Tai Chi on upper limb motor function in Brunnstrom II stroke patients. Methods: Twenty patients with upper limb Brunnstrom stage II stroke were randomly divided into experimental group (N=10) and control group (N=10). Both groups of patients received routine rehabilitation training, 30 minutes of sitting tai chi training for the experimental group, and the same length of free rehabilitation exercise for the control group. Rehabilitation was assessed by Fugl-Meyer scale upper limb portion, modified Barthel index, shoulder forward flexor motion, shoulder abductor motion, and elbow flexor motion before and 4 weeks after treatment. Results: After 4 weeks of treatment, the FMA-UE score, shoulder flexion motion, shoulder abduction motion and elbow flexion motion of both groups were significantly improved (P<0.01), and the improvement results of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group (P<0.05). There were significant differences in change rate of FMA-UE score, change rate of shoulder flexion range of motion and change rate of shoulder abduction range of motion between the two groups (P<0.05), but no significant differences in change rate of elbow flexion range of motion (P>0.05). After 4 weeks of treatment, the MBI score of the two groups was significantly improved (P<0.01), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05), and no significant difference in change rate of the MBI score between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: 4 weeks of sitting Tai Chi training can improve the upper limb motor function of Brunnstrom II stroke patients and effectively improve the shoulder joint flexion and abductive range of motion.
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    Realistic Demands, Operational Logic and Practical Paths of Sports Emotional Governance
    DONG Beihong, YANG Jian
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (2): 114-120.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.02.017
    Abstract305)      PDF(pc) (1231KB)(922)       Save
    Sports emotional governance is a process of strengthening emotional investment and emotional construction between governance subjects and sports participants through social interaction and emotional communication. It is the result of implementing sports governance and promoting the achievement of sports goals based on coordinating emotional relations. The research believes that the operation of sports emotional governance has its political logic, social logic and media logic, and there is an operational logic of coupling and linkage between politics, society and media. Emotions should be taken as a means of sports governance to make up for the weaknesses and deficiencies in the institutional and technical governance system, and reconcile the tension between emotions and institutions. The study proposes that the realization of sports emotional governance should rely on the joint promotion of multi-subject integration and linkage, multi-value ties and modern tool support, so as to deeply grasp the people's growing realistic needs for a better life. We should build a state-led collaborative promotion mechanism for sports emotional governance, and rely on the mass media to enhance the intelligent level of sports emotional governance, and achieve the maximum efficiency of using sports emotional governance to serve the diverse needs of social subjects.
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    Research on the Influencing Factors of Evolution of Competitive Sports on Provincial Level since the 21st Century
    CHEN Rui, HUANG Gaoduan, LIU Yongfeng
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 122-131.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.014
    Abstract163)      PDF(pc) (3710KB)(915)       Save
    By using the methods of Dagum Gini coefficient, Kernel density estimation and secondary assignment procedure, this paper systematically explores the differentiation characteristics, temporal and spatial evolution and influencing factors of the development level of provincial competitive sports in China in the 21st century, which is of great practical significance for improving the unbalanced development of provincial competitive sports in China. The purpose of this study is to provide a judgment basis for improving the uneven development of competitive sports in China's provinces and formulating relevant improvement measures. The results show that: 1) the overall regional differences of competitive sports in China are weakening, and the regional differences are extremely difficult problems at present; 2) The phenomenon of multi-polarization and imbalance in the development of competitive sports in China is serious, and the overall situation is "one main body and two small sides". Suggestions: improve the development system and build a new system of balanced and coordinated development of competitive sports; Deepen regional integration, tap new strategies for regional supply and utilization of competitive sports resources; Innovate talent training and explore a new path of efficient and sustainable competitive sports talent training.
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    Research on Judicial Cases of Competitive Play in Ancient China
    DAI Yu, GAO Haijie, LIU Qing
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (2): 94-100.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.02.014
    Abstract384)      PDF(pc) (1227KB)(909)       Save
    There were a number of judicial documents regarding competitive play in ancient China, such as boating, Wushu, sumo, archery, shuttlecock kicking, etc. The cases in Tang and Song dynasties were mainly used as references for official selection and judicial decisions.The cases of sumo and archery in the Yuan Dynasty could be directly used as the legal basis for judgments. The precedents of Wushu in the Qing Dynasty can supplement and refine the legal provisions.Judicial cases of competitive play in ancient China not only expanded the types of ancient sports historical materials, but also proved that there were systematic measures to control sports injury in ancient China.It is worth noting that the governance of competitive play involved shuttlecock cases in the Qing Dynasties had reached the depth of legal discussion.Compared with other historical materials, the historical documents of competitive play are more authentic and universe.Only when competitive activities reached a certain scale could there be legal governance measures.From this perspective, the judicial cases of competitive play and other sports literature reveal the general development of sports in ancient times.
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    Media Discourse Changes and Value Construction of “One Newspaper and One Magazine” in New China
    HE Jing
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (2): 101-106.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.02.015
    Abstract461)      PDF(pc) (2116KB)(908)       Save
    Taking “One Newspaper and One Magazine” (China Sports Daily and New Sports) as the research objects, this study analyzes by means of documents, mathematical statistics, discourse analysis and historical research their reports and discourse characteristics as well as their functions and influences in different historical periods and social environments. At different stages of development, “One Newspaper and One Magazine”, as the professional media of socialist sports with Chinese characteristics, have had in-depth interaction with sports practice and social practice over time through their own reporting and discourse practice. As the recorders, witnesses, participants and promoters of the development of sports in New China, “One Newspaper and One Magazine”, as an indispensable and important force of the development of sports in new China, show the changes in cognition and functional positioning of sports and sports communication at different stages of the state and social development.
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    Research on Responsive Supervision System of Sports Social Organizations under the Background of Decoupling
    JIN Chaoxia, HUANG Yaling
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (2): 107-113.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.02.016
    Abstract388)      PDF(pc) (1220KB)(899)       Save
    Under the background of fully decoupling social organizations from government administration and realizing the modernization of sports governance system and governance capacity, the construction of responsive regulatory system of sports social organizations is undoubtedly an effective means to achieve their orderly development. This paper mainly uses the method of literature review and field investigation to analyze the difficulties in relation to the supervision of China's sports social organizations in terms of government, society and sports social organizations themselves, and based on the theory of responsive supervision, proposes to build a multi-subject supervision body made of government, citizens and social media, third-party evaluation agencies, party organizations and sports social organizations themselves. In this multi-subject supervision system, the government transfer the supervision rights by means of principal-agent, strengthened self-regulation, etc. and adopts the regulatory strategies of command-based supervision and strengthened self-regulation to build a responsive regulatory system of sports social organizations so as to realize their orderly development.
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    Analysis on the Domestic and ForeignEnvironment for Sports Development in China
    BAO Mingxiao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (2): 1-5.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.001
    Abstract1392)      PDF(pc) (1197KB)(899)       Save
    The “14th Five-Year Plan” period is a key stage tolay a solid foundation for the construction of a leading sports nation in an all-round way. At present, sports development in China is facing a relatively complex external environment, and there are a series of shortcomings and problems that restrict the high-quality development of sports. This article analyzes and expounds the impact of the interaction and superposition of the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the world's unprecedented changes on sports development, the current shortcomings and problems that restrict sports development, and the agenda that should receive due attention in sports reform.
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    Application of Session RPE in Scientific Training of Youth Football Players
    GAO Jiuxiang, YU Liang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 132-142.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.015
    Abstract191)      PDF(pc) (3641KB)(896)       Save
    Objective: To summarize and analyze the current research on the use of Session RPE (sRPE) on youth football players, with the aim of determining the scope of application of sRPE in youth football teams, and to help youth football teams to conduct scientific and digital training in a low-cost and convenient way under the background of "integration of sports and education". Methods: The research literature was searched in the PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, CNKI, Wanfang by using the keywords of "football", "sRPE", and "youth". The quality of the included cohort study and randomized controlled trial was evaluated by the amount of NOS and the improved PEDro scoring system. Result: 41 articles and 42 studies were included, of which 3 were randomized controlled studies, and the quality evaluation scores were all 16 points; There are 39 cohort studies, and the average score of quality evaluation is 6.87 points. The current research directions on the use of sRPE on youth football players are: testing the effectiveness of sRPE, monitor training or competition load through sRPE, analyzing the application of sRPE during recovery, comparing the relationship between sRPE and sport performance, and a model of sRPE and injury was constructed to determine the potential relationship. Conclusion: For youth teams, sRPE can be used as a simple and personalized way to assess training load, which can be used by Borg CR10 or Borg CR100 scales 10~30 minutes after training. For young football players, ①sRPE can be used to monitor various training loads, provide a basis for coaches to rationally arrange training plans, and prevent overtraining or injury; ② sRPE can be used as a reference when assessing fatigue and recovery of youth football players; ③ When improving the aerobic performance of young football players, coaches can formulate or adjust training plans with players' sRPE. There is insufficient evidence to prove the relationship between sRPE and explosive sport performance, ④ sRPE can not accurately predict injury in youth football players.
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