ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    Development Research on Taiwan Aboriginals’ Traditional Archery
    GUO Dong-xiong,CHEN Shu-mei
    成都体育学院学报    2014, 40 (10): 10-15.  
    Abstract6297)      PDF(pc) (2856KB)(3320)       Save
    The paper,depending on sports historiography,sociology,geography and other interdisciplinary integration researches,adopts the methods of literature analysis and field research to analyze the transformation process of Taiwan aboriginals’ traditional archery. Geographic information system (GIS) is also employed to analyze of the current spatial distribution and features of archery. The change of the aboriginal traditional archery activities is discussed to explore contemporary Taiwan indigenous people’s adaptation to the change of modern material civilization so as to construct the continuation of traditional culture through archery activity and expose new generation to traditional culture. The research purpose is to explore the cultural dynamics of traditional archery as the carrier of the indigenous traditional culture as well as the modern and traditional cultural links of aboriginal characterization.
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    Survey on Stratified Five-dimensional Management of Competitive Sports and National Team in China
    YI Jiandong
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2020, 45 (4): 20-29.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.04.004
    Abstract5146)      PDF(pc) (1322KB)(3477)       Save
    It is a personal tragedy for Sun Yang, who was banned for 8 years by WADA on Feb 28, 2020. However, We need to examine the case in deepth from the perspective of competitive sports and national team management. Industry, business, occupation, discipline and academics form a mutually-matched circulatory system. Sun Yang case shows the shortage in competitive sports management in China. General Adminstration of Sport of China and Chinese Olympic Committee, Deaprtment of Competitive sport of General Adminstration of Sport of China, Bureau of Training, Management Center of Sport or sport association and national team form a stratified management system. Sun Yang case also reveals the probems with the manegement of National Swimming Team. In short, our manegement system of competitive sports should be matched by above five areas, and the operational mechanism of National Team needs to fuse the five aspects. Only by doing so can our competive sports achieve the goal of winnig Olympic glories, fullfil the task of harvest in both sport performance and sportsmanship, and cultivate sport talents who will continuously display Chinese image in both sports arena and international community.
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    Media Spectacle, Symbol Construction and Cognitive Biases: Interpreting the Public Impression of Althetes from the Perspective of Communication
    XU Xiaohan, YI Jiandong
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2020, 45 (4): 42-48.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.04.007
    Abstract4994)      PDF(pc) (1457KB)(3459)       Save
    Sun Yang sanctioned with an 8-year period of ineligibility by CAS is the hot spot of public opinion in sports circles in 2020 which shows the following propagation characteristics: the effect is propagated before the cause, the stratification and aggregation of participants, and the public opinion turning frequently.Starting from the phenomenon analysis of the event, this paper, by dint of the analysis of public opinion, introduces relevant theories of communication and sociology, deeply analyzes the construction and collapse process of Sun Yang's public image under the interaction of the ontological existence, objective construction and symbol interpretation. This paper analyzes the social reasons that lead to the phenomenon of sports giant babies in China and the decoupling between sports development and international sports order — the cognitive bias caused by the post-modern release of pre-modern cultural conflicts from the following three aspects: the individual behavior contrast reflected by the collapse of SUN Yang's image, the logic bias of Sun's family and team, and the narrative habit of the sports propaganda context in China.Finally, from the perspective of facing up to the negative effects of media in sports communication, improving the common media literacy of sports practitioners and sports cultural participants, and reconstructing the publicity of media, this study proposes the ways for Chinese sports to break through the multi-forces dynamic game of sports globalization by taking media development as the starting point.
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    The Interpretation and Reaction to the Penalty System Modification of the 2021 World Anti-doping Code
    DING Yu
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2020, 45 (4): 36-41.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.04.006
    Abstract4942)      PDF(pc) (1238KB)(3456)       Save
    The penalty system in the new edition of the World Anti-Doping Code, which came into force in 2021, has been changed most and has the greatest impact on athletes. Therefore, it needs to be examined in depth. Based on the text analysis of several drafts and the comments of the parties concerned in the course of revision, this paper respectively explains, with reference to the cases in practice, the modification of the original punishment provisions, the new punishment system and the modification of the technical system, and extracts the general characteristics of classification, flexible treatment and increased uncertainty in the new punishment system. China should pay more attention to future anti-doping cases and make the rules more detailed, strengthen the construction of supporting systems, and put forward recommendations more actively so as to better apply the penalty system.
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    Athlete Participation in Global Anti-Doping Governance
    REN Huitao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2020, 45 (4): 30-35.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.04.005
    Abstract4845)      PDF(pc) (1238KB)(3400)       Save
    Sun Yang's refusal is essentially an athlete's struggle against WADA authoritarianism, even though it is completely inappropriate. Based on a survey of athletes' attitudes towards doping in recent years, the study analyzed the issue of athlete participation in global anti-doping governance. The study found that athletes generally support anti-doping, indicating that WADA and anti-doping work are necessary. However, working principles and methods such as the whereabouts information mechanism, the biological passport system, and the strict responsibility principle violate the athletes' privacy, threaten their personal safety and property rights, and even hurt the athletes personality and dignity. This has led to dissatisfaction among athletes with WADA and its governance system. With the intensification of conflicts, athletes have begun to use various channels to request the global anti-doping system with WADA as the core to rethink the legitimacy of organizations and behaviors, improve the transparency and compliance of anti-doping work, and solve athletes' anti-excitement Marginalization in agent governance. By analyzing the Anti-Doping Charter of Athlete Rights, the study believes that the promotion of athletes' democratic status in global anti-doping system can be achieved through decision-making, governance, and regulatory participation.
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    Soul and Body Value of Medieval Christianity and its influence on Sports
    Peng Kun
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (2): 64-68.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.012
    Abstract4797)      PDF(pc) (1124KB)(3265)       Save
    From the perspective of history and philosophy, the evolution of soul and body value of medieval Christianity and its influence on physical education are discussed. Medieval Christianity belongs to Christianity and Christian theology influenced and shaped the medieval people's lifestyle. The soul and body value of medieval Christianity has a profound influence on medieval sports, which is mainly indicated in the following aspects: (1) In the early and Middle Ages, the Augustin doctrine adhered to the oppositional idea of spirit and body that "body is the soul of prison", which led to the silence of competitive sports and the exclusion of sports from education; (2) In the late Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas reinterpreted of the relation of soul and body on behalf of the scholastic philosophy, put forwarding the view that Man is a complete existence of soul and body of the combination of spirit and body. Ideological emancipation aroused people’s attention to their body and its health. In churches` and schools, extracurricular sports activities were carried out while in the urban and rural society, various forms of sports activities arose and they became the predecessor of modern sports.
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    Opportunities and Challenges: Development and Insight of Sports News Research Overseas
    ZHOU Shu Hua, YANG Yiyi
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (2): 22-27.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.004
    Abstract4791)      PDF(pc) (1164KB)(2717)       Save
    Sports news, as a favorite content category of mass audience, serves multiple functions and has far-reaching impacts. Its content and production, however, are also influenced by a myriad of factors including medium, culture, society and time. The dynamics between media, society and sports news allows abundant opportunities and challenges in sports news research. Through a review of four domains of research of sports news production, sports news functions, sports news impact and factors affecting sports news, this article introduces readers to a realm of theoretical and investigative areas.
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    Writing Styles and Lasting Influences of the "Gee Whiz" School and "Aw Nuts" School in the Golden Age of American Sports
    BI Xuemei, LIU Dai, WEI Kun, ZHANG Wei, LI Qi
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (2): 28-32.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.005
    Abstract4766)      PDF(pc) (1140KB)(2826)       Save
    The 1920s has been called the Golden Age of American Sports. Sports stars, journalists and marketing experts all came together and left their own marks. During that time, two totally different styles of sports writing were formed: the “Gee Whiz” school and the “Aw Nuts” school. They both have their own unique characteristics in theme-selecting and rhetoric. Not only have they helped establish the sports entertainment industry then, but also have had a lasting influence on times to come. Now, we can still identify the traces they left in sports writing both in America and in China.
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    Rise Process and Characteristics of German Football
    PENG Guoqiang, SHU Shengfang
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (1): 92-98.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.016
    Abstract4672)      PDF(pc) (1106KB)(4290)       Save
    From the perspective of historical evolution, the paper reviews the development process and the rise and fall of the German football and divides the process into the six stages of the start, alienation, rebirth, prosperity, fluctuation and revitalization. It believes that there are three characteristics in the rise of German football as follows: emphasis on the combination of football with national culture from, emphasis on the reform and innovation of club operation mode from system dimension and emphasis on the exploitation of youth training system and campus football. Chinese football can learn from Germany’s example.
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    Philosophic Thinking and Applied Thinking of the Way of Replacing Training with Competition and the Way of Driving Training with Competition
    DENG Wanjin
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 107-112.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.017
    Abstract4668)      PDF(pc) (1182KB)(2071)       Save
    Although they are all high-intensity competitions in order to improve the comprehensive control ability of athletes, there are obvious differences between the way of replacing training with competition and the way of driving training with competition. In terms of specific content, the practice in substituting competition for practice refers to comprehensive training involving competition rules and competition psychology which is not limited to special training and the training in training with competition refers to the training with feedback nature which is mainly based on special training and divided by the level objectives of competitions. In terms of applicable objects, the competition instead of practice is suitable for high-level athletes who do not have competition experience or experience and the competition leading training is suitable for multi-level athletes. In terms of training load, the way of replacing training with competition shows high-intensity load and the way of driving training with competition shows the specific load reflecting the special characteristics of a specific event. In terms of the theory basis, the way of replacing training with competition executes the main line of the system training theory and the way of driving training with competition break through the shackles of periodic training theory and plate training theory. Finally, the author puts forward the application thinking of the way of replacing training with competition. We scientifically design the hierarchical superposition path around the objectives of the competition and optimize the multi-level promotion strategy around the integration of special capabilities. The application thinking of the way of driving training with competition are put forward. We should optimize the training model of competitive performance according to the guiding ideology of goal integration training and should design the training cycle model of change-adapt according to the idea of optimization of competitive ability.
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    Analysis Based on the Data of World Track and Field Events of Differences in Sport Performance
    WANG Yangfan, YANG Shanshan, XIA Li, FENG Jianzhong
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (1): 120-126.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.021
    Abstract4649)      PDF(pc) (1094KB)(4759)       Save
    Based on the medal grades in the great track and field events in recent five years and the distribution of athlete races, the paper adopts the methods of literature and mathematical statistics to compare the actual strength of different races in various track and field events, and analyses their different influence on the world track and field development. The results show that (1)the competitive strengths of the track and field events are shared the black and the white. The black ranks first both in gold medals number and total medals number, which are respectively 20.4% and 55.5%, the white 12.4% and 41.7% while the yellow is only 0.5% and 3.3%. (2)Although difference characteristics are witnessed in the track and field strengths in different races, there are periodical changes and transfer as the time passes. In 2012 and 2013 world competitions, the black and the white’s dominant position in jumping and long-distance events transferred. (3) The sports performance of different races is closely related with their physiological differences, geographical environment and cultural differences. Therefore, the paper point out that we can not conjecture the correlation between races and sports performances, neither can we assert unbalanced manifestation between track and field events and different sports races.
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    Deconstruction of the Origin and Current Situation of "Academic School" of Sports Economicsin China: On the High Quality Development of Sports Industry in China
    CHENG Linlin, LI Qinyu, CHEN Ou
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2019, 45 (4): 1-7.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.04.001
    Abstract4548)      PDF(pc) (1166KB)(1943)       Save
    The existence of academic schools reflects the participation, activity and maturity of academic research in specific disciplines. Based on literature review, this paper probes into the theoretical basis, motivation, process, influence and role of the academic schools of sports economics in China. The findings are as follows: 1. Sports economics belongs to applied economics rather than sports science; 2. The infiltration and acceptance of economic thoughts are the incentives for the formation of sports economics academic schools; 3. Sports industry is a reflection of sports economic laws in practice; 4. The high-quality development of sports industry requires new perspectives and ideas.
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    Comparative Analysis of Elite Female High Jumpers’ Kinematics in the Run-up nd Take-off Phase
    ZHANG Yan,ZHANG Jian,CHENG Liang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2016, 42 (1): 109-113.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.020
    Abstract4459)      PDF(pc) (1186KB)(5572)       Save
    The paper investigated the kinematic characteristics of elite female Fosbury Flop jumpers and compared the kinematic difference between high-level jumpers (n=6) and level-1 jumpers (n=8) in their run-up and take-off stage to provide quantitative basis for athletes’ scientific training. The researchers recorded the Fosbury Flop process of both high-level jumpers and level-1 jumpers with 3D video camera, and analyzed the two groups’ kinematics data collected with Simi Motion 9.01 using an independent sample t-test, and made a person correlation analysis together with their scores. Results: (1) In the run-up stage, the gravity resultant velocity of the high-level jumpers in countdown step 3, step 2 and step 1 was significantly greater than the level-1jumpers(P<0.05), and high-level jumpers’ caster angle in countdown 1 is significantly smaller than the level-1 jumpers(P<0.05); (2) In the take-off stage, the high-level jumpers had bigger angle of toe-in, stretching range of the hip on the take-off leg, range of gravity shift than the level-1 jumpers (P<0.01), Both the vertical gravity velocity of the take-off leg at the landing moment and the height of the gravity off the ground at the take-off moment were significantly higher than that of level-1 jumpers(P<0.05); (3) In countdown step 1-3, the gravity resultant velocity and the jumping, pushing and stretching angles of both hip and ankle, their angles of toe-in, and the height of gravity presented a remarkable correlation. In countdown step 1, the caster angle and the angular velocity of the swinging leg, and angle of toe-in of the take-off leg at the landing moment were in significant negative correlation.
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    Analysis and Inspiration of the Moral Education of Health and Physical Education CurriculumStandards of Canada’s Ontario
    SHEN Liqun, JI Liu
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (1): 36-41.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.007
    Abstract4447)      PDF(pc) (1094KB)(3290)       Save
    By analyzing the content of health and physical education curriculum standards and its the implementation in Canada’s Ontario, the paper finds that Ontario's moral education infiltrates deeply in the health and physical education’s curriculum. Its characteristics include: first, from the point of curriculum standard of moral education content, moral education in health and physical education curriculum content of Ontario is developmental , i.e. different grades have different the moral education contents. Second, the moral education contents are closely related with students' life and tightly integrated into students' learning and life; Third, it enables students to learn moral quality by "doing"; Fourth, the development of moral education is confined to the classrooms, but it extends from schools to families, communities and even the whole society; Fifth, it strives to cultivate the students' ability of creative thinking and judgment. The infiltration of moral education of healthy and physical education curriculum standard of Ontario has the important enlightenment to China’s moral education in physical education and health curriculum standards.
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    Characteristics Research of the Techniques of Chinese Women's Taekwondo Olympic Champions
    LIU Qi
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (4): 102-106.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.19
    Abstract4410)      PDF(pc) (1140KB)(2798)       Save
    Through literature, logic analysis and other research methods, the paper analyzes the training background, strategic thoughts, technique characteristics and tactic styles of three Chinese women taekwondo gold medalists at Olympics and draws a clear picture of these excellent taekwondoers’ technique structure characteristics in order to provide theoretical reference for producing excellent taekwondoers.
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    Historical Development and Characteristic Analysis of National Physical Education Curriculum Standards in the United States
    WANG Xiaozan, YIN Zhihua, Lynn Dale Housner,HUANG Jingyang, JI Liu
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (2): 8-15.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.002
    Abstract4338)      PDF(pc) (2165KB)(3899)       Save
    National curriculum standard is the guiding document of school education development, America has always taken the lead in the sustainable development of curriculum standard. Depending on literature review, comparative study and logical analysis, this paper analyzes the three different versions (1995, 2004, 2013) of the national physical education curriculum standard in United States, indicating that large-scale education reform, needs of releasing the crisis of school physical education and the exploration of what is " physically well-educated person” guided the development of the national physical education curriculum standard in the United States, which is specifically embodied in the framework, content and assessment of the standard. The four features of change and development are characterized more and more by the attention on cultivating "an integrated person", the concise and simple language expression, the gradual promotion of operability and the focus on the permeation of research results. It will provide strong implication for China’s standard revision and improvement as well as the sustainable development of physical education and health curriculum standard in China.
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    Explanation and Inspiration of the Curriculum Standards of Russian General Physical Education
    LI Lin, ZHOU Zehong, JI Liu
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (1): 42-47.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.008
    Abstract4327)      PDF(pc) (1078KB)(4416)       Save
    Russia began to implement the second generation of "National Education Standards of General Education" from 2011.This paper analyzes the target and contents of sports curriculum in grades 1-11 by interpreting the contents of physical education of the second Russian " National Education Standards of General Education " , which highlights the Russian people-oriented core philosophy of education. In addition, it take the track and field course as an example according to "Comprehensive Demonstration of Physical Education Curriculum Outline of Grades 1-11" to display he specific operational objectives and contents of the course from the perspective of syllabus so as to provide some inspiration for s .the physical education curriculum reform of China’s elementary education stage.
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    Competitive Sports from the Perspective of Anthropology: Enlightenment and Thinking Based on Ethnographic Insights
    PAN Tianshu, HE Xiao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2020, 45 (4): 1-7.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.04.001
    Abstract4307)      PDF(pc) (1253KB)(2261)       Save
    By interpreting typical ethnographic cases such as "Trobriand cricket", "Soccer madness: Brazil's passion for the world's most popular sport" and "An ethnography of English football fans: cans, cops, and carnivals" this article discuss the function and significance of competitive sports in both social context and cultural practice, and the reconstruction of competitive sports in the process of local transformation and globalization. It is pointed out that anthropological methods which focus on empirical, comparative and field experiences can help to promote academic research on contemporary Chinese sports practices; and through the scopes of competitive sports, anthropologists can observe the drive of interactive relationships between individuals and communities; society and countries; and the domestic and the world.
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    The Realistic Dilemma and Countermeasures of the Integration of Sports and Education in China
    YANG Guoqing
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (1): 1-6.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.001
    Abstract4260)      PDF(pc) (1380KB)(1341)       Save
    The integration of sports and education is an important support for the construction of a strong country in sports and education, and is an inevitable product of the development of the times to a certain stage. To carry out the integration of sports and education in an orderly manner and achieve high-quality development, it is necessary to coordinate relevant stakeholders. The article analyzes the composition of stakeholders in the integration of sports and education, analyzes the difficulties faced by different stakeholders in the process of integration of sports and education, and proposes a balance and coordination strategy for stakeholders in the integration of sports and education. The study believes that the core stakeholders of the integration of sports and education are mainly based on the structural relationship of the three levels of government, school and society, and the three have a profound impact on the future development of the integration of sports and education. The integration of sports and education must be guided by goal integration, guided by concept integration, mechanism integration as the key, resource integration as support, and measure integration as the starting point to improve the initiative, tolerance, consciousness, initiative, and creativity of different stakeholders.
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    The Classification of Functional Training Systems
    LI Sunnan, QI Guangtao, SONG Lulu, CHENG Chong
    成都体育学院学报    2015, 41 (2): 75-80.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.014
    Abstract4198)      PDF(pc) (1345KB)(6393)       Save
    To enrich the theoretical system of functional training, the paper clarifies the training mode of functional training. Through literature review, expert interviews and taxonomy, the paper summarizes, refines and classifies the theoretical system of functional training methods at home and abroad. Conclusion: 1) the functional training system is laterally divided into functional movement system, functional training system, corrective action system, activating and regenerating system; 2) functional movement system includes functional movement screening (FMS), selective functional movement assessment (SFMA), Y- balance test (YBT); 3) functional training system consists of the seven plates of activation and regeneration, operation mode, rapid expansion of training complex, multi-directional speed, energy metabolism, functional strength, core training; 4 )functional operation mode is divided into upper limb exercises in three planes, lower limbs, trunk, upper limbs and trunk combination, a combination of lower limbs and torso and the six kinds of push, pull, rotate, flexion and extension involving the whole body. This study helps to clarify analyzes the he main content of functional training system in order to provide practical guidance and reference fro China’s functional training theories.
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