ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    The Connotation, Dimension, and Path of Sports Disciplines Construction in Chinese Universities in the New Era
    CHEN Caiying, HUAN Hansheng
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 8-20.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.002
    Abstract248)      PDF(pc) (2019KB)(524)       Save
    Under the context of the "Double First-Class" initiative in the new era, the acceleration of sports disciplines construction in Chinese universities with Chinese characteristic and world-class standards is a significant and urgent task. With the method of literature review and logical analysis, this study aims to systematically explore the issues related to the construction of sports discipline in Chinese universities. The research highlights that the construction of sports disciplines in Chinese universities should closely align with the goal of developing "world-class sports disciplines". It suggests that the construction process should focus on clarifying the fundamental elements of sports disciplines, which encompass both knowledge and organizational aspects. Additionally, the study highlights the significance of comprehensively grasping the systemic engineering of sports discipline construction, consisting of the three dimensions of "Wuli-Shili-Renli". Moreover, it emphasizes the active promotion of the optimized path to sports discipline construction by integrating internal discipline development, cultivating a university ecosystem, responding to social needs, and fostering international exchanges. By doing so, it is believed that the connotative and high-quality development of sports disciplines in Chinese universities can be achieved.
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    Generative History of Sport: Disciplinary Reflections on the "Sports History" Based on the Development of Textbooks
    WANG Guanghu
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 1-9.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.001
    Abstract241)      PDF(pc) (1314KB)(982)       Save
    The development of textbooks for sports history should, under the guidance of historical materialism, grasp the historical process and historical context of the generation of sport, clarify the historical motives and historical conditions of the generation of sport, and analyze the historical role and historical significance of the generation of sport, so as to produce a generative history that is in line with the nature of the discipline. However, in the existing textbooks on sports history, there is a tendency that should not be overlooked: the physical education attributes of sports history are overemphasized, and under the influence of the preconceived notion of sports the investigation and compilation of physical activities or physical behaviors have unconsciously weakened the real history of sports. In view of this, the current reflections on the discipline of "sports history" should take the textbooks of "sports history" as a starting point to be consciously oriented to historiography. Based on the historiographic ideas and the new historiographical theories, the deficiencies or shortcomings in textbooks should be reevaluated from the dimensions of textbook style and historical logic, historical time and key nodes, historical space and world history, new historiographic views and historical questioning.
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    High-Quality Development of National Fitness in the New Era: Scientific Connotation, Problem Orientation and Practice Ideology
    LEI Zhengfang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 17-26.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.003
    Abstract238)      PDF(pc) (1279KB)(962)       Save
    National fitness is related to the people's happy and healthy life and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Its high-quality development is not only the premise of realizing the strategy of building a leading sports nation, but also the key to promoting the construction of a socialist modern country. Drawing on the new development concepts, this study comprehensively interprets the scientific connotation of high-quality development of national fitness, pointing out that innovation is the primary driving force for the high-quality development of national fitness, coordination is the internal requirement for the high-quality development of national fitness, going green is the basic form for the high-quality development of national fitness, opening up is the road that the high-quality development of national fitness must take, and sharing is the ultimate purpose of high-quality development of national fitness. The key issues in the high-quality development of national fitness include insufficient service supply, unbalanced development structure, incomplete ecological protection, closed internal or external linkage and insufficient sharing of results. Ideology to guide practice include the efficiency priority concept of innovating both policy and product, the system balance concept of complementing shortcomings and optimizing structure, the sustainable development concept of paying equal attention to improving understanding and controlling scale, the collaborative practice concept of opening up development and diversifying governance bodies, and people's livelihood concept of strengthening consensus and promoting integration. It is hoped that this study can provide enlightenment or reference for the theoretical research and practical development of national fitness.
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    Higher Physical Education Institutes' Exploration on Practicing Social Responsibility in the New Era——Taking Chengdu Sport University as an Example
    SHU Weiping, PAN Xiaofei, LI Xiang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 1-7.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.001
    Abstract236)      PDF(pc) (1198KB)(619)       Save
    The social responsibility of physical education institutes is an important issue that should be studied to serve the construction of a socialist modernized country. The development history of physical education institutes in China from the 1950s to the present has gone through the four stages of "Hope to do", "Should do", "Can do" and "Have done". Although a certain degree of success has been achieved, it is far from meeting the requirements of the party and the state, and the expectations of the people. As a category of colleges and universities with unique characteristics, higher physical institutes should grasp their boundary and scope, level and type, characteristics and advantages, paths and ways when understanding and recognizing the connotation of the mechanism to assume social responsibilities. This paper takes Chengdu Sport University as an example, studies the school's history of more than 80 years, pointing out its initiatives and achievements in serving the major strategies of education, sports, health and culture as well as local economic and social development, which can provide practical experience for higher physical education institutes to fulfill their responsibilities entrusted by the society and run the education to the satisfaction of the people in their new journey.
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    Virtue of Courage: The Fundamental Orientation of "Fostering Virtue through Education" in Chinese Wushu
    JIN Yuzhu
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 93-101.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.011
    Abstract218)      PDF(pc) (1323KB)(1617)       Save
    Fostering virtue through education is the fundamental task of education, and the most important thing to complete this task is to stick to the Chinese discourse of innovation, solid foundation and moral education. Using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper takes Wushu education in the new era as the starting point to examine the virtue of courage from the perspective of virtue cultivation. The research concludes that as a kind of life energy, virtue of courage in Wushu does not have a fixed form of courage, but exhibits the subject's virtue of acting bravely for justice and shouldering responsibilities. It is in fact a virtue of "relying on oneself rather than others" through perfecting one's wisdom and benevolence. By injecting "benevolence", "righteousness" and "rituals" into the natural courage of personality and behavior, the virtue of courage gradually evolves into a moral virtue and becomes a life spirit of ultimate existence. As the fundamental orientation of Wushu education, virtue of courage has the following implications: in moral dimension, it embodies the ideology of "dare to straight oneself and do one's will"; in life dimension, it embodies the strength of "noble and brave spirit";in value dimension, it embodies the virtue of "keeping aloof and helping the world". The contemporary enlightenment of Wushu courage lies in reconstructing the ontological cognition of Wushu that "body is the starting point of education for growth", consolidating the ideology of Wushu education that "sharpens the mind and toughens the body", and fostering the fertile ground of Wushu education that "interweaves hero image into daily life".
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    Sports Parks Enable the Construction of Chengdu Park Urban Demonstration Area to Practice the New Development Concept: Value Implication and Practice Path
    WANG Xiangyu, ZHANG Renren
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 44-52.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.006
    Abstract213)      PDF(pc) (570KB)(794)       Save
    Modernization characterized by harmonious coexistence of people and nature is a critical feature of Chinese development, aligned with Xi Jinping's vision of ecological civilization. This research offers a comprehensive analysis of Chengdu Park City Model Zone as a new paradigm for modern city development under Xi Jinping's ecological civilization approach. The study provides systematic reflections on urban development in the industrial and ecological eras, offering a positive response to the demand for modern, beautiful Chinese-style cities. New growth points in culture, sports, tourism, and business must be established for achieving a healthy and attractive urban environment with enhanced cultural influence. Synergizing "running the tournament, running the city, promoting the industry, and benefiting the people" is necessary to promote the construction of the "Park City Demonstration Zone".
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    Standardization of Basic Public Sports Services in The Process of Chinese-style Modernization: Intrinsic Logic, Realistic Dilemmas, and Practical Strategies
    ZHANG Dachao, DENG Feng
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 21-29.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.003
    Abstract211)      PDF(pc) (1527KB)(1541)       Save
    In the process of Chinese-style modernization, the standardization of basic public sports services will meet people's high-level need for a better life. Through the methods of literature review, field research and logical analysis, this paper expounds the intrinsic logic between Chinese path to modernization and the standardization of basic public sports services. Chinese path to modernization puts forward requirements for the standardization of basic public sports services from six aspects: high-quality supply, scientific decision-making, service efficiency, equal benefit, energy conservation and low-carbon, and standardized implementation. The standardization of basic public sports services has promoted people's modernization, social modernization, ecological modernization, governance modernization, management modernization, and institutional modernization. Therefore, the standardization of basic public sports services includes five core elements: theoretical support, content support, institutional support, resource support, and execution support. During the implementation process, the standardization of basic public sports services faces some challenges such as high difficulty in inclusive development, imbalanced urban-rural development, structural imbalance in public sports services, and insufficient legal protection for public sports services. Measures that can be taken include: integrated service standards, co-melting urban-rural rights, balanced supply structure, and strengthened legal protection.
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    A Systematic Review on Correlates of Fundamental Motor Skills in Children Aged 6 to 12: Based on Semi-quantitative Assessment and Meta-analysis
    QIU Yanping, WANG Lijuan, CHEN Huan, WANG Lijing, WANG Yankun
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 95-108.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.03.22
    Abstract209)      PDF(pc) (5148KB)(311)       Save
    To systematically review the characteristics, method, and results of the research on the correlates of fundamental motor skills in children aged 6~12 years by semi-quantitative evaluation and meta-analysis. Related studies published before June 2022 were searched in five foreign language databases such as WOS and three Chinese databases such as CNKI. A total of 30 studies were included in this systematic review. The results of semi-quantitative evaluation showed that age/grade (60.0%), health-related physical fitness (100%), physical activity (87.5%), parents' perception of children's FMS (100%), physical education (100%) were positively correlated with children's FMS level. Meta-analysis results showed that intervention of physical activity and physical education could effectively improve children's FMS level, and the intervention effect of physical activity was better. Intervention period > 20 weeks, ≥3 times per week and intervention duration > 60 min had the best intervention effect on FMS. It is suggested that in future FMS intervention or policy formulation of school-age children in China, factors related to the consistency of children's FMS and intervention programs should be fully considered, so as to better guide and promote the development of children's FMS.
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    From "Mass sports" to "National Fitness"——the Evolution of and Thinking on the Sport-for-All View in China from the Perspective of Conceptual Evolution
    WANG Shangfei, HAO Qin
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 153-160.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.020
    Abstract207)      PDF(pc) (1236KB)(592)       Save
    In the development process of modern sports in China, the concepts such as "mass sports", "social sports" and "national fitness" have been used in different historical periods and stages, and these concepts are still used interchangeably today. The article examined the evolution and contextual semantics of such concepts as "mass sports", "social sports", "national fitness" and "sport for all", and found that these different concepts reveal the different ideologies and foci of mass sports activities in China in different historical periods and stages, and are both similar to and different from the internationally accepted concept of "sport for all". It is recommended that the concept of "national fitness" should be given priority in domestic communication, and concepts such as "mass sports", "social sports" and "sport for all" can be used in certain conventional occasions. In international communication and academic exchanges, the term "sport for all" can be used.
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    The Four Dimensions of Understanding Sports as Landmark Cause of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation from the Perspective of Chinese-Style Modernization
    ZHAO Fuxue
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 30-38.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.004
    Abstract206)      PDF(pc) (2238KB)(537)       Save
    Building sports into a landmark cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the direction of the times for the construction of a modern leading sports nation. By using the research methods of literature, case analysis, logical deduction and comparative analysis, this paper attempts to understand from the historical dimension, theoretical dimension, world dimension and realistic dimension the overall connotation and direction of sports as a landmark cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The research holds that in the course of pursuing modernization and development, Chinese sports always revolves around the historical mission of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It has realized the transformation from external intervention to dynamic endogenesis, from passive response to active progress, from foreign experience to local innovation, and from focusing on key areas to all-round development. From the theoretical dimension, Chinese modern sports stresses the unity between top-level design and practical exploration, the coordination between development strategies and specific strategies, the connection between integrity and continuous innovation, and the conservation between stimulating vitality and abiding by order. From the world dimension, Chinese sports cause has made an important contribution to the global advancement of modern sports through its unique institutional advantages, excellent cultural genes and typical development examples; from the realistic dimension, the development track of sports along the new road of Chinese-style modernization needs to be adjusted and improved with the new stage, new characteristics and new requirements of the Chinese-style modernization practice.
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    Comparative Research on the Broadcasting Rights of Professional Football League between China and Spain
    GUO Zhigang, ZHOU Aiguang, LIU Hongyou
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 94-101.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.012
    Abstract201)      PDF(pc) (1290KB)(483)       Save
    By comparing the broadcasting rights of professional soccer leagues in China and Spain, it is found that there are big differences in ownership of broadcasting rights, composition of management organization, legal regulation of sales, distribution standard and object between the two countries. The differences are mainly caused by the difference in legal system and subject of broadcasting rights of professional football leagues in China and Spain. It is suggested that China can draw on the useful experience of Spain to give the broadcasting rights of professional football leagues to the participating clubs and establish professional football clubs as main market subjects; allow professional football clubs to play the role of market subjects and establish a sound management system and a joint sales system of broadcasting rights of professional football leagues; set up a distribution system that ensures balance and takes into account the performance of professional football clubs as the main beneficiaries.
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    Research Progress on Fundamental Movement Skill Intervention Studiesin Children with Intellectual Disability from Health Promotion Perspective
    YUAN Yaqing, WANG Meijuan, YUAN Weijia, LIU Yang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 129-138.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.017
    Abstract195)      PDF(pc) (2655KB)(569)       Save
    Objective: To systematically evaluate themethods and effect of fundamental movement skill intervention studies among children and adolescents with intellectual disability to provide theoretical support and methodological guidance for future relevant studies.Methods: Studies in 5 major databases including WOS were searched and irrelevant studies were excluded according to the established standard.Data information was extracted from the included studies, and the quality of the study was evaluated using the PEDro scale.Results: A total of 14 studies were included, of which 93% (13 studies) were about effective interventions, with a sample size of 12~80 people, involving children at the age of 4~18.The majority of intervention studies were conducted in schools through specific training of fundamental movement skills or fitness.The highest proportion of effective interventions were those with the intervention period of 6~16 weeks, three times a week, and 40~60 min per time.BOTMP/BOT-2 was a widely used tool to evaluate fundamental movement skills.Conclusion: The fundamental movement skill intervention studies of children with intellectual disability have positive effects on the development of individual fundamental movement skills.
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    From Tools to Aims: A Philosophic Study on Order Reconstruction and Humanization Turn of Chinese Sports Values
    ZHANG Qi, ZHANG Wei, HAO Shuang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (6): 78-85.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.010
    Abstract193)      PDF(pc) (1259KB)(655)       Save
    The value of sports, as a key theoretical issue vital to the healthy development of sports, determines such practical dilemmas as the positioning of sports roles, the coordination of interests and the handling of value conflicts. With the collapse of the old value relationship, the value order and connotation of sports in contemporary China urgently need new interpretation and research. The value of sports in China is changing from taking people as tools to taking people as aims. It is the prerequisite to ensure the development of sports in China and realize individual humanistic care to properly grasp and understand the times motivation, value order reconstruction mechanism and value connotation construction orientation of sports value change in China. The research holds that the times motivation of China's sports value humanization turn includes: the enlightenment of secular views, the maturity of the role of "economic man", the release of individual demand, the inclusion of multiple subjects and the guidance of international sports policy. The order reconstruction of China's sports value faces: multi-directional sports value generation path, demand-oriented sports value order selection and persuasive alienation value prevention. The humanization turn of sports value in China is moving towards the coordinated development of the natural value domain of human existence, the normative social value domain of human development and the guiding aesthetic value domain of human transcendence. Humanization value of sports will not only promote the natural and social development of the value subject, but also lead the individual's aesthetic development orientation. Promoting human's all-round development will help realize the individual and social existence of modern sports.
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    National Fitness Volunteerism in China: Achievements, Constraints and Promotion Strategies
    MA Dehao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 27-34.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.004
    Abstract193)      PDF(pc) (1251KB)(800)       Save
    At present, China has made certain achievements in the construction of national fitness volunteerism, such as the gradual improvement of the volunteerism system and the rule of law, the formation of the multiple management system, the gradual construction of industry associations, and the increasing scale of talent teams. However, there are also some constraints to the extensive development of national fitness volunteerism, for example, the volunteerism system and the rule of law are still relatively general; guarantee is not sufficient; the organizational system of multiple management is not well coordinated, and is prone to form constraints; the industry associations are mainly administrative, lacking autonomy; the composition of talent teams is not structurally balanced, and the rate of volunteerism is unsatisfactory. In order to promote the development of national fitness volunteerism, firstly, pay attention to the development planning and design, and improve the supporting laws and regulations; secondly, strengthen the coordination of multi-sectoral departments and innovate the form of cooperation; thirdly, promote the reform of de-administration of industry associations and enhance their autonomy; fourthly, optimize the composition structure of talent teams and improve the rate of their volunteerism.
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    History, Experience and Inspiration of Building Shanghai into a World Famous Sports City through Large-scale Sports Events ——Taking the Shanghai Rowing Event as an Example
    MI Zhongwei, ZHANG Sheng
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 169-174.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.09.12
    Abstract193)      PDF(pc) (1225KB)(803)       Save
    Using the methods of literature review, field investigation and case study, this paper takes the Shanghai rowing event as a case to study and analyze the process and experience of building Shanghai into a world famous sports city through large-scale sports events from the temporal-spatial dimension, and draws inspirations thereby. The research reviewed the rowing events in China and found that the development of rowing in China can be roughly divided into two stages: the initial stage (1852-1949) and the comprehensive development stage (1949 to present). In addition, the development of modern rowing in China has benefited from the combination of top-down policy support and bottom-up mass participation. The success of Shanghai rowing event has brought the following experience: (1) integration with urban landscape; (2) rational use of urban space; (3) integration of city (body) and sport (soul); (4) creation of new brands of the city; (5) panoramic three-dimensional new image of the city; (6) improvement of social benefits; (7) innovations and unique features in building Shanghai into a world famous sports city. On this basis, the research draws the following inspirations: first, provide sports events that people need to balance the contradiction between sports supply and demand; second, explore the development mode of sports events with local characteristics; third, establish sports events- "embedded" urban development mechanism; fourth, maintain the balance between time and space of large-scale events communication; fifth, make use of city-specific landscape to create new brands for city sports events.
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    Application of Session RPE in Scientific Training of Youth Football Players
    GAO Jiuxiang, YU Liang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 132-142.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.015
    Abstract191)      PDF(pc) (3641KB)(896)       Save
    Objective: To summarize and analyze the current research on the use of Session RPE (sRPE) on youth football players, with the aim of determining the scope of application of sRPE in youth football teams, and to help youth football teams to conduct scientific and digital training in a low-cost and convenient way under the background of "integration of sports and education". Methods: The research literature was searched in the PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, CNKI, Wanfang by using the keywords of "football", "sRPE", and "youth". The quality of the included cohort study and randomized controlled trial was evaluated by the amount of NOS and the improved PEDro scoring system. Result: 41 articles and 42 studies were included, of which 3 were randomized controlled studies, and the quality evaluation scores were all 16 points; There are 39 cohort studies, and the average score of quality evaluation is 6.87 points. The current research directions on the use of sRPE on youth football players are: testing the effectiveness of sRPE, monitor training or competition load through sRPE, analyzing the application of sRPE during recovery, comparing the relationship between sRPE and sport performance, and a model of sRPE and injury was constructed to determine the potential relationship. Conclusion: For youth teams, sRPE can be used as a simple and personalized way to assess training load, which can be used by Borg CR10 or Borg CR100 scales 10~30 minutes after training. For young football players, ①sRPE can be used to monitor various training loads, provide a basis for coaches to rationally arrange training plans, and prevent overtraining or injury; ② sRPE can be used as a reference when assessing fatigue and recovery of youth football players; ③ When improving the aerobic performance of young football players, coaches can formulate or adjust training plans with players' sRPE. There is insufficient evidence to prove the relationship between sRPE and explosive sport performance, ④ sRPE can not accurately predict injury in youth football players.
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    Analysis on the Spatial Distribution of Community Sports Culture Parks in Mountain Cities Based on Geographic Information Technology——Taking Chongqing as An Example
    YANG Lifang, HE Tao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 35-43.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.09.09
    Abstract187)      PDF(pc) (1491KB)(874)       Save
    As an important field for the development of residents' physical and mental health, it is of great significance to study the spatial distribution and influencing factors of community sports culture parks. Taking Chongqing, a city with typical mountainous urban characteristics, as an example, the article uses the kernel density estimation method, the minimum resistance method, the spatial interpolation method and the geo-detector to conduct an in-depth analysis of 92 community sports culture parks. Chongqing community sports culture parks are mainly distributed in Yuzhong, Yubei, Nan'an, and the west of Ba'nan along the river. The overall distribution is coupled with urban development, and their spatial distribution characteristics are mainly affected by traffic accessibility, housing prices, population density and terrain, with traffic accessibility and housing prices having a significant impact, followed by population density and terrain. Finally, based on the conclusion, it is proposed to focus on regional development level to build multi-level community sports culture parks, adhere to the core concept of "people oriented" to build a "people friendly" community sports culture parks and with the unique urban form of mountainous cities to enrich the internal spatial structure of community sports culture parks. And providing important references for the planning of future community sports culture parks.
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    Historical Background, Ideological Logic and Practical Value of the Sustainable Development Concept of Beijing Winter Olympics Legacy
    SUN Baoli, WANG Meng, LI Shengxin, YE Fanxi, Hou Kun, NIU Ben, ZHANG Bin, ZHAO Yue, SONG Qiran, LV Fang, ZHAO Yihua
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (4): 1-8.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.04.001
    Abstract186)      PDF(pc) (1269KB)(320)       Save
    As the first Olympic Games since the promulgation of the "Olympic Agenda 2020" to fully implement the concept of sustainable development in legacy planning and management from the beginning of preparations, the Beijing Winter Olympics has achieved fruitful results in the sustainable development of Olympic legacy, set a new example for the world and contributed Chinese wisdom. This study adopts the methods of literature review and logical analysis to explore the historical background, ideological logic and practical value of the Beijing Winter Olympics legacy sustainable development concept, hoping to gain a better understanding of the concept. Research shows that the sustainable development concept was generated in the context of the globalization of sustainable development, the "Two Centenary" historical nodes and the deepening reform of the Olympic Games' sustainability. Ideological guidance, goal system, practical policy, long-term principle, and scientific response constitute the ideological logic for the Beijing Winter Olympics legacy sustainable development concept. Its unique practical value is exhibited through the triple vision of individual, nation and the world. The concept has contributed Chinese wisdom to the sustainable development of the Olympic legacy.
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    Individual Perspective: Research on Media Consumption of Beijing Winter Olympics
    WANG Xiaomei, TANG Yuqing, GUO Qing
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 61-71.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.008
    Abstract184)      PDF(pc) (1311KB)(872)       Save
    Based on the individual perspective and using the use and satisfaction theory, a questionnaire survey was conducted to analyze the media consumption behaviors and motives of Chinese audiences for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. The results show that: (1) aesthetic motivation is the main motivation for domestic audiences to consume media sports, and new media technology has become the available source of use and satisfaction; (2) audiences are their own "media managers" in the media consumption of the Winter Olympics, which highlights audience's initiative of choices and the combinability and diversity of media consumption modes; (3) Media technology, fans' identity, and attitude towards news coverage greatly influence Winter Olympics media consumption, and Olympic fans are independent of sports fans; (4) The media consumption behaviors of the audience in the Beijing Winter Olympics differ greatly from those in the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, but television remains the most widely used media. The findings of this study are not only instructive for understanding the audiences of major sports events, but also suggest on a practical level that the IOC and its related organizations should pay attention to the autonomous behavior of audiences in media consumption, develop differentiated marketing and content development strategies based on the segmentation of different fan identities, and continue to pay attention to the influence of television.
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    Review and Prospect of the Academic History of Chinese Ancient Military Examination System Research in the Past Century
    WANG Dongdong, LV Yiang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2024, 50 (1): 152-159.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.01.017
    Abstract182)      PDF(pc) (1248KB)(834)       Save
    Ancient military examination system, originated in China, is a product of Chinese civilization with world influence. By the methods of literature, this paper reviews and analyzes the research on Chinese ancient military examination system in the past 100 years. The results show that it has experienced four periods: starting, lagging, faltering and falling, but there are still some problems, such as the research force group is weak and lack of follow-up support; The research method is simply transplanted and lack of historical research; The scope of research is too narrow and lack of international perspective;The research results are outdated and lack of application value. The future research needs to cultivate the team in groups and devote themselves to learning; In terms of methods, it is necessary to identify historical materials and integrate disciplines; In the field of vision, we need to be based on domestic and look at the world; In terms of achievements, we need to be practical and serve the times.
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