ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    Philosophic Thinking and Applied Thinking of the Way of Replacing Training with Competition and the Way of Driving Training with Competition
    DENG Wanjin
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 107-112.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.017
    Abstract4668)      PDF(pc) (1182KB)(2071)       Save
    Although they are all high-intensity competitions in order to improve the comprehensive control ability of athletes, there are obvious differences between the way of replacing training with competition and the way of driving training with competition. In terms of specific content, the practice in substituting competition for practice refers to comprehensive training involving competition rules and competition psychology which is not limited to special training and the training in training with competition refers to the training with feedback nature which is mainly based on special training and divided by the level objectives of competitions. In terms of applicable objects, the competition instead of practice is suitable for high-level athletes who do not have competition experience or experience and the competition leading training is suitable for multi-level athletes. In terms of training load, the way of replacing training with competition shows high-intensity load and the way of driving training with competition shows the specific load reflecting the special characteristics of a specific event. In terms of the theory basis, the way of replacing training with competition executes the main line of the system training theory and the way of driving training with competition break through the shackles of periodic training theory and plate training theory. Finally, the author puts forward the application thinking of the way of replacing training with competition. We scientifically design the hierarchical superposition path around the objectives of the competition and optimize the multi-level promotion strategy around the integration of special capabilities. The application thinking of the way of driving training with competition are put forward. We should optimize the training model of competitive performance according to the guiding ideology of goal integration training and should design the training cycle model of change-adapt according to the idea of optimization of competitive ability.
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    The Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Take Sports Research as an Example
    SHI Yan
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (1): 24-28.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.01.003
    Abstract2785)      PDF(pc) (1202KB)(1072)       Save
    One of the important features of scientific research is to make scientific explanations, and researchers need to choose appropriate methods to carry out deductive or inductive work in relation to their research problems and purposes. Qualitative research and quantitative research are two major research methods, and they take different approaches in terms of methodological orientation and research practice. This paper examines the difference between qualitative and quantitative research from four aspects: philosophical stance, applicability, research strategies and procedures, and quality evaluation criteria. In terms of research hypotheses, samples, and collection and analysis of data, qualitative and quantitative research are different from each other to certain degree. Quantitative research can be evaluated by procedural norms and outcomes, while qualitative research is mainly evaluated by procedural norms. Although qualitative and quantitative research are different from each other, their combined use will become a tendency as sports research continues to evolve in both details and depth.
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    Integration of Sports and Medicine: Connotation, Path and Guarantee Mechanism
    MA Guodong, LIU Yanhuan, GAO Bo, WANG Zhantao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (1): 97-103.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.01.013
    Abstract1833)      PDF(pc) (1185KB)(660)       Save
    Integration of sports and medicine is an effective way to realize China's national health strategy. Based on a definition to the integration of sports and medicine, this paper points out that to promote the integration of sports and medicine in terms of path selection, it is necessary to clarify the needs for the integration of sports and medicine, promote precise supply, solve cognitive obstacles, remove stumbling blocks of system mechanism, realize the integration of discourse, technology and resources, and medicine and create series projects to practice the integration of sports and medicine by giving play to the advantage of national fitness. To realize the path of integrating sports and medicine, it is necessary to construct institution and mechanism, realize multi-agent collaborative innovation and expand financing channels.
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    Evolution Process, Basic Connotation and Inheritance Path of the Spirit of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team
    KONG Nianxin, LIU Mingyi, DAN Yanfang, JING Yan
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (5): 59-64.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.05.010
    Abstract1733)      PDF(pc) (1320KB)(666)       Save
    Using the methods of literature review and logical analysis, this paper summarizes the evolution process of the spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team, analyzes its basic connotation, and puts forward the inheritance path in the new era. The study concludes that the Chinese women's volleyball team went through the process of "sowing spiritual seeds, building spiritual support and continuing spiritual genes" in the "five consecutive world championships" period, the low and difficult rise period and the glory-recasting period, and forged the spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team with Chinese characteristics, which takes as its core the supremacy of the motherland, unity and cooperation, tenacity, and unyielding spirit. The spirit becomes a symbol of the times and explains the basic connotation of carrying forward the spirit of modern sports and inheriting Chinese sportsmanship. This paper puts forward the inheritance path of the spirit from two aspects: explore the cultural value of the Chinese women's volleyball team to promote the construction of a strong sports country; form the emotional identity of the Chinese women's volleyball team to lay the foundation of national spirit.
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    The Going-Abroad Phenomenon of Japanese and Korean Footballers: Group Characteristics, Dynamic Mechanism, and Implications
    CHEN Xunan, YANG Shuo, LENG Tangyun, ZHENG Fang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2023, 49 (1): 127-134.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.01.017
    Abstract1710)      PDF(pc) (1658KB)(609)       Save
    By analyzing youth training and career data 2010-2019, this paper portrays the growth patterns and group characteristics of Japanese and Korean professional footballers who have played in top European football leagues. By applying the "push-pull" theory as an explanatory framework, this paper reveals the dynamic mechanism of Japanese and Korean footballers' going abroad phenomenon, which is created jointly by the football culture, the channels of communication between associations and clubs, and the individual player decisions. In Japan and Korea, perfect school soccer systems and various overseas training programs provide a stable talent pool, and clear pathways to stay abroad and targeted policy configurations form an institutionalized talent export environment. From this, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the going abroad of Chinese footballers: building the Chinese league system with a talents development function; broadening the pathway for different types of players to stay abroad; innovating multivariate synergy training mechanisms and guarantee measures.
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    Current Situation, Problems and Optimization of After-School Sports Service for Primary and Secondary School Students Under the "Double Reduction" Policy
    LI Yanru, DANG Xunuo
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (6): 51-56.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.06.008
    Abstract1641)      PDF(pc) (1210KB)(1003)       Save
    After-school service refers to an educational activity that is carried out after students complete their compulsory education at school. With schools as the main channel and social educational resources as a supplement, after-school service can relieve parents' anxiety and meet students' diversified needs at the compulsory education stage. Whether sports, as an important part of after-school service, plays an effective role as expected is yet to be tested. Using the methods of questionnaire and mathematical statistic, this paper analyzes the current situation and problems of after-school sports service. The study shows that after-school sports service is relatively stable in terms of both time and frequency, and has a significant effect on the reduction of students' stress. But the differences in both learning stage and region are large, and the connection between grades is not steady. The reasons for the differences and limitations on student participation include the ambiguity of policy regulation, the lagging policy updates, the limitations of subjective and objective factors, the utility of educational environment and the incompleteness of supervision mechanism. In view of the present situation and problems of after-school sports service, the authors propose some optimization measures including strengthening publicity, tapping students' needs, supplementing teachers, upgrading the system, and strengthening supervision and incentives.
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    The Ethical Risks and Solutions of Referee Decision-making Aid Technology ——A Study Based on Image Technology Phenomenology
    ZHANG Qi
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 86-92.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.014
    Abstract1598)      PDF(pc) (1295KB)(835)       Save
    Using the methods of literature review, case study and depth interview, this paper studies,from the perspective of STS and image technology phenomenology, the nature of refereedecision-making aid technology, and puts froward solutions to the ethical risks based on an analysis of the causes for the increasing use of referee decision-making aid technology. It is believed that under the condition of space-timesymbiosis between humans and machines, humans still have the legal and ethical basis for making final judgments. The hasty use of machines to replace human refereeing will eliminate the physical attributes of refereeing work and competition activities, thus turning sports into a logical game of "false-true judgment". The use of referee decision-makingaid technology has brought about five types of ethical conflictsincluding: conflict between physical and technical perception, conflict between procedural fairness and result fairness, conflict between referee responsibility and enforcement ability, conflict between factual fairness and artificial fairness, and conflict between intervention requirements and technical feasibility. In order to properly deal with the risks brought about by technological intervention, the paper suggests: reinterpreting the concept of contemporary competition fairness, reconstructing the balance of competition interests, and using interveningtechnology by political means.
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    Analysis on the Possibility of Including E-sports into Olympic Games from the Choice Criteria and Procedure, Concept and Trend of Sports and Events for Olympic Programme
    YI Jiandong
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 10-17.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.002
    Abstract1584)      PDF(pc) (1894KB)(1420)       Save
    By literature review, this paper reveals that programmes in modern Olympic Games have undergone five stages: instability, slow expansion, booming, strict control, and re-expansion. The Evaluation Criteria of Olympic Programmes have been much simplified since the 2004, 2012, and 2015 versions. Currently, the five first-level indicators of evaluation in use are: Olympic proposal, value added to the Olympic movement, institutional matters, popularity and business model. Meanwhile, the procedure for the inclusion of any sports or events into Olympic Programmes is decided through three steps: proposal by OCOG and Olympic Programme commission of IOC, approval by IOC Executive Board, and confirmation by IOC Session under the regulation of limit in 310 events and 3 years before Olympic Games. E-sports or events maybe be included into the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Programme, however, it is highly uncertain whether E-sports can be included in the 2032 Brisbane Olympic programme or not.
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    Marx-Engels Thought on Sports: Logical Approach, Major Domain and Significance
    LUO Jiafu, CHEN Ye
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (4): 96-103.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.019
    Abstract1550)      PDF(pc) (1342KB)(572)       Save
    Marx-Engels thought on sports is a frequently discussed topic. Based on an overview of the major achievements and existing problems of previous studies, this paper conducts a panoramic survey of Marx-Engels thought on sports using new materials and new perspective. It is found that Marx-Engels thought on sports is a set of opinions that reflect the overall logic of their socio-historical theories. This thought, adhering to the "body-labor" methodology paradigm of historical materialism, explores the ways by which "human labor" leads to "human emancipation" in the domain of "human existence". Sports in essence are a form of activity that aesthetically and sensually realizes the real possession of human being and is an important sign of the full and free development of every human being. Marx's and Engels' thought on sports involves the essence, function and value of sports, and has many wonderful discussions on such issues as the body and labor, the aesthetic and educational functions of sports, and the value of sports in promoting the all-round development of individuals. Their thought is the first attempt from the perspective of socio-historical development to clarify the relationship between the body and labor, the important value of sports in the all-round development of human beings and the significance of sports in meeting the needs of the proletariat and social development. Marx-Engels thought on sports opened an era when Western Marxism started to pay attention to the body and the relationship between the body and human beings, and had an important influence on the final turn of Western philosophy to body philosophy since the 1960s. Therefore, Marx-Engels thought on sports has great theoretical and practical significance in understanding the essence of sports, comprehensively grasping the contemporary value and function of sports, and promoting the development of socialist sports theories with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
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    Thoughts on Higher Physical Education Institutions' Service toward Improvingthe State's International Communication Ability in the New Development Stage
    SHU Weiping, ZHANG Xiaolin
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (6): 1-5.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.001
    Abstract1485)      PDF(pc) (1343KB)(943)       Save
    An important aspect of higher physical education institutions' practice in fulfilling their social responsibilities in the new developmentstage is to improve the state's ability to engage in international communication. Higher physical education institutions should attach great importance to this mission, and effectively improve their capacity and influence in international communication by giving full play to their own advantages and characteristics in developing international education, enhancing international communication awareness,optimizing international communication content, and expanding international communication networks.They can help improve the state's international communication ability by making full use of their rich academic resources, cultural resources, high-level human resources, and international partner network resources to strengthen theoretical research and talent training, and make due contributions in creating a lovely, credible, and respectable image of China.
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    The Promotion Path, Theoretical Framework and Practical Interest of Foreign E-sports Research
    XU Xiaohan
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 24-28.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.004
    Abstract1454)      PDF(pc) (1023KB)(1411)       Save
    Academic research on e-sports in foreign countries has been carried out much earlier, almost accompanying the whole evolution process of video games, online games and e-sports. The research perspectives involve natural sciences, social sciences and various branches of humanities. This study is a comprehensive review of e-sports research in foreign countries over the past 30 years. On the macro level, the study summarizes the systematic feature of multidisciplinary approach and the longitudinal advancement of continuous research on the single proposition of e-sports with a large number of samples. On the micro level, the study firstly explores the evolutionary path of the relationship between Ludology and Sports Science in foreign countries along with the information technology development; secondly, the study highlights the significant correlation between online games/e-sports and physical and psychological diseases such as Internet Gaming Disorder; thirdly, the study combines relevant theories of political economy of communication to discern and critique the development of e-sports industry in foreign countries.It is hoped that the review of foreign e-sports research with long-term, multi-angle, wide themes and rich dimensions can provide some enlightenment for Chinese academic community.
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    Early Communists' Thoughts of Saving the Nation by Sports——A Discussion Centered around Chen Duxiu and Mao ZedongCHEN Tingxiang LI Mingyue
    CHEN Tingxiang, LI Mingyue
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (6): 14-19.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.004
    Abstract1437)      PDF(pc) (1367KB)(734)       Save
    At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, many people with lofty ideals participated in the discussion how to save the nation. In the surging tide of saving the nation and the people at that time, a major ideological trend of saving the nation by sports was formed. By the time of the May Fourth Movement, Chen Duxiu raised the two banners of science and democracy, and set off a wave of enlightenment to criticize the dross of traditional Chinese culture and learn advanced culture from the West. Chen Duxiu and the young Mao Zedong explored the unprecedented profound and rich ideological resources for the ideology of saving the nation by sports respectively from the perspective of criticizing the ideology of emphasizing literacy over military exercise in the traditional culture and from the perspective of criticizing the conception of advocatingtranquilityrather than motion.
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    Cold War and the Olympics-Reading "Cold War Games: Propaganda, the Olympics, and U.S. Foreign Policy"
    RU Yawei, GUO Zhen, LIU Bo
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 139-142.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.022
    Abstract1412)      PDF(pc) (793KB)(812)       Save
    As an important historical event affecting the human process in the second half of the 20th century, the Cold War had a profound impact on the development of international sports. As the international influence of the Olympic Games increased, both the United States and the Soviet Union regarded the Olympic Games as a stage to promote the superiority of their respective social systems. Toby C. Rider reveals in his"Cold War Games: Propaganda, the Olympics, and US Foreign Policy"(hereafter"Cold War Games") that the U.S. government and private institutions used the Olympics to launch tit-for-tat propaganda against the Soviet Union in order to fulfill their Cold War responsibilities. The book has achieved academic breakthroughs in terms of research materials, research perspectives, and research content, and has become a model for interdisciplinary research in sports and history. An in-depth analysis of this workcan provide reference for future research on topics related to the Cold War and sports.
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    Analysis on the Domestic and ForeignEnvironment for Sports Development in China
    BAO Mingxiao
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (2): 1-5.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.001
    Abstract1392)      PDF(pc) (1197KB)(899)       Save
    The “14th Five-Year Plan” period is a key stage tolay a solid foundation for the construction of a leading sports nation in an all-round way. At present, sports development in China is facing a relatively complex external environment, and there are a series of shortcomings and problems that restrict the high-quality development of sports. This article analyzes and expounds the impact of the interaction and superposition of the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the world's unprecedented changes on sports development, the current shortcomings and problems that restrict sports development, and the agenda that should receive due attention in sports reform.
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    Agility in Human Movement: The Definition and Testing
    GAO Chong, YANG Wei, LIAO Kaifang, LI Yongming
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (6): 122-129.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.020
    Abstract1375)      PDF(pc) (1501KB)(845)       Save
    Agility is a form of human movement and plays an important role in the matches of team sports, racket sports and combat sports. However, agreement has not yet been reached onthe definition and testing of agility in sport science. We reviewed the literatures involving definition and testing of agility in sport. Based on the current knowledge in the literatures, we proposed a more comprehensive definition and pointed out several challenges faced by the existing agility tests. Agilityis defined as the ability to quickly, accurately and efficiently change and adjust the movement mode (i.e., changing motion) or state (i.e., changing direction or speed) according to the aims (either pre-planned or unplanned) during the human movement. Although most of tests in the literatures had good reliability and validity, there were four major challenges including lack of gold standard test, overweighted running in straight line during the test, limited attentions on the quality of motion, as well as difficulty in comparison between different tests. The future researches about agility could be promoted from the following aspects: to use the wearable devices for quantification of agility, to investigate the influencing factors of agility and develop corresponding training methods, to examine the effect of agility training on improving performance and reducing the risk of injury, to explore the sensitive period of agility development.
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    Discussion on the Legislation Manifestation and Main Characteristics of the Progress of CPC-Led Law-based Governance of Sports
    YU Shanxu
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 1-9.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.001
    Abstract1367)      PDF(pc) (1520KB)(1079)       Save
    Leadership by Communist Party of China (CPC) is both the essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the fundamental guarantee of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, the Party-led legislation has developed into the important political principle, governing system and rule of law practice. During the process of comprehensively summarizing the achievements and experiences of the Party's century-long struggle, it is necessary to study the Party-led sports legislation as an important issue ofChinese sports development under the Party's leadership. To make clear the transformation of the Party-led law-based governance ofsportsfrom policy to legislation, the paper outlines and explains the evolution processand the overall situation in all historical stages from the revolutionary base period through the exploration period of socialist construction, the new period of reform and opening up to the new era. On this basis, the paper generalizes the main characteristics of the progress of the Party-led law-based governance of sports from three perspectives, namely, the remarkable achievementof strategic positioning of sports in promoting the Party-led sports legislation, the contribution of the Party's political decisions at different stagesto the sports legislation, and the people-firstprinciple as the fundamental purpose of the Party-led sports legislation.
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    Network Interaction and Interest Balance in Institutionalization: Research and Judgment of E-sports Events in Hangzhou Asian Games
    HONG Jianping, LIU Qingzhen
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 18-23.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.003
    Abstract1349)      PDF(pc) (1328KB)(1163)       Save
    The inclusion of e-sports as an official event in the Hangzhou Asian Games is an important step towards the institutionalization of e-sports, marking that Asia is once again takes a lead in the development of global e-sports. This paper investigates from a combined perspective of process analysis and actor network theory a series of events in the inclusion process of e-sports into the Asian Games, analyzes the type characteristics of e-sports events in the Asian Games, examines the interest interaction and balance in the network composed of international sports organizations, e-sports organizations, event organizers and e-sports game manufacturers. This paper also examines the functions of industrial economy, cultural politics and Olympic values in the formation and evolution of e-sports, aiming to reveal the impact of e-sports inclusion in the Asian Games on the institutionalization of e-sports and the enlightenment of innovative exploration on the inclusion of e-sports into comprehensive games.
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    The Realistic Problems and Perspective Turn of Chinese E-sports Academic Research
    CHEN Yikai
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2022, 48 (3): 29-34.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.03.005
    Abstract1310)      PDF(pc) (1124KB)(1206)       Save
    Using the methods of literature and comparative analysis, this paper explores the feasibility of changing the perspective of E-sports research from macro industrial analysis to micro project ontology and related groups. Firstly, this paper analyzes the existing academic achievements, points out 10 deficiencies in existing research, and draws on the evolution of classical theories in other research areas to provide reference for the shift of research perspective. Secondly, it analyzes the difficulties and opportunities faced by researchers, and puts forward the strategies to improve research literacy and suggestions on the overall research process. Finally, it generalizes the problems and solutions into 12 principles to help researchers tobreak through the existing research content and change research perspective with the times.
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    The Sources of Wushu Talents and the Dualistic Development of Wushu under the Background of the "Ban of Wushu" in the Qing Dynasty
    ZHANG Zhen, LI Liang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (6): 48-54.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.009
    Abstract1256)      PDF(pc) (1378KB)(774)       Save
    Banning of Wushu has always been an important means to maintain centralized rule, but the "Wushu examination system", which began in the Tang Dynasty and ended in the Qing Dynasty, also coexisted with it over a long period of time. Under the coexistenc of "Banning of Wushu" and the "Wushu examination system", the source of Wushu talents became an antinomy for the ruling class. The article uses literature and logical analysis to study the banning of Wushu and the Wushus examination system in some periods of the Qing Dynasty, finding that the banning of Wushu only targeted religious folk Wushu groups that were not under official jurisdiction, while the training of Wushus talents became an important part of the official education system since the Kangxi era, and the talents mainly came from: (1) Zongxue (clan school), which was mainly held by royal families, (2) Guanxue (official school), which was mainly composed of Baqi and Han officials, and (3) Yixue (private/community school charging no tuition), which was mainly run by the Han military banners. However, the seemingly fair Wushu examination system was gradually monopolized by the upper class and the famous and influential clans. Folk Wushu was separated from official Wushu in this period, resulted in the two embarking on different development paths that were independent and antagonistic to each other. Unlike in the Ming Dynasty when official Wushu and folk Wushu interoperated and fed each other, Wushu in the Qing Dynasty showed obvious dualistic development characteristics.
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    From “International Communication” to “Strategic Communication”: Innovating the International Communication Competence for Sports in China
    SHI Anbin, SHENG Yang
    Journal of Chengdu Sport University    2021, 47 (6): 6-8.   DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.002
    Abstract1218)      PDF(pc) (1318KB)(768)       Save
    The intercultural communication and media representation of sports serves as a major field for international communication practices in the social media era. It argues that President Xi Jinping's address on May 31st, 2021 should lead as a guidance for China's innovative construction of the international communication competence for sports, with a theoretical transition from “international communication” to “strategic communication”, by way of locating the social context of “global China”, constructing cultural idea of “transcultural communication” and configuring the “strategic communication” agents. It calls for a polyphonous national image branding on “active China”, “germinative China” and “youth China” with its promotion in sports industry. The upgrade of international communication competence for sports assists the construction and integration of China's overall international communication competence.
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