ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 March 2019, Volume 45 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Discussion on the Conversational Transmission Path of Sports Event Disputes in the Context of Social Media——Taking the 3,000-Meter Short Track Speed Skating Penalty Event at Pyeongchang Winter Olympics as An Example
    WAN Xiaohong, ZHOU Rong, LI Xuebei
    2019, 45 (2):  1-6.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.001
    Abstract ( 904 )   PDF (1219KB) ( 1332 )   Save
    Dialogue is regarded as the return of communication's essential characteristics. It is a two-way process under specific context in which the transmitter and the receiver participate in information and role exchange, and construct interactive relationships. With the development of social media, launching dialogue and negotiation have become the best choices for reconciling sports disputes and reaching consensus.This study is based on Bakhtin's dialogic theory and “two-way symmetrical model” brought by the Grunigs and Hunt. By applying the “process to case” analysis method, it uses the women’s 3000m short track speed skating events in Pyeongchang Winter Olympics as the sample to discuss how to achieve a two-way equal transmission path for the organizers and the public. The study found that in the dissemination of controversial issues among global sports media,the organizers of the event should employ a two-way dialogue paradigm, exploiting social media to converse and interact with the public, thus building a positive image of the event.In the context of conflicting discourse of controversial events, the construction of third-party discourse alliances is of great significance for dissolving the hostility of stakeholders and winning the recognition of opinion leaders. Besides, in response to sports disputes, the use of perceptual discourse to convey the rational appeal and to show the sincerity of the dialogue from the organizers can effectively influence attitudes of the audience.
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    Research on Hotspots and development trend of international eSport Literatures
    LIANG Shu, LIANG Wei
    2019, 45 (2):  7-14.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.002
    Abstract ( 1175 )   PDF (1265KB) ( 2735 )   Save
    Driven by the rapid development of artificial intelligence, E-sports is accelerating to get rid of the traditional concept of Sedentary Sports Video. Sports based video games (MBVGs) will become the main type of E-sports. The integration of E-sports and sports is already a trend and becomes the forefront of academic research. This present paper analyzed through bibliometric method 92 SCI and SSCI papers on E-sports theme published during 2000-2018. It is found that the number of electronic competition-themed papers published on international authoritative periodicals in the last 3 years is close to the peak value; the authoritative authors are mainly from North America, Western Europe, Australia and Southeast Asia, and high frequency periodicals are mainly distributed in the fields of computer and information system, artificial intelligence, communication, psychology, sociology, humanities, leisure sports, high-frequency cited literature reveals two basic logic of electronic competition research:firstly, in terms of the logic of methodology, structural equation is an important method for the empirical study of electronic athletics; secondly,in terms of the logic of theory evolution, current research concentrates on the empirical research on players' participation motivation, violence cognition, aggressive behavior and cooperative behavior; discussion on whether E-sports is sports, and discussion on e-sports economy and its social effect. Finally, the authors reexamined the relevant literature to define the connotation of e-sports, figure out the relationship between E-sports expression and definition, the relationship between E-sports and sports, and summarize the main profit models and structure of electronic competition industry, and then put forward that the modernization of e-sports will be an important research hotspot in the future.
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    Simulacra of Sports: Study On Sports Video Games
    YANG Jianfeng
    2019, 45 (2):  15-21.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.003
    Abstract ( 1100 )   PDF (1130KB) ( 1781 )   Save
    Sports video games have become the media of sports communication as important as the press, broadcast television and network. By introducing Baudrillard's theory of simulacra and simulation, the text dissected, through the methods of documents, theoretical analysis and observation experience, the feature of authenticity and super-reality of sports video games, the relationship between virtuality and reality and the impact of sports video games on the value of sports culture. The research findings show that sports video games are the simulacra of sports, with the double feature of authenticity and hyper-reality. On the one hand, sports video games provide another media for the communication of sports. On the other hand, they create an utopia of sports which is more attractive than real sports, thus diminishing the significance and value of sports
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    The Theoretical Construction and Basic Path of Media Copyright Industrial Chain of Sports Events
    WANG Kai
    2019, 45 (2):  22-30.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.004
    Abstract ( 1248 )   PDF (1258KB) ( 2467 )   Save
    Through literature,text analysis and expert interviews, the concept of media copyright and industrial chain of sports events was defined. The basic composition, operation status, operational motivation, operational mechanism and the basis path of the media copyright industry chain of sports events in China are discussed. In the operation of media copyrights in China's sports events, there are strong demand for copyright, high prices and weak liquidity, short industrial chain and insufficient connotation, imbalance between supply and demand in the operation of industrial chain, low level of industrial chain operation, insufficient internationalization, and chaotic capital operation. problem. The analysis believes that the media copyright industry chain of sports events mainly includes the upstream event organization, the media in the middle reaches, the downstream product market, etc. The industrial chain operation of the sports event copyright is conducive to the saving of transaction costs of all links in the industrial chain. Improve the operational efficiency of the organization and thus enhance the competitiveness of the entire industry. Good industry chain operations must follow mechanisms including value generation, trust contracts, communication and negotiation, benefit sharing and risk sharing, competitive cooperation and supervisory incentives. It is proposed to strive for policy support and optimize the consumption environment of the event; "forward extension" to carry out the reserve incubation of the event resources; the expansion of the middle reaches, the multi-level development, and the improvement of the energy levels of each link; the downstream extension, the capture of the feng shui, the cross-border integration, and the extension of the industry The basic path of industrial chain development such as chain space.
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    On the Loss and Return of Sports Fun in Physical Education Class
    MAO Zhenming, ZHANG Yuanyuan, YE Ling
    2019, 45 (2):  31-37.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.005
    Abstract ( 962 )   PDF (1527KB) ( 1456 )   Save
    Many primary and middle school students say, "we like sports, but we do not like physical education class,which puzzles PE educators in both primary and secondary schools, and also questions the PE teaching content and methodology, and even questions the function and value of PE. Although PE originated in the sports culture of pursuing fun, it has been further away from this culture. The reason is when sports become physical education, it has, to a large extent, lost the spontaneity and autonomy of sports and small groups of friends and family sporting, and it has also lost fierce match and thorough systematic training, and the opportunities for competition and performance and non-utilitarian nature of sports and so on. The reason why PE learning has lost sports fun also includes non-scientific factors in PE teaching and biases towards PE teachers' teaching ability and teaching style, and the restricted development condition of school physical education. PE educators have made great efforts to achieve attractive and funny PE teaching. These efforts can be roughly summed up as four ideas and methods: theory and practice of happy physical education based on teaching material amusement and teaching methods; theory and practice of happy physical education to ensure learning initiative and create various challenges; theory and practice of happy physical education to make every student succeed; theory and practice of happy physical education to restore sports competition system and sports fun. The four methodologies have both advantages and defects.This article puts forward five ways to return sports fun to PE class: strategy and practice of scientific curriculum; strategy and practice of teaching options specialization; strategy and work of teaching materialization for sports events; strategy and practice of game playing in skill teaching; strategy and practice of classroom competition and so on.
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    Gap and Cohesion of P.E. Curriculum from Primary School through Middle School to College
    LANG Jian, MAO Zhenming
    2019, 45 (2):  38-43.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.006
    Abstract ( 1087 )   PDF (1092KB) ( 1449 )   Save
    "We have always learned crotch start and forward roll from primary school to university." Students' complaint sounds sarcastic, but it makes P.E. teachers at primary school, middle school and college complain to each other and puts P.E curriculum designers in embarrassment. As a result, the logicality and scientificity of P.E. curriculum are doubted and P.E.'s qualification as a discipline is questioned. Much research has been done on P.E. cohesive P.E. curriculum arrangement from primary school through middle school to college and some solutions have been proposed, such as the solution of achieving cohesion in both content and difficulty, the solution of pursuing physical fitness and development, the solution of pursing physical development while highlighting cohesion of key aspects, and the solution of replacing content cohesion with objective and evaluation logic. However, years of research has yielded neither convincing and scientific hypothesis, nor scientific demonstration and experiment on the cohesion of P.E. curriculum from primary school through middle school to college and its logic. The superficial reason of this predicament is P.E.'s peculiarity as a discipline, while the underlying reason is the impossibility that all students from all over the country learn the same sport. The above shows that it is impossible to arrange a cohesive P.E. curriculum that is suitable for all students.
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    Female and Power: How Leisure Sports Has Changed Body Aesthetics
    CHEN Jingshu
    2019, 45 (2):  44-48.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.007
    Abstract ( 1348 )   PDF (1079KB) ( 1345 )   Save
    As a focus of today's culture, the body not only shapes human life style and spiritual attitude, but also has a close relationship with power. The body aesthetic cognition is the key for women to resist the male-dominated social ideology. The cultivation of stronger body aesthetic awareness and ability is conducive to the liberation of enslaved women, and women can thereby obtain the same equal rights and freedom as men. Taking leisure sports as the core entry point, this paper pointed out the importance of leisure sports for women's body aesthetics. The paper also discussed the return of feminism and body aesthetics in leisure sports from the perspective of the fusion of female representational body aesthetics and experiential body aesthetics. From the three dimensions of female body,this paper explored the influence of leisure sports in reshaping female body aesthetics and helping women to form new body aesthetic intention and self-knowledge.By cultivating women's correct body aesthetic consciousness and improving women's body aesthetic ability, leisure sports can help women obtain power and free them from the oppressive patriarchal and sexual worship culture.
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    The Internal Predicament and Path Selection from Sports Management to Sports Governance
    XU Wanbing
    2019, 45 (2):  49-54.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.008
    Abstract ( 1019 )   PDF (1076KB) ( 1527 )   Save
    Sports management is a practice in the era of planned economy while sport governance is the self-reform of administrative system driven by market economy. Relatively speaking, the core difference between sports management and sports governance is reflected in administrative subject, value target, and operation means. Currently, sport governance faces such internal predicaments as structural predicament in terms of the transformation from unary subject to multiple subjects, cognitive predicament in terms of the transition from management thinking to concepts of governance, and operational predicament in terms of the change from vertical management to horizontal synergy. The change from sports management to sports governance reflects China's management paradigms in different periods. This trend is irresistible and is an inevitable outcome of historical development. It objectively reflects that social productive relations have to adapt to the development of social productivity.
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    Research on the Level of Sports Service Demand for the Elderly Based on Attractive Quality Theory and Kano Model
    FAN Chengwen, LIU Qing, JIN Yuqiang, HUANG Jing
    2019, 45 (2):  55-61.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.009
    Abstract ( 926 )   PDF (1170KB) ( 1287 )   Save
    Accurately identifying the sports service demands of the elderly is the key to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of sports services for the elderly. Based on a survey on the sports service demands of 2153 elderly people in 14 cities and prefectures in Hunan province. the demand level and priority satisfaction sequence of sports services of all kinds of elderly people were analyzed through the Attractive Quality Theory and Kano model, The results show that the 23 sports services for the elderly are divided into 7 essential elements, 4 one-dimensional elements, 10 attractive elements and 5 irrelevant elements. Therefore, in order to better meet the old people's demands for sports services, we should improve the government investment mechanism to expand the supply of sports services for the elderly; guide the participation of the social forces to improve the quality of sports service supply for the elderly; attach importance to community micro governance to promote the shift of the center of sports management for the elderly from top to bottom; and innovate the supply pattern to improve the utilization efficiency of sports service resources.
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    Research on the Coordination Degree Evaluation of Fusion Development of Sports Industry and Elderly Care Industry——Taking 11 Provinces and Cities in East China as An Example
    YE Songzhong
    2019, 45 (2):  62-69.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.010
    Abstract ( 1109 )   PDF (1362KB) ( 1264 )   Save
    In order to explore the convergence development trend of sports industry and elderly care industry, this present paper put forward through the methods of documents, entropy and coupled coordination model the industrial level evaluation index of sports industry and elderly care industry, determines the weight of each index and constructs a fusion evaluation model of the two industries. Taking 11 provinces and cities in east China as an example, this present paper measures the development and fusion level of sports industry and elderly care industry, and evaluates the fusion level of sports industry and elderly care industry in the provinces and cities. The study shows that the development level of sports industry and elderly care industry in east China is rising year by year, while the growth rate remains slow. The fusion development of sports industry and elderly care industry in the provinces and cities presents no obvious difference, while the coupled coordination degree is low; and it is common that the fusion degree in the provinces and cities is low. To serve the practice, the paper proposed the countermeasures of continuously improving the comprehensive industrial development level, promoting the fusion development effect of sports industry and elderly care industry, improving the market cultivation function of elderly care industry, and optimizing intercity industrial development strategies.
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    Research on the Governance and Development of Chinese Square Dance in the New Era
    QIU Jiangang FANG Qi, lI Hong
    2019, 45 (2):  70-75.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.011
    Abstract ( 1051 )   PDF (1087KB) ( 1540 )   Save
    Square dancing is a way for Chinese "grass-roots"to express their cultural confidence and practice the ideology of big health. Starting from the development history of square dance in China, this present paper analyzed the problem of unbalancedness and inadequacy in square dance governance while trying to figure out the basic point, starting point and foothold for square dance governance in the new era. By clarifying the square dance to be an effective means for the general public to strengthen their art cultivation, personalized expression and comprehensive quality,a practical way for "grass-roots" to participate in sports cultural activities in China and express their cultural confidence as well as a way to adapt to the cause of national health development and implement the new requirements of the national strategy of "big health",this present paper put forward practical and concise means of governance including promoting system construction through mass participation, simplifying training contents, diversifying display means and giving guidance on propaganda contents and popularizing exercise instructions in a scientific way.
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    The Performance Measurement of Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese Professional Sport Clubs
    ZHANG Sen, WANG Jiahong
    2019, 45 (2):  76-82.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.012
    Abstract ( 911 )   PDF (1618KB) ( 1247 )   Save
    Based on the balanced scorecard management system,adopted the method of literature review and expert interview,developed and designed The corporate social responsibility scorecard of professional sports clubs in China. The result as followed:Integrating the political,economic,moral and emotion as a specific dimension of corporate social responsibility in the professional sport club,and ranked every individual indicators in corporate social responsibility performance scorecard,on this basis,construct a corporate social responsibility performance measurement model in professional sport club. Suggestion as followed:make a further research on the application,integration and potential of corporate social responsibility in professional sport club,promote the application of Corporate Social Responsibility performance scorecard model,which in order to promote regularly improvement and sustainable development of Chinese professional sport club.
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    Thoughts on the Future Development of Chinese Professional Tennis
    JIANG Hongwei, YIN Shulai
    2019, 45 (2):  83-86.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.013
    Abstract ( 1016 )   PDF (1052KB) ( 1351 )   Save
    After a short historical breakthrough, China's professional tennis reform is now short of high-level talents, and it is urgent to make breakthroughs at key aspects. On the basis of years of front-line coaching and professional tennis reform practice, five development priorities were proposed to facilitate the construction of professional tennis talent training system with Chinese characteristics, and realize the high quality sustainable development of Chinese tennis.
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    Effects of Short Term One-Leg Hurdle Training on Tennis Players' Lateral Start and Short Distance Acceleration Performance
    WANG Feng, ZHANG Zhihua, CHEN Fangfang
    2019, 45 (2):  87-94.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.014
    Abstract ( 981 )   PDF (1281KB) ( 1329 )   Save
    Objective: To analyze the effects of short term one-leg hurdle training on the performance of the tennis players' lateral start and short distance accelerated performance. Methods: the experimental method was used, 16 adult male tennis players were trained for 2 times a week for 4 weeks in a row. The experimental group (n=8) was trained with single leg hurdles, and the control group (n=8) was trained with two leg hurdles. Results: The simple effects of the left-right starting time, the 2.5m acceleration time and their total time in the middle and post-test were significant in the experimental group and the control group (partial η? =0.266~0.487, P < 0.05) ;the simple effects of the left- right starting time, 2.5m acceleration time and total time in the middle and pre-test were significant in the experimental group, and the simple effects of the left and right starting time, 2.5m acceleration time and total time in the middle and pos-test were significant in the control group (partial η?= 0.413~0.868, P< 0.01). The simple effect of left leg RSI in the experimental group and the control group tended to be significant (partial η?= 0.249, P = 0.05); the simple effect of left- right leg RSI and left- right dynamic balance in the experimental group was significant (partial η? = 0.57~0.68, P< 0.05). Conclusion: (1) 4 weeks single-leg hurdle training would have a positive effect on the lateral start and short-distance acceleration performance of tennis players. (2) After 4 weeks single-leg hurdle training and 4 weeks of detraining, the related physical fitness which affected the lateral start and short-distance acceleration performance of tennis players was better than that of double-leg hurdle training,and the related physical fitness of tennis players had the trend of being better than the double-leg hurdle training.
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    The Research on Sorting and Staging of Attack and Defense Ability of CSL in 2017 Season
    CHEN Chong, WANG Chaoxin, FENG Baocheng, HU Hongquan, Kang Jinming, CHEN Xiaoke
    2019, 45 (2):  95-102.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.015
    Abstract ( 712 )   PDF (1144KB) ( 1306 )   Save
    Objective: To explore the sorting and staging of offensive and defensive abilities of 2017CSL teams. Mainly use the literature, questionnaire,video observation, TOPSIS and RSR, statistic and analyze CSL240 games of 2017 season in the offensive and defensive ability indicators ,The results show that: 1) There are 4 teams in the field of attacking ability, Ci>0.5;Defensive ability Ci>0.5 are 8 teams;offensive and defensive comprehensive ability Ci>0.5 are 4 teams, offensive and defensive ability and team match ranked basically consistent. 2) Sub-file standard: Ci> 0.5560 for 1st file, Ci > 0.3166 for the 2nd files, Ci <0.3166 for the 3rd file. The conclusions follows: 1) The sorting of CSL team's offensive and defensive ability show the characteristics of the performance of the game is consistent with of rankings,The TOPSIS evaluation can reflect the offensive ability,offensive and defensive ability of each team better, and basically reflect the defensive ability of each team. 2) RSR method to CSL teams for a reasonable sub-file. 2017 season is divided into 3 stalls. It creat to combine the TOPSIS and the RSR ,quantifing the rationality of the 2017CSL attack and defense index capability and the division of the stalls, which can provide valuable reference for the future scientific analysis of CSL.
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    The Validity of Functional Movement Screening (FMSTM) In Predicting Injuries In Elite Short Track Speed Skating Athletes
    SHI Shimeng, DAI Wei, ZHANG Chuan, SONG Peng, HU Yushi, LIAO Yuanpeng
    2019, 45 (2):  103-109.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.016
    Abstract ( 771 )   PDF (2129KB) ( 1278 )   Save
    Objective: The validity of the Functional Movement Screening (FMSTM) in predicting sports injuries has been questioned. However, it has not been determined if FMSTM is valid in predicting injuries in speed skating athletes. In addition, it is unknown if FMS scores are related to core stability, dynamic posture control and performance level of elite speed skating athletes.Methods: Twenty-two elite short track speed skating athletes (10M,12F; mean age:19.4±2.5years old; mean height:173.3±6.1cm; mean weight:64.4±7.5kg) were recruited. Thirteen competed internationally (G1) and 9 competed nationally (G2). Athletes performed FMS, Y-Balance test, core muscle strength test and knee isokinetic muscle strength test at the beginning of the season, and injuries were clinically diagnosed and recorded at the end of the season. Pearson's correlation was used to examine the relationship among the measures. One-way ANOVA was employed to determine between-group differences.Results: (1) Fourteen athletes were injured in knee, low back, neck or thoracic spine during the subsequent competitive season.(2) Between knee injured and non-injured groups, there was significant difference in knee extension eccentric peak torque(F=8.240, P=0.009), knee flexion concentric peak torque(F=5.766, P=0.026), knee flexion eccentric peak torque(F=6.941, P=0.016) and trunk lateral flexion imbalance rate(F=13.396,P=0.002). Between low back injured and non-injured groups, there was a significant difference in trunk flexion strength (F=5.008,P=0.037). (3) FMS scores were not significantly correlated with any of the measures (all P>0.05) (4) ANOVA showed that FMS scores were not significantly different between injury and non-injured groups (F=0.002,P>0.05)and there was no significant difference in FMS scores between G1 and G2 (F=0.270,P>0.05)Discussion: Knee strength and core strength were significantly associated with subsequent knee and lower back injuries. However, FMS scores were not significantly correlated with subsequent injuries, core stability, dynamic posture control and performance level of elite speed skating athletes. Thus, the findings here do not support FMS be used as a tool for predicting the risk of injury in short track speed skating athletes.
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    Social Network Spread Phenomenon and Mechanism of Obesity among Adolescentsand Its Strategies
    WANG Junli, MENG Xianfeng
    2019, 45 (2):  110-115.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.017
    Abstract ( 679 )   PDF (1123KB) ( 1344 )   Save
    The obesity epidemic in children and adolescents has become more and more quickly,which is contrary to the target of "healthy China 2030".For the purpose, the research is to study the prevention program and the social diffusion phenomenon of obesity among young peoplethrough the literature analysis.The results are as follow,1) the social network of young people is a typical complex network, and conforms to the social network characteristics such as power law distribution, peer effects, small world and so on. 2) Obesity in children and adolescents is interpersonal dissemination or infection, which shows a distinct cluster of people. 3) The social network features of young people, such as centrality, homophily, interactivity and diffusivity, affects the interpersonal transmission and contagion of obesity,which are important dynamic factors of interpersonal spread in obesity. The conclusion is that, in view of the accelerating social diffusion of obesity inchildren and adolescents, it is half the work with double results to conduct physical activity intervention based on social network.
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    Study on the Correlation between the Characteristics of Innovative Sports and Adolescents' Attitude and Behavior towards Sports
    HUANG LiXin
    2019, 45 (2):  116-120.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.018
    Abstract ( 738 )   PDF (1068KB) ( 1215 )   Save
    Objective: As an important branch of health communication, sports health communication for special groups of primary and middle school students is vital for China's future. This study focuses on the influence of the attribute characteristics of innovative sports events on adolescents' attitude and behavior towards sports. Based on the theory of innovation diffusion, this present paper carried out an empirical research on the correlation between the attributes of sports events and adolescents' attitude and behavior towards sports. It was found that the attributes of sports events are related to adolescents' attitude and behavior, and the influence of the attributes of sports events varies at different stages of innovation diffusion. In addition, the specific restrictive attributes of innovative sports events will also affect the diffusion effect of innovation.
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    Thinking the Changes of School Physical education and Health Policy since the reform and opening up
    ZOU ran, DING Qingshu
    2019, 45 (2):  121-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.019
    Abstract ( 852 )   PDF (1138KB) ( 1279 )   Save
    This paper selected the China's central government level Promulgated the school Physical education and Health policies for the study, since 1979 the reform and opening up to 2015 30 years, in-depth analysis of the school Physical education and Health policies changes since the reform and opening up,Summed up the implementation Summed up the implementation of the results of our school health policies and problems results and problems of the school Physical education and Health policies , explore the future direction of the reform of school Physical education and health policy, to provide reference for improving and standardizing the development and implementation of school sports health policy, promote school Physical education and Health work better and faster development. Results show that, Chinese school Physical education and Health policy had strong continuity since the reform and opening up, adapt to the times demand, it plays an important guiding role in regulating and promoting school sports and the development of school health; Simultaneously, strong policy guidance, to resolve physical education, health development of the contradictions and problems played an important role in guiding. Future, school Physical education and Health policies' promulgation and implementation, should focus on enhancing operability, improve the ability to predict the policy. In addition, improve the implementation Supervisory Mechanism, implementation of "accountability."
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