ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    01 June 2013, Volume 39 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Orignal Article
    From Sports to Culture: Inevitable Choice of the Developmentof Contemporary Chinese Wushu.
    Wang Gang, Zhang Da-Zhi
    2013, 39 (6):  1-7. 
    Abstract ( 746 )   PDF (576KB) ( 1899 )   Save
    Based on document research, the paper, from the differences of eastern and western culture, looks back at the process of the development of Chinese Wushu and analyzes its survival situation of in the sports fields after its being changed into a sport, suggesting that the only way out for Chinese wushu to shake off the present survival dilemma is to refine it from mere sports to culture. Finally, the paper points out that the idea of refining Wushu from sport to culture is not meant to deny its sport function and value but to deepen people's cognition and exploration of the cultural value of Chinese Wushu.
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    A Contest between Fundamental Rights and Sports Integrity:How Far "The Whereabouts Rules" in Anti-doping System going
    ZHU Xi-Dong, JIANG Shi-Bo
    2013, 39 (6):  8-13. 
    Abstract ( 750 )   PDF (528KB) ( 1999 )   Save
    The whereabouts reporting system of athletes in the Anti-Doping Regulation of the International Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has ignited many controversies in sports field. Many athletes and sports organizations have accused it of violating the privacy of the athletes, the right to rest, the right of human dignity and freedom of movement, while the Anti-Doping Agencies resolutely defend the necessity and legitimacy of the rules. In review of judicial precedents, the legality and rationality of the whereabouts rules have been recognized, but the factors measuring the faults and due process are also witnessed. The Anti-Doping Agencies are responding and improving their protection of athletes' privacy.
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    Rationality of "Lex Sportiva" as the Law
    XIANG Hui-Ying
    2013, 39 (6):  14-21. 
    Abstract ( 711 )   PDF (667KB) ( 2014 )   Save
    "Lex Sportiva" has seen rapid development with the promotion of the ICAS (International Court of Arbitration for Sports). However, "Lex Sportiva" as a law is still faced with all kinds of questions. By discussing the existence of "Lex Sportiva" as a legal phenomenon, the paper analyzes the unique legal characteristics of "Lex Sportiva" and explains the rationality of "Lex Sportiva" as a legal phenomenon from the perspective of law anthropology and sociology. The paper points out that "Lex Sportiva" is an existent legal phenomenon. It further demonstrates the rationality of "Lex Sportiva" as a law from the value of law, the effectiveness of law, the social-law nature, the procedure justice of law, the stability and standardization of law and the predictability of law. The results show that "Lex Sportiva" has the nature of law, so it is a law that is existent and developing.
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    Development of American Adolescent Physical Fitness Test and Its Enlightenment to China
    GAO Gang,,JI Liu
    2013, 39 (6):  22-26. 
    Abstract ( 765 )   PDF (349KB) ( 1917 )   Save
    Adolescents' physical fitness constitutes the basis of a country's national health quality which is related to the country's future and competitiveness. The paper discusses the development process of American youth physical fitness test. It illustrates the American index system aiming at the core of establishing health quality and the testing standard of FITNESSGRAM. The paper also analyzes the related testing indexes of China's State Fitness and Health Standards of Students and FITNESSGRAM, suggesting some measures to further optimize and perfect China's fitness and health standard of students.
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    ptimization of the Framework of China's Professional Sports Market Access System
    LI Yan- Ling, WANG Jia-Hong
    2013, 39 (6):  27-32. 
    Abstract ( 640 )   PDF (961KB) ( 1975 )   Save
    The paper researches the optimization of main framework of China's professional sports market access system in order to develop and improve China's professional sports market access system and to promote the healthy development of professional sports market, with the result believing that the access system in China is the one of complex regulation with the characteristics of both social and economic regulations. The combination of market access mechanism, dynamic regulatory mechanism and exit mechanism forms the active monitoring system, which is conducive to maintaining competitive and orderly market environment of professional sport. Incentive regulation approach overcomes the problems brought about by the traditional administrative orders and control, which is conducive to regulating the clubs' main capacity construction and the soaring cost.
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    Evolution and Value Orientation of the Settings of Summer Olympic Events
    WANG-Lei, ZOU-Wei
    2013, 39 (6):  33-37. 
    Abstract ( 811 )   PDF (425KB) ( 2198 )   Save
    Olympic event settings constitute the main content of Olympic reform. The paper, from the perspective of the historical evolution of the settings of Olympic events, analyzes the current Olympic event settings and the concerning changes, with the result discovering that there are some controversies in the current summer Olympic event settings, including the contradiction between compressing the scale of the Olympic Games and the introduction of new events, the full sense of gender equality in the event settings and the balance between commercial and social value of events. The research comes up with the value orientation as follows event settings should be flexible; importance should be attached to the evaluation of the fairness and social value of event competition; focus should be put on the event environment to achieve sustainable development and more priorities should be given to the events in teenagers' interest.
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    Home Court Spectators' Deviant Behaviors of Shanxi Zhongyu Basketball Teamin CBA League
    ZHANG Da-Li,SHI Yan
    2013, 39 (6):  38-42. 
    Abstract ( 734 )   PDF (849KB) ( 1832 )   Save
    The research of the home court spectators' deviance of Shanxi Zhongyu basketball team in the CBA league indicates a rising tendency in terms of the frequency and development situation in such behaviors. The research shows that the incident is characterized by its being non-rational, hidden, concentrated and devastating. There are six influencing factors involving society, history, psychology, security, players and referees. The countermeasures to stop such deviances are closely related to fan culture.
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    Influence of Progressive Education Movement on New Physical Education in America
    SHEN Li-Ling,,ZHANG Jun-Xian
    2013, 39 (6):  43-46. 
    Abstract ( 850 )   PDF (334KB) ( 2240 )   Save
    Depending on literatures and historical analysis, the paper analyzes the influence of American Progressive Education represented by Dewey on America physical education. It is advocated in the concepts of progressive education that children are the center, schools are the society and people can learn by doing. Such concepts significantly influence the American physical education and destroy the old P.E system of the original contents of gymnastics as the content and medical treatment as the primary purpose, which leads to the gradual formation of the unique P.E. System f American characteristics. Wood's "new physical education" and Hetherington's "education through the body" have far-reaching impact on future generations.
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    Media, Discourse and Power: Reflection on the Survival Space of to Traditional Martial Arts
    WANG Hai, et al
    2013, 39 (6):  47-52. 
    Abstract ( 721 )   PDF (501KB) ( 1832 )   Save
    With the acceleration of China's modernization process, western sports with magnificent commercial packaging and multiple competition forms is promoted by various media to gradually become the main part participated in and appreciated by the Chinese people. As a representative of the traditional culture, martial arts has significantly been compressed in terms of its survival space because of the changes in social survival system in addition to its special inheritance mode and special practice requirements. It has strayed away from the public life. A very important feature of modern sports development lies in the control of the media system,i.e. to guide mass sports culture through the media and to obtain the corresponding discourse right at the same time. But it is difficult for traditional martial arts to obtain any breakthrough because of the influence and restriction of traditional culture. Therefore traditional martial arts has to return to the body.The discourse right of martial arts can be achieved in the world by the cultivation of both the body and mind and self-consciousness. Traditional martial arts will establish its own survival space only by returning to the body level.
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    Image-numerological Culture of the Yi Learning Reflected in Chinese Chess
    ZHANG Hong-An
    2013, 39 (6):  53-57. 
    Abstract ( 688 )   PDF (399KB) ( 2050 )   Save
    Depending on literature, expert interviews, logical reasoning and archaeological speculations, this paper analyzes the culture of "the image-number of the Yi learning" reflected in Chinese chess, the purpose of which is to make it clear that the origin of the so-called "elephant" in chess is not the "elephant" previously believed by some scholars as its origin in India because India is abundant with elephants. The author finds that the "elephant" in chess should be the "image" in "image-numerology of the Yi learning", which is the highly condensed understanding and grasp of ancient Chinese people about the universe, the natural law and humanity. It enables chess to be equipped with the divining function, social function and ethic function of the Yi learning.
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    Micro-Blog's Significant Influences on College Athletes
    JIN Ping, Xu Wen-Yu
    2013, 39 (6):  58-60. 
    Abstract ( 701 )   PDF (1205KB) ( 2023 )   Save
    This paper uses the methods of literature review, questionnaire and comprehensive analysis to research micro-blog's significant influences on elite college athletes in terms of their learning style, life style and values. It is concluded that the related government departments of the country should strengthen supervision and control of micro-blogs and direct such culture of network public opinions to positive development.
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    Evaluation Dimension for the Rationality of Sports Competition Rules
    LIU Shu-Ying,WANG Jian-Ping
    2013, 39 (6):  66-69. 
    Abstract ( 725 )   PDF (320KB) ( 1658 )   Save
    The basic theories and the evaluation dimension of the rationality of sports competition rules are analyzed in the paper by reviewing literature and combining some practical competition examples. It is believed that sports competition rules should be analyzed from the dimensions of rationality for value, tool and form. Value rationality should be the first criterion for players' competition and referees' judgment when contradictions are witnessed among them. The use of rule loopholes on the part of athletes does not violate the public and formal rules, but it takes advantage of the hidden rules in sports competition, which violates the commonly agreed rules, damages sportsmanship and ruins the educational value and demonstration effects of competitive sports.
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    Random Phenomenon in Confrontational Event- Group Competitions
    ZHANG Xue-Feng,LIU Jian-He
    2013, 39 (6):  70-75. 
    Abstract ( 688 )   PDF (1342KB) ( 1723 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature, observations and statistical analysis, etc., the paper researches the random phenomenon in event-group competitions, with the conclusion showing that the random phenomenon widely exists in such confrontational competitions as football and basketball. There are similarities and differences in the random phenomenon for different events. The random phenomenon in sports competitions can be described as "the random chain body".
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    Analysis and Reconstruction of the Training Mode of Reserve Talentsfor China's Competitive Basketball
    ZHANG Ning
    2013, 39 (6):  76-80. 
    Abstract ( 714 )   PDF (441KB) ( 2111 )   Save
    By means of literature review and logical reasoning, the paper studies connection mechanism of the training mode of reserve talents for China's competitive basketball. China's training modes of reserve talents are developing in a varied and diversified way, but there is no effective connection between the modes, which leads to the overall low efficiency in talent training. On the basis of the analysis of the connection defects in the training modes during the period of planned economy and social transition, the paper reconstructs the connection mechanism of the training modes of reserve talents in China's basketball from the perspective of training objective, management, training, competition and talent supply, etc.
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    Biomechanical Research of Balance Control Strategy During Backward Slip Inducedby Sit-to-Stand Movement
    LI Xu-Long , JI Zhong-Qiu
    2013, 39 (6):  81-86. 
    Abstract ( 767 )   PDF (895KB) ( 2178 )   Save
    Objective this study analyzes the characteristics of support and balance control during backward slip induced by sit-to-stand movement and the related factors. Methods ten subjects are tested for their slips on sliding platforms to measure their joint torque, proprioception and reaction time. Results 1) The successful balance recovery is characterized by a significantly raised ground reaction force (GRF), action time and COP displacement in X and Y direction. 2) The IEMG change of tibialis anterior (TA), erector spinae (ES) and deltoideus (DE) increased significantly during backward slip. 3) Ankle's force and proprioception is highly related to the adjustment time during backward slip. Conclusion When encountered with sudden backward slip during sit-to-stand, it is the trend of human body people to always take backward recovery step against backward slip. Larger support base and more time can be acquired to adjust balance by greater stride of recovery step. Meanwhile, powerful arm swing is also important to balance control.
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    Kinematic Analysis on Li Fukui's 720? Spin Kick Followed by Horse Stancein Southern Fist(Nanquan)
    CHENYang ,CHEN Xiao-Hui
    2013, 39 (6):  87-90. 
    Abstract ( 762 )   PDF (817KB) ( 1715 )   Save
    The paper uses the methods of literature, expert interviews, 3-D video analysis to analyze Li Fukui's ( outstanding athlete in Nanquan in Sichuan) 720? spin kick followed by horse stance at the 2012 National Nanquan Championship, the purpose of which is to explore the inherent kinematic characteristics and laws so as to provide some scientific evidence for martial arts training.
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    Potential Problem Analysis on the Psychological Scale or Questionnaire in Sport Psychology
    QI Hong-Mei,LIU Wei-Na
    2013, 39 (6):  91-95. 
    Abstract ( 758 )   PDF (335KB) ( 2123 )   Save
    108 articles related to developing and revising psychological scale or questionnaire are sorted out through the retrieval of 16 Chinese major periodicals in sports category in CNKI. The results reveal that (1) the number of the related articles has been growing slowly in the past years; (2) the types of the scale or questionnaire are deficiently dispersed in some domains; (3) the application of the scale or questionnaire focus too much on competitive sports; (4) the development or revision of the psychological scale or questionnaire is insufficient in standardability; (5) the preciseness of reliability and validity of the scale or questionnaire is deficient. In view of the above-mentioned problems, the paper comes up with following suggestions sport psychologists should focus on developing and revising the psychological scale or questionnaire. More importance should be attached to the research of school sports and mass fitness (two applied fields). Further revision of the existing scale or questionnaire can not be delayed.
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