ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    01 July 2013, Volume 39 Issue 7 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Orignal Article
    Empirical Analysis on the Influence Factors in Sports Law Research——based on the citation data of sports law papers in CSSCI (2003-2012)
    ZHANG Jian,WANG Long-Long
    2013, 39 (7):  1-10. 
    Abstract ( 659 )   PDF (412KB) ( 1710 )   Save
    Based on the number, discipline distribution, document types and language distribution of sports law papers cited in CSSCI from 2003-2012, the paper conducts an empirical analysis on the influence factors of sports law researches and the researchers’ knowledge structure. The average citation number of sports law papers is lower than that of law papers. There are some disciplines that create more influences on sports law researches, which are law, economics and sports science. The cited papers are mainly in the form of papers and monographs with insufficient influence on the part of textbooks. English is the main language in the citation of foreign language literature without Germany and Japanese counterparts. Sports law researches have achieved significantly but there are also some problems waiting to be solved. Therefore, we have to pay attention to and regulate China’s sports law researches from perspective of the knowledge structure.
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    Construction Status and Countermeasures of Transforming and Upgradingof P.E National Quality Courses in College
    FU Xue-lin, et al
    2013, 39 (7):  11-16. 
    Abstract ( 700 )   PDF (444KB) ( 1702 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature, interviews and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzes 47 P.E National Quality Courses selected from 2003 to 2010 from the perspective of their regional distributions, faculty construction, resources construction, recourse display and utilization as well as the changes in the assessment index system. The result shows that there are still some possibilities for improvement. Based on the analysis of the current situations, this paper proposes some measures for the transforming and upgrading of P.E Quality Courses in order to promote the course team building, the integration of existing quality course resources, the design of teaching materials and supporting resources, the building of sharing mode and the construction of evaluation system.
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    Comparative Research on the Enhancement and Intervention Strategiesfor Adolescents Exercise Behavior and the Corresponding Revelations
    ZHENG Xiang-Rong,JIANG Guang-He
    2013, 39 (7):  17-22. 
    Abstract ( 798 )   PDF (421KB) ( 1450 )   Save
    Based on the policy of enhancing adolescents' exercising behavior and the goal of the policy, the paper compares and analyzes different concepts and strategies for enhancing and interfering with adolescents' exercising behavior, as well as the policies and goals proposed in different disciplines for Chinese adolescents. The research results show that to enhance and interfere with adolescent exercising behavior in the future, we must improve the related insurance system, draw up scientific excise plans and cultivate positive public opinions, etc. The specific measures are suggested as follows (1) Joint efforts of the whole society and disciplines are of fundamental importance; (2) The effective combination of family sports, school sports and community sports plays a key role; (3) It is the main means to actively develop sports clubs of different events for adolescents; (4) It is the effective guarantee to decide on the sports events, intensity and quantity that are physically and mentally suitable for adolescence; (5) It is an inevitable trend to set up model schools for scientific exercise.
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    Application of Regional Economic Theory to China’s Regional SportsDevelopment Strategic Research
    ZOU Lei, QIAN Jian-rong et al
    2013, 39 (7):  23-28. 
    Abstract ( 682 )   PDF (513KB) ( 1695 )   Save
    The paper summarizes the application of the disequilibrium theory, equilibrium theory, gradient theory, point-axis model and city circle model to the researches of sports development strategies, pointing out the merits and demerits of the present researches. The research results indicates that regional economics has began to be combined with the research of regional sports development strategies, involving the layout of regional sports tourism, sports industry, athletic sports and mass sports. But it is still in its infant period with no theoretic system or joint point between theory and practice.
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    Inheritance of Guozhuang Dance of the Zang and Qiang Nationalities underthe Perspective of Field Domain
    LIU Wei ,CHEN Wei
    2013, 39 (7):  29-32. 
    Abstract ( 760 )   PDF (312KB) ( 1620 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature, questionnaire survey, interviews and statistical analysis, the paper researches the current inheritance situation of the Guozhuang dance of the Zang and Qiang nationalities from the policy system, inheritance paths, younsters’ recognition and particitpation, with the result showing that great changes have taken place in minority nationalities’ life because of social changes and rapid economc development. Modern mainstream sports culture has put Guozhuang into a predicament in terms of its inheritance. In order to better inherit and develop the ancient musical culture of Guozhuang, the paper, based on Bourdieu's field theory, establishes the trinity field of Guozhuang inheritance composed of community families, school sports, competition and performance, which will enable the dance to perform its three functions of fitness and entertainment, ethnic education and social integration.
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    Development Pathes of National Fitness in Remote Western Regions of China——a case study of Aba Prefecture
    LIU Qi
    2013, 39 (7):  33-36. 
    Abstract ( 711 )   PDF (279KB) ( 1570 )   Save
    This paper uses literature material and mathematical statistics to analyze the national fitness program of Aba Prefecture in 2011. It also conducts fact data descriptions and statistics about capital investment, venue construction, social sports instructor training, urban and rural sports organizations so as to introduce the status quo and achievements of the national fitness program in Aba Prefecture and to analyze the problems in the scientific develpoment process of the program, the purpose of which is to provide references and suggestions for the sustanable development of the program in remote mountainous areas of west China.
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    Research on John Locke’s Sports Thoughts
    ZHANG Ai-hong
    2013, 39 (7):  37-40. 
    Abstract ( 1036 )   PDF (381KB) ( 1645 )   Save
    To grasp accurately the historical value of the sport thoughts of John Locke, the British sport thinker, the paper refines the Locke’s view on sport and analyzes Locke’s thoughts on sports in the context of sport history by literature review. It puts forward that Locke broke the heavy chains on sport from the mind dualism by planting sport into the ecosystem of "rights". He found a national way for sport from the view of happiness. He built a bridge between sport and individuals’ comprehensive development of people and enabled sports completely integrate into education area, and ultimately led sports to the way towards its transformation into modern sports. Right, rational and individuals’ comprehensive development constitutes the whole system of Locke’s sport thoughts which brought about the transition of ancient European sports into a modern one.
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    Virtue Dimension of Ancient Greek sports
    CHI Qiu-ping
    2013, 39 (7):  41-45. 
    Abstract ( 781 )   PDF (394KB) ( 1679 )   Save
    The ancient Greek civilization constitutes the foundation of western civilization and builds the thinking mode of western civilization and the model of educational thought because it integrates the concept of body and mind into the normal state of philosophical paradigm, thus forming a kind of potential and profound influence on the concept of sports. Ancient Greek sports very vividly reveals such thoughts and practicality, which constructs the balance and system of sports concept. Ancient Greek sports, as it were, contains the essence of the educational civilization of ancient Greece, stressing the function of strengthening the body functons to improve the mind so as to achieve the supreme good. The paper, from the perspective of sports virtue, discusses the civilization form and contents of anciient Greek sports and its significance to modern sports.
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    Restudy of the Social Cultural Factors for the Formation of Chinese Martial Arts
    ZHU Qing-hua
    2013, 39 (7):  46-49. 
    Abstract ( 696 )   PDF (319KB) ( 1654 )   Save
    Through literature review, the paper, from the perspective of social culture, researches and discusses the formation and evelopment of Chinese martial arts, believing that the social and cultural environment of the Song dynasty gave birth to the real germination of Chinese martial arts. Chinese traditional philosophy provides a unique and rich theoretical system and basis for Chinese martial arts while nationalization lifestyle brings about the unique inheritance mode and goal pursuit of Chinese martial arts.
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    The Investigation of the Present Situation and Countermeasuresof the Clubalization of Basketball in Chinese Universities
    Zhang Zixiong
    2013, 39 (7):  50-53. 
    Abstract ( 819 )   PDF (321KB) ( 2018 )   Save
    Basketball is one of the favorite sports by college students, As in recent years, college students participate in physical exercise diversified demand and the development trend of college basketball club gradually. it's perfection course will provide echo of other physical education curriculum reform. According to the existing prominent problems in the process of the implementation of the university basketball clubs, based on the summary and discussion of the current situation, the author puts forward his own views and opinions on the development of the clubalization of basketball in Chinese universities. In order to provide the theoretical basis and practical reference for the Physical Education Reform.
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    Personnel Training Mode for Sports Interpretation and Translation in China
    TIAN Xue-li,LI Zai-hui
    2013, 39 (7):  54-56. 
    Abstract ( 789 )   PDF (309KB) ( 1655 )   Save
    A survey on the current situation of China’s sports translating personnel reveals a shortage of such personnel. There have appeared a mass of the corresponding training modes with uneven qualities, but the systematic and direct training has not been witnessed yet. Foreign language colleges and universities are advantageous in training such personnel in terms of their hardwares, softwares and disciplinary aspects, which provides exellent and necessary conditions for this purpose. Now there are two training modes the mode of second classrooms and experimental classes and the mode of professional training. The paper bases on the previously mentioned situation to construct the tranining modes of sports translating and interpreting personnel in foreign language universities so as to provide theoretical guidance for the training of such personnel.
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    Value of the Introduction of Minoroty Nationalities’ Tradional Sportsinto Universities in West China
    LU Shi-bin
    2013, 39 (7):  57-59. 
    Abstract ( 786 )   PDF (218KB) ( 1669 )   Save
    The paper takes “Firewoks Grabbing Game” as an example to research its origin, development, sports characteristics and value. It is emphazised in the paper that we should apply modern sports means to creatively develop the game so as to include it in university P.E. course with national characteristics and highlight the education value of the intruction of minority nationalities’ sports into universities in west China.
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    Comparative Analysis on the Set Movements between Chineseand Foreign Outstanding Cheerleading Teams
    XU Zhong-qiu, Zhao Yue-zhe
    2013, 39 (7):  60-63. 
    Abstract ( 702 )   PDF (193KB) ( 1841 )   Save
    The paper researches top 8 teams at the 2012 Cheerleading World Championships and domestic competitions, with the result showing that there are obvious gaps between Chinese teams and foreign teams, especially in their knowledge of the event, movement design, cheerleaders’ ability and difficult movements, etc. Innovation should the future focus so as to improve the overall performance of the Chinese cheerleaders.
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    Experimental Research on the Introduction of Core Strength Traininginto Competitive Fitness Qigong
    LIU Jin-li, et al
    2013, 39 (7):  64-67. 
    Abstract ( 655 )   PDF (725KB) ( 1545 )   Save
    Purpose Fitness Qigong competition requires athletes to control the body posture and to stabilize the body center of gravity, which poses very high demand on the core area muscle group. The core strength training helps to develop muscle strength in the core area, which has been confirmed in some competitive sports events. Coaches and athletes are thinking about introducing the training into the Qigong exercises. This research is an attempt to explore the role of the core strength training in the fitness Qigong competition. Method 6 male Qigong athletes are picked out as the experimental targets to heir core strength training for three months. 4 tests are conducted during the period, and the testing items include the core isometric strength, the equilibrium ability in the core area, the body balancing ability, and the body flexibility. The test data are statistically processed and compared in order to learn the change patterns. Conclusion(1)The intervention can effectively train the flexion strength in the core area, and the promotion margin can reach from 10% to 30%。Moderate introduction of the core area strength training into the fitness Qigong competition helps to promote the specific fitness quality for the athletes (2) The core strength training program design should coincide with the difficulty characteristics of the Qigong action in order to improve the stability ability in the core area and to improve the flexibility quality in the same pace. Both strength and flexibility should be taken into consideration in the core strength training. (3) The intervention significantly improves the balancing ability in the weak leg of the testers over 50%, showing that the core strength training can effectively overcome the unevenness in the balancing ability.
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    Characteristics and Countermeasures of the Regional Distributionof Track and Field Events at the 9-11 National Games
    Ye Jing
    2013, 39 (7):  68-71. 
    Abstract ( 719 )   PDF (803KB) ( 1728 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature, mathematical statistics and comparative analysis, the paper bases its research on the performance in the track and field events from the 9th to the 10th National Games to analyze the characteristics of regional distribution of such events at the above-mentioned games. The research result shows that the East China area is not only of the strongest comprehensive strength in track and field but also of the most stable performance in winning medals North and Northeast China areas are both superior in their track and field events at the national games. Central, northwest China, Hong Kong and Macao demonstrate unstable comprehensive competitive strength and are not entitled to medals. At the same time, East and South China regions show their obvious superiority in speed events, with East China areas standing out in stamina events and East China, North China regions, in speed and power events.
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    Analysis on the Statistics of Techniques and Tacticsof Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team and Its Rivals at the London Olympic Games
    ZHONG Hong-Zhi,,SHU Wei-Ping
    2013, 39 (7):  72-75. 
    Abstract ( 832 )   PDF (253KB) ( 1693 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature, video observations and mathematical analysis, the paper conducts statistics and analyses about the related data of Chinese women volleyball team’s competitions at the London Olympic Games, with the result indicating that the team is inferior to its rivals in serving and receiving. Quick attack scores higher than other teams in the first attack but the offensive approaches and points are relatively simple with unstable performance in the competition.
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    Effects of HiLo Training on Pyruvic Ketolase and Transcriptional Regulation Factorsin Rat Skeletal Muscles
    HUANG Sen,
    2013, 39 (7):  76-80. 
    Abstract ( 669 )   PDF (356KB) ( 1671 )   Save
    Purposes To evaluate the effects of HiLo training on pyruvic ketolase and the expression of HIF-1α and ChREBP in rat skeletal muscles. Methods After adaptive training, 40 8-week-old male SD rats are divided into living-low quiet control group(LC), living-low training-low group(LoLo), living-high quiet control group(HC) and living-high training-low group(HiLo). All living-high groups stay in the environment with 13.6% oxygen concentration, about the altitude of 3500 m, for 12h/day. All training groups undergo treadmill training with 35m/min for 1hour/day, 5days/ week, 4 weeks. Gastrocnemius is obtained after 24hs of last training. The activity of PK is detected by colorimetry. Technology of Real Time Quantitative PCR and Western blotting are adopted in order to test the genes expression and protein level changes of PK, HIF-1α and ChREBP. Results (1) Hypoxia reduces PK activity significantly (p<0.01). Training increases PK protein level significantly (p<0.05). Hypoxia and training increase PK mRNA level significantly (p<0.01) and there is significantly interaction. (2) Hypoxia and training increase HIF-1α mRNA and protein level significantly (p<0.01) and there is significant interaction. (3) Training increases ChREBP mRNA and protein level significantly (p<0.05 or p<0.01), and there is significantly interaction between hypoxia and training (p<0.01). Conclusions 4 weeks of HiLo training can reduce resting rat’s gastrocnemius activity of PK, and the up-regulation of gastrocnemius HIF-1α and ChREBP gene and protein expression can induce PK gene expression, which is beneficial to PK for the body to store energy in resting state and stimulating activity at state of motion, which is the result of HiLo training accommodation.
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    Test and Revision of BNSS in the Context of High School Students’ PE Class in China
    CHEN Fu-liang, YANG Jian
    2013, 39 (7):  81-85. 
    Abstract ( 756 )   PDF (331KB) ( 1882 )   Save
    The test and development process of the Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale (BNSS) in high school students’ PE class are presented in this study. The BNSS is a domain-specific self-report instrument designed to assess the perceptions of the extent to which the innate needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are satisfied in students’ PE class. The selected samples consist of 930 junior high school students. 930 students are measured by the BNSS, and 30 students for the inspection of the retest reliability. The results demonstrate an adequate factor structure, internal consistency, retest reliability and structure validity. The item load in each factor is between .462-.795. The internal consistency coefficient in each reliability is between .817-.866. Retest reliability was between .725-.802. Therefore, it is effective to use BNSS to assess the basic needs satisfaction in high school students’ PE class.
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    Rationality of vital capacity weight index evaluation system——Correlation analysis based on between vital capacity and morphological index
    WANG Zheng, SUN Jin-xian, TAO Yu-liu, YUE Chun-lin
    2013, 39 (7):  86-90. 
    Abstract ( 754 )   PDF (306KB) ( 1629 )   Save
    2239 college students of vital capacity, height, body weight, sitting height, chest circumference, waist circumference, skinfold thickness of shoulder, triceps skinfold, abdominal skinfold test, through statistical analysis, correlationand regression, the statistical results vital capacity weight index evaluation system is unreasonable, the height, suggestion body weight, chest circumference, vital capacity index into the relative vital capacity system evaluation.
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    Characteristics of BMI, Bone Mineral Density,and PWV and ABI among Three Groups of People
    TANG Yong,ZHENG Bing
    2013, 39 (7):  91-95. 
    Abstract ( 865 )   PDF (260KB) ( 1689 )   Save
    Professional aquatics female college students, ordinary college students and non-aquatics students are tested and analyzed for their BMI, bone mineral density, PWV and ABI, with the result believing that aquatics not only has an important role in people’s body shape, but also influences people’s cardiovascular functions, so it is essential for ordinary people to do some resistance training during exercise on water so as to avoid osteoporosis.
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