ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 January 2021, Volume 47 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Realistic Dilemma and Countermeasures of the Integration of Sports and Education in China
    YANG Guoqing
    2021, 47 (1):  1-6.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.001
    Abstract ( 4730 )   PDF (1380KB) ( 2117 )   Save
    The integration of sports and education is an important support for the construction of a strong country in sports and education, and is an inevitable product of the development of the times to a certain stage. To carry out the integration of sports and education in an orderly manner and achieve high-quality development, it is necessary to coordinate relevant stakeholders. The article analyzes the composition of stakeholders in the integration of sports and education, analyzes the difficulties faced by different stakeholders in the process of integration of sports and education, and proposes a balance and coordination strategy for stakeholders in the integration of sports and education. The study believes that the core stakeholders of the integration of sports and education are mainly based on the structural relationship of the three levels of government, school and society, and the three have a profound impact on the future development of the integration of sports and education. The integration of sports and education must be guided by goal integration, guided by concept integration, mechanism integration as the key, resource integration as support, and measure integration as the starting point to improve the initiative, tolerance, consciousness, initiative, and creativity of different stakeholders.
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    Reflection on and Improvement of Problems in China's Youth Sports Work
    QING Shanglin
    2021, 47 (1):  7-12.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.002
    Abstract ( 1241 )   PDF (1254KB) ( 1520 )   Save
    Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the beginning of the new era, China's youth sports work has made a progress in many ways, but there are still many problems first, the comprehensive value of school sports has not been effectively brought into play, which is evident in promoting the development of youth sports; second, traditional sports schools cannot keep up with the needs of the times, and lack development vitality; third, social organizations in relation to youth sports are still in their infancy, immature in all aspects and cannot support the development of youth sports in the new era. The "Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Sports and Education to Promote the Healthy Development of Adolescents" is a guiding document for youth sports work in the new development stage. Conceptions towards youth sports work need to be changed accordingly promoting the return of sports to education, relying more on social resources, giving active support to social sports organizations, and promoting the construction of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities. The specific measures to further the "integration of sports and education" include strengthening school sports work, perfecting the system of youth sports events, detailing the construction of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities, deepening the reform of sports schools, improving social sports organizations and strengthening the construction of physical education teachers and coaches.
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    Reconsidering the Integration of Sport and Education in China ——An Explanation of On Printing and Distributing Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Sport and Education and Promoting the Healthy Development of Teenagers
    SUN Ke, LIU Tiejun, MA Yanhong, ZHANG Zhen, HUAN Changdian, JI Chenglong, REN Huitao, WANG Yongshun, YAN Shizhan, LI Li
    2021, 47 (1):  13-20.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.003
    Abstract ( 1325 )   PDF (1267KB) ( 1519 )   Save
    The integration of sport and education,which embodies the top-level design of sport and education with the concept of "health first", is crucial to the foundation of the future development of China. It not only determines the healthy development of education and sport, but also influences the strategic development of national economy, society and security. By using the methods of content analysis and literature review, the research examines the policy of sport and education integration, holding that the policy involves issues such as the weaknesses of national development, the national top-level design concept and the reform of government agency function and putting forward a road map for the reform and development of youth sports in China in the new era. The new orientation of physical education at schools, the new design of youth sports events, the new direction of sports school development, and the new requirements of social sports organization admittance will lead to a new change in the training mode of elite sports talents in China. In order to realize the real integration of "sport" and "education", it is necessary to overcome the major hindrances restricting the development of physical education at schools, break the barriers of departmental interests, introduce more detailed policy supporting measures, and redefine the roles and functions of different organizations and departments.
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    An Analysis on the Decision Theory of “Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games postponed for one year”
    YI Jiandong
    2021, 47 (1):  21-31.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.004
    Abstract ( 1170 )   PDF (2088KB) ( 1387 )   Save
    From the aspects of decision-making process, decision-making basis, decision-making influence and relevant measures, this paper sorts out the pros and cons of the IOC in the decision-making process of "Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games postponed for one year". This paper analyzes the influence of this decision on the consolidation of world sports calendar, the reconstruction of sports organization relations, the realization of Olympic vision, and the compensation for the interests of international organizations, and points out the possibility of realizing in-depth exploration in the dialogue between sports governance and public management of the sports academic research in the post-COVID19 era.
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    Interpretation, Composition and Transcendence of National Physical Education and Health Achievement Quality of High School Students in China from the Perspective of Key Competence
    WANG Xiaozan, HE Yaohui, YIN Zhihua
    2021, 47 (1):  32-40.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.005
    Abstract ( 960 )   PDF (2461KB) ( 1357 )   Save
    Achievement quality, the academic level that students should reach after completing the subject study, is based on subject key competence and its performance level. National Physical Education and Health Achievement Quality, which is derived from the General High School Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards (2017 Edition), is the quality guarantee system to help establish and improve the basic education, as well as the critical way to deepen and promote the curriculum reform in physical education and health. Based on analyzing and summarizing the characteristics of foreign achievement quality in physical education, such as the quality-oriented ability, performance level, and measurability, this article introduces the purpose, theoretical basis, and composition and interrelationship of National Physical Education and Health Achievement Quality and makes an in-depth analysis of its inheritance and transcendence of General High School Physical Education and Health Curriculum (2003, Experimental) in terms of goal orientation, grade levels, and quality description, aiming at helping physical educators to better understand the achievement quality of high school physical education and health.
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    Analysis and Contrastive Study of Sports Literacy Literature in China and Abroad
    LI Weidong, SHEN Hejun, ZHU Qiao
    2021, 47 (1):  41-49.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.006
    Abstract ( 1128 )   PDF (1296KB) ( 1765 )   Save
    Purpose This study is to review and contrast the current status of Chinese and English literature on physical literacy and identify future research directions of physical literacy in western countries, with a goal of guiding future research on physical literacy in China. Methods A total of 89 articles (32 in Chinese and 57 in English) peer-reviewed journal articles meeting our inclusion and exclusion criteria were identified by searching the cnk.com, SPORTDiscus, and EBSCO database by using a keyword of physical literacy. A coding template was used to code the data. Quantitative data were analyzed using frequencies and percentage in Excel. Results and Conclusions Research on physical literacy has been increasing. Its conceptualizations vary across countries; there is a misalignment between the measurement and Whitehead's conceptualization; The majority of studies focused on students as participants. Types of studies in western countries were more broad and diverse. Many studies were cross-sectional. No research has been done to examine the development of physical literacy from a longitudinal or cross-cultural perspective. It is suggested that researchers in China investigate perceptions and understandings of physical literacy by in-service physical education teachers and how to reform undergraduate physical education teacher education curriculum to train pre-service physical education teachers on teaching physical literacy to K-12 students in school. In addition, further studies on the relationship between physical literacy and school physical education are needed to accomplish the goals of school physical education.
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    Research on the Innovation and Development of Happy Gymnastics Under the Guidance of Key Literacy of Physical Education
    JI Yanxia, LV Wangang
    2021, 47 (1):  50-55.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.007
    Abstract ( 971 )   PDF (1259KB) ( 1414 )   Save
    In order to play the role of happy gymnastics in school physical education, the article,guided by the key literacy of physical education,examines the value of happy gymnastics through the literature method, and proposes an innovative development path in view of the limitations of happy gymnastics development. According to the research, happy gymnastics has important value in cultivating students' athletic ability, healthy behavior, and sports morality; however, it also has such limitations as imperfect content, lack of diversification of equipment, and insufficient expression of education value; it needs to be innovated by deepening connotation and innovating content, reforming teaching methods, enriching equipment, and improving the evaluation system; the study took the innovation of teaching apparatus for rolling movements as an example, and found that it has significant effects in cultivating students' athletic ability, healthy behavior, and sports morality.
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    Analysis and Summary of the Evolvement of Adolescent Sports Policy in China over the Past Forty Years since the Reform and Opening-up
    LI Qiang
    2021, 47 (1):  56-62.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.008
    Abstract ( 970 )   PDF (1405KB) ( 1284 )   Save
    Policy has a huge leading role. A scientific and reasonable adolescent sports policy system is an accelerator for the healthy development of adolescents' mind and body. By means of literature review, text analysis and expert interview, this paper summarizes the evolvement of adolescent sports policy in China since the Reform and Opening-up, and holds that adolescent sports policy in China has undergone three historical periods, namely, adjustment and development period, stable development period, and prosperity and development period since the Reform and Opening-up. Based on the division, the paper analyzes the problems that arose during the evolvement process. The paper then proposes four points for the healthy development of adolescent sports according to the reality of adolescent sports development in China identify the main body of power and responsibility in various organizations, promote cross-sectoral cooperation, monitor and evaluate the long-term mechanism of implementing adolescent sports policies; secure the leading position of "physical education" and work hard on "teaching, training and competition"; increase investment by expand funding channel and encouraging the participation of social forces.
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    Progress, Problems and Optimizing Path of China's Sports Goods Import Trade in the New Era
    MENG Rui,CHENG Yuanyuan,SONG Yu
    2021, 47 (1):  63-70.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.009
    Abstract ( 873 )   PDF (1246KB) ( 1365 )   Save
    Using the methods of documentation, logical analysis and case analysis, and with reference to the background of the "Belt and Road" Initiative and the free trade area (port) development, this present paper takes the First China International Import Trade Fair as an starting point to make a comprehensive research on the import and export status of global sports goods and the progress and problems of China's sports goods import trade. For a long time, sports goods industry has supported most of the development of China's sports industry. Although China's sports industry is deeply involved in the international division of labor and integrated into international industrial chain, the sports goods import trade is not developing very quickly, for there are still various problems and shortcomings in the structure, quota, geographical direction and price composition of imported goods. By consulting the relevant literature and latest data of global and China's sports goods trade, especially import trade, the researcher reviewed and analyzed the current situation of China's sports goods import trade, and put forward some new ideas and suggestions for the development of China's sports goods import trade.
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    Cultural Education Policy for China's Athletes (1949-2019): Evolution characteristics and optimization strategy
    NI Jingshuai, XU Shiwei, WANG Jiahong
    2021, 47 (1):  71-78.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.010
    Abstract ( 899 )   PDF (1378KB) ( 1346 )   Save
    This study selected 48 copies about the athlete culture education policy text of central level and 25 copies of the effective parts about the currency local level between 1949 and 2018, using the theory of policy system to analyze the Numbers, subjects, themes and effectiveness of these policies. It reveals the main progress evolution characteristics and shortage of Chinese athletes' cultural and educational policy in the 70 years since the founding of the people's Republic of China. From lack of policy making to relative improvement, the training objectives need to meet the needs of the society; Policy content from relevant to specific, the scope of policy themes needs to be further expanded; Policy implementation from regulation to support, the binding force of sports administrative body is weak; Policy evaluation from physical education to education; lack of reward and punishment mechanism for cultural and educational work. Based on this, optimization strategies were put forward such as facing up to the student identity of athletes and accurately positioning the objectives of athletes talent training objectives; Establishment of cultural and educational governance system and promoting athletes' training to return to the national education system; reforming the curriculum structure of cultural education and dredging the channels of athletes' entering and employment;enhancing the effectiveness of legal policy texts and improving the two-level supervision mechanism of culture and education .
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    Community Access to Opportunities for Exercise in the United States: Development Mode, Organizational Forms, and Experience Promotion
    YANG Xiaofan, WU Xiangle, LI Weidong, TAO Yuliu
    2021, 47 (1):  79-86.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.011
    Abstract ( 1277 )   PDF (1360KB) ( 1532 )   Save
    In order to achieve the goal of building a strong sports country with 45% of the national population exercising regularly and 2.5 square meters of sports venues per capita by 2035, it is essential to provide community residents' access to opportunities for sports and exercise in China. Under the framework of Social Ecological Model, this article analyzes the successful experiences of community access to opportunities for exercise in the United States, with a goal of fostering a physically active community culture for health and wellbeing. Numerous measures have been taken to provide opportunities for community residents to engage in sports and physical activities for health and wellbeing. Those measures include governmental policies and financial support and investment, promotion of the cultures of sports and leisure and recreation, building community centers and parks, opening school facilities and spaces to community, and utilizing sports professionals and parent volunteers for coaching etc. To improve community sports in China, government shall provide equal access to opportunities for exercises for different age groups, promote the establishment and growth of non-profit sports organizations, build community recreation centers and parks, integrate family, school, and community resources, and promote the cultures of sports and leisure and recreation among citizens. Ultimately, it will improve citizens' intentions to exercise for health and wellbeing and improve their quality of life.
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    The Compilation and Revision of Social Expectation Scale of Government-supplied Public Sports Service
    ZHANG Xiancheng, XU Xiufen, WANG Zhankun
    2021, 47 (1):  87-93.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.012
    Abstract ( 738 )   PDF (1610KB) ( 1337 )   Save
    In order to promote the accuracy of government supply of public sports services in China in the new era, we designed, based on a test of the residents of Guangzhou according to the procedures of psychological measurement statistics, the "Social Expectation Scale of Government-supplied Public Sports Service" by the methods of literature data, questionnaire survey, expert evaluation and mathematical statistics. The results show that (1) The structure of the "Social Expectation Scale of Government-supplied Public Sports Service" is composed of 5 dimensions, i.e. supply content expectation, supply scale expectation, supply quality expectation, supply effect expectation and supply efficiency expectation, and a total of 55 items. (2) The confirmatory factor analysis of the 5-factor model shows that its cumulative contribution rate reaches 84.813%, indicating that the scale is good in predictability. (3) The Kronbach coefficient a of each subscale is between 0.937 and 0.952, and the Kronbach coefficient a of the total scale is 0.987, indicating that the scale is good in reliability. (4) The goodness-of-fit index of the model reaches a good level. Therefore, the "Social Expectation Scale of Government-supplied Public Sports Service" is good in both reliability and validity, and can be used as an effective tool for evaluating the accuracy of the Guangzhou Municipal Government's public sports services supply, thus providing an important evaluation reference for local governments to grasp people's expectations of public sports service demand in the new era and enhance people's sense of gain.
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    The Effect of Public Perceived Quality of Urban Community Public Sports Service on Public Trust: Based on the Mediating Effect of Public Satisfaction
    ZHENG Junyi,CHEN Zhixia,GUO Jinyuan
    2021, 47 (1):  94-100.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.013
    Abstract ( 739 )   PDF (1419KB) ( 1320 )   Save
    Based on urban community residents' subjective evaluation on community sports services, this paper discusses the direct impact of perceived quality on public trust, and the mediating effect of public satisfaction on it. The empirical results show that (1) Perceived quality has a significant positive impact on public trust; (2) Public satisfaction shows marked positive correlation with perceived quality and public trust respectively; (3) Public satisfaction plays a part in mediating perceived quality and public trust. By constructing an intermediary hypothesis model, this paper reveals the internal function mechanism of the public, which begins with subjective cognition(perceived quality), and then emotional experience(public satisfaction), and ends with behavioral intention(public trust). This mechanism not only provides a new perspective for future research, and also provides a useful reference for organizational decision-makers.
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    New Media Discourse Strategy and National Identity Construction for Large-scale Sports Events
    WANG Zhenzhen,WANG Xiangfei, YAN Yiran
    2021, 47 (1):  101-105.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.014
    Abstract ( 1165 )   PDF (1202KB) ( 1459 )   Save
    Based on media discourse, this paper analyzes the interaction between new media discourse strategies and national identity construction in the dissemination of large-scale sports events. The study finds that the construction of media discourse is mainly divided into strategic dimension, tactical dimension and operational dimension. From the macro level, the strategic dimension shows that the media persuades to construct identity through discourse, cultivates emotional identity through discourse narrative, promotes collective action and strengthens collective identity through public speech; the tactical dimension is mainly based on text features such as double coding, multi-level communication, text interaction of new media and discourse style to reflect the discourse ideas and methods of new media construction national identity in the communication of large-scale sports events from the middle level; the operational dimension is mainly the specific discourse construction behavior at the micro level, including network expression packs, new media topics, new media Duanzi and network popular words. These three dimensions together constitute a discourse system for the construction of national identity by new media in the dissemination of large-scale sports events, which has led to a positive interaction between new media discourse and national identity construction.
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    Analysis of Features of Industry Policies on the Integrated Development of Sport and Tourism
    ZHONG Yujiao, XU Yanni
    2021, 47 (1):  106-110.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.015
    Abstract ( 903 )   PDF (1396KB) ( 1201 )   Save
    "Policies and strategies are the lifeline of the Party". Local governments implement national sports industry policies and promote the integrated development of sport and tourism, and their policy-making has a direct influence on industrial development. By means of content analysis and with reference to the framework for policy instruments, this paper analyzes the 96 policies on sports industry issued by 8 provincial (municipal) governments in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta from 2014 to 2019. Results show that structural imbalance of policy instruments influences the effect of local sport industry policies on promoting the integrated development of sport and tourism, which includes that the combined use of policies emphasizes government adjustment and neglects market guidance, the administrative adjustment attaches importance to input of resources and neglects statistics of information, and the policy content is low in matching level and has obvious homogeneity. Therefore, local governments are advised to make efforts in the aspects of motivating market players, cultivating professional social organizations, implementing supporting policies, deepening the reform of streamlining administration, delegating more powers to lower-level governments and society, improving regulation and optimizing services, establishing a regional collaborative policy-making mechanism, building an inter-ministerial joint meeting system, utilizing dividends of the Internet Plus, improving statistical standards, and regulating the market so as to precisely implement policies according to local conditions.
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    Application and Practice of Respondent-Driven Sampling Method in Survey of Retired Athletes
    FAN Min, ZHANG Xiaoli
    2021, 47 (1):  112-117.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.016
    Abstract ( 832 )   PDF (1622KB) ( 1282 )   Save
    The representativeness of survey sample is of great significance to the popularization of research conclusion. How to find a new method to make the sampling results closer to the overall sampling probability is one of the important problems to be solved in the study of Chinese retired athletes. The respondent-driven sampling (RDS) provides a new solution for the sampling of unknown retired athletes. This paper first introduces the basic principle, application procedures, characteristics and cautions of RDS, and then makes a sample survey of 316 retired athletes in China by using this method. The results show that the overall recruitment is good. After the balance analysis test, the samples collected by RDS have good typicality and representiveness, which can be used for estimation of retired athletes as a whole in China.
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    Questioning and Thinking: Ten Classical Issues in Sports Physiology Research
    WANG Jun, ZHOU Yue, SUN Junzhi, YU Liang, XU Yuming, ZHANG Xuelin, ZHANG Rihui, LI Shunchang,HUANG Wenying,XIA Zhi,ZHAO Guanggao,LI Yongming,HU Min, TIAN Zhenjun, SU Quansheng, ZHANG Yong, WANG Ruiyuan
    2021, 47 (1):  118-124.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.017
    Abstract ( 1983 )   PDF (1360KB) ( 1961 )   Save
    With the development of science and technology, exercise physiology has an improved understanding and rapid development, and some classical topics have some new contents and interpretation. This article reviews the new understanding of ten classic issues that emerged in the development of exercise physiology, such as possibility of type-fibers transformation, precise mechanism of delayed onset muscle soreness, controversy and development of the athlete’s heart, exercise and immunity, the exact limiting factors of maximum oxygen uptake, precise mechanism of anaerobic threshold, the central and peripheral mechanisms of exercise-induced fatigue, aging and muscle atrophy, exercise is medicine, the historical opportunity for the development of exercise physiology, etc. In brief, the current development of exercise physiology should pay more attention to the feature of practical and applied in sports population. This article provides some new ideas and valuable references for the teaching and scientific research of exercise physiology.
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    The Hot Spots, Issues and Prospect in the Research of Physical Function Training in China
    KANG Ling, LIN Song, LI Ling, XIA Zhongliang
    2021, 47 (1):  125-130.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.018
    Abstract ( 981 )   PDF (1650KB) ( 1333 )   Save
    Objective Physical function training is an important method and means of physical training in many national teams in the past two Olympic preparation cycles. In recent years, physical function training has also been widely popularized and applied in the field of school sports and mass fitness. Systematic investigation of the hot spots in the research of physical function training and the research evolution have become the basic work of developing physical fitness training in China, and can further promote the development of theoretical research and practice in the field of physical function training in China.Methods Based on the knowledge map method of scientific bibliometrics, 584 journals and papers from CNKI database were visualized and analyzed. Conclusion (1) With the popularization of the concept of physical function training, its application has gradually expanded from competitive sports to school sports and mass sports, and the research centers around the theme of physical function training, with focuses on functional training, functional action screening, physical training, and sports injury. (2) The main problems in the research of physical function training in China are as follows firstly, the training theory and practice system present a "fragmented" state; secondly, the lack of continuous research; thirdly, the unbalanced development structure of the research scope, and fourthly, the limited influence of research results. (3) The future development path of physical function training research in China firstly, system integration, i.e. promoting the "fragmented" state of related research to "systematized" state; secondly, promoting the stable formation of cooperative networks such as scholars and institutions; and thirdly, promoting the balance of research structure and enhancing the influence of research results.
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    Research on the Influence of TTR System on Table Tennis Competition and the Preparation Strategy for the Tokyo Olympics
    WU Fei, HONG Chenlu, LI Lin, XIAO Dandan
    2021, 47 (1):  131-136.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.019
    Abstract ( 1036 )   PDF (1507KB) ( 1468 )   Save
    The Table Tennis Review (TTR) system has been officially applied to table tennis matches since December 2019 and it will be put into use in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. At present, Chinese table tennis players, coaches and umpires have not understood the TTR system well, which will pose a huge challenge to the national table tennis team's preparations for the Tokyo Olympics. This article analyzes the working principle, application range and impact on table tennis matches as well as makes a comparison between the system and umpires' penalty, in order to develop reasonable and effective coping strategies for Chinese table tennis team to prepare for the Tokyo Olympics. Conclusions TTR system can make the "edge" and "net" penalty more accurate; the penalty on the serve is more severe and stricter; the introduction of TTR system improves the enjoyment of matches. The players' challenge to TTR means that they have doubts about the referee's decision. The audience's guessing and waiting for the final result of the round are drawn onto the screen display in the stadium, which improves the participation of spectators and the enjoyment of matches. Meanwhile the introduction of TTR system may become a tactic for players to interrupt a match, delay the match, relieve the situation on the field, and also affect the continuity of matches. The use of TTR system is a revolutionary change for table tennis competition, which puts forward higher requirements for players' legal serve, and players' serve will have stricter penalty decisions in terms of height, angle and whether to block.
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    Sports Media Research: Approaching, Comparing and Challenging Interview with Raymond Boyle
    YANG Zhen,Raymond Boyle
    2021, 47 (1):  137-140.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.020
    Abstract ( 775 )   PDF (1212KB) ( 1917 )   Save
    Professor Raymond Boyle of the University of Glasgow was interviewed by the author on the topic of sports communication research. From the perspective of his own research experience, he discussed the personalized perception of the transformation of sports media research in the UK from sports news communication to sports culture communication. Professor Boyle believes that sports media research emphasizes the inclusiveness of media research, which breaks the traditional thinking pattern of journalism and communication research, and is also an important development of contemporary communication theory. With the rise of the Internet and the international expansion of sports media research, scholars in the UK and China are facing the same problems. Sports media research has become more deeply involved in social dialogue, paying attention not only to the relationship between sports phenomena and media development, but also to social rights and cultural industry. Sports media research is also a knowledge production process of multiple subjects, so it is an inevitable choice to expand international cooperative research to meet the changing situation in the future.
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