ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 March 2021, Volume 47 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Exercise as Therapy in Cancer: Past, Present and Future
    ZHU Weimo
    2021, 47 (2):  1-8.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.001
    Abstract ( 3402 )   PDF (1329KB) ( 1262 )   Save
    Researches in China and abroad in the past few decades have proved that exercise plays an active role in the prevention and treatment of cancer - the most dangerous disease in humans. Exercise has entered the clinical front line of cancer treatment in foreign countries as a "synergistic medicine". As a new discipline, sports oncology was born and is developing. This article aims to introduce this new discipline by reviewing the development of exercise as therapy in cancer in the past and analyzing its advancement in China and abroad and on this basis, to describe and prospect the future research directions and problems that need to be solved in practice.
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    Research on the Influence of Olympic Winter Games from the Perspective of Sustainable Development
    QIU Xue, ZHANG Shou, LIU Tianyu
    2021, 47 (2):  9-15.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.002
    Abstract ( 1510 )   PDF (1291KB) ( 1461 )   Save
    Using the literature and other methods, this paper discusses the vision, practice and rules of the Olympic Winter Games from the perspective of sustainable development, and on this basis puts forward specific countermeasures for the sustainable development of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games. The main conclusions are as follows: As the working principle and action guide of the current Olympic movement, sustainable development has exerted an influence on the Winter Olympic Games in three aspects: economy, environment and society; As the first "double Olympic city" in modern Olympic history, Beijing's sustainable development mainly focuses on promoting the regional economic development, enhancing the overall ecological level and the ecological awareness of the public, and strengthening the attention to the disadvantaged groups and improving the well-being of different groups.
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    Construction of Olympic Legacy Theory: Principles, Methods and Connotations
    XU YongJun, ZHANG Dan, YAN Jing
    2021, 47 (2):  16-21.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.003
    Abstract ( 1151 )   PDF (1860KB) ( 1430 )   Save
    The theory of the Olympic legacy is the core content of the "Olympic Legacy" and the theoretical basis for planning, governance and evaluation of the Olympic legacy. The construction principles of the Olympic legacy theory should be established in combination with the connotation and extension of the Olympic legacy, that is, the four principles of diversification, scalability, full cycle and systematicness. The construction methods of the Olympic legacy theory should be guided by four principles, with the content of inductive logic method, deductive logic method and connection method as the content, and these should be used in the construction and verification of the oretical framework of Olympic legacy. The theoretical framework of the Olympic legacy consists of four parts, which conclude the ontology of the Olympic legacy, the epistemology of the Olympic legacy, the methodology of the Olympic legacy and the practice of the Olympic legacy. The construction of the Olympic legacy theory aims to provide theoretical guidance for the Olympic movement to promote the formation of the "perception of Olympic legacy".
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    Challenges and Countermeasures of Chinese Sports Discourse Right in Winter Olympic Games
    LI Xia, LIANG Liqi, DENG Xinghua
    2021, 47 (2):  22-27.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.004
    Abstract ( 852 )   PDF (1266KB) ( 1232 )   Save
    This paper defines the connotation and composition of the discourse right of the Winter Olympic Games by using the method of literature review, the discourse right of the Winter Olympic Games mainly includes the right to hold the Games, the right to organize the games, the right to make and interpret the rules, the right to spread the culture, the right to expose the false events, and the right to claim the legitimate rights and interests. An analysis of China's sports discourse right shows that although China's sports discourse ability grows fast, but there are still some problems, such as lack of discourse experience, unstable discourse foundation, lack of distinctive discourse characteristics, and challenges of discourse expression opportunity. it is necessary to use the discourse platform of winter Olympic games to continuously strive for and continuously improve sports discourse rights that match China's international status by maintaining the international sports development order, digging sports discourse content with Chinese characteristics, innovating the expression mechanism and communication mode of sports discourse.
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    Study of World Anti-Doping Agency versus Sun Yang & Fédération Internationale de Natation
    JIANG Xi
    2021, 47 (2):  28-33.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.005
    Abstract ( 797 )   PDF (1278KB) ( 1358 )   Save
    22 December 2020,the Swiss Federal Supreme Court approved the request by the Chinese swimmer Sun Yang for revision of the arbitral award of the Courtof Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne on the grounds of the bias of one of the arbitrators of the CAS. As a result, WADA versus Sun Yang & FINA caseonce again caused widespread concern.The case involved many aspects of anti-doping such as sample collection procedures, protection of athletes' rights, and anti-doping dispute resolution etc. The article uses the methods of literature review, comparative study, and case analysis to firstly sort out the facts and Arbitral Award in the WADA versus Sun yang & FINA case.?Secondly, the ruling of the case is analyzed from seven aspects: ruling ideas, application of law, following precedent, principle of proportionality, impartiality of DCO, and intensity of sanctions.Finally, the article analyzes the enlightenment from “WADA versus Sun yang & FINA” to the construction of the rule of law in sports in China.
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    Study on the Criminalization of Passive Doping Behavior of Athletes
    WANG Zhen
    2021, 47 (2):  34-38.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.006
    Abstract ( 1220 )   PDF (1252KB) ( 1618 )   Save
    The behavior that others urge athletes to take drug stimulants not only damages the fair order of sports competition, but also brings serious harm to athletes' legal interests of health, freedom and reputation. The international community has conducted much research on the criminalization of the behavior in recent years. However, due to the lack of responsiveness and specificity of criminal legislation in China, only administrative means and civil compensation are used to deal with the act. As a result, the anti doping work has lost the strong support of the criminal law. As a result, it is impossible to carry out effective prevention, behavioral constraint and legal protection. This has seriously affected the effectiveness of doping crime governance and the authority of the Anti-Doping Regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to criminalize the act. The criminalization of this act can not only overcome the existing drawbacks, obtain the symbolic effect of legislation, respond to the needs of industry protection, and improve the image and reputation of Chinese sports, but also further the legal system of doping governance in China.
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    Principle of Imitating Hunting in Football
    LU Yunting
    2021, 47 (2):  39-45.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.007
    Abstract ( 795 )   PDF (1283KB) ( 1199 )   Save
    Football belongs to physical ball games. Therefore, it has a connection with hunting. From the perspective of competition, football, like other ball games, is a way of commemorating ancient hunting behavior. The English word “sports” originally contains the meaning of hunting. The hunting gene of football is scattered in the body of football game and the hunting implication of football also involves the multiple relationship between human and animals. Football has not been completely banned in England for it carries the thinking characteristics of the island people, continues the German style of behavior and inherits the life style of the Roman Empire. The hunting spirit has a common effect on ball games. Football has three roles on players: hunting gear, partner and prey. As a result, the relationship between football and hunting shows a complex characteristic. Football always has a simple, natural and convenient sense of happiness, making itself a new cultural carrier, and in reality gives birth to a new concept of nature, life and ecology.
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    Sport, Warrior and the Civilization Process ——Elias's View on Sports from the Perspective of Anthropology
    WANG Hongyu
    2021, 47 (2):  46-51.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.008
    Abstract ( 839 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 1148 )   Save
    Norbert Elias's research on the sociology of sport began at the University of Leicester. He placed the sociological problem of “sports” in the civilization process research, and proposed “sportization” to simulate the historical process of modern social competitions. Following Elias's investigation of athletic competition and its social structure in ancient Greece, this article points out that ancient athletics and modern sports are not of the same origin, and takes violence-related factors (state mechanism and formation process, social control of violence monopoly, internalization of violence and conscience) as a clue to outline a civilized chain which links “Ancient Greek Olympiad-Medieval Tournament and Folk Sports-Modern Sports”. At the same time, from the perspective of anthropology, this article takes violence and warrior spirit as the starting point to further clarify Elias's argument on the distinction between athletic competition and sports in ancient Greece, which point to the Greek warriors and the Germanic warriors (the medieval knights) respectively. The Christianization reform established a universal inner-peace, and completely stripped of the possibility of violence as a life style, as a result, sport has become a way for the third class (the mass producers) to “create” and maintain the morality and passion of the warrior spirit in modern times.
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    The Evolution of Knights'Tournament and Its Influence on Modern and Contemporary Sports Practice
    WANG Ziyu, YU Kehong
    2021, 47 (2):  52-57.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.009
    Abstract ( 790 )   PDF (1263KB) ( 1436 )   Save
    The Middle Ages was an era dominated by the Christian Theology that disdained flesh and suppressed physical activities. But knights' tournament was an exception to the physical practice of the era in both size and system.By means of literature research and historical analysis, this paper explores and explains the evolution of knights' tournament and its influence on modern and contemporary sports practice. The findings show that the tournament not onlyhad their own unique evolutionary process, but also carried forward the sports spirits of equality, competition and honor. It not only boosted the formation of modern sports games such as equestrianism and fencing, but also had an important influence on modern sports practice including sports event organization such as propaganda and competition rules, and compilation of physical education textbooks.
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    Analysis and Enlightenment of American Test of Gross Motor Development
    LI Bo, DIAO Yucui, LI Jing, HONG Jintao, SUN Jiangang, LIU Yang
    2021, 47 (2):  58-64.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.010
    Abstract ( 3356 )   PDF (1621KB) ( 2303 )   Save
    Based on the perspective of applying evaluation systems, this paper conducted a research on the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD) in the United States, including its development background, measurement and evaluation system, reliability, advantages and disadvantages, and application to promote the research on children's movement developmentin China. The results show that the origin and development of TGMD has a specific social and academic background; after 30 years of development, the TGMD series has become the most widely used assessment tool for children's gross motor skills in the world for it has been highly standardized. While TGMD has shortcomings in indicator applicabilityand process evaluation, which deserve users' attention.By interpreting the TGMD series and the Chinese translation of the latest version of the scoring table, this present paper, with reference to its application situation in China, makes some enlightenment for the study on children's movement development in China interms of both perspective and method.
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    A Study on the Locomotion Development and Neuromuscular Control of Children Aged 4~6
    HU Xin, JI Zhongqiu, JIANG Guiping, PANG Bo, HUANG Haojie
    2021, 47 (2):  65-70.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.011
    Abstract ( 1020 )   PDF (1799KB) ( 1318 )   Save
    Objective: To study the external manifestations of locomotion development and the underlying mechanism of neuromuscular control in children aged 4-6. Methods: TGMD-3 was used to evaluate running, hopping and jumping. The BTS surface electromyography test system was used to analyze the iEMG and timing. ANOVA was used to analyze the differences in the development level of locomotion at different ages, and calculate the influence of age groups×different muscles on Normalize Integrated Electromyography (N-iEMG), and the influence of age group×motor types on Normalized Co-Contraction Index (NCCI).Results: There were age differences in the locomotion development level andN-iEMG value of lower limb muscles in children aged 4-6, and the difference in hopping was the most obvious (P<0.05). The N-iEMG value of the rectus femoris is the largest, followed by the tibialis anterior muscle. As the age increases and the complexity of movement decreases, the peaks of the NCCI-rectus femoris/biceps femoris and NCCI-tibialis anterior/gastrocnemius co-contraction index become larger. Conclusion: TGMD-3 is feasible as an evaluation tool for children's movement development. single-foot jumping can be given priority as a qualitative evaluation index for locomotion skills. The iEMG value of lower limb muscles can be used as a representative index for quantitative evaluation. When children are running, hopping and jumping, the main muscles that they use are the rectus femoris and tibial anterior muscles as age increases, the iEMG value gradually increases and the coordination of the muscles around the knee and ankle joints gradually increases when completing locomotion.
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    Study on the De-administration of Sports Associations in the Course of Building a Leading Sports Nation
    XU Shiwei
    2021, 47 (2):  71-77.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.012
    Abstract ( 947 )   PDF (1281KB) ( 1383 )   Save
    Since the 18th and 19th National Congresses of the Communist Party of China, reform and the rule of law have become two key words in China's economic and social development. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made major decisions to comprehensively deepen reform, proposing that in the course of reforming administrative management system, social organizations should be completely de-administrated to make public administration efficient, ecological and scientific. The de-administration of sports associations in essence is to adapt to the trend of sports socialization and marketization and the key to de-administratation is that sports executive agencies “return rights” and “concess benefits”. By means of literature review, expert interview, historical research and logical analysis, this paper defines and thoroughly analyzes the connotation and characteristics of de-administration of sports associations. By reviewing the reform process of sports associations, and referring to the requirements of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC on reform, this paper puts forward the path to de-administrate sports associations in China.
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    Concept of Sharing Development and Value Construction of Leading Sports Nation
    GUO Weigang
    2021, 47 (2):  78-83.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.013
    Abstract ( 981 )   PDF (1265KB) ( 1239 )   Save
    The paper studies the concept of sharing development and the theory and practice of leading sports nation by means of literature review and logical analysis. The study indicates that China has creatively proposed the “five development concepts” in response to the problems and challenges of human society development, thus contributing China's wisdom and solution to addressing the various challenges facing the whole world. The core of sharing development is to uphold fairness and justice and meet people's aspiration for a better life, which is consistent with the value of building a leading sports nation. Building a leading sports nation, as the strategic task of developing sports in the new era, represents the philosophy of developing sports with people as the center and the basic requirement of developing sports along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. To conform to the concept of sharing development, the value construction of leading sports nation should stick to the idea in both theory and practice that sports be developed for the general public, embodying the philosophy of “for people, fully shared by people, co-constructed and co-shared by people, and progressively shared”, take people as the center, meeting people's pursuit of happy life while embodying the principle of balance, fairness, benefit for all, use cultural confidence as the primary driving force while stressing interaction with the international community, thus embodying our philosophy of making contributions to and providing services for the international community, and stress the construction of new coordinated and shared development order of world sports, making sports an essential part of building a shared future for mankind.
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    On the Stratification of Chinese Public Sports Services in the New Era
    WANG Hongshen, YAO Wanxiang, HUANG Yaling
    2021, 47 (2):  84-89.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.014
    Abstract ( 1472 )   PDF (1266KB) ( 1377 )   Save
    This paper puts forward the “stratification” view towards public sports services in the new era, and believes, on the basis of analyzing its basic connotation, that public sports services, which takes the public with diversified needs of sports services as its clients, should have the characteristics of effectiveness, suitability and equilibrium. Based on this reality, the “stratification” of public sports services needs to adhere to the principles of combining “top-level design” and “grassroots feasibility” in planning and design, integrating“steering” and “service”in government role, unifying the “whole” and the “local”in system operation.The paths to implement the “stratification” include broadening the sources of publicsports services, making plans and designs based on social stratification theories at home and abroad, adopting a “government+society” evaluation and feedback mechanism, and establishing a supporting system.
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    Research on the Precise Governance Path of Rural Public Sports Services in the New Era
    LIU Hongjian, GAO Kuiting, GUO Xiujin
    2021, 47 (2):  90-95.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.015
    Abstract ( 980 )   PDF (1262KB) ( 1183 )   Save
    By means of literature review, field research and policy analysis, this paper ponderson and explores the precise governance path of rural public sports services in the new era. This research finds thatthegovernance of rural public sports servicesin China is faced with such difficulties as insufficient governance targeting ability, fragmented policy content supplies, inadequate governance initiative, separation of public sports service resourcespace, and weak performance assessment of public sports services. On this basis, this paper puts forward the concept of precise governance of rural public sports services, and analyzes its connotation and value. This paper is concluded by discussingthe path to implement precise governance of rural public sports servicesin the new era, includingunblocking channels of expressingsports demand, accurately identifying rural residents' quest for sports, carefully supplying public sports services, planning regional sports space, precisely allocating public sports resources, strengthening professional evaluation, and accurately monitoring the effect of sports governance.
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    Current Situation and Trend Analysis of Transboundary Integration of Sports-related Industries in China
    DONG Yanmei, ZHU Chuangeng
    2021, 47 (2):  96-101.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.016
    Abstract ( 1484 )   PDF (1260KB) ( 1317 )   Save
    According to the theory of industrial integration, an indicator system integrating technology, value and marketwas constructed. Based on the 2002-2017 input-output table, an empirical study was conducted on the transboudary integration of sports-related industries. The results show that:Sports-related industries have strengthened their technical integration with most other industries Among them, sports-related manufacturing has presented the largest increase in integration with technology service industry(220.00%), while the investment ratio is relatively low. Sports-related service industry has presented the largest increase in integration with finance and insurance(193.55%) , while the investment ratio is relatively high; imbalance is common in sports-related industries' integration with other industries; sports-related service industry has contributed the most in improving the value creation ability of sports-related manufacturing, while the accommodation and catering industry has contributed the most in increasing the value creation ability of sports-related service industry. The demand for sports-related manufacturing products has increased more among rural residents than among urban residents, and the demand for sports-related service products has showed a decreasing trend among rural residents and an increasing trend among urban residents; the export of sports-related service industry has declined, while the import has increased; export, consumption and investment are the top 3 by order of importance in driving the final demand on sports-related manufacturing,, while consumption, export and investment are the top 3 in driving sports-related service industry.
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    Choosing the Host City for Mega Sport Events Based on the Theory of Green Supply Chain
    QING Ping
    2021, 47 (2):  102-108.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.017
    Abstract ( 844 )   PDF (1352KB) ( 1164 )   Save
    By comprehensively applying the theory of green supply chain, this paper attempts to quantify the comprehensive benefits of the host city of mega sports events from the dimensions of economy, society and environment, so as to help the city to make bidding decisions.First of all, a green supply chain of mega sport eventswith obvious characteristics has been built, and under the conceptual framework of green supply chain of sports events,a general model for the decision of the economic, social and environmental objectives of the city is put forwardby using the multi-objective decision-making theory.Finally, Chengdu, Shanghai and Beijing are selected as the candidate cities for the 2032 Olympic Games to conduct the model simulation calculation.The calculation results show that the three candidate cities have their own advantages in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions.If the host city has a dimension preference in the decision concerning the sports event, it can make a choice according to the decision results of three dimensions,but from the overall evaluation, Shanghai is the first choice for the 2032 Olympic Games.
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    Realistic Survey, Internal Demand and Supply Side Optimization of Sports Industrial Structure in China
    REN Bo, HUANG Haiyan
    2021, 47 (2):  109-115.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.018
    Abstract ( 1001 )   PDF (1401KB) ( 1268 )   Save
    With the deepening of supply-side reform of sports industry, it is particularly important to optimize the sports industry structure. On the basis of examining the gap between sports industry structure and cultural industry structure, tourism industry structure, this paper applies the theories of industrial economics and new supply economics to analyze the internal demands of sports industry structure, and puts forward the supply-side optimization path of sports industry structure.The research shows that: (1) compared with the cultural industry structure and tourism industry structure, the output value structure, employment structure, supply structure, demand structure of China's sports industry are unreasonable; (2) the optimization of sports industrial structure should take meeting the needs of mass sports as its goal, promoting the coordinated development of sports service industry and sports manufacturing industry as its requirement, achieving the rational and advanced development of sports industry as its orientation, and giving play to the economic and social benefits of sports industry as its focus.(3) The goal of supply side optimization of sports industry structure is to break its structural contradiction and meet the needs of mass sports; the requirement is to strengthen policy guidance and promote the coordinated development of sports service industry and sports manufacturing industry; the direction is to establish the leading industry in sports and promote the rational and advanced development of sports industry structure; the focus is to enhance the diffusion effect of the sports industry and bring into play the economic and social benefits of the sports industry.
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    Consumption and Neglect: On the Polarization of Female Athletes'Body Narration as Constructed by Sports Media
    YANG Xue, CHEN Li
    2021, 47 (2):  116-121.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.019
    Abstract ( 957 )   PDF (1591KB) ( 1348 )   Save
    Based on body theory, this paper focuses on the media coverage during the World Championships, trying to analyze, by means of content analysis, comparative analysis and classification, the differences in body narration of female athletesin different sporting events as constructed by media. It is found that female athletes are paid differentiated attention by media because of different gender types of sports. Compared with the female athletes engaged in masculine sports, media coverage of female athletes engaged in feminized sports is nearly twice that of the former. For female athletes engaged in masculine events, the reports are almost entirely focused on their“competitivebody”, while for female athletes engaged in feminized events, the reports are largely focused on their “social body”, that is, the description of their gender typing and emotion, as well as the description of their “body in life state”beyond the arena. The gender type difference of sports events leads to the internal division of female athletes in media presentation, which places them in the polar state of consumption orneglect. This reflects the dual identity test of female athletes under the male gaze and the lack of subjectivity of female body under patriarchy. Therefore, we call for the media to reconstruct female athlete's body.
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    Review: Latest Progress in Biomechanics Research of Tennis Serve
    MA Xiaogang, SHI Bing
    2021, 47 (2):  122-127.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.020
    Abstract ( 1010 )   PDF (1291KB) ( 1774 )   Save
    Tennis serve has the characteristics of exquisite technique, complex movement and high risk of injury. Relevant studies mainly focus on sports biomechanics. By reviewing the progress in research of tennis serve mechanics at home and abroad, this paper aims to summarize the law of technical action, analyze the damage mechanism and innovate the instrument structure, and provide a systematic theoretical model for the characteristics of tennis serve mechanics. The research indicates that the domestic tennis service research should broaden the research angle, focus on the rigor of the experimental design, and pay attention to the comprehensive and targeted principle when selecting the indexes. The hitting force of the flat service ball comes from the ir-internal Rotation of the shoulder joint, and the end joint regulates the parameters of the hitting point. The morphological characteristics have a great influence on the quality of the serve, but it depends more on the training factors and technical performance. The spatial position of the hitting point, the angle of the racket face, the component of speed and the rate of rotation are the key indexes to determine the different types and different drop points of serve. Improving the concealment of service can increase the difficulty of the receiver to extract the information of anticipation and improve the quality of service. Serve injury mainly occurs at the waist (LBP - the Lower Back Pain), spine, lumbar, shoulder joint (SLAP) and upper limb joints, finish stage and back stage are the moments when the highest risk damage may occur. Racket material, mass distribution, moment of inertia, felling and string bed have close link with such factors as individual's preference, morphological characteristics, technology and tactics. The research trend shows that the study of tennis service mechanics is gradually transiting from summarizing the technical rules and the causes of damage to the mechanical characteristics of each joint, dynamic indexes, instrument innovation and dynamic research.
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    Research Progress on Biomarkers of Muscle Exercise Fatigue
    ZHAO Haitao, CAO Qinglei, LIU Xin, LI Xiaolan
    2021, 47 (2):  128-135.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.021
    Abstract ( 1731 )   PDF (1351KB) ( 1779 )   Save
    Muscle fatigue is a phenomenon which refers to the decline in the ability of muscles to do work during muscle contraction. It is very common in the process of sports activities, and is one of the main reasons for preventing athletes from improving their performance.Muscle fatigue produces biomarkers that assess muscle fatigue during exercise and the effects of exercise on skeletal muscles.Muscle fatigue is caused by the depletion of nutrients, increased oxidative stress, and activation of inflammatory responses.In addition, it also involves dehydration, high ammonia concentration, mitochondrial biology and genetic reaction, and these reactions can be used to monitor biomarkers of sport fatigue. Through carding, the biomarkers of muscle fatigue are divided into two types: the noninvasive ones mainly including power output measurement, electrophysiological measurement, heart measurement and oxygen uptake, and the invasive ones mainly including biochemical indicators related to ATP metabolism, oxidative stress and inflammation.This paper aims to elaborate the recent research progress of biomarkers of muscle exercise fatigue and provide valuable information for the future diagnosis of exercise fatigue and the development of new biomarkers.
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    The Invention of Authenticity in Traditional Asian Martial Arts
    Paul Bowman, Ma Xiujie
    2021, 47 (2):  136-142.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.022
    Abstract ( 1437 )   PDF (1316KB) ( 1218 )   Save
    This paper explores the existing dualism of "authenticity" and "non-authenticity" in traditional Asian martial arts in the Western imagery. By examining of the concept of "authenticity" it analyzes the desire for authenticity of traditional Asian martial arts. In the process of deconstruction of the micro-ontology of "change" in general, and "change" in traditional Asian martial arts in particular, it shows that all change is inevitable. This thesis is supported by a discussion of the forms of change, the contents of change, and a case study of the developments in traditional Chinese Taijiquan in the West. In conclusion, this paper calls for scholars and researchers to acknowledge the existence of these factors in order to spread better knowledge.
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