ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 September 2016, Volume 42 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Analysis on the Cognitive Errors of China Olympic Under the Background of the Winter Olympic Games
    YI Jiandong
    2016, 42 (5):  1-9.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.001
    Abstract ( 1916 )   PDF (2223KB) ( 2261 )   Save
    Since Beijing's bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, the Olympic knowledge is spreading rapidly. But there are some common sense mistakes in the Olympic communication currently in China. Some of them are committed by officials in sports system or even by specialized agencies related to the Olympics, some by top official media, and some by scholars from colleges. These mistakes affect the effectiveness of Olympic communication in China to some extent, even affect China's international image. Referring to relevant documents, the author selects ten of the mistakes to analyze in hope of promoting the Olympic communication. The ten mistakes analyzed in this paper include: mixed use of sports and disciplines, misreading of "applicant city", misuse of four levels of locations, inaccurate description of bidding efforts, vague financial boundary, conceptual deviation from the events set up by the host country, professional illusion on adding training venues, wrong naming of research institutes, incorrect positioning of the Olympic education, and wrong interpretation of Olympism in China's context.
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    The Lack of Education Content and the Cause of Its Loss in the Implementation of Physical Education Curriculum
    YU Sumei
    2016, 42 (5):  10-15.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.002
    Abstract ( 1689 )   PDF (1077KB) ( 2133 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature research, classroom observation, expert interview and logical analysis, the present paper analyzes, from the perspective of sports education function and value, the lack of awareness, ability, character, study method and educational content in PE courses, and explores the reasons for the lack from the aspects of standard, democracy, quality and core quality. The aim is to provide theoretical reference for the sustainable development and quality improvement of physical education.
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    An Empirical Study on Promoting Gross Motor Skill of Preschoolers Aged 5 to 6 Through Functional Training
    ZHOU Zhexiao, MENG Huanhuan, ZHAO Huanbin, BAI Rui, LEI Yuanyuan
    2016, 42 (5):  16-22.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.003
    Abstract ( 1980 )   PDF (1097KB) ( 2459 )   Save
    Objective:To discuss the influence of functional training on gross motor ability development of preschoolers aged 5-6.Methods:143 Preschoolers aged 5-6 who are chosen from government-funded kindergartens in Shijiazhuang, Capital of Hebei Province were divided into the experimental group (70 children) and control group (73 children). The experimental group received a functional training intervention program for 12 weeks, while the control group maintained the routine kindergarten by with the United States Test of Gross Motor Development-2 physical activities. Before and after the intervention, preschoolers' gross motor ability was tested TGMD-2.Results: (1) the control group's total score of gross motor was 74.65, among which the locomotor score was 39.82 and the object-controlscore 34.83. Compared with their pre-experiment scores in the three abilities, which were 74.61, 38.86 and 35.75 respectively, there was no significant increase (P>0.05). (2) The experimental group's total score of gross motor was 85.74, among which the locomotor score was 44.60, and the object-control score 41.14. As compared with their pre-experiment scores in the three abilities, which was 74.22, 39.62 and 34.60 respectively, there was a significant increase (P<0.01). (3) The experimental group's post-experimentscores in gross motor, Locomotor and object-control were significantly higher than that of the control the group (P<0.01). Conclusion: The functional training designed specially for preschoolers can significantly increase the gross motor ability for children aged 5 to 6.
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    An Empirical Study on the Effect of Young Children's Rhythmic Physical Activities on Promoting the Lower Limb iEMG Contribution
    WU Shengkou, JI Zhongqiu, LI Shugang, LIU Weitong
    2016, 42 (5):  23-28.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.004
    Abstract ( 2419 )   PDF (1083KB) ( 2143 )   Save
    Objective: To integrate the basic movement skills that young children should master into a set of rhythmic physical activities and then compare the effect of the activities with that of existing ones through analyzing the change in young children's lower limb iEMG. Methods: 38 children were randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group by age. The experimental group participated in the designed rhythmic physical activities from Monday to Friday, 20-30 minutes a day, and the motor intervention lasted for one year, while the control group participated in only common rhythmic activities. Before and after the intervention, The electromyographic activities during children's slide steps were recorded and assessed by the iEMG and the iEMG contribution of the main muscles of lower limbs. Results: (1) After the intervention, the general change in the lower limb iEMG contribution in both groups lies in the rise of agonistic muscle iEMG contribution and the drop of antagonistic muscle iEMG contribution; (2) After the intervention, in the first phase of slide steps, the iEMG contribution of Gas (right) in the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group while the iEMG contribution of RF(right) in the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group; the iEMG contribution of Gas (left) in the experimental group of 5-year-old children was significantly higher than that of the control group while the iEMG contribution of BF(left) in the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group. Conclusion: After the intervention, both groups presented obvious improvement in slide step movement, and showed better control over the coordinated movement of agonistic muscle and antagonistic muscle. The change of lower limb iEMG contribution in the experimental group was better than that of the control group on the whole. This shows that the rhythmic physical activities based on motor development are better than common physical activities in improving muscle discharge of lower limbs during slide steps and in promoting the development of young children's slide steps.
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    Effects of Tai Chi Exercise on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Tendency in Children
    CHEN Yumin, CHENG Liang
    2016, 42 (5):  29-32.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.005
    Abstract ( 2697 )   PDF (1076KB) ( 2249 )   Save
    Object: To investigate the effects of Tai Chi exercise on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, so as to provide evidence for treatment of ADHD by Tai Chi exercise. Methods: Using Connors Diagnostic Scale to screen school-age children whose hyperactivity index was over 1.5, and the chosen children were randomly assigned to the Tai Chi group (n=18, male=10, female=8) and the control group (n=18, male=9, female=9). There was no significant difference in age, height, and weight between the two groups.Before and after the Tai Chi intervention, all the subjects were surveyed with Child Behavior Checklist, Child Sensory Integration Checklist and Child Adaptive Behavior Scale. Results: (1) In Child Behavior Checklist test, the scores of social withdrawal, hyperactivity and communication deficit in the Tai Chi group decreased significantly (P<0.05). (2) In Child Sensory Integration Checklist test, the scores of vestibular function and proprioception in the Tai Chi group increased significantly (P<0.05). (3) In Child Adaptive Behavior Scale test, the scores of independence factor and cognition factor in the Tai Chi group increased significantly (P<0.01). Conclusion: Regular Tai Chi exercise can decrease the symptoms of ADHD in children. Tai Chi exercise can be adopted as an effective therapy for children's ADHD.
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    Research on the Physical Activity Assessment System for Kids with AHKC
    YUE Jianjun
    2016, 42 (5):  33-39.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.006
    Abstract ( 1433 )   PDF (1205KB) ( 2014 )   Save
    The National Fitness Program influences people’s health and happiness,which are an important indicator of the national comprehensive strength and social civilization progress. Children are the focus of the National Fitness Program. The present paper examines the Assessment of Health for Kids and Children (AHKC) in Canada with an aim to provide reference for physical activity promotion for kids and children in China. The research suggests that: the AHKC stresses the application of multidisciplinary research achievements into kids’ and children’s physical activities; the evaluation indexes are founded on the ecological system of kids’ and children’s physical activities; the assessment combines standard indexes and normal indexes and the assessment results are divided into different levels of percentage; the assessment is based on logical models and conducted by a third party. On the basis, this paper puts forward the reasons and path for constructing physical activity assessment system for kids and children in China.
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    Unity of Opposites: Interpretation of Meaning and Contradiction of Sports Subjectivity
    LIU Xinran, WANG Yuan, XIA Yuanmin
    2016, 42 (5):  40-46.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.007
    Abstract ( 1610 )   PDF (1084KB) ( 2001 )   Save
    Based on a review of relevant literature, the present paper examines the unity of opposites in sports subjectivity and the philosophical relationship between sports and the existence of human as the subject according to the dialectical thinking of Marxist practical materialism. In the inner quality of sports, the rights and responsibilities of the sports subject are the value of human life, which derives from human's natural ability. The practice and meaning of sport is to slow down the physical degradation, to keep physical health, and to save the body of the practice of the wild.The unity of opposites is showed completely in sports, and in sports subjectivity, the contradiction between nature and society, nature and society, individuality and mass, internal and external, activity and passivity, competition and cooperation, violence and rule may appear at any time. Sports enable life to survive as a"complete person", and the nature of human is confirmed through exercises. Sport is the practical form of human freedom and all-round development.
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    Study on Several Problems of Chinese Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry Transfer
    XING Zhongyou
    2016, 42 (5):  47-54.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.008
    Abstract ( 1408 )   PDF (1177KB) ( 1886 )   Save
    The development course of Chinese sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer can be divided into the global value chain-based international sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer, the foreign investment-based international sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer, and the national value chain-based international and national sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer with each stage having different characteristics. The industry policies are the institutional power to promote Chinese sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer, the industrial structure is the structural power to promote Chinese sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer, and the industrial competition is the subject power to promote Chinese sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer. Currently, Chinese sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer is confronted with the following problems: a complete national value chain is yet to be built, block of the local government, excessive competition for undertaking industry transfer, lack of detailed planning, the ability of central and western regions to undertake transfer is limited, the negative impact of previous problems with the industry. This paper puts forward some countermeasures to promote Chinese sporting goods manufacturing industry transfer which include: to build a sporting goods specialized market-based NVC, undertake transfer through developing characteristic sports industry parks, and the central and western regions create good environment for transfer.
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    Study on the Substantial Development of CBA
    CHAI Yunmei
    2016, 42 (5):  55-59.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.009
    Abstract ( 1520 )   PDF (1068KB) ( 2325 )   Save
    Through literature review and rational analysis, the present paper inquire into the substantial development of Chinese Basketball Association (CBA). Research suggests that the substantial development of CBA,based on its history, status quo and developmental trend, can been divided into three stages, i.e. the development as a sports administrative department, the development as a career association,and the development as a non-profit community association. Currently, CBA is in its second stage. Based on the analysis, the author proposes both the path and policy to promote the further development of CBA.
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    WCBA League Status Quo Analysis and Development Countermeasure Research
    YUE Jiyang, CHEN Xiaoying
    2016, 42 (5):  60-64.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.010
    Abstract ( 1533 )   PDF (1847KB) ( 2069 )   Save
    WCBA league pools together the top female basketballers and coaches of China. Therefore, a study of the league would help us better understand the competitive status of female basketballers in China and offer a scientific and feasible plan for female basketball development. The author took full part in the training of one WCBA team and made statistical analysis of the league. The results show that: The mainstream of the league players are from within China. Currently, Chinese players' height has met the requirements, but players are generally young, and their basic skills are not solid.There is great difference in physical ability between players. Foreign players are core talents of all the league teams.Their performance is outstanding and their technical statistical indexes top relevant rankings. An excellent foreign player can affect the scores of her team. Coaches are the persons to make strategic decisions for their teams. Most teams are yet to develop versatile training and management teams, and short of physical ability coaches and trainers.
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    Study on the Reconstruction and Utilization of School Sports Facilities after the 5·12 Earthquake
    LIU Ying, GAO Yang, WANG Shaoyuan
    2016, 42 (5):  65-70.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.011
    Abstract ( 1645 )   PDF (1078KB) ( 1894 )   Save
    The construction of school sports facilities is an important part of the reconstruction project after the 5·12 earthquake. Based on the surveys and questionnaires of 97 reconstruction schools, the article summarizes the lesson and experience in the reconstruction and utilization of school sports facilities after the earthquake, which include the number of school sports facilities, the principle of reconstruction, the sources of reconstruction funds, the assisting organization, the utilization and opening conditions, and puts forward some measures and suggestions for the reconstruction and utilization of school sports facilities so as to provide a reference for easing the tension between the demand of sports facilities for "sports for all"and their inadequacy.
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    Effectof Competence and Self-Esteem on Special Olympics Volunteers' Service Satisfaction
    JIANG Yun, WU Yandan, LI Chunxiao
    2016, 42 (5):  71-76.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.012
    Abstract ( 1311 )   PDF (1105KB) ( 1887 )   Save
    Special Olympicsis an important channel for people with disabilities to improve their fitness and social inclusion. Special Olympics volunteers need better competence and psychological quality as compared with volunteersfor other events. In order to understand the effect of competence and self-esteem on Special Olympics volunteers service satisfaction, we surveyed 180 volunteers from the Special Olympics Unified Sports_school programs with questionnaire and supportedour findings with literature review, interview and observation to. The results show that competence and self-esteem can are positive predictors for volunteers service satisfaction. In addition, the correlation between competence andself-esteem isa partial mediator in effecting satisfaction. The paper is concluded with suggestions for recruitment, training, management, and research of Special Olympics volunteers.
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    Problems and Solutions of Youth Training in China
    MI Jing
    2016, 42 (5):  77-82.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.013
    Abstract ( 1530 )   PDF (1093KB) ( 2166 )   Save
    The problem of youth training has long plagued the development of competitive sports in China, while the research related to this problem is far from being enough. This paper, using the methods of survey and literature review, analyzes and discusses some of the problems regarding youth training in China, which include how they exist, what harms they may have, why they occur, and how to handle them. The research finds that youth training in China is mono-dimensional in goal, specialized prematurely, adult-oriented, more emphatic of strength than of skills, ignorant of recovery and regeneration, and lacking effective monitoring. The problems restrict and hinder the scientific process of youth training. In future, we should attach greater importance to the basic function of youth training so as to improve its scientific level.
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    Study on the Stability and Instability Phenomenon in Sports Competition: Review and Prospect
    WEI Lipeng, LIU Jianhe
    2016, 42 (5):  83-87.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.014
    Abstract ( 1522 )   PDF (1140KB) ( 2168 )   Save
    The present paper examines documents related to the "stability and instability" phenomenon in sports competition and conducts a holistic, systematic and comprehensive analysis on the issue, i.e. The analysis on the relationship between sports complexity and competition stability, the analysis on the common problems affecting athletes performance between the games of specific event groups, and the quantitative analysis on the forms of stable performance in different event groups (the difficulty and beauty group, the racing group and the distance group) and the evaluation standards for stable performance.
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    Effect of Mindfulness Intervention on Wushu Training and Competition ——The Case of Hong Kong Wushu Team
    LIU Tao, LIU Xiaolei, GUO Yina, SU Ning, HUANG Zhijian
    2016, 42 (5):  88-92.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.015
    Abstract ( 1412 )   PDF (1854KB) ( 1949 )   Save
    The experience of mindfulness-based long-term applied sport psychology practice with Hong Kong Wushu team's preparation for the 13th World Wushu Championship was reviewed with a systematic perspective. The process, form, and content of the sport psychology practice were introduced in detail. The combination of mindfulness theory/method and Wushu training and competition characteristics, as well as the adaptation of long-term sport psychology practice with the team was emphasized. It is hoped that this success experience could be used as reference for further mindfulness-based training program in elite sport.
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    Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among Urban and Rural Residents in 2014 ——An Analysis Based on the Data From the National Physical Fitness Surveillance Stations in 22 Provinces
    ZHANG Yihong, WANG Mei, SUN Junzhi, LI Ning, PEI Yu
    2016, 42 (5):  93-100.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.016
    Abstract ( 1859 )   PDF (1128KB) ( 2162 )   Save
    Objective: To analyze the status of overweight and obesity with urban and rural residents and explores the characteristics of overweight and obesity in gender, age and regional type. Methods: Analyzed the data regarding age, gender, regional type, height, weight, BMI, waist circumference (WC), hipline, waist-hip ratio (WHR) and waist-height ratio (WHtR) of 107 330 residents aged 20-69 from the National Physical Fitness Surveillance Stations in 22 provinces in 2014. Results: (1)The average BMI in the samples was 23.83±3.33kg/m2 with males being 24.40±3.26kg/m2 and females being 23.24±3.30kg/m2 respectively; the total overweight rate in the sampled population was 34.26% with males being 39.91% and females 28.42% respectively, and 34.03% being in urban areas and 34.70% in rural areas; the total obesity rate was 10.98 with males’ being 13.29%and females’ 8.59% respectively, 10.19% being in urban areas and 12.47% in rural areas. (2) Males’ average WC, WHR and WHtR was 85.88cm, 0.904, 0.507 respectively, and females’ was 78.81cm, 0.845, 0.498 accordingly. The total over-standard rate of WC, WHR and WHtR was 49.67%, 50.21% and 50.34% respectively, with males’ being 55.31%, 54.19%, 54.70% accordingly and females’ 43.86%, 46.11%, 45.84% accordingly. (3)The rate of overweight, obesity and central obesity increased with age, and the rate in males was higher than that in females (P<0.01). (4) The average BMI and WC of urban males were higher than that of rural males (P<0.01). The average of rural males was higher than that of urban males (P<0.01). While the average weight, BMI, WC, WHR and WHtR of rural females were higher than that of urban females. Conclusion: (1) The total overweight and obesity rate in the sampled population aged 20-69 was 45.24%, and the central obesity rate over 50%, indicating that the morphological status of residents was easy to contract overweight, obesity and central obesity. (2)The rate of overweight, obesity and central obesity increased with age, with males’ being higher than females’. The rate in urban males was higher than that in rural males while the rate in rural females was higher than that in urban females.
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    A Computer Simulation Research on the Balance Beam Taking off Movement of Salto forward Piked with 1/2 Twist
    WU Chengliang, HAO Weiya, XIAO Xiaofe, LI Xuhong, LOU Yantao
    2016, 42 (5):  101-106.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.017
    Abstract ( 1153 )   PDF (1502KB) ( 2075 )   Save
    Objective: Taking off skill for aerial movements is key to high-difficulty routines in gymnastics balance beam event. The purpose of the present studyis to investigate the kinetics characteristics of taking off skill of the movement of salto forward piked with 1/2 twist (F180)in balance beam event. Methods:First,a F180 performed by a world champion (SUI Lu) was analyzed through 3D motion analysis method. Then a model of 19 segments of human body and balance beam model were developed through LifeMod software, and the take-off movement of F180 was simulated. Themodel was evaluated by a comparison between the actual performance and simulation results.Finally, the simulated loads in lower limb were analyzed in connectionwith the taking off skill. Results: During take-off of F180, the peaks of joint reaction force(JRF) among leg hip, knee and ankle were increasedorderly. Balance beam reaction forces (BRF), JRFs and torques on the right side of the lower limbs were greater than those in the left. In the both sagittal and frontal plane, torques in hips were greater than that in knees, and thenin ankles.The horizontal BRFs on the two feet were in closed magnitudes and in the directions to the median sagittal plane.Conclusion:In order to increase the stability of movement,the gymnast should land feet on the beam simultaneously and contract the feet towards the median plane in much closed forces during F180 take-off stage. Hip plays a major role in take-off of F180, and the right lower limb produces a greater pushing force.The effective coordination of forces and torques in lower limbs provides vertical momentum and angular momentum for the taking off action of F180.
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    The Mechanism of Tapering Influencing Cardiac Muscles Through PI3K of Different Subtypes
    ZHANG Jun
    2016, 42 (5):  107-112.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.018
    Abstract ( 985 )   PDF (7918KB) ( 1792 )   Save
    Objective:To explore the cardiac muscle be affected by PI3K in the course of tapering and its mechanism. Methods: 72 male SD rats were randomly divided into 8 groups after one week of adaptability training:the group that rest for 3 weeks (C3), the group that receive large amount of training for 3 weeks (E3); the group that rest for 3 days (C4)and the group that receive 3 days of tapering (E4);the group that rest for 6 days (C5) and the group that receive 6 days of tapering (E5); the group that rest for 2 weeks (C6) and the group that receive 2 weeks of tapering (E6). After 3 weeks of large amount of training and 2 weeks of tapering, the cardiac muscle of left ventricle was sampled. PI3K p85, PI3K p110α and PI3K p110γ protein was tested through Western blotting. The morphological structure of cardiac muscle organization was HE colored and observed under light microscope. Results: After 3 weeks of large amount of training and 2 weeks of tapering, no significant change occurred in the conformation of cardiac muscle organizations. No injuries were observed in the cardiac muscles. PI3K p110α protein expression increased significantly in cardiac muscles after 6 days of tapering (P<0.05). PI3K p110γ didn’t change significantly after 3 weeks of large amount of training and after tapering (P>0.05). Conclusions: The training and tapering in the project didn’t result in any injuries of the cardiac muscles. Cardiac muscles can be affected by tapering through PI3K.
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    System Innovation of School Sports Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty: A Research Based on Policy Texts
    ZHANG Wenpeng, WANG Jian
    2016, 42 (5):  113-117.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.019
    Abstract ( 1635 )   PDF (1195KB) ( 2144 )   Save
    In order to easethe internal and external tensions, the Late Qing Government was forced to launch a top-down system innovation attempt in the hope of responding to social concerns fromall walks of lifeand sustaining its monarchy at the same time. School sports, as part of the reform in the Late Qing Dynasty, also borethe realistic pursuit for innovation and political purposes. By means of literature review and content analysis, the paper analyzed the policy texts——achievements of school sports reform in the Late Qing Dynasty, finding that: (1) The types,makers and content of school sports policies were quit single; (2) A policy tool system for school sports was developed, which takes the authority tool as its basis, and was supplemented with the ability tool and the symbolic advice tool; (3)The focus of school sports reform was to establish a system to promote the development of school sports.
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    Promoting the Interaction of Top-Level Design and Grass-root Exploration in PE Curriculum Reform ——An Exploratory Study Based on the Three-level PE Curriculum Management
    JI Tai, YANG Jian, JI Liu
    2016, 42 (5):  118-122.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.020
    Abstract ( 1202 )   PDF (1285KB) ( 2221 )   Save
    In order to tackle the problem with the three-level PE curriculum management, i.e., both the state level and the school level being active while the middle level——local PE curriculum management departments, being inactive, this present paper elaborates the necessity of implementing the three-level PE curriculum management and the problem with local PE curriculum management departments. The paper is concluded with a proposal that it is necessary to set up a feedback system for PE curriculum reform. The system includes the principles of building feedback institutions, the information resources, the specific functions of feedback institutions, potential operation problems confronting feedback institutions and the complete operational flowchart of feedback institutions. This study may provide new ideas for promoting the interaction between top-level design and grass-root exploration in PE curriculum reform.
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    Study on Sports Major (Orientation) Framework Design Under the Diversification of Social Functions of Competitive Sports
    LI Rui
    2016, 42 (5):  123-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.021
    Abstract ( 1102 )   PDF (1098KB) ( 1934 )   Save
    The author investigated the diversification of social functions of competitive sports, takes it as a basis to study the routines and means for the innovation and revolution in sports major (orientation) framework design in the new age. The study shows that the currentcultivating mode of sports talentsis faced with three major problems: (1) lack of core goals as a result of overemphasis on narrowing down the cultivation goals; (2) separation of theory and practice caused by the over-discretization of cultivating modes; and (3) hindering of interdisciplinary communication arose from the over-discretization of training system. The author points out that the fundamental way to solve these problems includes: highlighting the core goals, equally valuing practice and theory, and strengthening interdisciplinary communication. Besides, this article gives suggestions for the innovation of sports major (orientation)framework design inthe new age with reference to the tree mode of German Sport University Cologne and the net mode of Springfield College.
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