The comprehensive and normal functions of human movement system are dependent upon the complex, complete, and normal body structures. In this paper, an attempt was made to introduce important concepts of human body movement patterns (FMP), and human movement chain (HMC) and its classifications as well as the applications of these concepts to sport injury prevention and rehabilitation. Based on a systematical review of previous studies, clinical evidences, and practical observations, the author of the paper proposes an evidence-based human self-function and regulation model for motor performance and sport rehabilitation. In addition, the author suggests that movement patterns (FMP) and movement chain are the fundamental structures and building blocks for a performer to carry out the amazing self-functions during motor skill performance. Fundamental movement patterns are also the cornerstone of motor and sport skill learning and development. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the human movement patterns and human movement chain system will help teachers, coaches, and practitioners develop preventative and corrective methods for identification, recognition, and management of risk of injuries. Gaining such knowledge will also help them design and implement effective teaching, coaching, and clinical programs for skill development and injury prevention and rehabilitation.