ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 July 2016, Volume 42 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Deepening the Comprehensive Educational Reform
    in Higher Institutes of Physical Education in an
    Innovative Way
    ——On the Disciplinary Characteristics and Talent-training Objectives
    of Chengdu Sport University
    LIU Qing
    2016, 42 (4):  1-6.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.001
    Abstract ( 1894 )   PDF (1145KB) ( 2272 )   Save
    Facing the new situation of higher physical education in China, the paper analyzes and elaborates the reform and development of physical education institutes and universities. With reference to the comprehensive educational reform in Chengdu Sport Institute, the paper proposes that special (professional) sports institutes must: coordinate the relationship between “sports feature” and “multidisciplinary coordinated development” while firmly taking “sport” as their fundamental feature in talent training; further upgrade physical education students’ professional skills and specialized abilities and enhance students’ quality of education to win their discourse right in sports industry; meet the society’s demands for diversified sports services and closely rely on specific athletic platforms to promote the realization of the characteristic of “permeability of sports and medicine, combination of sports and arts”; further innovate their talent-training mode to turn their characteristics into their advantage and promote the multidisciplinary coordinated development.
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    A Study on the Reform Roadmap of FIFA:
    A Critical Reflection
    HUANG Lu
    2016, 42 (4):  7-14.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.002
    Abstract ( 1348 )   PDF (1197KB) ( 1807 )   Save
    The reform roadmap of FIFA is also called “the 2011-2013 governance and reform plan”. The major outcome of the reform roadmap is to further specify and refine the democratization procedures as well as reform and innovate internal supervision mechanism. The reform roadmap hasn’t solved the fundamental problems in internal control and governance structure. Causes leading to the failure are as follows. Firstly, the need of formalization is more than substantial reform; secondly, governance and reform is lack of fundamental independence; thirdly, there exists selective or ineffective implementation in reform proposals, and it lays particular stress on perfecting democratization procedures. From the perspective of a dialectical attitude, the reform roadmap leaves some political heritage for FIFA to move towards a way of good governance, and it is the result of power game as well as a gradual reform process.
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    Opportunities, Challenges and Reflection:
    A Review of the 50th Anniversary of ISSA
    and World Congress of Sociology of Sport
    XIONG Huan
    2016, 42 (4):  15-20.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.003
    Abstract ( 1385 )   PDF (1222KB) ( 2135 )   Save
    By reviewing the 265 paper abstracts presented at 50th Anniversary of ISSA and World Congress of Sociology of Sport and the 50 special contributions to Review of International Sports Sociology, the present paper tries to identify the hot topics, the characteristics and the trend of recent research in sociology of sport. The findings indicate that the topics in sociology of sports are characterized by being timely, region-specific, well-targeted and cross-disciplinary. Among the topics, “gender and sport”, “sport and politics (policy)”, and “sport and health” are three prevailing subjects. Post-structuralism, cultural critical perspectives and qualitative research paradigm are widely adopted. Currently, the international sociology of sport is faced with factual and disciplinary opportunities as well as challenges from the natural sciences, mainstream sociology and sociology of sport within. Academic utilitarianism, language and regional differences are the barriers to the discipline’s international cooperation and development. To face the challenges, the international sociology of sport should take serving human beings in a comprehensive way as its mission to whet its innovative capability, and give full play to its humanistic value and reflective spirit.
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    Research on the Development Road of City Sports
    Service Complexin China
    ZHANG Qiang,CHEN Yuanxin,WANG Huayan,YANG Jin’e,JI Qing
    2016, 42 (4):  21-26.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.004
    Abstract ( 1983 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 2580 )   Save
    By using the methods of dynamic comparison and expert interview,the present paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of developingCity Sports Service Complex (shortened as CSSC). The paper summarizes the trend and experience in developing “CSSC” at home and abroad and points out that the development path for CSSC include: rebuilding the existing large sports venues to add new services; transforming business complex into city sports service complex; planning new sports service complexes with reference to new sports complex idea. In the process of developing sports service complexes, issues concerning land transfer,policy continuation, public welfare and business operation should be handle properly. Efforts to promote the PPP model, and to introduce modern enterprise system should be strengthened. The authors suggests that the development of CSSC be written into “the 13th Five-Year National Development Plan”, state-owned enterprises play a leading role in transforming existing large stadiums, enterprises of mixed ownership play their advantage in sports complex business operation, policies to support taxation and investment and financing and mechanism of ensuring reasonable returns for investment and protecting the rights and interests of investor be worked out so as to promote the development of city sports service complex.
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    Comparison of Leisure Sports Behaviors
    of Urban Women of Different Strata in the
    Transformation Period
    ——A Case Study of Chengdu
    ZHANG Lei
    2016, 42 (4):  27-32.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.005
    Abstract ( 1612 )   PDF (1139KB) ( 1666 )   Save
    The present paper, taking Chengdu as a case,is to discuss the leisure sports behaviors of urban women of different strata. 713 effective samples were collected and the study was conducted by way of questionnaire, literature and statistic analysis (spss21.0). The study shows that: (1) Women of different social strata present significant difference in leisure sports participation and the participation rate of women of upper-middle stratum and middle stratum is relatively high; (2) Women of differentstrata present difference in selection of leisure sports site and women of higher stratum is more active in using sports sites that must be paid for; (3) Women of different strata present significant different in leisure sports consumption level and the consumption level increases with women’s social strata; (4) There is no significant difference in sports participation frequency, leisure sports item selection, consumption content, and participation value orientation between women of different strata. The author proposes that due attention be paid to the development of leisure sports behaviors and the guidance of healthy life style for urban women of low and middle strata in Chengdu, the government should continue to play a fundamental role in public leisure sports resources configuration and conduct dynamic studies on the growth structure of regional women’s leisure sports behaviors.
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    A Philological Study on “Body, Exercise and
    Health” in the West before the 18th Century
    WANG Zhen, ZHAO Ge
    2016, 42 (4):  33-39.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.006
    Abstract ( 1865 )   PDF (1192KB) ( 1548 )   Save
    Analysis of relevant literature shows that cognition and practical activities on “body, exercise and health” have a long history in the West before the 18th history. Over the millennium before the 18th century, people’s concept of health was dominated by theories of medicine and philosophy in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. After the establishment of Christianity in the 1st century, people’s concept of health was also influenced by “religion, witchcraft and theories on external environment”. After the Renaissance, the emergence of new theories and knowledge liberated people from ignorance, and people’s health activities transformed from “body fluid discharge”, and “bloodletting” to “physical exercise”, and people started to stress the form and efficiency of exercise. Generally, the changes in the Western concept of health before the 18th century was a transition from ignorance to science, from inevitability to freedom, from “adjustment within the body” to “external body workout”. In the transition, the theme of self-care and body care never changed.
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    Study on British Middle-Class Women’s
    Leisure Activities in the 19th Century
    CHE Xusheng, HE Xu
    2016, 42 (4):  40-45.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.007
    Abstract ( 2367 )   PDF (1156KB) ( 2505 )   Save
    Based on literature review, the current paper discusses British middle-class women’s leisure activities in the 19th century from historical and sociological perspectives. Studies indicate that: before the mid-19th century, British middle-class women, influenced by traditional social concepts, mainly attended static leisure activities such as elegant arts education, handicraft making, drama watching, etc. On the surface, it seems that women enjoyed a high prestige, but in reality, women’s social status was quite low; after the mid-19th century, the social diversification and the rise of women’s self-consciousness made women’s leisure activities more diverse and women turned to outdoor activities. As a result, the traditional boundary between men and women was broken and the idea of freedom and independence was sparked among women. however, women’ssocial status and rights were not completely liberated.
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    A Comparative Study on the Modern Transformation
    of the National Traditional Sports in China and Japan:
    A Cultural Perspective
    PAN Dong, YUE Wenyan
    2016, 42 (4):  46-50.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.008
    Abstract ( 1279 )   PDF (1192KB) ( 1596 )   Save
    Based on the principle of cultural taxonomy, and the theory on the “intrinsic and extrinsic value” of cultural district, this paper studied the modern transformation of the national traditional sports in China and Japan from the cultural comparative perspective. It is concluded that both Chinese and Japanese national traditional sports startedtheir modern transformation when the western influences were spread to the east and Chinese and Japanese cultural types, features and their inner regulatory mechanisms are the factors that lead to the difference in the two countries, and the “time difference” can be found in three dimensions: time, space and main feature. The findings are enlightening for us to find the path and strategiesfor the modernization of Chinese national traditional sports.
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    The Generic Property of Chinese Traditional
    Cuju-Kick Sports Games and Analysis of
    Their Characteristics as a Body Culture
    XIAO Jinyong
    2016, 42 (4):  51-55.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.009
    Abstract ( 1410 )   PDF (1140KB) ( 1926 )   Save
    Cuju, Cuqiu, shuttlecock kicking are all Chinese traditional sports games. Having the same origin, distinctive characteristics, unique functions, they constitute the backbone of Chinese Cuju-kick sports system in modern times and arelisted as provincial intangible cultural heritages. This paper first examines Cuju’s origin and then analyses its generic property as an ethnic sports game and an intangible cultural heritage and its characteristics as a body culture. The paper finally describes the three levels of body culture entailed in the game.
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    Research on Innovation Design and Implementation
    Effect of Annual Cycle Training Blocks for Chinese
    Women’s Double Sculls Team
    JIN Zongqiang, CAO Jingwei, ZHOU Yaofang, CAO Mianying
    2016, 42 (4):  56-63.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.010
    Abstract ( 1366 )   PDF (1769KB) ( 3060 )   Save
    By methods of literature review, expert interview, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, the present paper studies the block training innovation design for Chinese Women’s Double Sculls Team and its implementation effect, aiming to explore the annual rowing training cycle so as to provide scientific training theory and practical guidance for Chinese rowing team in the new Olympic preparation cycle. Besides, the paper tries to further develop and consolidate the role of micro cycle training theory in competitive sports training. The conclusion indicates that: (1) the training plan for the Olympic year can be divided into 5 interconnected blocks, i.e. aerobic preparation period, altitude training period, consolidation period, pre-competition preparation period, and pre-competition training period. (2) The training load arrangement adopts the low intensity training mode with large amount of exercise and high aerobic proportion. Training load in the blocks exhibits periodic variation, i.e. large amount of exercise in the aerobic preparation period, reduction of load in the altitude training period, addition of load in the consolidation period, large amount of exercise in pre-compitition preparation period and pre-competition training period. The respiratory muscle training method was introduced to improve the effect of players’ breathing rhythm and technique rhythm in competition, which in turn effectively enhanced the team’s final sprint ability. (3) In terms of the effect of training, annual cycle training blocks for Chinese women’s double sculls team is reasonable and successful. i.e. the training effect of hemoglobin and blood urea_the two body function indexes, was good, the maximum work performance of dynamometer increased in twists and turns, and medals won at the World Cup and the Olympic Games increased too.
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    Analysis of National Women Kayak Team’s
    Winter Training Load Characteristics and Effect
    YU Yin,DU Geng,GAO Ping,DUAN Zhenhua,XU Zhijuan,GAO Weifeng
    2016, 42 (4):  64-69.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.011
    Abstract ( 1521 )   PDF (1408KB) ( 1790 )   Save
    Based on the methods of literature, observation, expert interview and mathematical statistics, this paper analyses the training load characteristics and effect of the National Woman Kayak Team in 2014 winter. The results show that this winter training includes the basic ability recovering, altitude training and the special ability strengthening three stages. The proportion of the water-training was gradually increasing, and the proportion of land-training was gradually decreasing. The water-training includes the training of aerobic ability, the mixed aerobic ability, the acid- resisting ability and the speed ability. The proportion of aerobic ability training ranks first in each stage. The proportion of mixed aerobic ability training ranks second, and presents a certain upward trend. The acid- resisting ability training is focused on the second and third stages. The percentage of the speed ability training is lowest, but the ratio of the training course is higher than the acid- resisting training. The land-training focuses on the great strength and strength endurance training. The first and second stages highlight the great strength training and the third stage highlights the strength endurance training. Through 14 weeks of winter training, the oxygen ability, great strength and strength endurance have improved obviously, which reflects the winter training achieved expected goals and tasks.
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    The Exploration and Experimental Verification
    of Water-land Core Stability Strength Training
    Mode for Male Teenage Butterfly Swimmers
    LI Ruijie, WEN Yuhong, ZHANG Mengxue, YANG Zhengsheng
    2016, 42 (4):  70-75.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.012
    Abstract ( 1170 )   PDF (1137KB) ( 2314 )   Save
    Using the methods of documentation, expert interview, questionnaire and experimentation, the paper chose 12 male teenage butterfly swimmers from the second and third tier teams in Shanghai as subjects and divided them into the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received the water-land core stability strength training of “2-4-2” for two months while the control group did regular strength training. Before and after the intervention of the experiment, the subjects’ performances were tested and recorded. The performances include 8-bridge test, 15meters push-wall butterfly kick, 50 meters butterfly, 100 meters butterfly and performance in the last 15 meters section 100 meters butterfly and the average stroke rate, length and velocity. The study shows that the water-land core stability strength training can effectively improve the young butterfly swimmers’ performances.
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    Research onthe Frontal Neurons Apoptosis of Rats and
    the Mitochondrial Morphology and Expression of Drp1,
    Mfn2 after Overload Swimming
    WANG Lu,DENG Wenqian
    2016, 42 (4):  76-81.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.013
    Abstract ( 1312 )   PDF (1987KB) ( 2089 )   Save
    Objective: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between cell apoptosis of the frontal lobe induced by one-time overload exercise and the changes of mitochondrial morphology in rats,as well as the expression of Drp1、Mfn2, which are associated with mitochondrial fusion and division. Methods:48 male SD rats were randomly divided into control group(group C,n=18),one-time overload exercise group(group E,n=54). Group E was divided again into different groups based on time(immediately,24h and 48h),named group E0,E24 and E48, with 18 rats in each group.Group E: carried out one-time exhaustive swimming for 4 hours.The morphological structure of the loubusfromatis neurons and mitochondria were observed by using transmission electron microscopy, the apoptosis index (AI) detected by TUNEL method, and the mRNA and protein level of Drp1 and Mfn2 detected.Results:the rats’ frontal lobe neurons and mitochondrial appeared irregular after one-time overload exercise,but this exception returned to normal in 48hours. There was a significant reduction of AI in group E, when compared with group C(P<0.01).When compared with the AI at different time points in group E,we can see that E24>E0>E48(P<0.05). The transcription and protein expression of Drp1 and Mfn2 were significantly increased after one-time exhaustive exercise, when compared with group C(P<0.05).The Drp1 transcription and protein expression of group E48 decreased significantly (P<0.05),and the Mfn2 transcription and protein expression decreased slighter (P>0.05), when compared with group E24.Conclusion: Suggest that one-time overload movement cause an abnormal mitochondria morphology and induce cell apoptosis of the loubus fromatis. But in 48 hours tissue damage of the loubus fromatis can be reduced, or even recovery. The expression of Drp1 and the loubus fromatis cell apoptosis induced by exhaustion exercise were closely related. However, the increased expression of Mfn2 could ameliorate the development of the loubus fromatis cells apoptosis caused by exhaustion movement.
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    Experimental Study on the Bio-mechanical
    Characteristics of Human Lower Leg Tendon
    SHA Chuanhua, ZHANG Tao, LI long
    2016, 42 (4):  82-86.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.014
    Abstract ( 1598 )   PDF (1389KB) ( 1916 )   Save
    Objective:Study of the bio-mechanical properties on human lower leg tendon provides theoretical basis for injury prevention, repair and artificial materials replacement. Methods:The Zwick universal material testing machine from Germany was used to conduct one dimensional destructive test on 9 kinds of tendon from 72 cases of adult fresh lower leg, and the experimental data were statistically analyzed. Results:(1) When the Strain falls in the 0 ~ 5% range, which is the “toe region” of the curve, the deformation changes little with the tensile stress. In the 8% ~ 16% strain range, which is the “Linear region” of the curve, the tensile stress increases with the strain increase. When the deformation reaches around 20%, tensile stress decreases with increasing strain. (2) There is no significant difference in the ultimate strain indicators among the 9 kinds of tendon, while the ultimate stress indicators of the Achilles tendon is significantly smaller than that of the extensor tendon, the flexor tendon, and the hallux longus tendon(P<0.05).(3) There are significant differences between the tensile stiffness and elastic modulus for some of the 9 kinds of tendon. (P<0.05) Conclusion: (1) There is little difference in the stress vs. strain curves for 9 kinds of lower leg tendon, and the curves are basically the same as those for the forearm tendon, which shows that the tendons of the main structure in the dense connective tissue are basically the same. (2) The difference of the limit strain indexes of the leg tendon is not obvious, so it is concluded that the ability of the calf tendon to resist the maximum load is basically the same. Because of the large area of the Achilles tendon, the stress is scattered, so the ultimate stress is the least.(3) The tensile stiffness of the Achilles tendon is large, which, in perspective of the biological material mechanics , ensures that the ankle joint can withstand the the back flexion movement of high frequency, high intensity and great amplitude. (4) Strong muscle belly produces elastic deformation mainly through the muscle contraction force, while tendon with smaller belly muscle meets the needs of the function mainly through its own elastic deformation capacity.
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    Biomechanical test of archery recurve bow
    YANG Cheng, ZHANG Xiaolin, ZHANG Minghong
    2016, 42 (4):  87-92.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.015
    Abstract ( 1454 )   PDF (1905KB) ( 2086 )   Save
    To establish a recurve bow response online measurement system and to conduct both the static and dynamic measurement of load-related parameters of the bow system (including bowstring) so as to provide reference data for upgrading archery training level. Methods: A self-made carbon steel testing bench having the total length of the emitter and the bow at full draw, was used for both the static and dynamic test of the recurve bow used by the national archery team players and for the test of two archers’ arrow shooting. Conclusion: In the static test, both the relationship between the static strain response of the measuring point on the bow blades and the load transmitted onto the bow blades via the string, and the relationship between the pulling force and the pulled distance were linear; In the dynamic test, the strain response frequency of the bow limb without bowstring was 46.88Hz. When the bow blades were installed with the bowstring, all the strain response frequencies were 13.67Hz. When the shock absorber was installed, the bow limb had smoother response waves. In terms of effect, the single shock absorber had a better damping effect when installed on the upper part of the bow grip than when installed on the lower part. The combined shock absorber had a better effect than the single shock absorber; As compared with thick arrows, thin arrows are more suitable for the recurve bow system. The tighter the screws were fastened, the better overall performance the bow system had. However, the screws’ tightness had no effect on the intrinsic frequency of the recurve bow system of the type. The two archers had different dynamic responses when they used the same bow and arrows. Therefore, the purpose of archer training is to make his energy focused on the arrow’s flying direction.
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    The Application Research of Embryo
    Developmental Theory in the Diagnosis
    of Shoulder Pain for Overhead Athletes
    ZENG Zhen
    2016, 42 (4):  93-96.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.016
    Abstract ( 1392 )   PDF (1217KB) ( 2014 )   Save
    Shoulder pain is the most commonplace injury in overhead movements. The diagnosis of shoulder pain is always a big challenge due to the complexity of shoulder anatomy and the various injury mechanisms. An accurate diagnosis of shoulder pain requires a thorough understanding of patients’ medical history. Applying the theory of embryo development and the principle of referral pain would be beneficial for sports clinicians to understand further the characteristics and the potential causes of the pain, thus improving the accuracy of the diagnosis and specificity of treatment.
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    The Historical Evolution of Exercise Psychology
    YANG Jian, JI Liu, CHEN Fuliang
    2016, 42 (4):  97-102.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.017
    Abstract ( 1501 )   PDF (1159KB) ( 1702 )   Save
    Originated in 1970s, Exercise Psychology, an interdisciplinary branch of science combining Exercise Science and Psychology, has made great progress and become an important field of Exercise Science. This paper reviews the three developmental stagesof Exercise Psychology at home and abroad: its origin in the 1860s and its budding development in the 20thcentury, its slow development period in the 20th century and its rapid development and prosperity in the 21st century. This paper examineshow Exercise Psychology in China evolved from scratchto its integration into the international community in the hope of helping researchers in China to follow the research findings and the development trend of Exercise Psychology.Studying its historical evolution will not only help promote itshealthy development, but also help expand its scope of research.
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    Influence of Exercise Intervention on
    College Students’Psychological Pressure:
    Mediating Effect on Health Belief
    ZHANG Chunlei,ZHANG Shouwei,XIAO Kunpeng
    2016, 42 (4):  103-108.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.018
    Abstract ( 1398 )   PDF (1173KB) ( 2325 )   Save
    Objective: Conduct empirical research on the relationship betweensports exercise, psychological pressure and health beliefs so as to provide empirical evidence and a theoretical basis for preventing and easing college students’ psychological pressure. Methods: 180 college students were divided into the experimental group and the control group to receive sports interventions, and were tested before and after intervention.The results from within each group and between the two groups were compared. Results: Different sports games can efficiently decrease college students’ psychological pressure. The influences of different sports games are as follows: football and basketball exercises were better than volleyball exercise; volleyball exercise was better than badminton and ping-pong exercises; badminton and ping-pong exercises were better than martial arts and roller blading exercises. Different sports games can efficiently improve college students’ level of health belief, but the difference between different sports games was not significant.Sports exercise intervention not only directly eases college students’ psychological pressure but also indirectly eases college students’psychological pressure through the rationale and controlling direction of health belief. Conclusion: Health belief exerts a partial mediating influence on decreasing college students’psychological pressure.
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    Research on the Professional Standards
    of Pre-service Physical Education Teachers
    in America
    DONG Guoyong,BI Yongxing
    2016, 42 (4):  109-114.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.019
    Abstract ( 1290 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 2149 )   Save
    The article reviews documents in relation to the professional standards of pre-service PE teachers in America, aiming to reveal issues relevant to the professional standards of pre-service PE teachers in America, such as America’s pre-service PE teacher standards failing to play its function, the standards stressing the results rather than the process, and the input-output in the certification process being not in right proportion. On this basis, the current paper, with reference to the actual legislation situation in China, lists some issues that should be stressed in building the professional standards of PE teachers in China: (1) The power of professional PE teachers teams, (2) Efficiency and Timeliness of the standards, (3) Regional and ethnic difference, (4) Feedback of evaluation process.
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    Approaches to Construct Pre-service Physical
    Education Teachers’ Professional Identity
    ZHANG Xiaobo
    2016, 42 (4):  115-121.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.020
    Abstract ( 1506 )   PDF (1172KB) ( 2058 )   Save
    Pre-service physical education teachers are at the initial stage of their professional development, their perception of “who am I?”, i.e. their professional identity is the basis of their professional development. Pre-service teachers don’t have a stable professional identity, therefore, it is necessary to help them to construct their professional identity so as to help them gain self-identity. Based on the interpretation of pre-service physical education teachers’ professional identity construction, this study puts forward that the theoretical basis of their identity construction includes social construction theory and critical discourse analysis theory. The factors influencing their identity construction include the pre-conception of teachers’ professional identity, their learning experiences at college and their experiences of internship. The author proposes that measures be taken to cultivate pre-service teachers’ professional beliefs, adjust education curriculum for physical education teachers, provide negotiation platform of professional identity construction, and build pre-service teachers’ professional community so as to help pre-service physical education teachers to construct their professional identity.
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    Reflection and Outlook on Sports MOOC
    JIN Chengping
    2016, 42 (4):  122-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.04.021
    Abstract ( 1978 )   PDF (1138KB) ( 1901 )   Save
    MOOC, as an extension of online education, contains many educational theories. In a new age when information technology keeps being innovated, the problems that the MOOC of sports is faced with include: its scope of application is limited; type of students and effect of study are doubtful; The teaching and learning of MOOC are difficult to operate; its cost is not in proportion to its effect.This study examines and reflects over MOOC, finding that: the technical tool can not bring out real change to traditional education, MOOC reveals that our education lacks cultural confidence, the lack of growing point in teaching mechanism in China will diminish the effect of MOOC. So we should: promote our society to transform into a learning society by developing MOOC of sports; offer quality courses to meet the needs of students; establish the supervision mechanism of MOOC to raise the quality of education; form joint force to achieve sustained development of MOOC.
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