ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (3): 118-126.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.03.015

• 特色栏目:体育史与体育文化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 成都体育学院 体育教育学院,四川 成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-11 修回日期:2024-01-25 发布日期:2024-06-25
  • 作者简介:马杰华,博士研究生,副编审,研究方向:高等体育教育史;E-mail:275413794@qq.com。

A Study of Physical Education in New-style Higher Education in Sichuan in the Late Qing Dynasty

MA Jiehua   

  1. Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu Sichuan 610041
  • Received:2023-09-11 Revised:2024-01-25 Published:2024-06-25

摘要: 清末四川新式高等体育教育展示了封闭的中国西部内陆省份教育走向近代化转型的一个“面相”。文章对清末四川教育转型之高等体育教育的兴起与发展进行考证研究,有助于拓展我国体育学的研究深度与广度。研究得出清末四川高等学堂(校)办学性质多元;新式高等学堂(校)无论是在数量上还是体育的开办时间上都走在了同时期全国的前列;近代四川高等体育教育始于1896年创办的官立新式学堂—四川中西学堂,之后其他高等学堂普遍开始实行普通体操与兵式体操教育;1906年四川开办了培养体育专门人才的体育科,制定了专门的体育教育规范与以西方分科知识为基础的体育课程体系,该体育学堂培养了开国元勋朱德总司令等一批优秀学生;同时期四川还有一所直接由西方人创办的华西协合大学,该校于创办之初的1910年便开设了体育课程,其校园体育文化特色引领了中国西部近代体育之风尚,在全国享有较高的知名度。

关键词: 清末, 四川, 高等学堂, 高等教育, 体育教育, 体育活动

Abstract: The development of physical education in new-style higher education in Sichuan during the late Qing Dynasty demonstrates a "facet" of the educational transformation in the closed inland province of western China towards modernization. This article examines the rise and development of higher physical education in the educational transformation in modern Sichuan, and concludes that higher education in modern Sichuan was operated in a diversified way; the new-style higher education at the time was at the forefront of the whole country both in terms of the number of higher education institutions and the opening time of physical education. Higher physical education in modern Sichuan started in the modern official new-style school - Sichuan Chinese and Western School. which was founded in 1896. Following that, other higher education institutions began to offer education of general gymnastics and military-style gymnastics. In 1906, Sichuan established Sichuan Institute of Physical Education to cultivate sports talents, and designed the physical education norms and the Western discipline-based physical education curriculum system. The institute cultivated a number of outstanding students including the founder of New China - Generalissimo Zhu De. At the same time, West China Union University, which was established by Westerners in 1910, offered physical education courses since its inauguration, and its school sports culture led the modern sports fashion in western China, and its sports characteristics enjoyed high reputation in the country.

Key words: late Qing Dynasty, Sichuan, higher education institutions, higher education, physical education, sports activities


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