ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 97-102.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.016

• 博士研究生专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


殷悦1, 侯学华2, 李俊3, 杨林4, 孟宁2   

  1. 1.北京体育大学,北京 100084;
    2.南京体育学院,江苏 南京 210014;
    3.南京大学,江苏 南京 210014;
    4.菲律宾德拉萨大学,菲律宾 马尼拉 1004
  • 收稿日期:2021-02-10 修回日期:2021-05-10 出版日期:2021-11-15 发布日期:2021-11-26
  • 通讯作者: 侯学华,副教授,硕士研究生导师,研究方向:足球。E-mail:hxh0546@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:殷悦,博士研究生,研究方向:幼儿体育、体育法。E-mail:saunkhr@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Major revision study of FIFA RSTP history

YIN Yue1, HOU Xuehua2, LI Jun3, YANG Lin4, MENG Ning2   

  1. 1. Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084;
    2. Nanjing Sport Institute,Nanjing Jiangsu 210014;
    3. Nanjing University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210014;
    4. De La Salle University,Manila Philippines,1004
  • Received:2021-02-10 Revised:2021-05-10 Online:2021-11-15 Published:2021-11-26

摘要: 《球员身份和转会规定》(RSTP)是FIFA出台的强制性规定,是FIFA借以实现全球足球治理的最重要的政策依据。RSTP的修订,对国际足球秩序有着深远的意义与影响。文章通过文献资料法、专家访谈法,对1994年至2020年期间FIFA发布的RSTP的近20个版本中的重点修订内容进行对比分析,发现由博斯曼法案引发的RSTP,在未成年人保护、基于正当理由终止合同、合同稳定性、俱乐部独立性的保护、球员转会匹配系统、训练补偿、五人制球员身份和转会、合同稳定性、球员信息与转会等多角度进行了调整与修订,其中一些规定条款几乎完整延续了以往版本中较成熟的内容和架构,全面界定与解释相关概念将是RSTP未来的发展趋势。研究指出了中国足球协会对该项规定的借鉴运用、执行成果和不当之处。研究认为,FIFA多次修订RSTP,规范了自身管理体系,弥补了制度漏洞,形成了相对健全的全球足球治理体系。中国有必要加快足球协会行业管理规定与RSTP的融合与接轨步伐,推动全行业学习与理解RSTP各项规定与条款,加强对足球国际运行规则的深入、全面把握,提升中国足球治理的专业化水平与过程。

关键词: RSTP, FIFA, 足球, 注册, 转会, 体育法

Abstract: "Player Identity and Transfer Regulations" (RSTP) is a mandatory regulation issued by FIFA and is the most important policy basis for FIFA to realize global football governance. The revision of RSTP has far-reaching significance and influence on the international football order. Through the methods of literature review and expert interview, This thesis analyzes the key revisions in nearly 20 versions of RSTP issued by FIFA from 1994 to 2020, focuses on the RSTP adjustment caused by Bosman Act, the construction of FIFA's independent judicial system, the provisions on the protection of minors, the termination of contracts for legitimate reasons, the protection of club independence, the player transfer matching system, training compensation, the identity and transfer of five-member players, contract stability, player information and transfer and other related provisions. It provides reference for the policy formulation and adjustment of China's football industry management agencies and provides theoretical support for China's football industry to timely and accurately understand and implement international football industry regulations.

Key words: RSTP, FIFA, football, registration, football transfer, sports law


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