ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 1-7.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.001

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杨桦1, 荆敏1,2   

  1. 1.北京体育大学,北京 100084
    2.成都体育学院,四川 成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2019-12-20 出版日期:2020-01-15 发布日期:2020-02-14
  • 作者简介:杨桦,教授,博士生导师。研究方向:体育人文社会学,体育教育训练学。E-mail:yanghua@bsu.edu.cn。

Chinese Sports and The Olympic Games: from Differences to Integration

YANG Hua1, JING Min1,2   

  1. 1.Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084
    2.Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu Sichuan 610041
  • Received:2019-12-20 Online:2020-01-15 Published:2020-02-14

摘要: 2020年人类社会进入到21世纪的20年代,恰逢新的“奥运年”,文章运用历史学、文化学及人类学的理论与方法回溯与梳理中国体育与奥林匹克运动从差异走向融合的历程,对构建多元平等共享的世界体育共同体具有重要意义。研究认为具有浓重西方文化色彩的奥林匹克运动进入中国后,与中国传统体育在经济基础、文化形态、思维方式、伦理与价值取向及认识与观念等方面存有差异。中国体育在发展中既保留了中国传统特色与精髓,又吸收了奥林匹克运动的精华,并在继承和发扬中华五千年文化基础上,不断向外传递中国文化,逐步实现与奥林匹克运动的交流与融合。中国体育离不开奥林匹克,奥林匹克亦离不开中国,两者彼此相融,相互依赖。进而指出中国在2022冬奥会举办之际,应充分利用奥林匹克平台传递中国理念,让世界真正了解中国、宣传中国,并为奥林匹克和人类文化作出突出贡献。

关键词: 中国体育, 奥林匹克运动, 差异, 融合

Abstract: The year of 2020 marks the start of the second decade of the 21st century, which coincides with the new Olympic Year. This article uses the historical, cultural, and anthropological methodologies to trace back and review how the relationship between Chinese sports and the Olympic Movement has changed from difference to integration. This study is of great significance to construct a sports community of equal and shared future.The Olympic Movement, with strong western cultural characteristics, is different from Chinese traditional sports in economic basis, cultural form, thinking pattern and sports ethics. Since the Olympic Movement was introduced into China, Chinese sports has gradually achieved, on the basis of absorbing the essence of the Olympic movement, inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese culture of five thousand years, and continuously transmitting Chinese culture to the world, its communication and integration with the Olympic Movement while retaining its traditional characteristics and essence. Chinese sports is inseparable from the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Movement is inseparable from Chinese sports too. They are integral and interdependent. In a period of major change that’s rarely seen in a century, Chinese sports is facing unprecedented situations. During the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, Chinese sports needs to make full use of the Olympic platform to transmit the Chinese ideology so that the world can truly understand China, thus making outstanding contributions to the Olympic Movement and human culture.

Key words: Chinese sports, The Olympic Games, differences, integration


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