ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 74-78.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.06.00

• 体育人文社会科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


戴 羽   

  1. 山西师范大学历史与旅游文化学院,山西 临汾 041000
  • 收稿日期:2016-05-01 出版日期:2016-11-15 发布日期:2016-11-29
  • 作者简介:戴羽,历史学博士,研究方向:体育史、宋辽夏金史。
  • 基金资助:

Study of Sport Awards in the Song Dynasty

DAI Yu   

  1. Shanxi Normal University, Linfen Shanxi 041000
  • Received:2016-05-01 Online:2016-11-15 Published:2016-11-29

摘要: 宋代体育赏赐内容丰富,包括货币赏赐、物品赏赐、官品赏赐,涵盖了相扑、弄潮、蹴鞠、竞渡、骑射等官民热衷的体育项目,其中相扑、弄潮、蹴鞠、竞渡等以短期激励为主,骑射则赏令众多,注重赏赐的长期激励效应,这与宋面临北方强大的军事压迫紧密相关。与前代相较,宋代体育赏赐表现出赏赐主体扩大、规范性更强以及首次出现纸币赏赐等新特征。宋体育赏赐在满足从业者生计的同时,也促进了体育向商业化、市场化方向发展,相扑、竞渡等项目正是在高额赏金的刺激下初步具备了现代商业体育的运作模式,开创了体育市场化的先河。

关键词: 宋代, 体育赏赐, 研究, 市场化

Abstract: Awards for popular sports games, such as sumo, surfing, kemari, boat racing and horse archery, in the Song Dynasty cover a wide variety of forms including currency, physical objects, or even official ranks. Awards for games like sumo, surfing, kemari, or boat racing, stress short-term incentive effect, while awards for horse archery are mostly awarding decrees or laws,stressing long-term incentive effect. This could be related to the military threats from the northern frontier. Different from the previous historical periods, awards for sports activities in the Song Dynasty take on some new features such as the expansion of awarding items, the standardization of awarding regulations and the use of paper currency. While catering to the life needs of practitioners, sports awards in the Song Dynasty promote the commercialization and marketization of sports activities. Stimulated by high rewards, games like sumo and boat racing take on the initial forms of modern commercial sports, thus pioneering sports marketization in China.

Key words: the Song Dynasty, sport awards, study, marketization


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