ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 84-91.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.03.014

• 体育人文社会学 • 上一篇    下一篇


高会军, 王世景, 许全   

  1. 玉林师范学院体育健康学院 ,广西 玉林 537000
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-18 发布日期:2020-06-02
  • 作者简介:高会军,硕士,教授,主要研究方向:民族传统体育文化。E-mail:ghjj_0@163.com。
  • 基金资助:
    2018年度广西高等教育教学改革工程重点项目 (2018JGZ134)。

Oral-history Research on the Wushu Heritage “Shibaluzhuang” of Cunshengtang in Fumian Sanshe, Southeast Guangxi

GAO Huijun, WANG Shijing, XU Quan   

  1. Yulin Normal University, Yulin Guangxi 537000
  • Received:2019-04-18 Published:2020-06-02

摘要: 文章采用实地调查、口述历史和文献资料研究方法,对桂东南福绵三社存胜堂“十八路桩”武术的历史渊源、传承脉络体系和发展进行深入地挖掘和梳理。研究认为,被列入广西非遗名录的“十八路桩”武术,是以福绵三社存胜堂为发源地,具有一定的文化价值和活态存在的鲜明特点。其分设武馆300多家,辐射桂东南,习武人数之众,影响力大,在我国民间武术发展史上具有典型性和代表性。历经社会变迁,“十友会”结社和武医通约的体系完整保留,使得存胜堂“十八路桩”在当地根基十分牢固。其遵循祖训,恪守民间武术最初的内容结构、技击本质、组织形式和传承方式,并留存有一批实物与资料,可谓中国民间传统武术传承的“活化石”。

关键词: 桂东南, 存胜堂, “十八路桩”, 十友会, 进阶体系

Abstract: By means of field investigation, oral history and literature research, this paper makes an in-depth study of the origin, inheritance system and development of “Shibaluzhuang" of Cunshengtang in Fumian Sanshe in Southeast Guangxi. The findings show that Shibaluzhuang, which is on the intangible cultural heritage list of Guangxi, originated in Cunshengtang, Fumian Sanshe, and has important cultural value and distinct characteristics of living existence. With more than 300 Wushu schools radiating southeast Guangxi, and a large number of Wushu practitioners, Shibluzhuang has great influence. Therefore, it is typical and representative in the development history of folk Wushu in China. After social changes, the system of “Shiyou Association” and “Wushu-medicine agreement” is completely preserved, which lays a strong foundation for Shibaluzhuang of Cunshengtang in the local area. As a Wushu system which sticks to tribal doctrines, original content structure, fighting essence, organizational form and inheritance mode and preserves a series of material objects and documents, Shibaluzhuang is a “living fossil” in terms of inheritance of Chinese folk traditional Wushu.

Key words: Southeast Guangxi, Cunshengtang, Shibaluzhuang, Shiyou Association, advancement system


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