ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 102-107.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.05.012

• 体育教育训练学 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘亚, 董传升   

  1. 沈阳体育学院,辽宁 沈阳 110102
  • 出版日期:2019-09-15 发布日期:2019-10-08
  • 通讯作者: 董传升,博士,教授,研究方向:体育、科技与社会;体育健康管理。E-mail:sydongcs@icloud.cn。
  • 作者简介:刘亚,副教授,研究方向:体育教育训练学。E-mail:32987200@.qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

The Effects of the Perception of Hitting the Ball and the Optimization of System Complexity Model of Tennis Techniques

LIU Ya, DONG Chuansheng   

  1. Shenyang sport university, Shenyang Liaoning,110102
  • Online:2019-09-15 Published:2019-10-08

摘要: 运动技术系统复杂性问题一直以来没有得到充分的解释。为深刻理解这一问题,文章采用系统复杂性理论范式对网球运动现象进行了深入分析,讨论了网球运动技术系统的构成要素、要素关系(结构)和功能。研究认为,网球运动技术系统是一个开放的系统,由主体子系统、技术子系统、环境子系统和时空子系统构成,各个子系统通过内在联系联结成为一个整体,表现出不确定性、非线性、自组织性、涌现性等复杂性特征。其中,手感作为网球运动技术系统中综合性关键因素对运动技术系统产生了显著的扰动作用,通过正反馈放大机制、非线性相互作用、自组织机制等深刻影响着网球运动技术系统的生成、运行和优化。探索手感的扰动机制,对于深刻理解运动技术系统复杂性和运行的内在机制、规律,助力运动者更好地掌握和完善运动技术系统提供了新的视角。

关键词: 运动技术系统, 网球, 复杂性, 手感

Abstract: The system complexity of sports techniques hasn't been fully interpreted so far. To better understand the issue, this paper applies the system complexity theory to analyze the components, their relationship (structure), and functions. This study suggests that tennis technique system is an open system which includes the principal subsystem, technique subsystem, environment subsystem, and time-space subsystem. These subsystems are interconnected as a whole through its internal relations, showing the complex features of uncertainty, non-linearity, self-organization, and cluster. The perception of hitting the ball, as a comprehensive key factor in the tennis technique system, plays a profound role in the generation, operation and optimization of the technique system through the positive feedback amplification mechanism, nonlinear interaction, and self-organization mechanism. The research on the perception of hitting the ball provides a new perspective for thorough understanding of sports technique system complexity and the internal mechanism and rules.

Key words: sports technique system, tennis, complexity, perception of hitting the ball


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