ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 108-114.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.05.013

• 运动人体科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


金晨1, 张璐1, 吴金富2, 高璨3   

  1. 1.国家体育总局训练局体能康复中心,北京100061;
    2.华南师范大学体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006;
  • 出版日期:2019-09-15 发布日期:2019-10-08
  • 通讯作者: 高璨,主治医师,研究方向:运动医务监督,E-mail:dcxiaoba2009@163.com。
  • 作者简介:金晨,硕士,助理研究员,主管康复治疗师,研究方向:运动损伤康复,E-mail:Jinchen0430@126.com。

Analysis and Prospect of Medical Work in Chinese Delegation Support Camp at the 18th Asian Games

JIN Chen1, ZHANG Lu1, WU Jinfu2, GAO Can3   

  1. 1.National Sports Training Center,Beijing 100061;
    2.South China Normal University,Guangzhou GuangDong 510006;
    3.National Institute of Sports Medicine,Beijing 100061
  • Online:2019-09-15 Published:2019-10-08

摘要: 第18届雅加达——巨港亚洲运动会上,国家体育总局首次设立了中国体育代表团参赛保障营。保障营共计169人,在该届亚运会上为341名运动员提供了超过800人次医疗保障服务。代表团保障营的设立,不仅为运动员完成比赛提供了保障,也为今后综合性运动会医疗保障提供了经验。本文通过专家访谈、个案分析和实地调查研究后发现,保障营在赛前运动员伤病大型数据库的建立,患者诊治流程智能化,医疗人员与医疗器械配置,赛前相关人员培训等方面还有待提升。

关键词: 中国体育代表团参赛保障营, 亚运会保障, 医疗保障, 综合性运动会

Abstract: General Administration of Sport of China firstly deployed a support camp to provide medical services for athletes and delegation members during the 18th Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang. The camp, consisting of 169 people, provided medical support for 341 athletes during the Games. The support camp not only provided a guarantee for athletes' competition, but also accumulated valuable experience for future Olympic Games' medical support. Based on expert interview, case analysis, data statistics, and field survey, the authors found that efforts are still needed in building athletes' injury and disease database, applying intelligent diagnosis and treatment, providing medical practitioners and equipment, and training relevant personnel.

Key words: Chinese delegation support camp, Asian Games guarantee, medical support, comprehensive sports games


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