ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (1): 7-12.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.002

• 特稿:体教融合 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 国家体育总局 青少年体育司,北京 100763
  • 发布日期:2021-01-29
  • 作者简介:卿尚霖,一级巡视员,成都市政府副秘书长。研究方向青少年体育。

Reflection on and Improvement of Problems in China's Youth Sports Work

QING Shanglin   

  1. Department of Youth Sports, General Administration of Sports of China, Beijing 100763
  • Published:2021-01-29

摘要: 新中国成立后特别是在新时代以来,我国青少年体育工作取得了积极的进步,但仍存在诸多问题:体现为一是学校体育综合价值没有得到有效发挥,在推动青少年体育发展中显“弱”;二是传统的体校跟不上时代的需求,发展活力不足,显“残”;三是青少年体育社会组织尚属起步阶段,各方面均显“嫩”,尚不能支撑新时代青少年体育工作的发展。《关于深化体教融合促进青少年健康发展的意见》是新发展阶段推进我国青少年体育工作的指导性文件。贯彻《意见》要求,转变观念:要促进体育回归教育更多更好依托社会资源,积极扶持社会体育组织,促进高校高水平运动队建设。当下“体教融合”具体应从:切实加强学校体育工作, 完善青少年体育赛事体系,细化高校高水平运动队建设,深化体校改革,完善社会体育组织和,加强体育教师和教练员队伍建设等方面努力。

关键词: :青少年体育工作, 问题省思, 体教融合, 改进措施

Abstract: Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the beginning of the new era, China's youth sports work has made a progress in many ways, but there are still many problems first, the comprehensive value of school sports has not been effectively brought into play, which is evident in promoting the development of youth sports; second, traditional sports schools cannot keep up with the needs of the times, and lack development vitality; third, social organizations in relation to youth sports are still in their infancy, immature in all aspects and cannot support the development of youth sports in the new era. The "Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Sports and Education to Promote the Healthy Development of Adolescents" is a guiding document for youth sports work in the new development stage. Conceptions towards youth sports work need to be changed accordingly promoting the return of sports to education, relying more on social resources, giving active support to social sports organizations, and promoting the construction of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities. The specific measures to further the "integration of sports and education" include strengthening school sports work, perfecting the system of youth sports events, detailing the construction of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities, deepening the reform of sports schools, improving social sports organizations and strengthening the construction of physical education teachers and coaches.

Key words: youth sports work, reflections on problems, integration of sports and education, improvement measures


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