ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 21-25.

• 专题研究:两岸体育史与体育文化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.台湾师范大学,台湾 台北 10610;
  • 收稿日期:2014-09-05 出版日期:2014-10-20 发布日期:2014-10-31
  • 作者简介::陈衍和,女,台湾师范大学博士生。

A Tentative Study of "Women’s" Activities in the Imagesin Shanghai Pictures Daily in the Late Qing Dynasty

CHEN Yan-He,et al   

  1. Taiwan Normal University,Taiwan 10610
  • Received:2014-09-05 Online:2014-10-20 Published:2014-10-31

摘要: :出版于1909-1910年的上海《图画日报》系首次采用每日新闻画的独特报导方式,然该画报却出现多幅称呼“女界”(应即华人妇女等)的女子运动图像出现。笔者欲透过此图像去探讨,频现于华人新闻画事件与公共空间里的上海女界多样化活动,进而理解画中的“过去、现在、未来”式女性活动寓意图像等,更形成本研究目的与旨趣。《图画日报》与当时上海颇多洋报或华报最大不同,在于呈现诸多以上海女界为主题式报导,另一面却揭示了上海华人妇女参与近现代运动的发展进程。其以图配文的方式让读者浅显易懂,且呈现时事新闻多样化,易贴近社会与时代。笔者企图透过该画报图像的人物、技法、文字之意等,配合时代背景、文化与社会等,让女界运动图像脱离历史研究的左证角色,成证史之要,亦成主角。研究结果显示:(1)该画报里的寓意画呈现对传统女性形象的反动与内敛建言方式;欲塑女界实应行中、西合体之奥义。(2)画报中的女界运动图像常以团体出现,呈现组织后的内涵。(3)1909-1910年上海女界图像史料,展现经过教育下的形像,呈现女界风尚之变迁。(4)《图画日报》透过图像欲传达对上海妇女的“女界”认同应具备:解缠足、受教育、接触运动的妇女、透过运动而体会户外活动优点等。

关键词: 女界, 女性, 上海, 图像, 图画日报

Abstract: Published in 1909-1910,Shanghai Pictures Daily adopted the unique way reporting daily news through pictures in which tons of pictures about “women’s” (Chinese women,etc.) activities appeared. The paper aims to explore the implied meaning of the diversified activities of Shanghai women through the images in the pictorial so as to gain an insight into Shanghai women’s “past,present and future“ life style illustrated with words,which,in turn,constitutes the research objective of the paper. The pictorial’s difference from most Chinese and foreign newspapers then lies in the fact that this pictorial presents a lot of women in Shanghai as thematic reports which reveal the development process of the Chinese women's participation in the modern sports. Its characteristic of pictures illustrated with a caption makes it clear and easy to understand and more diversified. The author attempts to investigate its images of the characters,techniques and word meaning with the integration of background,culture and society,etc. The results show can be used as references to understand the overall situation of Shanghai women in those years.

Key words: women field, women, Shanghai, images, picture daily


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