ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 November 2023, Volume 49 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Higher Physical Education Institutes' Exploration on Practicing Social Responsibility in the New Era——Taking Chengdu Sport University as an Example
    SHU Weiping, PAN Xiaofei, LI Xiang
    2023, 49 (6):  1-7.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.001
    Abstract ( 533 )   PDF (1198KB) ( 1435 )   Save
    The social responsibility of physical education institutes is an important issue that should be studied to serve the construction of a socialist modernized country. The development history of physical education institutes in China from the 1950s to the present has gone through the four stages of "Hope to do", "Should do", "Can do" and "Have done". Although a certain degree of success has been achieved, it is far from meeting the requirements of the party and the state, and the expectations of the people. As a category of colleges and universities with unique characteristics, higher physical institutes should grasp their boundary and scope, level and type, characteristics and advantages, paths and ways when understanding and recognizing the connotation of the mechanism to assume social responsibilities. This paper takes Chengdu Sport University as an example, studies the school's history of more than 80 years, pointing out its initiatives and achievements in serving the major strategies of education, sports, health and culture as well as local economic and social development, which can provide practical experience for higher physical education institutes to fulfill their responsibilities entrusted by the society and run the education to the satisfaction of the people in their new journey.
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    The Connotation, Dimension, and Path of Sports Disciplines Construction in Chinese Universities in the New Era
    CHEN Caiying, HUAN Hansheng
    2023, 49 (6):  8-20.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.002
    Abstract ( 630 )   PDF (2019KB) ( 1954 )   Save
    Under the context of the "Double First-Class" initiative in the new era, the acceleration of sports disciplines construction in Chinese universities with Chinese characteristic and world-class standards is a significant and urgent task. With the method of literature review and logical analysis, this study aims to systematically explore the issues related to the construction of sports discipline in Chinese universities. The research highlights that the construction of sports disciplines in Chinese universities should closely align with the goal of developing "world-class sports disciplines". It suggests that the construction process should focus on clarifying the fundamental elements of sports disciplines, which encompass both knowledge and organizational aspects. Additionally, the study highlights the significance of comprehensively grasping the systemic engineering of sports discipline construction, consisting of the three dimensions of "Wuli-Shili-Renli". Moreover, it emphasizes the active promotion of the optimized path to sports discipline construction by integrating internal discipline development, cultivating a university ecosystem, responding to social needs, and fostering international exchanges. By doing so, it is believed that the connotative and high-quality development of sports disciplines in Chinese universities can be achieved.
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    Standardization of Basic Public Sports Services in The Process of Chinese-style Modernization: Intrinsic Logic, Realistic Dilemmas, and Practical Strategies
    ZHANG Dachao, DENG Feng
    2023, 49 (6):  21-29.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.003
    Abstract ( 568 )   PDF (1527KB) ( 2369 )   Save
    In the process of Chinese-style modernization, the standardization of basic public sports services will meet people's high-level need for a better life. Through the methods of literature review, field research and logical analysis, this paper expounds the intrinsic logic between Chinese path to modernization and the standardization of basic public sports services. Chinese path to modernization puts forward requirements for the standardization of basic public sports services from six aspects: high-quality supply, scientific decision-making, service efficiency, equal benefit, energy conservation and low-carbon, and standardized implementation. The standardization of basic public sports services has promoted people's modernization, social modernization, ecological modernization, governance modernization, management modernization, and institutional modernization. Therefore, the standardization of basic public sports services includes five core elements: theoretical support, content support, institutional support, resource support, and execution support. During the implementation process, the standardization of basic public sports services faces some challenges such as high difficulty in inclusive development, imbalanced urban-rural development, structural imbalance in public sports services, and insufficient legal protection for public sports services. Measures that can be taken include: integrated service standards, co-melting urban-rural rights, balanced supply structure, and strengthened legal protection.
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    The Four Dimensions of Understanding Sports as Landmark Cause of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation from the Perspective of Chinese-Style Modernization
    ZHAO Fuxue
    2023, 49 (6):  30-38.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.004
    Abstract ( 574 )   PDF (2238KB) ( 1324 )   Save
    Building sports into a landmark cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the direction of the times for the construction of a modern leading sports nation. By using the research methods of literature, case analysis, logical deduction and comparative analysis, this paper attempts to understand from the historical dimension, theoretical dimension, world dimension and realistic dimension the overall connotation and direction of sports as a landmark cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The research holds that in the course of pursuing modernization and development, Chinese sports always revolves around the historical mission of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It has realized the transformation from external intervention to dynamic endogenesis, from passive response to active progress, from foreign experience to local innovation, and from focusing on key areas to all-round development. From the theoretical dimension, Chinese modern sports stresses the unity between top-level design and practical exploration, the coordination between development strategies and specific strategies, the connection between integrity and continuous innovation, and the conservation between stimulating vitality and abiding by order. From the world dimension, Chinese sports cause has made an important contribution to the global advancement of modern sports through its unique institutional advantages, excellent cultural genes and typical development examples; from the realistic dimension, the development track of sports along the new road of Chinese-style modernization needs to be adjusted and improved with the new stage, new characteristics and new requirements of the Chinese-style modernization practice.
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    The Structural Dilemma and Path Breakthrough of Sports Diplomacy: An Analysis Based on Practice Theory
    WANG Chuangye, ZHANG Desheng
    2023, 49 (6):  39-46.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.005
    Abstract ( 432 )   PDF (1301KB) ( 1333 )   Save
    Starting from the dualistic structure analysis of materialism, this paper argues that one of the fundamental reasons for the doubts in sports diplomacy is that sports diplomacy is caught in a "structural dilemma", and therefore attempts to transcend the dualistic structure by introducing Bourdieu's practice theory. It is pointed out that sports diplomacy faces the de-contextualization dilemma, the action logic dilemma and the action effectiveness dilemma and can be transcended from the three dimensions of structural relationship of field, capital and habit. The path breakthrough can be made from three aspects: first, actively promote the change of international field structure, win the advantageous field position for China by making full use of field position and international social capital; second, create a sports communication field where China is in an advantageous position, and promote the sports community for a shared future through win-win cooperation; third, make full use of China's endowment resources, strengthen the investment of self-generated resources, and push forward the construction of the mechanism for reproducing capital, so as to improve the quality and increase the efficiency of sports diplomacy.
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    China's Sports Foreign Aid in the New Era: Policy Planning and Realization Mechanism
    CAO Junjin
    2023, 49 (6):  47-55.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.006
    Abstract ( 467 )   PDF (1253KB) ( 1610 )   Save
    Using the methods of documentation and logical analysis, this paper conducted a study on China's sports foreign aid, aiming to clarify the policy objectives, building a planning system and optimizing the realization mechanism of China's sports foreign aid in the new era. The study concludes that China's sports foreign in the new era is conducive to promoting sports humanities exchanges, sports public diplomacy and sports industry cooperation, as well as promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity. In the new era, China needs to build a more scientific and reasonable sports foreign aid policy system, including refining and forming comprehensive planning with policy goals, cooperation demand-oriented national planning, and industrial development-oriented decentralized special planning. Suggestions for the optimization of the realization mechanism of China's sports foreign aid gools in the new era include: improving the institutional guarantee of China's sports foreign aid; optimizing the functional coordination of China's sports foreign aid; expanding the dimensions of participation in China's sports foreign aid; innovating the methods of China's sports foreign aid.
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    Reflection on China's Power of Discourse in International Sports from the Perspective of Constructivist International Relations Theory
    CHEN Si
    2023, 49 (6):  56-61.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.007
    Abstract ( 410 )   PDF (1192KB) ( 1479 )   Save
    By using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper reflects on the current situation of China's power of discourse in international sports from the perspective of constructivist international relations theory, analyzes the reasons why China's power of discourse in international sports lags behind and does not match its sports strength, and believes that “ideology” is an important factor affecting the promotion of China's power of discourse in international sports, and we can transform sports strength into power of discourse in international sports by constructing the ideology of common ownership. The study puts forward the concept of power carrier, and divides on its basis power of discourse in international sports into four parts: system carrier, media carrier, academic carrier and cultural carrier, which can explain the paths to and strategies of transforming existing ideology and constructing common ideology at each power carrier level respectively, so as to provide reference for further improving China's power of discourse in international sports.
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    Theoretical System and Realization Path of Sports Morality Construction in the Process of Leading Sports Nation Construction
    CHEN Linhui
    2023, 49 (6):  62-70.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.008
    Abstract ( 465 )   PDF (1309KB) ( 1298 )   Save
    Moral construction is a fundamental and strategic project to accelerate the construction of a leading sports nation. Sports ethics mainly include: the theoretical system, the behavior restraint and style guidance system, the spirit-leading and value-oriented system. In process of speeding up the leading sports nation construction, we should adhere to the principle of governing body by sports ethics which include integrating sport ethics into school physical education, giving Chinese sports spirit a leading role, creating a good environment, enlightening social sports morality, and strengthening system construction to guarantee the cultivation of sports morality.
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    Concept of and Practical Reflection on Endogenous Dynamics of Competitive Sports
    GU Dehong
    2023, 49 (6):  71-77.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.009
    Abstract ( 520 )   PDF (1264KB) ( 2352 )   Save
    In order to clarify the concept of endogenous dynamics of competitive sports as well as to better examine the dynamics in competitive sports development in China, this paper analyzes the characteristics of government and society and the market as the dynamics of competitive sports development by means of literature review, interview and logical analysis. The study concludes that the primary value subject of competitive sports is human being, and human being and human needs are the core value subjects and needs to be taken care of in the development of competitive sports. Society and market are closely connected with the intrinsic value subjects and needs of competitive sports, and they are the endogenous dynamics for the development of competitive sports. The political function of competitive sports is a function constructed with the development of modern society. When competitive sports are equated with "winning glory for the country", the government becomes the endogenous dynamics of competitive sports development. However, competitive sports should not be equated with "winning glory the country" or "winning gold and silver medals", because that would narrow down or even alienate the meaning of competitive sports. The study suggests that, on the basis of satisfying human needs, it is beneficial to construct an endogenous dynamics chain for the development of competitive sports, stimulate the sources of development, and form a positive development cycle.
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    From Tools to Aims: A Philosophic Study on Order Reconstruction and Humanization Turn of Chinese Sports Values
    ZHANG Qi, ZHANG Wei, HAO Shuang
    2023, 49 (6):  78-85.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.010
    Abstract ( 459 )   PDF (1259KB) ( 1364 )   Save
    The value of sports, as a key theoretical issue vital to the healthy development of sports, determines such practical dilemmas as the positioning of sports roles, the coordination of interests and the handling of value conflicts. With the collapse of the old value relationship, the value order and connotation of sports in contemporary China urgently need new interpretation and research. The value of sports in China is changing from taking people as tools to taking people as aims. It is the prerequisite to ensure the development of sports in China and realize individual humanistic care to properly grasp and understand the times motivation, value order reconstruction mechanism and value connotation construction orientation of sports value change in China. The research holds that the times motivation of China's sports value humanization turn includes: the enlightenment of secular views, the maturity of the role of "economic man", the release of individual demand, the inclusion of multiple subjects and the guidance of international sports policy. The order reconstruction of China's sports value faces: multi-directional sports value generation path, demand-oriented sports value order selection and persuasive alienation value prevention. The humanization turn of sports value in China is moving towards the coordinated development of the natural value domain of human existence, the normative social value domain of human development and the guiding aesthetic value domain of human transcendence. Humanization value of sports will not only promote the natural and social development of the value subject, but also lead the individual's aesthetic development orientation. Promoting human's all-round development will help realize the individual and social existence of modern sports.
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    Deviation and Correction: Retrospective Reflection on Some Theoretical Issues of Happy Sports
    SHAO Tianyi, LI Qidi
    2023, 49 (6):  86-93.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.011
    Abstract ( 460 )   PDF (1231KB) ( 1107 )   Save
    Happy sports has been introduced into China for more than 30 years since 1980s. During this period, various discussions around this topic have left many problems unsettled while opening up viewpoints and promoting theoretical construction. Based on the perspective of theoretical reflection, this paper makes a retrospective reflection on some basic problems existing in the research of happy sports so as to clarify relevant concepts, correct cognitive misunderstandings and point out the future direction. It is concluded that: (1) the multi-cognition of the source of happy sports obscures its own problem orientation, so it is necessary to re-explore the basis of its argument from the perspective of sports learning psychology; (2) there are many ambiguities in the alienation cognition of happy sports, and it is debatable to use alienation to describe the development state of happy sports; (3) the content framework of happy sports contains Chinese happy sports thinking idea, which presents a unique development track in the route, but it is often confused with Japanese happy sports theory in connotation; (4) the dilemma of happy sports practice lies in cognitive dislocation and differences between Chinese and foreign teaching concepts, and its future development path should be reshaped based on the concept of sports fun.
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    Comparative Research on the Broadcasting Rights of Professional Football League between China and Spain
    GUO Zhigang, ZHOU Aiguang, LIU Hongyou
    2023, 49 (6):  94-101.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.012
    Abstract ( 509 )   PDF (1290KB) ( 1170 )   Save
    By comparing the broadcasting rights of professional soccer leagues in China and Spain, it is found that there are big differences in ownership of broadcasting rights, composition of management organization, legal regulation of sales, distribution standard and object between the two countries. The differences are mainly caused by the difference in legal system and subject of broadcasting rights of professional football leagues in China and Spain. It is suggested that China can draw on the useful experience of Spain to give the broadcasting rights of professional football leagues to the participating clubs and establish professional football clubs as main market subjects; allow professional football clubs to play the role of market subjects and establish a sound management system and a joint sales system of broadcasting rights of professional football leagues; set up a distribution system that ensures balance and takes into account the performance of professional football clubs as the main beneficiaries.
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    The Application of Punitive Damages in the Case of Stealing Broadcast of Sports Programs: Focusing on the Amendment of Civil Code and Copyright Law
    ZHAO Jiehong
    2023, 49 (6):  102-108.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.013
    Abstract ( 370 )   PDF (1215KB) ( 2640 )   Save
    Every time a large-scale event is held, there will always be illegal broadcasting of event programs on the Internet. However, in the case of illegal broadcasting, the court generally rules that the amount of compensation paid by the illegal broadcaster is low and only has the nature of compensation, which does not effectively prevent the illegal broadcasting. The Civil Code and the new Copyright Law implemented in 2021 stipulate that the infringer who intentionally infringes the copyright of others should bear punitive damages if the circumstances are serious, which means that in the case of illegal broadcasting of event programs after 2021, the infringed can ask the infringer to bear compensatory and punitive damages. The application of punitive damages in the case of illegal broadcasting of event programs should meet the four conditions of "infringement of copyright, subjective intention, serious circumstances and the request of the infringed". Only when the event program is recognized as a work in the copyright law can the illegal broadcasting be an infringement of copyright. If the illegal broadcaster not only violates the duty of care for the authorization of the event program, but also has the behavior of promoting and editing the event program, it can be deemed that he has subjective intention. In the punitive damages litigation, the broadcaster authorized by the event organizer can be the infringed and enjoy the right of action. The broadcaster can only claim punitive damages if he claims that the copyright has been infringed, and he should claim both punitive damages and compensatory damages. The judge combines the loss of the infringed, the profit of the illegal broadcaster and the development of the event industry to establish the amount of punitive damages on the basis of compensatory damages.
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    Financial Risks and Avoiding Mechanism of Professional Football Clubs in China: Lessons from the Tianhai Bankruptcy and Withdrawal Case
    CHEN Hong, HAN Jingxu
    2023, 49 (6):  109-115.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.014
    Abstract ( 452 )   PDF (1208KB) ( 1358 )   Save
    The bankruptcy of Tianjin Tianhai Football Club has attracted a great deal of attention from the academia and the industry. The article makes a case study on the bankruptcy of Tianjin Tianhai Football Club, and points out the financial risks of professional football clubs and its causes. The financial risks include: club fund supply risk, club investment risk, club operation risk and force majeure risk. Causes include: low revenue capacity of clubs, single funding channel; management subject offside exacerbating clubs' operational risk; irrational investment mode. In view of these, the article puts forward some strategies for professional football clubs in China to avoid financial risks, which include: firmly implementing the reform of club equity diversification to realize risk sharing; encouraging clubs to optimize their investment and operation structure to effectively disperse risks; constructing the performance evaluation system of professional football clubs to scientifically predict risks; and exploring the establishment of a rescue mechanism to reasonably resolve risks.
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    Institutional Governance of American Sports Promoters in the Context of Modernization of Governance Capacity and Its Implications
    WANG Haifeng, WU Xiaoyuan, MA Wenbo, YUE Jianjun, ZHAO Tianyi
    2023, 49 (6):  116-121.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.015
    Abstract ( 383 )   PDF (1251KB) ( 1166 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper explores the multiple values and governance experience of American sports promoters, in order to provide enlightenment for China to promote the modernization of sports intermediary industry governance. The study found that the multiple values of American sports promoters are reflected in integrating multiple resources, pursuing multi-win-win results, and enhancing the influence of sports events while saving government investment. By constructing the coordinated governance structure of "federal government lead + state government assistance + state sports management boards implementation", developing the joint mechanism of external regulation and internal implementation, and the decentralized governance mechanism within the state sports management boards, the U.S. has established a relatively complete governance system for sports promoters, which uses standardized and quantified figures to regulate the deduction behavior of sports promoters, contract management as a mandatory means to protect the interests of participants, and qualification examination as a mandatory requirement to provide legal guarantee for the promotion of events. Drawing on the U. S. experience, this paper puts forward the following strategies to innovate the governance of sports brokers in China: strengthening the leadership of the party to improve the governance structure of sports brokers with multi-sector participation; improving the socialized governance mechanism of horizontal coordination to realize the optimal 1`allocation of regulatory resources; strengthening the prior control to improve the pertinence of sports broker management system; broadening the business scope of sports brokers to improve supporting regulatory policies.
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    Study on the Training Theory of Traditional Chinese Wushu from the Perspective of Basic Issues of Sports Training
    SHEN Lin, JI Canzhong
    2023, 49 (6):  122-128.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.016
    Abstract ( 461 )   PDF (1290KB) ( 1208 )   Save
    In order to explore the essential characteristics of traditional Wushu training theory, analyze its components, and further promote the modernization and international transformation of Wushu training, this article attempts to use the concept of "three fundamental problems" in sports training theory as the starting point to conduct a deep scan of traditional Wushu training theory. Conclusion: Traditional Wushu training is mainly supported by empirical theory, which slows down the research on special competitive ability training; the unclear purpose of "skill contest" in traditional Wushu has led to a fragmented development trend; during the evolution of traditional Wushu, due to its emphasis on visual performative effects, it has neglected the training of counter ability elements and lacked a holistic and scientific training load arrangement. Future practitioners of traditional Wushu should uphold the scientific connotation of the core theory of traditional Wushu training, absorb the theoretical knowledge of modern sports science, and construct the discourse and methodology system of Wushu in a scientific and effective way.
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    Research Progress on Fundamental Movement Skill Intervention Studiesin Children with Intellectual Disability from Health Promotion Perspective
    YUAN Yaqing, WANG Meijuan, YUAN Weijia, LIU Yang
    2023, 49 (6):  129-138.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.017
    Abstract ( 499 )   PDF (2655KB) ( 1843 )   Save
    Objective: To systematically evaluate themethods and effect of fundamental movement skill intervention studies among children and adolescents with intellectual disability to provide theoretical support and methodological guidance for future relevant studies.Methods: Studies in 5 major databases including WOS were searched and irrelevant studies were excluded according to the established standard.Data information was extracted from the included studies, and the quality of the study was evaluated using the PEDro scale.Results: A total of 14 studies were included, of which 93% (13 studies) were about effective interventions, with a sample size of 12~80 people, involving children at the age of 4~18.The majority of intervention studies were conducted in schools through specific training of fundamental movement skills or fitness.The highest proportion of effective interventions were those with the intervention period of 6~16 weeks, three times a week, and 40~60 min per time.BOTMP/BOT-2 was a widely used tool to evaluate fundamental movement skills.Conclusion: The fundamental movement skill intervention studies of children with intellectual disability have positive effects on the development of individual fundamental movement skills.
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    Study on the Cultural Identity of Foreign Practitioners of Martial Arts as an Intangible Cultural Heritage——Taking the International Communication of Xinhui Choy Li Fut as an Example
    CUI Jiabao, CHEN Xiaorong, LIU Xuan
    2023, 49 (6):  139-145.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.018
    Abstract ( 451 )   PDF (1204KB) ( 1282 )   Save
    Objective: To explore the cultural identity of foreign practitioners of Wushu as an intangible cultural heritage. Methods: Foreign practitioners of Xinhui Choy Li Fut were interviewed and the original interview data were encoded and analyzed. Results: The cultural identity of Choy Li Fut foreign practitioners can be divided into three categories: "ordinary students, prospective students and housebound students", and the construction process of their cultural identity can be divided into three levels: "perceptual cultural identity, constructive cultural identity and formative cultural identity". Conclusion: The construction of cultural identity of Choy Li Fut foreign practitioners is a long and gradual process, and has the characteristics of collectivity, progressiveness and implicitness. Therefore, the practical significance of the international communication of Wushu as an intangible cultural heritage does not lie in the cultural conquest, but in "seeking common ground while reserving differences, taking what each needs, and learning from each other's strengths to complement each other's weaknesses".
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    Discourse Orientation and Practice Approaches in the Communication of Tai Chi as an Intangible Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Ritual View
    YIN Huaigang, Wang Tongling
    2023, 49 (6):  146-152.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.019
    Abstract ( 463 )   PDF (1217KB) ( 1356 )   Save
    The communication of Tai Chi as an intangible cultural heritage from the perspective of ritual view is not only a practical process of excavation, production, communication, and feedback of cultural symbol, but also a process of showcasing the vitality of Tai Chi culture, promoting audience to participate in activities and share the Tai Chi culture. The study aims to explore the communication and ritual construction of Tai Chi as an intangible cultural heritage. Using the methods of literature review and discourse analysis, the paper analyzes, from the perspective of ritual view, the ritual representation of Tai Chi such as cultural symbols, communicative interactions, and behavioral patterns in the new context of intangible cultural heritage communication. Meanwhile, the paper makes a discourse analysis on the ritual discourse, spatial discourse, and participatory discourse in the communication of Tai Chi as an intangible cultural heritage, clarifying the discourse orientation of cultural identity, cultural sharing, and cultural experience in the communication of Tai Chi as an intangible cultural heritage. Finally, the paper puts forward the practice approaches for the communication of Tai Chi as an intangible cultural heritage: excavating and showcasing ritual cultural symbols, constructing a diverse and inclusive cultural communication field, and enhancing the audience's on-site experience in interaction.
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    From "Mass sports" to "National Fitness"——the Evolution of and Thinking on the Sport-for-All View in China from the Perspective of Conceptual Evolution
    WANG Shangfei, HAO Qin
    2023, 49 (6):  153-160.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.06.020
    Abstract ( 665 )   PDF (1236KB) ( 1410 )   Save
    In the development process of modern sports in China, the concepts such as "mass sports", "social sports" and "national fitness" have been used in different historical periods and stages, and these concepts are still used interchangeably today. The article examined the evolution and contextual semantics of such concepts as "mass sports", "social sports", "national fitness" and "sport for all", and found that these different concepts reveal the different ideologies and foci of mass sports activities in China in different historical periods and stages, and are both similar to and different from the internationally accepted concept of "sport for all". It is recommended that the concept of "national fitness" should be given priority in domestic communication, and concepts such as "mass sports", "social sports" and "sport for all" can be used in certain conventional occasions. In international communication and academic exchanges, the term "sport for all" can be used.
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