ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 July 2023, Volume 49 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Research Progress and Development Trend of Sports Discipline in China in the Big Data Era
    YOU Songhui, ZOU Shangjun, LI Jingping, WANG Zejun
    2023, 49 (4):  1-8.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.001
    Abstract ( 892 )   PDF (1191KB) ( 1505 )   Save
    The advent of the big data era has greatly affected the research paradigm of sport science and made sport science face a new wave of reform. Big data not only brings new changes to sports theory, but also provides important guidelines for sports scholars to change their thinking. This paper, using the methods of literature research and logical inference, first introduces sports big data, then focuses on the framework of sports discipline system in China and its research progress in 9 branches in the big data era. Finally, this paper proposes the 3 development trends of sports discipline research in China in the big data era, that is, from limited samples to big data, multi-modal sports data, knowledge-data co-driven research. This may help construct a new research paradigm of sport science with big data technology as the core.
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    Study on the Applicable Conditions of the Rule of Assumption of Risk in Chinese Civil Code
    YAN Jianhua, YUAN Shaoyi
    2023, 49 (4):  9-16.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.002
    Abstract ( 497 )   PDF (1193KB) ( 1256 )   Save
    Article 1176 of Chinese Civil Code turns the rule of assumption of risk from a concept into a civil law rule, which provides a clearer legal basis for the settlement of personal infringement disputes in the field of sports, and also ensures people's enthusiasm to participate in sports activities from the perspective of respecting autonomy of will. However, the ruling of the old man crossing the basketball court case, media's interpretation of the application of the rule of assumption of risk, and the views on whether the behavior of the contestants in the Baiyin incident is applicable to the rule of assumption of risk do not comply with the limitation on the application scope of assumption of risk in article 1176, and thus leading to subject generalization, confusion of damage and infringement, and making it difficult for people to accurately understand the rule of assumption of risk in Chinese Civil Code. In order to raise people's awareness of the rule of assumption of risk, it is necessary to study and judge the applicable conditions of article 1176 from four aspects: activity, subject, subjectivity and objectivity. Only when these four conditions are met at the same time can the rule of assumption of risk in Chinese Civil Code is applicable. If the organizer fails to fulfill the obligation of safety and security, he shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the corresponding provisions.
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    Improvement and Perfection of the Criminal Law Governance System of Doping Crimes
    LI Yongsheng, YUAN Hanxing
    2023, 49 (4):  17-24.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.003
    Abstract ( 423 )   PDF (1195KB) ( 1126 )   Save
    Based on the Judicial Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Criminal Cases of Doping and the Amendment (XI) to the Criminal Law, this article adopts the methods of comparative analysis, literature review and logical analysis to make a normative analysis of the criminal law governance path of doping crimes, explore the issues concerning criminal law governance of doping crimes and propose improvement ideas. This article points out that even though the current criminal law governance system of doping crimes includes four regulatory paths, there are still problems that need to be urgently improved: ambiguous judgment of crimes, unclear connotation of the elements of crimes and weak connection between the legal norms of execution and punishment. The criminal law governance system should be reformed and perfected in three aspects: first, improve the crime naming system of doping crimes; second, clarify the connotation of the elements of doping crimes; third, build a cooperative "law enforcement-judicial" working mechanism for doping.
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    GlobalNarration of Chinese Sports Ethics: Problems, Pressure and Challenges
    He Pingxiang, Gong Zhengwei
    2023, 49 (4):  25-32.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.004
    Abstract ( 461 )   PDF (1350KB) ( 1155 )   Save
    In order to explore the global narrative effect of Chinese sports ethics, through the framework of three-dimensional discourse analysis and the use of corpus assisted discourse analysis, this paper builds a corpus of Chinese and foreign mainstream media sports reports, and analyzes the effects and existing problems of the global communication of Chinese sports ethics values. The results show that the number of global narrative of Chinese sports mainstream media is large, but there are still some problems. The narrative subject is lack of value discourse dominance, lack of narrative education, lack of ethical consciousness, lack of narrative cooperation; The sports narrative value is deeply impacted by the western liberalism and pluralism, which brings the dissemination pressure to the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics and sports values. The strong discourse of western sports, the international pattern of ideological disputes, the assimilation combination of western sports narrative media and the irregularity of Chinese sports ethics narrative discourse have brought challenges to the effective global narrative of Chinese sports ethics.
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    What Are We Talking about When We Talk about Eileen Gu——Topic Mining Based on the Social Media Comments of Eileen Gu Winning the Beijing Winter Olympics
    HUANG Lu, ZENG Yunjing, LIU Bo
    2023, 49 (4):  33-39.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.005
    Abstract ( 551 )   PDF (1289KB) ( 1479 )   Save
    The victory of Eileen Gu in the Beijing Winter Olympics sparked a heated discussion on the Internet. The content of social media comments at the moment when Eileen Gu won the championship in the Beijing Winter Olympics was excavated and analyzed on the basis of the LDA topic model, and the six topic clustering results were shown as follows: Topic 1 focused on Eileen Gu's outstanding athletic performance and media performance. Topic 2 highlighted the family background factors of Eileen Gu's growth. Topic 3 focused on the pan-entertainment topic of Eileen Gu's victory and the spread of "circle expansion". Topic 4 commented on social enlightenment topics: Eileen Gu's dual identities as "World Champion" and "Curve Wrecker". In Topic5 the social cognition of "Eileen Gu is Chinese" was constructed. In Topic 6, the controversial topic of Eileen Gu's naturalization and national identity was focused. The ''Eileen Gu phenomenon'' is a typical case of the ''The Crossover" Olympic community. Discussions on Eileen Gu's topics have been extended to a series of fields, namely, education, pan-entertainment, social identity, Sino-US relations, etc. Based on the co-occurrence term analysis of LDA theme, the context of the Sino-US power game is the hidden line that shapes the relationship between the topics of social media comments on the "Eileen Gu phenomenon".
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    Influence of Family Socioeconomic Status on Children's Screen Time——The Chain Intermediary Effect of Family Environment and Physical Activity
    YU Wanbin, GUI Zhu, WEI Ling
    2023, 49 (4):  40-47.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.006
    Abstract ( 511 )   PDF (1919KB) ( 1327 )   Save
    Objective: To explore the effect of family socio-economic status, family environment and physical activity on children's screen time. Methods: Using the "Assessment of Family Socioeconomic Status, Family Environment, Physical Activity, and Screen Time of Young Children" scale to investigate parents of children aged 4 to 6 years in Chengdu. Results: (1) Family socioeconomic status is positively correlated with family environment and physical activity, but negatively correlated with children's screen time; the higher the socioeconomic status of a family, the richer the family environment, the more frequent physical activity, and the shorter children's screen time; (2) family environment, physical activity and children's screen time are related to children's gender, age, kindergarten geographical location, parents' age and educational background, among which family environment and physical activity play a dual intermediary role in family socio-economic status and children's screen time, and both constitute a chain intermediary; (3) the influence mechanism of family socio-economic status on children's screen time is complex, and there are four effective channels, of which two intermediary channels have the greatest influence, the direct channel is the second, and the chain channel is the smallest, and physical activity is the most important transfer station in these channels. Conclusion: in the influence mechanism of family socio-economic status on children's screen time, family environment and parent-child interaction are important mediators, while physical activity is the most important. Inhibiting children's screen time and improving the level of parent-child interaction is the key to success.
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    Driving Factors, Evolution Mechanism and Response Strategies of Online Public Opinion in Sports Event Crisis——Taking Gansu Mountain Marathon as an Example
    CHEN Yuping, LIU Jiayi, FENG Jiafu
    2023, 49 (4):  48-55.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.007
    Abstract ( 603 )   PDF (1308KB) ( 1698 )   Save
    Taking the online public opinion spurred by the Gansu Mountain Marathon accident as an example, this present paper studies the driving factors, evolution mechanism and response strategies of online public opinion on sports event crisis. The study concludes that the factors influencing the evolution of online public opinion on sports event crisis include subject factor, carrier factor and object factor. The subject factor influences the dynamic changes of the evolution of online public opinion through netizens and their attention, media and their attention, opinion leaders and their mobilization ability, parties and their traction power, and government and its regulation ability; the carrier of online public opinion influences the diffusion size of online public opinion in cyberspace through the audience of the platform carrier; the object of online public opinion drives the evolution of online public opinion on sports event crisis through the impact of the event. Based on the interests of government, media, opinion leaders and sports event enterprises, we propose the strategies to stop the evolution of online public opinion on sports event crisis in order to ensure the safety of sports events and achieve high-quality development of sports industry.
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    Research of the Motivation and Strategies of Innovative Development of China's Sport Industry Driven by Financial Innovation
    ZHOU Xiaorui, YANG Jianchao, YANG Li
    2023, 49 (4):  56-63.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.008
    Abstract ( 533 )   PDF (1447KB) ( 1294 )   Save
    Under the view of financial innovation, focusing on the research issues of the systematic realization of the dynamics and paths of the innovative development of sports industry driven by financial innovation, this paper integrates the technical methods of case study, mechanism analysis and path construction, and points out that the sport industry’s innovated development driven by financial innovation is a four-elements’ systematic process, which includes policy and system, industrial structure, market cultivation, and product technology. The process requires policy coupling to expand effective supply in the financial market, industry coupling to unblock effect channels for the financial capital, market coupling to promote innovation and popularization of capital market, and product coupling to produce financial products and service. Under the synergistic interaction of "four couplings", a systematic realization power and path with "innovation and development of sports industry driven by financial innovation" would be formed.
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    Challenge and Response: A Psychological Analysis on Athletes' Transition from Sport to Retirement
    SUN Yongjun, DUAN Zaifu, LI Xiaodong, LIU Haili, LI Qian, YU Xiaoxi, WANG Zan, YU Jing
    2023, 49 (4):  64-69.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.009
    Abstract ( 613 )   PDF (1247KB) ( 1184 )   Save
    Transition from sport to retirement is an important step in athletes' career development. In this process, athletes usually face negative impacts from the transition from high athletic identity and low self-reliance. Reducing high athletic identity, encouraging initiative, improving the psychological experience of involuntary retirement and setting up social support can improve the psychological well-being of career transition. The voluntary retirement will contribute to the quality of athletes' career transition. Future research should focus on adjustment of athletic identity, career planning, social support and mental health in transition process.
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    Analysis and Validation of German Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder (KTK)
    Li Bo, LIU Yanan, SHI Lijuan, ZHU Xiaoling, LIU Yang
    2023, 49 (4):  70-75.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.010
    Abstract ( 636 )   PDF (2077KB) ( 1931 )   Save
    Objective: To verify the reliability and validity of German Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder (KTK) in the fundamental movement skills test of Chinese primary school students. Methods: 145 grades 1-5 students (age: [8.98±1.48] years old) from a primary school in Shanghai were selected as test subjects, and KTK and the American Gross Motor Development Test (TGMD) were used to test students' fundamental movement skills. Statistical test for validity. Results: The average KTK score of primary school students was 178.20±41.68, and the score increased with grades (F=11.94, P<0.001). The ICC in the test-retest reliability is between 0.966 and 0.992; the Cronbach's alpha coefficient in the internal consistency reliability is 0.820; the factor analysis model is well fitted in the construct validity (x2/df=0.036, RMSEA=0.001, AGFI=0.999); there was a moderate correlation between the concurrent validity and the TGMD total score (r=0.639, P<0.001). Conclusion: KTK has good reliability and validity in the fundamental movement skills test of Chinese primary school students, and it can be used as an effective evaluation tool for the development of fundamental movement skills of primary school students.
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    Effect of Rest-Redistribution Sets on Kinetic Performance in Eccentric Exercises
    XU Nan, GUO Ruibin, YANG Dan, WEI Hongwen, James J. TUFANO, Justin J. MERRIGAN, Honza MALECEK, Honza PADECKY, Dan OMCIRK
    2023, 49 (4):  76-84.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.011
    Abstract ( 481 )   PDF (1501KB) ( 1361 )   Save
    Objective: To investigate the effects and physiology mechanism of rest-redistribution and traditional sets by measuring kinetic performance during eccentric training. Method: 11 healthy male volunteers perfumed rest-redistribution training and traditional training on two inconsecutive weeks' Monday. For each protocol, participants performed 40 repetitions with 285 s of total rest, respectively, traditional sets had 4 sets of ten repetitions with 95 s inter-set rest and rest-redistribution sets had 20 sets of 2 repetitions with 15 s inter-set rest. Peak torque and total work were measured to evaluate kinetic performance, meanwhile tissue oximetry was assessed throughout each protocol to detect local circulation and oxygen consumption. RPE was inquired during and after the training. Excel and Graphpad Prism 5 were used to unscrambling data after experiment followed by data analysis with SPSS and JASP. Result: Rest-redistribution sets maintained force development ability during eccentric training (P<0.05) with significantly decline of tissue saturation (P<0.05), whereas no significant difference in total work (P>0.05), total hemoglobin concentration (P>0.05) or RPE (P>0.05) compare to traditional sets. Conclusion: Rest-redistribution contributed to maintenance of kinetic performance during high intensity eccentric training and increase of exercise load, oxygen consumption and training stimulation.
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    Effects of Offence-defense Transition Time on Physical Loads in Small-sided Football Matches
    CHEN Xiaohu, LI Chunman, HUANG Zhuhang, ZHUO Jinyuan, HUANG Xiaoling
    2023, 49 (4):  85-90.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.012
    Abstract ( 510 )   PDF (1183KB) ( 1305 )   Save
    Objective: Using offense-defense transition time as a control factor to compare the physical load performance of elite youth football players in small-sided matches so as to provide reference for coaches to realize the goal of "training for matches". Methods: Twelve elite youth football players were selected as subjects to attend "one-on-one match with a goalkeeper" in 2 forms: unlimited transition time and limited transition time (shooting the goal within 12s and winning back possession within 3s), the percentage of different heart rate intervals, average heart rate, total training load, blood lactate, total running distance, high, middle and low intensity running distance, number of high intensity running, number of changing direction were collected in real time. Results: During unlimited transition time, the average heart rate of the players was 87% HRmax, and was concentrated in 80%~89% HRmax for 38.67% of the time, and the blood lactate value was 11.53 mmol/L; the players mainly ran in medium intensity, the running distance was 31.63 m/min, and the running load was close to that of Qatar 2020 World Cup. During limited transition time, the average heart rate of the players was 91% HRmax, and the heart rate was concentrated in 90%-95% HRmax for 38.26% of the time, and the blood lactate value was 21.67 mmol/L; players ran mainly in high-intensity, the running distance was 33.82 m/min, and their total distance, high-intensity running distance and the ratio of high-intensity running were higher than those of 2022 Qatar World Cup. Conclusion: Coaches can effectively control the offense-defense transition time by limiting the time of goal shooting and winning back possessions, thus improving the intensity of training load and the efficiency of players' load use, which is conducive to the development of players' anaerobic generative ability.
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    The Effect of Unilateral Muscle Strength Training on the Specific Physical Fitness of Adolescent Male Soccer Athletes
    CHEN Li, WANG Tingxing, WENG Mingjia, WANG Wei
    2023, 49 (4):  91-96.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.013
    Abstract ( 494 )   PDF (1228KB) ( 1458 )   Save
    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of unilateral muscle strength training on specific physical performance indicators in adolescent male soccer players. Methods: Twenty adolescent male soccer players were recruited and divided into the experimental group (N=10) for a 6-week unilateral muscle strength training of barbell rear-foot elevated squat and the control group (N=10) for a 6-week bilateral muscle strength training of deep squat. Tests were conducted to evaluate agility, speed, left foot standing balance and right foot standing balance. Statistical methods were used to compare all parameters of the pre-test and post-test of the unilateral and bilateral training groups using paired samples t-test, and α= 0.05 was used as the level of significance test. Results:6 week unilaterial and bilaterial training both significantly improved agility, balance and speed in male adolences football players. Significantly better improvements were found for unilaterial training compared to bilaterial training with significantly greater changes in variables: agiligty (t=-2.979;P<0.01), balance (left foot standing, t=-2.944,P<0.01; right foot standing, t=-3.063,P< 0.01), and 30 m sprint (t=2.938;P<0.01).Conclusion: The inclusion of unilateral training in a muscle strength training program can be effective in producing positive benefits and improvements in the performance of other specific abilities (agility, speed, and balance, etc.) in adolescent male soccer players.
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    Evolution, Characteristics and Enlightenment of UNESCO's Quality Physical Education Policy
    ZHANG Xiaolin, GUAN Qingwen, SHU Weiping
    2023, 49 (4):  97-105.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.014
    Abstract ( 550 )   PDF (1274KB) ( 1631 )   Save
    Human rights and health issues are on the rise globally, and QPE policy has the mission to promote inclusive and high-quality physical education. Since 1978, the development of QPE policy has gone through the "embryonic period (1978-2000)", "content exploration period (2000-2015)" and "vigorous development period (2015-present)", highlighting the cyclical characteristics of scientific formulation, accurate landing, gradual development and policy coupling., and embodying the content characteristics of "main line", "double wheel", "three-dimensional" and "four-body". The enlightenment of QPE policy: at the policy level, we should adhere to the scientific formulation and accurate implementation of policies, promote the gradual development of policies and their coupling and interconnection; at the content level, we should achieve high-quality physical education from "global consensus" to "comprehensive landing"; promote the purpose of physical education from "basic health" to "lifelong development"; stimulate physical education participation from "single subject" to "multi-party collaboration".
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    Research on the Generative Logic, Value Implication and Practical Orientation of Ideological and Political Teaching in Physical Education Curriculums
    YANG Yidong
    2023, 49 (4):  106-112.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.015
    Abstract ( 545 )   PDF (1187KB) ( 1624 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature review, logical analysis, this paper analyzes the generative logic, value implication, and practical orientation of ideological and political teaching in physical education curriculums in the new era. The study concludes that the value implication of ideological and political teaching in physical education curriculums is an important means to realize the national strategy of “building a leading sports nation”, an effective measure to implement the fundamental task of “cultivating virtues and morality”, and a top-level design to help enhance the status of physical education curriculums. In the process of deepening the practice of ideological and political teaching in physical education curriculums, we need to adhere to the idea of “maintaining the right political orientation and breaking new ground”, create a synergistic system of ideological and political teaching in physical education curriculums, uphold the ideology of broadening and enriching horizons, establish a discipline-specific database of ideological and political teaching elements, maintain the determination to bring forth new ideas, build a progressive model of ideological and political teaching in physical education curriculums that is tailored to students’ aptitude, set up a comprehensive and multi-level evaluation structure and a practical and objective evaluation method that operates through teacher-student collaboration. Taking students as the core, we will continue to practice the guideline of cultivating virtues and morality to speed up the construction of ideological and political teaching in the new era, and create a new situation of “ideological and political teaching in curriculums”.
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    Study on the Training System of Campus Football Elites——Taking the Jiangsu Model as An Example
    LU Dongdong, WANG Tongling
    2023, 49 (4):  113-118.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.016
    Abstract ( 462 )   PDF (1163KB) ( 1334 )   Save
    In order to facilitate the development of campus football, and improve the quality of football reserve talent cultivation, this paper takes the Jiangsu Model as an example to study the training system of campus football elites by means of literature review and field survey. Main conclusion: in the implementation of the development strategy of "campus football", football consciousness and football literacy should be taken as one of the core qualities of students' growth, and the training of campus football elites should be adopted as the top level design of campus football. These will not only cultivate the talents of various types, but also promote the overall development of Chinese football. Suggestions: strengthen the construction of campus football, talent training, football performance appraisal, campus football match, campus football guarantee and campus football daily life to form a complete football elites training system on campus, and pursue the dream of a leading football nation by building a big football country.
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    Case Study, Oral History and Cognitive Expression——Three Paths of Contemporary National Traditional Sports Research in China
    ZHAO Cen, ZHENG Guohua, YANG Xuan
    2023, 49 (4):  119-127.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.017
    Abstract ( 549 )   PDF (1217KB) ( 1519 )   Save
    In the research process of traditional national sports in China, the fusion of disciplines leads to the use of “cross-disciplinary” approach. This present study reflects on case analysis, oral history and recognition expression— the three “popular” research methods of traditional national sports— and proposes that: the purpose of applying case study to traditional national sports research is not simply to describe and explain the cases, but to make in-depth analysis and construct theories; oral history is the result from historiographers’ annotation, verification, and explanation to historical materials; the rationalization of cognitive expression means that “cognition” should be based on the logical starting point of western cognitive theories. At the same time, the standardization and completeness of research question presuppositions, the choice of research methods appropriate for research questions, the selection and organization of facts and materials; and the formation of evidence chain and the solution of research questions are also worth our attention.
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    Racing and system: Anthropological analysis based on the epic “Racing to the throne”
    Drolma ChosmTso
    2023, 49 (4):  128-134.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.018
    Abstract ( 451 )   PDF (1238KB) ( 1432 )   Save
    “Racing to the throne”, as an important chapter in King Gesar, is deeply loved and performed by people. In its historical development, this competitive game has become an integral part of Tibetan festival celebrations and sacrificial ceremonies, and as a traditional folk sports it has drawn wide attention from sport science in the modernization process. As a response to Stein’s judgement on the relationship between horse racing and King Gesar, the anthropological analysis of “Racing to the Throne” in this paper shows that horse racing is a necessary step for King Gesar to build a new power order through exhibiting his power of witchcraft. It is hoped that this study is of practical significance in helping us understand sacrifice-related horse racing and hold horse racing with the theme of King Gesar.
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    Symbol Borrowing Amidst Political Transformation: Modern Evolution and Contemporary Development of Ritual Archery
    CHEN Yushi, YUN Yan
    2023, 49 (4):  135-143.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.019
    Abstract ( 453 )   PDF (1220KB) ( 1290 )   Save
    Using mutual verification of historical documents, this article rebuilds and interprets the attempt to replicate and transform Confucian ritual archery during Republican China period: (1) In order to express their political pursuit through reviving the Yan Archery Ritual, Beiyang warlords replicated the Pitch-pot Ritual in early Republican China; (2) Ideas on ritual archery renewal aiming at disciplining the citizens during the New Life Movement sprang from the cultural resources of the Archery Ritual of the Shires to some extent. These cases indicate that the ruling class remodeled the ritual archery in order to serve specific political purposes. Such practice blocked ritual archery from transforming itself towards folk, mass and humanistic culture. However, because of its grassroots and depoliticized tendency, the folk activity named "shooting the golden medal" prevailing in Chengdu during 1930s became a successful case which represents the folk-diversion of ritual archery. In the new era when our party and government encourages the "creative transformation" and "innovative development" of splendid traditional Chinese culture, we should summarize historical experience, bring ritual spirit back to ritual archery, and develop ritual archery into a folk cultural activity.
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    Stage Characteristics, Driving Force and Trend Prospect of Talent Transfer in Competitive Sports in China
    LI Xin, LI Zan, ZHAO Huimin, DONG Zhitong
    2023, 49 (4):  144-151.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.020
    Abstract ( 517 )   PDF (1211KB) ( 1710 )   Save
    Talent transfer is one of the important measures that China took in preparation for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Using the methods of literature review and expert interview, this present paper systematically analyzes the stage characteristics and driving force of talent transfer in competitive sports in China, and makes a prediction on its development trend. The research shows that the development of talent transfer in competitive sports in China presents the characteristics of adaptive adjustment in the sporadic transfer stage, organized development in the government-guided stage and large-scale development in the Winter Olympics intensification stage. The intrinsic driving force for the development of talent transfer in competitive sports in China ensures a compound advantage, while the extrinsic driving force lies in the national-level policy support. Measures to promote the development of talent transfer in the future include strengthening policy guidance to enhance the status of talent transfer in the athlete training system, deepening the integration of sports and education to facilitate the development of young athletes from specialization at an early stage to diversified development at a later stage; stressing talent transfer for sports items to ensure the applicability and rationality of items concerned.
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    Philosophical Connotation of Competitive Sports and Its Pedagogical Implication——Based on Nietzsche's Body Philosophy
    LI Chuanqi
    2023, 49 (4):  152-158.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.04.021
    Abstract ( 482 )   PDF (1184KB) ( 1234 )   Save
    To explore the philosophical connotation of competitive sports is an important category of sports philosophy. Many sports philosophical studies have long used the umbrella concept of sports, and failed to distinguish sports, leisure, exercise, entertainment, thus making the research findings lack explanatory power. Based on Nietzsche's body philosophy, and combined with his discussion on human nature, the will to power, bitterness and optimism, masculinity, aesthetics and intoxication, this paper focuses on the theme of competitive sports, and expounds the connotation of competitive sports and its pedagogical implication. The research holds that competitive sports, as a way of body existence, shows the expression of the will to power, and is the internal need of the development of human nature; pain is not only the catalyst of the will to power, but also one of the core experiences in competitive sports; masculinity is the body virtue advocated by Nietzsche, and is also a value model in competitive sports; the beauty of body is the aesthetic core of competitive sports, and intoxication is the highest aesthetic experience in competitive sports. Nietzsche's body philosophy provides a new path and space for us to deeply explore the connotation of competitive sports.
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