ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 July 2022, Volume 48 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Inner Logic and Practical Path of Innovating China's International Sports Communication in the New Era
    ZHANG Sheng
    2022, 48 (4):  21-25.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.007
    Abstract ( 965 )   PDF (1274KB) ( 1432 )   Save
    The article takes the "double Olympic journey" from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games as a perspective to examine the innovative practice of international sports communication in China in the era of all-media by the methods of documents and historical analysis. The study finds that international sports communication during the "Double Olympic Journey" has undergone a dual evolution of media technology and cultural ecology, that is, communication technology has changed from reshaping media forms to reconstructing media ecology, and cultural communication ecology has changed from connecting audiences to emotional communion. Accordingly, the author proposes countermeasures to strengthen China's international sports communication ability in the new era, which include promoting the construction of all-media communication system, innovating cultural expressions and highlighting humanistic values.
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    Research on Ritual Communication of World Cup Qualification and National Identification Construction
    LI Chunyang, WANG Qingjun, YU Pengfei
    2022, 48 (4):  26-31.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.008
    Abstract ( 789 )   PDF (1481KB) ( 1488 )   Save
    Based on ritual communication theory, the paper analyzes the relationship between World Cup Qualification and national identification construction. It is proposed that the ritual communication of big sports events is composed of two kinds of rituals and two communication fields. The function of ritual communication in national identification construction includes: the organization and arrangement of on-the-spot rituals embody national awareness; symbolic tokens convey national meaning; narrative strategy of media sparks national imagination. The study suggests that in addition to national identification construction, the ritual communication of World Cup Qualification forms the cultural structure system of site-medium-mimesis-meaning-audience. To be exact, the mythical symbol system of national identification is first constructed on the site of World Cup Qualifications rituals, then it enters the field of ritualized communication under the effect of a set of "view and witness layers", and is processed by the media organization through mimetic environment and coding strategies. After that, it conveys the symbols of national identification to the audience involved in the media rituals. Eventually the audience realizes the spiritual imagery of an "imagined community" by accessing to the collective memory.
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    Crisis and Remodeling: A Research on the Reputation of Chinese Athletes in the New Era
    ZOU Yuehui, WANG Hongpeng, ZHANG Shijie
    2022, 48 (4):  32-37.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.009
    Abstract ( 993 )   PDF (1294KB) ( 1466 )   Save
    In the new era, with athletes assuming more and more social responsibilities, and the value of their professional reputation continuing to rise, strengthening reputation building has become an important issue in sports management. Taking the stakeholder value network theory as a guide, and on the basis of clarifying the concept, characteristics and functions of athlete reputation, this paper presents the existing problems with athlete reputation management from the dimensions of reputation breadth, reputation strength, and reputation effect by means of literature review and logical analysis. It is believed that the root of the problems lies in the failure of the supervision and punishment mechanism of athletes, the disorder of property rights transactions, the failure of the reputation dissemination mechanism, and the lack of the reputation incentive mechanism. This paper proposes that athletes' professional reputation can be remodeled through government regulation, social supervision, collective guidance and individual self-discipline. It is hoped that this approach can provide some reference for the management of athletes in the new era.
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    A Study on the Moral Risks of Agent in the Transfer of Professional Athletes in China and Their Prevention
    XIN Songhe
    2022, 48 (4):  38-43.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.010
    Abstract ( 720 )   PDF (1346KB) ( 1351 )   Save
    Due to the asymmetry of transfer information between principal-agents of professional athletes' transfer in China, it is possible for agents to take advantage of transfer information to realize their own interests and lead to moral risks. Therefore, it is important to effectively solve the moral risks of agents to protect the legitimate rights and interests of transfer subjects and maintain a fair transfer market. Based on principal-agent theory, this paper studies by means of literature review and logical analysis the moral risks of agents and in the transfer of professional athletes in China and their prevention from the principal-agent relationship between agents and clubs, and agents and athletes. It is argued that the moral risks of agent are mainly characterized by various self-profit opportunistic behaviors such as export-to-domestic sales, head-hunting athletes, jeopardizing athletes transfer process, shady contracts and commission violations. The reasons include the lack of incentive mechanism, inadequate supervision mechanism and inadequate punishment mechanism. Based on the above analysis, this paper proposes some measures to prevent the moral risks of agent, including improving the incentive mechanism, the regulatory mechanism, and the punishment mechanism, establishing an early warning-reboot mechanism and strengthening the credibility and reputation mechanism.
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    Reforming Traditional Wushu Training towards A Combination of Combativeness and Culturality
    LIU Wenwu
    2022, 48 (4):  44-50.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.011
    Abstract ( 1012 )   PDF (1317KB) ( 1551 )   Save
    In order to free the traditional Wushu from the predicament of low combativeness while retaining its culturality, this paper explores the way to reform traditional Wushu training from the perspective of enhancing its combativeness while retaining its culturality. The author first expounds the importance of combativeness to traditional Wushu by criticizing some confused and specious arguments. On this basis, the author point out the necessity to maintain a moderate tension between traditional Wushu combativeness and its culturality, and argues that the only way to enhance the combativeness of traditional Wushu without losing its culturality is to make the training content simple and direct and take "open confrontation" as its form. It should be noted, however, that making the training content siple and direct and taking "open confrontation" as its form is just the core part of the reform.
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    The oretical Explorationon the Integration of Wushu Education and Moral Education in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Interactive Ritual Chain
    LIU Tao, WANG Yan
    2022, 48 (4):  51-55.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.012
    Abstract ( 876 )   PDF (1324KB) ( 1468 )   Save
    As a traditional Chinese culture, Wushu contains rich moral elements, the core of which is national spirit. This paper explores from the perspective of interactive ritual chainthe working mechanism of integrating Wushu education and moral education in colleges and universities. This mechanism takes emotion as its basis, aiming to shape students'national spirit from the three levels of course implementation environment, physical technique practice and course emotional output. By co-constructing emotional resonance, shared field interaction and collective consciousness under the strategic guideline of interactive ritual chain, this mechanism can work as an effective wayto integrateWushu education and moral education in colleges and universities.
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    The Multidimensional Cognition of Wushu Concept and the Limitation of Its Definitions
    LIU Jun, LI Quanhai
    2022, 48 (4):  56-62.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.013
    Abstract ( 1002 )   PDF (1318KB) ( 1604 )   Save
    This article examines several representative definitions of "Wushu", which are respectively given from the perspectives of sports, physical education, body, and comprehensive theory. Most of the definitions are derived from formal logic, and classify Wushu as a superordinate concept. This paper analyzes the problems with the definitions, which include that the definition from the perspective of physical education cannot fully accommodate Wushu, misuse of the "ontology" category, the body theory is abstract and hollow, and the comprehensive theory is not comprehensive at all. The paper further points out that even though Wushu can be defined in different ways, any definition can only focus on an aspect because of its holistic feature. For example, the method of genus+species difference cannot reveal the nature of Wushu. The law of excluded middle is not fully applicable to the life world in which Wushu exists. Even so, this does not mean that we can not give a descriptive definition to Wushu.
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    A Study on the Body Symbols and Cultural Memory of Yi Nationality's Dijiao Dance ——Take Baisha Village, Xiaoheiqing Town, Huili City, Sichuan Province as an Example
    SUN Dezhao
    2022, 48 (4):  63-70.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.014
    Abstract ( 1019 )   PDF (3786KB) ( 1700 )   Save
    Dijiao dance, a "native dance" of the Yi nationality that combines geographical and blood relationship, has the cohesive structural function of connecting the memory of individuals, ethnic group and society, and the physical activity symbols of Dijiao dance have the unique characteristics of restoring and presenting the cultural memory of individuals, ethnic group and society. This paper studies from the perspective of cultural memory theory the cultural symbols and cultural memory of Yi's Dijiao dance by means of literature review, field survey and oral history. The study shows that Yi's Dijiao dance is attached to myth and hero worship ——it is the product of the body memory of both individuals and ethnic group of the Yi nationality and the social practices of their body; Yi's Dijiao dance has an inner connection with Yi's totem worship ——it is a comprehensive representation of the body practice of both individuals and ethnic group of the Yi nationality in the framework of life; Yi's Dijiao dance is dependent on the regional and humanistic environment of "life", "survival" and "living" of the Yi nationality ——it is the product of the social practice of body memory for both individuals and ethnic group of the Yi nationality to achieve the "Sansheng" education, namely the education of life, survival and living; Yi's Dijiao dance bears an inherent relationship to their "religious sacrifice" and "festival celebration" ——it is a vivid expression of the social practice of body memory for both individuals and ethnic group of the Yi nationality to realize their "religious sacrifice" and "wedding ceremony". Yi's Dijiao dance embodies the three dimensions of human harmony: it reveals the harmony between nature and humanity in the vertical direction of history; it infiltrates the harmony between man and society (man to man) in the horizontal direction of socialization; it has the memorial characteristics of bridging the balance and imbalance within man's self at the intersection of vertical and horizontal dimension.
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    Boundary and Integration: A study on the Body Performance and Discourse Narration of Ritual Sports Participants in Guandao Wenwu Lamp Array
    WU Lianhua
    2022, 48 (4):  71-76.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.015
    Abstract ( 768 )   PDF (1293KB) ( 1296 )   Save
    Using the methods of text analysis, participant observation and unstructured interview, this paper takes the Hakka Guandao Wenwu Lamp Array in the She ethnic village in the highlands of Fujian Province as the research object and discusses the boundary and integration of the She ethnic and the Hakka ethnic in the village field. It is found that the Guandao Wenwu Lamp Array, as an ethnic ritual sports activity constructed by the Hakka family group of Gaodi village to worship their ancestors, has been integrated into the celebration activity of the She ethnic in the process of the ritual sports inheritance. The research indicates that the space boundary between She and Hakka is shaped in the field of ethnic worship activity, while the participation of Hakka's performance promotes the fusion of two isolated ethnic groups in the field of She ethnic celebrations. The spatial boundary between the ethnic groups in the village is constructed to preserve the ethnic characteristics while the ethnic integration promotes the construction of the village community. In this way the cooperative governance pattern by the multi-ethnic community is shaped. The boundary and integration meet the need of the village ethnic groups to find their own existence and common development, and the symbolic ethnic ritual sports become the instrumental rationality to realize this need.
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    Difference and Connection between "Physical Literacy" and "Subject/Curriculum Key Competencies of Physical Education and Health"
    YIN Zhihua, LIU Yan, SUN Mingzhu, XU Liping, GUO Zhen, LIU Bo
    2022, 48 (4):  77-83.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.016
    Abstract ( 1220 )   PDF (1467KB) ( 1611 )   Save
    In recent years, under the influence of both the development trend in foreign countries and national policies, the academic circles in China have paid close attention to sports related literacy, but the emergence of the concepts of "physical literacy" and "subject/curriculum key competencies of physical education and health" has caused misunderstanding and confusion. This paper makes a distinction between the two concepts, pointing out that the difference between them lies in their divergence in logical starting point, research scope, training path and evaluation direction; the connection lies in their same theoretical basis, goal direction, composition characteristics and achievement carrier. In order to better promote the literacy-oriented sports reform, it is suggested that the difference between the two should be clarified at the top-level design in the future so as to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings; specific projects targeted at different types of literacy should be designed to promote the attainment of literacy; and different types of literacy should play unique roles according to their characteristics.
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    The Content, Characteristics and Enlightenment of the Physical Literacy Assessment Index System Based on American National Curriculum Standards
    LIU Haohui, YIN Zhihua, MENG Han, ZHANG Guyue, TIAN Hengxing
    2022, 48 (4):  84-90.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.017
    Abstract ( 874 )   PDF (1964KB) ( 1660 )   Save
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the content and characteristics of PE metrics, namely, the physical literacy assessment index system based on American national curriculum standards, and expoundits enlightenment for physical literacy evaluation in China. The research shows that: American physical literacy assessmentindex system was adopted under the background of international upsurge, health crisis and literacy assessment. It has undergone the initial exploration period (1983-1999), the rapid development period (2000-2012) and the mature and stable period (2013 to present), and can be applied to 3 different situations: national large-scale physical literacy assessment, teachers'classroom teaching and students'physical education learning; taking into consideration of the interests of multiple stakeholders, it is composed a three-dimensional objective system, five-in-one assessment content, diverseassessment methods, and three-dimensional assessment criteria for K-12 physical education. It is characterized by integrating the five-dimensional assessment modules targeted at the overall assessment of American national curriculum standards, grade-level outcomes, and physical-mental integrity, constructing a dual-centered model of physical education assessment based on the inter-subjectivity between teachers and students, and applying in a flexible way the assessment content based on common elements. Finally, from the perspective of core competencies assessment, this paper expoundsthe enlightenment of American physical literacy assessment index system for China from the four aspects of assessment objective, assessment content, assessment method and assessmentstandard.
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    Research on the Collaborative Governance of Youth Sports Public Services in China from the Perspective of Physical Literacy
    YE Songdong
    2022, 48 (4):  91-95.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.018
    Abstract ( 903 )   PDF (1278KB) ( 1536 )   Save
    Based on the logic of "relationship coupling - problem orientation - feasible strategy", this study clarifies the logic of collaborative governance of youth sports public services in China from the perspective of physical literacy by defining the relationship among physical literacy, youth sports public services and collaborative governance, and establishing the rationale to develop youth's sports ability and improve their sports competition through supplying youth sports public services in China based on the concept of physical literacy. On this basis, we analyze the multiple governance dilemmas faced by youth sports public services in China, such as marginalization of the body, fragmentation of space and time, lack of athletic competition and weak assessment. Following the theoretical logic of body subjectivity, contextual basis, temporal continuity and spatial multidimensionality of physical literacy, four governance strategies are proposed: forming a consensus on value concept to stimulate collaborative governance; clarifying service supply logic to enhance collaborative governance effectiveness; focusing on technology empowerment to optimize collaborative governance environment; and constructing a physical literacy evaluation system to promote collaborative governance standardization.
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    Marx-Engels Thought on Sports: Logical Approach, Major Domain and Significance
    LUO Jiafu, CHEN Ye
    2022, 48 (4):  96-103.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.019
    Abstract ( 1951 )   PDF (1342KB) ( 1251 )   Save
    Marx-Engels thought on sports is a frequently discussed topic. Based on an overview of the major achievements and existing problems of previous studies, this paper conducts a panoramic survey of Marx-Engels thought on sports using new materials and new perspective. It is found that Marx-Engels thought on sports is a set of opinions that reflect the overall logic of their socio-historical theories. This thought, adhering to the "body-labor" methodology paradigm of historical materialism, explores the ways by which "human labor" leads to "human emancipation" in the domain of "human existence". Sports in essence are a form of activity that aesthetically and sensually realizes the real possession of human being and is an important sign of the full and free development of every human being. Marx's and Engels' thought on sports involves the essence, function and value of sports, and has many wonderful discussions on such issues as the body and labor, the aesthetic and educational functions of sports, and the value of sports in promoting the all-round development of individuals. Their thought is the first attempt from the perspective of socio-historical development to clarify the relationship between the body and labor, the important value of sports in the all-round development of human beings and the significance of sports in meeting the needs of the proletariat and social development. Marx-Engels thought on sports opened an era when Western Marxism started to pay attention to the body and the relationship between the body and human beings, and had an important influence on the final turn of Western philosophy to body philosophy since the 1960s. Therefore, Marx-Engels thought on sports has great theoretical and practical significance in understanding the essence of sports, comprehensively grasping the contemporary value and function of sports, and promoting the development of socialist sports theories with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
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    The Development, Characteristics and Effect of Sports Activities for Employees during the Third- front Construction Period——Taking Panzhihua as An Example
    WANG Hua
    2022, 48 (4):  104-109.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.020
    Abstract ( 1048 )   PDF (1358KB) ( 1834 )   Save
    The decade from 1964 to 1974 witnessed the comprehensive implementation of the Third-front Construction strategy and the fulfillment of Phase I Project of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Factory. Due to the implementation of the construction policy of "production first, livelihood second", the cultural and living facilities for employees lagged behind during the early construction period, and the workforce was unstable. The local government, on the basis of employees' voluntary sports activities, set up sports organizations, invested in infrastructure, increased sports funds, and promoted various kinds of sports communications and matches of different scales and levels between units and across regions. The sports enriched the staff cultural life, improved production efficiency, and promoted the relationship between workers and farmers as well. The development of sports activities enriched employees' cultural life, improved productivity and fostered worker-peasant relations. Admittedly, due to the influence of special international and domestic politics during the Third-front Construction period, the sports activities had the tendency to "serve political purposes". Consequently, overemphasizing the functions of political propaganda and ideological mobilization hindered to some extent the development of sports as it should have been.
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    The Opportunity, Process, Significance and Historical Mirror of the Proposal of "Central Museum of Sports and Health" in the Period of the Republic of China
    ZHU Jing, LI Shengling, SONG Xiuping
    2022, 48 (4):  110-116.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.021
    Abstract ( 738 )   PDF (1320KB) ( 1521 )   Save
    Sports museum plays a unique and irreplaceable role and significance in the development of sports culture. This paper explores the theoretical value and practical significance of sports museum as an important carrier and driving force of sports culture in the early stage of development in China. Our examination and analysis on the proposal of "Central Museum of Sports and Health" in the Period of the Republic of China by means of literature review shows that: the adoption of the proposal at the 1940 National Sports Conference was a result of the combined influence of the spread of modern sports in China, the integration of sports and health, the rising position of national sports. As the first of its kind in China, the proposal has great significance for the theoretical study and practice of sports museums in China.
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    The Historical Investigation and Influence Analysis of women Physical Education Major Students Studying Abroad during the Republic of China
    SUN Yan
    2022, 48 (4):  117-122.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.022
    Abstract ( 940 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 1587 )   Save
    Returned students in physical education in modern times were the backbone to promote the development of modern sports in China. This paper attempts to answer these questions by surveying the basic profiles of modern women who studied physical education in Japan and the United States, their social activities after returning to China, and their contributions to modern Chinese sports.The findings show that although the number of female students specializing in physical education in modern times is small, their study abroad exerted great influence. Acting as both a medium and a carrier for the exchanges of sports culture between China and foreign countries, they promoted the mutual understanding between foreign countries and China, and established the image of a new generation of Chinese women before the world. They were both the receivers and the integrators in absorbing foreign women's sports culture, and both the pioneers and the trailblazers in constructing women's sports culture in modern China. They are not only an important part of the history of modern education in China, but also a crucial link in the modernization process of Chinese women's physical education.
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    The Etiology Analysis and Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain in Chinese Elite Short Track Speed Skaters
    QIU Guorong, HE Benxiang, LIAO Yuanpeng
    2022, 48 (4):  123-128.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.023
    Abstract ( 1075 )   PDF (1303KB) ( 1287 )   Save
    Objective: In this paper, the data of low back pain of short track speed skaters were analyzed, and the pathogenesis, influencing factors and treatment measures of chronic low back pain (CLBP) in short track speed skaters were mainly discussed, so as to provide reference for effective prevention and precise treatment of CLBP in short track speed skaters. Methods: Athletes who were stable participants on the National Short Track Speed Skating Team for training and competitions during the 2018-2019 season were taken into the screening scope, and the research subjects who met the inclusion criteria were divided into CLBP group and non-chronic low back pain group (NCLBP). Isometric muscle strength test, trunk muscle mass test, functional movement screen (FMS) and visual analogue scoring test (VAS) were performed on both groups of athletes. The above test evaluation was performed again after 6 weeks of comprehensive treatment in the CLBP group, and relevant observation indexes were compared and analyzed. Results :(1) there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in the peak torques of trunk muscle flexion and extension, while the ratio of peak torques of trunk muscle flexion and extension (F/E) was statistically significant (P<0.05).The proportions of trunk muscle mass of the two groups of athletes were close to full marks, and there was no statistically significant difference in the proportions of trunk muscle mass and muscle mass.(2) After 6 weeks of systematic treatment, the F/E ratio of CLBP group increased significantly, and the difference between the groups was statistically significant (P<0.05).Compared with NCLBP group, the difference was not statistically significant.The proportion of trunk muscle mass and muscle mass increased slightly, but there was no statistical difference between the two groups.(2) The FMS test results of the two groups were compared, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01).After 6 weeks of rehabilitation training, the FMS test results of the CLBP group were significantly improved compared with those before rehabilitation training, and the difference was not statistically significant compared with the NCLBP group.(3) CLBP groups before treatment, after the FMS test compared with the VAS score, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusion:(1) The main factors that lead to CLBP of short track speed skaters are the imbalance of extensor and flexor muscle group of trunk cadres and the decline of core stability. (2) Traditional Chinese medicine combined with conventional treatment and core stability rehabilitation training is an effective comprehensive treatment method for elite athletes in short track speed skating.
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    Effect of Adjuvant Exercise Treatment on Chronic Low Back Pain: A Bayesian Network Meta-analysis
    YANG Junchao, CHEN Junying, XU Chunyan, Qiu Junqiang
    2022, 48 (4):  129-135.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.024
    Abstract ( 818 )   PDF (1584KB) ( 1144 )   Save
    Objective: To systematically review the effect of adjuvant exercise treatment for patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) by bayesian network meta-analysis (NMA). Methods: The PubMed, Embase, The Cochrane Library, CNKI and Wan Fang Data databases were electronically searched to collect randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on exercise for patients with CLBP from inception to May, 2020. Two reviewers respectively screened the literature, extracted data, and evaluated the risk of bias of the included studies using the RCTs RoB2, and then performed a Bayesian network meta-analysis using R software.Results: A total of 26 RCTs were included, including 2 001 CLBP patients. The effect of adjuvant exercise treatment in patients with CLBP were in the following rankings: Yoga [MD=-2.7,95%CI(-4.8,-0.61)], stabilization/motor control [MD=-1.1,95%CI(-2,-0.16)] and sling exercise [MD=-1.1,95%CI(-1.8,-0.40)]. The effect of adjuvant exercise treatment on function in patients with CLBP were in the following rankings: stabilization/motor control [MD=-5.30,95%CI(-10.00,-1.10)] and sling exercise [MD=-4.30,95%CI(-8.10,-0.51)].Conclusion: Current evidence suggests that yoga, stabilization/motor control and sling exercise, as adjuvant treatments in combination with conventional therapy, are more effective in patients with CLBP. More high-quality RCTs should be developed in the future for the adjuvant treatment of patients with CLBP.
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    What's Happening to European Sports Clubs Now?——Review of Sport Clubs in Europe: A Cross-National Comparative Perspective
    BO Chunlei, GAO Kuiting, WANG Yongshun
    2022, 48 (4):  136-141.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.04.025
    Abstract ( 807 )   PDF (1295KB) ( 1318 )   Save
    As the pioneer of modern sport, European sport has long been studied and learnt by countries around the world. Accordingly, sports clubs, as the basis of European sport, have been the central object of studies. Sport Clubs in Europe: A Cross-National Comparative Perspective, based on a standardized hierarchical analysis framework, systematically introduces the development history, basic characteristics, opportunities and challenges of sport clubs in European countries in a comparative context. The book presents some important research findings from a comparative perspective, which have some implications for the research and development practice of sports clubs in China.
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