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    15 March 2022, Volume 48 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Analysis on the Domestic and ForeignEnvironment for Sports Development in China
    BAO Mingxiao
    2022, 48 (2):  1-5.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.001
    Abstract ( 1392 )   PDF (1197KB) ( 899 )   Save
    The “14th Five-Year Plan” period is a key stage tolay a solid foundation for the construction of a leading sports nation in an all-round way. At present, sports development in China is facing a relatively complex external environment, and there are a series of shortcomings and problems that restrict the high-quality development of sports. This article analyzes and expounds the impact of the interaction and superposition of the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the world's unprecedented changes on sports development, the current shortcomings and problems that restrict sports development, and the agenda that should receive due attention in sports reform.
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    Research on the Path of Governing the Sport Industry by Law in the Construction of a Leading Sports Nation
    MA Hongjun
    2022, 48 (2):  6-17.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.002
    Abstract ( 312 )   PDF (1352KB) ( 667 )   Save
    Building a leadingsports nation is an important task in China's “14th Five-Year Plan” and the long-term goal of 2035, and it is also an important symbol of the comprehensive drive towards China's socialist modernization. The governance of sports industry by law is a requirement for comprehensively promoting the rule of law and building a leading sports nation. Through literature research, it is found that the construction of a leading sports nation faces such issues as the sports legal system is not complete, the reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and servicesin key areas are not thorough, the law enforcement mechanism is not sound, the liaison between sports departments for coordinated governance is not efficient, the supervision system is not complete, and the sports dispute resolution mechanism is not effective. In the process of promoting the construction of a leading sports nation in a coordinated way, it is necessary to further build sports laws and regulations, consolidate the achievements of the rule of law, promote the publicity and education of the rule of law, improve the sports dispute resolution mechanism, and strengthen the organization guarantee and implementation mechanism.
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    Promoting autonomy through good governance ——"Olympic 2020+5 Agenda" of the autonomy and good governance research on reform and change
    HUANG Lu
    2022, 48 (2):  18-23.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.003
    Abstract ( 243 )   PDF (1243KB) ( 643 )   Save
    Promoting industry autonomy through good governance reforms is an era choice for IOC to comprehensively deepen governance reforms, including following the “Basic Principles of Good Governance”, transparency, integrity, and checks and balances. The reform paths of promoting autonomy through good governance stated in "Olympic 2020+5 Agenda" include: promoting stakeholders' compliance with the universal standards of good governance in the Olympics; consolidating the first defensive line of transparency, promoting the opening and sharing of the Olympic movement; initiating the evaluation of the practice of good governance in the Olympics, combining evaluation and construction to promote the new development of the Olympic movement; adopting the values of Olympic solidarity and demonstrative construction results to enhance the credibility and discourse power of the organization; improving the integration mechanism of democracy, accountability, and checks and balances of the Olympic movement; enhancing the governance performance of the Olympic movement, etc.
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    Olympic Governance System: Realistic Dilemma and Solutions
    REN Zhenpeng, WANG Runbin
    2022, 48 (2):  24-30.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.004
    Abstract ( 296 )   PDF (1392KB) ( 607 )   Save
    The hasty decision made by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on the postponement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games amplifies the defects of the international sports autonomy system and highlights the lack of governance capacity of the organization. Meanwhile, it also exposes that the Olympic Governance System under the leadership of the IOC is faced with such dilemmas as the conflicts of interests and increasingly fierce political struggles among governing bodies, the continuous expansion and complexity of governance objects (problems), and the lack of “good governance”and “rule by man” in governance value, the increasing weakening of the binding force of regulatory texts, the lack of evaluation standards for governance effects. In the short term, the International Olympic Committee will minimize the impact of Coronavirus epidemic by alleviating the financial crisis of multiple stakeholders. In the medium term, it is committed to further deepening the reform of good governance to strengthen its leadership and appeal. Gradually improve its governance capacity. In the long run, it plans to lead diversified governingbodiesto build the Olympic community through collaboration, so as to promote the new development of the Olympic Governance System.
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    Research on the Reform of the Operation Mechanism of Large Venues and Stadiums
    CHEN Yuanxin, QIU xi, YANG Jin'e, JI Qing
    2022, 48 (2):  31-37.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.005
    Abstract ( 270 )   PDF (1247KB) ( 566 )   Save
    Using the methods of expert interview and field investigation to study the reform of the operation mechanism of large venues and stadiums. On the basis of analyzing the necessity and main constraints on the reform of the operation mechanism of large venues ad stadiums, the author puts forward the main content and system design from the angles of reform mode, bidding mechanism, incentive mechanism, contract mechanism and supervision mechanism. In the process of reform, attention should be paid to such issues as public welfare, introduction of market mechanism and government's capacity to perform public service functions, adoption of supporting policies, design of reform model and time limit, flexibility of reform, separation of public utilities and enterprise operation, and proper placement of diverted personnel. The policies and suggestions to promote the reform include: encourage pilot projects to steadily advance the work of mechanism reform; formulate the implementation plan and operation guide for the mechanism reform by category, and to strengthen the supporting policies for the mechanism reform; popularize the demonstration contract of venue operation management and standardize the relationship between the rights and obligations of all parties; improve the bidding mechanism for venue reform and foster market players for venue operation; actively promote the open bidding of venue management rights and cultivate the main body of venue operation market; improve the performance evaluation system of venue operation; strengthen the supervision of performance and rational diversion and placement of personnel, and strengthen the efforts to recruit professionals.
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    Ownership Allocation of Sports Data in Smart Stadiums in the Era of Big Data
    PENG Guanqi
    2022, 48 (2):  38-42.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.006
    Abstract ( 225 )   PDF (1196KB) ( 534 )   Save
    In the era of big data, smart stadiums have generated and stored massive amounts of sports data, giving sports venues and sports subjects sports data property rights is conducive to maintaining the efficiency goals of sports data generation, utilization and flow, and achieving the ethical goals of maintaining the personality interests of sports subjects. The allocation of ownership of sports data between venues and sports subjects should conform to the legal goals of fairness and justice. From the perspective of typology, according to the source and nature of the data, sports data form a three-tier data structure of primitiveness-association-derivation. The distribution of ownership should reflect the difference: the sports subject has exclusive ownership of the primitive sports data, the associated sports data between the sports subject and the sports venue follows the “ownership-utility” rights distribution mechanism and the sports venues have exclusive ownership of derivative sports data.
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    Review of Western Media and Male Body Image Research
    YANG Xue, RONG Hao, LEI Bin
    2022, 48 (2):  43-49.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.007
    Abstract ( 249 )   PDF (1506KB) ( 658 )   Save
    Media's construction of male body image is an important topic in the study of gender and body culture in the West. Using text analysis method, the relevant English literature is systematically analyzed, and a comprehensive model of media effect is constructed. Our analysis shows that topics in this field are rich, mainly focusing on media's representation of male body image, and the results, influencing factors and process of media's construction. The internalization of ideal body through mediaand frequent social comparison are the inner mechanism of media construction;the self-schematization, self-differentiation and objectification theories constitute the theoretical framework for the research topics;the construction of a comprehensive model of media effect on male body image provides a useful analysis scheme for exploring various predictors of body disturbance disorder; quantitative research paradigm is the mainstream of the field, and qualitative research is emerging; diversity of research samples, multi-variable interactions as well as concern over gender differences and individual experiences will be the trends in the future research.
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    Generation of Women's Bodies in the Field of Physical Education in Modern China
    ZHANG Lianlei, LIANG Cheng, WANG Jian
    2022, 48 (2):  50-55.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.008
    Abstract ( 226 )   PDF (1240KB) ( 547 )   Save
    As the carrier of history, society, culture and education, body is always in the process of generation. In the specific historical period of modern China, women's body in the field of physical education was generated in various forms: the subordinate body in the healthy body and strong country orientation, the awakening body inthe national identity and gender equality orientation, the shaped body inthe health and bodybuilding orientation, the professional body inthe teacher training and sports competition orientation. The generation of women's body was realized under the influence of various discourses. The national discourse of gaining national independence and promoting the modernization of China is not the only driving force. The feminist movement and the modernizationof education are also driving forces that cannot be ignored. In the meantime, bondage and liberation, passive and initiative coexistence show the complexity and diversity ofwomen's body generation, which carries a complex and rich connotationand makes us understand the physical education of women in modern China from a differentperspective.
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    Analysis of Network Sports Organization Based on Structural Functionalism Theory
    YU Xianyang, XU Youbin
    2022, 48 (2):  56-61.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.009
    Abstract ( 223 )   PDF (1236KB) ( 727 )   Save
    Network sports organizations has been developing vigorously in recent years, which is a new organizational mode of national fitness in the new era. Using documentary, logical analysis, combing the development of network sports organization research under the structure from the theoretical perspective of functionalism, the theoretical model with AGIL analysis: network sports organization is the product of to adapt to changes in social environment, make full use of online resources to carry out sports activities, designed to provide online communication platform for people and meet the demand of sports participation; The organizational integration mode is based on the principle of equality and voluntary participation, but its low degree of organization limits the effectiveness of organizational integration. The maintenance of the organization model depends on the common sports interest and the organization system norm. The weak construction of formal system norm affects the maintenance function of the organization model. Therefore, the network sports organizations need to optimize the external social environment, strengthen the construction of internal organization norms, and improve the professional skills of the organization.
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    The Human Rights Responsibility of Sports Associations
    YU Liang
    2022, 48 (2):  62-67.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.010
    Abstract ( 212 )   PDF (1238KB) ( 519 )   Save
    The legal framework of business and human rights could be directly applied to those purely commercial sports organizations, but it excludes sports associations. Sports associations may pose a threat to the enjoyment of human rights due to their organizational powers. International human rights discourse attempts to solve the problems caused by the autonomy of sports. FIFA and some other sports organizations are committed to respecting and promoting human rights on their own initiative. A general idea of the human rights responsibility of sports organizations could be established on the basis of the legal doctrine of the horizontal effects of human rights. A sports association is obliged to respect and to protect human rights, and may also have the obligation to fulfill human rights on a voluntary basis. The human rights responsibility of sports associations can be enforced not only through traditional sports arbitration and judicial review regimes, but also by recourse to the emerging business and human rights arbitration mechanism.
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    The Supervisory Object Scope of Sports Association after Decoupling Reform
    WANG Xiaoguang
    2022, 48 (2):  68-73.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.011
    Abstract ( 299 )   PDF (1237KB) ( 573 )   Save
    After decoupling reform, sports associations can operate as independent entities. They are granted to manage public affairs according to legal authorization or administrative trust, therefore, their staff are objects of supervision. Since exercise of public power is the core feature of supervisory object, the public power exercised by sports associations should be given limitation interpretation, for it is essentially a state public power exercised in the form of social public power. There are public power and autonomy “authorized by the state” within sports associations, and the boundary between them are in constant change. Since the identities of internal personnel are diverse and complex, the object of supervision should be defined while fully considering the particularity of sports associations. On the basis of clarifying the internal power boundary of sports associations, and according to the criteria of public power, post rights and responsibilities, and supervision of state-owned assets, the supervisory objects in sports associations can be divided into those who exercise public power in specific positions and those who are temporarily hired to exercise public power, including foreign personnel who substantially exercise public power.
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    An Exploration on the“First Button”of Chinese Wushu's Development in the Second Half of the 20thCentury
    YANG Jianying, YAN Shiliang
    2022, 48 (2):  74-79.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.012
    Abstract ( 271 )   PDF (1234KB) ( 667 )   Save
    In order toexplore the root cause of the many problemsconcerning Chinese Wushu's development, this paper, using the button theory put forward by the General Secretary Xi Jin-ping, mainly analyzed the“first button”of Chinese Wushu's development60 years ago. The conclusions are as follows: (1) In the early 20thcentury, Wushu was pushed onto the historical stage and was highly regardedfor it took the important task of casting the backbone of Chinese culture, and carried the historical mission of strengthening body, cultivating spirit, saving culture, and reviving the nation”. (2) In the middle of the 20th century, under the influence of the thought “breaking down the old things and building new ones”, the traditional Wushu sects were broken down, the combat function of Wushu was abandoned and the spirit education value of Wushu was ignored, instead “new Wushu”with the pursuit ofartistic expression was reinvented with the value orientation of “exercising”and “building beautiful image”. Although the majority of scholars at the time were strongly opposed to the change, their opinions were ignored. The administrative authority made an arbitrary decision, thus the “first button” of Wushu's development in new China was fastened in the wrong way. (3) In thenew era, in order to get Chinese Wushu out of the difficult situation, it is imperative to take history as a mirror and neighboring countries' practice as a mirror to fastenright the “first button” of Wushu development.
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    Mortise -tenon connection and vortex reconstruction of Martial arts culture
    ZHANG Jing, Zhou Songshan, Chen Qing
    2022, 48 (2):  80-85.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.013
    Abstract ( 225 )   PDF (1237KB) ( 653 )   Save
    Martial artist skillfully use the unique and complex mortise and tenon, including objective activities, good will, life shaping, master-apprentice relationship, cultural boxing theory, abstract meaning, etc. to fully integrate Martial artist with society and culture, forming a body culture with multiple fulcrums. The unique physical and mental education, life first, tenon and mortise structure of Martial artist creates the structural framework of Martial artist culture, and perfects the structural theoretical system with Chinese body practice. However, when it comes into the contemporary era, martial arts hasn't shown its irreplaceable, indicating that part of the tenon mortise and tenon was deconstructed. How to reconstruct Martial artist is an important proposition given by the times. Research has shown that the cultural vortex, dynamically seeks and anchors the mooring point of contemporary life shaping, and condenses the representative work of human intangible cultural heritage type of "fighting to shape people" Martial artist, which is tenon into the human health body capital chain and Mao for Martial artist civilization.
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    Centennial Development Research of Ballroom Dance in China Under the Theory of Cultural Symbiosis
    DUAN Zengguang, HE Ying, QIU Jiangang, DAI Yuzhu
    2022, 48 (2):  86-92.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.014
    Abstract ( 230 )   PDF (1258KB) ( 627 )   Save
    Objective: Dance sport has been imported to China for more than 100 years. Over the century, it has gradually highlighted its practical representation and academic pursuit of growth with Chinese culture. Based on the symbiosis ideology of "human and nature, human and history, human and society, human and himself" in cultural ecology, the present paper systematically examines the changes of dancesport culture in China over the century, and deconstructs in an innovative way and at the same time reconstructs in a exploratory way the ecological prospect and circular structure of dancesport culture. The cultural ecological structure is composed of "instinctive life consciousness, historical cultural consciousness, social cultural consciousness and inner freedom consciousness"and has 3 circles in representation, i.e. the core circle of artistry, the middle circle of competition and sociality, and the peripheral circle of clothing and music, etc.The author figures out the the environmental basis on which the symbiosis of dancesport and Chinese culture occur, and initially constructs amulti-dimensional model of artistic creation, ethnic mutual learning, school development and sports participation, in which dancesport and Chinese spiritual culture, institutional culture and material culture coexist. It is hoped our study can provide path guidance and innovation enlightenment for the development of dancesport in China.
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    The in fluencing Factors on the competitive performance of Chinese women's volleyball team ——A phased and practice study based on 2013-2021 Olympic period
    Shi Xiangyu
    2022, 48 (2):  93-99.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.015
    Abstract ( 700 )   PDF (2172KB) ( 702 )   Save
    The history of Chinese women's volleyball team has been brilliant, low, fluctuant and peak in the past decades, and its competitive performance have long been paid keen attention by Chinese people. In the new era, Chinese women's volleyball team has made better explorations in training, competition and national team construction, and it's also made beneficial innovations in training methods, competition concepts, talent cultivation and other aspects. Chinese women's volleyball team winning the attention of the world. However, the "failure" of the Tokyo Olympic Games makes the series of factors affecting the competitive results more thought-provoking. This paper summarizes the successful practice, experience and lessons of The Chinese Women's volleyball team in 33 international competitions in Rio (2013-2016) and Tokyo (2017-2021), and uses mixed research methods to explore the influencing factors of the competitive results of the Chinese women's volleyball team in these two Olympic periods. In order to stabilize the peak strength,the study put forward the Chinese women's volleyball team must be paid more attention to the competitive logic of technology and talent contest, to give full play to the professional league, grip on tactics , coaches and athletes ground construction, and continue and expand the advantage of Chinese women's volleyball team , continuous help sports power construction.
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    Research on the Influence of the Evolution of Line Dancing Competition Rules on Competition Events and Optimization Path
    WANG Yan, YANG Hui
    2022, 48 (2):  100-103.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.016
    Abstract ( 562 )   PDF (1175KB) ( 639 )   Save
    As an emerging mass sports activity, line dancing is an effective way to promote national fitness and national health. Research into line dancing competition, which is the key point to popularize and develop line dancing throughout the country, can help examine the challenges faced by line dancing competition in China, consolidate and improve the line dancing competition rules, and further explore the path of optimizing line dancing competition in the process of "building a leading sports nation" and implementing the strategy of "Healthy China Development". This study uses the methods of literature and mathematical statistics to summarize the major changes in scoring rules by comparing and analyzing the 2013, 2017, and 2021 editions of The National Line Dancing Competition Rules to provide theoretical support for furthering the level of line dancing competition and optimizing competition events. It is proposed that to strengthen the overall strategic planning and coordinate competition events to promote the development of line dancing competition events in a comprehensive way; add scoring elements, and identify the key aspects for scoring to promote the participation of masses in innovative ways; further the construction of referee team by urging referees to improve their judging ability and professional literacy to ensure the fairness of competition.
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    Characteristics and Implications of the Comprehensive Intervention of Extracurricular Physical Activity for American Children Aged 5~12 Years Based on Socio-Ecological Theory: ——A Case Study on Columbus, Ohio in the United States
    YUAN Guangfeng, LI Mingda, ZHANG Shuishun, ZHENG Xiangrong, CHEN Mingxiang, HE Yawen
    2022, 48 (2):  104-109.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.017
    Abstract ( 809 )   PDF (1247KB) ( 693 )   Save
    By using the methods of literature review, interview and comparative analysis, this paper makes a two-year participant?observation on 11 public primary schools, 9 residential areas, 8 community recreation centersand?more than 30 children's playgrounds in parks and communities in four school districts in Columbus, Ohio, USA, and analyzes the characteristics of the promotion mechanism of extracurricular physical activities of children aged 5~12 in the United States from a socio-ecological perspective. The characteristics can be summarized as follows: Individual level: the highest purpose of participating in sports is to let children " Have Fun"; Interpersonal level: close the relationship circle?between people , especially parents agree that "sports is an active and healthy lifestyle";?Community level: a community ecological support network of "family, school and integration of community" has been built;?Social level:?a cross-boundary, interconnected and efficient policy implementation system has been created. The implications for a socio-ecological construction of the same nature in China can be summarized as follows: Academic circles should strengthen the theoretical and practical research on the socio-ecological model of children's extracurricular physical activities with Chinese characteristics, and all relevant government departments should join efforts to create a cross-border, interwoven and efficient mechanism for such construction.
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    Experience Standard: Bobbitt's View of Physical Education and Its Practical Implication
    SHAO Tianyi
    2022, 48 (2):  110-116.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.018
    Abstract ( 957 )   PDF (1283KB) ( 880 )   Save
    The introduction of foreign educators' educational theory and physical education view helps to open up the ideas of physical education curriculum teaching reform in China. In view of the lack of research on Bobbit's physical education theory, this paper discusses the origin, value orientation, core content and contemporary implication of the physical education curriculum view of Bobbit - founder of modern curriculum theory - by using the methods of literature, text analysis and logical speculation. The results show that Bobbit's view of physical education originates from the influence of American social efficiency thought in the early 20th century, the inheritance and development of Spencer and Hall's thought and his personal field study. “Experience standard” is the starting point of Bobbit's view of physical education curriculum. The core content of Bobbit's view of physical education is: the exchange of human body energy flows in and out like a reservoir; the educational value of games lies in maintaining personality; reproducing the history of disease resistance is an effective way of health education. On this basis, combined with the current situation of physical education curriculum teaching in China, this paper discusses the practical implication of Bobbit's view of physical education: it provides a theoretical basis for effectively promoting the physical health of young students, and attention should be drawn to the exploration of the maintenance mechanism of “sports morality” in school physical education, and the innovation of the content and methods of physical health education.
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    The Construction of the Conceptual Framework of Deep Learning in Physical Education
    WANG Luying, ZHU Weiqiang
    2022, 48 (2):  117-122.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.019
    Abstract ( 669 )   PDF (1406KB) ( 669 )   Save
    By analyzing and summarizing the current outstanding problems in physical education curriculum and teaching in China, and sorting out the origin and evolution of the concept of deep learning, this study defines the operational definition of PE deep learning, constructs, demonstrates and interprets the conceptual framework of PE deep learning according to the essential characteristics of PE different from other disciplines. It further clarifies the key characteristics of PE deep learning different from traditional PE learning, and the “seven standards” achieved by students' deep participation under this framework, so as to return to the essence of “educating people” and effectively develop their PE core literacy.
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    Effect of Low-intensity Bench Press KAATSU Training on Degree of Muscle Activation and Rating of Perceived Exertion
    CHE Tongtong, LI Zhiyuan, ZHAO Zhiguang, WEI Wenzhe, SUN Ke, CHEN Chong
    2022, 48 (2):  123-130.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.020
    Abstract ( 683 )   PDF (2654KB) ( 638 )   Save
    Objective: To study the acute effects of low-intensity bench press KAATSU training on the degree of muscle activation of upper limb and pectoralis major muscle, and the rating of perceived exertion. Methods: Ten college basketball players were recruited to practice bench press in four groups under KAATSU and non-KAATSU. The first group repeated 30 times and the rest 15 times. The load weight was 30%1 RM. Special KAATSU training equipment was used to fix the pressurized belt at the proximal end of upper limb, the binding pressure was set at 30 mmHg, and the pneumatic pressure was set at 160 mmHg. Four tests were conducted before and after the implementation of the KAATSU training programme. During the process, the surface EMG signals of right biceps, triceps, anterior deltoid and pectoralis major were collected and the RMS and MF values were calculated. Meanwhile, rating of perceived exertion was tested after KAATSU training in each group. Results: (1) After the implementation of the training programme, the growth rate of upper limb circumference in the pressurized group was significantly higher than that in the non-KAATSU group (P<0.01); (2) The RMS of maximal autonomic contraction of triceps brachii and pectoralis major in the KAATSU group was significantly higher than that in the non-KAATSU group (P<0.05); (3) the RMS values of triceps brachii, anterior deltoid muscle and pectoralis major in the KAATSU group were significantly higher than that in the non-KAATSU group after the training and after the decompression (P<0.05); (4) the RMS values of biceps brachii and triceps brachii in the second to fourth group, anterior deltoid muscle in the fourth group, and pectoralis major in the third and fourth groups were significantly higher than those in the non-KAATSU group (P<0.05); (5) the rating of perceived exertion after exercise and decompression in the four groups was significantly higher than that in the non-KAATSU group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Low-intensity KAATSU bench press training can significantly improve the activation degree of triceps brachii, deltoid anterior bundle and pectoralis major, and the EMG activity during training is enhanced through the synergistic action of limb muscles and trunk muscles. The rating of perceived exertion in low-intensity bench press KAATSU training is more intense and the upper limb circumference increases significantly in low-intensity bench press KAATSU training.
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    Research on the Factors Influencing the Development of Sports New Media Copyright Based on Integrated DEMATEL-ISM
    WANG Wenlong, CUI Jiaqi, MI Jing, XING Jinming
    2022, 48 (2):  131-137.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.021
    Abstract ( 650 )   PDF (1550KB) ( 593 )   Save
    In recent years, China's sports industry has been issued favorable policies, which has promoted the prosperity and development of the new media copyright market of sports events. It is of great significance to identify and determine the key influencing factors and the complex relationship between the factors. Based on stakeholder theory, using literature research method and Delphi method, this paper extracts 12 influencing factors of new media copyright development of sports events, calculates the influence degree, affected degree, centrality degree and reason degree of each influencing factor through integrated decision experimental analysis method (DEMATEL), and constructs multi-level hierarchical influencing factors of sports event new media copyright development by interpretative structural model (ISM) so as to realize the comprehensive grasp of the importance degree, causal nature, logical relationship and hierarchical structure of factors in the influencing factor system. The results show that: marketing strategy and means, platform operating funds, user brand loyalty and enterprise development strategy and positioning are the core influencing factors of sports new media copyright development; there are 4 cause indicators and 8 result indicators in 12 influencing factors; ISM model divides the influencing factors into four levels, including user brand loyalty and the number of sports event copyright and quality are the direct influencing factors, while the formulation and implementation of relevant supporting policies and the development strategy and positioning of enterprises are the fundamental influencing factors.
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    Development History, logical clue and Future Prospect of Cultivating Young athletic Reserve Sports Talents in China From the perspective of community
    ZHANG Xiangfu, SUN Jinhai, DAI Gang
    2022, 48 (2):  138-142.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.022
    Abstract ( 717 )   PDF (1219KB) ( 606 )   Save
    In order to push on the construction of a world sports power in china through cultivating the community of young athletic reserve sports talents, Guided by general secretary Xi Jinping's idea of "community of human destiny", With the comprehensive use of literature and logical analysis , this paper makes a systematic study on the cultivation of adolescence reserve sports talents in China. Researches show that relying on the development history of the cultivation of youth competitive sports reserve talents in China, the community contained in it is formed and developed in the historical development context of the organic combination between amateur sports schools, primary and secondary schools and amateur sports schools, and then to the organic combination of diversified school running subjects, and now the organic combination of primary and secondary schools, clubs and sports schools with campus as the carrier. The logic of practice from community is that amateur training is used as a link to link physical education and education in order to promote the Combination of sports and education, to promote the integration of physical education, education and society on the basis of youth training, to promote the cultivation of physical education, education social community, and to promote the integration of physical education and society with taking campus football as a pilot to make the deep integration of sports, education and society for shaping a new community. In the new era, it is necessary to clarify the goal of the community construction of young athletic sports reserve talents, continue to adhere to the amateur training as the main body, deepen the integration of sports and education, and deepen the reform of sports schools, promote the scientific and common development of the youth competitive sports reserve talent training community.
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