ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 November 2021, Volume 47 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Thoughts on Higher Physical Education Institutions' Service toward Improvingthe State's International Communication Ability in the New Development Stage
    SHU Weiping, ZHANG Xiaolin
    2021, 47 (6):  1-5.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.001
    Abstract ( 1485 )   PDF (1343KB) ( 943 )   Save
    An important aspect of higher physical education institutions' practice in fulfilling their social responsibilities in the new developmentstage is to improve the state's ability to engage in international communication. Higher physical education institutions should attach great importance to this mission, and effectively improve their capacity and influence in international communication by giving full play to their own advantages and characteristics in developing international education, enhancing international communication awareness,optimizing international communication content, and expanding international communication networks.They can help improve the state's international communication ability by making full use of their rich academic resources, cultural resources, high-level human resources, and international partner network resources to strengthen theoretical research and talent training, and make due contributions in creating a lovely, credible, and respectable image of China.
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    From “International Communication” to “Strategic Communication”: Innovating the International Communication Competence for Sports in China
    SHI Anbin, SHENG Yang
    2021, 47 (6):  6-8.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.002
    Abstract ( 1218 )   PDF (1318KB) ( 768 )   Save
    The intercultural communication and media representation of sports serves as a major field for international communication practices in the social media era. It argues that President Xi Jinping's address on May 31st, 2021 should lead as a guidance for China's innovative construction of the international communication competence for sports, with a theoretical transition from “international communication” to “strategic communication”, by way of locating the social context of “global China”, constructing cultural idea of “transcultural communication” and configuring the “strategic communication” agents. It calls for a polyphonous national image branding on “active China”, “germinative China” and “youth China” with its promotion in sports industry. The upgrade of international communication competence for sports assists the construction and integration of China's overall international communication competence.
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    New Cosmopolitanism Path of International Sports Communication
    WEI Lu, HE Mingmin
    2021, 47 (6):  9-13.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.003
    Abstract ( 1192 )   PDF (1353KB) ( 751 )   Save
    Strengthening the capacity of international sports communication is central to the formation of an international status of sports that is corresponding to the comprehensive national strength of China. Currently, China's international sports communication faces a few challenges. The principle of international sports communication has too much emphasis on universal sports spirit, the Chinese sports spirit has not received enough attention. The content is too much dependent on large-scale international events, while daily sports activities are mainly ignored. The target is overly focused on powerful sports countries with developing nations remain marginal. New cosmopolitanism perspective provides a feasible path for China to solve the dilemma. First, China needs to promote sports culture with Chinese characteristics to break the Western-centric international sports discourse system. Second, the country should tell more stories about ordinary people's daily sports activities, to demonstrate the superiority of China's sports system. Third, it is important for China to unite the developing countries along the “Belt and Road Initiative” to build a new cosmopolitanism sports community.
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    Early Communists' Thoughts of Saving the Nation by Sports——A Discussion Centered around Chen Duxiu and Mao ZedongCHEN Tingxiang LI Mingyue
    CHEN Tingxiang, LI Mingyue
    2021, 47 (6):  14-19.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.004
    Abstract ( 1437 )   PDF (1367KB) ( 734 )   Save
    At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, many people with lofty ideals participated in the discussion how to save the nation. In the surging tide of saving the nation and the people at that time, a major ideological trend of saving the nation by sports was formed. By the time of the May Fourth Movement, Chen Duxiu raised the two banners of science and democracy, and set off a wave of enlightenment to criticize the dross of traditional Chinese culture and learn advanced culture from the West. Chen Duxiu and the young Mao Zedong explored the unprecedented profound and rich ideological resources for the ideology of saving the nation by sports respectively from the perspective of criticizing the ideology of emphasizing literacy over military exercise in the traditional culture and from the perspective of criticizing the conception of advocatingtranquilityrather than motion.
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    Athletics· Humanities· Communication: Hot Issues in Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
    ZHANG Yuelin, WANG Yongshun, SUN Ke, XIAN Yunlong, ZHONG Yuanji, YU Huaxin
    2021, 47 (6):  20-25.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.005
    Abstract ( 1190 )   PDF (1379KB) ( 791 )   Save
    By examining the grand cultural feast of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games from the perspective of athletics, humanities and communication, we can gain an insight into the power, discourse, game spirit and identity representation of Olympic Games in modern civilized society, and get to know the trend of world sports development.Based on the relationship between athletics and institution, the relationship between athletics and humanities, and the relationship between athletics and cultural communication, this paper analyzes a series of hot issues in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games including why Chinese sports delegation won out, the new conception of gold medals and gold medal ranking, Chinese Women's Volleyball Team's performance, feminism, the new Olympic motto, the opening and closing ceremony, and Chinese sports image.The research holds that the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games reflects the current situation and problems of Chinesecompetitive sports development, and the direction of development reform in the future; the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games embodies a strong spirit of humanistic care in the interpretation of the Olympic spirit, cultural communication, artistic expression, the construction of gender equality and the emergence of modern consciousness; from the perspective of media communication, foreign media deliberately played down the excellent performance of Chinese sports delegation in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, which also reflects to a certain extent the collective anxiety of Western civilizations in the face of “rise of the East and fall of the West”.
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    The Competitive Balance of Top Professional Football Leagues in China and Europe: Comparison, Solution and Enlightenment
    LIU Fei, GONG Bo, TIAN Fengqin, XIE Songlin
    2021, 47 (6):  26-31.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.006
    Abstract ( 1044 )   PDF (1724KB) ( 727 )   Save
    Competitive balance is important for the management of professional football league. The C5ICB indicator and HICB indicator were used to compare and analyze the competitive balance characteristics of the Chinese Super League and the top five European leagues. The results show that:(1)The overall level of competition imbalance in the Chinese Super League has not reached the level of the top five major leagues in Europe,but the league's competitive imbalance has gradually increased since 2009, competitive imbalance has both advantages and disadvantages;(2)The competition between the clubs in the Super League shows a strong instability, which is not conducive to maximizing the brand influence. The Super League management department needs to use the competitive balance indicators to monitor the competitive balance level of the league in a normalized manner, and make a series of institutional arrangements around the economic balance and the distribution balance of talent players between the clubs, and to achieve the healthy and sustainable development of the league.
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    Institutional Governance Characteristics of American Fight Events and Local Enlightenment
    WANG Haifeng, WU Xiaoyuan, LI Lehu, SUN Jinhai
    2021, 47 (6):  32-38.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.007
    Abstract ( 949 )   PDF (1764KB) ( 762 )   Save
    institutional governance is an important means for the modernization of national governance capacity and governance system. Using the methods of literature and expert interview, this paper explores the characteristics of American fight event system governance from the institutional level, in order to provide enlightenment for optimizing China's fight event governance system. It is found that the institutional governance characteristics of American fight events lie in the construction of three-level diversified subject cooperative governance structure; The improvement of the joint governance mechanism of external supervision and internal implementation; The perfection of institutional governance system under the guidance of law; The formation of "one core and multiple" horizontal decentralized governance model. The specific characteristics of institutional governance are reflected in: standardizing the commercial behavior of promoters with "legal quota + qualification review"; Restrict the professional qualification and behavior of brokers by multiple means such as "contract + limit + margin"; Protect athletes' bodies, protect athletes' rights and interests and supervise athletes' violation of discipline with special policies and regulations; Improve the selection quality of referees by quantitative standards, and curb the corruption of referees by legal system and government audit; Clear behavior restriction clauses and anti-corruption measures are used to regulate the violation of rules and disciplines of officials. Local enlightenment: under the leadership of the government, China's combat events should promote the improvement of the governance model of "Industry Association implementation + event organization assistance + social public supervision"; Clearly define the rights and responsibilities of multiple subjects and form a vertical linkage collaborative governance system; Build or improve the specific system of combat events and improve the management system covering key stakeholders.
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    A study on the evaluation of regional competitiveness of outdoor recreation industry in the United States and the selection of its leading projects——Analysis based on Shift-Share Method
    HAN Yun, WEI Deyang
    2021, 47 (6):  39-47.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.008
    Abstract ( 933 )   PDF (1570KB) ( 691 )   Save
    Outdoor recreation industry is the pillar industry of American economy. The study of its regional competitiveness evaluation (project structure analysis) and leading project selection is of great reference value to the healthy and sustainable development of outdoor recreation industry in China. Based on the data of 19 core outdoor recreation projects in 51 states (regions) from 2012 to 2017, this paper studies the regional competitiveness and leading project selection of outdoor recreation industry in nine regions of the United States by using the method of deviation share analysis (SSM). The results show that: 1) The overall development speed of Outdoor recreation industry in the South Atlantic and mountain areas is higher than the national average level; the structure of core Outdoor recreation projects in the five regions of the northeast, northwest, Atlantic, Southeast and southwest is reasonable, and the structural effect promotes the development of Outdoor recreation industry in the region; the Outdoor recreation industry in the three regions of the South Atlantic, mountain and Pacific The overall competitiveness of core projects is strong, and their position in the country is on the rise.2) The leading projects of Outdoor recreation industry in nine regions of the United States are screened out, and there are great differences in the leading projects among regions
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    The Sources of Wushu Talents and the Dualistic Development of Wushu under the Background of the "Ban of Wushu" in the Qing Dynasty
    ZHANG Zhen, LI Liang
    2021, 47 (6):  48-54.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.009
    Abstract ( 1256 )   PDF (1378KB) ( 774 )   Save
    Banning of Wushu has always been an important means to maintain centralized rule, but the "Wushu examination system", which began in the Tang Dynasty and ended in the Qing Dynasty, also coexisted with it over a long period of time. Under the coexistenc of "Banning of Wushu" and the "Wushu examination system", the source of Wushu talents became an antinomy for the ruling class. The article uses literature and logical analysis to study the banning of Wushu and the Wushus examination system in some periods of the Qing Dynasty, finding that the banning of Wushu only targeted religious folk Wushu groups that were not under official jurisdiction, while the training of Wushus talents became an important part of the official education system since the Kangxi era, and the talents mainly came from: (1) Zongxue (clan school), which was mainly held by royal families, (2) Guanxue (official school), which was mainly composed of Baqi and Han officials, and (3) Yixue (private/community school charging no tuition), which was mainly run by the Han military banners. However, the seemingly fair Wushu examination system was gradually monopolized by the upper class and the famous and influential clans. Folk Wushu was separated from official Wushu in this period, resulted in the two embarking on different development paths that were independent and antagonistic to each other. Unlike in the Ming Dynasty when official Wushu and folk Wushu interoperated and fed each other, Wushu in the Qing Dynasty showed obvious dualistic development characteristics.
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    Research on the Group Image of Martial Artists in Modern China
    LI Yuan, HUANG Xianxiu, LIANG Qinchao
    2021, 47 (6):  55-61.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.010
    Abstract ( 933 )   PDF (1385KB) ( 713 )   Save
    This article analyzes the group image of martial artists in modern China through the methods of literature and historical research. Modern Chinese martial artist group refers to an organic group of martial artists who had high attainments and important influence both in martial arts skills and knowledge in the specific historical period of modern China; this group of martial artists had similar grassroots life experience, their group distributions and practice had distinct regional characteristics. In the narratives of the two historical themes of advocating martial arts to save the country and saving the nation from subjugation and survival, the martial artist group cast a leading image of the practitioners who awakened the national awareness; in competition with foreign warriors, the emergence of the martial artist group subverted the stereotyped image of "Sick Man of East Asia"; their appearance in schools and clubs constructed the group image as the disseminators of martial arts culture; as founders of martial arts factions and schools, this martial arts group shaped the group image in the production, inheritance and development of traditional martial arts.
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    Sino-Russia Evolution and reflection of sports interaction in the past 70 Years
    CHEN Zegang, Huo Hong
    2021, 47 (6):  62-66.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.011
    Abstract ( 1083 )   PDF (1339KB) ( 737 )   Save
    This paper takes the main line of the China-Russia Diplomatic incident and Important political documents. The stages of reflection mainly includes:(1)"Honeymoon period".China was weak in sports at that time,so its characteristic is that The Soviet Union coached China in sports.(2)"Broken period". After the "deterioration" of Sino-Soviet relations, official sports interaction was far less developed than folk sports interaction. (3)"Recovery period". China has made remarkable achievements in sports and It also presents the real meaning of sino-Soviet sports "interaction".(4)"Restart period". China and Russia established strategic cooperative partnership and official, folk and heads of state sports interaction are frequently. (5)"Deepenperiod". China and Russia have established a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation and it shows the characteristics of win-win sports cooperation between China and Russia. The changing stages of China-Russia relations reflects the continuous growth and expansion of Chinese sports. It helps us to understand the complex interaction between sports development and society, diplomacy, politics, economy and culture and It will take China's foreign sports work on a new journey in a new stage of development.
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    A Historical Survey of Sports Literature since the Founding of People's Republic of China:Evolvement, Characteristics and Prospects
    LIU Yeyu
    2021, 47 (6):  67-73.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.012
    Abstract ( 1086 )   PDF (1595KB) ( 721 )   Save
    By the methods of historical analysis and logical deduction,and under the theoretical framework of institution-life relationship,this present paper systematically surveys the sports literature texts since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and summarizes the development history, text characteristics, content evolution, and practical logic. It is concluded that sports literature has evolved from the sports publicity practice as a social project under the national perspective into the people-oriented cultural practice under the social perspective; the content has gone through the process from translation and simulation, through attaching importance to projects, and praising gold medals, to reflecting on reforms;sport development strategies have led the development trend of sport literature, with sport literature relying on projects under the strategy of combining popularization and improvement with more focus on improvement, sport reportages fully flourishing under the strategy of preferential development of competitive sports, sport network literature and traditional literature echoing each other under the strategy of coordinated development in the new era;text value has changed from highlighting the value of political propaganda to the people-oriented development, eventually realizing the double returns of literature being actually a study of human beings and sports humanism value.
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    Research on the Educational Practice System of Normal Students Majoring in Physical Education in Singapore
    DONG Guoyong, ZHUO Zhenmei, LI Jian, WANG Jian
    2021, 47 (6):  74-81.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.013
    Abstract ( 948 )   PDF (1415KB) ( 686 )   Save
    In order to implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of Chinathoroughly, it is imperative to train excellent PE teachers and solve problems in the practice of physical education.The goals, structure, contents and characteristics of the physical education practice in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of the National Institute of Education in Singapore were analyzed by means of literature review method. Its main features include: continuous and hierarchical educational practice content promote interns to acquire solid professional skills; standardized educational practice system to ensure the orderly implementation of educational practice; scientificand reasonable evaluation system of educational practice to ensure the objective and fair evaluation results; various institutions and personnel work together to promote the improvement ofthe quality of educational practice; timely and effective feedback of educational practice to promote the improvement of the quality of educational practice. Based on this, combined with the actual situation in China, we get the enlightenment: educational practice should run through the whole physical education professional training; carry out quality monitoring of educational practice to avoid its "formality";establish a complete evaluation system of practice, focusing on formative evaluation;good cooperation between University guidance teachers and school guidance teachers, and share teaching culture; accurate and comprehensive educational practice evaluation feedback helps to form scientific and effective evaluation; government guidance should be added to the educational practice in cooperation between universities and primary and secondary schools.
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    Research on the Characteristics of Physical Education Teacher Training Institutions during the Period of Renxu Schooling System in Republic of China
    ZHANG Yubao
    2021, 47 (6):  82-89.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.014
    Abstract ( 938 )   PDF (2341KB) ( 702 )   Save
    The Renxu schooling system opened a new journey of education transformation in China. The training institutions for physical education teachers created during the period were in sharp contrast with the Guimao schooling system in the late Qing Dynasty. By means of literature and expert interview, this present paper studies from multiple aspects the characteristics of the 16 training institutions for physical education teachers during the period. The findings show that: The institutions were mainly established during the period from 1922 to 1925, presenting a trend from increase to decrease. The institutions fell into 3 categories: private-run, government-run and association-run. The three categories were basically equal in number. The names adopted by the institutions were basically Physical Education Major Institution, Physical Education Department or Physical Education Normal School, the name of “gymnastics” was not used any more. The duration was in three forms: 2 years' schooling, 3 years' schooling and 4 years' schooling, with 2 years' schooling as the main form, and the overall schooling time was significantly longer than before. Credit was an important form of curriculum and teaching management. Courses were diversified but mainly classified into compulsory and elective ones. The number of theoretical courses increased significantly and educational and teaching courses received more attention. Most institutions had more theoretical courses than technical courses, and more compulsory courses than elective courses. The overall curriculum system for physical education teachers' training had basically taken shape.
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    Reflection on the Research and Development Direction of School Wushu Education
    PENG Guoqiang, YANG Jianying
    2021, 47 (6):  90-96.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.015
    Abstract ( 1035 )   PDF (1392KB) ( 754 )   Save
    In order to further promote the research of school Wushu education in the new era, this paper, by way of literature and interview, makes a study on school Wushu education, first by reflecting on the research level of school Wushu education, then by examining and analyzing the existing five theories on Wushu education research, and finally by discussing the development direction of school Wushu education research in the future. The research shows that the dilemma with the upper research field is the primary reason for the stagnation of the current school Wushu education research, which is mainly reflected in the lack of technical education research and the proliferation of cultural education research, lack of spiritual guidance of martial arts culture, the prevailing crisis of theoretical over-dependence, borrowed prosperity of Wushu education, and the flooding of practical rational cognition and the loss of embodied cognition research. Based on the reflection, this paper makes an in-depth analysis on the existing five typical theories on school Wushu education reform and proposes seeking the future development direction of Wushu education research from the perspectives of education, students, researchers and society, that is, stressing the cultural research with attach as the core; establishing the direction of reform based on students' needs; breaking the academic bubbles in theory-practice combination; and eliminating discrimination in martial arts categories to promote exchanges between "government agencies and ordinary people". It is hoped that this research can provide useful ideas and reference for the development of school Wushu education.
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    Major revision study of FIFA RSTP history
    YIN Yue, HOU Xuehua, LI Jun, YANG Lin, MENG Ning
    2021, 47 (6):  97-102.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.016
    Abstract ( 950 )   PDF (1389KB) ( 702 )   Save
    "Player Identity and Transfer Regulations" (RSTP) is a mandatory regulation issued by FIFA and is the most important policy basis for FIFA to realize global football governance. The revision of RSTP has far-reaching significance and influence on the international football order. Through the methods of literature review and expert interview, This thesis analyzes the key revisions in nearly 20 versions of RSTP issued by FIFA from 1994 to 2020, focuses on the RSTP adjustment caused by Bosman Act, the construction of FIFA's independent judicial system, the provisions on the protection of minors, the termination of contracts for legitimate reasons, the protection of club independence, the player transfer matching system, training compensation, the identity and transfer of five-member players, contract stability, player information and transfer and other related provisions. It provides reference for the policy formulation and adjustment of China's football industry management agencies and provides theoretical support for China's football industry to timely and accurately understand and implement international football industry regulations.
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    Thoughts on the Consumption of Night Sports Boosting the Development of Night Economy
    LI Qinyu, CHENG Linlin
    2021, 47 (6):  103-107.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.017
    Abstract ( 1091 )   PDF (1352KB) ( 747 )   Save
    The development of night sports consumption can not only release the night economic dividend, but also promote high-quality economic development and meet people's needs for a better life. Using the methods of literature and logical deduction, this paper found that the current situation of night sports consumption is that night sports consumption has become a new fashion, night sports venues and facilities are favored by consumers, and night sports events are recognized by fans; the dilemma of night sports consumption lie in the lack of right conception of night sports, abundant supply of night sports products/services, and specific policies encouraging night sports consumption. To promote night sports consumption, measures to be taken include: enhance the publicity of nights sports to guide the right conception of night sports activities, expand the night consumption forms to increase the supply of night sports consumption elements, and strengthen policy supports to promote the development of night sports consumption rapidly.
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    Match running performance of Chinese youth male soccer players
    WU Fang, ZHANG Ting'an, JIANG Zhe, SONG Bing, FANG Zuoming
    2021, 47 (6):  108-115.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.018
    Abstract ( 983 )   PDF (3603KB) ( 677 )   Save
    Objective: Explore the characteristics and rules of the running performance of Chinese youth players with various ages, match positiones and player levels. Methods: GPS wearable devices were used to collect the running data of 85 players and 544 players in the U13-U17 league in China. Compared and analyzedthe running characteristics of players of different ages, different positions and different levels. Results :(1) walking and jogging, low speed running and maximum running speed increased with age (P< 0.01), while total running, medium speed running, fast running, high speed running and sprint running first decreased and then increased with age (P< 0.01). (2)The midfielder completed the most total running, low speed running, medium speed running and fast running (F=27.30, P<0.01; F=14.62, P<0.01; F=24.30, P<0.01; F=23.17, P<0.01 ). The widemidfieldercompleted the most high-speed and sprint runs (F=22.56, P<0.01; F=19.49, P<0.01). The forward completed the most jogging (F=4.44, P<0.01). The widemidfielder, forward and full-back showed faster top speed (F = 8.92, P<0.01). (3)Between the selected and unselected national team players, the maximum running speed of the central defender and the selected group was significantly higher than that of the unselected group (P<0.01); the full-back, wide midfielder, and selected group had a higher high intensity running distance than the unselected group (P<0.05), forward, the selected group was significantly lower than the unselected group in total running, low-intensity running, and moderate-intensity running (P<0.01). The highest running speed was significantly higher than the unselected group (P<0.01). Conclusion: The age and position have significant influence on the match running performance of young players, but there is no interaction between them; The match running performance showed obvious positional characteristics, which did not change with age, and to a certain extent was similar to the adults; Maximum running speed is important to distinguish between center-backs and forwards at different levels and high intensity running ability is important to distinguish between wingers at different levels.
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    The research On The Cross Transfer Effect Of Repetitive Maximum Eccentric Training
    LIAO Yonghua
    2021, 47 (6):  116-121.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.019
    Abstract ( 866 )   PDF (1520KB) ( 701 )   Save
    Purpose: To study the effect of repetitive training and the cross-transfer of repetitive training, to test whether the interval between two identical maximum eccentric training rests and the key to whether the neural adaptation mechanism can produce the cross-transfer effect is worthy of in-depth discussion.. Methods: A total of 23 healthy adult male college students were recruited and randomly divided into experimental group (12) and control group (11) according to grip strength. In order of balance (half of the left and right elbow flexors), 30 times of maximum centrifugal contraction training (30 degrees/s) were given to the unilateral elbow flexors first, and then the second round of maximum centrifugal contraction training was given to the contralateral elbow flexors after 3 weeks of interval. In the control group, two rounds of maximum centrifugal contraction training were performed with the same non-customary elbow flexors on the same side, and the interval time was the same as that of the experimental group. The peak moment, surface electromyogram (EMG) signal and muscle injury index were recorded. Result: 1)The recovery speed of muscle ache, elbow joint relaxation and maximum isometric muscle strength change rate of the experimental group and the control group after the second round of maximum centrifugal contraction training were significantly better than their corresponding values in the first round. There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the immediate performance of the three indexes in the second round;2) On the first day after the first round of maximum centrifugal contraction training, the experiment was carried out. There was no difference in muscle ache, elbow relaxation and maximum isometric muscle strength between the control group and the experimental group, but on the first day after the second round of maximum eccentric contraction training, there were significant differences in elbow relaxation and maximum isometric muscle strength between the experimental group and the control group except muscle ache;3)In EMG signals, the experimental group and the control group had significant differences after the second round of maximum eccentric contraction training. The average power frequency was significantly lower than the first round, while the root mean square of EMG showed no significant difference. Conclusion: After maximal centrifugal contraction training in the first round of unilateral elbow flexors, the same contraction training in the second round of contralateral elbow flexors can effectively produce RBE phenomenon, and RBE phenomenon may participate in maximal centrifugal contraction training in the second round of contralateral elbow flexors by recruiting more type I muscle fibers, thus producing cross-transfer effect of RBE, so as to reduce muscle injury.
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    Agility in Human Movement: The Definition and Testing
    GAO Chong, YANG Wei, LIAO Kaifang, LI Yongming
    2021, 47 (6):  122-129.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.020
    Abstract ( 1375 )   PDF (1501KB) ( 845 )   Save
    Agility is a form of human movement and plays an important role in the matches of team sports, racket sports and combat sports. However, agreement has not yet been reached onthe definition and testing of agility in sport science. We reviewed the literatures involving definition and testing of agility in sport. Based on the current knowledge in the literatures, we proposed a more comprehensive definition and pointed out several challenges faced by the existing agility tests. Agilityis defined as the ability to quickly, accurately and efficiently change and adjust the movement mode (i.e., changing motion) or state (i.e., changing direction or speed) according to the aims (either pre-planned or unplanned) during the human movement. Although most of tests in the literatures had good reliability and validity, there were four major challenges including lack of gold standard test, overweighted running in straight line during the test, limited attentions on the quality of motion, as well as difficulty in comparison between different tests. The future researches about agility could be promoted from the following aspects: to use the wearable devices for quantification of agility, to investigate the influencing factors of agility and develop corresponding training methods, to examine the effect of agility training on improving performance and reducing the risk of injury, to explore the sensitive period of agility development.
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    Systematic Review of Foreign Studies on the Correlation between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Health in Preschool Children
    WU Hua, ZHANG Xinding, RUAN Hui, Wichai Eungpinichpong
    2021, 47 (6):  130-137.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.021
    Abstract ( 1075 )   PDF (3977KB) ( 765 )   Save
    Objective: To systematically review foreign studies on the correlation between cardiorespiratory fitness indicators and preschool children's health indicators to show that cardiopulmonary fitness is an important indicator for evaluating the health level of preschool children, and provide an evaluation method for this indicator. Methods: From the English literature published in PubMed and Scopus databases in 1999-2019, selected and reviewed the health assessment indicators (including cardiovascular health, obesity, physical activity, motor skills and cognitive development) of healthy preschool children aged 2.5 to 6.9, and used the STROBE item list and the STROBE-M quality assessment tool to conduct a quality analysis of the cross-sectional research. Results: A total of 21 middle- and high-quality documents explore the correlation between cardiorespiratory fitness level and health evaluation indicators in preschool children. It is found that low-level cardiorespiratory fitness in preschool children is closely related to high CVD risk, obesity/overweight, and higher-intensity physical activity level can help improve preschool children's cardiorespiratory fitness. Very few studies have investigated the relationship between motor-and-cognitive development and cardiopulmonary fitness in preschool children, and the correlation is inconsistent. It is suggested that Chinese scholars pay attention to the indicators of cardiorespiratory fitness development in preschool children, and that healthy physical fitness including cardiorespiratory fitness may affect preschool children's participation in physical activities, motor skills development, weight changes, thus more empirical studies are needed.
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    Towards the Other Time and Space through Body Practice: The Enlightenment of Time and the Other to Chinese Sports Anthropology
    XIONG Huan
    2021, 47 (6):  138-142.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.06.022
    Abstract ( 1024 )   PDF (1374KB) ( 733 )   Save
    Sport as a physical culture and social practice is often used as an approach to understanding the way of cultural life of ‘the other' communities by anthropologists, sociologists, cultural scientists and historians. Johannes Fabian's book Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes Its Objects was first published in 1983. In July 2018, the Chinese version, being translated by Ma Jianxiong and Lin Zhuyun was officially published by Beijing Normal University Press, and this has made up for an important part of the Chinese translation of classic work in anthropology. In Time and the Others, the author criticizes the colonialism, hegemonism, ideologies and politics contained in the epistemology of the Western-based anthropological practice, and points out the fundamental contradiction of anthropological research. His argument has made a great impact on Western academia, causing introspection and discussion about the epistemology and methodology in the entire humanities and social sciences. The sports anthropology in China should not be the projection of Western experience, but also be an attempt to create a new relationship between anthropologists and their subjects, and to make a dialogue between the historical experience of the body and the social meaning of reality. It is expected that anthropology will renew its vitality in different soils.
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