ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 July 2021, Volume 47 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Research on the DesignProposalof Chinese Football Association Super League Toto
    LI Gang, CHU Lijuan
    2021, 47 (4):  1-11.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.001
    Abstract ( 2618 )   PDF (3373KB) ( 1243 )   Save
    Based on the essential experience of worldwide Toto and combined with the actual market situation of lottery, especially Toto in China, this paper points out the latent problems of issuing Chinese Football Association Super League Toto (CFASL-Toto) and puts forward the corresponding solutions. By integrating multifarious factors, such as match competitiveness, jet lag and home team effect, this paper estimates that the yearly sales of the CFASL-Toto will stand at 6-7 billion RMB, and the corresponding public funds will be 1.5 billion RMB. On the basis of strictly scrutinizing relevant policies and regulations, this paper designs the types and rules of the CFASL-Toto, which should be fixed-odd sporttery, and the odd should be adjusted according to team competitive level. Giving full consideration to the interests of existing stakeholders, this paper constructs the distribution mode of public funds, holding that public funds from the CFASL-Toto be allocated by financial departments, and the incremental part be put into youth football talent training and grassroots football welfare activities, so as to realize the benign interaction between Chinese football career and China sports lottery.
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    Governance of Commercial Strategic Alliance of Chinese Football Professional League
    LIANG Wei
    2021, 47 (4):  12-18.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.002
    Abstract ( 1260 )   PDF (2629KB) ( 1557 )   Save
    As a cooperative and competitive group, the purpose of strategic alliances is to create and share a great potential market. A stable and well-governed strategic alliance will help the member enterprises to survive and grow. Therefore, as the current market risk caused by the uncertainty of the complex situation has affected the reform and development of Chinese professional football, the preparatory team of the Chinese Football Professional League, the organizer and commercial operator of the Chinese Professional Football League, is striving to improve revenue of broadcast rights. In addition to match-day revenue and sponsorship revenue, the potential resources of the league should be developed in collaboration with relevant market participants in the form of business strategic alliance to create new commercial value for Chinese professional football. Based on this, the research will analyze such key issues as why the Chinese Professional Football League needs commercial strategic alliance, the stability of this commercial strategic alliance, and how the alliance can improve its governance capabilities. It is hoped that this study can provide meaningful theoretical guidance for the development of Chinese professional football.
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    Business Law Analysis on Professional Football Governance
    ZHAO Yi
    2021, 47 (4):  19-23.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.003
    Abstract ( 772 )   PDF (1297KB) ( 1261 )   Save
    Objective: The governance of professional football in China from the perspective of the rule of law needs to introduce business law thinking and establish a good professional football governance order in accordance with the rules of business law. Professional football clubs are special companies that produce quasi-public competition products. The special regulations of the industry impose restrictions on their business act, name selection and market exit mechanism, which can obtain the basis of legitimacy through the interpretation of business customary law. There are two types of professional football leagues: company system and association system, both of which exist as business entities and have special business rules. Drawing lessons from the management rules and governance frameworks of football powerhouse, the reform and development of professional football in China can strive to build a responsible, honest, fair and efficient professional football business environment by following the general rules of business law, and taking into account the particularities of the football industry, so as to consolidate the foundation of professional football governance.
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    Research on the occupational pressure of female referees in China Professional Football League
    Huang Qian, Cui Shuqin, Mi Siyu, Ge Xiaoyu, Zhang Yu, Zhang Bin, Wang Yuehao
    2021, 47 (4):  24-32.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.004
    Abstract ( 1284 )   PDF (1463KB) ( 1340 )   Save
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the occupational pressure of female referees in China Professional Football League, and to analyze the sources of pressure and the influencing factors of pressure. This paper conducts in-depth interviews with the female football referees who have been in charge of the football professional league of China for a long time to obtain the subjective feelings of the interviewees, so as to grasp the current situation of the work of female football referees and the existing pressure problems; On this basis, combined with the relevant theories, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of female referees' occupational pressure. This paper combs the three main categories that affect the occupational pressure of female football referees, and thinks that occupational pressure is that when female football referees face the potential sources of occupational pressure, they make different pressure coping behaviors under the mediating effect of the expected pressure results on the importance of individual influence, resulting in the physiological and psychological problems of female referees Psychological and behavioral levels of different degrees of stress results. On this basis, this paper attempts to build a theoretical model of the relationship between the occupational pressure source and pressure performance of female football referees. This paper is the first time to explore the source of occupational pressure of female football referees from a micro perspective. In order to provide a theoretical basis for dealing with the occupational pressure of female football referees in the football reform, and to explore the application of qualitative research in the field of professional football research.
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    Memory of the Life: the Cultural Crisis of Childhood Disappearance and the Philosophical Salvation of Physical Education
    LIU Xinran, ZHANG Juan
    2021, 47 (4):  33-38.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.005
    Abstract ( 1257 )   PDF (1317KB) ( 1478 )   Save
    Based on the theory of social criticism in the era of technology, this paper discusses the cultural crisis in the childhood world under the proliferation of electronic media, as well as the philosophical path of physical education to the rescue of childhood. Childhood is a life time different from adulthood, but electronic media are closing the gap between these two, making children exposed to adulthood too early, and causing the fading and even dying out of childhood. Childhood is being influenced by the electronic media information blockage, image flooding, capital manipulation, entertainment suffocation, education discipline and static locking. Childhood is being filled with choking fear. This directly results in the entrapment of children in front of the electronic screen, leaving their body in a static one-way bind. Physical education is not only a means to recover, remedy and maintain the body dynamics, but also a practical way to solve the childhood crisis. The humanism, time memory, image landscape, practice connotation and life psalm lying in the physical education are the dynamic salvation of childhood, freeing the childhood from the prison of electronic media, and eventually bring them back on the theoretical path of "whole person development" and giving children the integrity of life. Physical education retains childhood, creates lively, robust and vigorous dynamic life.
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    Cyborg will reinterpret sportsmanship——Investigation based on post-human vision
    LIU Xi
    2021, 47 (4):  39-43.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.006
    Abstract ( 807 )   PDF (1291KB) ( 1143 )   Save
    As a symbol of the post-human era, "Cyborg" has a great impact on the existential value of sportsmanship. Firstly, it breaks the boundary of "body" and makes the definition of "body" ambiguous. Secondly, it subverts the traditional concept of human nature and challenges the unique will of life. A series of problems brought by the above two aspects are very clear before the two important dimensions of sportsmanship -- sports justice and sports aesthetics. For example, the standard of sports identity justice needs to be redefined, the demarcation between sports and technology becomes more difficult, and sports aesthetics encounters deconstruction. The subversive dilemma of sportsmanship in the post-human era makes us reinterpretation the subject of life and the essence of human nature.
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    The Origin and Mitigation of Sports Alienation: An Interpretation from the Perspective of Rationalism and Irrationalism Philosophy
    WANG Tao
    2021, 47 (4):  44-48.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.007
    Abstract ( 1356 )   PDF (1283KB) ( 1247 )   Save
    Rationalism and irrationalism philosophy are of significance for understanding the origin and mitigation of Sports Alienation. By using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper surveys the "rationalism" and "irrationalism" philosophical evolution of sports alienation. The research shows that the seclusion of rationalism alienation often suspends the thinking of sports alienation, and the concealment of irrationality makes the philosophical thinking of sports alienation a mystery. In the complement to ancient Greek philosophical "nous" to "logos", irrationality emerged, and so did the philosophers' awareness of sports alienation. "Enlightenment rationality" in modern times led to the awakening of human, but the connotation of "enlightenment" means that irrationality is doomed to be concealed by rationality. "Alienation" exists but encounters disregard from rationalism philosophy. The philosophical origin of sports alienation lies in the Enlightenment-spurred limitation in "rationality", which results in that the discourse power of "rationality" is usurped by rationalization, and body becomes the object of rationalization. However, "rationalization" is not inevitable. People can find in irrationalism philosophy the philosophical thinking of mitigating both "rationalization" and sports alienation. The research puts forward that "body" has gradually replaced sports as the fulcrum of reflecting on sports alienation. In the irrational connection between "Tao" and "body" in ancient China's philosophy and in the philosophical spectrum of "body" established by irrationalism philosophy runs the internal logic of interweaving and transcendence of "rationality" and "irrationality". This can be the fulcrum to reconstruct "rationality" in understanding and practicing sports.
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    On the Construction of Sports Philosophy Theory System: Pre-theory, Theoretical Basis and Theoretical Prospect
    LING Hua, ZHANG Yawen, WANG Yanqiong
    2021, 47 (4):  49-54.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.008
    Abstract ( 856 )   PDF (1322KB) ( 1335 )   Save
    This paper discusses the theoretical basis, theoretical basis and the value of system construction based on subject construction and research category by means of literature research and logical analysis. The research shows that the discipline construction of sports philosophy follows the construction path of knowledge logic and institutional logic. Therefore, the construction of its theoretical system is based on the knowledge logic of metaphysics, knowledge theory and value theory. At the same time, philosophical metaphysics, knowledge theory, value theory and other philosophical theories are the theoretical basis of the construction of sports philosophy theory system. The construction of theoretical system can promote the meta-theory exploration of sports philosophy, consolidate the basic theory of sports philosophy and drive sports philosophy discipline system construction.
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    Young Mao Zedong's View on the Fusion of Chinese and Western Sports Culture-the Research on Sport Revisited
    BAI Ping, ZHANG Aihong
    2021, 47 (4):  55-60.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.009
    Abstract ( 1302 )   PDF (1311KB) ( 1407 )   Save
    General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized: "attach importance to history, study history, and learn from history". History is the foundation for a nation to settle down and get on with its pursuit. At the beginning of the 20th century, based on the exploration of the country's development path and the conflict between Chinese and Western cultures, a great cultural debate between "retroversion" and "westernization" arose among the Chinese intellectual elites. Elites in the sports industry also participated. A tit-for-tat debate broke outbetween the "foreign sports" faction who advocated learning from Western sports and the "local sports" faction who advocated inheriting the quintessence of martial arts. In 1917, Mao Zedong participated in the controversy with the article "The Research on Sports", advocating the inclusiveness of Chinese and Western sports culture to serve China under the new situation at the time. This paperinterprets Mao Zedong's "The Research on Sports" against the process of China's modernization, analyzes the concept of the fusion of Chinese and Western sports cultures contained in "The Research on Sports", and explores the historical significance and modern value of Mao Zedong's view of sports in promotingthe process of China's sports modernization.
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    Mirror Image of the Changes in the Relationship between Sports Movements and Religious Celebrations
    YAN Jing
    2021, 47 (4):  61-65.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.010
    Abstract ( 1372 )   PDF (1272KB) ( 1583 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature, historical analysis, this present paper investigates the changes in the relationship between sports movements and religious celebrations from the four dimensions of the contact, evolution, integration, and transformation of sports movements in religious celebrations. Research suggests that sports movements and religious celebrations have successively experienced the relationship process of dependence and integration, interaction and development, evolution and transformation. In the course of changes in religious celebrations in the East and the West, sports movements derive their own ritual movements, which are used to convey their own concepts and values, and to construct their own symbol system to show the functions and values that meet the needs of social mass sports and cultural life; at the same time, under the impact of modernization and globalization, sports movements in religious celebrations, which takes religious consciousness as its core spirit, begin to show a clear secularization tendency under the dual effects of external pressure and internal tension in order to adapt to changes in the environment and meet the needs of self-survival.
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    Traditionality and Modernity: Ethnic Culture Inheritance of Tibetan Festival Sports
    CHEN Bo, HAN Yuji, ZHAO Jing, LIU Haidong
    2021, 47 (4):  66-71.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.011
    Abstract ( 796 )   PDF (1362KB) ( 1406 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature and field survey, with reference to cultural anthropology theories, this present paper analyzes the ethnic culture and inheritance construction of Tibetan festival sports from the perspective of traditionality and modernity. The study shows that: Tibetan festival sports, as an ethnic activity, originated in Tibetan people's belief, production and life, carries Tibetan people's cohesion and demonstrates the collective consciousness of ethnic society, and plays a role in promoting national cultural identity, cultural inheritance and social integration. Moving towards modernity, Tibetan festival sports needs to further strengthen its ritual construction to maintain and inherit ethnic cultural memories, actively integrate into the development of regional tourism to nurture the festival sports tourism industry, make full use of modern media to shape a modern communication system for festival sports, and construct a new model of Tibetan festival sports development suitable for modern harmonious society.
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    Sports Organization: A Core Proposition of Chinese Sports Management Theory and Practice in the New Era
    LIU Mingyi, DING Huang, ZHANG Yiheng
    2021, 47 (4):  72-79.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.012
    Abstract ( 844 )   PDF (2192KB) ( 1574 )   Save
    From the perspective of Chinese and Western classical management theories and Chinese management disciplines, this study focuses on different types of organizational management problems and puts forward the core proposition of management theory. In China, the deepening of sports reform has promoted the development of sports management theory from traditional administration to management disciplines such as public management, business administration, etc. The change shows the innovative characteristics of "from research content to research essence, from problem-oriented to system-building". From the theoretical point of view, the study of sports organization theory drives sports management back to its original disciplines and exerts its contextual function; from the perspective of practice, we should give full play to integrate China's sports governance into the global sports governance organization system by the institutional advantages, make China's administrative sports organizations play the role of "meta governance" by streamlining administration management and decentralizing power so as to strengthen the construction of China's sports social organizations' multiple capabilities by innovating social governance, and build the professional organization service system of China's sports industry by building industrial subjects. These should be the core proposition under the background of deepening sports reform in China.
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    Institutional Disequilibrium between Professional Sports and Specific Sports
    GAO Sheng, WANG Jiahong
    2021, 47 (4):  80-85.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.013
    Abstract ( 698 )   PDF (1311KB) ( 1269 )   Save
    Using literature to explore the connotation, performance, influence, causes, and countermeasures of the institutional disequilibrium between professional sports and specific sports. It is proposed that the balanced development of professional sports and specific sports is a development state in which professional sports and specific sports are proportional and mutually restricted and supported in different fields. currently, there are many "dilemmas" in the choice of market law and public law, the choice of stable operation and restructuring operation, the choice of hard resource support and soft resource support, resulting in the institutional disequilibrium. This institutional disequilibrium not only leads to professional sports alienation, especially labor disputes, market monopolies, and illegal behaviors such as gambling, black whistle and doping, but also affects the cultivation of professional sports talents, resulting in waste of resources and lack of transparency. In the future, we should break the administrative monopoly, build a multi-agent collaborative governance system of competitive sports, improve the efficiency consciousness, evaluate the effectiveness of competitive sports governance by the "service for sports fans" level, adjust social relations, and implement the centralized governance strategy of competitive sports.
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    DEA-Tobit Model-based Research on the Input-Output Efficiency Evaluation and Influencing Factors of Large-scale Stadiums in China
    TIAN Guang, GUO Min
    2021, 47 (4):  86-92.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.014
    Abstract ( 837 )   PDF (1331KB) ( 1374 )   Save
    Using the DEA-Tobit two-stage method, this present paper studies the input-output efficiency of large-scale stadiums in 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) with the date from the sixth National Sports Field Census. The results show that: (1) there is no significant difference in comprehensive technical efficiency among the eastern, central and western regions of China, and it is effective only in 11 provinces, municipal cities and autonomous regions; (2) there is no significant difference in pure technical efficiency among the eastern, central and western regions of China, and it is effective only in 13 provinces, municipal cities and autonomous regions; (3) there is no significant difference in scale efficiency among the eastern, central and western regions of China and it is effective only in 12 provinces, municipal cities and autonomous regions; (4) the output shortage rate of large-scale stadiums in China is significantly higher than input redundancy rate and the input redundancy rate and output deficiency rate in the eastern regions are significantly higher than that in the central and western regions; (5) 12 provinces, municipal cities and autonomous regions are in the stage of decreasing scale efficiency while 7 provinces, municipal cities and autonomous regions are in the stage of increasing scale efficiency. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the regional differences of input-output comprehensive technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of large-scale stadiums in China are not significant, but they are all "high in the West and low in the East"; (2) the reasons for the low comprehensive technical efficiency of input-output of large-scale stadiums in China are mainly due to the low allocation and utilization level of input-output resources of large-scale stadiums; (3) the input redundancy and output insufficiency of large-scale stadiums in developed areas coexist, and both are higher than those in central and western areas; (4) regional economic development level, government will, urbanization, geographical location and human resources inhibit the input-output efficiency of large-scale stadiums in various degrees; only population density can comprehensively improve the input-output efficiency of large-scale stadiums.
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    Research on the Development Path of Sports Industry in Sichuan under the Background of "the Belt and Road Initiative"
    FU Dong, LI Min
    2021, 47 (4):  93-99.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.015
    Abstract ( 1342 )   PDF (1323KB) ( 1459 )   Save
    Based on the investigation and analysis of the status quo and existing problems of sports industry in Sichuan Province, this paper discusses the development path and strategies of sports industry in Sichuan Province under the background of "the Belt and Road Initiative". Currently, the overall scale of sports industry in Sichuan is gradually expanding, but its contribution rate to national economic development is not high;sports industry has complete categories, while sports service industry has not yet played a leading role;cities and states in the province are developing the sports industry, while the regional development is not balanced;the Business entities of sports industry present diversification, while the degree of marketization is still low; and the number of employees in sport industry is growing, while there is a shortage of compound management talents. Under the background of "the Belt and Road", Sichuan province should further strengthen exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad to improve the development level of its sports industry, adjust the industrial structure to optimize and upgrade the industry,strengthen regional planning and guidance to improve its spatial distribution, expand financing channels to promote the its market-oriented development, and attach importance to the cultivation of compound management talents to improve its management level.
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    Sports Public Service Fiscal Expenditure: Current Situation, Problems and Suggestions
    ZHU Peng
    2021, 47 (4):  100-106.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.016
    Abstract ( 1387 )   PDF (1955KB) ( 1542 )   Save
    Taking on sports public service fiscal expenditure as the research object, this paper analyzes the existing problems with sports public service fiscal expenditure. The results show that the total expenditure on public sports services in China is still insufficient for there are too many fiscal support personnel in sports system, and the structure of public sports service expenditure is unreasonable. The main causes for the problems with public sports service expenditure in China include the distorted sports performance evaluation mechanism, the mismatch of sports affairs and fiscal rights between the central government and the local government, lagging transfer payment system construction, and the fiscal performance supervision mechanism yet to be standardized. On this basis, this paper puts forward some suggestions including increasing the government's fiscal expenditure on sports public services, adjusting and optimizing the structure of sports public service fiscal expenditure, improving the fiscal transfer payment system of sports public services, reconstructing the performance evaluation system of local government's sports public service fiscal expenditure, and constructing the supervision mechanism of sports public service fiscal expenditure.
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    A Comparative Study of Different Health Maintenance Methods in Patients with KOA
    WANG Qiang, YANG Liqun
    2021, 47 (4):  107-111.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.017
    Abstract ( 785 )   PDF (1294KB) ( 1126 )   Save
    Objective: To observe the intervention effects of Taijiquan, Baduanjin and Wuqinxi in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Methods: Collected 165 KOA patients and randomly divided them into Taijiquan group, Baduanjin group, and Wuqinxi group, each with 55 people. Each group was required to practice the exercises 3 times a week, 30~40 minutes each time. Before and after 12 weeks of exercise, collected the VAS scores, Lequesne indexes, recurrence deviation of joint mobility, quadriceps and hamstrings' integrated electromyography (iEMG), and stability limit (LOS) of the 3 groups of patients. As well as stand-to-go test, strengthen Romberg test data. Results: Comparing the three groups after the intervention, in terms of VAS, there was no statistical significance among the three groups (P>0.05). In terms of Lequesne index, the Taijiquan group was lower than the Baduanjin group and the Wuqinxi group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); while the Baduanjin group and the Wuqinxi group had no statistically significant difference (P>0.05). In terms of proprioception, in the range of 0°-40°, the Taijiquan group was lower than the Baduanjin group and the Wuqinxi group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); when the Baduanjin group was compared with the Wuqinxi group, the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). In the 40°-80° and 80°-120° areas, the Taijiquan group was lower than the Baduanjin group and the Wuqinxi group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), while the Wuqinxi group was lower than the Baduanjin group Group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). In terms of muscle strength, there was no statistical significance among the quadriceps femoris iEMG3 groups (P>0.05). But in the hamstring muscle iEMG Taijiquan group and Wuqinxi group were higher than the Baduanjin group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); while the difference between the Taijiquan group and the Wuqinxi group was not statistically significant (P>0.05). In terms of both balance test and LOS area, the Taijiquan group was higher than the Wuqinxi group and the Baduanjin group after the intervention, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); while the difference between the Baduanjin group and the Wuqinxi group was not significant (P>0.05). In the standing-walking test and the reinforced Romberg test, the Taijiquan group was better than the Wuqinxi group and the Baduanjin group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: In the horizontal comparison of Taijiquan, Baduanjin, and Wuqinxi interventions in KOA patients, 24-style Taijiquan can not only improve knee flexor and extensor muscle strength, relieve pain, but also enhance joint proprioception and balance more effectively. Taijiquan is better in improving joint functions than Baduanjin and Wuqinxi, and is worthy of further promotion and application.
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    The New Orientation in the Integration of Physical Activity and Medicine in the Post-epidemic Era:Health Reserve
    YUE Jianjun, WANG Yunliang, GONG Junli, DAI Qiangfu
    2021, 47 (4):  112-117.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.018
    Abstract ( 1260 )   PDF (1313KB) ( 1405 )   Save
    Integration of sports and medicine has become an importation measure for Chinese health construction and an effective tool for chronic disease prevention, which has become more promising in the post-epidemic era. this research uses the methods of literature review, field survey, and expert interview to analyze the dilemmas in the integration practice of physical activity and medicine before the COVID-19 outbreak, which include focal deviation, loss of overlapping interests carrier, mismatch of technical standards, etc. In view of the new coronavirus prevention situation, we should cater to the public concern with and quest for health reserve in the post-pandemic era and tackle the dilemmas in integrating physical activity and medicine by building a system, which takes the integration of physical activity into clinical diagnosis as its core, to develop the consensus on promoting health through the integration of physical activity and medicine; expanding the health reserve supply chain and energizing traditional mode to carry forward common development; developing by centering on health reserve the technical standard of integrating physical activity and medicine for life check-up to reshape the lasting immunity for Health China.
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    Research on Coupling Coordinated Development of Sports Industry Agglomeration and Regional Economic Growth
    YAO Songbo, LIU Bing
    2021, 47 (4):  118-124.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.019
    Abstract ( 1203 )   PDF (1355KB) ( 1215 )   Save
    The article uses location entropy and coupling coordinated degree model to measure and analyze the coupling and coordinated development of sports industry agglomeration and regional economic growth in 15 provinces (cities and districts) in China from 2010 to 2018. The study shows that, the agglomeration degree of sports industry has significant regional differences, however, the overall trend shows a significant rise, and there is an obvious coupling characteristic between sports industry and regional economic growth. Looking from the coupling degree value, sports industry agglomeration and regional economic growth are about to cross the antagonistic period into the running-in period, ushering in a new mutual growth opportunity. The coupling coordination degree shows a slowly rising trend of broken line fluctuation, but it is still low on the whole, and no region has reached high-quality coordination or good coordination. The types of coupling coordination include medium-level coupling coordination economic lag, medium-level coupling coordination agglomeration lag, low-level coupling coordination synchronous development, low-level coupling coordination economic lag and low-level coupling coordination agglomeration lag. Finally, suggestions for improvement are put forward from the overall perspective. The overall planning guidance and regional gradient promotion work together, and resource factor integration and endogenous consumption power are driven jointly.
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    Interpreting "Daoyin"in Chuang-tzu Keyi
    ZHAI Xin
    2021, 47 (4):  125-128.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.020
    Abstract ( 1783 )   PDF (1269KB) ( 1516 )   Save
    "Daoyin" in Chuang-tzuKeyi is the earliest article on"Daoyin"ever known and can be seen as the document source of "Daoyin".This paper makes a systematic analysis of "Daoyin"by using the lexicology theories and methods, and holds that it is quite different from the"Daoyin"in modern Chinese language. In modern Chinese language, "Daoyin"is a noun, meaning a kind of traditional sports medical treatment, while "Daoyin" in Chuang-tzu Keyiis a coordinateverb phrase, meaning two actions, namely "Xuandao" and "Qianyin". based on this understanding, this paper further proposes that people's understanding of "Daoyin" in the Warring States period should be broader, which is obviously different from people's view of "Daoyin" nowadays.
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    Social Communication Turn of the Olympics Based on Media Ecology:Also on the Enlightenment to Communication of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games
    LI Jingya, XIE Qunxi, WANG Runbin
    2021, 47 (4):  129-135.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.021
    Abstract ( 1365 )   PDF (1356KB) ( 1712 )   Save
    As a kind of global public communication field, social media not only impact the mass communication mode of the Olympics, but also construct a new communication ecology for it.In this paper, with the cognitive tool of media ecology theory, we review the communication process and practices of Olympics by means of literature and comparative research.Then we reach the conclusion that the new social communication turn of the Olympics and the media convergence, the driving effect of demand and the communication empowerment are the internal logic of this turn.Finally, we put forward some strategic suggestions for the improvement in communication effects of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games in terms of integrating media transformation, intellectual media exploration, discourse innovation and compliance.
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    Politics of Sport Researchwith Interdisciplinary Perspectives——An Academic Interview with Professor Alan Bairner
    TIAN Enqing, JIANG Kaixiao, Nicholas Wise
    2021, 47 (4):  136-142.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.04.022
    Abstract ( 651 )   PDF (1331KB) ( 1297 )   Save
    In this academic interview, professor Alan Bairner at Loughborough University reviews the experiences in his academic career. He identifies himself as a 'sociologist' or 'social scientist' studying the sport and politics. He claims that it is an interdisciplinary field which strongly connects with many of the issues important to the study of the sociology of sport. In this field, social theories such as Marxism, figurational sociology, as well as the qualitative/interpretivism paradigm, should be comprehensively and critically applied to vividly interpret the issues of sport and politics in daily life. However, like other social scienceof sport, this field is facing many internal and external challenges, such as neoliberalism and elitism in the global high education environment, 'double marginalization' in the subdiscipline and restrictions onknowledge structure of sport scholars. Finally, Alan also comments on recent development and some research agendas of sport and politics in China. He also hopes that Chinese social scholars of sport can continue to contribute to knowledge accumulation in this subdiscipline.
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