ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 May 2021, Volume 47 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Integration of Sports and Education:Transformation and Innovation of the Training Mode of Reserve Talents of Competitive Sports with Chinese Characteristics
    YANG Hua, LIU Zhiguo
    2021, 47 (3):  1-8.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.001
    Abstract ( 2439 )   PDF (1321KB) ( 2792 )   Save
    Deepening the integration of sports and education to provide a good opportunity for the innovation of the training mode of competitive sports reserve talents in China. The integration of sports and education has the following characteristics: it takes the concept of integrated development as the guiding ideology and innovates the operation mechanism according to the principle of "integration". It innovates by integrating multiple subjects and optimizing resource allocation. With innovation, the integration of sports and education overcomes the dilemma of deviation between sports and education, and puts forward three integration paths of institutionalization, marketization and socialization, as well as seven integration types of team school, high level competitive sports sponsored by universities, school -enterprise, school-sports venue management, school-association, school-local government and school-family. The purpose is to cultivate sports reserve talents with balanced style and provide human resources support for the construction of healthy China and leading sports nation.
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    "People First": The Communist Party of China's Value Stance on Sports and Its Centennial Persistence
    CHEN Congkan, CHEN Ning
    2021, 47 (3):  9-15.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.002
    Abstract ( 1887 )   PDF (1303KB) ( 1568 )   Save
    "People First" is the value stance and basic principle of the Communist Party of China in all its work and the value foundation for the establishment, consolidation and improvement of the Communist Party of China's sports outlook. It runs through the entire process of the Communist Party of China work of promoting and leading the development of China's sports undertaking and is contained in all areas of socialist sports development. Adhering to the Chinese Communist Party's outlook on sports means: taking the people as the primary driving force in sports development; continuously benefiting the people and giving priority to the people in realizing sports value; and firmly rooting in the people and harboring the feeling of "people first" in sports development. Carrying forward the Chinese Communist Party's outlook on sports needs to continuously strengthen the value confidence of "people first" through the achievements, comparative advantages and innovative exploration of sports development.
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    From "Nation Made-strong by Sports" to "Leading Sports Nation": The Hundred-Year Evolution of the Communist Party of China's View on Sports
    ZHANG Jianwei, LIU Dongfeng
    2021, 47 (3):  16-21.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.003
    Abstract ( 2220 )   PDF (1285KB) ( 1606 )   Save
    This article takes "strong sports nation" as a progressive discourse concept. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China over a hundred years, the history of Chinese society is embedded with clues on the formation and development of the Communist Party of China's view on sports. From the perspective of historical logic, the communists, in response to the conditions and cognitions at different social development stages, have explored and elaborated on the interaction or relationship between sports and nation, between sports and society, and between sports and country, and developed views of "strong sports nation" suitable for different historical periods. This can be seen from communists' concepts and values on sports development, and their discourse expressions in sports practice. Enlightened by modern progressive sports thoughts, guided by Marxist view on sports, and based on the practice of socialist sports road, the Communist Party of China's view on "strong sports nation" has evolved as a dynamic and developmental thought. In view of these, this present paper examines the historical evolution of the Chinese Communist Party's view on "strong sports nation" over the past hundred years and summarizes the characteristics of the Communist Party of China's discourse expressions on "strong sports nation" in different periods, so as to reveal the development track of the socialist sports road with Chinese characteristics.
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    Strategies of Improving the Efficiency of Mass Sports Services in the New Era by DEA Model
    ZHANG Xiang
    2021, 47 (3):  22-27.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.004
    Abstract ( 790 )   PDF (1375KB) ( 1131 )   Save
    Based on the analysis of the existing problems with mass sports in Sichuan Province, the DEA model is used to evaluate the efficiency of mass sports services in 21 cities and prefectures in Sichuan Province in 2018. The results show that: the overall efficiency of mass sports services in 21 cities and prefectures is at a low level. There are redundant input and insufficient output and the construction of mass sports services has not been carried out under the optimal return scheme. On this basis, it is proposed: to develop mass sports undertakings under the guidance of sports thoughts of the new era; to deepen the reform of the supply-side structure of mass sports services; to integrate the service resources of urban agglomerations; rationally use financial transfer payment to regulate and control mass sports resources; carrying out the 5 strategies of strengthening the opening up and cooperation of sports at home and abroad. It is hoped that this present research can provide theoretical basis and practical reference for improving the efficiency and level of mass sports services in Sichuan Province, and the development of mass sports in China.
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    Risks in Government Procurement of Public Sports Services in Developed Countries and the Enlightenment for China
    HE Lifu
    2021, 47 (3):  28-35.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.005
    Abstract ( 735 )   PDF (1368KB) ( 1220 )   Save
    By using the methods of literature, case analysis and logical analysis, this paper explores the government procurement of public sports services in developed countries, and holds that risk is mainly caused by the difference in goals pursued by different parties concerned. Preventive measures:(1)Strengthening the coordinated management of public sports services in transformational periods; (2)Building a diversified performance evaluation system;(3)Improving the supervision mechanism; (4)Actively cultivating social organizations and put an end to monopolies; (5)Refining the qualification ability and access standard of undertaking parties; The enlightenment for China: (1) Establishing a policy and regulation system with clear target, strong operation and strong pertinence regarding government procurement of public sports services; (2)Actively promoting the benign development of undertaking parties; (3) Putting an end to empiricism and clarifying the needs of consumers; (4)Establishing a scientific and reasonable performance evaluation mechanism.
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    Research on Volunteer Recruitment for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
    WANG Xiangyu, GAO Yang
    2021, 47 (3):  36-43.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.006
    Abstract ( 1660 )   PDF (1936KB) ( 1388 )   Save
    Volunteers are an important support for the success of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Rational use of volunteer resources can effectively reduce the operation cost and improve the service quality of the Winter Olympics. SEM structural equation model was used to measure the relationship among the participation motivation, organizational identity and motivation, psychological connectedness, volunteer service intention and volunteer service performance of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics volunteers. The findings show that: (1) Volunteers' motivation of participating in the Winter Olympics is diversified; (2) Psychological connection is an important positive mediator among participation motivation, organizational identity, motivation and volunteer service intention in Winter Olympics volunteers; (3) Lack of incentive stratification might be the key factor leading to the failure of economic and management performance incentives for volunteer service. The effective ways to ensure that the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games Organizing Committee recruit qualified volunteers, improve the service level of volunteers and reduce the operational cost include: adhering to the original mission, cultivating rational and strong motivation of volunteer participation; stressing external incentive and incentive levels, and reconstructing the incentive mechanism of Winter Olympic volunteer service; and promoting the humanistic spirit and building the volunteer service culture of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
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    The Appearance and Evolution of the Chinese Term "Physical Education" in the Republic of China
    LI Shihong
    2021, 47 (3):  44-51.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.007
    Abstract ( 899 )   PDF (1370KB) ( 1314 )   Save
    There is disagreement on the appearance of "physical education" in Chinese academia. By methods of literature review and textual research, this paper investigates the appearance and evolution of the term "physical education". The research shows that "physical education" was first used in Republic of China in 1917, which had close relations to the change in educational philosophy at the time. The concept of "physical education" indicates the change in people's cognition and expectation of sports activities, and its use was constrained by the social context in the Republic of China.
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    Beyond Space and Time: the Spread of Archery Culture along the Silk Road and the Shaping of "Archery Road"
    YUN Yan, CHEN Yushi, HAO Qin
    2021, 47 (3):  52-59.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.008
    Abstract ( 906 )   PDF (6806KB) ( 1479 )   Save
    Using the methods of documents, comparison of antiques and images, and taking the space and historical time along the Silk Road in broad sense as the background, this present paper,based on a division of antiques, martial techniques and rituals, discusses the spread of archery culture along the Silk Road from the perspective of comparative civilization, and proposes the concept of Archery Road. This present study builds a connection of the collective memory and culture identity of the archery cultures in the "One Belt One Road" region. It is hoped that thisstudy can usher in a new endeavor in the logic, view and method of sports history studies.
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    A Study on the Academic Pedigree and Development Crisis of Sports History in Taiwan, China
    LI Pingping, WANG Lei
    2021, 47 (3):  60-65.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.009
    Abstract ( 834 )   PDF (1416KB) ( 1240 )   Save
    Academic pedigree, which is closely related to the production of knowledge and the formation of schools, and is an important proposition in the study of basic theories of disciplines, has long been ignored by the academic circles. This paper discusses the academic pedigree and development crisis of sports history in Taiwan by using the methods of documents and expert interview. The results are as follows: (1) The development of sports history in Taiwan was initiated in early 1970s by Wu Wenzhong, a sports scholar from mainland. The sports history on both sides of the Taiwan Strait has the same origin; (2) currently, there are 3 distinctive schools of sports history in Taiwan: the first one led by Xu Yixiong, which focuses on Modern China, the second one led by Tsai Zhenxiong, which focuses on the local sports history during the period of Japanese rule, and the third one led by Huang Dongzhi, which uses the theory of historical sociology to study the modern sports history in Taiwan; (3) At present, the academic community of sports history in Taiwan presents diversified characteristics in academic relationship and research paradigm; (4) There are four development crises in Taiwan sports history: first, the transfer in academic interest sports of history postgraduates; second, the decline in research funds for sports history; third, the invisibility of sports history achievements in high-level journals; fourth, there is superposition effect with the development crisis of sports history in Taiwan. It is proposed to effectively solve this problem by strengthening the cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.
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    Fidelity of Implementation in Intervention Research in Physical Education: Definition, Conceptual Framework, and Measurement
    JIN Jing, LI Weidong, MA Lian, TANG Yan
    2021, 47 (3):  66-71.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.010
    Abstract ( 864 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 1280 )   Save
    Researchers who published experimental studies in Chinese journals seldom report any data related to fidelity of implementation of program interventions. For intervention studies without any fidelity of implementation data, there lacks power to provide explanations to the findings. This greatly weakens the scientific and rigorous nature of intervention research in the field. This paper introduces the definition of fidelity of implementation and its 5-component conceptual framework, discuss the critical importance of measuring and evaluating fidelity of implementation, provide examples of assessing fidelity of implementation in detail, and develop a checklist to measure fidelity of implementation, with a goal of improving scientific rigor of intervention research in physical education in China.
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    Model of Game Theory: Research on Cooperative Learning in Physical Education
    WU Benlian, WU Zongren, CAI Li
    2021, 47 (3):  72-75.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.011
    Abstract ( 699 )   PDF (1280KB) ( 1271 )   Save
    Using the methods of documents, theory analysis, mathematical statistics and case analysis, this article deeply analyzes, from the perspective of game theory, the phenomenon of "free ride" and "diffusion of responsibility", which are ubiquitous in cooperative learning in physical education, and proposes to promote "income game" inside the group; to build the "blend strategy game model" between teachers and students; to use the "Nash balanced" tactics to make P.E. teachers play a leading role with clear responsibility through strengthening supervision. On this basis, this paper, taking the "basketball group match game model" and the "badminton receive game model" for examples, works out the optimal strategy in the cooperative learning of teacher's supervision and students' badminton receive.
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    Three Steps in Teaching Wushu Techniques
    LIU Wenwu, PAN Weicheng, SHANG Changmin, ZHU Nana
    2021, 47 (3):  76-80.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.012
    Abstract ( 750 )   PDF (1251KB) ( 1137 )   Save
    Wushu teaching aims to realize the goal of school Wushu education by integrating teaching and learning. This process involves the 2 aspects of theory teaching and technical teaching. By means of literature review, educational observation and practical exploration, this present paper examines the status quo and problems with Wushu technique teaching, and proposes three steps in Wushu technique teaching: first, clarifying Wushu theories and principles; next, following the stratification of Wushu techiniques, and finally stressing the comprehensiveness in teaching and learning.
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    On the Difficulties and Breakthroughs in the Development of China's Sports Training Theory in the New Era
    JIN Chengping, YAO Qi, LI Shaodan
    2021, 47 (3):  81-85.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.013
    Abstract ( 863 )   PDF (1257KB) ( 1579 )   Save
    In the new century, sports training theories supporting the rapid development of competitive sports in China, are facing pressures and challenges. In view of this, this present paper uses the methods of literature and historical research to analyze the development mode, problems and reasons of China's training theory in the new century The research shows that reductionism is one of the methodologies that affect the training theory development, and is a major hindrance to further development. This can be attributed to both the traditional biased concepts in epistemology, and the criticism of complexity research in methodology. The research methods on training theory in China are limited by the reductive methodology of "constitution holism" and "causality". Paradigm change is an important mission in contemporary time. Complexity research, as a new paradigm, is different from reductionism in nature, and has penetrated into the framework, concept, viewpoint and logical connotation of training theories. This study puts forward the proposition of "upgrading training arrangement and competitive ability structure" and holds that it is the breakthrough point and new direction in training theory research in China.
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    Athletes Return to Play: Models, Evaluations and Applications
    SUN Junzhi, HU Shiliang, ZUO Luyu, LI Ning
    2021, 47 (3):  86-93.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.014
    Abstract ( 852 )   PDF (1454KB) ( 1348 )   Save
    Athletes would inevitably suffer from sports injuries during trainings or competitions. Treatments and rehabilitations are the focus in sports medicine. Return to play is the ultimate goal of treatment and rehabilitation for athletes, also the ultimate manifestation of the treatment, and the basis for further improvement in sports performance. The article sorts out the processes for Decision-based Return To Play (DRTP) model, Strategic Assessment of Risk and Risk Tolerance (StARRT) model and comprehensive decision model for athletes return to play; analyzes the contents and indicators of the status evaluation of return to play for athletes, which needs to focus on clinical examinations and physical function testing in both the physiological function and mental states; addresses return to play for ACL injuries, and applications in shoulder instability and concussion, as well as special conditions like COVID-19 infection; and provides references the national team to prepare for the Tokyo Summer Olympics and the Beijing Winter Olympics.
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    Research on Spain Pick-and-Roll Characteristics in FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019
    WANG Xing, ZHANG Liqing, PENG Bo
    2021, 47 (3):  94-99.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.015
    Abstract ( 724 )   PDF (1526KB) ( 1222 )   Save
    Through clipping and editing more than 60 game videos of top 8 teams and Chinese team in 2019 Men's Basketball World Cup, the conclusion is as follows: (1) As a new pick-and-roll action, the Spain pick-and-roll has been accepted and used by most of the world's top teams. However, at present, each team has different understanding of Spain pick-and-roll cooperation. (2) Spain pick-and-roll is generally composed of one pick-and-roll and a back screen, and most of them occur in the middle-high area. The single on-ball screen action has been used the most frequently in Spain pick-and-roll, which is a little more than follow on-ball screen. (3) The execute options of Spain pick-and-roll can be divided into 4 categories. Different teams are affected by the characteristics of their players and the tactics of their teams, and there will be some deviation in the choice of the ending options. (4) The Chinese team has kept up with the world's top teams in tactical sense, but limited by such factors as players' ability and on-the-spot performance, there is still a big gap in the implementation effect with the world's top teams.
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    Study on the Feasibility of Determining Optimal Power Load by Average Velocity
    LIANG Meifu, LI Tielu, GUO Wenxia, JIN Yinri
    2021, 47 (3):  100-105.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.016
    Abstract ( 779 )   PDF (1419KB) ( 1209 )   Save
    Objective: The purpose of this paper was to determine the feasibility of determining the Optimal Power Load (OPL) of different strength training methods of college athletes by average velocity.Methods: Forty-six male college athletes were recruited for the test of 1 repetition maximum (1 RM) of half squat and bench press and the test of maximum power output of bench press throw and half squat, using loads of10%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 90%1 RM. Results:During the bench press throw training, the OPL of throwing group, sprinting group and basketball group was 70%1 RM, while the OPL of gymnastics group was 50%1 RM. During the squattraining, the OPL of throwing group was 90%1 RM, while that of sprinting group, basketball group and gymnastics group was 70%1 RM. The OPL, 1 RM, average force, maximum force, average power and maximum power were all different in the strength training of bench press throw and squat OPL among different groups (P<0.05), while the average velocity and maximum velocity were not significantly different.The average velocity of bench press throw OPL is 1.03±0.24 m/s, and that of half squat OPL is 0.86±0.19 m/s. Conclusions: In the development of athletes' maximum output power strength training, different athletes have different OPL. It is feasible and stable to use the average velocity index to determine the OPL of athletes. Generally, the average velocity of developing the maximum output power of half squat is about 0.86 m/s, and the average velocity of developing the maximum output power of bench press throw is about 1.03 m/s.
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    Comparative study on Metabolic Equivalent and Energy Consumption of Adults with Different Somatotypes in Lying down, Sedentary, Sleeping and Exercising Behaviors
    AI Lei, LUO Wei, LU Qi, ZHOU Yue, LIU Ling, ZHU Xiaomei
    2021, 47 (3):  106-112.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.017
    Abstract ( 846 )   PDF (1309KB) ( 1154 )   Save
    Objective: To analyze the metabolic equivalent and energy consumption of adults with different somatotypesin lying down, sedentary, sleeping and exercising behaviors to provide a reference for reasonable energy intake and intervention of unbealthy lifestyle. Methods: One hundred and forty healthy adults aged 1860were enrolledthrough self-rated health assessment scale (SRHMS) and data screening. Basal metabolism (BM) and energy consumptionin lying down, sedentary, sleepingand exercisingbehaviors were measured by energy metabolism chamber. Results: (1) Male adults of different somatotypes showed no significant difference in BR, while there was a significant difference among women(P<0.05). (2) The average value of metabolic equivalent of both male and female adults in each behaviordecreased gradually from normal somatotype through overweight somatotype to obese somatotype, and there was a significant difference in metabolic equivalent among adults with different somatotypes in lying down, sedentary and sleeping behaviors (P<0.05). (3) The average value of net energy consumption of both male and female adults in each behaviorincreased gradually from normal somatotype through overweight somatotype to obese somatotype, and there was a significant difference in net energy consumption among adults with different somatotypesonly in fast walking (P<0.05). Conclusion and suggestions:Adults should actively control their weightonceoverweight, especially for women. Overweight and obese people, who have greater energy consumption than people with normal somatotype in the same exercise, can give priority to increasing exercise while reducing lying on the back and sitting for a long time.In addition, obese people also need to properly control their sleep time.
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    The Study on Energy Consumption Characteristics of Male Adults with Different Intensity and Loads during Walking on the Ground
    HE Meiting, ZHANG Peizhen, HONG Ping
    2021, 47 (3):  113-119.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.018
    Abstract ( 770 )   PDF (5605KB) ( 1208 )   Save
    Objective: To discuss and analyze the characteristics of energy consumption of male adults during walking with different loads and different speeds on the designated groud. Methods: 42 male adults were divided into normal weight group and overweight group according to body mass index (BMI). Measurement: (1) Energy consumption at rest; (2) energy consumption without loads during walking on the site; (3) energy consumption during walking (load in the form of backpack). The walking speeds were: 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 km/h, and the loads during walking were: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 kg. Results: There were significant differences in the net energy consumption and energy consumption between overweight group and normal weight group during walking at a speed of 5.0 km/h, a load of 2 kg, and a speed of 4.0 km/h, and loads of 0, 1.0, 3.0 and 4.0 kg, overweight males were significantly higher than the normal weight males (P<0.05); during walking with increasing load at the same speed, heart rate, oxygen uptake, net energy consumption and energy consumption in the two groups did not increase significantly; during walking with the same load at increasing speed, heart rate, oxygen uptake, net energy consumption and energy consumption in the two groups increased significantly (P<0.05). Conclusion: speed has greater influence on energy consumption during walking than weight. When walking is used as the form of exercise, speed can be used as the main factor, and weight a secondary factor for load-bearing walking, thereby improving the body's energy metabolism rate, increasing oxygen consumption, and producing positive physiological change in enhancing the body's respiratory and circulation functions.
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    Rehabilitation Assessment and Therapy Development based on Regional Interdependence Theory
    WANG Minjia, ZHA Yue
    2021, 47 (3):  120-125.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.019
    Abstract ( 847 )   PDF (1316KB) ( 1195 )   Save
    In recent years, as a new concept, regional dependence has become known to people. It is a term applied in the clinical model of musculoskeletal assessment and intervention, and used to describe the physical therapy and rehabilitation literature. The emergence of this concept provides new ideas and directions for solving skeletal muscle dysfunction, and on the basis of regional dependence theory, some screening and evaluation systems have formed, including: functional movement screening (FMS), selective functional movement assessment (SFMA), motor ability screening(MCS), y balance test (YBT), and suspension training therapy (SET). This paper mainly discusses the reliability, validity, purpose, difference and connection of the screening and evaluation system based on the theory of regional dependence and the choice of intervention methods.We can evaluate and screen the movement model, find out the weak chain or functional area involved in multiple links, and then use techniques, corrective training or a combination of the two to improve the model so as to reduce the risk of sports injury.
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    The Effects of the Exercise Intervention with Remote Guidance on Quality of Life, Physical Fitness and Physical Activity Participation in Postoperative Breast Cancer Patients
    DONG Xiaosheng, DING Meng, YI Xiangren, YU Zhigang
    2021, 47 (3):  126-131.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.020
    Abstract ( 728 )   PDF (1455KB) ( 1230 )   Save
    Objective: To investigate the effects of the exercise intervention with remote guidance on quality of life, physical fitness and physical activity participation in postoperative breast cancer patients. Methods: This study was a randomized control trial with an intervention period of 12 weeks. 60 participants (42-60 years, Female) were randomly assigned to intervention group (N=30) and control group (N=30). Procedure of exercise in the intervention group included training of strength, endurance, and function with remote video guidance of rehabilitation, three times per week, cardiorespiratory capacity training in which the subjects were asked to complete the required number of steps in given time, 4 time per week; Knowledge on postoperative rehabilitation of breast cancer was sent to the patients via social media apps on a daily basis. The control group received only rehabilitation knowledge during the same period of time. The indicators of test include quality of life, physical fitness and physical activity participation. Results: After 12 weeks of intervention, compared with the control group, the fatigue, body fat percentage, physical activity obstacle, muscle strength and social support of physical activity in the intervention group were significantly improved. In addition, the waist hip ratio (P<0.01) and enjoyment of physical activity in the intervention group were significantly improved (P<0.01). Conclusion: The exercise intervention with remote guidance can improve the rehabilitative effects on postoperative patients with breast cancer in quality of life, physical fitness and physical activity participation.
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    Research on the Path of Improving College Students' Psychological Happiness through Physical Exercise: the Mediating Effect of Social Self-Efficacy
    YANG Jia peng, XIANG Chun yu
    2021, 47 (3):  132-136.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.03.021
    Abstract ( 757 )   PDF (1524KB) ( 1285 )   Save
    The Physical Activity Rating Scale, Multiple Happiness Questionnaire and the Scale of Perceived Social Self-Efficacy were used to investigate 382 college students in Guangdong province. The results show that: (1) There are significant differences in physical exercise, psychological happiness and social self-efficacy between genders;(2)The scores of psychological happiness and social self-efficacy in the low exercise group are significantly lower than those in the middle and high exercise groups;(3)Physical exercise has a positive predictive effect on psychological happiness, and social self-efficacy plays a mediating role in explaining psychological happiness through physical exercise. This suggests that schools should take effective measures to encourage more students to participate in physical exercise, improve college students’ social self-efficacy and psychological well-being.
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