ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 January 2020, Volume 46 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Chinese Sports and The Olympic Games: from Differences to Integration
    YANG Hua, JING Min
    2020, 46 (1):  1-7.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.001
    Abstract ( 3048 )   PDF (1126KB) ( 1923 )   Save
    The year of 2020 marks the start of the second decade of the 21st century, which coincides with the new Olympic Year. This article uses the historical, cultural, and anthropological methodologies to trace back and review how the relationship between Chinese sports and the Olympic Movement has changed from difference to integration. This study is of great significance to construct a sports community of equal and shared future.The Olympic Movement, with strong western cultural characteristics, is different from Chinese traditional sports in economic basis, cultural form, thinking pattern and sports ethics. Since the Olympic Movement was introduced into China, Chinese sports has gradually achieved, on the basis of absorbing the essence of the Olympic movement, inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese culture of five thousand years, and continuously transmitting Chinese culture to the world, its communication and integration with the Olympic Movement while retaining its traditional characteristics and essence. Chinese sports is inseparable from the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Movement is inseparable from Chinese sports too. They are integral and interdependent. In a period of major change that’s rarely seen in a century, Chinese sports is facing unprecedented situations. During the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, Chinese sports needs to make full use of the Olympic platform to transmit the Chinese ideology so that the world can truly understand China, thus making outstanding contributions to the Olympic Movement and human culture.
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    The Discourse Construction and Evolution of Historical Conception in Chinese Sports History Studies over the Past 100 Years
    HAO Qin
    2020, 46 (1):  8-14.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.002
    Abstract ( 1187 )   PDF (1109KB) ( 1452 )   Save
    Based on the major monographs on sports history in each period over the past hundred years, the article examines the formation of the discourses and historical paradigms on “history of ancient Chinese sports”, “history of modern Chinese sports”, “modern and contemporary sports of China”, and “world history of sports”. It is pointed out that the needs and context changes in various historical periods since modern China promoted the formation of different discourses and research paradigms on sports history, which will have a profound impact on subsequent sports history research.
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    Evolution and Characteristics of Sports Thought of China in the Past Century
    Cui Lequan
    2020, 46 (1):  15-21.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.003
    Abstract ( 3261 )   PDF (1101KB) ( 1813 )   Save
    Based on a comprehensive analysis of relevant research materials and policy texts, this article selects 1919 as the landmark node, and discusses the historical evolution of China’s sports thought in the past century. According to the characteristics of China’s sports thought development in the past century and the different historical background , this article divides it into five historical periods: the maturity of modern China’s sports thought, the development and transformation of modern China’s sports thought, the exploration and preliminary development of contemporary sports thought, the reform and comprehensive development of contemporary sports thought, and sports thought in the new era.The author believes, in the convergence and fusion of traditional sports in modern China and modern sports in the western, although there are differences among these sports ideologies, "sports powers country" and "sports saves country" are always the common ground of the debates, which also reflect the twists and turns of the modernization of China’s sports; the evolution and development of contemporary sports have provided the conditions for the emergence of different forms of sports thought, and imprinted the marks of different times.These sports thoughts with different cognitions based on sports practice in different periods are not only the witness of the development of contemporary China sports, but also the testimony of the general sports ideological worker’s concerning about sports business.
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    Change in Sports Cognition of Chinese Mainstream Society in the Past 100 Years and its Impact on the Development of Chinese Sports(1919-2019)
    LUO Shiming
    2020, 46 (1):  22-27.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.004
    Abstract ( 1962 )   PDF (1109KB) ( 1626 )   Save
    Based on relevant literature, this article takes the approach of deductive analysis to expound the change in sports cognition of Chinese mainstream society in the past 100 years and its impact on the development of Chinese sports by examining the main historical line of Chinese sports development with reference to the backgrounds in different historical periods. The findings suggest that: firstly, the sports cognition of Chinese Mainstream Society plays an leading role in deciding the direction and path of Chinese sports development in the past 100 years; secondly, every adjustment and revision of the direction of Chinese sports development are closely related to the sports cognition of Chinese Mainstream Society; thirdly, the sports cognition of Chinese Mainstream society is related to the research and guidance of the academia though, it is not influenced or controlled by it. Instead it has closer links with the needs for the development of country and society at that time.
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    70 Years of Sports Rule of Law in China: Development and Prospect
    SUN Caihong
    2020, 46 (1):  28-32.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.005
    Abstract ( 1856 )   PDF (1075KB) ( 1346 )   Save
    In the 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, remarkable achievements have been made in the national sports undertakings and the construction of sports rule of law. The concept of sports rule of law has transformed from "establishment of sports legal system " to "sports rule of law"; The task of sports rule of law has shifted to center on "mass sports" and "competitive sports"; the function of sports rule of law has expanded from political function to "social" and "industrial" functions; the value of sports rule of law aims at pursuing "sports human rights" and "sports rights". Looking into the future, in the new era of comprehensively promoting the rule of law, China's sports legal construction needs to achieve the organic combination of "rule by law" and "rule by morality", establish and guarantee the foundation and core position of mass sports, accelerate the legislation of the sports industry, and establish the sports rights system and the rights relief system.
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    Review on Overseas Sports Population Structure Research
    MA Dehao
    2020, 46 (1):  33-37.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.006
    Abstract ( 1791 )   PDF (1095KB) ( 1711 )   Save
    The foreign literature on sports population structure was reviewed from the aspects of research methods, research design, organizational implementation, results use and promotion. It shows that government-led sports population structure research in foreign countries stresses: timeliness of survey data, careful division of residents' sports participation levels based on exercise intensity, frequency, and time, targeted survey of different regions or population types, diversity and openness of survey methods, and survey data serving government sports decision-making. The spontaneous research of sports population structure carried out by foreign scholars stresses: analyzing the sports population structure from multiple dimensions such as politics, economy, society, culture, and clan, careful selection of research subjects, analyzing the reasons for the formation of sports population structure from the empirical perspective, the combination of quantitative research and qualitative research. Based on these common characteristics, this paper puts forward specific suggestions for the Chinese government and scholars to better carry out sports population structure research.
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    Comparison of Sports Humanities and Social Science Research in China and Foreign Countries
    WANG Qi
    2020, 46 (1):  38-44.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.007
    Abstract ( 2132 )   PDF (1354KB) ( 1678 )   Save
    By drawing, interpreting and comparing the keyword co-word networks of sports humanities and social sciences theme papers at home and abroad, it is found that competitive sports and mass sports are the two important research fields at home and abroad. However, there are obvious differences in research field, perspective and methods at home and abroad due to different development bases, needs of physical education and social and historical development conditions. Finally, it is pointed out that the research on sports humanities and social sciences in China should be promoted in the following aspects: paying more attention to adolescents’ obesity and their exercise; strengthening"problem" awareness and comprehensive research from interdisciplinary perspective; adopting empirical research methods in natural sciences, and combining qualitative and quantitative methods; further strengthening the capacity of international communication, and constructing a well-designed foreign-oriented discourse system.
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    The Evolution of Disability Models and the Construction of News Discourse on the Paralympic Games: A Content Analysis of the Coverage from the People's Daily (1984-2018)
    HE Xinghui, WANG Yi, ZHOU Xiyan
    2020, 46 (1):  45-52.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.008
    Abstract ( 1172 )   PDF (2487KB) ( 1386 )   Save
    As an important part of the Olympic Movement, the Paralympic Games are not only a sport event but also a social event communicating the new disability concept and promoting disability social inclusion. The media plays an important role in constructing news discourse and greatly influences the public perception of disability. Using the text analysis and comparative research method, this article analyzed news reports from the People's Daily between 1984 to 2018, to study the construction and development of the news discourse on the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games, and to explore the different disability models used in news discourse. The study finds that the People's Daily's reports on the Paralympic Games have gone through three different stages of news discourse: “handicapped,” “diseased,” and “disabled,” which are influenced by different disability models such as charity model, medical model, and social model. Based on the latest agenda from the United Nations and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), in order to build a more civilized and equal society, it is important to combine different disability models to promote social goals of sports and to construct more diverse news discourse in the reporting of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games in 2022.
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    Digital Labor: the Political-Economic Research Paradigm of Sports Communication in the Internet Era
    YU Pengfei
    2020, 46 (1):  53-59.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.009
    Abstract ( 2259 )   PDF (1123KB) ( 1773 )   Save
    The prosperity of Internet sports industry has led to the change of users' communication behavior and identity, as a result, their communication behavior has changed into the labor behavior of sports digital capital appreciation and expansion, and their identity has also changed from users to laborers. Taking the research path of Marxist political economy, this study explores the user labor issue in Internet sports communication, then constructs a political-economic research paradigm of sports communication in the Internet Era.The results show that: sports digital labor is a process that Internet sports media occupy sports users' digital labor products free of charge and turn users into goods and labor. In the form of user labor, media platforms integrate users' labor behavior into the structure of platform commercialization to obtain labor value by means of crowdsourcing, game laboring, emotional commercialization. In view of this, this study can provide some enlightenment for sports users to seek the strategy of free struggle and realize the healthy development of sports platform.
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    Design and Empirical Study of IPA-based Evaluation Model of Public Sports Service Quality
    YUAN Xinfeng, ZHANG Ruilin, WANG Fei
    2020, 46 (1):  60-66.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.010
    Abstract ( 972 )   PDF (1185KB) ( 1494 )   Save
    Quality evaluation is not only an important means to continuously improve public sports service quality, but also a challenge for all kinds of national fitness centers at all levels under the new situation. By means of mathematical statistics and logical analysis, this article applies the IPA analysis, which is widely used in the service field, to the empirical study of Jinan National Fitness Center to explore the the path to improve the public sports service quality evaluation in China. The public sports service quality evaluation scale covers the five dimensions of accessibility, quality of facilities, cleanliness, staff, value for money with a total of 30 evaluation indicators. A total of 343 valid questionnaires were collected in the empirical study. The reliability and validity were reasonable for quality evaluation. Improvement strategies were put forward for the data results of different coordinate areas. Conclusions: IPA analysis is suitable for the practical needs of public sports service quality evaluation, and can be popularized in a larger scale, while it still needs to be improved. Besides, it is necessary to further promote its integration with other quality management tools.
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    Shendu:Essential Meaning of "Practice" in Chinese Wushu
    JIN Yuzhu, DONG Gang, ZHANG Zailin
    2020, 46 (1):  67-71.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.011
    Abstract ( 1257 )   PDF (1078KB) ( 1488 )   Save
    In the context of "shendu" in Chinese culture, the origin and development of Wushu undoubtedly adds to the uniqueness of the "shendu" thought. The "shendu" thought, on the other hand, has helped opened up a vast space of research for the "practice" of Wushu which has a strong practical orientation. As far as its primary tendency is concerned, the "training" of Wushu has evolved from the simple "internal cultivation" and "outside training" to a logical structure of "form acquaintance, then understanding energy, and finally achieving highest level of naturalness". Therefore, we believe that Wushu practitioners' inquiry about "form acquaintance" requires their own "self-reflection and self-clarity"; their inquiry about "understanding energy" requires their own "self-restraining"; and their inquiry about "naturalness" requires their "sincerity". The three dimensions are integral and constitute together the internal logic of "practice" and "shendu" of Wushu. In practice, only through intuitive perception and conscious pursuit of body philosophy can Wushu practitioners master the secret of "practice" in Wushu and eventually reach the state of "unifying various paths under one goal".
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    The Mechanism of Building Auto Sports Recreational Vehicle Campsite and Its Application Based on the Embeddedness Theory
    LU Jun, SHU Jianping, ZHANG Xiaocong
    2020, 46 (1):  72-77.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.012
    Abstract ( 915 )   PDF (1190KB) ( 1351 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature review, field investigation and expert interview, this present paper explores the mechanism and countermeasures for auto sports recreational vehicle campsite construction in China under the embeddedness theory. The research shows that the dominant elements of construction under the embeddedness theory include geographic embeddedness, industry embeddedness and knowledge embeddedness, and they promote the formation of geographic environment, cluster effect and innovation effect correspondingly. The authors further point out that the construction mechanism refers to the interconnection and interaction between the camp construction and the key embedded factors under certain conditions. Based on the mechanism, the authors propose that the countermeasures to take include: making full use of regional cultural and geographical contents, building fitness and leisure industry clusters, creating an integrated model for sports industry development and establishing a collaborative innovation platform for the alliance.
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    The Effect of Ankle Stability on Vertical Jump Landing Buffer Mode during Visual Cognition Task Intervention
    ZHANG Fan, JIANG Qinhua, LIN Rong, WANG Zhuying, Wu Zhijian, Song Yanliqing
    2020, 46 (1):  78-85.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.013
    Abstract ( 842 )   PDF (3040KB) ( 1251 )   Save
    Objective: To explore the influence of different ankle stability on the landing posture stability strategy and neuromuscular control of vertical jump during the intervention of visual cognitive task. Methods: 36 male college high-level athletes were selected as subjects, with an average age of (20.23±2.05) yrs., an average height of (179.28±4.61) cm and an average weight of (72.62±4.59) kg. According to the degree of ankle instability, they were divided 12 subjects into CON group, 12 subjects into LAT group and 12 subjects into CAI group. All subjects performed the drop-vertical jump+visual task in a random order. The kinematics, dynamics and EMG parameters of each group in landing stage were compared by one-way ANOVA and Scheffe method. Results:(1) the movement range of APSI (CAI & LAT>CON), VSI and DPSI (CON>CAI) of COM were significant; (2) at the initial landing phase, the angles of ankle(CAI>CON), knee valgus (CON>LAT & CAI), hip flexion(CON & LAT>CAI) and abduction (CAI>CON) were significant, while the angle of ankle plantarflexion (CON & LAT>CAI) was significant at the lowest point of squat, and the range of motion of ankle flexion(CON & LAT>CAI), extension, valgus (CAI>CON & LAT) and the peak value of ankle valgus angle velocity (CAI>CON) were significant; (3) the landing load rate (CON>CAI) was significant at 50 ms; (4) in pre-landing phase, TA (CAI>LAT & CON), PL (CON>CAI) and MG (CAI>CON) were significant; there were significant differences in RF(LAT>CON & CAI), PL (CON>LAT & CAI), MG (CAI>CON) at the initial landing; in descending phase, GM (CON>CAI), PL (CON>LAT & CAI), MG (CAI>CON) were significant, while the rate of BF / RF (CON>LAT & CAI), S / TA (CAI>LAT & CON), MG / TA (CAI & LAT>CON) co-contraction were significant; in propulsion phase, GM (CON>CAI), VM (CON>CAI), BF (CON>LAT & CAI) , S (CON>CAI) were significant, while the rate of TA / S (CON>CAI) co-contraction were significant; in stability phase, VM (CON>LAT & CAI), S (CON>CAI) were significant. Conclusion: Hip flexion and abduction, more ankle valgus and muscle co contraction are important mechanisms to stabilize the joints of CAI athletes, and the earlier and faster ankle valgus speed is the key factor of repeated sprains of CAI athletes; the ability of hip abduction can be improved by strengthening the gluteus medius muscle, and the peroneal longus muscle can be trained to improve ankle protection.
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    Exploring Key Factors of Overweight in Preschool Children:a Decision Tree Analysis
    LV Wendi, ZHAO Guanggao, FU Jinmei, SUN Shunli, CHEN Jing, HE Zihao, HUANG Ting, HU Chao, CHEN Chen
    2020, 46 (1):  86-93.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.014
    Abstract ( 938 )   PDF (1311KB) ( 1716 )   Save
    To explore the key factors of overweight based on decision tree model. Methods: 5870 children (3-6 years old) from 23 kindergartens in Nanchang were recruited to measure their height and weight. Then their body mass index (BMI) was calculated, finally their overweight was evaluated according to "The National Physical Fitness Standard Manual (Preschool children part)". Questionnaires were conducted to investigate children's physical activity, children's sedentary behavior, children's birth information, child-rearing methods, parents' body shape and parents' exercise behavior, family situation and other related information, which were divided into 36 variables. The CHAID decision tree model was established by IBM SPSS modeler to screen the key factors affecting overweight of preschool children. Results: The accuracy of CHAID model is 85.23%. The results of CHAID model show that there is a strong correlation between the eight variables with overweight. The most important factor is outdoor physical activity time, father's BMI, mother's BMI, father's income, indoor physical activity time, father's education level, child-rearing methods and TV watching time. Conclusion: Physical activity, especially outdoor physical activity are the most important factors related to preschool children overweight. Parents' obesity and education, child-rearing methods, sedentary behavior are also key factors leading to overweight.
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    Trait Mindfulness: a New Visual Angle for the Study of Exercise Psychology
    Xu Wei
    2020, 46 (1):  94-99.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.015
    Abstract ( 3623 )   PDF (1113KB) ( 1802 )   Save
    Mindfulness is a new construct in modern psychology. In recent years, mindfulness has become the focus of many applied psychology researches. Based on this background, this paper introduces the research situation of mindfulness; analyses the value of trait mindfulness in exercise psychology; probes into the theoretical basis of trait mindfulness research on exercise psychology; and constructs the theoretical framework of trait mindfulness research content in exercise psychology. Comprehensive analysis shows that: trait mindfulness is a positive personality trait; the study of trait mindfulness in exercise psychology is inherent to the development of exercise psychology; the mental structure of physical exercise has a high degree of agreement with the mental structure of mindfulness, which provides a strong theoretical support for the study of trait mindfulness in exercise psychology; the study content of trait mindfulness in exercise psychology is rich, and it provides a new angel for solving many problems in exercise psychology. Therefore, trait mindfulness provides a new research perspective for the further development of exercise psychology.
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    Research on the Relationship between Athletes Age and Field Size in Soccer 3 vs.1 Ball Pass-and-control Training
    LI Yunguang, LI Dawei
    2020, 46 (1):  100-106.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.016
    Abstract ( 1017 )   PDF (1167KB) ( 1431 )   Save
    Objective: To explore the relationship between age and field size of the training in 3 vs.1 pass-and-control training to provide theoretical basis for training. Method: 112 male juvenile soccer players from 3 primary and secondary schools were divided into four groups (U10, U12, U14 and U16). Each group was further divided into seven teams with four players each. Subjects in each team were arranged to do 3 vs.1 pass-and-control training alternately in 8 m, 10 m, and 12 m square fields. Data of passing quality, passing speed, passing route, receiving and confrontational strength were collected and analyzed. Results: The results showed that the success rate of passing and the average number of successive passes of U10 were significantly lower than those of U12, U14 and U16 (P <0.01). The movement time of U10 in 8 m square field was significantly shorter than that in10 m and 12 m square fields (P <0.01). The movement time of U12 in 8 m and 10 m square fields was significantly shorter than that in 12 m square field (P<0.01). The contact angle of U10 was significantly smaller than that of U12, U14 and U16 (P<0.01), and the rate of passing the ball to the open space in all groups was more than 60%. The distance between the ball grabber and the ball at the moment of passing increased significantly in the order of 8 m, 10 m, and 12 m. Compared with U14 and U16, the distance between the ball grabber and the ball in U10 and U12 at the moment of passing was obviously short. Conclusion: The 12 m square field is too big for players of U12 and U14 and can not effectively improve their passing skills. U14 is an important period for players to develop passing and controlling skills in 3 vs. 1 training. For players of U14 group, their 3 vs 1 training in 8m square field during 14~16 years old is more effective than that in 12 m square field.
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    Evaluation and Diagnosis of Strength Quality Training Level of Chinese Elite Female Gymnasts Aged 10 ~ 11
    ZHENG XiangPing, XIAO ZiYi, NIE YingJun
    2020, 46 (1):  107-113.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.017
    Abstract ( 998 )   PDF (1647KB) ( 1370 )   Save
    Strength is an important basis for female gymnasts to improve their competitive ability, and evaluation and diagnosis are significant guarantees to improve the strength training. Using the methods of literature data, experts investigation, and regression analysis, this present paper constructs the strength quality evaluation index system and standard for Chinese elite young female gymnasts aged 10-11 to evaluate and diagnose their advantages and disadvantages in developing strength quality and clarify the overall training level and development direction for gymnasts aged 10~11. This study provides a reference for coaches to formulate scientific training goal and development goal, and improve training efficiency and selection of athletes.
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    Effect of Hitting Speed of Four Tactical Movements of Taekwondo Back Roundhouse Kick and Its Enlightenment for Sports Training
    XU Chunjie, LIU Weijun, LIU Dehao, YU Hailong
    2020, 46 (1):  114-120.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.018
    Abstract ( 3298 )   PDF (2024KB) ( 1758 )   Save
    Objective: To study the effect of hitting speed of four tactical movements of Taekwondo back roundhouse kick and its enlightenment for sports training. Methods: Took the four tactical movements of back roundhouse kick: "attack", "block", "counterattack" and "close quarter" as research subjects. The motion analysis infrared light point high-speed motion capture test system was used to collect the rotation amplitude of some joints, the displacement change of human body gravity center, and the speed and acceleration of knee and ankle joint under the condition of "shadow boxing". The electronic protector was used to collect the hitting strength of the four tactical movements. Results: The rotation of pelvis and hip joint in "attack" and "counterattack" was different from that in "block" and "close quarter" (P<0.05), while there was no difference in the rotation of trunk, knee and ankle joint (P<0.05). The knee lift centripetal acceleration and ankle centrifugal acceleration in "attack", "block", and "close quarter" were better than that in "counterattack" (P<0.05).The knee lift speed and hitting speed of "attack", "block", and "close quarter" was higher than that of "counterattack" (P<0.05), and the hitting strength was also higher than that of "counterattack", especially "attack"(P<0.05). The movement speed of gravity center in "attack" and "counterattack" was higher than that of "block" and "close quarter"(P<0.01), and the centripetal acceleration was also higher than that of "block" and "close quarter", especially "attack"(P<0.05), but "counterattack" and "attack" moved in opposite directions. Conclusion: "attack" is similar to "counterattack", and "block" is similar to "close quarter" in terms of tactical movement structure; "attack", "block" and "close quarter" are superior to "counterattack" in muscle contraction strength, momentum transmission and hitting strength in the whole process,"attack" is especially superior to "counterattack". In training, we should take the rules of competition as the guide, and understand the current situation of tactical application to improve the hitting speed, improve the strategy of hitting effect, and update the concept of training in a scientific way.
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    Tactical Positioning and Pacing Strategy of Chinese and Korean Male Athletes in 1500m Short Track Speed Skating
    ZHENG Xiaofeng, HE Ying
    2020, 46 (1):  121-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.01.019
    Abstract ( 967 )   PDF (1223KB) ( 1279 )   Save
    Using literature, video observation, and mathematical statistics to analyze the competition of Chinese and Korean male athletes in 1,500m short track speed skating in World Cup, World Championships, and the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2017-2018, and compare their difference in tactical positioning and pacing strategy from both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The results show that: (1) There is a gap in performance between the two teams in the 1,500m event with the Korean men's team being better. (2) There is no significant correlation between the position ranking of each lap at the beginning of the race and the final ranking. As the number of laps increases, the correlation between the two increases. (3) Korean male athletes' position ranking in laps 1-10 is not high, while their probability of being in the leading position in the last 4 laps is higher than that of Chinese male athletes. (4) The average lap time difference between Chinese and Korean male athletes is mainly reflected in the last 4 laps and the Korean male athletes' time is much shorter. (5) The total time spent by Korean male athletes in both final and non-final match is shorter than that of Chinese male athletes. Conclusion: The Korean male team has an advantage in the 1,500 m event. The Chinese male athletes have a lower occupation rate of the leading position in the last 4 laps, and their ability to accelerate and surpass sprints is comparatively weak.
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