ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 November 2018, Volume 44 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The CDSU Strategy of Building a Global Tier-1 Sports University in the New Era
    LIU Qing, HE zhaoxuan, LI Xiang, ZHANG Lingling, TAO Zhongping, ZHU Daohui, SUN Shuhui
    2018, 44 (6):  1-8.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.001
    Abstract ( 1292 )   PDF (1215KB) ( 1328 )   Save
    The 11th Party Congress of Chengdu Sports Institute was successfully held on August 28-30, 2018. Comrade Liu Qing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, on behalf of the 10th Party Committee, delivered the work report entitled “Holding High the Banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to Open up the New Journey of Building a Global Tier-1 Sports University”, which sounds the clarion call for the construction of a global tier-1 sports university. Dividing the construction process into three steps, the report draws a blueprint for the school development in the coming 5 years, 15 years and 25 year. At the new historical starting point, how to accurately grasp and implement the strategic deployment made by the school party committee is an urgent and important task that the school is currently facing. To this end, this journal organized some members of the drafting group of the Party Congress for contributions addressing how to study and implement the strategy from the aspects of what “CDSI spirit” is needed in building a "global tier-1 sports university", and what are the connotation and focus of building a “global tier-1 sports university”.
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    Reflections on Chinese National Single Sports Associations and Their Development Strategy from the Perspective of National Governance
    WANG Jiahong, CAI Penglong
    2018, 44 (6):  9-17.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.002
    Abstract ( 874 )   PDF (1522KB) ( 1394 )   Save
    This paper refined the "should" face of national single sports associations reform under the perspective of national governance, and reflected its realistic situation and development strategy through the methods of literature, field survey and logical analysis. The results suggest that the reform of project associations from management to governance leads to five major changes in objective, concept, structure, system, and means. In reality, it will encounter such problems as legitimacy, blurred value of reform, rigidity and solidification of the management system, incomplete corporate governance structure, and legislation lagging behind reform. In response to the national governance requirements and social anticipations, we should further clarify the reform objectives of associations' "independent corporate legal entity", strengthen the institutionalized supply; renovate the evaluation mechanism, information-oriented mechanism and the liaison mechanism; transform the "administrative control" to "institutional encompassing", consolidate "the China Sports Association" and "China Olympics Committee", and gradually remove the project centers, and promote the reform of associations step by step; adopt the " Basic Law on Social Organizations" and speeds up the revision of "Sports Law".
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    The Historical Significance and Reflectionsof the Development of Chinese Women's Volleyball in 40 Years of Reform and Opening up
    SHU Weiping, LI Jun, WANG Shiwei, LI Fengshu, SHI Xiangyu
    2018, 44 (6):  18-23.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.003
    Abstract ( 3153 )   PDF (1200KB) ( 2570 )   Save
    Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, through indomitable struggle and ceaseless efforts, the few generations of Chinese women's volleyball team have forged and carried forward the "Chinese women's volleyball spirit", good tradition, successful experience and made outstanding achievements. These will play a unique and important role in the process of reform and opening up and the construction of sports power by leading the development of Chinese football, basketball and volleyball career, influencing Chinese volleyball professionalization and market-oriented reform as well as continuously contributing the "volleyball strength" and "women's volleyball value" to the construction of sports power. Systematically summarizing the historical development of Chinese women's volleyball team and judging the present situation and the future trend can help explore the value of Chinese women's volleyball in the construction of sports power, consolidate the advantage of Chinese women's volleyball, and strengthen the historical responsibility.
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    Research on Wushu Ontology and Wushu Discipline Construction
    KANG Gewu
    2018, 44 (6):  24-33.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.004
    Abstract ( 905 )   PDF (1245KB) ( 1405 )   Save
    According to the origin and meaning of Wushu, the term can be simply interpreted as martial arts. The content of Wushu discipline includes four parts: Wushu techniques, Wushu practice methods, Wushu usage, and the underlying theory of each part. The parallel development of Wushu and culture/literature education revealsthe evolution process of Wushu education. An Examination of the Wushu practice and competition in military and non-military fields reveals a comprehensive movement system. Based on these, the author proposes that Wushu can be used as the general term to encompass all traditional Chinese sports and it can be defined as a kind of sport which takes Chinese culture as its basis, utilizes physical exercises as its basic means, has cultivation of wisdom, health and personality as its aims and exists in the forms of fight, gongfa and games. Furthermore, the writer suggests that the return and reconstruction of Wushu discipline should be based on the rediscovery of its confidence
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    The Analysis on the Psychological Process of National Traditional Sports Formation in the Construction of Ethnic State
    WANG Guanghu, RAN Xuedong
    2018, 44 (6):  34-43.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.005
    Abstract ( 812 )   PDF (1239KB) ( 1508 )   Save
    The formation of traditional national sports is the outcome of the construction of national state in a particular period. In view of the fact that the main methods used in modern sports history research are narration of historical facts, interpretation of historical phenomena and evaluation of historical figures, this present paper adopts the method of psychological history to analyze the psychological evolution of traditional national sports. According to the path of the democratic revolution and the history of thought, the psychological evolution of traditional national sports in China can be divided into three stages: In the early stage of the old democratic revolution, the prominent feature was the emotional knot and military demand of"strong soldiers and strong species". In the later stage of the old democratic revolution, the main feature was the"reform"demand and political appeal of"saving the country and the people".In the new democratic revolution stage, the feature was the "enlightenment"mentality and cultural appeal of "worrying about the country and the people".
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    From Technique to Tao: The Culture Transition and Creative Transformation of Chinese Traditional Archery
    GONG Maofu
    2018, 44 (6):  44-49.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.006
    Abstract ( 1010 )   PDF (1204KB) ( 1510 )   Save
    This paper mainly focuses on the transition logic and the creative transformation of traditional Chinese archery culture by literature and fieldwork. It reveals the inherent logic of traditional Chinese archery culture transition: from truculence to civilization in cultural revolution, from singleness to integrated diversity in acculturation, from looking outside to integrating both internal and external cultivation in value choice. The traditional archery culture patterns are multiple, such as different pursuing goals and diverse forms; lack of standard and no ready-made experience to draw on; scattered organizations and lack of unity; bottom-up renovation with social forces as the backbone; having cultural confidence and defending the tradition. Finally, the paper proposes some principles for the transformation of traditional Chinese archery and the transformation orientation of Tao, and offered some corresponding suggestions
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    Body-based Innovation of Wushu Practitioner
    CHEN Qing
    2018, 44 (6):  50-55.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.007
    Abstract ( 1018 )   PDF (1199KB) ( 1880 )   Save
    The development of Wushu has received much attention. However, current researches mainly focus on the structure and function of Wushu, while ignoring the influence of Wushu practitioners. Based on the theories of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, this study shows that the body of Wushu practitioners is the key to the development of Wushu and their orientation determines the direction of Wushu development. Since Wushu practitioners exist in a specific environment, their process of body-based innovation is manifested as following: The experience of Wushu practitioners provides the foundation of Wushu development; The rhizomatic thinking pattern of practitioners leads to the creation of various genres of Wushu; The pleat consciousness of Wushu practitioners influences the change of Wushu. In future research and policy-making, the body of Wushu practitioners and the genres they have created should receive more attention so as to promote its further development.
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    Research on Characteristics and Mechanism of Meihua Quan Inheritance from the Perspective of Identity
    ZHAO Jinglei, GUO Yucheng
    2018, 44 (6):  56-60.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.008
    Abstract ( 775 )   PDF (1184KB) ( 1184 )   Save
    An important feature of Meihua Quan inheritance is seeking individuality and obtaining the individual and collective identity. Based on the field research of Meihua Quan, this present paper studies the identity and formation mechanism of Meihua Quan through methods of literature review, oral history and logic analysis, indicating that: (1) Meihua Quan has a long history, a wide range of communication, as well as a large number of practitioners, thus having a strong cohesion and centripetal force. An important factor in this regard is the concept of All practitioners of Meihua Quan are a family; (2) The norms of Meihua Quan individual identity includes: Admission based on two-way choice; inherent law of authentic technique; strengthening power of collective activities; external mechanism of collective rules; (3) The approach to enhance the sense of collective identity in Meihua Quan is: One disciple, multiple masters, which promotes the master-led communion between sub-groups; the form of Daojuanlian promotes the blending of cultural heritage of Meihua Quan through sub-group communion; Piaotie (running poster) promotes collective identity between sub groups from different regions; The concept of literacy cultivation being prior to technique acquisition unifies the collective behavior of Meihua Quan practitioners.
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    Research on the Innovation of Block Chain-based Sports Big Data Integration and Communication
    SONG Yu
    2018, 44 (6):  61-67.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.009
    Abstract ( 958 )   PDF (1216KB) ( 1683 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature review, expert interview and comprehensive analysis, starting from the latest concept of block chain and its corresponding technology path, this present paper makes an exploratory research on the application and development prospects of the big data platform in the field of sports. At present, the development and application boom of sports big data has arrived. The existing methods of storing and using sports data face many challenges. The platform optimization, value mining and communication methods of sports big data are innovated constantly. Big data application in the fields of sports events, brokerage and copyright transactions and related security issues are becoming more and more prominent. Using the block chain technology to reform the means of sports big data integration and dissemination has strong technical and innovative features, and is very important for the collection, dissemination and utilization of sports information. Through theoretical research and technical analysis, this present paper has preliminarily clarified the feasibility and implementation strategy of applying block chain technology in sports field, and pointed out the specific path to innovate sports big data integration and dissemination mode.
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    Olympic Legacy Research Frontiers and Hotspots
    SHI Guosheng, FAN Yujing, LV Jidong
    2018, 44 (6):  68-73.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.010
    Abstract ( 1097 )   PDF (1350KB) ( 1676 )   Save
    Based on 215 research articles on Olympic legacy of from the year of 2010 to 2018 in the core collection of Web of Science, this study analyzes the research frontier and hotspots of Olympic legacy. The conclusions show that the concept and connotation of Olympic legacy is expanding. Winter Olympic Game is one of the hotspots of Olympic legacy research, the effect relationship should to be paid attention. The cross interaction between Olympic legacy and other disciplines are permeated with each other, and the research system is gradually improved. Through the analysis of research frontier and hotspots of Olympic legacy, we could lay the theoretical framework for the planning of Olympic legacy of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Game, and provide reference for the management and implementation.
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    A Study on the Group Development Characteristics of Sports Towns in China
    HUANG Zhuo, XIAO Sijuan, MIAO Yufan, SUN Zhongliang, XIAO Shupeng, XIANG Yujie, ZHANG Daolin, ZHANG Ying
    2018, 44 (6):  74-79.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.011
    Abstract ( 1152 )   PDF (1663KB) ( 1410 )   Save
    This paper analyzes the group characteristics of 24 sports towns published by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development by means of literature review and field survey. The results show that the establishment of sports towns is a new measure for the national urbanization development strategy, and a new attempt to develop supply-side reforms and promote the upgrading of sports industry. Sports towns have effectively promoted the development of space resources and paid more attention to the cultural extension and the exchanges at home and abroad. They have played an active role in expanding industrial investment and gathering high-end elements. At present, sports towns are developing rapidly across the country. However, the planning of various industrial patterns in sports towns of certain regions have not attracted enough attention. Conclusion: In the process of creating sports towns in China, we should further strengthen the exploration of space, industry and planning, and put an end to the situation of "one rush". The purpose of this paper is to provide reference suggestions for the construction of sports towns of various levels.
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    Research on the Reform of Pivotal Sports Social Organization under the Technological Governance
    ZHENG Hua, HE Qiang
    2018, 44 (6):  80-85.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.012
    Abstract ( 860 )   PDF (1196KB) ( 1202 )   Save
    Technological governance logic is the genetic mechanism of sports transformation in the gradual reform path. The practice model of hub organization, helps to break system constraints of the sports social organization reform, promote government and society apart, transform government functions, promote the construction of ability of organization. Technical control logic for the government to hub type sports society to organize the implementation of embedded reserved space, is the operation logic of organizational independence and security administration, the government needs to guide the action strategies, and lack of incremental adjustment and system construction and so on important cause of reality. Hub sports social organizations beyond the technical management logic, should be based on holistic governance reform goals, clear nature of organization and role positioning, to promote the reform of organization decoupling, strengthening the organization's business ability, promoting the construction of management system of stratification in stages.
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    Reflection on Creativity and Research Abilityof Graduates from Physical education
    ZHANG Xinhua
    2018, 44 (6):  86-89.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.013
    Abstract ( 974 )   PDF (1180KB) ( 1323 )   Save
    As the Physical education in China has entered into a fast development,the higher level of talents with creativity and research ability from it are in great need. However, because of the incomplete graduates' educational system and the not-well-adaptive situation between educational model and acquirement from social economical development, there is a way to go to culture graduates' creativity and research ability, as well as elimination of the barrier in the culturing. Based on investigation and analysis, this paper states that in order to improve their creativity and research ability,(1) the quality of graduates is the precondition; (2) courses are the bedrock; (3) scientific study is the necessary procedure; (4) academic environment is the support; (5) dissertation is the significant mark. Only in this way, we can promote our kinesiological graduates' creativity and research ability on the whole aspects and practically improve the culturing quality
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    On the scientization of sports training and several key problems of current Chinese competitive training practice (part three)——the principle of "system" training and the biological logic of its periodization
    LI Jie, WANG Xiaojun, LI Duanying, QIU Sheng, LI Zhi
    2018, 44 (6):  90-96.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.014
    Abstract ( 1075 )   PDF (1340KB) ( 1396 )   Save
    The deep analysis and discussion in the periodization of sports training, especially accordance with the system theory, combining with the actual situation of Chinese competition rules, repositioning of athletic training stage thought, to promote backward to enhance the efficiency of project training, plays an important role and significance of reality. This article adopts the method of theoretical analysis and empirical experience, with completely different from the traditional periodization training theory, from the perspective of the systematic training, based on the biological system changes to the environment "self-organization process experience competition adjustment localization" of biological rules, combined with the experiment of preparing for the Olympic Games in 2008, put forward the new thought of logic of modern training stage, including: the negation of the training period must have the understanding of the meaning of "cycle". The core of the periodization of training is the consistency of the formation of the athlete's competition target state and the competition time node. The empirical consistency of the competition target biological structure training must run through all the stages of the periodization, the functional limit training plate and the target structure's rhythm constraint fusion, the target steady state and the countdown arrangement maximize the staging training effect, the multi-structure stage target steady state linearity Platform optimization, as well as stage goal improvement staging based on the principle of total work (metabolism equivalent) and interaction chain metabolic capacity control relationship, etc., reinterpreted the high-level competitive training staging problem with a new concept.
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    The Effects of Interparental Conflicts on Adolescent Athletes' Aggressive Behavior: The Mediating and Moderating Effect of Sport Moral Disengagement
    GUO Zhengmao, YANG Jian
    2018, 44 (6):  97-103.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.015
    Abstract ( 732 )   PDF (1522KB) ( 1486 )   Save
    Based on the General Aggression Model (GAM), Social Learning Theory (SLT) and Moral Disengagement Theory (MDT), we recruited 856 Chinese adolescent athletes and tested them with self-report questionnaires, including Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale, Sport Moral Disengagement Questionnaire, Athlete Aggression Questionnaire to explore the effect of interparental conflicts on adolescent athletes' aggressive behavior, as well as the mediating and moderating role of the sport moral disengagement. The results showed that (1) Sport moral disengagement played a partial mediating role between interparental conflicts and adolescent athletes' aggressive behavior. (2) Sport moral disengagement moderated the relation between interparental conflicts and adolescent athletes' aggressive behavior. To some degree, the mediating and moderating effect model in this study could explain the mechanism of interparental conflicts impacting adolescent athletes' aggressive behavior. In the future, we can enhance the moral cognition of adolescent athletes by raising the level of interparental relationship. As a result, adolescent athletes' aggressive behavior may be prevented
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    Guiding and Cultivating Students’ Key Literacy of PE as An Ability
    ZHAO Fuxue, CHENG Chuanyin
    2018, 44 (6):  104-109.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.016
    Abstract ( 1992 )   PDF (1201KB) ( 2419 )   Save
    Capability is the basic requirement for PE subject teaching in the new round of PE curriculum reform, and the cornerstone for guiding and nurturing the students' key literacy of PE. In the capability perspective, the formation of PE moral character and self-cultivation is the prerequisite for the ability of students' key literacy of PE; the formation of sports interest and ability is fundamental; the formation of healthy behaviors and habits is an extension; the formation of sports quality and will power is the guarantee. Through the methods of school-based design, information construction, effective teaching, and stratified assessment, it is feasible to guide students' key literacy of PE. Under the background of deepening curriculum reform, the cultivation of core competence of students' key literacy of PE can be achieved by highlighting the central step of curriculum reform, optimizing the hierarchical order of curriculum reform, repairing weak areas of curriculum reform, and following the overall curriculum reform plan. In the process of assessing the key literacy of PE, it is necessary for PE teachers and sports researchers to work together to research and learn from existing international experiences, transform and upgrade existing domestic results, and deconstruct and reconstruct the intrinsic mode of research, integrate and improve the mature assessment techniques to ensure that realization of students' key literacy of PE.
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    Visually Tracking the Target in Sport - Progress and Prospect of Quiet Eye Research
    SUN Guoxiao, ZHANG Liwei, Mark R. WILSON
    2018, 44 (6):  110-115.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.017
    Abstract ( 747 )   PDF (1217KB) ( 1302 )   Save

    The use of eye tracking technology to index visual attention has become more prevalent in sport psychology, with the quiet eye concept being a particular measure of interest. In this paper we first review (1) the definition and measurement of quiet eye, (2) its relationship with performance, (3) the proposed mechanisms underpinning the benefits of quiet eye, and (4) the utility of quiet eye training. Then we outline future research questions which will further our understanding, for example, exploring the neural mechanism of quiet eye, and testing theoretically-driven questions related to quiet eye (e.g., attentional control theory, challenge-threat cognitive appraisal theory, the strength model of self-control, etc.). We also explore how quiet eye research might be broadened to other fields; both in terms of theoretical interest (e.g., applied psychology and motor control and development), and to other areas of application (e.g., medicine, aviation, military). Quiet eye research could be applied outside of the laboratory to help athletes acquire sport skills efficiently, and maintain performance under pressure. The protocol of quiet eye research in sport could also be reference of research and application in non-sport areas; and therefore quiet eye research would be helpful in broadening research fields of psychology

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    Physical Activity Vital Signs: Exercise Is the Core of Medicine and the Fulcrum of Medicine and Physical Activity Integration
    YUE Jianjun, GONG Junli, BEI Yingjiu, WU Benlian
    2018, 44 (6):  116-120.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.018
    Abstract ( 1046 )   PDF (2169KB) ( 1770 )   Save
    This paper used literature review and expert interview to analyzes the development of physical activity vital sign research and the frontiers of research validity and reliability. It suggests that physical activity vital signs have been studied and applied in western hospital diagnosis system as a mature evaluation tool.The first version of physical activity vital signs has higher reliability and validity. Based on physical activity vital signs,the US has built the "exercise is a medicine solution" for integrating health care, health insurance, community and fitness.This paper puts forward the paths to realize physical activity vital signs in China: accelerate the construction and development of physical activity vital sign standard, design top-level policy strategies to promote the implementation of physical activity vital signs; taking the integration of sports departments and interest-related industries as the basis, effective policies and strategies as a lever and the life system of physical activity as the pivot point, to eliminate the the "heavy burden" of chronic diseases induced by insufficient physical activities.
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    Effects of Practicing 24-style Tai Chi Chuan on EEG Oscillations and Mood in Middle-aged Elderly Adults
    JI Ruimin
    2018, 44 (6):  121-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.06.019
    Abstract ( 925 )   PDF (1427KB) ( 1323 )   Save
    Objectives:To observe effects of practicing 24-style Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) on EEG oscillations and mood in middle-aged women. Methods:24 middle-aged women were recruited to participate in the study. Electroencephalography (EEG) oscillations, heart rate, and mood were evaluated by EEG equipment, heart rate telemetry, and psychological questionnaire before and after practicing 24-style TCC. Results: the data indicated that when the heart rate returned to the rest state, compared to the pre-practice, the α relative power significantly increased (P<0.01) and θ relative power remarkably decreased(P<0.05) in the frontal region, while the θ relative power in the central and occipital region significantly declined (P<0.05). After 24-style TCC training, the score of positive mood significantly increased and negative mood was inhibited. In addition, the increase of α relative power in frontal (r=0.830 , P<0.01) and central (r= 0.708 , P<0.01)region sand decrease of θ relative power in frontal(r =-0.675,P<0.01) or central (r=-0.733, P<0.001)regions were closely associated with the positive mood. Conclusion: the data underpin that practicing Tai Chi Chuan could produce mind-physical relaxation in practicers
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