ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 May 2018, Volume 44 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Rise of Sports Power from the Perspective of National Development
    LIU Qing, WANG Hongshen, SUN Shuhui, CHEN Linhui, WANG Hongjiang, RAO Weijuan
    2018, 44 (3):  1-6.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.001
    Abstract ( 1484 )   PDF (1067KB) ( 2215 )   Save
    Since the reform and opening up, Chinese sports have made remarkable achievements along with the rapid development of China's economy and society. From the perspective of national development, this present paper reviews and summarizes the historical contributions of sports in the construction of national spirit, the construction of national image, and the peaceful rise of China in the process of China's modernization. The research suggests that during the process of building a powerful nation, sports should play its due role in promoting the overall health of the people, promoting the harmonious development of society, helping the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and promoting the construction of a well-off society. This present paper proposes the strategy of developing China's sports in the new era, that is, taking the people as the center to establish the development orientation of the "big sports" mechanism, deepening reforms in a comprehensive way to form the development trend of "great development", and guiding the construction of sports power with "four confidences", i.e. confidence in our chosen path, guiding theories, political system, and culture, to achieve the development goal of "grand opening" and focusing on the development orientation of walking onto the center of the international stage with "great responsibility".
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    Reconstructing Views of Sports History and Transforming Research Paradigms: A Discussion of the Concept and Definition of Sports from the Perspective of Sports Historiography.
    HAO Qin
    2018, 44 (3):  7-13.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.002
    Abstract ( 901 )   PDF (1076KB) ( 2012 )   Save
    This paper reviews and discusses the traditional views of sports history, and examines the concept and definition of sports-the logical starting point of sports research. On this basis, the author puts forward new views of sports history and research paradigms according to the characteristics of contemporary sports development and new historiography theory.
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    Real and Natural: Logical Rift in Sports Sociological Studies
    ZHANG Xiaoyi,WANG Daojie
    2018, 44 (3):  14-18.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.003
    Abstract ( 814 )   PDF (1050KB) ( 1646 )   Save
    Based on a differentiation of the "real" and "natural" concept, this present paper discusses the "logical rift" in sports sociological studies. By means of literature review and logical analysis, the paper first illustrates the logical rift in sports sociological studies, i.e. the "real" situation, which include false prosperity, academic camouflage, academic dogmatization, weak construction, inadequacy of theories and theory's disconnection with practice, and further explores the reasons behind all these problems; Then the paper points out the few areas of concern, i.e. the "natural" tendency, which include scientific attitude, accumulation of thoughts, solid foundation, ethic self-discipline, broad horizon, putting theory into practice, appropriate use of numbers and methods. The paper concludes with a brief summary of the research findings.
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    On Several Key Issues in Scientization of Sports Training and Current Chinese Athletic Training Practice ——A Primary Analysis of Biological Basis ofTraditional "Periodization" Theory
    LI Jie, QIU Sheng,WANG Xiaojun, LI Ruiying, LI Zhi
    2018, 44 (3):  19-24.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.004
    Abstract ( 755 )   PDF (1257KB) ( 1832 )   Save

    From the perspectives of modern physiology and system biology, combined with many years of practical research on competitive training and training monitoring, this paper discussed issues on the biological training theory of traditional "periodization" such as "General Adaptive Syndrome (GAS)","Trace Effect","Excessive Recovery". The results suggest that: "Excessive Recovery" awareness by "GAS" and "Trace Effect", and emphasis on "total training load" completely obscure the relationship between "quality and quantity" formed by the "fixed state" structure of the special target, putting the load into the "vigilance-resistance" and then leading to the thinking of "overcompensation", which easily leads to the enlargement of the concept "large amount of exercise" and the extreme nutrition recovery method. In the competitive training practice, both the state of the target instability caused by humans and injuries caused by the accumulation of overload, regardless of the concept of "GAS" or "Excessive Load", lack operational training quantitative control indicators, resulting in the complexity of the actual training control. The paper puts forward that modern sports training must be based on the results of modern life science research, and it is necessary to transform to the awareness of systematic training.

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    Research on the Amendment to the General Provisions in Law of the PRC on Physical Culture and Sports
    JIANG Xi
    2018, 44 (3):  25-32.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.005
    Abstract ( 1084 )   PDF (1083KB) ( 1805 )   Save

    The revision of Law of the PRC on Physical Culture and Sports is an important task in the construction of the rule of law in China. The amendment to the General Provisions in Law of the PRC on Physical Culture and Sports is directly related to the amendment of the whole law, and how to carry out the amendment to the General Provisions has become a major problem in the revision of the law. This paper, using the methods of literature and comparison, discusses the amendment to the General Provisions, and proposes some suggestions for amendment which include: using accurate language in the General Provisions; adding regulations on the scope of both law adjustment and application; perfecting expressions on the legislative objectives and basis; further improving the provisions on state responsibilities and duties; adding the articles on sports associations and sports industry; perfecting the articles of sports agencies' administration by law, improving the provisions on specific people groups; adding the provisions on the sports development in the underdeveloped regions; and adding contents on the purposes of China's participation in international sports exchanges

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    Theoretical Analysis of Law-Guided Sport Governance Mode from the Perspective of Social Power
    LU Junjie
    2018, 44 (3):  33-38.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.006
    Abstract ( 925 )   PDF (1064KB) ( 1617 )   Save

    Traditional anti-corruption sports governance modes which include campaign mode, organization mode, institution mode and other modes, and take government power as their intrinsic power engine, have paradoxes in theory. The driving force behind the historical change of sports governance modes is the replacement of power, while social power has the functions of balancing sports administrative power, generating soft sports law norm systems, cultivating new social sports organizations, and so on and can become the intrinsic driving force of law-guided sports governance mode. The law-guided sports governance mode which takes the goodness of sports governance as its value orientation, social sports organizations as its leading force, soft sports law as its primary rule system, and the induced change as its main path can effectively realize the goal of cracking down on sports anti-corruption by law.

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    A Comparative Study on Special Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Sports Contest for Persons with Disabilities
    HUANG Shichang
    2018, 44 (3):  39-44.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.007
    Abstract ( 775 )   PDF (1054KB) ( 1478 )   Save

    The particularity of disputes in sports contest for persons with disabilities determines the diversity of their dispute resolution mechanism. This paper, employing the method of literature review and logical analysis, introduces three typical cases in the US, Australia and Japan respectively, investigates the dispute resolution mechanisms and their characteristics. The results suggest that if a dispute involves human rights and disability discrimination, the lawsuit conciliation is applied in the U S, the mediation mechanism is applied in Australia; and the arbitration mechanism is applied to sportsman qualification dispute in Japan. Based on a comparison of the dispute resolution practices in different countries, and exploration of the development trend, with reference to the status quo in China, the paper puts forward the following suggestions: improving the internal dispute resolution mechanism of sports organizations for both the disabled and the able-bodied; establishing sports dispute mediation institution and arbitration branches for persons with disabilities; and perfecting the lawsuit mechanism to promote the construction of the diversified dispute resolution mechanism, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the disabled in sports contest effectively.

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    Study on the Evaluation Index System of Sports Town Development Level
    TIAN Xueli,ZHAO Xiuhan
    2018, 44 (3):  45-52.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.008
    Abstract ( 763 )   PDF (1073KB) ( 1957 )   Save

    As a breakthrough point for the new urbanization, sports poverty alleviation, and the reform of sports industry supply side, the development of sports towns is becoming a research focus. On the basis of clarifying the connotations of sports town, this present paper studies the evaluation index system of sports town development level and proposes that the design of indicators should follow the principles of being feasible, operational, comparable and practical. Based on the empirical pre-selection of the indicator system, two rounds of expert surveys and indicator selection, and the determination of weighted indicators through AHP method, the present paper finally constructs the evaluation index system of sports town, which includes the four dimensions of sports town basic information, sports industry, sports resources and public sports services.

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    The Formation, Construction and Characteristics of Sports Cultural Space in Modern Shanghai
    NI Jingshuai, ZHANG Ye’an
    2018, 44 (3):  53-57.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.009
    Abstract ( 769 )   PDF (1063KB) ( 1838 )   Save

    By means of literature review and text analysis, this present paper explores the public sports cultural space in modern Shanghai, and analyses the development stages of the sports cultural space with the focus on parks, racecourses, school construction spaces and newspapers. Research suggests that sports cultural space expanded the public domain in modern Shanghai, and had the characteristics of being inclusive, innovation model, social commerce and political enlightenment.

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    Selective Reconstruction of Traditional Sports Culture in National Tourism Field —Investigation based on the Shanjiang Miao's Museum
    TIAN Zuguo,LI Yanling,LUO Wanhong
    2018, 44 (3):  58-64.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.010
    Abstract ( 727 )   PDF (1126KB) ( 1871 )   Save

    As a tourist attraction, the Shanjiang Miao's Museum provides a new field for the modern exhibition of traditional sports. Through a detailed description of the structure and form of traditional sports in the museum, this paper reveals how the traditional sports culture has been selected and packaged into tourism products or commodities. The results show that the traditional sports in national tourism fields are "new traditions" reconstructed from "original ecological activities". Based on tourists' consumption demand, some local people become tourism practitioners in the reconstruction and innovation of traditional sports under the leadership of national elites. The new traditional sports not only satisfy tourists' imagination of minority cultures, but also reconstruct local cultural ecology.

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    A Translation Study of International Communication of Chinese Traditional Sports Culture
    BAI Lan
    2018, 44 (3):  65-69.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.011
    Abstract ( 976 )   PDF (1063KB) ( 1822 )   Save

    This paper studies the translation dilemma in international communication of Chinese traditional sports culture. The results indicate that the dilemma includes: lack of professional translators, the number of translation publications being limited, translation methods lacking divergence, and the scope of translation contents being narrow. To tackle the dilemma, this present paper proposes the following measures: constructing translation talents training system to cultivate professional translators; emphasizing the transfer of context to broaden cultural paths of communication; breaking through culture barriers; and optimizing translation contents of traditional sports culture.

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    Study on Li Liyan's Sports Philosophy
    LI Jinsuo,LIU Xinran,HUANG Yaling
    2018, 44 (3):  70-75.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.012
    Abstract ( 898 )   PDF (1068KB) ( 1622 )   Save

    This present paper is a study on Li Li-yan's sports philosophy. The author first explains sports' value in the world from the perspective of thinking system; then describes the cultural image of sports evolution form a historical perspective; further elaborates that sports are an important way to maintain human vitality; and finally trace out the natural link between sports and human being in the process of sports humanization, stating that sports are a remedy for human's life. Thus, sports' nature, existing value, and its practical significance can be seen as the natural requirements of human life and the purification of sports thought is a beneficial supplement to life naturalization.

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    The Ritual Analysis on Champion Ceremony of Leicester City Football Club and Air Crash Mourning Ceremony of Chapecoense Football Club
    LIANG Bin,XIA Zhongliang
    2018, 44 (3):  76-80.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.013
    Abstract ( 641 )   PDF (1047KB) ( 1555 )   Save

    This article analyses the champion ceremony of Leicester City Football Club and the mourning ceremony of Chapecoense Football Club from ritual theory.The article explains the sacred and social nature of the two rituals from misfortune avoidance and performance ceremony. Meanwhile, semiotic analysis shows that the two rituals are symbol systems. Symbols are combined into a comprehensive meaning unit to reflect the biaxial relations.Text and co-text contain a variety of social culture information and people with same text-identity share one cultural code. Synchronic happenings and diachronic collective memories extend the content of meaning web with the help of infinite semioses.The two ceremonies reestablish the attributes of traditional rituals in form, content, function and spirit and have good collective identity impact on community members' ideology construction. The research is conducive to the analysis of sports and its social function.

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    The Practice of Sports Learning from the Perspective of Body Cognition
    YIN Zhiguo, WAN Lin, FAN Yunxiang
    2018, 44 (3):  81-87.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.014
    Abstract ( 725 )   PDF (1076KB) ( 1715 )   Save

    In order to explore the harmonious development of mind and body, the integration of "I" and the world, and the way to realize the all-round development of human being, this present paper, using literature review, taking physical cognitive theory as the theoretical basis, and combining the essential features of the practice of sports learning, summarizes the main connotations of body's subjectivity, integrity, and the connectivity of cognitive field in body cognitive theory; proposes stressing the cognitive functions of "body touch", "body outreach" and "body virtuality" in the process of sports learning with reference to the body cognitive theory to construct a fusion model of physical cognition and exercise learning practice; and explores the three ways of developing athletes' or students' sense of sports ontology, body creativity and aesthetic ability, as well as strengthening the connectivity of cognitive field for the integration of body and mind in the practice of sports learning.

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    Relationship between Self-Determination Motivation and Pro-social & Anti-social Behaviour: The Mediating Effect of Sport Moral Disengagement
    XIA Junli
    2018, 44 (3):  88-93.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.015
    Abstract ( 794 )   PDF (1120KB) ( 1831 )   Save

    In order to explore the effect of self-determination motivation on pro-social and anti-social behaviour and the working mechanism, this study investigated 203 Chinese athletes through ports behavioral regulation scale, sport moral disengagement scale and pro-social and antisocial behavior scale. The results indicate that: (1) self-determination motivation can positively predict pro-social behaviour, whereas controlled motivation can positively predict anti-social behavior and sport moral disengagement; (2) sport moral disengagement can partially mediate the relationship between controlled motivation and anti-social behaviour. Suggestions:when providing professional ethics education for athletes, we need to foster athletes' self-determination motivation, while decreasing controlled motivation and sport moral disengagement. This may be helpful to increase athletes' pro-social behavior and decrease their anti-social behavior.

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    A Review of Sports Moral Judgment Studies
    WANG Dong,CHEN Zuosong
    2018, 44 (3):  94-101.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.016
    Abstract ( 592 )   PDF (1094KB) ( 1472 )   Save

    As an important psychological process prior to athletes' implementation of sports moral behavior, sports moral judgment has important influence on athletes' moral behavior. This present paper introduces the development of sports moral judgement measurement and reviews the studies on its influential factors and the relationship between sports moral judgement and sports moral behavior, aiming to lay a foundation for further studies of sports moral judgement in China as well as provide the theoretical basis for athletes' professional ethics education. This present paper proposes that studies on the following aspects should be strengthened: (1) promoting the local research of sports moral judgement measurement tools to enrich and improve the measurement of sports moral judgement; (2) clarifying the relationship between existing influential factors and sports moral judgement to explore more influential variants and working mechanism; (3) Paying attention to pro-social and anti-social behaviors to specify the relationship between sports moral judgment and pro-social and antisocial behaviors; (4) enriching the research paradigm of sports moral judgement to strengthen longitudinal and intervention research.

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    Research on High Level Coaches' Organization Support: Based on the Real-Natural Bidimensional Perspective
    QIU Feiyun,LIU Bing
    2018, 44 (3):  102-107.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.017
    Abstract ( 649 )   PDF (1072KB) ( 1600 )   Save

    Under the background of social reform, the internal and external environment of competitive sports organizations are undergoing profound changes, as a result, the change of organizational support must have a positive influence on the cognition and behavior of high-level coaches. Based on the theory of organizational support, this paper discusses the current situation, confusion and construction path of high-level coaches' organization support from the real-natural bidimensional perspective. The research indicates that the path dependence on both the original competitive sports management system and operation mechanism leads to contradiction and conflict in coaches' system support.The low level of psychological capital is the source of coaches' confusion and imbalance in innovation support.The weakening of traditional values leads to the dislocation and lack of coaches' emotional support. Taking the meta-analysis of Rhoades & Eisenberger as the basic framework, this paper suggests: develop the external motivation of organization support construction; stimulate the internal motivation by improving coaches' autonomy; realize the development path of coaches' organization support by training coaches' awareness of initiative innovation.

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    Several Questions on the Historical Evolution of Athletic Training Methods
    YANG Qunru, LIU Jianhe
    2018, 44 (3):  108-113.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.018
    Abstract ( 1038 )   PDF (1067KB) ( 1810 )   Save

    By means of literature review and logical analysis, this present paper discusses several questions on athletic training methods: the concept of athletic training methods, historical stages of athletic training methods and inadequacy in theoretical studies; review of historical evolution of athletic training methods and prospect for future studies; the development of athletic training methods is deeply rooted in the understanding of "human being"; medical development constitutes the biological basis of athletic training methods; the advancement of science and technology provides a solid foundation for the innovation and efficacy of athletic training methods.

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    Analysis on the Characteristics and Effect of Serving and Receiving Combination Placements in Xu Xin Versus Mizutani Jun Matches
    ZHANG Yuanyue,WANG Yan,LI Rongzhi,ZHONG Fei
    2018, 44 (3):  114-120.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.019
    Abstract ( 654 )   PDF (1145KB) ( 1716 )   Save

    By means of literature review, combination placements recording, mathematical statistics, this present paper analyzes the techniques of Xu Xin and Mizutani Jun, two top male table tennis players in the world, in their 13 matches from 2009 to 2016, aiming to reveal the characteristics and effects of their serving and receiving combination placements. The results show that: Xu Xin has obvious advantage when serving to placements 2 and 5; Xu Xin has the highest rate of effective attack in the third shot when combination placements 2-9 occur; Mizutani Jun's receiving targets Xu Xin's disadvantage in backhand position. Mizutani Jun's serving placements are mainly short-distance ones within the table, combined with moderate-distance ones beyond the table, and interspersed with bottom line long-distance ones; Mizutani Jun often loses when combination placements 6-9, 5-9, and 3-3 occur, and these are Mizutani Jun 's weakness; Xu Xin gains obvious advantage when serving to placement 9 with the technique of backhand twist, and loses more often when using the technique of forehand control.On the whole, Xu Xin scores lower in backhand position than in forehand and sideways positions, showing that there is an unbalanced tendency in his techniques. Suggestions: Xu Xin needs to get ready for placements 1, 6, 7, and 9 in the third shot of his service round ahead of time, and strengthen his training for combination placements 5-9, and 2-1; make clear Mizutani Jun's stroke mode at combination placements 6-9, 5-9, and 3-3 when in the receiving round; enhance his backhand rally ability, and optimize his pen-hold backhand attack technique.

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    Research on the Development of 200 State -Level Youth Sports Club in Beijing
    LI Yuanyuan
    2018, 44 (3):  121-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.03.020
    Abstract ( 929 )   PDF (1068KB) ( 1609 )   Save

    In order to allow more young people to participate in sports and continuously improve their physical fitness, and to discover and select competitive sports talents with athletic talent on this basis, China started to create state-level youth sports clubs in 2000. The measures were reaffirmed in the 12th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Sports. Since 2000, Beijing has established state-level youth sports clubs. As of 2016, there are a total of 200 state-level youth sports clubs in Beijing, distributed in 16 districts and counties in the city. Using the methods of literature review, expert interview and logic analysis, this article compares the changes in the number of state-level youth sports clubs in Beijing, their distribution, the main types, the major sports programs carried out, the supporting institutions, fees and teachers, trying to find out their main problems, such as inadequacy of clubs attached to primary and secondary schools, and their uneven distribution. To address these issues, it is proposed to clearly define the nature and functions of state-level youth sports clubs, strengthen organization and leadership, increase funding, and strengthen the construction of venue facilities. In order to maintain the sound development of state-level youth sports clubs in Beijing, it is necessary to establish standardized organizations, implement a hierarchical management of the clubs, and clarify their relationship with the supporting institutions; establish a sound assessment and incentive mechanism; broaden funding channels to diversify funding sources; and increase publicity efforts.

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