ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 March 2018, Volume 44 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    A Survey of the Historical Change of Western Sports Culture——Based on a Cultural Philosophy Perspective from "Theodicy" to "Human Theory"
    CHENG Weibo,ZHAO Fatian
    2018, 44 (2):  1-5.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.001
    Abstract ( 1074 )   PDF (1145KB) ( 2169 )   Save

    Based on relevant literature and cultural philosophy perspective, the author reviewed the spiritual connotation of the historical change of western sports culture from "theodicy" to "human theory" The research indicates: western sports culture has underwent the historical change from "theodicy" to "human theory" Theodicy sports view looks upon sports beyond the limitations of human affairs, and regards sports as the embodiment of infinite divine intention. This view has long occupied the dominant position of western sports culture, and later theories including the great theory of chain of being carried on this tradition. The "justice theory" sports view understands and explains sports from human itself, attaching importance to the role and meaning of inner drivingforce in sports. Although this view has brought about the great development of humanistic sports, it's combination with the supremacy of science and technology has given rise to many problems. In order to realize the development of humanistic sports, we need to ensure the humanistic nature of sports, and make it undertake the important mission of humanistic education; discard the technical rationality worship of sports culture to realize the whole life care; and achieve a sports culture transcending secular and sacred, which is full of spiritual tension.

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    Shooting the Arrow at the Target:Constructing the Dynamic Cognition and Umbrella Concept of "Chinese Archery Art"
    YUN Yan,HAO Qin
    2018, 44 (2):  6-11.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.002
    Abstract ( 1105 )   PDF (1177KB) ( 2129 )   Save

    By means of documents and logical analysis, this present paper puts the research of traditional archery under the macro-historical context of Zhonghua's (China) transmutation, and explores the nature of traditional archery. The paper proposes that "Zhonghua Archery Art" is an umbrella concept which can resolve in a strict sense the problem of "what it is" based on the mutual embedding and interaction of "ZhongHua" and "archery", the paper illustrates the dynamic cognition in the formation and development of "ZhongHua Archery Art" from the perspective of "what it is for?" the construction of the umbrella concept of "Zhonghua Archery Art" transcends the limits of "national state"and "boundary", explaining the question of "why it is so"

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    Research on the Reconstruction and Historical Characteristics of the Sports Science Discipline in Taiwan (1945-1972)
    WANG Lei,LI Pingping, WANG Heng,ZHANG Liping,LI Bo
    2018, 44 (2):  12-17.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.003
    Abstract ( 1008 )   PDF (1160KB) ( 2003 )   Save
    The special historical background of Taiwan makes its history of physical education different from the mainland. By means of literature, this paper makes a systematic analysis of the reconstruction and historical characteristics of physical education after Taiwan's recovery. This paper points out: (1) The period of 1946-1952 was the first stage of sports teachers training in Taiwan; the distribution of physical education majors in colleges was completed in 1969 (2) Taiwan has launched a comprehensive sports science research since 1958. The period of 1958-1972 can be regarded as the initial stage of sports science research reconstruction in Taiwan. There are four historical characteristics in the reconstruction of the sports science discipline in Taiwan: (1) sports scholars from the mainland have become the core force of the discipline reconstruction, thus making the sports disciplines across the Taiwan Straits have the same origin; (2) The reconstruction of sports science discipline in Taiwan started with cultivation of teachers and was followed by the development of the discipline; (3) the reconstruction of sports science discipline in Taiwan has close relationship with military; (4) the development of sports science discipline in Taiwan is deeply influenced by international factors.
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    Square, Theater and Stadium——Analysis of Sports Venues in Ancient China
    ZHANG Xin
    2018, 44 (2):  18-23.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.004
    Abstract ( 1294 )   PDF (2516KB) ( 1901 )   Save
    Square, theater and stadium are terms in ancient Chinese literature. This present paper distinguishes their functions and nature by means of literature analysis and cultural relic verification. It is found that square, stadium, and theatre were the main physical platforms for sports games in ancient China and they, functioning as different spaces, carried different symbolic meanings. Sports show on the Royal Plaza might be a grand ritual ceremony; stadium was the sports venue exclusive to descendants of royal families and aristocrats, both GouLan and Wasi were markets where professional entertainers presented commercial performances to earn their living. It is clear that playgrounds had a direct influence on modes of sports games. and the social institutions such as the spatial distribution and opening degree of playgrounds were a revelation of the changing times. The differentiated functions of square, stadium, theatre in ancient China were in line with feudal etiquette and blood links. The closed playgrounds prevented the formation of public competition mechanism, making many sports games held on square and theater as skillful leisure performances. In modern times, the construction of public stadiums has fundamentally changed the forms of sports. Currently, the design of landscape cities and the improvement of sports environment in China indicate that the form of social sports has come to the new node of historical changes.
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    Adolescent Sports Health Communication Model: Theoretical Framework, Variable Relation and Effect Evaluation
    ZHANG Yean
    2018, 44 (2):  24-30.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.005
    Abstract ( 1007 )   PDF (1267KB) ( 2080 )   Save
    Based on a review of relevant literature on adolescent sports health communication at home and abroad, the present paper put forward the definition of sports health communication in the mediated society and constructed by referring to relevant theories such as HBM, EMPA and experts suggestions the adolescent sports health communication model which includes "a background (mediated society), three dimensions (macro-, meso- and micro-level), and three factors (use of media, sports, and health)" .The mode reveals the social environment, media communication and sports factors which influence adolescent health. Analyzing the influence of various dimensions in the model on adolescent health, the interaction between the factors and the effect evaluation helps lay the foundation for subsequent quantitative research (large sample survey and experimental analysis) on adolescent sports health communication in the future.
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    On the Legal Nature of Sports Events Program
    ZHANG Zhiwei
    2018, 44 (2):  31-36.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.006
    Abstract ( 900 )   PDF (1149KB) ( 1985 )   Save
    The anti-unfair competition law can't fully regulate the network piracy of sports event programs due to its inherent limitations, so it is still necessary to protect them through copyright law. However, the nature of protecting sports events programs through copyright law is yet to be made clear. Comparing the programs with documentaries, we can find that the artistic creativity of sports events programs is not sufficient, therefore, they can not be classified as art works like films. The expression of sports events programs has to follow a fixed pattern, thus lacking novelty, therefore, they don't have the originality necessary for art works. They don't belong to the art works as stipulated by the copyright law, but only recordings.
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    The Study of Sports Communication in the New Stage: Review of the 4th International Conference on Sports Communication 2017
    ZENG Wenli
    2018, 44 (2):  37-42.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.007
    Abstract ( 977 )   PDF (1158KB) ( 2235 )   Save

    Objective: To make a comprehensive review of the 4th International Conference on Sport Communication 2017. Methods: Document research. Results: (1) The transition towards communication ecology has brought about sports communication new media cultural landscapes such as digital media, social media and mobile media; (2)The Olympic communication, which has been globalized over the past 100 years, is faced with various crises; (3) Traditional issues are approached from different perspectives by researchers from China and other countries, and new cross-frontier issues are emerging. Conclusion: This international conference is of great significance in the development of sports communication studies.

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    Research on the Transfer Agent System of Professional Basketball Players in China——Mixed Strategy Game Analysis Based on the Principal Agent Relationship of Club, Athlete and Broker
    XIN Songhe
    2018, 44 (2):  43-48.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.008
    Abstract ( 1683 )   PDF (1286KB) ( 1899 )   Save
    The agency problem among club, athlete and broker in the transfer of players is one of the main problems of the transfer agent system of professional basketball players in China. Based on how to establish an effective transfer system of professional basketball players to better solve the principal-agent problem among club, athlete and broker. This paper, by means of literature review, expert interview and case analysis, studies the transfer agent system of professional basketball players in China through a mixed strategy game analysis of the agency problem of club, athlete and broker. The paper points out that the problems with the current system include: imperfect supervision system, lack of effective incentive mechanism and weak punishment mechanism. This paper puts forward such specific measures as pre-transfer incentive, post-transfer supervision and punishment to improve athletes' transfer agency system, in the hope of providing reference for the reform of athletes' transfer agency system.
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    Research Progress and Enlightenment of Brand Image Transfer in Foreign Sports Sponsorship Marketing Activities
    ZHANG Yongtao
    2018, 44 (2):  49-56.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.009
    Abstract ( 813 )   PDF (1241KB) ( 1814 )   Save
    Brand image transfer is an important part of sports sponsorship marketing theory research. This paper sums up the main research achievements and latest progress on brand image transfer in sports sponsorship marketing activities over the past twenty years, reviews the main research contents on brand image transfer from the three aspects of celebrity endorsement theory, multiple sponsorship perspective and customers learning perspective and summarizes the internal logic of brand image transfer research. On this basis, this paper puts forward the future research direction on brand image transfer in sports sponsorship marketing from the four aspects of theoretical construction, research contents, subjects and methods in the hope of promoting the development of China's sports sponsorship marketing theory.
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    Necessity and Difficult Situation of Domestic Sports Rights——Adhering to the Spirit of State Intervention and Autonomy
    WANG Hongbing, TANG Weidong
    2018, 44 (2):  57-62.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.010
    Abstract ( 750 )   PDF (1176KB) ( 1749 )   Save
    By means of literature review and deductive reference and on the basis of analyzing the content and form of domestic rights, the present paper demonstrates the guarantee and adjustment mechanism of domestic sports rights in both public and private law. The paper proposes that the public law's orientation and interference determine the role of domestic sports rights in the process of sports rule of law, while the private law's autonomy and freedom promote the personification of domestic sports rights in human right protection. The paper also reveals the features and necessity of domestic sports rights and appeals for special attention and guarantee measures for domestic sports rights.
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    Implementation of and Countermeasures for International Weightlifting Federation 2017 Technical And Competition Rules And Regulations
    YANG Shiyong, YANG Yong, XIONG Weizhi, LONG Wangchun, HUANG Zhong
    2018, 44 (2):  63-68.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.011
    Abstract ( 651 )   PDF (1156KB) ( 1811 )   Save
    By means of observation, literature, survey, logical analysis, and statistics, the present paper analyzes the content, implementation and results of International Weightlifting Federation 2017 Technical And Competition Rules And Regulations and discovers the following changes: when athletes reach the standard weight level, their weight will be excluded from ranking; women's categories have changed from 7 to 8; the "20 kg"rule applies to both men and women; no claim is allowed to be lodged against rules of arbitration or umpire's decisions and provisions on referees' and officials' responsibilities are more accurate. Changes that have occurred since the implementation of the new rules include: competitions are more enjoyable, and it is more difficult to predicate competitors' position, as a result the suspense of competition increases; weight plan in attempt is enriched and the successful rate of attempt is enhanced thereby; requirements on both coaches' on-the-spot instruction ability and referees' working ability increase. For these changes, the present paper proposes the following countermeasures: to improve greatly referees' ability and level and fully implement the new rules as soon as possible; to strengthen research on scientific training and improve people's understanding of successful rate; improve coaches' on-the-spot instruction ability and reaction ability, making them realize that key factors to decide success are ability and competitive level.
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    Research on the Highlights, Problems and Optimization Strategies in CBA League Matches at the Present Stage
    YAO Jian
    2018, 44 (2):  69-74.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.012
    Abstract ( 915 )   PDF (1160KB) ( 2191 )   Save
    In order to promote the reform and brand construction of the CBA league, this present paper, by means of literature, video observation, and expert interview, studies the main highlights and problems of the league at the present stage, The results show that the main highlights of the CBA league is that Sichuan and Xinjiang have become the fifth and sixth champions in CBA history, showing the new competition pattern of multipolar confrontation among Guangdong, Xinjiang, Liaoning, and Shanghai. Some domestic players have outstanding performance and super foreign aids make people's focus on the League continue to rise. Some matches have become brand competitions, and the competition rules continue to be optimized. The main problems include violence in the field, referee misjudgment, foreign aids play a leading role in competition, imbalance of teams competitive strengths, irrational competition schedule, and uncivilized spectators. Suggestions: combing prevention and control to prevent violence, integrating various forces to reduce disputes over referees' penalties, optimizing the rules to promote the coordinated development of domestic players and foreign aids, working out the top design to maintain the balance of team competition, optimizing the competition schedule with the times, and taking comprehensive measures to improve fans' culture .
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    Characteristics and Evaluation of Core Athletic Performance of Foreign Golfers
    YIN Huaigang,LU Dongdong,HAN Dong
    2018, 44 (2):  75-79.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.013
    Abstract ( 791 )   PDF (1151KB) ( 1911 )   Save
    Athletic performance and its evaluation are the hot topics in golf research both at home and abroad. Based on foreign documents centering around the core athletic performance of foreign golfers, this paper summarizes and evaluate relevant academic viewpoints and trends. Analysis shows: the core athletic performance of golfers lies in their physical fitness, skills and psychology. Physical fitness features "swiftness, accuracy, toughness and steadiness" skills "body rotation, force transmission and counterforce" and psychology "concentration, self-control and confidence" Evaluation of foreign golfers focuses on the three aspects of accuracy and range of putter, age and score.
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    Intervention of Sub-plateau Training in Native Plateau Adolescent Endurance Athletes' Aerobic `Capacity
    LIU Na,QIAN Yu,YIN Jin,LIU Qing
    2018, 44 (2):  80-85.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.014
    Abstract ( 852 )   PDF (1680KB) ( 2126 )   Save
    Objective: To improve the native plateau youth endurance athletes' aerobic ability through the intervention of sub-platitude training, and compensate the intensity lost in plateau training on the basis of optimizing the function of heart and lung and the use of oxygen in muscle tissues, aiming to exert a more positive and far-reaching influence on the development of the endurance sports in China through reasonable sub-plateau training intervention. Methods: 48 youth native endurance athletes from Ganzi Prefecture of Sichuan Province were divided into experimental group A ( 3 weeks on plateau- 2 weeks on sub-plateau-1 week on plain) and control group B (5 weeks on plateau-1 week on plain) to participate in the experiment. Results: (1) compared with group B, group A presented better performance in limit running, used shorter average time in 400 meters running, much closer to their shortest time in 400 meters running. Both their average longest time and shortest time in 400 meters running were shortened, and there were significant differences in some indicators between the two groups (P<0.05). (2) Compared with group B, the maximal oxygen uptake, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, blood lactic acid, blood glucose and other indicators of group A showed a tendency to stronger aerobic working ability, and there were significant differences in some indicators (P<0.05). Conclusion: After 2 weeks of sub-plateau intervention training, the young native plateau athletes have been able to give full play to their existing physiological advantages. Compared with the mere plateau training, the sub-plateau intervention training consolidated and improved the athletes' aerobic exercise ability in a better way, and made their physiological function and athletic performance combined effectively. This helped make athletes fully prepared for participating in matches on plains.
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    A Correlation Study on Functional Movement Ability and Special Physical Quality of High-Level Male Tennis Players
    LIU Chang,TANG Jianjun,GAO Kai
    2018, 44 (2):  86-91.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.015
    Abstract ( 1302 )   PDF (1200KB) ( 2211 )   Save
    A total of 8 elite male tennis athletes were chosen as the research subjects to attend the functional movement screening test and 7 tennis-specific physical fitness performance testings, and the authors conducted descriptive statistics and correlation analysis of the results to explore the relationship between functional movement ability and special physical fitness performance of male tennis athletes, and provide reference for tennis athletes' scientific and efficient training. Conclusions: high-level male tennis athletes' total FMS test score is higher than the threshold value of high risk sports injury. Athletes' lower limb movement chain (hip, knee, ankle joint), shoulder and core muscle groups have poor performance in functional movement ability. There was no significant correlation between high-level male tennis athletes' FMS test scores and special physical fitness, illustrating that the functional movement ability and special physical fitness performance are likely to be two independent abilities with different functions. When coaches try to improve athletes' special physical quality, they also need to improve athletes' functional movement ability through physical movement function training.
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    The Effect of Kinesio Taping for Rowing Athletes with Muscular Fatigue
    ZHOU Zhenghong,LI Qingzheng,WANG Xiaokun
    2018, 44 (2):  92-96.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.016
    Abstract ( 972 )   PDF (1159KB) ( 1970 )   Save
    Objective: To study the effect of Kinesio Taping for rowing athletes with muscular fatigue. Methods: 16 elite athletes from Beijing Rowing Team participated in the study. Using the methods of muscle detection and blood biochemical indexes to test athletes' fatigue state immediately after exercise, 12 hours after exercise and 36 hours after exercise. Results: 12 hours after exercise, both the elasticity of left trapezius of experiment group and the stiffness of left biceps and left trapzius of the experiment group decreased significantly as compared with those of control group (P<0.01); both the elasticity of right biceps and the stiffness of right trapezius of experiment group decreased significantly as compared with those of control group (P<0.05). 36 hours after exercise, the disappearance rate of CK in experiment group was significantly higher than that in control group (P<0.01). Conclusion: Kinesio Taping has positive effect in changing muscular fatigue, eliminating CK. The longer it is used, the better the effect.
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    Research Progress of Physical Activities/Exercise Affecting Cognitive Health
    HU Haixu,LV Yujun
    2018, 44 (2):  97-103.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.017
    Abstract ( 922 )   PDF (1182KB) ( 2171 )   Save
    Objective:To clarify the important theoretical and practical significance of physical activities/exercise and brain-related research in the global "brain plan" context and aim at academic frontiers. Methods:Based on the opportunity of the 64th Annual Meeting of American College of Sports Medicine and the First International Conference on Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain, this paper makes a systematic review of 40 years of research on the relationship between physical activities/exercise and brain. Results: An increasing number of studies have consistently demonstrated that cardiorespiratory fitness or aerobic capacity as well as physical activities that help improve the capacity have positive effects on the cognitive health of the brain, which, in addition to modifying the structure and function of brain, increase the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), insulin-like growth factor 1, (IGF-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VGEF) through a highly-accepted mechanism based on animal models, and enhance nutrient transport and waste clearance by increasing cardiorespiratory fitness. Among them, the current research on children population is relatively systematic and comprehensive, and is followed by that on the elderly population. Conclusion:Although there are many reproducible results about the brain function and structure, including the explanation for the molecular level, the establishment of the specific association mode between exercise, brain and cognition still faces harsh challenges and needs continuous improvement and research . This article also gives some suggestions for future research.
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    Research Progress of Exercise and Elderly Health Promotion——Enlightenment from the 64th Annual Meeting of ACSM
    WANG Minjia, LIAO Yuanpeng, GUO Yingying
    2018, 44 (2):  104-108.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.018
    Abstract ( 904 )   PDF (1155KB) ( 1851 )   Save
    Based on the two main themes of the 64th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) in 2017—"Exercise is Medicine" (EIM) and the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain, and taking the meeting reports and papers as an example, this paper summarizes the research progress of exercise and elderly health promotion from three aspects: exercise and elderly brain function and cognition, exercise and elderly balance and coordination ability, and elderly life style and health. A large number of studies have demonstrated that exercise can effectively improve the neurological remodeling, cognitive and balance ability of the elderly, and there are various suggestions on ways of doing exercise. Aging has been a global concern, and China has the biggest aging population, therefore, the health of the elderly not only affects the quality of their life, is also a social problem. These frontier results and hotspots provide a reference for the research of elderly health science, and the applied research also provides new ideas for elderly health promotion, serving the national strategy of "Health China 2030"
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    Research Hotspots and Dynamic Trend in the Field of Exercise and Bone Mineral Density
    DENG Xiaoqin,ZHENG Songbo
    2018, 44 (2):  109-115.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.019
    Abstract ( 763 )   PDF (1644KB) ( 2145 )   Save
    Based on the articles about exercise and bone mineral density published between 2001 and 2017 from Web of Science, this present study made with CiteSpace 5.0.R2 SE software a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the hotspots and dynamic trend in this field. The results show that highly productive countries, institutes and authors are mainly in Europe and America; the hotspots mainly include exercise, physical activity, bone, bone mineral density, and osteoporosis; the hotspots focus on groups of pre- and postmenopausal women, children and adolescents, adult and middle-aged people; On the whole, the focal point has gradually transited from bone mineral density to human's overall health and quality of life, and then bone mineral density research has been conducted from health-related aspects. It can be postulated that the future research may mainly concentrate on three aspects: to develop exercise prescription for bone mineral density maintenance or improvement in people of various health statuses; to design personalized exercise programs to maintain or increase bone mineral density in people of different ages, genders and weight levels; and to explore the relationship between exercise and bone mineral density.
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    Pathway Choice in Pre-service Cultivation of PE Teachers in China from the Perspective of PCK Theory
    GUO Yanhong,FANG Zhijun
    2018, 44 (2):  116-120.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.020
    Abstract ( 835 )   PDF (1360KB) ( 1944 )   Save
    Taking the pre-service cultivation of physical education (PE) teachers as the research object, this paper clarifies the significance of PCK guidance to the professionalization of PE teachers by systematically analyzing the connotation and basic properties of the PCK theory. The paper further examines the main problems in current pre-service cultivation of PE teachers in China from the theoretical perspective of PCK and proposes corresponding improvement pathways, which include:changing the conventional mode of ladder education; ensuring that practice education impenetrates the whole cultivation process of PE teachers; strengthening the systematic study of the PCK theory and advocating case-based and practice teaching; actively carrying out teaching-support activities; strengthening teaching reflection, and promoting the practice orientation in thesis preparation. It is hoped that these pathways can be used to solve the problem that PE teachers lack practical teaching ability in the pre-service cultivation so as to lay a solid foundation for the professional development of PE teachers at work.
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    Dilemma and Outlet: Analysis of the Development of Chinese Physical Education Major
    LIU Shilei
    2018, 44 (2):  121-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2018.02.021
    Abstract ( 1065 )   PDF (7137KB) ( 1759 )   Save
    During the critical period of higher education shift from the mode of extensive development to the mode of intensive development in China, this paper, by means of literature, investigation and logical analysis, explores the dilemma and outlet of China's physical education major from the perspective of supply side reform in hope of providing a reference for the sustainable development. The study finds that the low employment rate and the imbalance of talent supply and demand are the dilemmas that physical education major development is faced with. Based on the analysis, the paper puts forward some ideas and measures. The Ideas include: coping with controversy between admission size and education quality; optimizing the structure of major to meet social needs; reforming the current cultivation mode to cater to the demand upgrade. The major outlet is to improve education quality, and concrete measures include: controlling the admittance and improving quality of students; perfecting the course structure and highlighting the major specialty; innovating teaching methods to enhance practical ability; improving graduation requirements and strengthening qualification tests.
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