ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 January 2018, Volume 44 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    On Several Key Issues in Scientization of Sports Training and Current Chinese Athletic Training Practice——A Comparison between Biological Mechanism of Systematic Training and Cognitive Logic Errors of Traditional "Periodization" Theory
    LI Jie, WANG Xiaojun, QIU Sheng, LI Ruiying, LI Ya
    2018, 44 (1):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 1711 )   PDF (1141KB) ( 1996 )   Save
    In China, the time segment method remains an important theoretical basis in athletic training design. The problem caused by "time segment"impedes the development of performance and the improvement of efficiency in many major sports events till now. By means of theoretical analysis and experiment, the present paper takes the athletes on the Chinese Olympic teams as an example to make a logical and empirical analysis on the "Periodization"Theory and its biological basis. The author proposes that the time and content segment arrangements based on the "Periodization" Theory bear the stamp of mechanical determinism philosophically, and completely ignore the structural features of special biological adaptation and continuous biological conditions for the development of biological limit ability biologically.Multiple structural segments not only crack the time structure in the formation and optimization of special sports events' goal structural system, and the disorder in biological structure effect competition causes an unstable competition state and even the reversal of the primary and the secondary structure. In terms of training management, the arrangements usually cause the training design and arrangement to slack at the beginning and speed up towards the end. Based on the empirical analysis, the author points out that the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) and The Overcompensation Theory mislead the biological planning logic of generating high level competitive training scores in principle. As compared with GAS, the homeostasis indexes of time sequence discrimination can better reflect the effect of load on body homeostasis. It is concluded that the biological significance of training is to build a biological information network, which drives the transformation of consciousness into DNA transcription. The competitive performance is virtually based on the fact that whether the system can form the systematic biological cellular network structure to meet the competitive goal. The biological logic of competitive training is to construct the biological cellular network system for the competitive goal.
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    A Re-examination of the "Cycle" Training Theory—A Case Study of Zhang Hong's 2014 and 2018 Winter Olympic Cycle Training Pattern
    LIU Junyi
    2018, 44 (1):  7-12. 
    Abstract ( 1035 )   PDF (1434KB) ( 1725 )   Save
    Professionalization and commercialization in competitive sports have posed a change to the multi-year cycle training theory to which elite athletes taking part in major sports events all year round strictly adhere, as a result, some instructors have started to question and even abandon the "cycle" training theory. By means of case study and interview, the present paper analyzed Zhang hong's 4-year Olympic cycle training pattern, aiming to re-examine the "cycle" training theory and reveal that in the process of advancement, the theory has to undergo a series of transformation and face doubts from different perspectives. A reexamination of its inner logic will help strike a balance between the theory's change and stability so as to make theory more scientific and systematic.
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    Qualitative Research in Sports Science: Phenomenology Methodology
    ZHAO Jin
    2018, 44 (1):  13-20. 
    Abstract ( 1545 )   PDF (1160KB) ( 1867 )   Save
    Selection and application of scientific research methods in sport science and sports science research methods are equally important. The overuse of the quantitative research paradigm in the study of sports science weakens the function of qualitative study. Both quantitative research and qualitative research have their limitations, so their fusion would be the best way to do scientific research. The fusion of qualitative and quantitative research takes two forms: one is their integrated use; the other dealing with qualitative research with quantitative research paradigm. By analyzing quantitative research and qualitative research paradigm, this paper aims to emphasize the value of qualitative research in the field of sports science research. Phenomenological methods, which are based on the theory of phenomenology, are a type of qualitative research. The classic phenomenological methods include the flowing steps: epoché, describing the experience and reduction, subject analysis and reflection, feedback, and writing. Phenomenology methods also have some limitations inevitably, but their focus on the experience and reflection of human being is a very effective way for human to make adjustment and progress constantly. More attention should be paid to the flexible application of qualitative methods when excessive emphasis is given to quantitative research paradigm, and the effective problem-oriented fusion of quantitative research and qualitative research will enrich sports science research method system and improve the level of sports science research.
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    Some Issues Regarding the Research on History of Chinese Wushu Thought
    CHEN Xingtan, HAN Hongyu, MA Zhenshui
    2018, 44 (1):  21-25. 
    Abstract ( 1406 )   PDF (1133KB) ( 1944 )   Save
    Studying the history of Wushu thought is an prerequisite for the development of Wushu theory, and hence has become a hot spot. By means of literature review, the present paper analyzed some issues regarding the history of Wushu thought by examining such aspects as historical data, historical context, subject, ontology, and long time span, and put forward that historical data are the basis of conducting study on the history of Wushu thought and the identification and mutual verification of data determine the the depth of Wushu thought exploration; historical context refers to particular eras in history, and is the history sites where Wushu thought originated, developed and evolved towards maturity; subject refers to the massive Wushu practitioners in the historical development of Wuhsu thought and the adoption of subject narration conforms to the historical materialism, and is in line with the historical transformation trend; ontology is the basis which distinguishes Wushu thought from other cultural thoughts, and is the final construction goal of Wushu thought; long time span reveals the continuity of Wushu thought, reminding us to be alert to the bias of "hindsight" and bear in mind the consciousness of "defamiliarization" while exploring the the flow of Wushu thought from the "unknown curtain".
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    Study on the Development of " the Northern School of Wushu" in Taiwan(1949-1987)under the Perspective of Identification
    ZHANG Yinhang
    2018, 44 (1):  26-32. 
    Abstract ( 1297 )   PDF (1149KB) ( 1872 )   Save
    Taking as the research subject the northern school of Wushu in Taiwan, which opened up the modernization road of Taiwan Wushu, but was almost unknown to the Mainland during the cross-strait "estrangement period", the present paper discusses from the perspective of identification the four dimensions of the school, namely, an overview of the school based on a comparison of the Northern and Southern schools, the development opportunities for the northern school of Wushu as a result of the authorities' recognition and protection, the development of the northern school in Taiwan promoted by Wushu practitioners' voluntary identification of Chinese Wushu culture, and the spread outside Taiwan under the international need to identify Chinese culture. The results show that: although the northern school of Wushu was a "late comer", but it turned out to be the first to have prospered as a result of the favorable environment created by the authorities and the timely actions of the northern school community out of their identification of Chinese Wushu culture. The northern school of Wushu not only laid the foundation of development for today's Taiwan Wushu, but also took a lead in internationalizing Chinese contemporary Wushu in the process of catering to the international need to identify Chinese culture at the time. The study is to further expand the cross-strait "Wushu links" so as to strengthen the overall identification of Chinese culture and draw close relations across the Taiwan straits.
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    The Status Quo of and Countermeasures for Attack and Defence Function Inheritance in School Wushu Education—Based on an Analysis of the Oral History of Chinese Martial Artists
    GUO Faming, ZHAO Guangsheng, GUO Yucheng, LI Shoupei, YIN Xiaolin
    2018, 44 (1):  33-38. 
    Abstract ( 1076 )   PDF (1137KB) ( 1901 )   Save
    To examine the status quo of attack and defence function inheritance in school Wushu Education in China, and analyze the influencing factors including target positioning, consciousness of attack and defence, selection of teaching contents, combat methods based on the methods of oral history and literature. The findings indicate that the inheritance of attack and defence function in school Wushu education lacks target, students' inheritance consciousness is weak, selection criteria of teaching contents is single, and the instrumental inheritance is stressed while the development of attack and defence wisdom is ignored. The countermeasures include stressing the attack and defence function from the state and national level and strengthening the administrative intervention; transforming the attack and defence education to cultural education to enhance the cultural awareness of attack and defence, and advancing from single Wushu form to Wushu system to maintain the Wushu ecology; analyzing Wushu combating skills from multiple dimensions to inspire students' patterns of thinking; strengthening routine and highlighting attack and defence to consolidate the effect of attack and defence function inheritance.
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    Whereabouts Rule and Law: Conflict and Limit
    YANG Chunran, ZHANG Mei
    2018, 44 (1):  39-46. 
    Abstract ( 1579 )   PDF (1165KB) ( 1736 )   Save
    The whereabouts rule is in conflict with the right to privacy, the right to personal information and the right to rest in European law. Conventionally, sports organizations avoid legal examination of whereabouts rule by claiming that they are non-governmental organizations, they are in contractual relationships with athletes or the sports games are amateur. However, this practice has legal risks. In order to resolve the conflict, WADC stresses the proportional principle and limits the scope of applying whereabouts rule, making the rule legitimatized in terms of legal norms.Therefore, the adoption of whereabouts rule violates the proportional principle and athletes can resort to the judicial assistance.However, athletes need to prove to the court the following three points: the legitimacy of whereabouts rule is based on the proportional principle, damages have occurred, and the adoption of whereabouts rule is against the legal principle of universality, such as principle of responsibility.
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    On the ownership of the residual rights to professional sports clubs
    YAN Chengdong
    2018, 44 (1):  47-51. 
    Abstract ( 1267 )   PDF (1125KB) ( 1627 )   Save
    Professional sports club is a legal person in nature. The residual rights of clubs include residual right of control and right of claim for residues. All suppliers of production factors except athletes can have residual rights to clubs.In the practice of professional sports, some suppliers of production factors don't take seeking profit as their goals, making the structure of residual rights of clubs different from the general corporate form, and it should be guided and regulated. Establishing residual rights owners' position and their relationships can promote and perfect the diversified legal person governance structure of professional sports clubs in China
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    Formulation of Rules of Sports Disciplinary Penalties and Consideration of Public Opinions in its Application
    ZHANG Xun
    2018, 44 (1):  52-56. 
    Abstract ( 1237 )   PDF (1118KB) ( 1733 )   Save
    The openness of law requires the formulation and verdict of sports disciplinary penalties, and the review of punishment results take into consideration of public opinions. With the progress in sports system reform, more and more sports associations and sports organizations of legal nature have emerged, and are endowed with rights of implementing defamation penalty, property penalty, and qualification penalty. In view of this, the procedure of mass participation should be included in both the formulation and verdict of rules of sports disciplinary penalties, and the review of penalty results, thus expanding people's routine of participation for the sake of verdict justice and smooth implementation. However, public opinions' characteristics of being fragmented and emotional may inflict risks of public opinion anomie. Therefore, it is necessary to to construct the reasonable selection mechanism of public opinions.
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    Perspective, Theory and Methodology: the Current Situation and Trend of Sport Tourism Research
    LU Changbao, ZHUANG Xiaoyan, DENG Xinxiu
    2018, 44 (1):  57-65. 
    Abstract ( 1305 )   PDF (1203KB) ( 1968 )   Save
    In order to lay a solid foundation for judging future research hotpots and trend, the present study summarized the perspectives, theories and methodologies of sport tourism researches by analyzing relevant papers based on the methods of scoping review. Firstly, papers published from 2000 to 2017 were searched in Elsevier and CNKI database, with Chinese papers limited to CSSCI source journals (2017-2018). A total of 25,192 papers were retrieved and 986 papers were included after sorting and selecting process. The papers were then analyzed from the four basic research perspectives of corporate, consumer, government and multi-subject interaction, as well as researcher perspective. The findings revealed that, (1) government and multi-subject interaction are currently the two primary perspectives; (2) studies from both consumer and researcher perspectives are expanding their influence, while studies from corporate perspective has so far been the least; (3) the definition of sport tourism is still under discussion, from which come three conceptual frameworks, while mature theoretical foundation has not yet formed; (4) qualitative methodology predominates and papers using quantitative methodology account for less than 25%, with questionnaire survey being the major method. Therefore, future studies should strengthen basic and quantitative research, and combine mature theories in multiple subjects to promote the theoretical system of sport tourism from the four basic research perspectives.
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    Study on the Influencing Mechanism of Resource Integration on Innovation Performance of Chinese Sports Enterprises
    DUAN Yanling, LIU Bing
    2018, 44 (1):  66-71. 
    Abstract ( 1258 )   PDF (1281KB) ( 1767 )   Save
    Resource integration has become the source of competitiveness for Chinese sports industry.The large-scale questionnaire survey of Chinese sports enterprises and organizations by the authors shows that: (1) sports resource integration process has a significant positive effect on the innovation performance of sports enterprises.Resource identifying and accessing has an indirect effect on the innovation performance through resource allocation and utilization and resource integration capability, and resource allocation and utilization can improve the innovation performance directly; (2) sports resource integration process can cultivate and develop the sports enterprises' resource integration capability through the path of "resource identifying and accessing→resource allocation and utilization→resource integration capability"; (3) sports enterprises' resource integration capability has important mediating effect on the relationship between resource integration process and innovation performance.The study indicates that sports resource integration process and capability are important antecedents of sports enterprises' innovation performance.The conclusions can provide some enlightenment for Chinese sports enterprises' resource integration and management innovation.
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    Deviation and Rectification of Government's Role in Purchasing National Fitness Public Services
    SHI Xiaoqiang, DAI Jian, CHENG Hua, LIU Zheng
    2018, 44 (1):  72-77. 
    Abstract ( 1397 )   PDF (1139KB) ( 1942 )   Save
    Referring to the theory of Governance, New Public Service theory and Principal-Agent theory as well as existing law design, the present paper defines government's role in purchasing national fitness public services as policy supplier, service purchaser and order regulator. Based on the definition, the author analyzes government's role in purchasing national fitness public services, finding that: in reality, government works as "policy setter", "administrative leader", and "rational broker" rather than "policy supplier", "service purchaser" and "order regulator". To counter this problem, the author proposes that the feasible approaches to rectify government's role deviation include making clear government's position as "policy supplier", accelerating the transformation of government's role into "service purchaser" and government truly shouldering the mission of "order regulator", in hope of providing theoretical reference for the practice of governmental purchasing national fitness public services.
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    Hot Issues and Prospect of American Sports System Governance
    PENG Guoqiang, SHU Shengfang
    2018, 44 (1):  78-84. 
    Abstract ( 1517 )   PDF (1218KB) ( 2150 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature and logical analysis, this paper sorts out the hot issues of American sports system governance from the perspectives of professional sports, amateur sports, sports industry, school sports. It is found that the research contents of American sports system governance are broad and contain the idea of rule of law throughout; the research methods are diversified, with the qualitative research being primary; and the US stresses regulating sports through formulating institutions, reflecting the characteristics of multi-center governance of professional sports, linkage governance of amateur sports, and decentralization governance of school sports. The paper proposes that we need to broaden our theoretical horizon and disciplinary perspectives when conducting sports system governance research, innovate research methods and explore new fields of research; make comparative studies of US and China sports governance system and absorb the experience of American sports system governance to promote the modernization of Chinese sports governance system and governance capacity.
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    The Effect of Biofeedback Method on the Training of Junior Athletes' Diving Technique
    LI Chengwei, LIU Jianxiu, MA Xindong
    2018, 44 (1):  85-91. 
    Abstract ( 986 )   PDF (1274KB) ( 1759 )   Save
    Objective: To investigate the effect of biofeedback method on the training of diving technique through experiment. Methods: Twenty junior divers from Team Beijing were selected as subjects. The athletes were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. A three-dimensional dynamometer was used to test the general bounce ability of the two groups of athletes before, during and after the experiment. The biofeedback system was used to test the effect of their special bounce ability, the new and the old diving techniques. The experimental group used biofeedback system to assist their training, while the control group did not use biofeedbacksystem under the same training conditions. Results: There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the three-dimensional dynamometer test(P>0.05); The ability of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group in special jumping, learning new diving techniques and consolidating old diving techniques(P<0.05). Conclusion: With the same general springing ability, The biofeedback method effectively improves the special take-off height of athletes, and has a positive impact on the athletes' take-off techniques; The biofeedback method improves the take-off height of the new techniques of the diver, and the performance of the diver was remarkably improved; The biofeedback method has a significant effect on the latter stage of the old movement of divers; Springboard diving biofeedback system makes the diving training more efficiency, however, its effect is also affected by multipul factors.
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    A Research on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of High Level Diving Athletes in China
    CHEN Anping, WANG Leilei, ZHU Zhiping
    2018, 44 (1):  92-97. 
    Abstract ( 1112 )   PDF (1526KB) ( 1646 )   Save
    Based on the data of all of the Chinese masters of sports and the international maters of sports in diving event from 2001 to 2016, the present paper studied through the methods of regression analysis and spatial analysis the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of Chinese high level diving athletes and analyzed the reasons with reference to the number of high-level diving athletes, development trends, as well as the GDP, population, attention and geographical conditions of various regions in China. The results show that: in terms of temporal distribution, the number of high-level diving athletes is increasing on the whole, among which the growth trend of international masters of sports is slowing down (slope is 0.5), while the growth trend of masters of sports is significant (slope is 1.37). The number of masters of sports is more than 9 times that of international masters of sports, indicating that the "pyramid" base is stable. In terms of the proportion of men and women, the number of female athletes is much more than male athletes, while the number of male international masters of sports is more than that of females. In terms of competition performance and results, female international masters of sports are better than males, as is evidenced by the fact that China's women diving team has won the gold medal grand slam in the past three consecutive Olympic games. In terms of spatial distribution, the number of high level diving athletes from different regions within China varies greatly, showing the distribution of athletes is unbalanced. The study shows that the development trend of Chinese high level diving athletes on the whole is good despite that their temporal and spatial distribution are not even. To promote the development of diving event in China, all regions should attach importance to the construction of diving career, the balanced development of male and female athletes, and the exchange of talents between regions.
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    An Experimental Study on the Influence of Attentional Focus Strategies on Sprint Strength Training and Energy Saving
    DAI Xinghong, YIN Bichang, TAO Xiaoping
    2018, 44 (1):  98-103. 
    Abstract ( 1111 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 1758 )   Save
    Objective: To study the influence of attentional focus strategies on sprint strength training and energy saving through kinematic and physiological experiment of special strength training methods under the guidance of different attentional focus strategies.The results show that the effects of special strength training under the guidance of different attention focus strategies present significant differences. External attentional focus strategies bring about better effects for sprint strength training; muscle electrical activity intensity, gas metabolism and energy consumption in special strength trainings vary under the guidance of different attentional focus strategies.Muscle electrical activity intensity was weaker, both gas metabolism and energy consumption were lower under the guidance of external attentional focus strategies, thus saving the energy in the training process and making movement pattern more economy.
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    Tennis Players'Advantage of Processing Dynamic Cues and Their ERP Features
    WANG Shiyao, LI Yani, LI Xiawen, ZHOU Chenglin, LU Yingzhi
    2018, 44 (1):  104-109. 
    Abstract ( 1085 )   PDF (1621KB) ( 1715 )   Save
    In order to investigatetennis players' mode of perception and their brain activity features under the dynamic cue condition, the study recorded and analyzed through the "expert-novice" paradigm and the event-related potential (ERP) technology the behaviors and EEG data of expert group (10 tennis players) and novice group (10 university students) in performing the modified cue-target tasks adapted from dynamic cue materials. The results showed that under the dynamic cue condition, tennis players had shorter reaction time and better accuracy than the novices in completing target-stimulated tasks; in addition, brain activity revealed that before the stimulus occurred, expert group's CNV area was larger than that of the novice group under the dynamic cue condition; after the stimulus occurred, expert group's early latency of N1 was longer than that of the novice group, and their late P300 peak was significantly higher than that of the novice group. It can be inferred that under dynamic cue condition, tennis players have advantage over novices in perception, thus enabling them to react more quickly and accurately; invest more resources in the preparation period; focus on critical information and as a result distribute their cognitive resources more efficiently.
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    Rehabilitation of Knee Osteoarthritis(KOA) in the Elderly: Mechanism, Methods and Progress
    HOU Shilun, ZHANG Xin, WANG Anli, GAO Qi
    2018, 44 (1):  110-115. 
    Abstract ( 1316 )   PDF (1159KB) ( 1909 )   Save
    Osteoarthritis(OA)is a common clinical chronic joint degenerative disease. One of the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis (KOA) -pain will cause dysfunction in the daily life of the elderly, and thereby increases the risk of many diseases, so it has been widely concerned. The treatment of KOA in the elderly includessurgical and nonsurgical treatment. In nonsurgical treatment, exercise therapy is the most important method of intervention. This paper reviews the domestic and foreign research and it is found that the pathogenic factors of KOA include age, physical activity, endocrine, neuromuscular control, obesity and the like. Physical activity, disability, obesity and neuromuscular control can be improved by exercise therapy. Most of the current studies confirm the improvement of symptoms and functions in patients with KOA by exercise therapy. The combination of muscle strength training and aerobic training is beneficial to improve symptoms in most KOA patients, but it should be based on the evaluation of individual patients to choose the type of exercise. Exercise therapy depends largely on the patient's compliance, so the exercise prescription should take full account of individual differences of patients, the overall principle can refer to the American Sports Medicine Association or other similar institutions formulated exercise prescription guidelines.
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    Study on Static Balance Ability and Plantar Pressure Characteristics of Boys with Abnormal FootArch
    JIN Zongxue, HE Hui, YANG Yi, ZHENG Yongkang, XIONG Kaiyu
    2018, 44 (1):  116-121. 
    Abstract ( 1152 )   PDF (1179KB) ( 1886 )   Save
    The present paper measured and analyzed through LorAn plantar pressure equipment the static balance ability, plantar pressure characteristics and gait characteristics of children aged 8 to 9 with abnormal foot arch to obtain their plantar pressure distribution characteristics,and provide theoretical data support for the scientific rehabilitation therapy and intervention for children. The research indicates that (1) children with high foot arch have a weakerbalance ability as compared with children with normal foot arch; (2) as compared with normal foot arch, flat foot arch has much larger contact area and pressure, and high foot arch has much smaller contact area and pressure; (3) as compared with children with normal foot arch, the fourth metatarsal of children with flat feet has smaller contact area, and the lateral pressure of their heel is significantly smaller when they are standing, and their first phalanx has smaller contact area when they are walking; the third-fifth metatarsals of children with high foot arch have larger contact area when they are standing.
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    Research on the Design of Functional MovementTraining Program Based on Gross Motor Development for Pre-school Children
    LEI Yuanyuan, ZHOU Longxiang, WANG Guoxiang
    2018, 44 (1):  122-126. 
    Abstract ( 2119 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 3056 )   Save
    Objective: To design functional movement training to improve preschool children's basic movement ability from the perspective of gross motor development. Methods: A total of 177 children aged 5?6 were divided into control group (n=92) and experiment group (n=85). The experiment group received the functional movement training three times a week, 1 hour each time in a 8-week cycle and the control group performed physical activity for the same period of time. The gross motor ability and physical fitness level of children in the two groups were assessed through TGMD-2 and National Physical Fitness Test ( For Preschool Children). Results: (1) The experiment group was better than the control group in moving motor except for kick and object controlling action after the experiment (P<0.05). (2) The experiment group performed better than the control group in 10m shuttle run and continuous jumps with both feet after training (P <0.05). Conclusion: Functional motor training based on gross motor development can effectively improve the basic motor skills of preschool children (excluding the ability of play football) and promote physical fitness (10-meter turn-back run and two-leg continuous jump).
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