ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 September 2017, Volume 43 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Experience and Enlightenment of Sports Legislation in European Countries
    CHEN Huarong
    2017, 43 (5):  1-7.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.001
    Abstract ( 1918 )   PDF (1133KB) ( 2127 )   Save

    Sports legislation in European countries is a good reference for the revision of Law of People's Republic of China on Physical Culture and Sports. The research analyzes the general situation of sports law texts in European countries and choose sports law of Italy, France, and Russia as typical examples to analyze the legislative structure, law content and legislative technique of sports law. The study shows that sports law has both increasing role and status in sports practice in European countries. Sports law is needed in carrying out comprehensive institutional arrangements and legal protection of sports rights, government responsibility, sports guarantee and specific problems in sports development. Sports legislation is indispensable to the establishment of scientific, democratic and modern sports governance system.

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    The "Trinity"Core Value of Law of People's Republic of China on Physical Culture and Sports——A Normative Analysis Approach
    CHEN Kai
    2017, 43 (5):  8-12.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.002
    Abstract ( 1514 )   PDF (1123KB) ( 1715 )   Save

    Law of People's Republic of China on Physical Culture and Sportsprescribes respectively in three chapters (chapter 2, 3 and 4) thecontents of "social sports", "school sports" and "competitive sports", which form a tripartite-structure of sports pattern. By using the method of normative analysis, and taking the law text as the analysis object, we can conclude that the core valuesthat they pursue are at variance:order is the core value of "social sports"; freedom is the core value of "school sports"; and fairness is the core value of "competitive sports". The ultimate goal that sports law pursues is man's lasting happiness, from which the "trinity"core value system derives. Clarifying the core values of different types of sports in the law is of great significance to its revision.

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    Characteristics, Legal Liability and Risk Prevention of School Sports Injury——Based on the Meta Analysis of 58 Civil Judgments
    YAN Jianhua
    2017, 43 (5):  13-19.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.003
    Abstract ( 1074 )   PDF (1132KB) ( 2128 )   Save
    Analysis of 58 cases of sports injuries in school shows that competing events in the same field has the highest rate of incidence, and the highest probability of sports mainly happens in junior middle school and therefore the percentage of school liability is higher than the others. Sports inherent risk is the intrinsic factor of sports injuries in primary and secondary schools. The prevention and control system of school injury is not sound, sports venues and facilities are flawed, sports teachers fail to fulfill their duties, and students' lack of risk prevention and control abilities are the main external factors that induce the accidents. The principle of fault liability and the principle of fair liability are beneficial supplements to the economic loss of accidents. The paper puts forward 15 precaution measures including 5 for school management, 5 for PE class, 2 for extra curriculum sports activities, and 3 for sports training and competition.
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    Research on the Construction Criterion of Basic Public PE Facilities During the Period of 13th Five-year Plan in China
    SUN Chenglin, GAO Jian, YANG Yuan
    2017, 43 (5):  20-26.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.004
    Abstract ( 1203 )   PDF (1143KB) ( 1675 )   Save
    By means of literature review, field investigation, etc., the present paper, based on an overall understanding of the construction contents, the construction standards, the service contents, the service scope, and the service standards of basic public sports facilities at all levels, puts forward the types of sports fields to be constructed, the construction criteria, the types of construction, the coverage rate of basic public sports facilities in different administrative regions during the period of 13th Five-year Plan. The study suggests that: during the period of 13th Five-year Plan, Chinese basic public sports facilities to be constructed should include both the indoor and the outdoor types, and they have two types of configuration: the basic type and the selective type. The construction program should take public stadiums, fitness centers for all, multi-functional fitness grounds, lighting ball-playing venues, cage-type sports venues, assembled swimming pools and fitness tracks trail, that is, "two forms, two types and seven kinds" as the primary fields, and in order to meet the standards for the coverage rate of public sports facilities, 70% of the counties in China should have public sports and fitness centers, 80% of the neighborhoods multi-functional fitness venues ( or cage-like ball-playing fields), 80% of the towns sports venues lighting ball-playing grounds, 100% of urban communities and administrative villages convenient sports facilities, and based on this, the construction standards and service radius of basic public sports facilities at different levels has been suggested.The study is both a reference for policy decision on and theoretical support for the State Sports Administration's macro guidance and design of public sports facilities construction program during the 13th Five-year Plan, which aims to promote the equalization of public sports facilities between the urban and rural areas.
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    DEA-Tobit Model-Based Public Sports Service Input-output EfficiencyEvaluation in Chengdu Plain Urban Agglomeratio
    LI Xin, LIUYu
    2017, 43 (5):  27-32.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.005
    Abstract ( 1641 )   PDF (1138KB) ( 1799 )   Save
    Taking 8 cities in Chengdu Plain urban agglomeration as examples, this present paper evaluates the efficiency of public sports service through data envelopment analysis. The results show that public sports service efficiency in Chengdu Plain urban agglomeration is not high, there being problems of input redundancy and insufficient output and all the cities failing to carry out public sports service construction under the optimal scale income model. Using the Tobit regression model, the paper makes a judgement on the correlation between the external social environment factors and the public sports service efficiency. Based on the results, this paper proposes4 development strategies: improve the financial transfer payment system to ensure the investment of funds; promote the supply side reform of public sports services; break the restriction of administrative regions to integrate the service resources of city group and attach importance to the national physique monitoring work; promote the development of national fitness program.
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    Research on the Governance Path of Rural Public Sports Service in China
    SHU Gangmin
    2017, 43 (5):  33-39.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.006
    Abstract ( 1344 )   PDF (1134KB) ( 1839 )   Save

    In order to equalize the public sports service in urban and rural areas in China,and to improve the quality of rural public sports service in a all-round way, this paper, by using the methods of literature review, logic analysis, expert interview and field research,conducts a study on rural public sports service in China by centering around the the inherent logic of public service "4w". It is concluded that:the binary policy of urban and rural development is the cause of "unequal"public sports service in rural and urban areas; the "fragmental"financial support is the key factor restricting the supply of rural public sports service. Young rural adults who "live away from their homeland" face the situation that their demand of sports services can not be met. The rural left-behind receive low response to their demand expression due to poor communication channel.While analyzingthe reasons for the above situations from 4 aspects including ineffective policy implementation, lack of participating agencies'responsibility, shortage and waste of resources allocation, and improper performance evaluation, this paper puts forward on the basis of holistic governance theory corresponding governance policies including the 3 paths and 8 aspects of governance's public governance, rural grass-root governance and villagers' self-governance.

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    Enlightenment of England "Elite Player Performance Plan" on Echelon Construction of Chinese Professional Football Club
    CHEN Dong, LI Bo, HE Xinqi, GUO Shian , ZHOU Hongmei
    2017, 43 (5):  40-46.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.007
    Abstract ( 1614 )   PDF (1135KB) ( 1924 )   Save
    England footballis in an awkward situation: the professionalleague runs well, while the national team's performance is not satisfactory. In order to change the situation, England has adopted the top-level designed"Elite Player Performance Plan" to promote clubs' echelon construction. In order to broaden China's vision on echelon construction of professional football clubs and improve the players training quality, this present paper analyses the overall guideline, echelon construction stages and level division, and the key work of the "Elite Player Performance Plan" by means of literature review and comparison. The enlightenment on the echelon construction of Chinese professional football clubs includes: working out top-level design, implementing scientific management, carrying out training in a scientific way, strengthening the protection of adolescents' rights and interests, and improving coaches' level.
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    Construction and Change of Football Discourse in China after 1949
    LIU Huanan, LU Xiaocong
    2017, 43 (5):  47-53.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.008
    Abstract ( 1024 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 1801 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature review and context analysis, the present paper makes a diachronic review of Chinese football discourse construction at the various stagesduring the period from the early 1950s to 2015, and sums up the change of Chinese football discourse construction agent, discourse construction issue and discourse style, thus making clear the development path of Chinese football discourse development, working out an outline and making an enlightenment for study of Chinese football discourse. Conclusions: (1) the agents of discourse construction become more and more diversified and each agent is an integral part in opening up the door of constructing Chinese football discourse; (2) the scope of discourse construction issues evolved gradually from football specific ones to social public ones, showing China football discourse construction'sconcern for public interest; (3) discourse style evolved from emotionlessone to subjective judgment of sarcasm, metaphor, and overgeneralization, highlighting the critical spirit and discourse democracy consciousness in modern society; (4) discourse construction agent, discourse construction issue, and discourse construction style underwent constant changes, forming a dynamic picture of China football discourse construction.
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    The Concept of Wushu Revisited from the Anthropological perspective
    CHEN Zhenyong, LI Bin
    2017, 43 (5):  54-60.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.009
    Abstract ( 1247 )   PDF (1137KB) ( 1881 )   Save
    From the perspective of anthropology, this paper examines and analyzes the concept of Wushu in different periods, and on this basis puts forward an anthropological interpretation of the concept of Wushu. The research shows that: Wushu should not be understood merely as a concept in the field of sports technology or culture, it should be regarded as an activity of human body, and a universal behavior of human being; Wushu should not be understood as a "sports game", or an "aesthetic technique" on body, but as a way of thinking or pattern of behavior specific to people in certain regions; the analysis and discussion of Wushu properties from the 3 dimensions of "body technique", "body art" and "body culture" in the field of anthropology will contribute to the understanding of the concept of Wushu.
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    The Design of Large-Scale Sports Event Service Audience Satisfaction Scale
    XU Wenxin, YAO Jiwei, HUANG Rongpu, PENG Yanfen, ZENG Mengjuan
    2017, 43 (5):  61-67.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.010
    Abstract ( 2248 )   PDF (1212KB) ( 1997 )   Save
    In order to provide a measuring tool for evaluation of large-scale sports event service, the present paper took the First National Youth Games as an example to designthe large-scale sports event service audience satisfaction scale by methods of survey,questionnaire, mathematical statistics. Based on analysis of relevant literature and semi-open interviews of experts, the authors designed an "initial scale" with 53 items. After removingthe items that do not meet the conditions through item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factoranalysis, the authors eventually developed a scale with 29 items of 6 dimensions which include large-scale sports event ticket acceptance service satisfaction, large-scale sports event personnel service satisfaction, large-scale sports event venues and facilities service satisfaction, large-scale venue environment service satisfaction, large-scale sports event service competition levelsatisfaction and large-scale sports event supporting service satisfaction. The reliability and validity test showed that the scale has good internal consistency reliability and structure validity, and could be used as a measuring tool forlarge-scale sports event service audience satisfaction.
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    The Evaluation Model for Sustainable Competitiveness of ProvincialSports Industry in ChinaandIts Application
    SUN Yujin
    2017, 43 (5):  68-74.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.011
    Abstract ( 1113 )   PDF (1289KB) ( 1840 )   Save
    In order to evaluate the competitiveness of China's provincial sports industry in a comprehensive way, and provide a theoretical basis for the macro-management of sports industry's regional layout optimization and sustainable development, this paper used the matter-element model to construct a two dimensional evaluation system for provincial sports industry's sustainable competitiveness, which is composed of developmentality and sustainabilitiy. The system was applied to evaluate the sustainable competitiveness of Tianjin sports industry from 2011 to 2014. The results show that thedevelopmentality of Tianjin sports industry's sustainable competitiveness rose from Level 1 to Level 2, while the sustainability decreased from Level 2 to Level 1. It indicates that Tianjin sports industry is of extensive mode and faces the risk of being surpassed by other provinces. The municipal government policy-makers should take measures to enhance its sports industry's development level as well as its sustainability, and strengthen the order and harmony of its whole sports industry.
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    On the Revival of Traditional Sports from the Historical Evolution of Touhu
    LUO Yongyi, YANG Lan, QIU Jun
    2017, 43 (5):  75-80.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.012
    Abstract ( 1523 )   PDF (1134KB) ( 1807 )   Save
    Using the method of literature analysis, this paper makes a review on the historical development of ancient Touhu and concludes that: Touhu, when originated fromPre-Qin's ritualarchery, had a preliminary function of entertainment at first. In the West and East Han Dynasties its entertainment function was strengthened, then in the Wei-Jin and Sui-Tang periodits entertainment function was in full wing. In the Song-Ming period, it was excessively used for entertainment and experienced restoration of rites, and finally it declined in late Qing Dynasty when western sports were heavily introduced into China. A further analysison the cultural and sociological mechanism of Touhu's rise and fall process shows that: the unity and contradiction of education function and entertainment function werethe inner cultural factor determining Touhu's rise and fall; the "middle-class" was the major driving force behind Touhu's development. The contemporary enlightenment drawn from the study is:to revitalize traditional sports, we need to seek the link of their tradition and modernity; to revitalize traditional sports we need to make proper use of traditional ritual culture; to revitalize traditional sports we should attach importance to the role of middle class.
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    The Traditional Chinese Sports View in the recordings of the Ancient Chuiwan Game in "Wanjing"
    CUI Lequan, REN Tangke
    2017, 43 (5):  81-86.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.013
    Abstract ( 1328 )   PDF (1130KB) ( 1656 )   Save

    By examining the recordings on the organization, methods and process of the Chuiwan game in the first Chinese ancient sports book "Wanjing", the paper analyzes ancient people's attitude towards victory or defeat in sports games, judgment on sports ethics and style, competitive spirit of abiding by rules and promises, and competitive mentality stressing wisdom and bravery.The paper suggests that, both the sports form and the competition rule of Chuiwan were deeply influenced by traditional Chinese culture. It is not only the miniature and reflection of traditional Chinese thoughts on society and culture in sports, but also the embodiment of the ancien Chinese sports views.

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    Chinese Male Marathoners' Performance and Pacing Strategy in Major Sports Games
    ZHOU Tong
    2017, 43 (5):  87-93.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.014
    Abstract ( 1088 )   PDF (2017KB) ( 1620 )   Save
    This present paper reviews Chinese male marathoners' performance in the past 4 major sports games, including the number of participants and finishers, ranking, and results, then makes a comparison of personal best result, competition result, pacing strategy, percentage of segment speed,and the correlation of section performance and overall performance between top 8 marathoners in previous games and Chinese athletes. The results show that Chinese athletes' results and competition ability are on the rise. The pacing strategy of top 8 marathoners presents a "M"shape trend. Their average speed in the 10~35 km section is always higher than theiroverall average speed.They accelerate again at 25 km point, which continues to the 35 km point before declining. Their section speed in the whole race fluctuates slightly, while Chinese athletes' section speed declines dramatically. Chinese athletes' speed ahead of 25 km point is higher than their average speed, and after the point lower than their average speed. Starting from the 10 km point, Chinese athletes' speed presents an almost vertical line drop. The top 8 marathoners didn't accelerate at the final stage, and Chinese athletes did not make obvious acceleration attempt either. Improving Chinese athletes' ability to retain their speed at the middle and final stage and allocating their physical energy reasonably can effectively improve their performance.
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    Research on the Artistic Arrangement Orientation of Rhythmic Gymnastics Individual Event in China from the perspective of New Rules
    WANG Min, DU Ju
    2017, 43 (5):  94-99.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.015
    Abstract ( 1123 )   PDF (1123KB) ( 1615 )   Save
    Using literature, logical analysis and other research methods, According to the new Olympic cycle (2017 - 2020) of the International Rhythmic Gymnastics scoring rules of FIG, the first national competition after the implementation of the new rules, That is, the 2017 national Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship of the top 8 individual athletes, the analysis of the four apparatus of artistic choreography, this paper puts forward a new orientation for the artistic arrangement of individual artistic movements of Rhythmic Gymnastics in China. Results show that: Characteristics of scoring rules in the new Olympic cycle, the difficulty system pays more attention to the athletes to achieve the action with a high degree of beauty and skill; The completion of the system is more focused on the athletes will have a higher artistic and technical proficiency into the complete set of movements, let technical really give the art itself. At the present stage, the lack of artistic arrangement of Rhythmic Gymnastics Individual Events, the theme of the whole set of movements、dynamic changes、the beauty of art and space effect, it is the bottleneck that hinders the development of individual projects in China, logical connection、distinct contrast、perfect expression、newfangled changes, to highlight "theme"、strengthen "dynamic"、 Highlighting "style"、construct "variety" of sets of movements is the rhythmic gymnastics individual event in the development of artistic orientation.
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    Deceleration in Lower Limb Movement and Its Training
    WANG Feng, LI Chengliang
    2017, 43 (5):  100-107.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.016
    Abstract ( 899 )   PDF (1298KB) ( 2067 )   Save
    By means of literature review, this paper analyzed the definition, purpose, physiological mechanism, function and main influence factors of deceleration in lower limb movement, aiming to arouse the attention of China's sports workers and better understand deceleration in competitive sports. The results show that deceleration exists in various types in low limb movement. The main purpose of deceleration is to reduce or terminate the body momentum in the shortest possible time, improve the performance of subsequent restart and direction change, and finish the movement. The physiological mechanism of deceleration is mainly based on the stretch-shorten cycle and the eccentric contraction of muscle. The role of deceleration is to influence athlete's performanceand the risk of injury. Deceleration is influenced by many factors, among which deceleration technology, strength and dynamic balance are the main ones. In order to improve athlete's ability to decelerate, more specific training methods should be adopted.
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    Research on the Relationship between Coaches' Leadership Behavior and Team Efficiency in Chinese High Level University Basketball Teams
    ZHU Dong, XU Weitai, ZHOU Ziwen
    2017, 43 (5):  108-114.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.017
    Abstract ( 1002 )   PDF (1250KB) ( 1658 )   Save
    This study was designed to investigate the relationship between coach's leadership behavior and team efficiency in Chinese high level university basketball teams. Taking players on the 2015 CUBA teams as subjects,the authors usedthe "Questionnaire on the Relationship between Coach'sLeadership Behavior and Team Efficiency in Chinese High Level University Basketball Teams" as the research tool, and distributed the questionnaires through judgemental sampling. 320 valid questionnaires collected were analyzed and discussed through exploratory factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, canonical correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that coach leadership behavior is significantly correlated to team effectiveness. multiple linear regression analysis indicates that coach's training and instructionbehavior and reward behavior have the most direct influence on team performance. From the perspective of the I-P-Otheory, coach's professional training and guidance, verbal praise and material rewards play an important role in improving team performance. Empoweringplayers moderate initiative and giving them timely care are indispensable too. Players generally disagree with coach's autocratic behavior, therefore how and when to adopt autocratic behavior in the process of training and games is a question worthy of coach's careful consideration.
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    Analysis and Enlightenment of American School Physical Education Motivation Research
    ZHANG Wei
    2017, 43 (5):  115-121.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.018
    Abstract ( 1386 )   PDF (1619KB) ( 1736 )   Save
    This present paper collected through EBSCO electronic retrieval platform of sports academic data articles on physical education motivation, which were published on the 4 physical education magazines of "Journal of Teaching in Physical Education", "Review of Educational Research", "Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport"and"Journal of Educational Psychology", and analyzed and summed up the achievements of American school physical education motivation research of three research stages under the influence of the 4 motivation theories in the past 20 years. Based on the SEM structure equation, the author analyzed the reasons for the mismatch of motivation variables and ability variables. The enlightenment on Chinese school physical education:learning the achievements and research methods of American school physical education motivation research; starting from experimental exploration and ability motivation research, fully exploring curriculum motivation; improving physical education'function of carrying forward culture heritage, and exploring the long-termmechanism.
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    MOOC under the background of China's elite athletes quality culture to explore education reform
    YANG Yang
    2017, 43 (5):  122-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.05.019
    Abstract ( 1345 )   PDF (1180KB) ( 1696 )   Save
    Literature retrieval method, expert investigation method and so on, to our country outstanding athletes quality culture carries on the analysis to the characteristics of the MOOC education reform, to explore both in particular; Draw a MOOC has the characteristics of large-scale, openness, sharing, interactive, to promote the quality of excellent athletes culture education reform, make up for a lack of excellent athletes learn all aspects of current, improve the athletes learning demand, optimize the contradictions between learning; Put forward using the MOOC hot timeliness, deepen the excellent athletes network teaching platform, emphasizes the opening to the outside world, promote the absorption of outstanding athletes quality culture "calcium", from the teaching video, and innovative elite athletes study way, synchronous "mixed approach", cultivate excellent athletes autonomous learning ability.
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