ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 July 2017, Volume 43 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Strategic Choice and Thinking on Building Double First-class Sports Institutes
    LIU Qing, ZHOU Yurong
    2017, 43 (4):  1-7.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.001
    Abstract ( 1293 )   PDF (1243KB) ( 1732 )   Save

    Building "double first-class"universitiesis of great significance to sports institutes in China. "Double first-class"construction emphasizes "performance-oriented, fair competition, dynamic support", and breaks through identity solidification and provides supporting policy for sports institutes to conduct system reform and mechanism innovation and to becomeworld first-class institutes. It emphasizes "development with unique characteristics and differentiated development" and guides the direction for sports institutes to develop their own characteristics and lead industry development and the development of regional economics and social affairs. It emphasizes "international competition",highlights the leading role and provides opportunities for institutes to show Chinese images, communicate Chinese voice, enhance their international influence, and draws world attention. In the "double first-class"construction process, sports institutes should adhere to the principle of "development with unique characteristics and differentiated development", and scientifically plan on top-level design, and carry out comprehensive reform in practical way; they should adhere to the principle of "rooted in local areas", and take the initiative to integrate into regional development, and promote the overall development of local economy and social service capacity; they should adhere to the principle of "leading industry", and actively target national major development strategies to promote the ability and level of national dominant sports career in a comprehensive way; they should adhere to the principle of "international dialogue", and actively provide scientific and technological services, talents and intellectual support, and strive to build a platform to display Chinese images, transmitChinese proposals and improvetheir discourse power in sports field; they should adhere to the principle of "reform and innovation", and constantly stimulate endogenous power and vitality according to the"first-class"standard and upgrade their internal management system and modernization of ability.

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    Current Situation of Leisure Sports Development in Europe and America and Its Enlightenment to China
    Xiangru Li, Bodet Guillaume, Karen Danylchuk, Tracy Taylor, John Nauright, Anand Rampersad, Martha Honey
    2017, 43 (4):  8-22.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.002
    Abstract ( 2293 )   PDF (3704KB) ( 2384 )   Save
    As leisure era is approaching, leisure can be seen in people's lives. These 5 special contributions under the name of "Current Situation of Leisure Sports Development in Europe and America and Its Enlightenment to China" mainly discuss issues related to world leisure sports development and reveal leisure sports development in Europe and America in the fields of sports health, leisure sports, sports tourism and leisure sports industry. It is hoped that China's leisure sports can follow the globalization trend of leisure sports and play a leading role in building a healthy world.
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    Study on Regulating Audience’s Behavior to Break CBAPlaying Order
    SUN Caihong
    2017, 43 (4):  23-27.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.003
    Abstract ( 1205 )   PDF (1223KB) ( 1710 )   Save
    According to the statistics of 7 seasons disciplinary cases released on the official website of CBA league, behaviors that destroy the competition order were mostly committed by audience. However, because they are not the objects of association rule management, the association rules and related rules are not directly applicable to the audience. Therefore, the regulation measures that CBA conducts on audience who destroy orders are not effective. NBA is the world's most successful professional basketball league, but still has number of audience violence. But its experiences on controlling the court order and the appeal mechanism, rules and regulations are worth learning.
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    Research on the Case Diagnosis and Optimization of CBA Competition Reform
    YAO Jian
    2017, 43 (4):  28-33.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.004
    Abstract ( 1593 )   PDF (1390KB) ( 1686 )   Save
    In order to build "the world first class" professional league, provide people with better competitive products, and suggestions on further optimizing the league's competition system, the present paper studies the case of the 2014-2015 season competition reform by using literature, expert interviews and other methods. The results show that: 1)the reform target mainly includes five aspects: competition fairness, appreciation, balance, health and uniqueness; 2) the system of coach's application for video playback promotes the fairness of the league, and compensates for referees' miscarriage of judgments, but still need to be improved; 3)the rule on single foreign aid in the 4th section increases domestic players' chance of playing time, but the appreciation decreases. The rule increases the strength of teams with foreign aids from Asia, but decreases the competitiveness of teams of middle level; 4) Judge committee system realizes the goal of clubs managing referees independently , but still need relevant supporting measures; 5) the joint punishment system on coaches' failure to stop athletes conflict has significant effect, but can not eliminate the real problems. Recommendations: increase the number of video playback and the number of times; rationally treat the three foreign aids rule; establish the arbitration committee of referee appeal as soon as possible, and adopt the "CBA Professional Referee Salary Standard and Various Kinds of Security system", implement the court violence prevention special training assessment and multi-department joint conference system to ensure the punishment timely, accurate, scientific and diverse.
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    National policy and community practice——Research on the reform and development of Chinese basketball association from the cooperative game perspective
    NAN Yin
    2017, 43 (4):  34-38.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.005
    Abstract ( 1203 )   PDF (1211KB) ( 1973 )   Save
    China Basketball Association is an important part of basketball management system. However, due to system reasons, its degree of self-development is insufficient, and the ability to integrate resources has not been effectively developed. From the angle of cooperative game, this paper analyzes the existing problems in the process of association reform and puts forward the following suggestions by means of documentary analysis and expert interview. A cooperative game mechanism should be established based on the principle of equality. Through fair negotiation and full gaming, it should break the information asymmetry and gradually form a common view on reform targets. Furthermore, a mandatory contract should be established and responsibility should be clarified. Intensive mechanism should be improved to arouse the enthusiasm of various stakeholders and form efforts to promote reform and development.
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    The Industrial Chain and Ecological Chain Coupled Model of Rural Leisure Sports Resources Development——Based on the Perspective of Sports Resources Embedded Leisure Agriculture
    CAO Qingrong, QI Libin
    2017, 43 (4):  39-45.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.006
    Abstract ( 1438 )   PDF (1769KB) ( 1980 )   Save
    Based on leisure sports resources embedded leisure agriculture, this paper analyzes the elements, requirements, relationships, coupled evolution line, the formation path and the forms of the model, revealing the internal mechanism of ecological chain and industrial chain in rural leisure sports resources development, and puts forward the development strategy of rural leisure sports resources based on industrial chain and ecological chain coupled model.
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    Study on Diversification Upgrading Development of Rural Leisure Sports Tourism Products Surrounding Cities ——A Case Study of Chengdu
    XIE Wei
    2017, 43 (4):  46-50.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.007
    Abstract ( 1129 )   PDF (1209KB) ( 2085 )   Save
    Study of questionnaires and documentary analysis shows that the development of rural leisure sports tourism products surrounding cities is of great value to meet the needs of urban residents' diversified leisure sports tourism. However, the development path of city-surrounding rural leisure sports tourism products is not proper, it will inevitably affect the sustainable development of rural leisure sports tourism. Therefore, this paper analyzes the constraining factors of diversification upgrading development of rural leisure sports tourism products in Chengdu, and puts forward the realization path and measures. It has practical significance to construct the city-surrounding sports tourism circle pattern and enhance the quality of healthy life of urban residents.
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    An Empirical Study on the Composition of Informally-structured Sports Association Members'Social Capital and its influencing factors
    TAN Yanmin, ZHANG Tieming, LU Shenghua, JIN Ning, ZHANG Xuewen
    2017, 43 (4):  51-58.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.008
    Abstract ( 1018 )   PDF (1255KB) ( 1777 )   Save
    Discussion on the composition and influence factors of members' sports social capital from the perspective of social governance is conducive to the rapid development of the national fitness organization. By means of revised questionnaire for social capital of informally-structured sports association members, this paper conducts a survey on members in Wuling Minority Region's 1253 informally-structured sports association members. The results show that social capital scale (5 dimensions: social support, mutual interaction, network relationship, group trust, group aspiration) has good reliability and validity. Academic qualification's positive effects on social support, mutual interaction, group trust, network relationship and package social capital, age's negative effects on network relationship, incomes' negative effects on group aspiration and career's positive effects on mutual interaction and group aspiration are all statistically significant, and the regression equation is established. Management enlightenment is proposed on this basis.
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    Index System of Mass Sports under Sports Power Strategy
    GAO Yufei, YUAN Jianguo, WU Baosheng
    2017, 43 (4):  59-65.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.009
    Abstract ( 1291 )   PDF (1229KB) ( 2011 )   Save
    The study aims to build the index system of mass sports under the sports power strategy with the methods of expert interview,literature review, and so on.The system includes 6 first-class indexes, namely, mass sports organization and hunam resource level, facility security system, mass participation degree, degree of financial resources investment, national physical health level, degree of media communication as well as 18 second-level indexes. On the basis of determining index weight, this author analyzed the standard that every index has to meet in the implementation of sports power strategy.
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    Further Talk about the "Dichotomy" of Defining Legal Attributes of Sports Broadcasting Rights ——Discussing with Doctor FENG Chun
    OUYANG Aihui
    2017, 43 (4):  66-71.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.010
    Abstract ( 916 )   PDF (1219KB) ( 1828 )   Save
    The definition of legal nature of sports broadcast rights has always been controversial. To research this question from the angle of multiple attributes may have some innovation, but also have some defects. And there is a misreading of the traditional dichotomy which defines the legal nature of sports broadcast rights. Compared with current domestic and foreign mainstream point of view, the traditional dichotomy is more reasonable. This paper conducts limited amendment according to traditional dichotomy's limitations. In broadcast connotation, the right belongs to the right of access to the field and belongs to the right of broadcasting organization in the literal sense.
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    Nationality State and State Nationalities: Cognitive Base Point and Interpretation Context of National Traditional Sports
    WANG Guanghu, RAN Xuedong
    2017, 43 (4):  72-80.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.011
    Abstract ( 1209 )   PDF (1245KB) ( 1923 )   Save
    The nationality state is a national form of world significance and the basic unit for understanding the world pattern and constructing the world system. The nationality state is a state system of modern significance and is the basic guarantee for the healthy development of domestic undertakings. The nationality state creates state nationalities. The "nationality" of state nationalities mainly reflects their identification of a state. Reviewing the development of traditional sports in China, whether in theory or in practice, we can find it has the directional error of "upward insufficient, downward surplus". there is Not onlya clear "folk" trend, but a tendency towards potential vulgarity and degradation. Therefore, in the construction of China as a nationality state with Chinese characteristics, revising or determining base point of national traditional sports. In the undertaking of pursuing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the context of national traditional sports should be revised or determined so as to establish the social role, time mission, cultural orientation and development direction of national traditional sports.
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    Verification on Manual of Li-Style Quan of in BoaiTang Village
    LV Xutao, LI Boyuan
    2017, 43 (4):  81-86.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.012
    Abstract ( 1571 )   PDF (1236KB) ( 2274 )   Save
    By means of literature and field investigation, the present paper makes a verification of the disputes in the circle of Taiji Quan caused by the publication of Manual of Li-Style Quan, and the contents of the book . The study holds that the materials available can not prove the existence of the Temple of Millennium and that it is false that the Temple of Millennium is the birthplace of Taiji Quan. It refutes the saying that Wang Zongyue once learned Taiji Quan from Li Helin. The point that Tang Hao and Xu Xia made concerning where Wu Yuxiang obtained On Taiji Quan is groundless. The origin of On Taiji Quan is still in question. It is hard to relate On Taiji Quan to the Manual of Li-Style Quan, in Tang Village. It can be concluded that theoretical errors in the Health Preservation of Wuji Quan--the earliest writing based on Manual of Li-Style Quan. And its theory part was the same as Xingyi Quan which published in 1915, so we can infer that Manual of Li-Style Quan was formed in modern times.
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    A Philosophical Interpretation of the "Shi of Quan"
    JIN Yuzhu, ZHANG Zailin, LI Li
    2017, 43 (4):  87-92.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.013
    Abstract ( 1226 )   PDF (1226KB) ( 2166 )   Save
    "Quan" is a commonly used name for Chinese Wushu in China and "Shi"is a concept used in such fields as politics, military, calligraphy, painting, poetry, etc.,expressing a similar philosophical thought and meaning structure, which in turn open up an infinitive possibility for the theoretical study of the"shi"culture. By way of literature,expert interview and logical analysis, the present paper,taking the three Quan of the internal School, namely the Xingyi Quan, the Taji Quan and the Bagua Linked Palm as examples, explores the"Shi of the Quan".The study shows that"jia-shi"is the structural power from which the"Shi of the Quan"is generated;"Li-shi"the logical power;"Qi-shi"the life power and "Qing-shi"the the power of expression.Pursuing "shi"in Wushu practice embodies a Tao of aesthetics and law of life.
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    The Impact of High-intensity Interval Trainingversus Moderate-intensity Continuous Trainingon Body Composition in Overweight and Obese Adults: a Meta-analysis
    ZHAO Guanggao, HONG Xiong, SU Liqiang, ZHANG Lin, ZHU Zheng, YANG Qin, SUN Shunli, QUAN Minghui
    2017, 43 (4):  93-99.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.014
    Abstract ( 1094 )   PDF (2169KB) ( 1975 )   Save
    Objective: To determine the effectiveness of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on body mass and body fat percentage in overweight and obese adults, in comparison with moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT). Methods: Four electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure) were searched for randomized controlled trial (RCT) or clinical controlled trial (CCT) comparing the effect of HIIT and MICT on body mass and fat percentage in overweight and obese adults. The risk of bias assessment was performed for each of the included studies. The meta-analysis was performed by using STATA 13.1. Results: Ten studies, including 119 participants in HIIT and 114 participants in MICT, met the eligibility criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. No statistically significant difference between HIIT and MICT was observed for body mass (WMD=-0.18,95% CI:-1.03~0.66,P=0.67) and fat percentage (WMD=-0.38, 95% CI: -1.02~0.27, P=0.25). However, a significant reduction in body mass following HIIT compared with MICT was observed in subgroups "48 times" (WMD=-1.51,95% CI:-2.73~-0.29,P=0.016), while marginally significant reduction in fat% following HIIT compared with MICT was observed in subgroups "12 weeks" (WMD =-0.73, 95% CI: -1.49~0.03, P=0.061) and "48 times" (WMD=-1.14,95% CI:-2.43~0.15,P=0.084). Conclusion: The effects of HIIT and MICT
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    Dynamic Analysis on Body Figure of Minority Students in Xinjiang from 1985 to 2014
    ALIMUJIANG·Yimiti·Taerken, ADILIJIANG·Selimu, AIRETI·Maitireyimu
    2017, 43 (4):  100-104.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.015
    Abstract ( 1216 )   PDF (1214KB) ( 1553 )   Save
    By way of literature review, experiment, statistics methods and comparative analysis, the present paper, based on the data obtained from investigation of constitution and health state of minority youth and children in Xinjiang from 1985 and 2014, made dynamic observation, comparison analysis of body figure of Uyghur, Kazak and Kirgiz youth and children over 30 years.The results show that: during the period from 1985 to 2014, the growth level of minority youth and children aged 7 to 18 in Xinjiang has improved. The long-term growth trend of height, weight and bust remained the same as before; There were some differences in developmental level and growth rate among Uyghur, Kazak and Kirgiz youth and children. Among them, the developmental level of body figure of Kazak male and female youth and children was significantly better than that of Uyghur and Kirgiz male and female youth and children, and the difference was statistically significant; The peak age of sudden height, weight and bust increase for Uyghur, Kazak and Kirgiz youth and children was advanced, and both body solidarity and uniformity have improved.
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    Virtual Kinematic Reconstruction of the Start Action of Elite Male Short Track Speed Skaters under New Rules: A Comparison Analysis
    WANG Shuai, ZHOU Jihe
    2017, 43 (4):  105-110.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.016
    Abstract ( 1562 )   PDF (1447KB) ( 2036 )   Save
    The gradual improvement of athletic performance and ability of sports has given rise to higher requirements for the scientific level of training, among which the simulation of athlete 's action is an important research method.Short track speed skating has always been a traditional advantage project inChina. In the competition of 500mshort track speed skating, occupying a good position in the starting phase has an important influence on the whole process of the competition,which can make the athlete enter the corner in advance and thus successfully complete the acceleration phase.The International Skating Union (ISU)changed the rules of start action,as a result various starting actions emerged.Wu Dajing(Champion of Men's 500m in 2016/17 Season),an athlete onthe National Short Track Speed Skating Team, changed his technique of start action and become the only one using lateral type start action in the team.Using the three-dimensional video analysis this paper analyzed the kinematics parameters of start action of Wu Dajing and Canadian athlete Charles Hamelin ,who has been using the lateral starting action, at the 500m competition of 2016/17 ISU World Cup in Shanghai, indicating that technical parameters of the start action of Wu Dajing (center of gravity, trunk angle, pedal ice angle, lower limb joint angle, etc.) are better than that of Charles, and his pedal effect is better than Charles too. It shows that Wu Dajing has a good learning ability of the new technology, it is recommended that he should focus on improving the stability of start actionin the training.
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    New Explanation of Compulsory Physical Education in the Context of Educational Equity
    ZHANG Peng, A Yingga
    2017, 43 (4):  111-118.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.017
    Abstract ( 1100 )   PDF (1374KB) ( 2051 )   Save
    This paper analyzes the reasons for the implementation of compulsory physical education in schools and its new connotations in the context of educational equity with reference to the relations of compulsion, fairness and educational equity. The research suggests that compulsory physical education in schools is regarded as the means of governing physical education in modern schools, and is the guidance, supervision and inspection of educational freedom. It should take free sports as its theme, limited compulsion and equality as its principle, and the realization of physical education rights as its premise.The reasons for its application include the desire to break out of the chaotic period of multidimensional physical education in schools, the attempt to bring back the fundamental function of physical fitness from overgeneralization and fuzziness, a solution to the problem of continuous decline of students' physical condition, adoption of benefit-oriented talent teaching and growth, and the path to strengthen the validity of implementing current school sports policy. Compulsory physical education in schools in the context of educational equity include starting point compulsion, process compulsion and result compulsion. According to the degree of compulsion, it can be divided into basic compulsion, active compulsion and objective compulsion. Its aim is to promote the equality of physical education in schools.According to the operation procedure, the mandatory guarantee of equal rights and opportunities for the physical education in schools should be implemented first, then the school physical education result is forced to meet the standard, and finally mandatory constraints of conditions, rules and procedure fairness for school physical education are implemented..
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    An EmpiricalStudy on the Effect of TransferringCircumstanceon the knowledge transfer of PE instructors in colleges
    QIN Man, DONG Haijun, LIU Xiang
    2017, 43 (4):  119-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.04.018
    Abstract ( 908 )   PDF (1299KB) ( 1681 )   Save
    By means of empirical research, this paper, taking physical education teachers in colleges as the subjects, researches major factors that influence the performance of the transfer situation of physical education teachers' knowledge transfer from 4 dimensions: knowledge distance, incentive mechanism, organization culture and transfer mode. The results shows that the incentive mechanism has no direct impact on the performance of knowledge transfer, the other 3 variables have positive effects on knowledge transfer performance; incentive mechanism affects the performance indirectly by acting on 3 other variables. It is suggested to establish knowledge training system, knowledge service mechanism and incentive mechanism with higher sports education schools to accelerate the teachers' knowledge learning and flow, and to improve their knowledge structure.
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