ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    25 May 2017, Volume 43 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    On the Position and Function of Art Major in College Education
    LIU Qing, WU Hongli, QIU Jiangang, LI Xiang
    2017, 43 (3):  1-7.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.001
    Abstract ( 968 )   PDF (1101KB) ( 1696 )   Save
    For sports colleges and universities with industrial characteristics in China, it is of great significance to upgrade their taste and spirit through integrating art major and play a role in "cultivating talents through moral education" and "educating students by all-round environment". Research shows that developing excellent art major education is sports colleges and universities need to build "double-top" universities and upgrade school brand and influence, and is the need to promote campus culture construction, implement the fundamental task of "cultivating talents through moral education", and develop "education by all-round environment"; and is the need to promote sports culture construction, enhance sports expressive value and artistic accomplishment; is also the need to promote the development of art discipline, enrich the art disciplinary system, and improve its connotation. In the new situation, if sports colleges and universities want to run art major well, they need to:position their goals and development direction rationally; use sports practice as a main platform to explore the connotation of "sports art" , so as to provide support for the "integration of sports and art"; create more valuable art works and become a leading force in campus culture construction; and play the practical function of art education, optimize and improve the quality of major education, and actively promote academic diversity.
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    Athletes’ Mental Preparation Based on Classification of Motor Skills
    WANG Jin1,SHI Yan2
    2017, 43 (3):  8-15.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.002
    Abstract ( 843 )   PDF (1251KB) ( 1717 )   Save
    Motor skills can be classified into two categories, open and closed, and each of these types of motor skills has unique characteristics regarding their patterns, features, processes, and neuromuscular control systems that are utilized. Moreover, these two types of motor skills are also controlled by two different types of neuromuscular control systems. Thus, not only should athletes engage in technical training based on the classifications of motor skills, but also, such principles should be applied to psychological training as well. However, many coaches, athletes, and practitioners have not been well informed about the classification of motor skills. Thus, the purpose of this paper is three-fold:(1) describe the different characteristics of open and closed motor skills and their two different neuromuscular control systems, (2) illustrate the determined factors of achieving peak performances in open and closed motor skill sport competitions, and (3) introduce mental preparation strategies for reaching athletes’ potentials in competitions based on the classifications of motor skills. After learning the characteristics of open and closed motor skills, hopefully coaches, practitioners, and sport psychology consultants can mentally prepare athletes to enhance their athletic performances.
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    Nonlinear Research of Capital Structure and Operating Performance of Listed Sporting Goods Companies ——Empirical Test Based on Panel Threshold Model
    GUO Rongjuan
    2017, 43 (3):  16-21.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.003
    Abstract ( 992 )   PDF (1174KB) ( 1649 )   Save
    Taking listedsports goods companies in China as research object, this paper analyzes the threshold effect of financial leverage on corporate value through the nonlinearpanel threshold model, aiming to investigate whether optimal debt threshold can maximize the corporate value. It is found that among the variables measuring corporate value, the Tobin q, which represents company internal intangible assets and future growth opportunities, has significant threshold effect, and the two mechanism influence coefficients divided by the threshold value are in positive correlation. While the rate of return on assets and the rate of return on equity, which are used to measurecorporate value, present a nonlinear and asymmetrical relationship in the threshold value interval, showing that an appropriate debt ratio can improve the value of listed sports goods company in China. However, when the debt ration is over a certain percentage, corporate value will decrease significantly. Therefor, the management should properly use financial leverage to maximize corporate value.
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    The Simulation Analysis of Existing Sports Venue PPP Project Revenue: Considering the Transaction Cost
    YE Xiaosu1, TANG Huiting1, XIONG Wei2, XU Xiaoye1, XIE Jie1
    2017, 43 (3):  22-29.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.004
    Abstract ( 965 )   PDF (1821KB) ( 1600 )   Save
    Objective: : Sustainable revenue is one of the essential conditions to ensure the successful operation of sports venue PPP project. Based on system engineering and transaction cost economics, a revenue model of existing sports venue PPP project is constructed. The study takes a specific sports venue in Chongqing as an example. System dynamics and fuzzy logic are adopted to simulate some critical parameters of the revenue model. The study takes concession period, concession price of sports service, the population of sports activities and the commercial service price into consideration, under specific discount rate level, to identify how these parameters' changes influence the revenue model of existing sports venue PPP project. This study aims to provide reference relating to investment decisions and dynamic management to the government and private investors who participating in existing sports venue projects via PPP mode.
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    Government Purchase of Public Sports Services: Assessment Plight, Reason and Solution
    FENG Weisheng1,2, CAO Keqiang2
    2017, 43 (3):  30-35.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.005
    Abstract ( 1153 )   PDF (1099KB) ( 1413 )   Save
    Government purchase, as one of the most important ways to provide public sports services, has been vigorously promoted and made remarkable achievements. However, assessment of government purchase of public sports service in China still faces various problems including that the government is the primary assessment body; the assessment objects are mainly undertakers; assessment method is mainly internal, and the assessment indexes are result-oriented. All of these problems result from: transformation of government functions is incomplete, purchase evaluation system is not perfect, assessment theory and practice are immature, and assessment information is asymmetrical. These problems can be resolved through accelerating the transformation of government functions, strengthening the study of assessment theory and practice, speeding up the construction of evaluation system and mechanism. By doing so can the assessment system for government purchase of public sports services can be established and perfected.
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    A Historical Study of the Far Eastern Athletic Association Created by American YMCA
    WANG Yan
    2017, 43 (3):  36-42.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.006
    Abstract ( 1093 )   PDF (1125KB) ( 1610 )   Save
    American YMCA played an outstanding role in the creation of the Far Eastern Athletic Association. In the late 19th century, American YMCA matured enough to expand overseas missionary work in East Asia, which was considered to be an important heritage territory of "Christ" culture for the future. In 1912 Brown of the Philippines YMCA initiated the establishment of sports organization in East Asia, and successively gained supports from both China and Japan . In 1917 "the Far Eastern Athletic Association" was formally established, and it was the first regional international sports organization in the world. The mode of spreading "Christ" culture through sports, ushered by American YMCA, achieved great success. On one hand it made western sports and the American value system taking root in East Asia society, on the other hand it promoted the modernization process of East Asian societies.
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    Sports and humanness ——The Essence of Body Crisis under the Perspective of Ethics
    GU Shanguang, ZHOU Xuerong
    2017, 43 (3):  43-48.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.007
    Abstract ( 775 )   PDF (1092KB) ( 1542 )   Save
    Body crisis is a common problem in the field of sports. On the surface, body crisis is caused by the unreasonable way of sports practice, but in nature, it is caused by sports alienation. Sport alienation occurs when people are enslaved by their desire and reverse the relationship between needs and desires in their pursuit of the value of physical exercise. To save people from body crisis and sport alienation, they must be unfettered from their desires. In the ethical sense, people's desires are an expression of their dislike of body, and indicate their loss of morality before their body. According to Marx's view that "human is Objective: existence", people can only be saved from their desires and body crisis and sports alienation can be eventually resolved when body reveals "truthfulness, kindness and beauty" through sports.
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    Significance and Proposition of Studying ZHENG Huaixian's Martial Art
    WANG Mingjian
    2017, 43 (3):  49-53.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.008
    Abstract ( 1277 )   PDF (1081KB) ( 1596 )   Save
    ZHENG Huaixian’s Martial Art not only pertains to his personal martial art technique, but also includes the collective technical fruition of the elder generation of martial artists of Chengdu Sport University represented by ZHENG Huaixian. In the macroscopic vision of the Chinese higher education reformation and the excellent traditional culture inheritance, this article proposes: (1) the inheritance and research of ZHENG Huaixian’s Martial Art is conducive to inheriting the technical essence of the elder generation of martial artists, and helps to enrich the system of the course;(2) it contributes to discourse power in the field of martial art, and strengthen the major advantage;(3)it contributes to build the brand of traditional national sport subject, and highlight characteristics of the subject;(4) it helps to inherit Chinese culture andpropagate traditional outstanding martial art culture. On this basis, as for the heritance and development of ZHENG Huaixian’s Martial Art, we give the following propositions:integrating point with face, strengthening morality and multidimensional docking.
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    Analysis on the Features and Problems of Professional Football Club Regional Distribution in China
    CHEN Yazhong,ZHONG Bingshu,ZHENG Xiaohong,CHEN Wenqian,WANG Bo
    2017, 43 (3):  54-61.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.009
    Abstract ( 1050 )   PDF (1238KB) ( 1711 )   Save
    The present paper analyses the regional distribution of professional football clubsin China.The results show that: (1) The eastern region is the primary choice for professional football clubs, and the number of football clubs based on the central region is increasing gradually. Football clubs' distribution in cities exhibits the feature that the more developed a city is, the higher the density of professional clubs is. Some clubs of China League transfer to developed regions or to regions where there is no professional football club. (2) The internal cultural factors represented by first tier teams don't have obvious regional features.3. The regional cultural factors represented by football fans is yet to be optimized.4.Brands of professional football clubs exhibit obvious regional features, but some brands in certain regions don't exhibit strong continuity.The main problemsinclude: there is no planning and guidance for regional layout;cultivation of local players is insufficient; there is no local fans-oriented cultural construction; the awareness of building brand in a region for longtime is weak.
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    The Research Statusquo and Rational Analysis of Core Strength Training
    XIE Zhengwei
    2017, 43 (3):  62-69.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.010
    Abstract ( 1212 )   PDF (1435KB) ( 1889 )   Save
    Objective: : By using the method of documents and expert interview, this paper analyzes the status quo of core strength training research. The results show that people's perception of core strength training is divergent, and the fact that many people follow blindly the hot topics has an increasing negative effect; findings through fuzzy reasoning and speculative estimation are short of quantitative support, and are subject to verification. The paper analyzes the viewpoints on core strength training in a rational way, and proposes that the core of rehabilitation training and athletic training feature not only integrity, systematicness, goal orientation, but also periodicity and dynamics; The core area of rehabilitation training should be the injured area the linkage area of injury mechanism, while the core area of athletic training should be the systematic function area involving the special "kinematic chain"; In the special quality and ability, power is the foundation, and speed is the core; The focus of core strength training is not to develop the core stability and the core strength, but to develop the integration and regulation ability of nerve-muscle system; The core area of locomotive anatomy, is neither the core area of body stability, nor the power source of momentum accumulation,but one step in the process of body stability and momentum accumulation.
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    Application of Living at Sub-altitude and Training at High Altitude among Mid- and Long-distance Runners in Sports Practice
    WANG Di, ZHANG Xiaocong, QIAN Yu, TAN Zeqin, YIN Jin
    2017, 43 (3):  70-76.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.011
    Abstract ( 1035 )   PDF (1942KB) ( 1736 )   Save
    Objective: :Conducted a study into such indexes as heart rate in motion, blood oxygen saturation degree and "pole" in 12 min limit running, aiming to explore the influence of the alternative training mode of living at sub-altitude and training at high altitude, and new approaches to improving athletes' aerobic capacity and performance.Methods: 8 mid- and long-distance student runners received a 6-week "living at sub-altitude and training at high altitude" experiment study and their 12 min limit running, heart rate and oxygen saturation in motion were tested respectively before, during and after the experiment. The "poles" indicating the changes in functional state in 12 min limit running and their duration were decided according to relevant athletic physiological theories.Results: (1) 12 min limit running performance, VO2max, heart rate and blood oxygen saturation in motion all changed before, during and after the alternative training of "living at sub-altitude and training at high altitude", and presented a trend conducive to improving athletes' aerobic capacity. Some indexes presented significant difference (P<0.05). (2) After the experiment, athletes' "poles" in 12 min limit running and their duration were obviously shortened, while athletes' "second breath" was lengthened, and their "sprint time" increased. Some indexes presented significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion: (1)The alternative training of "living at sub-altitude and training at high altitude" can effectively improve athletes' 12 min limit running performance, and has positive influence on athletes' aerobic working capacity.(2)Timely tests of heart rate and blood oxygen saturation in motion can reveal the changes in such indexes as "pole", "second breath", "final sprint". (3)The alternative training can intervene the distribution of "pole" "second breath", and "final sprint" in 12 min limit running, and is conducive to improving athletes' performance in mid- and long-distance running.
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    Technical Characteristics of World Elite woman Pole Vault Athletes under the Human-Pole Interaction Perspective ——Taking the 2015 World IAAF Championships as an Example
    XU Zhanming1,WU Xiangming2
    2017, 43 (3):  77-83.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.012
    Abstract ( 899 )   PDF (1541KB) ( 1453 )   Save
    By using the interaction perspective and video analysis, the present study aims to make a comprehensive and systematic investigation into the interactive form and laws of "human" and "pole"in pole vault techniques. The results show that "human" and "pole" exhibit obvious space-time interactive characteristics in world elite woman pole vault athletes' application of action link techniques. At the energy accumulation stage, the interactive characteristics include:the run-up rhythm gradually accelerates when the pole holding angle lowers, pole raising begins at the penultimate step. In terms of pole planting and takeoff action, takeoff starts comparatively earlier. The closer the takeoff point is to the bar, the benter the pole will be at takeoff time, and the bigger the loss of horizontal velocity at takeoff time is. At the energy storage stage, the interactive characteristics include:pole bending degree is almost the same as usual, while the pole bending degree increases during suspension action, the pole bending degree is smaller than usual. The larger the pendulous angle is, the more conducive it is to the swinging speed. At the energy release stage, the interactive characteristics include:(1) when the body tucks, the pole has begun to rebound, the bent pole has regained certain deformation;(2) in addition to the forward rotation of the 'human-pole" system , which takes the planting box as its fulcrum, the "human-pole" system also rotates on the "vertical axis" of pole arch;(3) the larger the body-tucking and leg-lifting angleis, the smaller the stretched deviation angle from the vertical axis is, and it is more conducive to increasing the upward stretching speed and height;(4) the inverted "V" type of bar crossing is commonly used.
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    Analysis of the Characteristics of Chinese Medals at the Rio Olympic Games and Its Enlightenment
    SUN Zhe1,2, CHEN Liang3
    2017, 43 (3):  84-89.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.013
    Abstract ( 1352 )   PDF (1090KB) ( 1646 )   Save
    By methods of literature, mathematical statistics and contrastive analysis, the present paper analyzes China's situation of medal winning at the Rio Olympic Games and the world's sports development situation, and sums up the structural characteristics of China's medals won at the Rio Olympic Games and the competitive edge of China's sports events. The results show that the structure of China's medals presents a mixed tendency of "rise and drop"; the number of medals in traditional advantaged events dropped slightly, but these events remain leading forces for medal wining; potential advantaged events such as cycling and taekwondo made a breakthrough; fundamental events such as field and track, women's football, women's volleyball made some progress, while basketball saw the most dramatic drop, and the overall strength of fundamental events is still weak. The author suggests that China adjust its sports development strategy, including reforming it's competitive sports mechanism, optimizing the sports events structure, and enhancing the reserve talents training system; improving it international competitive edge by innovating training methods, maintaining traditional advantaged events, upgrading fundamental events and developing potential advantaged events.
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    Effects of Exercise on Osteoclast Differentiation through the Up-regulation GPR48-RANKL Pathway in Type 2 Diabetic Mice
    CHEN Xianghe1, SUN Peng2, YANG Nianen3, LI Shichang2, XU Huijin2, ZHANG Nana2
    2017, 43 (3):  90-95.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.014
    Abstract ( 879 )   PDF (1389KB) ( 1473 )   Save
    Objective: :To investigate the change of OC differentiation in T2DM mice and effect of different mechanical stimulation on OC differentiation by GPR48- RANKL pathway in T2DM mice.Methods: Forty four-week old C57BL/6 male mice were randomly divided into normal control group (ZC) and T2DM group. Use the method of high-fat diet and STZ to build the model of T2DM mice, and the T2DM mice were randomly divided into T2DM control group (TC), T2DM swimming group (TS) and T2DM downhill run group (TD). And use the swimming and downhill running to train the T2DM mice for eight weeks. After this, use the RT-PCR to test the mRNA expression in the left tibia. Use the WB to test the protein expression in right femur. Take the BMM and induced it differentiation into osteoclast, use the TRAP solution to dye the osteoclasts. Use the vernier caliper to test the shape size of right tibia.Results: Compared to ZC group, the mRNA expression of GPR48、OPG、RANKL、RANK, NFATc2, CTSK and protein expression of GPR48、RANKL、RANK of TC group were all significantly changed (P<0.05 or P<0.01), the number of OC was significantly increased, the width of distal coronary surface and the surface of the proximal coronary was significantly reduced(P<0.05). Compared to TC group, the mRNA expression of GPR48, OPG, RANKL, NFATc2, CTSK and the protein expression of GPR48 and RANKLof TS group were significantly changed(P<0.05 or P<0.01). The number of osteoclast was significantly reduced. The mRNA expression of GPR48, OPG, RANKL, RANK, NFATc2, CTSK and the protein expression of GPR48, RANKL, RANK were all significantly changed(P<0.05 or P<0.01). The number of osteoclast was significantly reduced, the length of tibia and width of the middle sagittal axis were significantly increased(P<0.05). Compared to TS group, the mRNA expression of OPG, CTSK and the protein expression of GPR48, RANK, RANKL of TD group were significantly changed(P<0.05 or P<0.01), OC number were drastically reduced.Conclusion: The osteoclast differentiation of type 2 diabetic mice was significantly increased. The direct mechanical stimulation activited the GPR48-RANKL pathway, which inhibited the RANK and their target gene expression, and then inhibited the osteoclast differentiation of type 2 diabetic mice. The effect of direct mechanical stimulation was better than that of indirect one.
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    RPE During Moderate Intensity Fixed Speed Exercise and Its Accuracy
    ZHANG Renren1, ZHAO Liping2
    2017, 43 (3):  96-101.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.015
    Abstract ( 869 )   PDF (1677KB) ( 1615 )   Save
    Objective: RPE, cardiopulmonary state and emotional state of different time buckets of moderate intensity fixed speed exercise were explored.Methods: The sixty subjects completed successively 30 minutes jogging(or walk) with fixed appropriate running speed of moderate intensity (subjects had showed appropriate running speed during previous experiment with adjusted speed by themselves) on treadmill, and subjects evaluated their RPE(rating of perceived exertion)and emotional states by themselves before 5 min, during 30 min and after 10 min, and physiological indicators were monitored synchronously. 45 min were divided into nine time buckets, and emotional and physiological state data of six time buckets (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 and t6) during exercise were counted and analyzed.Results: of interview to verify were taken into account.Results: RPE, minimum value appeared during t3, t4 and maximum value appeared during t1, t6; HR, maximum value appeared during t6; VO2, VO2/kg, MET, essentially constant; positive emotional state, best value appeared during t2, t3, t4, t5 and worst value appeared during t6; negative emotional state, worst value appeared during t6 and t5 followed.Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary activity status changed and RPE changed were inconsistent during moderate intensity fixed speed exercise, and in a state of positive emotion with RPE undervalued in HR phenomenon. Therefore, the influence of the third variable (emotional state) should be taken into account when RPE as indicator of moderate exercise intensity. A quarter of the participants into a kind of halcyon ego state during exercise.
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    Study of the Strength of Muscle Group Surrounding Shoulder in Players with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
    LUO Ping1,2,LIN Hongsheng3,FANG Jianhui4,XIAO Caikun1
    2017, 43 (3):  102-108.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.016
    Abstract ( 974 )   PDF (1131KB) ( 1546 )   Save
    Purpose:The aim of this paper studied the strength of muscle group around shoulder in the female volleyball players with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome(FVPSIS) and the male weightlifting players with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome(MWPSIS).Methods: Evaluated the dominant shoulder function of the female volleyball players and the male weightlifting players in Guangdong,then made a definite diagnosis that Group I were thirteen FVPSIS and Group II were eight female volleyball players with nomal shoulder, and Group III were nine MWPSIS and Group IV were ten male weightlifting players with nomal shoulder.Measured the dominant shoulder range of motion and the strengh muscle group around shoulder by a electronic tacheometer and a Hoggan MicroFet 2 handheld myodynamia tester respectively.Results: were compared the difference of the shoulder range of motion and the strength of muscle group around shoulder between two group players separately.Results: Compared with Group II, there were obviously restricted in shoulder flexion and abduction of Group I(P<0.05),declined clearly on the strength of upper trapezius (P<0.01)but rised on the strength of lower trapezius and serratus anterior muscle(P<0.05), changed no apparently on the strength of middle trapezius,fell on the strength of internal rotation and external rotation of rotator cuff at the frontal plane(P<0.05),the same to the scapula position(P<0.05)bur rised evidently on one hundred and twenty degree external rotation(P<0.01). Compared with Group IV, there were obviously restricted in the shoulder flexion,extention and abduction of Group III(P<0.05),particularly in the shoulder flexion very clearly(P<0.01);declined apparently on the strength of upper trapezius (P<0.05),the same to the strength of middle and low trapezius but not clearly, rised on the strength of serratus anterior muscle but not obviously;fell evidently on the strength of internal rotation and external rotation of rotator cuff at the frontal plane of 60° and 90°(P<0.05),especially at the 60° internal rotation and the 90° external rotation very apparently(P<0.01);drop clearly on the strength of internal rotation and external rotation of rotator cuff at the scapula plane of 60°,90° and 120°(P<0.05),especially very apparently external rotation at these three kinds of degree(P<0.01).Conclusion:Compared with players with nomal functional shoulder respectively,It was all decreased the strength of muscle group around shoulder in FVPSIS and MWPSIS, but the level of the decline and the compensation due to decline were analyzed targtedly according to different sports.
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    Research on the Laws of Rat Renal Function Recovery after Different Cycles of Sugar Aerobic Swimming Training
    ZHU Bin1, CHEN Xueling2, ZHANG Yeting1
    2017, 43 (3):  109-114.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.017
    Abstract ( 1208 )   PDF (1287KB) ( 1776 )   Save
    Object: To provide the best training cycle and mechanism for the intermittent swimming training.Methods: The male SD rats were randomly divided into blank control group(K, n=6), single cycle/week training group (one round of training with small, medium and large load, T1, n=42), double cycle/week training group (T2, n= 42), triple cycle/week training group (T3, n= 42).After oneweek of swimming training, indexes of blood, kidneys, measured CRE, SOD, MDA, Ca2+-ATP were sampled respectively from K group in quiet state, and group T1, T2 and T3 at seven different times(T0、T12、T24、T36、T48、T60、T72) after motion.Results: The CRE content in rats bloodincreased significantly(P<0.05)after the single cycle of training;MDA content in kidney tissue rose dramatically; Ca2+-ATPase content at T0 and T12 dropped significantly(P<0.05).After double cycle of training,Ca2+-ATPase content in kidney changed obviously at every phase, going up significantly at T12 and T24 and dropping obviously at T36. SOD in kidney tissue went down immediately, up significantly at T24 and T36,and back to normal at T60;CRE in blood increased immediately, therefore the best time/phasefor renalfunction recovery is in the period from T48 to T60.After the triple cycle of training, CRE content in the blood increased significantly, going up obviously and down at T24 and T36,and back to normal at T72;SOD in kidney tissue presented sharp drop immediately; as compared with Group in quiet state, MDA content went up significantly at every phase, and back to normal at T72;Ca2+-ATPase content in kidney dropped significantly at T12, T24, and T48, therefore the best time/phasefor renalfunction recovery is in the period from T60 to T72.Conclution: After T2 training , the best time/phasefor renal function recovery is in the period from 48 h to 60 h; After T3 training , the best time/phasefor renal function recovery is in the period from 60 h to 72 h.
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    Study on Sustainable Development of Campus Football Based on Entropy Method ——A Case Study of Campus Football in Sichuan Province
    PU Hongchun
    2017, 43 (3):  115-120.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.018
    Abstract ( 1145 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 1764 )   Save

    The sustainable development of campus football has become an important factor to promote the cultivation of football reserve talents and the development of football. Based on the system theory the present paper builds an evaluation index system for sustainable development of campus football, and makes a dynamic evaluation of the sustainable development of campus football in Sichuan Province during the period from 2009 to 2014 through entropy method. The research shows that the sustainable development level of campus football in Sichuan Province continues to rise, the level of all the subsystems of social development, population, economy, resources and coordinated development presents rising trend of different degrees. However, at present, all the subsystems rely heavily on government policies and financial allocations, leading to the poor coordination among the subsystems, and inadequacy of their ability for sustainable development. Therefore, in addition to optimizing the internal structure of campus football and enhancing the "hard power" and the "soft power" of campus football, promoting the marketization of campus football, expanding the development paths of campus football, strengthening the order and harmony of the whole system are all effective ways to promote the sustainable development of campus football in Sichuan Province.

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    Construction of Educational Practice Curriculum System of Physical Education Majors in University
    SUN Weihong
    2017, 43 (3):  121-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.019
    Abstract ( 1085 )   PDF (1194KB) ( 1628 )   Save
    The educational practice curriculum in China mainly consists of teaching probation and teaching apprenticeship. With the development of teacher education reform, the connotation and implementation of educational practice curriculum has been deepened and strengthened. As previous research about education practice curriculum of physical education always remain on the reform of teaching apprenticeship so that it cannot meet the requirements of the reform of strengthening practice, and cannot meet the requirements of the development of practical personnel cultivation of physical education majors. This paper, literature review and interview were used to found the deficiencies and problems of current educational practice curriculum and then to construct the new educational practice curriculum system for physical education majors. The new system consists of three levels (basic theory courses, skill courses of physical education teacher's and comprehensive practice courses) and three stages (observing, experiencing and comprehensive application). Three suggestions were put forward to construct the educational practice curriculum system:1, following the principle of combining theory with practice; 2, attaching importance to reflection practice and research practice, and carrying out reflections in the whole process of practice; 3, paying attention to the quality management of educational practice curriculum and establishing an effective evaluation system. All these aim to explore educational practice curriculum reform in China and to provide a valuable way and reference for the cultivation of teaching ability of physical education major students.
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