ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 March 2016, Volume 42 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Sports and Media in Germany:Historic Milestonesand Key Facts about Football and Sports Media in Germany
    Thomas Horky
    2016, 42 (2):  1-7.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.001
    Abstract ( 1999 )   PDF (1818KB) ( 2084 )   Save
    Sport is one of the most important topics of mass media all over the world, with high figures on TV or radio, huge circulation ratings for newspapers, and dramatically rising page impressions or unique users in online media. Particularly, Football with the World Cup has a huge impact on the Germany society and sports journalism. In this contribution the history and development of Football in Germany is shown and underlined by data of the International Sports Press Survey 2011, a longitudinal analysis of TV broadcasts since 1994, and actual numbers of the German sports and media system. The 2014 final of the World Cup in Brazil between Germany and Argentina is described as the biggest media moment in German history.
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    15 Rules of Representation in Media Coverageof Sportswomen:International Trends and Cultural Differences
    Toni Bruce
    2016, 42 (2):  8-14.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.002
    Abstract ( 1950 )   PDF (1284KB) ( 1877 )   Save
    The thesis is about the 15 Rules of Media Coverageof Sportswomen. Some Rules appear to be disappearing, others are very persistent and some have only become visible with the rise of social media and internet interactivity. Although there are national differences, many of the Rules are found across North America, Australasia, South Africa the United Kingdom and Western Europe, as well as parts of Asia and Eastern Europe.The thesis is to compare the international trends with results from research on Chinese sports media.
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    On the Order Function of Sports Administrative Act in China
    YAN Chengdong
    2016, 42 (2):  15-19.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.003
    Abstract ( 1595 )   PDF (1941KB) ( 1938 )   Save
    Sports administrative act is the legal expression of sports administrative management. Its order function should be emphasized in the course of deepening the sports reform. The primary function of sports administrative act is to maintain fair sports competition. The government should regulate the illegal acts against sports competition and public interest, which include but are not limited to sports violence, doping abuse, bribery of referees and competition conspiracy. The core function of sports administrative act is to construct equal and fair competition order in the sports industry, which include defining competitive sectors in sports industry, identifying and imposing sanctions on anti-competitive behaviors in sports industry, protecting specific objects in sports field. The basic function of sports administrative act is to create a comprehensive and sustainable sports development order, which consist of working out sports development guidance plan and coordinating sports administrative act and other administrative acts. Making clear the order function of sports administrative act is of great significance for deepening the reform of sports management system and defining the function of sports administrative agencies in practice.
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    Rethinking the Use of Case Studies in Sports Social Sciences Research——Based on the Perspective of How to Use Research Methods
    GUO Kelei, ZHAO Yanyan, ZHANG Wei
    2016, 42 (2):  20-26.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.004
    Abstract ( 1533 )   PDF (1173KB) ( 1920 )   Save

    Using literature review and inductive inference, this paper conducted, from the perspective of how to use research methods, a research on the key techniques, theoretical inquiries, and the limitations in four typical case studies in the hope of rethinking the case study approach in sports social sciences and providing theoretical and practical references for case studies in sports social sciences. The results show that: case study follows the logic of analytical summary, which emphasizes the important role of theory in generalization studies. The four typical case study methods, which include “relational case study”, “deep descriptive theory”, “type comparison” and “extended case study”, not only lay a solid foundation for the development of case study approach, but also accumulate knowledge for the use of case study in sports social sciences.

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    The Historical Evolution and Contemporary Development of the Educational Thoughts of the Modern Olympic Games
    ZHAO Song, BAI Chunyan, WEI Biao
    2016, 42 (2):  27-31.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.005
    Abstract ( 1580 )   PDF (1102KB) ( 1934 )   Save
    Using literature review, logical analysis, this paper summarizes and analyzes the Olympic educational thoughts in different periods. The results show that, the Olympic Games always adhere to the educational values of Olympism, and have different contents and characteristics in different periods. Coubertin proposed the Olympism and advocated the educational values of sports games; Brundage insisted that “amateur” is one of the basic foundations of Olympic education, and he also emphasized the all-round development of athletes; Samaranch emphasized the combination of sports and culture and the harmonious development of man and nature; Rogge developed an educational idea of becoming more humane, and paid attention to the healthy lifestyle of global youth; Bach focused on promoting the values of sports all over the world. The educational thoughts of the contemporary Olympic Games are more diversified, and advancing towards the direction of lifting humanistic spirits, such as putting people first and sustainable development.
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    The Generative Logic of PE Discourse in ModernMusic Practice: a Physical Perspectiv
    QI Yulou , LI Cheng
    2016, 42 (2):  32-36.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.006
    Abstract ( 1290 )   PDF (1114KB) ( 2008 )   Save
    Sports discourse in modern music clearly shows its logic of evolvement from new body through new citizen to new nation, revealing its power in music. It is of great significance to explore, under the background of taking advanced culture as the guide and encouraging cultural innovation,the cultural connotation of sports discourse,the relationship between sports and music,and the continuation of its cultural value. This paper,based on literature review and logical analysis,focuses on the generation of sports discourse in music practice. It is found that creating new body is the logical starting point of sports discourse generation,shaping new citizen the logical outcome,and building new nation the logical end.
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    Theoretical Studies of Competitive Balance of Professional Sport Leagues
    YAN Wenhua, YANG Qian
    2016, 42 (2):  37-43.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.007
    Abstract ( 1672 )   PDF (2260KB) ( 2430 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature review, descriptive research, inductive inference, logic analysis and synthesis, the present paper discussed the post-2000 relevant studies on the definition, assessment approach and check-and-balance system of the competitive balance of professional sports leagues in China in the hope of laying a foundation for future research and theoretical advancement. The results show that: 1.The concept of competitive balance can be defined in its broad sense and narrow sense so that it can be better understood. 2. In order to make scientific evaluation of the competitive balance of professional sports leagues in its narrow sense, the result-oriented assessment approach must be changed, therefore, a scientific model of assessment should be developed. 3. The current check-and-balance system involves many factors and is too complicated in structure. Therefore, it is advisable to classify the system according to its subject, object and economic or competitive strength. In addition to the above findings, the present paper also discussed the status quo of and problems on the competitive balance of professional sports leagues including its research methods, objects, contents, and results and proposed some questions in relation to its research orientation, to which due attention should be paid.
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    Wushu’s Survival Wisdom in the State of Human Free Will
    CHEN Qing, ZHANG Jianhua, DU Shushu
    2016, 42 (2):  44-50.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.008
    Abstract ( 1384 )   PDF (1145KB) ( 1838 )   Save
    Objective: The survival of Wushu has always been a tough question. According to the philosophy of determinism, Wushu is a natural outcome of private combat or military war, and its survival seems to go beyond human control. Facing the survival crisis, Wushu has always been evolving from unconscious physical activity to conscious physical behavior. In its long process of fighting against various kinds of crises, Wushu has developed a set of survival wisdom including: a complex and highly technical system; the increasing awareness of practicing Wushu, the dominant principle of humane-and-heaven harmony, the transformation of its technical movements, the fusion of inheritance by family line and the change in its purpose. Facing the impact of new things in modern society and in the future society, the survival wisdom featuring mutability, will surely adapt to new cultures through human’s free will, and enable Wushu to extend culturally from life impulse to life shaping.
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    Regional Wushu Culture Studies: A Perspective of Anthropology
    CHEN Zhenyong
    2016, 42 (2):  51-55.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.009
    Abstract ( 2031 )   PDF (1957KB) ( 1920 )   Save
    Taking anthropology as a perspective, this paper aims to explore regional Wushu culture studies including its research methods and perspectives, practical operation and application, cultural construction and its significance. The author proposes that the holistic view of anthropological ethnography can help redefine culture and this culture should be the logical starting point of regional Wushu culture studies; The “logic in fields” and the “fields in logic” illustrate that the learning of “local knowledge” and the interpretation of “the other” cultures are the practical basis of regional Wushu culture studies; Overcoming the regional and national boundaries to seek the universal principles of human culture and its meaning system is the ultimate goal of regional Wushu culture studies; Exploring the meaning of human practice through culture studies and highlighting cultural reconstruction are the orientation of regional Wushu culture studies. On this basis, this paper puts forward that regional Wushu studies in the future should pay more attention to the microcosmic field investigation and case analysis so as to promote the integration of Wuhsu skills and cultural studies on the academic level, and deepen the anthropological ethnographic insights into Wushu studies. These will provide theoretical enlightenments and practical guidance for conducting regional Wushu culture studies in a comprehensive way.
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    A Discussion on How to Protect the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Wushu
    YANG Jianying, WANG Jiahong
    2016, 42 (2):  56-61.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.010
    Abstract ( 1899 )   PDF (1130KB) ( 2247 )   Save
    In order to promote the protection of the intangible culture heritage of Wushu, the current paper discussed on the three major disputes regarding the effort, which include “what to protect”, “how to protect” and “in what way the heritage can be carried forward”. Replying to these questions, the author proposed that the protection effort should target those boxing types which are on the brink of extinction; the intangible cultural heritage can be protected either by retaining its original contents and forms or by innovating them. The two efforts can be promoted in parallel; the intangible cultural heritage can be carried forward by its inheritors in the traditional folk way or by youngsters in school through introducing it to them. The schools involved should be those ones specific to Wushu teaching and training. If youngsters in ordinary schools of various levels want to get involved in the effort, they can do it through attending extracurricular Wushu clubs, rather than through learning in Wushu classes.
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    Misconception of Object: Dilemma of Controversy on the Concept of Wushu
    ZHANG Jianghua, SU Jiguang, LIU Dingyi
    2016, 42 (2):  62-68.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.011
    Abstract ( 1486 )   PDF (1141KB) ( 1916 )   Save
    The nature of disputes over the concept of Wushu is how to reach a consensus and the object that the concept refers to is clear and consistent is the precondition for the concept to be accepted universally. This paper analyzes why the object is important to the definition of Wushu, and questions whether the object that the concept refers to is clear with reference to the connotation and denotation of concept, relationship between words and objects, diachronicity, synchronicity, and collective criteria of object. The paper further analyzes the reasons why the object that the concept of Wushu refers to is fuzzy and attributes the fuzziness to the confusion of boxing types and their forms, of boxing types and the relationship of their forms, of boxing types and the values of their forms as well as the dehomogenization of Wushu activities before and after the boxing types occurred. The misconception of the object in the concept of Wushu is the logical outcome of all these confusions, and this puts the disputes over the concept of Wushu in an everlasting dilemma.
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    Research of Techniques and Tactics Characteristis on Chinese Women's Volleyball Team Preparing for Rio
    SHU Weiping, SHI Xiangyu, REN Jingtao, ZHAO Juan
    2016, 42 (2):  69-75.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.012
    Abstract ( 2209 )   PDF (1179KB) ( 2211 )   Save

    Based on the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team’s victory in the FIVB World Cup 2015, the authors collected the relevant documents, video recordings and statistical data on the team’s competition in the World Cup and made a qualitative-and-quantitative research into the team’s techniques and tactics as well as its non-technique and non-tactic factors to find out how the team gained the victory. The Chinese women’s volleyball team is currently in its critical time of preparing for the Rio Olympic Games, the authors hope that the current research can provide an academic reference for the team to optimize its technical and tactical training and overcome its weakness in technique before it sets out for the Rio goal.

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    The Influence of Different Frequency VibrationTrainings on Volleyball Player’s Core Area Strength and Stability
    SUN Yueying, GAO Feng, DU Wenya
    2016, 42 (2):  76-81.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.013
    Abstract ( 1576 )   PDF (1175KB) ( 2410 )   Save
    Objective: the study was designed to analyze the effect of different frequency vibration training (45Hz, 30Hz) on player’s core strength and stability in the hope of exploring new approaches for volleyball strength training, providing references for both the improvement of vibration training method and the development of physical strength training. Methods: the subjects were randomly divided into three groups, the control group (no additional vibration stimulation), 30Hz group, 45Hz group, the training time was 9 weeks. After the experiment, the core area strength was tested by the DAVID core strength test system, and the stability of the core area was tested by the eight stage abdominal bridge. Results: the backward extension strength, forward flexion strength, lateral bending strength, cyclotron strength, hip muscle strength and the stability test indexes of the core area of the experimental group increased more significantly than that of the control group; 45Hz group performed better than 30Hz group in the tests of backward extension strength, forward flexion strength, hip muscle strength and the stability. There is no significant difference in lateral bending strength and cyclotron strength between the 2 groups. Conclusion: vibration training can improve the core area strength and stability, 45Hz vibration frequency is more obvious in improving the core area flexor and extensor strength, hip muscle strength and the core area stability.
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    Correlation of Kinematic Parameters and Isometric Muscle Strength of Elite Pitcher
    SUN Xun, LUO Jiong, ZHANG Tingran, QIN Chunli, SONG Jixiang
    2016, 42 (2):  82-87.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.014
    Abstract ( 1398 )   PDF (1133KB) ( 2097 )   Save
    Objective:To investigate the correlation of kinematic parameters and isometric muscle strength of elite pitchers, and the difference between different type pitchers. Methods: Isometric test system and three high-speed camera were used to obtained raw data in kinematics and kinetics parameters in this study. Results: (a) High correlation of the rations of peak torques between external and internal rotation, flexion and extension on shoulder joints, both high positive correlation with elbow swing velocity, release velocity of baseball and velocity of contact barrier. (b) There are many significantly differences between non-balanced type and balanced type: total pithing time, lifting knee time, stretching and treading time, and acceleration time became significantly shorter in the latter; whereas , flexion and extension amplitude of elbow joints were significantly larger in the latter. (c) There are significantly positive correlation between velocity of elbow swing and maximal angle of external abduction, whereas, negative correlation with total time of pitching; there are negative correlation between acceleration time and maximal abduction angle and positive correlation with twist angle of trunk. (d) There are significantly positive correlation between release velocity of pitching, or contact barrier and maximal abduction angle in shoulder joints. Conclusion: To date the difference between Chinese elite baseball pitcher and foreign pitcher indicated that many kinematical parameters are significant, the key point is the unbalance development of pitching arm.
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    The Effect of Low Intensity Cyclical Load on the Patella-patella Tendon Junction Injury and Patella Microstructure
    WANG Bo, WANG Lin
    2016, 42 (2):  88-92.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.015
    Abstract ( 1375 )   PDF (1729KB) ( 1945 )   Save
    Objective: This study was to compare the effects of rest and low intensity exercise on tendon patella-patella junction (PPTJ) injury and patella with a cyclic loading animal injury model. Experiment design: 12 adult female New Zealand white rabbits were randomly assigned to a four-week cyclical load group (LD-RST,n=6) and a 8-week cyclical load group (LD-LI, n=6). During the experiment in the first 4 weeks, the two groups of rabbits received cyclical load of 7.17N/S·24 hours. After four weeks, the experiment on the LD-RST group was stopped and the load on the LD-LI group was changed into 4.2N/S·24 hours. After 8 weeks, tissues were collected from all the rabbits. The collected tissues were first scanned by Micro-CT and treated by H&E staining and then used for histological analysis by the image acquisition system. Results: There was no significant difference between the LD-LI group and the LD-RST group in the thickness of the fibrocartilage by H&E staining, and the collagen array in the LD-LI group is tighter and more regular than the LD-RST group. There is no significant difference in patellar microstructure between the experimental group and the control group. Conclusion: 4 weeks of rest can not promote the recovery of bone tendon junction injury. 4 weeks of low intensity of cyclic loading did not aggravate the damage and patella hyperplasia, and can promote the tendon reconstruction and repair.
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    Biomechanical Analysis of Stair Descentin Older Adults
    REN Zhanbing, HAN Gege, DU Xinglan, LAI Yongquan
    2016, 42 (2):  93-97.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.016
    Abstract ( 1718 )   PDF (1348KB) ( 2177 )   Save
    Objective: To explore the ankle joint and knee joint movement, the ground reaction force and the muscle surface electromyography (EMG) of elderly people during stair descent. Methods: Ten elderly males (68.5±3.8 years old, 1.71±0.25 meters high, 70.2±13.5 kg weight) and ten young people (22.5±2.7 years old, 1.75±0.14 meters high, 65.9±11.3 kg weight) participated in the test. The kinematic, dynamic and surface EMG signals of the walking process of the elderly were collected through the equipment and software specific to sports biomechanics. Results: The kinematic, dynamic and surface EMG curves of both the old and young people are identical. The maximum ankle flexion angle, the maximum ankle plantar flexion angle, the first peak value of the ground reaction force and the second peak value of the ground reaction force were significantly different between the young and the elderly. During the support ting phase, the femoral lateral muscle and the activation level of gastrocnemius lateralis muscle of the elderly are slightly higher than those of the young. Conclusion: The difference in motion performance between the elderly and the young may be attributed to the difference in their muscle strength. Therefore, it is of great importance for the elderly to develop their lower extremity muscle strength to enhance their body stability during stair descent.
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    Reflection on ZHENG Huaixian’s Thoughts on Traumatology of Integrating TMA and TCM
    ZHANG Yaohong, HOU Lerong
    2016, 42 (2):  98-102.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.017
    Abstract ( 1718 )   PDF (1109KB) ( 2145 )   Save
    Professor ZHENG Huaixian devoted his whole life to the development of Traditional Martial Arts (TMA) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and this makes us think about how to integrate TMA and TCM. Since both TMA and TCM are based traditional Chinese philosophy in terms of methodology, it is natural for both TMA and TCM practitioners to use “hardness and softness supplementing one another” and “balancing Yin and Yang” as their common codes of conduct. The commonalities and consensus that Gongfu (great skills by great efforts) and Li (force) share has implications for developing TCM orthopedic doctors hand skills through practicing TMA. Some TMA Taolu (routes) can be used for fitness and rehabilitation training. For the diagnosis and treatment of traumatological injuries, it is a better way to analyze the cause, development and change of the injuries based on the law of body movements. The history of integrating TMA and TCM has far-reaching practical implications and functions.
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    Investigation of the Demand and Cultivationof Sports Rehabilitation Professionals
    WANG Dingxuan, CHEN Qiaoyu, PENG Bo
    2016, 42 (2):  103-109.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.018
    Abstract ( 1939 )   PDF (1240KB) ( 2343 )   Save
    The research principal part of this thesis is the situation of the requirement and the cultivation of professional personnel on sports rehabilitation and the requirement of sports rehabilitation is analyzed from the facet of the national industrial structural adjustment in China, the health service holistic development, the development of the healing of disabled persons and the changes of spectrum of disease and so on; The situation where the professional personnel of sports rehabilitation in China is cultivated is analyzed by the way of accessing the column concerning the enrollment information in some undergraduate colleges and universities where sports rehabilitation is offered and investigating and counting the number of the enrollment of sports rehabilitation in every university and college in 2014; Reference and information associated with the cultivation of professional personnel on sports rehabilitation is provided to the government and universities and colleges.
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    Influence of School PE Policy Attitude on CollegeStudents’ Physical Health Standard Test Data
    CHEN Shanping, ZHANG Zhongjiang, PAN Xiugang, LIU Liping
    2016, 42 (2):  110-115.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.019
    Abstract ( 1567 )   PDF (1154KB) ( 2018 )   Save
    In order to understand college students’ attitude towards physical education policy and its influence on Physical Health Standard Test (in full, the National Physical Health Standard Test for College Students) data, a questionnaire survey was conducted among students from 3 colleges, and the data were analyzed according to the Physical Health Standard Test indexes. The results show that: (1) Students’ attitude has a significant impact on the physical test data. It not only affects their daily exercise behavior and physical health level, but also affects the accuracy of their test data. (2) Students’ attitude towards school physical education policy is not satisfactory. Some students don’t accept the contents, implementation and effects of school physical education policy and therefore their satisfaction level is not high, and some don’t even adhere to the policy strictly. (3) Colleges and universities need to strengthen their efforts of advocating physical education policy and offer instructions on students’ attitude so as to enable students to improve their physical health through doing exercises consciously and taking tests seriously.
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    The Dietary Habits and Nutrition Intake of School-age Children in China and Their Correlation with BMI
    YE Xinming, XIAO Qiaoli, YI Hongchi
    2016, 42 (2):  116-121.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.020
    Abstract ( 1491 )   PDF (1562KB) ( 2245 )   Save
    By comparing the dietary habits and nutrition intake of China’s school-age children in urban areas, migrant children living in urban areas and left-behind-at-home children in rural areas, and their correlations with IBM, the present paper analyzed the reasons for the obesity and malnutrition of different school-age children. Results: Children in urban areas have better dietary habits and nutrition intake than migrant children living in urban areas and left-behind-at-home children in rural areas. Children in urban areas take in too much meat and eggs, which is the primary reason why their BMI is higher than that of migrant children and left-behind-at -home children in rural areas. Children of migrant workers, especially migrant children are becoming more close to children in urban areas in dietary structure, it is possible that they will face new obesity problem.
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    The Effect of Physical Self-efficacy and Exercise Attitude on Sports AutonomousInnovation Ability of University Students
    WU Benlian, LI Xiangchao
    2016, 42 (2):  122-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.02.021
    Abstract ( 1722 )   PDF (1137KB) ( 2053 )   Save
    Based on the theoretical framework of autonomous learning, the author used physical self-efficacy scale, PE attitude scale, PE autonomous learning ability scale and PE innovation ability scale to conduct a questionnaire survey among 1454 undergraduates to investigate the relationship between college students’ physical self-efficacy, PE attitude, PE autonomous learning ability and PE innovation ability. Research findings: (1) PE autonomous learning ability can significantly help make positive prediction of PE innovation ability. (2) Physical self-efficacy can significantly make positive prediction of PE autonomous learning ability.(3) PE attitude plays an intermediary role between physical self-efficacy and PE autonomous learning ability. The results support the predication of PE autonomous learning theory and the author discussed it with reference to Sports Psychology and Educational Psychology.
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