ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 January 2016, Volume 42 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Check and Interpretation on the Song DynastyPainted Pottery Figurine of Cuju Child
    HAO Qin, GAO Xiao_l
    2016, 42 (1):  1-5.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.001
    Abstract ( 1973 )   PDF (2437KB) ( 2450 )   Save
    The Song dynasty represents the peak period of Cuju’s development in ancient China. Our research of both cultural relics and related literature on Cuju game demonstrates that people in the Song Dynasty were well aware of Cuju’s fitness value and moral education and therefore they encouraged children to play the game. The fact that Children’s Cuju game in the Song Dynasty was more depicted on relics than documented, according to our analysis, is a result of the difference between writers’ and artists’ descriptive angels. Our investigation of the Painted Pottery Figurine of Cuju Child in Chengdu Sport University museum reveals that children’s Cuju game and the Cuju ball manufacturing in the Song Dynasty achieved remarkable progress and the Cuju suits and boots were already standardized.
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    Analysis on the Frontier Problems in Foreign Sports History Research in China from 2011 to 2015
    Pan Hua
    2016, 42 (1):  6-10.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.002
    Abstract ( 2007 )   PDF (1093KB) ( 3364 )   Save
    Through analyzing and comparing the creative academic publications, research programs, dissertations and periodical papers, which are representative of foreign sports history studies in China during the period from 2011 to 2015, this paper outlines the important research findings. The findings indicate that foreign sports history research level in China has improved, while it still has some deficiencies. The author points out in the concluding part that measures need to be taken to improve talents cultivation, academic exchange and research horizon.
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    The Connotations and Forms of Sports Rights
    SONG Hengguo,ZHOU Aiguang
    2016, 42 (1):  11-17.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.003
    Abstract ( 1918 )   PDF (1144KB) ( 2649 )   Save
    Objective: Moral freedom, legal freedom and social freedom are the philosophical foundation and core content of rights and constitute the three basic dimensions of freedom of rights. These three dimensions are closely linked and inseparable, and jointly promote the transformation and realization of the subject’s forms of rights. As a kind of basic rights of human society, in the interaction of various social factors, sports rights have formed a rather complete system, and are increasingly becoming a means of human being’s all-round developments. The research suggests that sports rights have both the natural and social properties of rights, and meanwhile their own innate properties. With different targets, these three kinds of properties should be treated differently; sports rights have extensive sources, contents and forms, so the viewpoint to limit them only to legal rights is biased; through sports cultural characteristics, sports rights transform "freedom" of rights into "fairness", which run through and are implemented in specific sports relations; in reality, there are a variety of sports rights forms, of which the due sports rights are the foundation, the innate sports rights are the basis, the legal sports rights are the core and the actual sports rights are the ultimate goal.
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    Research on the Path of Improving the Overall Strength of Sports Culture under the Backgroundof Sports Power Construction
    GOU Ming, YANG Hui
    2016, 42 (1):  18-22.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.004
    Abstract ( 1792 )   PDF (1113KB) ( 2142 )   Save
    In view of the lack of relevant research findings on the overall strength of sports culture, the paper explores and analyzes the basic theoretical issues of the overall strength of sports culture. The result indicates that the overall strength of sports culture is the comprehensive strength of its elements manifested to the society. It contains three aspects, namely, sports culture service, sports culture production and sports culture communication. Based on the above findings, the paper further analyzes the strategic implication of strengthening the overall strength of sports culture, and puts forward the strategic path of enhancing the overall strength of sports culture.
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    Communication——Discussion of the Characteristics of Sports Display Communication in Large-scale Comprehensive Sports Events
    LI Jinbao
    2016, 42 (1):  23-27.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.005
    Abstract ( 1579 )   PDF (1213KB) ( 2393 )   Save
    Through data analysis, literature review and inductive inference, the paper conducts a multi-perspective study of sports display communication. The paper first reviews the evolvement of sports display. Then using the sports display at the Nanjing Youth Olympic as a case, the paper analyses the function of sports display in Olympic communication and puts forward that sports display is creative communication of sports culture and artistic communication of sports events. The paper also analyses the communicative mode within and outside sports display organization and the characteristics of audience, contents, media and effect in sports display in particular. Finally the paper makes a prediction on the development trend of sports display including the deep integration of sports event culture and host country’s (region’s) culture, the visualization of sports display contents, and the audience interactivity through new media technologies.
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    Researchon the Dynamic Change of Urban-rural Sports Consumption Gap in China
    GUO Rongjuan
    2016, 42 (1):  28-33.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.006
    Abstract ( 1827 )   PDF (1552KB) ( 2450 )   Save
    Combining Chortareas & Kapetanios’sequence Panel Selection Method (2009) and KSS Fourier unit root test, this paper investigates the stability of urban-rural sports consumption gap in the 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in China from 1978 to 2012. As compared with the traditional linear tests, the nonlinear Fourier function is more powerful in testing nonlinear temporal sequence with structural breaks. The empirical results show that the sports consumption gap in Shanghai, Hainan, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Guizhou provinces presents nonlinear convergence, meaning that the urban-rural dual structure mode in these regions has gradually disappeared. While the sports consumption gap in the rest 25 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) exhibits nonlinear properties, indicating that the urban-rural differentiation in these regions is still obvious and it cannot be eliminated solely through market regulation.
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    Study on Tai Chi Chuan Brand Consumption: a Semiotic Perspective
    YUN Feng, WANG Gang
    2016, 42 (1):  34-39.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.007
    Abstract ( 1563 )   PDF (1129KB) ( 2136 )   Save
    Through literature review and inductive inference, the article analyzes the industrial value of the Tai Chi Chuan brand from the perspective of semiotics in reference to the background of sports industry being upgraded as a national strategy in China. The results reveal that the brand consumption remains in a lower level and is faced with the following problems: (1) the brand does not enjoy a high value; (2) the cultural products derived from the brand don’t yield many profits; (3) relevant fitness and training sector are still at a low level in terms of industrial structure. In order to highlight the industrial value of the Tai Chi Chuan brand, measures to be taken include stressing the construction of the semiotic meaning of Tai Chi Chuan, highlighting its semiotic consumption by attaching the symbolic meaning of identity and social status to it, and expanding its consumption space.
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    Review of Chinese Wushu Culture Studies
    GUO Yucheng
    2016, 42 (1):  40-45.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.008
    Abstract ( 1850 )   PDF (1130KB) ( 2447 )   Save
    From the perspective of research paradigm, this paper analyzesthe academic paperson Chinese Wushu culture published during the period from 1991 to 2015. The analysis covers 8 majoraspects of Wushu studies, namely, new perspectives, approachesand backgrounds; traditional Chinese history and Wushu culture research paradigm; regional Wushu culture; Wushu communication; Chinese Wushu culture; Wushu education; comparison of Chinese and foreign Wushu culture; Wushu development. The paper summarizes Chinese Wushu culture studieswith a view of establishing the Chinese Wushu academic community and developing the Wuhsu research paradigm with Chinese characteristics.
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    The Concept of Wushu Education Needs One Leap: from Wushu Skill Education to Wushu Culture Education
    MA Jian, QIU Peixiang
    2016, 42 (1):  46-50.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.009
    Abstract ( 1614 )   PDF (1089KB) ( 2278 )   Save
    At present, the crisis of Wushu education lies not only in the lack of deep understanding and recognition of the implication of Wushu cultural education, but also in the lack of the application of Wushu cultural educationideology. From its theoretical basis, Wushu skill education is an utilitarian education of instrumental rationality with Wushu skills as its center, while Wushu culture education is the people-oriented education of cultural inheritance and spirit nourishment.It’s an significant converting from WuShu skill education to culture education in effect, which might be conducive to visualize the key for WuShu skill education is prone to skillful "living body practicing" and the key for Wu Shu culture education is devoting to the personnel cultivation whom be accomplished with "both the pen and the sword" . Hence, the hopeful and great development of WuShu education is expecting.
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    Boxing Type and Village: The PracticeSpace of Wushu Athropology
    WANG Mingjian
    2016, 42 (1):  51-54.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.010
    Abstract ( 1465 )   PDF (1096KB) ( 2150 )   Save
    China’s sports anthropology originated from traditional sports studies, but the studies of Chinese Wushu using cultural anthropology theory and methods are unusually weak. Most of previous studies on the relevant theories of Wushu use the framework and orientation of history and folklore. Anthropology theory featuring participation and observation is seldom used unless necessary, therefore the cultural anthropological research of Wushu is almost a blind spot. Based on a review of sports anthropological studies in China, the paper puts forward three dimensions of Wushu culture studies to which cultural anthropology can be applied: (1) Native villages: a unique window to which the research paradigm of cultural anthropology can be applied first; (2) boxing types: micro cases of Wushu studies, equally important like village Wushu studies; (3) immovable villages and movable boxing types: the cultural map of Chinese Wushu studies.
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    Wushu Cultural Inheritance: Space, Plight and Future
    FAN Tonggang,GUO Yucheng
    2016, 42 (1):  55-60.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.011
    Abstract ( 1659 )   PDF (1128KB) ( 2209 )   Save
    From the perspective of cultural studies and on the classification of material culture, institutional culture and spiritual culture, the present paper analyses the levels of Wushu culture inheritance and points out that Wushu culture inheritance consists of three progressive levels, namely, "retention of the original form", "continuation of the cultural essence" , and "extension of the cultural links". In terms of Wushu cultural inheritance space limits, the plights facing modern Wushu cultural inheritance mainly include: overprotection of "static" culture versus inadequate efforts in carrying on "living" core culture; well-developed intangible cultural heritage protection system versus challenge facing nongovernmental inheritance environment; emergence of academic stereotype versus lack of creative ideas. A breakthrough of the third level of Wushu cultural inheritance space requires us to carry forward Wushu cultural essence and develop its inheritance mechanism in a creative way.
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    Study on Systematic Tennis Serving Skill and Synthetic and Coordinated Training System
    JIANG Hongwei
    2016, 42 (1):  61-65.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.012
    Abstract ( 1729 )   PDF (1104KB) ( 2280 )   Save
    Analysis of the gap of tennis service skill between China’s players and the world’s top players indicates that the opinion that tennis service is under the server’s absolute control is not true. The author puts forward for the first time the systematic service skill, namely, the service skill is a complete system and excellent players should pursue the synthetic and coordinated effect in their service. The effect includes: (1) synthesis and coordination from static to dynamic; (2) synthesis and coordination of various elements (subjects) involved in service; (3) synthesis and coordination from external to internal. Based on the above opinion, the author proposes a synthetic and coordinated tennis service training system which contains: (1) prioritizing coordination in the service training and make it play a dominant role in the service process; (2) attaching importance to the coherence between service and the following action; (3) integrating the body movements along the vertical line and use the overall strength; (4) improving the synthetic and coordinated effect through maximizing the efficiency and minimizing the energy consumption; (5) developing individual’s best service rhythm. The paper also points out the 6 special abilities that athletes should have if they want to achieve the above effect.
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    Technical and Tactical Characteristics of and Developmental Countermeasures for Men’s Doubles in C and D Group in the National College Students Tennis League
    WAN Fengming
    2016, 42 (1):  66-69.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.013
    Abstract ( 1930 )   PDF (1089KB) ( 2308 )   Save
    Based on literature review, data statistics and on-the-spot observation, this paper analyzes athletes’ technical and tactic characteristics in men’s doubles Group C and D in the National college students tennis league and finds that in the service section, athletes mainly aim at suppressing the opponent’s backhand and pursuing stability in their performance. Their serving and receiving tactics are typical of the practice in singles match. They prefer to use the net-and-bottom formation, namely one athlete stands by the net, the other by the baseline. There are obvious defects in their service quality and ability of applying tactics to receive second service, blocking return, competing at the court center, net volleying and gaining key points. The author suggests that student athletes need to improve their ability of serving and receiving; do more training about net volleying, return blocking and approach shot; exchange attack and defense in advance;develop different serving and receiving tactics through communication and trust, so as to improve their technical and tactical level.
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    Empirical Research on Soccer Players’special Aerobic Endurance Training Design
    SHUI Yizhou,HUANG Zhuhang,GENG Jianhua,HAO Linlin,FU Honghao
    2016, 42 (1):  70-77.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.014
    Abstract ( 2137 )   PDF (1438KB) ( 2364 )   Save
    Objective: In reference to the characteristics of soccer game, the paper explores whether different forms of ball-work designs can effectively improve the athlete’s special aerobic endurance level.Methods: Using the12 players on the Beijing Sport University men’s soccer team as experimental subjects, the paper verifies and analyzes the aerobic endurance training method with the Polar Team2 heart rate monitoring system. Results: (1) In 4v2 movable ball pass and control exercise, 50-80% intensity accounts for 98.65% of the total load; (2) in 6v6 shooting exercise, 60-90% intensity accounts for 99.48% of the total load; (3) in 4v4 random cutting and passing exercise and half-ground game exercise, over 70% intensity accounts for 98.44% and 96.96 of the total load respectively, among which 90%-100% intensity accounts for 74.69% and 69% of the total load. Conclusion: Ball-work design with different load intensities and control factors can meet the basic requirements of soccer players’ special aerobic endurance training.
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    Application of BP Neural Network and MultipleRegression in Table Tennis Technical and TacticalAbility Analysis
    YANG Qing, ZHANG Hui
    2016, 42 (1):  78-82.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.015
    Abstract ( 1487 )   PDF (1524KB) ( 2244 )   Save
    Using BP neural network and multiple regression, this study analyzed the technical and tactical ability of elite male table tennis players. Results show that: (1) The models based on both BP neural network and multiple regression are highly efficient in fitting and forecasting. The BP neural network-based model performs better than the multiple regression-based model in both aspects; (2) The primary technical and tactical ability of elite male players is their attack-after-service ability, and the second their rallying ability and receiving and blocking ability in serving rounds, the fourth their rallying ability in multiple rounds of serving and returning; (3) There is a compensation effect between table tennis technical and tactical abilities. In a match featuring different technical and tactical levels, a total score of over 13 points means the game is over.
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    Concept, Theoretical Models, and Research Prospects of Athlete Burnout
    YE Lv, WANG Bin, MA Hongyu, WU Min, DONG Liangshan
    2016, 42 (1):  83-88.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.016
    Abstract ( 1829 )   PDF (1249KB) ( 2219 )   Save
    Athlete burnout is a process in which individual resources and environmental demands are out of balance,resulting in that athlete appears short psychosomatic strain responses, if without effective recovery for a long time, these stress responses will accumulate constantly and hence develop gradually into a psychosomatic syndrome and a dysfunctional condition characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion, diminished sense of accomplishment as well as sport devaluation. Athlete burnout has not only relations to but also distinctions from overtraining syndrome, stress and depression. So it needs to be treated according to specific conditions. At present, there were a variety of theoretical models towards explaining athlete burnout, including cognitive - af-fective stress model, negative training stress response model, unidimensional identity development and external control model, sports commitment model, and integrated model. Some researchers even apply self - determina-tion theory and achievement goal theory in their study of athlete burnout formation mechanism. In the future, re-searchers can inspect the exogenous factors which affect athlete burnout by using work demands - resources model, explore the psychological resources which can immunize athlete against burnout from the perspective of positive psychology to, and carry out studies on athlete engagement through diachronic tracing and qualitative research.
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    Basketball Team Conflict and Satisfaction: The Mediation of OBC
    YANG Shangjian, SUN Youping
    2016, 42 (1):  89-95.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.017
    Abstract ( 1512 )   PDF (1238KB) ( 2098 )   Save
    Objective: To discuss the relations between teammate conflict, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and satisfaction. Methods: The study chose 336 U15 high-level male basketball athletes as samples and tested them using teammate conflict scale, athlete OBC scale and athlete satisfaction scale. Results: Team conflict has powerful explanation for OCB (R2=0.042, 0.166, 0.195, 0.287,P<0.01), meanwhile it has significant explanatory power for athletes satisfaction (R2=0.108, 0.149,P<0.001) and the two dimensions of satisfaction, namely the dimension of individual performance and the dimension of team performance (R2=0.108, 0.149,P<0.001). When team conflict and OCB were used together to predict athlete’s satisfaction, the influence of teammate conflict on the two dimensions of satisfaction was significantly decreased. Among them, the individual performance was still significant (ΔR2=0.024,P<0.05), while the team performance was not significant any more (ΔR2=0.008,P>0.05). Conclusion: Team conflict was not conducive to the improvement of athlete’s OBC and satisfaction, but OBC has a positive effect on satisfaction improvement, and played a mediation role between team conflict and satisfaction.
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    Synchronized Swimming Coach’s Leadership Behavior and Sportsmen’s General Self-Efficacy: the Mediating Effect of athlete’s Character Traits
    ZHAN Hui
    2016, 42 (1):  96-102.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.018
    Abstract ( 1476 )   PDF (1161KB) ( 1622 )   Save
    This paper discusses the relations and mutual influence of synchronized swimming coach’s leadership behavior, athlete’s character traits and athlete’s general self-efficacy. The researchers collected through scale test the data of 81 synchronized athletes from Jiangshu Province and made correlation and multiple linear regression analysis of the data with statistical software. The research results show that: (1) different dimension s of coach’s leadership behavior could significantly help predict athlete’s general self-efficacy; (2) different leadership behaviors could significantly help predict athlete’s different character traits; (3) different dimensions of athlete’s character traits have varying degrees of mediating effect between coach’s leadership behavior and athlete’s general self-efficacy.
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    The Effects of Arm Swing Restraint on Human Walking
    LI Qiujie,QU Feng,WAN Xianglin
    2016, 42 (1):  103-108.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.019
    Abstract ( 1814 )   PDF (1956KB) ( 2303 )   Save
    Objective: This study explores the effects of arm wing restraint on walking patterns so as to provide theoretical support for the design of no-arm human-simulation robots and prosthetic devices. Methods: Choosing ten young male students as subjects and asking them to walk at the speed of 1.5+-0.3m/s while swinging their arms naturally and walking with their arms restrained respectively. Using Kistler’s 3D force platform and the infrared high-speed motion capture system to collect subjects’ kinetic and kinematic data. Results: (1) Arms swing restraint will significantly reduce the walking frequency; (2) arm swing restraint will dramatically increase the vertical range of gravity movement and the rotary angle of pelvis; (3) under the two different motion conditions, biomechanic parameters present significant differentiation; (4) under the two walking patterns, lower limb parameters are highly correlated (r>0,90) . Conclusion: Arm swing during walking will reduce legs’ energy consumption. Therefore it is a kind of energy-saving walking pattern. The motion pattern of lower limbs under the two walking conditions is highly identical.
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    Comparative Analysis of Elite Female High Jumpers’ Kinematics in the Run-up nd Take-off Phase
    ZHANG Yan,ZHANG Jian,CHENG Liang
    2016, 42 (1):  109-113.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.020
    Abstract ( 4505 )   PDF (1186KB) ( 6289 )   Save
    The paper investigated the kinematic characteristics of elite female Fosbury Flop jumpers and compared the kinematic difference between high-level jumpers (n=6) and level-1 jumpers (n=8) in their run-up and take-off stage to provide quantitative basis for athletes’ scientific training. The researchers recorded the Fosbury Flop process of both high-level jumpers and level-1 jumpers with 3D video camera, and analyzed the two groups’ kinematics data collected with Simi Motion 9.01 using an independent sample t-test, and made a person correlation analysis together with their scores. Results: (1) In the run-up stage, the gravity resultant velocity of the high-level jumpers in countdown step 3, step 2 and step 1 was significantly greater than the level-1jumpers(P<0.05), and high-level jumpers’ caster angle in countdown 1 is significantly smaller than the level-1 jumpers(P<0.05); (2) In the take-off stage, the high-level jumpers had bigger angle of toe-in, stretching range of the hip on the take-off leg, range of gravity shift than the level-1 jumpers (P<0.01), Both the vertical gravity velocity of the take-off leg at the landing moment and the height of the gravity off the ground at the take-off moment were significantly higher than that of level-1 jumpers(P<0.05); (3) In countdown step 1-3, the gravity resultant velocity and the jumping, pushing and stretching angles of both hip and ankle, their angles of toe-in, and the height of gravity presented a remarkable correlation. In countdown step 1, the caster angle and the angular velocity of the swinging leg, and angle of toe-in of the take-off leg at the landing moment were in significant negative correlation.
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    PDCA Cycle: Study on the Result Optimization-oriented Physical Education Curriculum
    XIA Junbiao, CHENG Chuanyin, WANG Qingjun
    2016, 42 (1):  114-119.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.021
    Abstract ( 1707 )   PDF (1132KB) ( 2122 )   Save
    Using literature review, the present paper analyzes the PDCA cycle of result optimization -oriented sports curriculum. Meanwhile, it assesses the curriculum evaluation method by combining empirical and humanity methods. The study holds that the PDCA cycle includes four steps, namely, design of evaluation plan, data collection, operation of original curriculum program and effect verification of revised curriculum program. The four steps form a continuous cycle, thereby ensuring the constant improvement of physical education curriculum program. Our findings include: the PDCA cycle can ensure the achievement of learning objectives in a comprehensive and consistent way through vertical decomposition of the curriculum objectives. Besides, in order to save time, teachers can combine formal and informal evaluation, make sampling and complete evaluation in the process of evaluation. Teachers can also employ appropriate tools to assess in a comprehensive way students action, attention, understanding and efforts so that they can give students feedback information, find out students advantages and disadvantages, figure out the reasons way some students are at a disadvantage, and finally put forward hypotheses regarding curriculum improvement and revise the curriculum program.
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    Research on the Characteristics of Physical Education Expert Teachers’ and Primary Teachers’ Classroom Questioning Behavior
    ZHANG Chaolin
    2016, 42 (1):  120-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.022
    Abstract ( 1692 )   PDF (1162KB) ( 2221 )   Save
    Objective: To investigate question types and skills of eliciting and responding to answers used by physical education (PE) expert teachers’ and primary teachers’ to provide a reference for the improvement of teaching quality and development of primary PE teachers. Methods: Using literature review, video recording, motion picture capturing to make detailed observation and statistics of the questioning methods employed by the two types of teachers of each four in four sessions. Results: (1) the predominant questions raised by the two types of PE teachers in classroom were mainly memory-based questions. The number of questions raised by experts in a single class was significantly higher than that of primary teachers. As compared with primary teachers , experts raised more analytical, reasoning, commentary, and critical questions and less imaginary and creative questions; (2) Experts’ average waiting time for response was 3 seconds less that that of primary teachers, much longer than the duration for a single question used by primary teachers. The duration used by experts for question repetition and questions having multiple answers was significantly longer than that used by primary teachers; (3) in terms of answer-responding skills, experts spent more time on responding to students answers and used the skills of "giving guidance answers" and "suggesting a special activity" more often; 4) as compared with their behavior in non-special classes, experts have more questioning behaviors, use more commentary and critical questions and questions having multiple answers, and give more guidance answers. Conclusion: Primary PE teacher are considerably different from experts in using question types and skills of eliciting and responding to answers. Therefore, it is important for primary teachers to observe and learn form experts’ teaching behavior.
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