ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 July 2015, Volume 41 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Fiscal Policy with the Integration of Sports Industry and Technology
    WANG Jiahong, SHAO Weiyu
    2015, 41 (4):  1-6.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.01
    Abstract ( 1828 )   PDF (1209KB) ( 3015 )   Save
    After entering the new normal economy, China has entered a new stage of innovation-driven development period, so scientific and technological innovation has become the key driving force to foster new economic growth point. Development of sports industry must resort to scientific and technological strength and the integration of science and technology in the sports industry can not do without the support of the government fiscal policy. This paper firstly clarifies the connotation of integration of sports industry and technology. Then it analyzes the necessity and mechanism of the fiscal policy to promote the integration of sports industry and technology. Based on the status quo, it deeply analyzes the problems about management system, market players, financial security, policy environment and personnel support, etc. Finally, it points out the orientation of fiscal policy and the recent policy exertion.
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    Research of The Sports Industry’s Development Mechanism Innovation in The Process of Urbanization
    DUAN Jinjun,ZHANG Min
    2015, 41 (4):  7-12.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.02
    Abstract ( 2962 )   PDF (1435KB) ( 3577 )   Save
    At present, China's economy has entered a new norm accompanied by a new stage of urbanization. In the process of urbanization in China, the traditional l industrial development mode drive by cheap production factors is severely challenged, so only the innovation-driven mode can ensure the sustainable development and sports industry is no exception. This paper examines the basic structure and the factors of the sports industry and puts forward the following suggestion of building the "triple helix" mode of sports industry development so as to realize the implementation of the new strategy of "Internet + finance + sports industry" to break the institutional barrier of the sports industry, promoting the establishment of the regional division of labor system and innovating mechanisms in the aspect of market organization environment, infrastructure construction of public sports, service industry, etc.
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    Research on Fiscal Policies Supporting the Development of Sports Industry in China
    MAO Xiaoying
    2015, 41 (4):  13-18.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.03
    Abstract ( 2104 )   PDF (1151KB) ( 2693 )   Save
    In October 2014, the State Council issued "Opinions about Speeding up the Development of Sports Industry and Promoting the Sports Consumption”, which was the first time for the country to emphasize the development of sports industry from the angle of industry. Finance, as the basis and important pillar of governance, should give play to the role of fiscal policy and financial capital orientation so as to promote the rapid development of sports industry. The paper, based on the research literatures on the development of existing sports industry, analyzes the current development situation and problems of sports industry. It further conducts an overall and systematic research on how to support the development of the sports industry on the part of finance and comes up with the relevant policy suggestions.
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    Research on the Mechanism Upgrading of Sports Industry from the Perspective of Industry Value Chain
    LI Jing
    2015, 41 (4):  19-23.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.04
    Abstract ( 1766 )   PDF (1221KB) ( 3063 )   Save
    Sports industry is considered to be one of the most active sunrise industries in the 21st century and it is a new growth point of local economic development in the future. China’s sports industry started relatively late with relatively low level of technical and vertical division of labor is not high, which determines its low end in the industrial value chain and the urgent upgrade. Based on the theory of industrial value chain, this paper takes the South Jiangsu as an example to , conduct a deep research on the mechanism of local sports industry upgrading, suggesting two forms of sports industry upgrading in sports goods manufacturing industry and service industry respectively. Sports goods manufacturing industry upgrading is promoted by innovation, while sports service industry upgrading is based on industrial agglomeration. It is also pointed in the paper that government supports, optimizing resources allocation and strengthening sports enterprises are very important for sports industry upgrading.
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    Analysis of 2000-2013 International Sports Science Research
    LI Yongqin,GAO Kuiting,Wang Hongjiang,Wang Yongshun, Lei Wenxiu
    2015, 41 (4):  24-30.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.05
    Abstract ( 2256 )   PDF (1248KB) ( 3228 )   Save
    Using the method of bibliometrics, this paper makes a statistical analysis on the literature of international sports scientific research, including literature quantity, organization, language, document type, subject headings, source periodicals and so on so as to objectively and quantitatively analyze the international sports science research status quo and provide data and information reference for sports science researchers and managers. The results show that: from 2000 to 2013, international sports science researches came from research institutions in colleges and universities in Europe and North America in 142 countries represented by the United States and 124 521 papers were published in 104 journals. Overall, the quantities of literature show a growth trend with the researches covering 18 subject categories, such as orthopedics, physiology, rehabilitation, psychology and so on, among which orthopedics and physiology are the most popular fields. The influence of the source journals is relatively significant with higher quality. English is the main language. The paper types give priority to “Article” with diverse characteristics.
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    Visualization Analysis of Research Status、Research hotspot、cutting-edge Research of Coach-athlete Relationship
    GUO Yugang,XIA Shuhua, ZHANG Zhongqiu
    2015, 41 (4):  31-37.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.06
    Abstract ( 1571 )   PDF (1271KB) ( 2993 )   Save
    Using the software of HistCite and RefViz , 442 papers from 1991 to 2013 in Web of Science Datebase were analyzed with the citation analysis visualization for international coach-athlete relationship. The results indicate that the International Coach-athlete relationship study shows an increasing trend with the United Kingdom and the United States as the eight representative countries and Jowett S, Amorose AJ, Vallerand R, Duda JL and so on as the eleven influential scholars. The international coach-athlete relationship research can be divided into three phases with the research hotspot mainly focusing on motivation, perception, model, leadership and intrinsic motivation, questionnaire, team cohesion, dyads, empathy, accuracy, performance, elite and burnout, and cutting-edge research focusing on cross-cultural studies, diversification study, etc.
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    Memory Consolidation: Research Focus and Prospect in the Motor Skill Learning
    YANG Mingliang, CHEN Jing
    2015, 41 (4):  38-44.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.07
    Abstract ( 1883 )   PDF (1851KB) ( 2934 )   Save
    More and more importance has been attached to off-line improvement and the memory stability, the two behavior characteristics in memory consolidation, and a certain number of research results of great theoretic and practical value have been produced. The paper reviews and analyzes the latest research achievements upon sleep and offline-improvement, motor skill learning and retroactive interference, exercise intervention and memory stability. The result shows that there are still defects in the related study of memory consolidation, such as monotonous research methods, copying each other in experiment design, lacks of systematicness, breadth and depth in research. The paper accordingly proposes the direction of the intending research to provide references for future researches on the relevant memory consolidation in motor skill learning process.
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    Paradigm、Root and Outlet: The Interest Problem of Track and Field Curriculum
    Sun Youping, Zhang Lei
    2015, 41 (4):  45-50.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.08
    Abstract ( 2074 )   PDF (1155KB) ( 3171 )   Save
    The phenomenon of "Students don't like the track and field class" has long been concerned as a problem of "interest". There exist two main research paradigms, the "curriculum reform paradigm" and "teaching reform paradigm" in the existing research from research methods to the research content. "Interest problem" is a real problem. From the point of Schiller's aesthetic, its root lies in the "embarrass" of perceptual impulse and the "containment" of form impulse. If track and field class wants to get out of the problem of "interest", the first thing to face up is its identity as pedagogy, and game as the object of "game impulse" is no doubt an opportunity.
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    Application Value and Limitations of Social Network in the Research of Sports Sociology
    LIANG Hongmei, LI Xiaodong ,LI Jinlong
    2015, 41 (4):  51-56.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.09
    Abstract ( 2089 )   PDF (1164KB) ( 3186 )   Save
    Social network analysis has enabled sports sociological researches to exceed the previous of individuals and groups. Now the researches mainly focus on the concepts, models and patterns of the interactive relationships between individuals and lager and more complicated organizations, which happens to be what is absent and insufficient in the present social sports researches. It is going to provide theoretical references for the application of social network analysis to the future social sports researches to explore the value and limitations social network in sports researches. Based on this, the paper adopts the research methods of literature and logic analysis and points out the value and limitations of social network analysis in various aspects of social sports researches.
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    China’s Sports Public Service System: the Pattern Choice and Mechanism Construction
    Li Yanling, WANG Jiahong,JIANG Hongyu
    2015, 41 (4):  57-62.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.10
    Abstract ( 1721 )   PDF (1155KB) ( 3038 )   Save
    Public Sports service system construction is a major strategic initiative of building a moderately prosperous society during“The 12th five-year-plan” period. The research believes that the inclusive public sports service pattern with both efficiency and equity is a realistic choice under market economy, with the substantive core including the “public finance-based, social funds- participated?” spending patterns , the “wide coverage, a moderate level, both fair and efficient” public sports service consumption patterns and the “government-led, multi-collaborative” public sports service supply pattern.The mechanism construction for sports public service system needs an efficient mechanism, a fair mechanism, a supervision mechanism, an evaluation mechanism and an accountability mechanism to cooperate, to ensure efficiency and equity of public sports services, to ensure the stability of public sports services, effectiveness and sustainability.
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    Research on Wushu Cultural Identity in National Cultural Construction
    WANG Chun, WANG Boli
    2015, 41 (4):  63-67.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.11
    Abstract ( 2028 )   PDF (1138KB) ( 3138 )   Save
    Under the background of adhering to the confidence in path, system and theory, China’s national cultural construction must strengthen the identity of Chinese culture and the cultivation of socialist core values. The paper researches the cultural identity in the Wushu development with the result indicating that it is the one-dimensional measurement of the values of Chinese traditional Wushu on the stance of western culture that has resulted in the indentify crisis of traditional Wushu. It does not accord with the need of national culture development strategy to strengthen the protection of the diversity of traditional Wushu culture without discrimination. The development of Chinese Wushu must be based on the national cultural construction and extract the core value of the Chinese Wushu recognized by the Chinese culture. At the same time, we should desalinate Wushu school identity by correctly guiding Wushu school identity. It is of great significance to bring Chinese Wushu into the track of the national cultural development strategy so that Chinese Wushu culture can play its role to promote the national cultural construction. As such, the Chinese Wushu culture can really move into its modernization and receive its deserved position in the national cultural development.
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    Study of the Relationship between“Thirteen Stick Monks Save the Emperor of Tang Dynasty”and “Ming Dynasty Monks Resist the Japanese Pirates”
    LIU Haichao
    2015, 41 (4):  68-71.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.12
    Abstract ( 4215 )   PDF (1141KB) ( 3800 )   Save
    Based on historical data analysis of Thirteen Stick Monks Save the Emperor of Tang Dynasty and Ming Dynasty Monks Resist the Japanese Pirates, the author aims to restore the historical facts that Shaolin monks participated in political and military culture in the early stage of Tang and the Ming dynasty.The two historic events(Thirteen Stick Monks Save the Emperor of Tang Dynasty and Ming dynasty Monks Resist the Japanese Pirates) strengthen the historical memory of Shaolin Wushu culture to some extent, further enrich the ideological contents of the Shaolin Wushu culture --- uphold justice and guard the national interests, and the value orientation of both events consistently points to the spiritual and cultural level, that is, cultivating one’s morality, managing state affairs, ruling the world peacefully.
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    The Tangut Sports Law in “Tiansheng Law”
    DAI Yu
    2015, 41 (4):  72-74.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.13
    Abstract ( 1973 )   PDF (1135KB) ( 2931 )   Save
    The Tangut code “Tiansheng law” kept a lot of sports law,it includes the sports law of infringement of personal right and the management law of military sports. In the personal tort law, it contains the earliest legislation of Sumo. And the management law of military sports are very rigorous,that was the military is powerful in Tangut. Morever the Tangut sports law has the characteristics of military, national and rigorous.
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    Research on China’s Youth Sports Club Management
    YANG XiaoChen, XIAO Linping, SUN Ronghui, HUAN Changdian, CHEN Hong, SONG Xin
    2015, 41 (4):  75-80.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.14
    Abstract ( 2154 )   PDF (1291KB) ( 2965 )   Save
    The particularity of youth sports club management is embodied in five aspects: susceptibility to the restriction and influence of the franchisor and the supporting institutions and the lack of individual interests, competition mechanism and the corresponding performance evaluation system, which leads to the failure to measure organization performance via profit. Field research reveals the main problems of youth sports club management in China, including the unsound internal governance mechanism, the lack of rules and regulations and the imperfect external governance environment. The paper accordingly suggests the corresponding measures of the materialization operations of China’s youth sports clubs by means of perfecting the internal governance structure and optimizing the external governance environment by forming the many-sided monitoring mechanism based on law, government, federations, independent evaluation agency and public opinion.
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    Design and Analysis of Wushu Referees’ Auxiliary Rating System
    LI Yingkui,XU Ying,HE ying
    2015, 41 (4):  81-84.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.15
    Abstract ( 1773 )   PDF (1380KB) ( 2908 )   Save
    Based on the analysis of the current scoring problems in Wushu competitions, the paper suggests a new scoring auxiliary system to prevent such problems. It establishes the design principle, design thinking and the overall framework of the scoring auxiliary system which is digitalized and informationized to guarantee the fairness and impartiality of Wushu competitions.
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    Comparative Analysis of the Tactics Adoptedby the Chinese Team and the Top Four Teamsat the 2014 Women's Volleyball WorldChampionship
    WANG Shiwei,ZHANG Zhimin, GE Chunlin
    2015, 41 (4):  85-90.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.16
    Abstract ( 2061 )   PDF (1164KB) ( 3020 )   Save
    By using the methods of documentary research, video observation and mathematical statistics, the paper makes a comparative analysis of four matches between Chinese women’s volleyball team and other three top-four teams at the 2014 Women’s Volleyball World Championship , trying to find out the weaknesses of Chinese women volleyball team from quantitative and qualitative perspectives. The results show that Chinese women’s volleyball team has weak service and reception with too concentrated attack points, imperfect block-defense system and amplified technical weaknesses at key points. Suggestions: we should strengthen the training of service and reception, the tactical attack when the reception and dig are not in the target area, improve the block-defense system and strengthen mental training so as to and improve players’ self-confidence.
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    Measurement Index System Construction for Male Teenagers’ Special Physical Training in Badminton
    QUE Ning
    2015, 41 (4):  91-96.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.17
    Abstract ( 3493 )   PDF (1154KB) ( 4148 )   Save
    Depending on expert interviews, index optimization and field tests and index data, the paper, by using Excel and SPSS software for statistical analysis of the data, conducts a research on the special physical fitness index and preliminarily establishes the evaluation index model for male teenagers’ badminton training. The research elaborates the characteristics of badminton and its impact and requirements on physical fitness so as to provide theoretical reference for the establishment of a scientific, standardized and systematic physical fitness evaluation system for badminton training.
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    Analysis of the Difficulties of Video Replay Deliberation in Taekwondo
    WU Jianzhong, CAI Liming, WANG Dan, WU Suying
    2015, 41 (4):  97-101.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.18
    Abstract ( 2299 )   PDF (9656KB) ( 3281 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature, interview and video analysis, the study analyzes the typical cases video replay deliberation of the 12th National Taekwondo Tournament. Results: the Taekwondo rule has no affirmation criterion for rotation technology. The referee has judging difficulties in the case of double fouls, a foul and a score successively and unrelated deliberation through multi-technological means. There exists applying difficulty between Taekwondoers and coaches. Conclusion: the application of video reply deliberation for the critical rotation technology should be focused on the content of score by striking the head or the invalid opposite head strike. Coaches should correctly understand the sequence of two Taekwondoers’ fouls to determine their primary and secondary factors, their purposes and profit factors. The case of foul and score successively should be based on the start and placement of the attacking legs. For multi-technological applying cases, the coaches should judge the applying contents timely upon the need of match. The research is conducive to improving Chinese coaches’ instructing performance and their success ratio for applying as well as providing theoretic reference for Chinese Taekwondoers performance in the world tournaments.
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    Characteristics Research of the Techniques of Chinese Women's Taekwondo Olympic Champions
    LIU Qi
    2015, 41 (4):  102-106.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.19
    Abstract ( 4441 )   PDF (1140KB) ( 3365 )   Save
    Through literature, logic analysis and other research methods, the paper analyzes the training background, strategic thoughts, technique characteristics and tactic styles of three Chinese women taekwondo gold medalists at Olympics and draws a clear picture of these excellent taekwondoers’ technique structure characteristics in order to provide theoretical reference for producing excellent taekwondoers.
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    Three Dimensional Kinematic Analysis of EliteHigh Jumper Wang Yu’s Bar-Clearing Technology
    YAN Hui, LIU Shuangen
    2015, 41 (4):  107-110.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.20
    Abstract ( 2005 )   PDF (1144KB) ( 2816 )   Save
    By using the methods of image collection and analysis, the paper conducts a three dimensional kinematic research on Wang Yu’s success in clearing 2.29m in men's high jump finals at the Twelfth National Games. The results show that Wang Yu’s swinging leg is active at take-off with reasonable take-off and clearing included angle. His body center of gravity is not vertical to the bar when clearing, failing to take a full advantage of the height of H2. Wang’s H3 value is close to that of the world elite high jumpers. His hip axis and included angle are smaller with full bow of the back full.
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    Diagnostic Pattern of Urine Cell-Free microRNA Related to the Trainability of Aerobic Athletic Ability Indicated by Running Economy
    WEI Shenghui, LI Yan
    2015, 41 (4):  111-117.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.21
    Abstract ( 4068 )   PDF (1460KB) ( 3606 )   Save
    Objective: miRNAs affect the trainability of athletic ability by regulating the essential processes of exercise adaption. The expression profile of Urine cell-free miRNAs (UCF-miRNAs) associates with the pattern of miRNA in tissue. The research is to build the model of UCF-miRNA expressing pattern reflecting the trainability of aerobic athletic ability. Method: 91 healthy male freshmen without any experience of aerobic training are engaged in a 17-week aerobic training with the running economy (RE/R-RE) before and after the training were measured, and then the subjects are grouped as High Response group(HR group) and Common Response group(CR group), depending on the result of the K-means clustering of growth ratio of R-RE. The characters of UCF-miRNAs’ Differential Expression Profil were extracted and analyzed. Result: 12 UCF-miRNAs are closely related to exercise adoption and their expressing patterns are extracted, validated and confirmed to constitute the differential expression profile of HR group which is characteristic of higher growth ratio of R-RE with its Differential Expression Profile coincides with the positive characters of aerobic athletic ability. Conclusion: UCF-miRNAs’ Differential Expression Profile is closely related to the trainability of aerobic athletic ability, which can be used as a method to forecast the potential of aerobic athletic ability and to value the effect of training early and accurately.
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    Toxicological Experiment Research of the Effectof Different Doses of Zheng’s Sanqisan (Notoginseng Powder) on Animal’s Renal Cell
    CAO Xue
    2015, 41 (4):  118-121.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.22
    Abstract ( 1804 )   PDF (1605KB) ( 3104 )   Save
    Objective: To investigate the toxicity of Zheng’s Sanqisan (Notoginseng powder) on rats by taking different doses of Zheng’s Sanqisan. Method: 48 SD rats were randomly assigned to four groups: control group, conventional-dose group, medium-dose group and high-dose group,12 rats each group. The experiment lasted for 3 weeks. After the experiment, the testing index was blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (Cr) and kidneys of rats. Result: (1) Three weeks of taking the medicine, the rats’ appearance and behavior remained normal. There were no significant differences in the weight of rats among different groups. (2) The renal capsule of rats in each group was complete and there were no pathological changes among groups. (3) There were no significant changes in renal weights and coefficients of rats among groups. (4)There were no significant differences in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine among different dose groups and control group. Conclusion: No side effect of Zheng’s Sanqisan was found between different dose groups and no significant changes in renal tissue cells were witnessed, either. There was no significant toxic difference in renal cell toxicology, therefore, different doses of Zheng’s Sanqisan are suitable for clinical practice.
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    Effects of Cistanche and Dodder Decoction on Morphological Structure of Ovaries in Long-term High Intensity Exercise Rats
    FU Yan, XIONG Ruohong, YUAN Qiongjia, LI Xue
    2015, 41 (4):  122-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.04.23
    Abstract ( 1672 )   PDF (1658KB) ( 2914 )   Save
    Objective: To observe the effect of cistanche and dodder decoction of traditional Chinese medicine on the tissue morphology and cell ultrastructure of ovaries of rats that are engaged in long-term high intensity exercise so as to explore the protective effect of the prescription on athletic menstrual disorder and mechanism of action. Methods: 36(3-month-old)female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats are divided randomly into three groups: quiet control group(Q), sport model group(S) and medicine intervention group(M) with12 rats in each group. The rats in the group S and M perform long-term high intensity swimming and the rats in the group M fed with cistanche and dodder decoction daily. Ovarian samples of those rats are obtained after sports training for 5 weeks. Then the techniques of HE straining and transmission electron are used to observe the changes of tissue morphology and cell ultrastructure of ovaries. Results: Compared with group Q, less growing follicles, mature follicles and fresh luteum corpus (P<0.05;P<0.01) and more atresia follicle (P<0.05) can be observed in the group S, but more growing follicles, more mature follicles, more fresh luteum corpus and less atresia follicle are witnesses in the ovaries of group M than those of group S (P<0.05;P<0.01) . Under Transmission Electron Microscope, abundant organelles are found such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum and many lipid droplets in granulose cell in the group Q and M, but in group M, less organelle and more lipid droplets can be observed. Conclusion: The cistanche and dodder decoction can effectively prevent the inhibition of development and maturation of ovarian follicle due to long-term high intensity exercise, improve the ultrastructures of ovarian cells and promote the secretion activity.
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