ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 May 2015, Volume 41 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Status, Problems and Legislation of the Disciplinary Action of Chinese Football Association
    SUN Caihong
    2015, 41 (3):  1-7.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.01
    Abstract ( 1786 )   PDF (1045KB) ( 2692 )   Save
    Disciplinary action has been widely used as we can deduce from the statistics of disciplinary action from the Chinese Football Association in the recent three years. On the one hand, disciplinary action may have a great effect on competing order, fair competitive environment and healthy development. On the other hand, it may have some problems in rulemaking, disciplinary procedures and human rights protection of the penalized individuals and certain abuse of the undertakings. So, it is necessary to improve the disciplinary action system so as to perfect the concerning mechanism and overcome the occurrences of abuse.
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    Normalization and Institutionalization of China's Campus Football
    ZHANG Xingmei, QIN Yong
    2015, 41 (3):  8-11.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.02
    Abstract ( 1779 )   PDF (1019KB) ( 2850 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of Though literature material, expert interview, mathematical statistics and other research methods, the paper reviews the evolution of China's campus football system. Believing that only the institutionalization and normalization can guarantee the orderly and sustainable development of China's campus football.
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    Analysis on Competitive Balance of China Football Association Super League based on the Method of RSDPP
    YAN Wenhua, YANG Qian
    2015, 41 (3):  12-18.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.03
    Abstract ( 4195 )   PDF (1424KB) ( 4668 )   Save
    This paper uses the methods of literature material, mathematical statistics and logical analysis to review the elementary theory of competitive balance and integrate some measurements both at home and abroad. Then, it measures quantifiably the competitive balance of the CSL from 2004 to 2014 with the measuring method of the Relative Standard Deviation of Points Percentage(RSDPP) indicating that: 1. the RSDPP is suitable for measuring the competitive balance of such sport events which have draws as football games; 2. Compared with the EPL, clubs in the CSL have been highly unbalanced in their competitive ability since 2004. The paper thus suggests some corresponding measures based on the analysis of the concerning factors in CSL.
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    Research on Converse Penalty under the Principle of Strict Liability
    SONG Junsheng
    2015, 41 (3):  19-24.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.04
    Abstract ( 1858 )   PDF (1121KB) ( 2670 )   Save
    This paper shows some examples of converse penalties and analyzes the theory of opposition. It illustrates many kinds of assertions, oppositions and deep reasons which converse the principle of strict liability in the anti-doping process. It also criticizes some tolerant and indulgent actions of drug using.The paper strengthens the belief of anti-doping in order to include competitive sports in the array of fairness and justice.
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    Criminal Discussion of Sports Violence ——Sociological Explanation of Sports Violence
    DUAN Wei
    2015, 41 (3):  25-29.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.05
    Abstract ( 1682 )   PDF (1133KB) ( 2653 )   Save
    Sport violence seems as a twin flower. On one hand, it injects competitive sports with release and freedom, which turns out to be the charm of competitive sports. But on the other hand, the unlimited violence behaviors push competitive sports to both moral and legal edge. The perspective of traditional law usually puts us in a dilemma of determining whether sports violence constitutes a crime. However, if we make use of the concept of sociology, such as field and habitus, and combine the characteristics of criminal law and competitive sports, the problem can be solved dexterously.
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    Classification of Negligent Injury in Competitive Sports and Its Criminal Law Observation
    WANG Zhen
    2015, 41 (3):  30-35.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.06
    Abstract ( 1585 )   PDF (1125KB) ( 3267 )   Save
    There are two problems in the research of negligent crimes in China’s competitive sports, one of which is the failure to analyze the types of such crimes, the other is the failure to provide detailed demonstration of crime or noncrime based on the analysis of the types. The criminal negligence in China’s competitive sports is divided into competition negligence behavior and supervisory negligence. Pure negligent injury in competitions is noncrime which is in line the modest and restrained principle in criminal law, meeting the condition of weakened responsibility ability. Injury behavior deriving from deliberate violation of sports rules is entitled to no weakened responsibility ability and should be punished.
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    Financial Investment in Public Sports Services
    SHAO Weiyu,WANG Jiahong
    2015, 41 (3):  36-40.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.07
    Abstract ( 1831 )   PDF (1224KB) ( 2876 )   Save
    In recent years, China's financial investment in public sports has achieved initial success, but there are still many problems which are caused by the twisted sports performance evaluation, continuous decentralization of powers of public sports services, failure of government financial transfers and payment, lack of a policy designed to encourage diversified investment, extensive financial investment in public sports service management. For public sports service, we should pay full attention to the correct division of powers, equalization of fiscal transfer and payment system. Besides, we should also establish investment criteria, improve fiscal and tax policies to broaden the financial investment, strengthen financial management and so on.
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    Dynamic Relationship between Sports Industry and Tertiary Industry of Sichuan Province
    TAN Hong
    2015, 41 (3):  41-45.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.08
    Abstract ( 1708 )   PDF (1170KB) ( 2571 )   Save
    Based on annual data of sports goods manufacturing industry and other related economic data in Sichuan Province from 2001-2012, this paper, depending the methods of unit root test, Johansen cointegration test, Granger causality test and impulse response function based on Vector Auto-regression model(VAR), conducts an empirical analysis on the influence of sports goods manufacturing industry on regional economic growth. The results show that the cointegration test indicates that, in the long run, long-term equilibrium relationship exists between sports goods manufacturing output and the tertiary industry; while, in the short term, there is a mutual reinforcing effect between them. When the lag period is 1, Granger causality test rejects the original supposition that “sports goods manufacturing industry output is not the Granger cause of the tertiary industry," indicating a one-way causal relationship between sports goods manufacturing output and the tertiary industry in Sichuan Province.
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    Review on Western Sports Philosophy Research
    YANG Qihu
    2015, 41 (3):  46-52.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.09
    Abstract ( 2956 )   PDF (1138KB) ( 4052 )   Save
    Through literature data method, this paper researches the development, main points of view, debate focus and tendency of western sports philosophy. The result indicates that western sports philosophy appeared in the 1920s, and gradually entered into a period of prosperity after 1950s. Nowadays it is in the state of multilevel and multidisciplinary research. Naturalism, realism experimentalism, analytical philosophy, phenomenology, deontology, consequentialism and virtue ethics theory are widely used in the study of sports. At present, the research of western sports philosophy exhibit four development trends.
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    Research Path of Wushu Ethics during the Social Transitional Period
    LI Shoupei, GUO Yucheng
    2015, 41 (3):  53-59.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.10
    Abstract ( 2024 )   PDF (1130KB) ( 2977 )   Save
    There are many problems in both Wushu ethics and social morality. Based on the discrimination of ethics and morality, the definition of Wushu ethics and the review of current research on Wushu ethics, this paper points out the importance of research on Wushu ethics from different angles, including Wushu development, Wushu ethics research, construction of social morality and improvement of global ethics, etc. The paper also gives a detailed explanation of the future research path.
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    Analysis of Current Integration of Immaterial Cultural Heritage with Sports Tourism and the Countermeasures
    YUAN Haiqiang,LU Yu, FANG Xinpu
    2015, 41 (3):  60-63.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.11
    Abstract ( 1741 )   PDF (1120KB) ( 2815 )   Save
    The paper, depending the methods of literature, logical analysis and induction, makes an in-depth study of the integration of immaterial cultural heritage with sports tourism, believing that the integration enhanced intra-domain residents' interest in intangible cultural heritage and promoted sports tourism of Anhui Province. However, the motivation of economic benefit has also led to the distortion of sports elements in tourism. Thus the paper suggests some countermeasures to combat the existing problems.
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    Present Situation and the Countermeasure Research on Sports English Interpretation in Chinese International Sporting Events
    YANG Fei
    2015, 41 (3):  64-67.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.12
    Abstract ( 2205 )   PDF (1106KB) ( 3440 )   Save
    In recent years, China' sports undertakings have become more and more marketized and the successful hosting of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has further promoted international sports exchanges between China and foreign countries. However, sports English translation in international sports vents has constituted one of the major factors restricting the development of China's international sports events. Therefore, China's sports development urgently calls for high-quality sports English translation to meet corresponding needs. The fast development of large-scale international sporting events has highlighted the scarcity of sports interpreters in China. This paper, on the basis of ESP(English for Specific Purpose), probes into the features of sports English and the problems in interpretation in the international sporting events. It further comes up with the corresponding strategies and countermeasure so as to provide a completely new perspective for cultivating qualified sports English interpreters for international large-scale sporting events in China.
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    Analysis on Individualized Body Weight Intervention of Chinese Gymnast He Kexin in the Preparation for London Olympic Games
    AN Jianghong, REN Manying, ZHAO Zhiguang
    2015, 41 (3):  68-73.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.13
    Abstract ( 1844 )   PDF (1127KB) ( 2750 )   Save
    Purpose: This analysis is intended to seek individualized secondary weight control methods in consideration of the periodic training requirements of He Kexin. The combination of controlled diet with different training methods is adopted so as to keep her weight at a relatively stable level or lower her weight growth speed throughout the winter training period, and at the same time improve her physical fitness in response to specific gymnastic requirements. Method: He Kexin’s weight control during winter training is divided into three periods. Period I: Providing specialized training plus aerobic training offering maximal fat oxidation and intensive strength training. Period II: Training dominated by local strength endurance circuit training. Period III: Training on capsule exercise treadmill is applied to further lower body fat percentage and control quick growth of muscles. The athlete had been on controlled diet throughout the three periods. Result: Through diet control and aerobic training in Period I, He Kexin’s body weight, body fat rate and fat weight were reduced to some extent. In Period II, the athlete’s weight and core strength saw certain growth after the Spring Festival holidays, and the weight increase was mainly attributed to strength training and uncontrolled diet in addition to natural growth as result of the athlete’s body development. In Period III, the athlete’s total muscle and fat mass had saw some decrease but her core strength was still higher than the level before the intervention. Conclusion: The intervention method of controlled diet plus individualized aerobic training and strength training can play some secondary role in controlling the weight of gymnastic athletes during the growth period. Gymnastic athletes during such period should, while paying attention to weight control, also strengthen the training of the weak parts of their bodies in order to ensure greater improvement of their physical qualities than their weight increase. The body composition and muscle strength level of female gymnastic athletes during the growth period are of great significance to training practice, so the corresponding testing and evaluation system should be further studied and improved.
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    Construction of Athletes' Competence Structure Mode and Its Application
    WANG LiJun
    2015, 41 (3):  74-77.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.14
    Abstract ( 1669 )   PDF (1221KB) ( 2665 )   Save
    Athletes' equipment with enough potentials and underlying characters plays a key role in their performance, especially in their professional career. According to the diversity of athletic projects, otherness of characters needed for athletes and particularity of given events, it is a complex system to identify and construct their competence characteristics and mode. In order to promote this project, the research unitizes Hall 3-Dimension Structural Models to design and build the 3D structural modes based on competence for athletes so as to provide methodological guidance for the selection and training of athletes as a special group.
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    Research on the Special Characteristics of Men's 1500m Freestyle Swimming
    JIANG Xuwan
    2015, 41 (3):  78-81.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.15
    Abstract ( 2073 )   PDF (1107KB) ( 3156 )   Save
    Using the methods of documentary, investigation and mathematical analysis, the paper researches the special characteristics of China’s dominant event of men's 1500m freestyle swimming with the following conclusions:1.The best competitive state of elite men's 1500m freestyle swimmers is between 20-25 years. Sun Yang is still going to be at his prime time for the next Olympic Games. 2,1500m freestyle swimmers’ body shape is characterized by tall, long arms, big hands and feet with significantly "inverted triangle" streamlined body shape and low body fat. 3.Their techniques are characterized by large stroke range,low stroke frequency and obvious rhythms. 4. Their physical fitness features include endurance as the basis, speed as the key and strength as the core.
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    3-D Kinematic Analysis of the Speed Characteristics Freestyle Swimming Within a Shjort Cycle
    HAO Fengxia, LIU Zheng, LIU Pingqing, SHI Donglin
    2015, 41 (3):  82-86.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.16
    Abstract ( 1926 )   PDF (1167KB) ( 2750 )   Save
    Objective: This study aims at describing the swimmers’ features and changes of a short-cycle speed fluctuation in the 200m freestyle (Vfluc),and analyzing their correlation with the swimmers’ performance. Methods: 11 male swimmers in active service from Hubei are selected as the research subjects. 4 underwater and 2 overwater video cameras are used to synchronously record their swimming performance. The 200m freestyle swimming is divided into 4 segments (SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4) and oval region method is adopted to calculate human body data. Results: the findings indicate an overall decline in the Vmean and a positive correlation between the swimmers’ Vmax/Vmin and their performance with the correlation of segment 1 much higher than the other three sections. Vmax and Vmin demonstrate significant correlation, but no correlation to the swimming performance. Conclusion: there is no correlation between the velocity fluctuation characteristics in all directions and performance with no significant changes during the whole process.
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    Research on Shoulder Muscle Strength Feature of Chinese Freestyle Wrestlers
    DONG Depeng,LIU Wei,XU Xuanchong
    2015, 41 (3):  87-93.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.17
    Abstract ( 1979 )   PDF (1217KB) ( 2776 )   Save
    Objective: the purpose of the paper is to discuss shoulder muscle strength feature of freestyle wrestlers in China. Methods: Through the ISOMED 2000 muscle testing system, the flexion, extension and rotation motion of the shoulder of male free wrestlers(12masters, 9 good and 15general ones)are analyzed. Results:(1)The extensor is better than flexor muscle strength for different types of muscle and internal rotation is superior (P<0.05). (2) The balance and stability strength in the static state (0°/s) is good, but the stability in the fast state (180°/s) is easy to be broken. (3) There is significant difference between the PT/BW0°/s, APT/BW0°/s , AP180°/s , WF180°/s and other indicators of shoulder joint of different levels of athletes(P<0.05). (4) there are significant features in H/Q0°/s、O/I0°/s、L/R0°/s、H/Q180°/s and other muscle strength indexes. Conclusion:(1) The stability strength of shoulder joint in dynamic conditions needs to be strengthened, especially the stability strength of fast state. (2) There is non-equilibrium in flexion, extension muscles or rotary internal, external muscles of shoulder joints. Sports injury can be avoided through strengthening balance training of shoulder joints. (3) When wrestlers maximum strength has developed to a certain degree, priorities should be given to fast speed and endurance training because it might be more conducive to the improvement of sports performance.
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    Analysis of the Effect of High Altitude Hypoxia Environment on Human Adaptability
    MA Xiaoming, FAN Rongyun
    2015, 41 (3):  94-97.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.18
    Abstract ( 1781 )   PDF (1108KB) ( 2675 )   Save
    The effect of high altitude hypoxia environment on the human body is a complex problem involving physiology, mountain medicine, atmospheric physics and other disciplines and these factors usually act on the human body in a comprehensive way, among which hypoxia is the crucial factor leading to the emergence of human body’s adaptability change. Modern plateau medical research shows that hypoxia adaptation mechanism depends on the establishment of stress reaction to hypoxia ability. Therefore, hypoxia has a beneficial side to human health and a full use of hypoxia’s adaptation gene and its induced regulation mechanism can the effectively develop high altitude medical research and treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is of vital application value to exploring the human stress response in hypoxia environment.
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    Effect of Treadmill Exercise of Different Intensity on the PPARγ/Adiponectin/TNF-α mRNA in Adipose Tissue of Rats Fed with High Fat Diet
    XIA Shuyu
    2015, 41 (3):  98-102.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.19
    Abstract ( 1843 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 2791 )   Save
    Objective: The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the effect of treadmill training of different intensity on the PPARγ/adiponectin/TNF-α mRNA in adipose tissue. Methods: Forty male SD rats are randomly assigned to four high fat diet groups. Rats in exercise groups are trained through treadmill exercise by SE,ME,HE. Rats in exercise groups undergo treadmill exercise for 10 weeks(60min/day,6days/week). At the end of experiment, all rats are killed and their blood, epididymal fat as well as perirenal fat are obtained. Atherosclerotic was observed. The PPARγ/adiponectin/TNF-α mRNA in adipose tissue are determined. Serum is tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay. Results :The weight increase of rats in exercise groups is lower than that in group C, and the highest intensity has the most obvious effect(P<0.01. The serum TG,TC in group C are the highest in the four groups (P<0.01). Compared with groups ME HE, the serum TG,TC in group SE are lower (P<0.05). The serum HDL-C in group ME is the highest in the four groups (P<0.05). The level of PPARγ adiponectin mRNA expression in adipose tissue and the serum adiponectin of group ME are the highest, and group C is the lowest. No significant difference is found between group SE and group HE. The level of TNF-α mRNA expression in adipose tissue and the serum TNF-α of group C are the highest. Group ME is the lowest with no significant difference found between group SE and group HE. Conclusion: Loaded treadmill exercise with proper intensity has good effect on PPARγ,adiponectin mRNA expression in adipose tissue, which lowers the TNF-α mRNA expression in adipose tissue of rats fed with high fat diet. This indicates that exercise playes an active role in preventing excessive accumulation of fat induced by high fat diet.
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    Correlational Research on College Student's Mental Control, Physical Self and Physical Exercise
    CAI Li, JI Liu
    2015, 41 (3):  103-108.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.20
    Abstract ( 1470 )   PDF (1240KB) ( 2766 )   Save
    This paper uses questionnaire method, PSPP, internal control, others in power and opportunities scale (IPC) and physical exercise influence factor questionnaire to assess and research university students in Nanjing. Physical self is used as the intermediary variable to investigate the relationship between the mental control source, physical self and amateur physical exercise. The result shows that:(1) Nanjing university students' source of mental control is inclined to external control with significant differences in sex;(2) The source of mental control has significant correlation with physical exercise participation levels;(3)There is correlation between students' source of psychological control and physical self.(4) Physical self and mental control sources predict exercise levels in two ways.
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    Online P.E. Course Construction in China’s Universitiesand the Development Countermeasures in MOOC Era
    CHEN Jianwei
    2015, 41 (3):  109-114.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.21
    Abstract ( 2008 )   PDF (1206KB) ( 3019 )   Save
    Based on the investigation of the current situation of online university physical education curriculum construction on some representative domestic sites, the paper analyzes the physical quantity and scale of online courses, professional settings, teaching staff, update time, course page response time, the number of visits and learners, online video teaching assisting equipment, curriculum resources and platform function design, thus putting forward the online strategy of perfecting platform function design and improving the service quality including overall planning, resource sharing, balanced and orderly course development, guiding social forces in their undertaking of Mooc P.E. courses, supporting the mix of online and offline learning mode.
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    Research on the Construction of Physical Education Teaching Mode Based on Education Cloud
    YUE Haipeng, TANG Xiaolin, YANG Chengbo, LIU Jianhe
    2015, 41 (3):  115-120.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.22
    Abstract ( 1776 )   PDF (1255KB) ( 2920 )   Save
    Depending on the existing network teaching platform, the paper takes the table tennis exquisite course of Chengdu Sport University(CDSU) as the research subject to develop and perfect the cloud teaching platform,then we can further construct a new cloud P.E. teaching mode. The purpose of this study is to explore the application of cloud computing in the Physical Education teaching activities so as to create a low-carbon, low-cost network teaching platform on which teachers and students can actively reflect, exchange, cooperate and share knowledge and finally create a collective and mutual-aid research community.
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    University P.E.Teachers’ Professional Value Orientation in the Period of Social Transition
    LAI Jinsong,TIAN Xueli
    2015, 41 (3):  121-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.03.23
    Abstract ( 1710 )   PDF (1143KB) ( 2676 )   Save
    This paper adopts the methods of questionnaire survey , expert interview and documentary to conduct an investigation and study of the professional value orientation of PE teachers in universities in the Pearl River Delta Region. The research results indicate different degrees of such teachers' deficiencies and deviations in job involvement including professional ethics, professional promotion motivation, academic pursuit, spiritual growth, etc, whose main causes derive from three aspects: the changes in social values in the period of social transition, PE teachers' arrangement system deficiency and PE teachers' deficiency. Therefore, the paper comes up with the following suggestions: transforming these teachers' professional value orientation by perfecting the continuing education and improving the professional quality of PE teachers, standardizing PE teachers' management and promoting their professional development motivation, strengthening social supervision by public opinions and promoting their professional value orientation.
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