ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    28 February 2015, Volume 41 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Comment on the Learning Guidance Outline ofPhysical Education in Japanese Basic Education
    JI Liu, YIN Xiaojian, YIN Zhihua, ZHOU Yaru
    2015, 41 (2):  1-7.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.001
    Abstract ( 3568 )   PDF (1262KB) ( 3301 )   Save
    Faced with the new challenge of the 21st century, Japan adjusts and modifies the " Learning Guidance Outline" of various subjects in time. The latest version of 2008 Physical Education "Learning Guidance Outline" were already implemented officially in 2011 (primary school physical education) and 2012 (middle school health and physical education). This study, based on an in-depth analysis of the guiding ideology, course objectives, course content and implementation requirements of the 2008 version of Japanese Physical Education "Learning Guidance Outline", proposes the enlightenment of the "Learning Guidance Outline"on the reform of China’s Physical Education and health education course so as to provide references for the scholars concerned.
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    Historical Development and Characteristic Analysis of National Physical Education Curriculum Standards in the United States
    WANG Xiaozan, YIN Zhihua, Lynn Dale Housner,HUANG Jingyang, JI Liu
    2015, 41 (2):  8-15.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.002
    Abstract ( 4388 )   PDF (2165KB) ( 4565 )   Save
    National curriculum standard is the guiding document of school education development, America has always taken the lead in the sustainable development of curriculum standard. Depending on literature review, comparative study and logical analysis, this paper analyzes the three different versions (1995, 2004, 2013) of the national physical education curriculum standard in United States, indicating that large-scale education reform, needs of releasing the crisis of school physical education and the exploration of what is " physically well-educated person” guided the development of the national physical education curriculum standard in the United States, which is specifically embodied in the framework, content and assessment of the standard. The four features of change and development are characterized more and more by the attention on cultivating "an integrated person", the concise and simple language expression, the gradual promotion of operability and the focus on the permeation of research results. It will provide strong implication for China’s standard revision and improvement as well as the sustainable development of physical education and health curriculum standard in China.
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    Interpretation of the Physical Education Programs in England’s National Curriculum for Primary and Secondary Schools
    Dong Cui-xiang, DIAO Yucui, DANG Lixiu, LI Mengxin, JI Liu
    2015, 41 (2):  16-21.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.003
    Abstract ( 1823 )   PDF (1149KB) ( 3029 )   Save
    Based on a brief introduction of the national curriculum for England promulgated in 2013, this article analyzes the contents and features of the physical education programs, showing that the difficulty of the three core subjects have been increased with the contents of the basic courses such as physical education and so on highlighted. Schools and teachers are entitled to more autonomous right and more attention has been given to inclusive education. Physical education outlines have been witnessed with the characteristics of the simplification of contents, the continuity of the traditional dominant events sports presented continuity, the increased flexibility of curriculum implementation with more right given to schools, the emphasis on school-based evaluation and its feedback. In addition, the concepts and ideas of England’s national curriculum standard, such as the feedback mechanism of inclusive education and its course evaluation, etc, can provide reference for China’s reform of its compulsory education.
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    Opportunities and Challenges: Development and Insight of Sports News Research Overseas
    ZHOU Shu Hua, YANG Yiyi
    2015, 41 (2):  22-27.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.004
    Abstract ( 4824 )   PDF (1164KB) ( 3291 )   Save
    Sports news, as a favorite content category of mass audience, serves multiple functions and has far-reaching impacts. Its content and production, however, are also influenced by a myriad of factors including medium, culture, society and time. The dynamics between media, society and sports news allows abundant opportunities and challenges in sports news research. Through a review of four domains of research of sports news production, sports news functions, sports news impact and factors affecting sports news, this article introduces readers to a realm of theoretical and investigative areas.
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    Writing Styles and Lasting Influences of the "Gee Whiz" School and "Aw Nuts" School in the Golden Age of American Sports
    BI Xuemei, LIU Dai, WEI Kun, ZHANG Wei, LI Qi
    2015, 41 (2):  28-32.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.005
    Abstract ( 4792 )   PDF (1140KB) ( 3475 )   Save
    The 1920s has been called the Golden Age of American Sports. Sports stars, journalists and marketing experts all came together and left their own marks. During that time, two totally different styles of sports writing were formed: the “Gee Whiz” school and the “Aw Nuts” school. They both have their own unique characteristics in theme-selecting and rhetoric. Not only have they helped establish the sports entertainment industry then, but also have had a lasting influence on times to come. Now, we can still identify the traces they left in sports writing both in America and in China.
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    Revisiting "Marrige made in Heave" between Television and Sports:From Pierre Bourdieu and beyond
    WEI Wei
    2015, 41 (2):  33-39.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.006
    Abstract ( 2249 )   PDF (1274KB) ( 3293 )   Save
    Pierre Bourdieu’s discussions on television sports are the core part of his sports views. He forms his own unique understanding about Olympic television broadcasting as a sign, believing that there are some differences between the processed texts and the authentic Olympiad. Some scholars describe the combination of television and sports as a heaven-made one, the mythic relationship between which has led to the televised survival of sports and vice versa. Under circumstances of globalization, televised sports is more and more characterized by cross cultural communication and ideological exportation. Faced with new media’s challenge, telesport maintains its ability of self-healing and self-renewability. Therefore it is still considered as the classical medium between multimedia and cross-media texts.
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    Flowing, Standing and Identification: On the Cultural Negotiating Paradigm of Olympic Movement in Global Communication
    YUE Yousong,YANG Zhen
    2015, 41 (2):  40-43.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.007
    Abstract ( 1896 )   PDF (1093KB) ( 2443 )   Save
    From the perspective of cultural negotiations, the paper analyzes the history of the Olympic movement since the 20th century, elaborating cultural negotiation mode of the Olympic movement spreading across the globe from three aspects: negotiating landscape, negotiating concept and negotiating path, so as to explore some cultural motives Olympic movement as a cyclical global cultural event.
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    The Professional Quality Evaluation Index Research of All Media Sports Journalism Talents
    LI Ding, XIAO Huanyu
    2015, 41 (2):  44-49.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.008
    Abstract ( 1891 )   PDF (1135KB) ( 2884 )   Save
    Based on the competency theory, Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives the theory of liberal education, the paper, depending on literature, the Delphi method, etc, conducts a thorough analysis on the connotation and structure of the quality of omnimedia sports journalists. Based on the feasibility and the appropriateness of the evaluation indexes, the paper combines measurability, characteristic, advancedness with foundation and improvement to construct the evaluation index system of the all media sports journalism professional quality with the primary index of the professional knowledge, professional technology, professional ability and professional attitude. It also further interprets the connotation of the relevant indicators.
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    Deviation and Protection of the Publicness of Public Sports Products
    DU Jiang
    2015, 41 (2):  50-53.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.009
    Abstract ( 1671 )   PDF (1156KB) ( 2628 )   Save
    By using the method of literature, logical induction and case analysis and through the media data technology mining, identification, analysis, information demonstration, the paper conducts a research on publicness deviation and protection of public sports products. The publicness of public sports products should focus on public welfare, fairness and openness, which brings force a new theoretical framework of publicness research. The publicness deviation of China’s public sports products demonstrates itself in the generalization of public welfare, the insufficiency of fairness and the absence of openness. Therefore, the reform should be carried out from the above-mentioned three aspects.
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    The analysis for Research background, Development and Path Analysis of China’s Sports Service Trade
    SONG Yu
    2015, 41 (2):  54-58.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.010
    Abstract ( 3976 )   PDF (1968KB) ( 3498 )   Save
    With the national free trade development strategy and policy as the background, combined with the the situation and requirements of current sports industry, especially the innovation and development of sports service industry, the paper, depending on the methods of literature, expert interviews and field research, elaborates the important role of sports service trade in the process of constructing a sports industry power and promoting the innovation of sports industry. It reviews the relevant research results of the international sports trade and sports service industry and analyzes the cross-disciplinary attribute of sports service trade and the important research value. It points out the research methods and implementation path of sports service trade, providing a new theoretical support for the research and further development of sports industry service.
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    Religious Culture and Its Physical Interpretation
    FAN Caiqing,QIU Zhaoyi
    2015, 41 (2):  59-63.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.011
    Abstract ( 2179 )   PDF (1108KB) ( 3312 )   Save
    Based on relevant theories such as anthropology and religion, this paper excavates and analyzes the physical clue in religious culture. It suggests that religious culture needs physical explanation. The physical idols in religious worship experienced three stages: from the worship of natural soul when human body is absent, to the worship of totem spirit when human body looms, and till the worship of ancestors when human body can be seen clearly. Religious ceremony once dominates sports activities in all aspects. The secularization tendency of sport and modern religion’s adaptive spur on sports led to the independence of competitive sports which once was attached to religious rituals. What lies between religion and modern athletic sports is not a simple linear relationship and modern sports have a tendency of regressing to quasi?religion even developing into a new worship.
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    Soul and Body Value of Medieval Christianity and its influence on Sports
    Peng Kun
    2015, 41 (2):  64-68.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.012
    Abstract ( 4857 )   PDF (1124KB) ( 3918 )   Save
    From the perspective of history and philosophy, the evolution of soul and body value of medieval Christianity and its influence on physical education are discussed. Medieval Christianity belongs to Christianity and Christian theology influenced and shaped the medieval people's lifestyle. The soul and body value of medieval Christianity has a profound influence on medieval sports, which is mainly indicated in the following aspects: (1) In the early and Middle Ages, the Augustin doctrine adhered to the oppositional idea of spirit and body that "body is the soul of prison", which led to the silence of competitive sports and the exclusion of sports from education; (2) In the late Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas reinterpreted of the relation of soul and body on behalf of the scholastic philosophy, put forwarding the view that Man is a complete existence of soul and body of the combination of spirit and body. Ideological emancipation aroused people’s attention to their body and its health. In churches` and schools, extracurricular sports activities were carried out while in the urban and rural society, various forms of sports activities arose and they became the predecessor of modern sports.
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    Educational Thought and Practice in Ancient Greek Sports
    LIU Xinran, LI Menghua, CHEN Anshun
    2015, 41 (2):  69-74.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.013
    Abstract ( 2525 )   PDF (1148KB) ( 3013 )   Save
    From historical perspective of Greek sports, the paper, depending on literature method, discusses the social background of educational thoughts and the specific factors in educational practice. Starting from the P.E. reality in Greek social ideal, the paper believes that P.E. is a means to cultivate qualified citizens of physical reality, which considered that physical education is not only the way to cultivate qualified citizens, but also the act of kindness and norms of behavior of collective justice which has always leading the direction of Greek history. In sports, the Greek thought of education is to promote general social values and code of conduct, while in city-state education, from the sports practice of Grete, Mycenae, Sparta and Athens, we know the differences and connection between them---P.E. is an important basis for the city-state education. The objective of this research is looking for the unique connotation of Greek educational thought and practice from Greek sports history so as to understand of the real significance and value of P.E. through the same national spirit.
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    The Classification of Functional Training Systems
    LI Sunnan, QI Guangtao, SONG Lulu, CHENG Chong
    2015, 41 (2):  75-80.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.014
    Abstract ( 4253 )   PDF (1345KB) ( 7293 )   Save
    To enrich the theoretical system of functional training, the paper clarifies the training mode of functional training. Through literature review, expert interviews and taxonomy, the paper summarizes, refines and classifies the theoretical system of functional training methods at home and abroad. Conclusion: 1) the functional training system is laterally divided into functional movement system, functional training system, corrective action system, activating and regenerating system; 2) functional movement system includes functional movement screening (FMS), selective functional movement assessment (SFMA), Y- balance test (YBT); 3) functional training system consists of the seven plates of activation and regeneration, operation mode, rapid expansion of training complex, multi-directional speed, energy metabolism, functional strength, core training; 4 )functional operation mode is divided into upper limb exercises in three planes, lower limbs, trunk, upper limbs and trunk combination, a combination of lower limbs and torso and the six kinds of push, pull, rotate, flexion and extension involving the whole body. This study helps to clarify analyzes the he main content of functional training system in order to provide practical guidance and reference fro China’s functional training theories.
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    Research on Chinese Volleyball Players’ Speed Characteristic and Coordination in Spiking
    ZHANG Haibin, GE Chunlin, WANG Feng
    2015, 41 (2):  81-86.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.015
    Abstract ( 4107 )   PDF (1460KB) ( 4121 )   Save
    Twenty women volleyball players are selected to test their spiking speed and coordination at position 4. Depending on force platform, cameras and synchro test, the paper gathers the players’ data of spiking kinematics and dynamics. The results show that: (1) The players’ run-up speed and maximum taking-off height show moderate positive correlation and when the approaching velocity is within the rage of 5m/s-8m/s, the maximum height value is bigger, so such speed range is suggested in the training of spiking; (2) The knee joint’s angular velocity of scram takeoff is highly correlated to the maximum height, while the angular velocity of elbow and shoulder joints indicates moderate positive correlation to the maximum spiking speed. Strength training of shoulder and elbow muscles should be guaranteed, with the emphasis being put strengthening the knee muscles; (3) The correlation level between suspension spike and maximum spiking speed is shoulder joint velocity>the accelerated speed of angular trunk torsion>elbow joint angular velocity >wrist joint angular velocity. It is suggested that in strength training the proportion of the training of the upper limbs’ strength and the core strength should be increased; (4) The training of body coordination in scram takeoff and suspension spike should be specially emphasized.
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    Research on Pick-and-Roll Characteristic of the Top Men Team in London Olympics
    ZHANG Mingxin, LIAN Bizhen, SHAN Shuguang
    2015, 41 (2):  87-91.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.016
    Abstract ( 1934 )   PDF (1164KB) ( 2283 )   Save
    Pick-and-roll is the most commonly used cooperation of world top men basketball teams. The paper adopts the research methods of literature study, expert interview, video observation, mathematical statistics and logic analysis, etc, to conduct an in-depth research on pick-and-roll of the top four teams at the 2012 London Olympic Games, the purpose of which is to figure out the new features of pick-and-roll used by the world top teams and provide references for Chinese team.
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    Successful Factor Analysis of 540° Back Spinning Kick of Taekwondo
    YANG Xiaofang
    2015, 41 (2):  92-96.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.017
    Abstract ( 4085 )   PDF (1248KB) ( 3676 )   Save
    540 back spinning kick is a representative skill of modern free poomsae and crushing demonstration as well as an action with high difficulty. This research through attaining kinematic data of every step of 540 back spinning kick of successful and failed players in Korean Crushing King Competition held in March of 2014 with image measurement method and kinematic analysis has explored elements for practicing 540 back spinning kick successfully with a view to providing a scientific basis for teaching and training players of free poomsae.
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    Research on the Influence of Two Kinds of Different Strength Training on Lower Limbs’ Muscle Strength
    ZHANG Xiang
    2015, 41 (2):  97-99.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.018
    Abstract ( 1704 )   PDF (1102KB) ( 3226 )   Save
    The paper experimentally researches the influence of the two kinds of strength training (jumping and weight training) on muscle strength characteristics. 22 male sports students are divided into two groups and are respectively given two different kinds of strength training for their lower limb strength. Ergograph and isokinetic muscle testing system are used to collect the dynamic data of lower limbs and the joints muscle torque data before and after the experiment. The results show that the two kinds of strength training methods can improve muscle strength but differ in strength characteristics. Jumping training mainly works in improving muscle energy storage capacity and rapid muscle strength, while weight training mainly improves the concentric contraction ability and the absolute power of muscle
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    Experimental Research on Muscle Elastic Components in Vibration Training
    LIU Beixiang, ZHOU Jin, LIU Xiaoya, LI Jiafa, DAI Wei
    2015, 41 (2):  100-105.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.019
    Abstract ( 1905 )   PDF (1434KB) ( 3090 )   Save
    32 subjects are divided into three groups to receive an 8-week experimental research on their lower limbs’ vibration training. Image measurement and dynamic measurement are adopted in the research to collect the data of net impulse, rebound height and rebound rate of 30cm and 50cm in-depth jumping before and after the experiment. The results show that data of the dynamic deep squat weight training with vibration increases more than either that of static strength training or static vibration training. The analysis shows that vibration training is mainly to promote the elastic component of lower limb muscles by improving the muscle strength. Comparative analysis of two kinds of data indicates that the ability of energy storage of lower limb muscle affects the use of force. The capacity of energy storage in vibration experiment group of lower limb muscle is much better than that in the non vibration experimental group.
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    The Analysis of Sensitive Factors Influencing Bone Mineral Density of Premenopausal Women
    CUI Xinwen,ZHANG Yimin,WANG Yantao,CHEN Yishan
    2015, 41 (2):  106-109.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.020
    Abstract ( 1820 )   PDF (1121KB) ( 3032 )   Save
    Objective:To discover the influencing factors of the bone mineral density(BMD) of premenopausal women and provide the scientific basis for osteoporosis. Method:Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry is used to test 149 healthy premenopausal women for their bone mineral density and body composition combined with the questionnaire survey of their nutriture,life styles, physical activity level, medicine and disease history, menstruation and fertility situation. The influencing factors are screened through correlation analysis, one-way variance analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results: Bean products,physical activity level,activity between 18 to 30,weight,lean body mass,fat mass and BMI have positive relation with BMD. The physical activity level,activity between 18 to 30 and the lean body mass are entered into the multivariate regression equation. Conclusion:The physical activity level,activity between 18 to 30 and the lean body mass are the most sensitive factors.
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    Health Risk Analysis and Exercise Intervention Countermeasures Research of Outdoor Manual Workers
    LI Xue, SU Quansheng, HU Yushi, WU Wenjuan ZHANG Shulin
    2015, 41 (2):  110-114.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.021
    Abstract ( 1829 )   PDF (1133KB) ( 3212 )   Save
    The research object in this paper is outdoor manual workers. Based on the definition of this special group of population and large quantity of literature, the paper evaluates and analyzes outdoor manual workers’ health condition. It further elaborates this population’s risk of suffering from sub-health condition and its harms. Exercise intervention countermeasures are suggested according to the characteristics of their work so as to provide theoretical evidence for their future effective and scientific fitness undertakings, physical monitoring and sub-health researches.
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    Research on the Influencing Factors of Middle-School Students’ Extracurricular Physical Exercise(family-individual) and Its Path Analysis
    DAN Yujin,YAO Lei
    2015, 41 (2):  115-120.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.022
    Abstract ( 1775 )   PDF (1218KB) ( 2973 )   Save
    Objective: the paper is to research the influencing factors of?middle school students'?extracurricular physical exercise (family - individual). Method: 1690 samples from middle school students are tested twice successively. The questionnaires with good reliability and validity are compiled. Results: (1)The questionnaires about the influencing factors are of desirable reliability and validity and they can be used as a kind of measurement tool; (2) Family support and the idol worship, value orientation and intention show predictive validity to middle school students’ extracurricular physical exercise, while positive experience and benefits fail to reach significant level to predict middle school students’ extracurricular physical exercise.
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    Correlation Studies on Influencing Factors ofAdolescents’ Sports Participation
    CHEN Jinao, CAI Haogang, LU Aming,YIN Mingkun, XU Yuxiang
    2015, 41 (2):  121-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.02.023
    Abstract ( 1880 )   PDF (1162KB) ( 3135 )   Save
    From the perspective of sociology, this study mainly explores the correlation between family, peers, PE teachers and adolescents’ sports participation through questionnaire survey to provide references for promoting youth sports participation and improving their physical health. Methods: Depending on Baecke Physical Activity Questionnaire, a survey is conducted on 500 students and their parents, peers, PE teachers. Then all the data are statistically analyzed with multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: 1) Adolescents’ sports participation is related to gender but not to age; 2) Adolescents in rich or poor families are more likely to participate in sports; 3) Girls often demonstrate higher sports participation when their mothers take part in sports; however, boys’ sports participation is not affected by such a phenomenon; Boys indicate higher sports participation when their fathers do so. However, girls’ sports participation is not affected by it. 4) Boys and girls are similar in sports participation when their mothers take part in sports but fathers do not; 5) Peers exhibit a positive effect on adolescents’ sports participation. 6) After adjusting the goodness-of-fit of other factors, PE teachers have no significant role in promoting adolescents’ sports participation.
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