ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 January 2015, Volume 41 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Training Load Characteristics of the National WalkingRace Youth Team’s Winter Training
    YANG Ming , TONG Tong, HOU Guangqing, MA Haiyan
    2015, 41 (1):  1-6.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.001
    Abstract ( 3060 )   PDF (2113KB) ( 3107 )   Save
    The methods of literature material, mathematical statistics, physiological and biochemical index test are adopted in the paper to analyze the winter training load characteristics of national walking race athletes designed by the Russian coach team in 2013 in order to explore the training load characteristics in Russia. The research findings show that these foreign coaches tend to arrange their training in a dual-cycle way with every 4weeks as a training cycle. The training sessions are adjusted according to different training purposes. The first phase( plain training) and the second phase (plateau training) are both focused on energy supply by fat and glycolipid coordination at a lower intensity with speed training in between and relatively intensified rhythm training. Physical fitness training accounts for 33% of the total in the first phase and 17% in the second phase. The third phase(pre-competition plain ) main focuses on energy supply training of glycolipid coordination, anaerobic threshold training and maximum oxygen uptake training. Physical fitness training in the third phase takes up 11% of the total sessions. The paper according suggests that physical and technique training in winter should be closely integrated.
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    Effectiveness of Excellent Swimmers’ Pre-competitionIntensive Training
    LIN Liya, ZHANG Li, XU Xinhao, LIU Yu, LI Nongzhan, WANG Chong
    2015, 41 (1):  7-12.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.002
    Abstract ( 3761 )   PDF (1315KB) ( 3365 )   Save
    Objective: Pre-match intensive training and the corresponding monitoring of excellent swimmers are conducted nine weeks before the National Games to explore the scientific and effective pre-game intensive training mode. Methods: Nine excellent swimmers are put in a six-week program of pre-competition intensive training of anaerobic ability. Two tests (gas metabolism ability and anaerobic threshold of the evenness of blood lactic acid) of limit-load exercise are conducted before and after the training and hemoglobin (Hb), serum creatine kinase (CK), blood urea (BU), testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) are tested under the elemental status before training, during training (after 2 weeks) and after training (after 6 weeks). Results: (1), oxygen uptake (P<0.001), the relative magnitude of the oxygen uptake (P<0.001), respiratory frequency (P<0.05), and other index decrease significantly compared with those before training while the respiratory quotient (P<0.05), the tidal volume (P<0.05) scores (P<0.05), and immediate blood lactic acid (P<0.001) significantly increase. (2) After six weeks of intensive training, anaerobic threshold velocity, blood lactic acid at the anaerobic threshold inflection point appears and heart rate do not change significantly. (3) Under elemental status, BU indexes after 2 weeks of intensive training increase significantly (P<0.05). C indicators during training significantly decrease (P<0.001) but increases apparent in the late stage (P<0.05), while other blood indexes change little. Conclusion: (1) Intensive anaerobic ability training before the game achieves the purpose of improving swimmers’ anaerobic ability while maintains their aerobic capacity. (2) The dynamic change of blood biochemical indicators are in line with the function change characteristics of intensive training. So intensive training before the game does not lead to swimmers’ function drops.(3) The test of the gas metabolism ability of one limit-load exercise provides new ideas and new methods fro the effect evaluation of swimmer's pre-game training.
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    Assessment Methods of 1 500-m Runners’ Special Ability
    FENG Wei, QIU Junqiang, YI Longyan
    2015, 41 (1):  13-17.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.003
    Abstract ( 2117 )   PDF (1106KB) ( 2943 )   Save
    Purpose: The paper is to investigate the influencing factors of 1500-m running by testing kinematics parameter, aerobic and anaerobic capacity and explore establishing the assessment methods of the special ability of 1500-m running. Method: 14 Grade 2 athletes participating in simulated 1500-m running are tested for their omnidistance, start and intermediate run, incremental load, 300-m run and constant load. Their performances, stride length, stride frequency, blood lactate, heart rate, speed associated with VO2max are recorded. According to their individual speed, they are divided into fast (average speed over 5m/s) and slow (average speed below 5m/s) with each group consisting of 7 members. Other indexes are compared and analyzed in terms of their correlation. Results: the fast group indicates significant decrease in blood lactate under constant load compared with the slow group (P<0.05). The fast group is obviously higher than the slow group in maximum oxygen uptake speed and stride frequency(P<0.05). The analysis indicates significant correlation between VO2max and sports performance(r=-0.756, P<0.01). Conclusion: (1) VO2max can be used to evaluate 1500-m runners’ aerobic endurance. (2) Blood lactate after 70s sub-maximal constant load can be used to evaluate of 1500-m runners’ anaerobic endurance. (3) Stride frequency is an important indicator to evaluate technique capability of 1500-m runners.
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    Applied Research Progress of Functional Movement Screen:Evaluation Methods, Reliability and Standard
    JIAO Guangfa, LIU Hui , WANG Haiying, YANG Jintian
    2015, 41 (1):  18-22.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.004
    Abstract ( 3418 )   PDF (1184KB) ( 4431 )   Save
    Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a new athletic ability measurement and evaluation tool deriving from functional movement training. FMS collects data of human movement patterns mainly through functional activity performance to prevent injury. By using seven kinds of integrated body movements of different body postures, FMS can detect the restraints and asymmetry of muscular work. FMS test applies 0-3 points scoring method. But other scoring methods such as weighted 100 points and movement sensor equipment have been proposed in some studies. The current study suggests that different scoring methods of FMS all have high reliability, but as FMS may be affected by age, BMI, activity patterns, injury experience and other factors, there is a big difference of standard average value in different populations.
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    Analysis and Implications of New Zealand’s Health andPhysical Education Curriculum Standard
    DANG Linxiu, DONG Cuixiang, JI Liu
    2015, 41 (1):  23-30.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.005
    Abstract ( 2344 )   PDF (1914KB) ( 2859 )   Save
    This paper will analyze and research the New Zealand Curriculum (2007) and the area of Health and Physical Education. Health and physical education in New Zealand is a comprehensive course, covering three themes of health education, physical education and home economics. Under the guidance of the national curriculum vision and purpose, it integrates the three themes and helps to carry out the learning activities on the basis of four main lines, four basic concepts and seven key learning areas. It also pays attention to the integration of the eight principles and values in the implementation process of national program, which aims to cultivate the students' competence in thinking, using language, texts and symbols, self-managing, getting along with others, participating and dedicating so as to develop students into life-long learners that meet the needs of the society and can make contributions to the wellbeing of themselves, of their communities, and even the whole society. It has six features: the unique Logo contains the course's design concept with the focus of the curriculum on "Health". The categories of the course are weakened while the flexibility of the learning level is strengthened. The curriculum arrangement and implementation emphasizes the students’ ability and the standards of the learning evaluation system are consistent with the national education qualification certification system. The New Zealand Curriculum and the area of Health and Physical Education give us the following enlightenments: In the process of deepening the reform of physical education and health, we should strengthen the infiltration of traditional sports culture, reinforce the cultivation of student's ability and intensify the integrated planning of the curriculum standard, teaching material, teaching, evaluation and so on.
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    From Bodily Skill to Personal Virtue——A Comment on the Program of Physical Education and Sport of Primary and Secondary School in France
    GAO Qiang, Ji Liu
    2015, 41 (1):  31-35.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.006
    Abstract ( 2700 )   PDF (1118KB) ( 2898 )   Save
    This paper takes the process from the learning of bodily skill to the development of personal virtue as its frame to describe the philosophy, objective as well as the objective orientation, content and required competence from the perspective of bodily skill acquisition and personal virtual development in order to highlight its function of combination of “self and others”, “skill and virtue”, “school and society”, which manifests the course characteristics under in the individual and contractual society and its revelation to the construction and reform of Physical Education in primary and secondary schools in China.
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    Analysis and Inspiration of the Moral Education of Health and Physical Education CurriculumStandards of Canada’s Ontario
    SHEN Liqun, JI Liu
    2015, 41 (1):  36-41.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.007
    Abstract ( 4494 )   PDF (1094KB) ( 3883 )   Save
    By analyzing the content of health and physical education curriculum standards and its the implementation in Canada’s Ontario, the paper finds that Ontario's moral education infiltrates deeply in the health and physical education’s curriculum. Its characteristics include: first, from the point of curriculum standard of moral education content, moral education in health and physical education curriculum content of Ontario is developmental , i.e. different grades have different the moral education contents. Second, the moral education contents are closely related with students' life and tightly integrated into students' learning and life; Third, it enables students to learn moral quality by "doing"; Fourth, the development of moral education is confined to the classrooms, but it extends from schools to families, communities and even the whole society; Fifth, it strives to cultivate the students' ability of creative thinking and judgment. The infiltration of moral education of healthy and physical education curriculum standard of Ontario has the important enlightenment to China’s moral education in physical education and health curriculum standards.
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    Explanation and Inspiration of the Curriculum Standards of Russian General Physical Education
    LI Lin, ZHOU Zehong, JI Liu
    2015, 41 (1):  42-47.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.008
    Abstract ( 4366 )   PDF (1078KB) ( 5246 )   Save
    Russia began to implement the second generation of "National Education Standards of General Education" from 2011.This paper analyzes the target and contents of sports curriculum in grades 1-11 by interpreting the contents of physical education of the second Russian " National Education Standards of General Education " , which highlights the Russian people-oriented core philosophy of education. In addition, it take the track and field course as an example according to "Comprehensive Demonstration of Physical Education Curriculum Outline of Grades 1-11" to display he specific operational objectives and contents of the course from the perspective of syllabus so as to provide some inspiration for s .the physical education curriculum reform of China’s elementary education stage.
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    Protection of Athletes’ Right and Anti-doping Sanctions
    LI Zhi
    2015, 41 (1):  48-54.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.009
    Abstract ( 3592 )   PDF (1109KB) ( 3176 )   Save
    It is the common consensus in the sports field of the world that sanctions of drugs aim to purify games, protect athletes’ health and maintain justice, a series of rules and regulations have been formed. to sanctions in sporting fields. However, there are also some flaws in doping control and punishment, creating burdens to athletes’ sports rights and leading to a lot of disputes. Therefore, the vital way to balance anti-doping sanctions and protect athletes’ sports right is to perfect rules of anti-doping, regulate liability and methods of testing and assure reasonable questioning and appealing right of athletes.
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    Reseach and Enlightenment of Canada’s National Physical Fitness Act and Fitness and Amateur Sport Act
    JIANG Xi
    2015, 41 (1):  55-61.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.010
    Abstract ( 3659 )   PDF (1122KB) ( 3433 )   Save
    The modification of “Chinese Sports Law " has been an important task for China. This paper is concerned with Canada’s sports law, specifically the 1943 National Physical Fitness Act and 1963 Fitness and Amateur Sport Act. The paper discusses the legislative background and contents of the two laws, with the conclusion that the 1943 National Physical Fitness Act and 1963 Fitness and Amateur Sport Act played an important role in late 20th century. The purpose of this study is to provide references for Chinese Sports Law.
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    Optimization of Athletes’ Insurance Structure and the Corresponding Strategy
    SUN Juan, CHEN Zhiling
    2015, 41 (1):  62-68.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.011
    Abstract ( 2081 )   PDF (1098KB) ( 2811 )   Save
    The rapid development of sports industry will inevitably result in the boost of sport insurance, the importance of which has been self-testified in the previous cases of injuries and accidents. The paper analyzes Liu Xiang’s failure to claim of 100-million policy duo to his quit in the game at the Beijing Olympic Games, thus exposing the profound contradiction in athletes’ insurance structures. The paper further analyzes the basic structures of athletes’ insurance and its guarantee for competitive sports. In the context of the new policy of the Chinese government, the paper discusses how to incorporate the classic insurance examples at home and abroad into Chinese competitive sports insurance so as to provide references for the sound system of athletes’ insurance.
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    Research on the Standard System and Development Strategy of Chinese Sports Goods Manufacturing Industry
    YANG Mingsup>1, 2
    2015, 41 (1):  69-75.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.012
    Abstract ( 1819 )   PDF (1383KB) ( 2885 )   Save
    This paper analyzes the development process and formation mechanism of the standard system of Chinese sports goods manufacturing industry and discusses the operation requirement. The paper believes that there are some problems about the standard system of Chinese sports goods manufacturing industry, including unclarified subject and scope, absence of contents, ambiguous management and unsmooth operation, lack of economic attribute, difficulty in the realization of the industry targets, low alliance standard, etc. The paper thus puts forward the development strategy for promoting the standardization of Chinese sports goods manufacturing industry.
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    Discourse Analysis on the Publicness of SportsPublic Service System
    WANG Hongshen
    2015, 41 (1):  76-80.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.013
    Abstract ( 1906 )   PDF (1067KB) ( 2827 )   Save
    The purpose of constructing sports public service system is to satisfy the ever-changing public sports demand. As the core of the system engineering, " publicness" plays the guiding function with both overall and local characteristics. The research believes that publicness mainly lies in the four aspects of the service direction, service targets, operation and supervision mechanism, and service concept, standing for philosophy of being “owned by people”, “enjoyed by people”, “ruled by people” and “for people” respectively. The paper also point out that publicness belongs to the government, the public and the mechanism. The realization largely depends on social construction as the environment, public space creation as the spatial basis, government credibility as the power basis and the construction of fair mechanism as the system basis.
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    Domestic and International Sports Management Research from the Perspective of Knowledge Map
    WANG Qi
    2015, 41 (1):  81-85.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.014
    Abstract ( 2946 )   PDF (1304KB) ( 2817 )   Save
    Depending on word frequency analysis, co-word analysis, social network analysis and scientific knowledge mapping, the paper conducts a scientometric analysis of the downloaded theme literature of sport management from 2000 to 2012 in the Web of Science and CNKI database and summarizes the characteristics of the status quo of sport management studies at home and abroad since the beginning of the new century. Also, the paper makes a comparison from research objectives, research field, research approach, research methods between them.
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    Wushu Practitioners: A New Perspective of Research on Wushu Development
    TANG Mangguo, CAI Zhonglin
    2015, 41 (1):  86-91.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.015
    Abstract ( 2142 )   PDF (1087KB) ( 2797 )   Save
    Wushu practitioners of are not only the creators and practitioners of Wushu, but also the envoys and spokesperson of Wushu culture, so their survival is just the exact survival of Wushu itself. Using the methods of literature material and logic analysis, the paper, from the perspective practitioners, points out that they are the research perspective of the Wushu development. The paper first defines and classifies the concept of Wushu practitioners. It then preliminarily examines Wushu practitioners from ancient, modern and contemporary stages. Finally it discusses the practitioners’ current survival situation so as to clarify the contemporary value of `the practitioners as the research theme.
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    Rise Process and Characteristics of German Football
    PENG Guoqiang, SHU Shengfang
    2015, 41 (1):  92-98.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.016
    Abstract ( 4713 )   PDF (1106KB) ( 4954 )   Save
    From the perspective of historical evolution, the paper reviews the development process and the rise and fall of the German football and divides the process into the six stages of the start, alienation, rebirth, prosperity, fluctuation and revitalization. It believes that there are three characteristics in the rise of German football as follows: emphasis on the combination of football with national culture from, emphasis on the reform and innovation of club operation mode from system dimension and emphasis on the exploitation of youth training system and campus football. Chinese football can learn from Germany’s example.
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    Social Construction of Protection of Sports Intangible Cultural Heritage——A Case Study of Meizhou Hakka Football
    ZHANG Changcheng, LI Jianying
    2015, 41 (1):  99-103.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.017
    Abstract ( 1949 )   PDF (1120KB) ( 2892 )   Save
    Using the methods of in-depth interview and literature analysis and so on, the paper analyzes the development process, social structure, era characteristics and influencing factors of the Hakka football culture of Meizhou. The results show that with the intensification of social transformation process, improvement of living standard, civil society organizations, cultural heritage model, cultural heritage system in Meizhou have significantly influenced the development of Meizhou football culture. On this basis, the paper puts forward the social construction mode of villagers’ autonomy as the core of the protection of sports intangible cultural heritage in Meizhou.
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    Classification of P.E Teaching Contents of New Zealand’s “Five Basic Forms of Human Body Movements”
    CHENG Chuanyin, YANG Xiaofan, LIU Wenwen
    2015, 41 (1):  104-107.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.018
    Abstract ( 2514 )   PDF (1096KB) ( 2979 )   Save
    Sports and health course of New Zealand mainly includes following seven critical aspects of study: physical activity, motor learning, outdoor education, food and nutrition, mental health, sexual education as well as physical protection and safety, among which physical activity is classified into move, flight, rotation, swing and balance. Grade 1 to 8 organizes teaching contents based on this. The paper accordingly puts forward the corresponding teaching cases and suggestions.
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    Study on the Duty to Rescue in American Physical Education Courses
    CHENG Jiaquan
    2015, 41 (1):  108-113.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.019
    Abstract ( 3877 )   PDF (1092KB) ( 3482 )   Save
    By adjusting distributive justice through social utility the consequentialism-oriented Rights-Duty Paradigm have pithily explained the legitimacy and rationality of the statutory duty to rescue. This should establish the jurisprudential basis for the statutory duty to rescue in school sports activities. Meanwhile this should set the scope of the statutory duty to rescue within the framework of Sports Law and Education Act. With the help of comparative case, the paper analyzes the rescue obligation in American school sports activities, including three rescue standards, four classifications of exemption clauses as well as the implementation requirements.
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    Research on Rules Amendment and Innovation of CBA
    YAO Jian, LIU Chuanhai
    2015, 41 (1):  114-119.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.020
    Abstract ( 2212 )   PDF (1277KB) ( 3090 )   Save
    Depending on the main events from the initial start to the gradual perfecting process as the research basis, the increased suspense, the fairness of competition and the promotion of league brand as the pointcut, and the amendment of the rules as the breach, the paper adopts the methods of questionnaire survey, literature investigation, video observation and expert interview to research the amendment and innovation of CBA rules. The research result shows that the present CBA rules are different from other leagues mainly in its foreign players’ selection and utilization. The amendment and innovation of the rules is not only the specific embodiment of the league’s core concept of “serving the fans, the media and the sponsors”, but also the fundamental solution to the problems in the league and an important path to create a world renowned brand.
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    Analysis Based on the Data of World Track and Field Events of Differences in Sport Performance
    WANG Yangfan, YANG Shanshan, XIA Li, FENG Jianzhong
    2015, 41 (1):  120-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.01.021
    Abstract ( 4697 )   PDF (1094KB) ( 5601 )   Save
    Based on the medal grades in the great track and field events in recent five years and the distribution of athlete races, the paper adopts the methods of literature and mathematical statistics to compare the actual strength of different races in various track and field events, and analyses their different influence on the world track and field development. The results show that (1)the competitive strengths of the track and field events are shared the black and the white. The black ranks first both in gold medals number and total medals number, which are respectively 20.4% and 55.5%, the white 12.4% and 41.7% while the yellow is only 0.5% and 3.3%. (2)Although difference characteristics are witnessed in the track and field strengths in different races, there are periodical changes and transfer as the time passes. In 2012 and 2013 world competitions, the black and the white’s dominant position in jumping and long-distance events transferred. (3) The sports performance of different races is closely related with their physiological differences, geographical environment and cultural differences. Therefore, the paper point out that we can not conjecture the correlation between races and sports performances, neither can we assert unbalanced manifestation between track and field events and different sports races.
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