ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    20 December 2014, Volume 40 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Sports History Concepts in the Context of Cultural Morphology: RE-reflection on the Historical Development Process of Sports
    LIU Zijian
    2014, 40 (12):  1-8. 
    Abstract ( 2044 )   PDF (1050KB) ( 2387 )   Save
    Although a tremendous amount of literature on sports has been witnessed published, there still exist a series of problems waiting to be solved, including the basic definition of sports, the core problems of sports science, the stages of sports history and the general development laws, which has led to the undesirable consequences of the insufficiency of systematic and scientific theoretical basis in China’s sports development, the pendulum phenomenon of sports policies, the sluggish development of the overall sports cause as well as the backwardness of sports industry. The paper analyzes several basic problems popular in sports theory researches and accordingly puts forward ground-breaking concepts for reference.
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    Reflection on the Theoretical Issues of the “Top-layer Design”in Chinese Martial Arts Development
    WANG Gang, WANG Baili
    2014, 40 (12):  9-14. 
    Abstract ( 1854 )   PDF (1031KB) ( 2550 )   Save
    The development of Chinese martial arts has always claimed itself as “sport” for a long time and has experience a series of reform in order to become an Olympic event, but the reform has put the development of martial arts into an embarrassing situation of going against its original will, which leads to the absence of cultural dimension and the dissimilation of technique levels. The paper depends on literature and logical analysis to research and summarize Chinese martial arts development, believing that the present development situation urgently requires a fresh reflection on the “top-level design” with the philosophy of “carrying forward the national culture and highlighting the Chinese value” as its ultimate goal. We should also adhere to the subject consciousness, practice the cultural standpoint of China’s road, adopt the international communication by advertising Chinese identity and manifesting cultural charm, and stick to the resource development bottom line of “ expanding existence space and perusing diversified development ” so as to achieve the goal of grand development and prosperity of Chinese martial arts.
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    Explanation and Multi-dimensional Analysis of Leisure Sports
    LU Feng, JIANG Shaochen
    2014, 40 (12):  15-18. 
    Abstract ( 1671 )   PDF (997KB) ( 2406 )   Save
    “Leisure Sports” is a term that is both most frequently used and controversial in the present sports field. Whether the phenomena the term tries to illustrate should be sorted as sports and leisure, recreational sports or sports and recreations, it has become the center of discussion. This paper analyzes and interprets the term from the different dimensions of word meaning, subjects, majors and relevant activities, and reaches the conclusion that leisure sports is not merely established by usage. In fact, over the years’ logic construction in practices, the term has developed into a mature and accurate concept. It can not be substituted with the rest three terms due to their absence of practical application.
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    Impeaches of Funeral Sports Competitions in Homer’s Epic
    XIANG Yaguang
    2014, 40 (12):  19-24. 
    Abstract ( 1866 )   PDF (5639KB) ( 3059 )   Save
    The ideas of Ancient Greek competitive sports activities for fete are the academic concepts based on the description in Homer's Epic and there are many impeaches. However, the archaeological information from the Mino era in ancient Greece, Mycenaean Era and Dark Ages can not serve as convincing proof. Although there are some descriptions in Homer's Epic, many doubts exist, so it is still impossible to prove the existence of funeral sports competitions.
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    “People” Research in Field of Roman Gladiators’ Performances
    ZHAO Min,et al
    2014, 40 (12):  25-29. 
    Abstract ( 1818 )   PDF (1014KB) ( 2548 )   Save
    Roman gladiators’ performance activity had a long history, but different social strata participating in or watching the performances had their own purposes. Only part of the slaves of the slave class participated in the pancratium performances and the vast majority was only the stands cheering crowds. Roman emperors were keen on pancratium performing activities on the surface; but in fact, they were just doing it for their votes and political purposes. Those who really loved pancratium activities were the Roman nobles and knights, for watching such activities were not only part of their daily life, but also the main content of their entertainment. Roman civilians were the most fervent supporters, but they are passive because the rulers of Rome only threw the performance activities to them.
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    Sports Development in France During the 16th to 18th Centuries——Reading Notes II of the Three Volumes of the Great Work “The History of the Body”
    ZHAO Ge
    2014, 40 (12):  30-35. 
    Abstract ( 1763 )   PDF (2008KB) ( 2835 )   Save
    By reading the three volumes of great work "the History of the Body" and lots of other documents, this paper relives the changing process of French sports during the Renaissance: (1) the French noble sports experienced the transformation of sports from force to elegance. (2) The continuing evolution of the French noble sports led to the spread of civilian imitation and the chaos and disunity of French civilian sports due to the scattered state in space and time. French civilian sports witnessed a sloe transformation from sports gambling, violence control to the concept of healthy body. (3) Scientific ideas of sports and innovation process appeared in the late Renaissance.
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    Practical Basis of the Sports Development Road with Chinese Characteristics
    TAO Yuliu,et al
    2014, 40 (12):  36-40. 
    Abstract ( 1670 )   PDF (1010KB) ( 2148 )   Save
    A deep understanding of the practical basis of the sports development path with Chinese Characteristics is required by theoretical researches as well as the innovation and problem-solving in practice. The study finds that practical basis of Chinese sports development demonstrates the characteristics of multi-levels and multi-dimensions, which involves not only the factors of Chinese economic reform but also those of Chinese governing system. It is closely related to Chinese social structures and modern development of Chinese traditional culture.
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    Reflections on the Research of Sports Anthropology
    XIE Xiaoyan, et al
    2014, 40 (12):  41-44. 
    Abstract ( 1596 )   PDF (993KB) ( 2448 )   Save
    Combs the academic circles in the system to the sports anthropology research results foundation in, this article from the sports anthropology object of study, research model and research technique as well as application stratification planes and so on case practice has carried on the review and the summary to the sports anthropology research condition.Carries on reconsidering in this foundation to the sports anthropology discipline development, thought the sports anthropology in the development the basis of existence theory weak, the research troop biased, the discipline relations fuzzy, the research area pending faces questions and so on application direction development.
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    Harmony in Diversity: Comparison Between Taijiquan and Daoyin Regimen
    TAO Shuoxiu, YU Dinghai
    2014, 40 (12):  45-48. 
    Abstract ( 2757 )   PDF (1000KB) ( 5209 )   Save
    Taijiquan and Daoyin Regimen are two unique cultural forms of Chinese sport health maintenance. Both originating from traditional Chinese culture, most researchers focus on their similarities but neglect their individualities. In order for both events to develop and people to do exercise properly, it is of great significance to clarify their essences and to definitely grasp their similarities and individualities. This research deeply analyzes their distinct differences from the three aspects of essential features, movement connotations and value pursuits.
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    Enlightenments of Contemporary Japanese Kyudo System on the Development of Traditional Chinese Archery
    WANG Jutao
    2014, 40 (12):  49-52. 
    Abstract ( 2362 )   PDF (996KB) ( 3375 )   Save
    By analyzing the history of Chinese and Japanese archery, the paper interprets the Japanese Kyudo from the perspective of the three-level theory of culture, believing that the archery culture is the tranquil way cultivating mind, which serves as a wonder drug to combat the cotemporary social blunderingness. However, the thousand-year traditional Chinese archery is faced with the dilemma of being lost. Japan, on the other hand, has turned its traditional archery into Kyudo although it has always been influenced by Chinese culture, which enables itself to be in line with the contemporary society without losing its tradition and plays its proper role in society. Chinese archery should follow suit to update its development mode so as to keep up with the times.
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    New Trend of Urban Residents’ Sports Culture Consumption——A Case Study of Shanxi
    LIU Ying
    2014, 40 (12):  53-57. 
    Abstract ( 1699 )   PDF (1016KB) ( 2451 )   Save
    Urban residents’ sports culture consumption is viewed as a dynamic process. The sports culture consumption trend of urban residents in Shanxi Province is discussed herein by using the methods of literature reviews, questionnaire, interview, logical analysis and mathematical statistics on the basis of analysis on its environment. The result shows that the overall trend of sports culture consumption is transforming towards a more active, diversified and spiritual mode. Consumption demand demonstrates otherness and hierarchy with obvious rational characteristics. The consumption ages tilt to the young and middle aged with ever increasing ratio of the elderly group. The consumption structure has been upgraded with consumption areas becoming more extended and expanded. Sports tourism indicates the tendency of micro-tourism with green, healthy and environmentally-friendly features. Air travel has shown its potential demand and expected consumption demand will be more diversified, complicated and upscale.
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    Characteristics of Elite Male Swimmer Shoulder Joint Isokinetic Muscle Strength
    LU Pengtao
    2014, 40 (12):  58-62. 
    Abstract ( 2689 )   PDF (1024KB) ( 2732 )   Save
    Objective: The paper is to investigate the characteristics of elite male swimmers’ shoulder joint muscle strength. Methods: IsoMed 2000 isokinetic muscle strength test system(made in Germany)is used to conduct quantitative test of 46 elite male swimmers’ left, and right shoulder joints for their flexion and extension, adduction, outreach, and internal rotation, external rotation movement mode (slow motion mode ,60°/ S and fast ,240°/ S). Results:(1) the 60°/s muscle strength test indicates that the relative peak torques of adduction and internal rotation on both sides are significant difference (P<0.05). The 240°/s muscle strength test shows that the relative peak torques of external rotation on both sides demonstrate significant difference (P<0.01).(2) The peak torque of adduction/abduction at angular velocities 60°/s and 180°/s in shoulder joints exhibits significant difference between the left and right side (P<0.05), and the peak torque of internal rotation/external rotation between left and right sides just follows suit (P<0.05). (3) Shoulder joint flexor/extensor PTR is 0.50-0.60, adduction/abduction muscle PTR, 0.80-0.99, and the internal /external rotation PTR, 1.60-1.78. Conclusion: Many subjects` left shoulder adduction, internal rotation of absolute power, the explosive force, and shoulder extortor endurance should be strengthened, so it is recommended that attention should be paid to the exercise intensity in strength training to reduce the chances of injuries.
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    Analysis of the Technique Features of First Four Batsof World Excellent Men Single Badminton Players
    CAI Li,CHEN Bin
    2014, 40 (12):  63-67. 
    Abstract ( 1996 )   PDF (1006KB) ( 3209 )   Save
    Depending on video observation statistics, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, the paper conducts a comparative analysis to compare the players’ first four bats from service to return service and their service areas at the international and domestic competitions in 2013. The results reveal that “serving and receiving in the first four bats” and the skill level in “Service area”directly influence the next batting’s activeness or passiveness. The skill of Chinese players in “serving and receiving in the first four shoot”is still to be improved.
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    Evaluation and Diagnosis on Physical Fitness of the 9-year-old Elite Male Gymnasts in China
    YUAN Weihua, ZHU Baofeng
    2014, 40 (12):  68-72. 
    Abstract ( 1658 )   PDF (1071KB) ( 2235 )   Save
    Using the methods of Delphi, test, radar and Pareto, a system of evaluation index is put forward to evaluate and diagnose the physical fitness of the 9-year-old elite male gymnasts in China. The aim is to reveal the present situation and the existing problems of every athlete’s physical fitness, in order to provide targeted guidance to every athlete and to improve the training quality and efficiency.
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    Testing Methods of Adolescents’ Cardiorespiratory Fitness
    YE Xinming, et al
    2014, 40 (12):  73-78. 
    Abstract ( 2396 )   PDF (1051KB) ( 3288 )   Save
    Objective: This study attempts to investigate the measurement of the validation of cardiorespiratory fitness through 1000 (800)-running test and 20mSRT in order to provide reference for the future development of the test method of evaluating cardiorespiratory fitness of children and adolescents effectively. Method: 61 students (29 males and 32 females) are randomly selected as research objects from middle schools in Shanghai to analyze the relevance of different VO2max from 1000(800)-meter running test, 20mSRT and treadmill test respectively by using ROC and multiple linear regression analysis. Results and Conclusion: (1)The correlation coefficient of VO2max from 1000-meter running test (male) and 20mSRT is 0.440 and 0.468 respectively while that of 800-meter running test (female) and 20mSRT is 0.513 and 0.765 respectively. 20mSRT is better than 1000(800)-running test in terms of measuring the cardiorespiratory fitness. (2)Taking the VO2max from treadmill test as standard, the area under ROC curve from 1000-meter running test (male) and 20mSRT is 0.571 and 0.688 respectively while that of 800-meter running test (female) and 20mSRT is 0.523 and 0.661 respectively.(3)The regression equation between VO2max and 20mSRT number: VO2max=115.54356- (1.93803 × age) - (7.13359 x Gender) - (1.86024 x BMI) + (0.065772 x N)(male= 0, female= 1, N=the number of 20mSRT), correlation coefficient equation and the VO2max is 0.713.
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    Reflection on the Evaluation Method of Immune Balance in Exercise
    ZHAO Guanggao, et al
    2014, 40 (12):  79-84. 
    Abstract ( 1570 )   PDF (1570KB) ( 2394 )   Save
    In the field of sports science, the number/percentage of IFN-γ (or IL-2) and IL-4 cells in peripheral blood or spleen, the levels of Th1, Th2-associated cytokines produced by the cells, and the concentrations of the cytokines in circulation are measured by researchers to evaluate the Th1/Th2 balance following exercise from the perspective of Th1and Th2 cell numbers and function. The analysis believes that (1) The change of Th1 and Th2 cells in response to exercise is the same as that of Tc1 and Tc2 cells respectively, while Th1/Th2 balance can be used as the indicator of T1/T2 balance indirectly. (2) The concentration of cytokines may be the more meaningful indicators of Th1/Th2 balance in response to exercise than that of cell numbers. (3) The concentration of cytokines in the circulation may be the more meaningful indicators of Th1/Th2 balance in response to exercise than that of cytokines produced by lymphocytes. The review is to provide the basis for study protocols and reference for discussions in the future researches through the reflection on the evaluation of Th1/Th2 balance in response to exercise.
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    Relationship Between Female College Students’ Physical Exercise Need, Goal Orientation and Behavior
    ZHU Xuntao, ZHAI Chun
    2014, 40 (12):  85-90. 
    Abstract ( 1489 )   PDF (1155KB) ( 2787 )   Save
    In order to promote female students’ autonomous and active participation in physical exercise, the paper, by adopting Needs of Physical Exercise Scale (NPES), Task Orientation and Ego Orientation Scale in Sport (TESS), conducts an investigation of 1488 female students in the framework of "Hierarchy of Needs Theory" and "Achievement Goal Orientation Theory" to explore the causal relationship between the three of physical exercise needs, goal orientation, behavior. It then constructs the physical exercise "Need - Goal Orientation - Behavior" relational model of female students. The results show that female students' physical exercise exhibits some characteristics such as multiple-dimension need, higher ego orientation motivation and low exercise amount. Each dimension of physical exercise needs and goal orientation is significantly associated with physical exercise behavior. Task orientation is closely related with the high level of need, while ego orientation, the low level of need. SEM shows that female students' goal orientation (task orientation or ego orientation) have mediating effects partly on physical exercise needing to explain the behavior with the effective size amounting to 16.67%.
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    Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Rats’ Plasma in the Process of Atherosclerosis
    WANG Xiaoyan
    2014, 40 (12):  91-94. 
    Abstract ( 1717 )   PDF (1002KB) ( 2623 )   Save
    Objective: the paper is to explore the effects of Aerobic-exercise(swimming) on CO(Carbon Monoxide) and cGMP(Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate)of the rat’s plasma during the development of atherosclerosis(AS) and to investigate the changes and correlations of CO and cGMP for looking for the possible mechanisms that CO works so as to provide a theoretical basis for Aerobic-exercise Preventing atherosclerosis development. Methods: 30 Sprague-Dawley healthy male rats are randomly divided into 3×10 groups for 8 weeks of experiment, the control group(CG), the atherosclerosis group(ASG) with high-fat diet and the Aerobic-exercise group(AEG) in which the rats swim 60min every day with high-fat diet. The contents of CO and cGMP of the plasma are measured after and before experiment. Results: The contents of CO and cGMP of the ASG are significantly increased(P<0.05. The contents of CO and cGMP of the AEG are significantly lower than those in the ASG(P<0.05. The changes of CO in the plasma are positively correlated with the changes of cGMP(r=0.84). Conclusion: the contents of CO and cGMP in plasma increase during the development of atherosclerosis. Aerobic-exercise may reduce the contents of CO and cGMP in plasma. CO-cGMP pattern may be one of the mechanisms that CO works.
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