ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    20 September 2014, Volume 40 Issue 9 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Influences of the Decreasing Proportion of Chinese Working-age Population on Sporting Goods Industry
    MA De-Hao,JI Liu
    2014, 40 (9):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 1906 )   PDF (1015KB) ( 1833 )   Save
    With the increase of Chinese labor costs because of the decrease of the working-age population proportion, the traditional development mode of sporting goods industry which profits through the advantage of cheap labor has been difficult to sustain. In this context, changing the development mode of sporting goods industry from the extensive to intensive one has become an important measure to crack its 'big-but-not-strong' dilemma which requires Chinese sporting goods industry to introduce advanced technology actively and enhance industry cluster effect so as to increase its utilization of human capital. At the same time, it should strengthen sector management, regulate manufacturing standard of products to enhance its international competitiveness. Moreover, Chinese sporting goods industry also should improve its capacity of innovation, speed up corporate brand building to complete the shift from the 'made-in-China' pattern to the 'innovated-in-China' one.
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    Analysis of Motivation Factors and Mode of Sports Industry Integration
    LI Yan-Yan,Gao Xue-Feng,LAN Zi-Li
    2014, 40 (9):  7-11. 
    Abstract ( 1563 )   PDF (1001KB) ( 1858 )   Save
    The sports industry convergence is not a overnight change but a process of dynamic development under the combined action of many factors. Based on the dominant factors of China's ports industry convergence and its characteristic, the integration can be divided into four different models: the osmosis technology, multiple functions, market extension and resource sharing. The integration of the development of China's sports industry will be enhanced through five measures: the future development of the Pan-sports industry is guided by the "great fusion", nurture and develop sport enterprise market competitiveness, achieve multi-industry management system dialogue and coordination mechanisms by reforming management system, promote the development of integration of sports industry through sports industry cluster and focus on integration of sports talents cultivation.
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    Logistic Regression Analysis on the Sequence of the Factors Influencing Chinese Citizens’ Sports Involvement
    MA Jiang-Tao
    2014, 40 (9):  12-18. 
    Abstract ( 1611 )   PDF (916KB) ( 1768 )   Save
    Depending on ordinal logistic regression, this paper analyzes the China’s comprehensive social data and researches the factors influencing Chinese citizens’ sport involvement. The research result indicates that the following factors generate significant influences, the ages, the working hours, the social classes, the genders, the nationalities, the education level, the occupations and the health conditions. On the other hand, economic situations and marital status produce little influence.
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    Management and Service of the National Health in Japan from the “Healthy Japan 21” Plan
    ZHANG Xin-Hua, WANG Guo-Xiang
    2014, 40 (9):  19-23. 
    Abstract ( 2505 )   PDF (889KB) ( 1768 )   Save
    "Healthy Japan 21" is the third ten-year national health promotion plan from 2000 to 2010 in Japanese society. In this paper, the status of national health management and service during implementation of "healthy Japan 21" plan are translated and commented on. The paper further analyzes the similar plan in China and suggests some measures for the perfection of China’s national health management services.
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    Inheritance or Arrogation: Influence of Electronic Sports on Modern Sports
    YANG Qi-Hu, LIU Xiang-Rong
    2014, 40 (9):  24-29. 
    Abstract ( 2819 )   PDF (935KB) ( 1819 )   Save
    Through literature data method and logical analysis, this paper explores the influence of electronic sport on modern sports. The research shows that electronic sport inherits modern sport kernel and gestalt, widens the space of modern sports, but it leads to the problems, such as body marginalization and the reduction of sports material culture. The development of electronic sport conveys the implicit change on the part of modern sports from competition to commercialization and strengthens the instrumental rationality of humans in sports. Electronic sport will appear as alternative sport or countercultural phenomenon for a long time in the future, but with the development of economy, society, high popularization of the network, it will become an important member of the mainstream sports or arrogate to become hegemonic sport.
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    Problems and Reflections: with thinking: Textual Research Based on the National Social Science Fund Project of Sports Science
    WANG Hai-Hong, WANG Jian
    2014, 40 (9):  30-32. 
    Abstract ( 1664 )   PDF (869KB) ( 1724 )   Save
    Depending on literature metrology, the paper uses national social science fund (2009-2013) of sports science project data as the research object to analyze the basic characteristics and the existing problems in the field from the project type, project number, project units and subordinate system and subject guide. The research suggests that (1) the scientific planning of subject guide is the first step in the specific work to realize the dream of sports power and the requirements of the scientific planning of project guide should be characterized with integrity, consistency and sustainability; (2) the research content should be closely linked to the social main body and the historical background. It should center around the strategic target of sports power, attach importance to and track the follow-up study of the project, intensity achievements inspection of application project so as to conduct further in-depth study; (3) we should take advantage of all kinds of resources form Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the National Sports Science Institute, etc, in order to broaden the research organizations and carry out interdisciplinary researches.
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    Social Ego and Individualism: Sociological Thinking of Individual and Groups in Football Sports
    2014, 40 (9):  33-38. 
    Abstract ( 2307 )   PDF (913KB) ( 1867 )   Save
    From the perspective of sociology, the paper analyzes the conflicts and fusion of individualism and social ego in football in order to explore the sport of football from the micro level and expound its development based on sociological theory. The research suggests that individuals and groups have different social display in football. Stars and their teams are opposite yet, at the same time, complementary to each other. Social ego is the social extension of individuals, and the breakthrough of individualism and the establishment of team consciousness are the social trend of modern football. The integration of players’ social performance and behavior is the inevitable tendency of promoting the social performance of football.
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    A Survey and Study of Countermeasures on Sports Consumption in Urban and Rural Areas of Sichuan Province
    HU Yan
    2014, 40 (9):  39-43. 
    Abstract ( 1556 )   PDF (896KB) ( 1744 )   Save
    This paper uses literature, questionnaires, field interviews and other research methods to analyze the status of sports consumption of urban and rural residents in Sichuan Province. Their sports consumption level, structure and motivation, etc, are researched, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1: urban residents significantly surpass their counterparts in sports consumption level with more diversified consumption structures and motivations. In the dual structural system of urban and rural areas in China, the factors that lead to the differences between Chinese urban and rural residents’ sports consumption include the increasing gap in their incomes and consumption behavior, social security in the urban and rural dual system, the priority given to urban areas in terms of sports resource distribution and the differences in culture and life styles between the two areas. The paper accordingly suggests some countermeasures in order to balance sports development between urban and rural areas, to stimulate sports consumption demand and to promote the development of sports industry.
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    Several Problems of Competitive State
    ZHANG Wei-qiang
    2014, 40 (9):  44-49. 
    Abstract ( 1796 )   PDF (907KB) ( 1725 )   Save
    Based on sports training and competitive practice, the paper discusses the relationship between the theoretic basis of competitive state, competitive state and ability, competitive state and normal state (training state), etc.
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    Reflections from the Third Business Plan for the Chinese Table Tennis Team
    CHEN Xiao-Hua, HUANG Li-Qin
    2014, 40 (9):  50-53. 
    Abstract ( 1664 )   PDF (880KB) ( 1893 )   Save
    Chinese table tennis association puts forward "the third business plan" on the basis of ensuring the leading position, popularizing and improving Chinese table tennis both at home and abroad as the core task. China, as a table tennis power in the world, is the first country to take sustainable development path of sports education and marketization in the domestic dimension. The event management center plays its role to work out rules, organize, coordinate and arbitrate the concerning affairs. It should also strengthen commercial operation of domestic and international competitions, organize competitions and performances, regulate the layout of primary and secondary schools with traditional sports events, etc.
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    Promotion Strategy Research on Chinese Men’s Tennis’ Competitive Level
    LI Wei-Guo
    2014, 40 (9):  54-57. 
    Abstract ( 1697 )   PDF (876KB) ( 1805 )   Save
    Based on the analysis of international rankings, the event level and competitive performance of Chinese male tennis players, the paper believes that there are some factors that have affected Chinese tennis, such as the priority give to women’s tennis in the early development stage, the failure of the systematic arrangement to integrate with ITF and ATP, the contradiction of Chinese male players’ career and age characteristics with the world tennis field and the lack of high-level confrontation and ladder players, etc. The paper thus suggests changing the corresponding policies and increasing investment so as to speed up the integration into ITF and ATP’s competition schedule. We should also take measures to prolong players’ competition years and hire top ladder players in order to promote Chinese players level by strengthening their confrontation training, etc.
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    Research Progress of Impact Load Mechanism Gymnastic Landing
    XIAO Xiao-Fei
    2014, 40 (9):  58-65. 
    Abstract ( 1503 )   PDF (996KB) ( 1531 )   Save
    Gymnasts are exposed to a high incidence of impact load due to the execution of repeated dismount performances in daily exercise and competition in gymnastics, which increased the potential injuries of musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out the impact load mechanisms during landing. While laboratory-based studies have traditionally been favored, the difficulty in controlling and isolating mechanisms of interest has partially restricted the further understanding of the impact load mechanisms in gymnastic-style landings. An increase in the use of theoretical approaches, especially the development of computer simulation of human movement, has been evident over the past two decades. Both laboratory-based and theoretical research has successfully enhanced the insight into impact load mechanisms. Theoretical studies have advanced knowledge in impact landing mechanics, but some data from laboratory-based researches can be input into theoretical model. This review examines gymnastic-style impact load mechanisms during landing using biomechanical approaches which include laboratory-based research and model-simulation research. It is hoped to deepen the understanding of the impact load mechanisms, to provide scientific evidence for selecting the appropriate biomechanical approach to examine the relation between gymnastic-style impact load and potential injuries, and to provide a reference for assessment about potential injuries in gymnastics.
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    Investigation on the Current Situation of Office workers’ BMD and Its Influencing Factor Analysis and Risk Assessment
    WU Ming-Fang
    2014, 40 (9):  66-71. 
    Abstract ( 1914 )   PDF (1021KB) ( 1801 )   Save
    Objective: The paper is to survey and analyze of status of bone mineral density of 4364 government staff of different genders, ages, and its influencing factors and risks assessment. Method: Test, questionnaire investigation and statistic method are adopted. Results: 1. Both males and females undergo a trend of decrease of BQI. The T value decreases with ages (P<0.001) and increases with the increasing of BMI(P<0.001). The mean value of BQI is 92.55±17.63 for men and 87.41±15.43 for women and the mean value of T value is -0.972±1.47 and -0.425±1.54 respectively. 2. The combined detection rate of bone loss and osteoporosis in male and female was 55.8% and 55.8% respectively. Before the age of 45 , the rate in both male and female increases with the age (P<0.001) and decreases along the increase of BMI(P<0.001). 3. The logistic regression analysis indicates that osteoporosis is correlated to sex, ages, BMI, going to work on foot, the frequency of weekly exercise, milk taking and food preference. Conclusion: 1.The bone strength and bone mineral density in office workers decrease with age and increase with the increasing of BMI. 2. Civil servants suffer a severe situation of lacking calcium and bone losing, which takes a great proportion in the bone mineral density problem (male 55.8%, female 40.1%). The peak of bone mineral density in young civil servants is not good. 3. Gender, BMI, walking to work, the frequency of weekly exercises and milk taking are the protective factors of the bone mineral density. Age, food partiality are the risk factors. The advantage of food partiality, walking to work age is more outstanding,and correlation to osteoporosis is thus higher.
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    Joint Power Curve Measurement System of Portable Muscle Isotonic Contraction and Isokinetic Muscle Test
    LI Lin, JI Zhong-Qiu
    2014, 40 (9):  72-76. 
    Abstract ( 1973 )   PDF (1469KB) ( 1947 )   Save
    Inertial sensor technology and wireless bluetooth capture technology are adopted to develop the portable test system of isotonic muscle contraction joint power curve. The paper elaborates the internal structure and data processing method of the test system. The test system uses a cubic spline interpolation to interpolate, which make it possible to easily test the peak power curve of isotonic muscle contraction joints under different loads and to be taken into classrooms and training places. It can be widely applied to athletes’ selection and training.
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    An Experimental Research on the Effect of Exercise Intervention on Primary School Pupils' Body Shape and Composition
    YANG Jian
    2014, 40 (9):  77-82. 
    Abstract ( 1713 )   PDF (906KB) ( 1827 )   Save
    The paper analyzes the effect on the body shape and body composition of primary school pupils and tries to explore a means to prevent and control obesity. Methods: a total of 430overweight / obese students are selected randomly from four primary schools as experimental intervention targets. They are divided into groups of aerobic, anaerobic group, consolidated group and the control group. The experiment lasts for 16 weeks with five days of exercise per week and about 65 minutes every day. The exercise intensity is controlled within the target heart rate range. Results: after 16 weeks of exercise intervention, their waist circumference, hip circumference and body fat percentage significantly decrease (p <0.05), while their body weight and level of intervention on this indicator have no interaction (p> 0.05). Their waist circumference, hip circumference and body fat percentage is significantly affected by the intervention (p <0.05). Conclusion: the 16 weeks of school-based exercise intervention approach can significantly reduce the pupils' waist, hip and other body morphology index, but there are no significant changes in body weight. Aerobic-based exercise is best. Exercise intervention can significantly reduce the body fat percentage of primary school pupils, improve their body composition; role of aerobic exercise maximum.
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    Effect of 6-Week Swiss Ball Exercises on Teenagers’ Neck and Shoulder Pain
    QIU Peng, ZHANG Zhi-Cheng
    2014, 40 (9):  83-87. 
    Abstract ( 1497 )   PDF (895KB) ( 1712 )   Save
    30 students from Jilin University who suffer Neck-disability index (NDI) in the range of 20%-40% are used as study objects. They are divided into Swiss ball training group, drawing training group and blank control group,. The exercise intervention lasts for 6 weeks to test their subjective discomfort, range of motion, muscle physical state index before and after the experiment, the purpose of which is to investigate the efficacy of Swiss ball exercise intervention on their neck and shoulder pain. The results show that the pain symptoms in the Swiss ball training group and the drawing training group are significantly alleviated with the efficacy of the Swiss ball group better than that in the drawing group, indicating that Swiss ball intervention is an effective and safe therapy.
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    Guarantee Measures and Security Strategy in Swimming Teaching in the Concept of Survival Education——a case study of universities in Chongqing
    YI Qiang
    2014, 40 (9):  88-90. 
    Abstract ( 1586 )   PDF (863KB) ( 1761 )   Save
    Through questionnaire investigation, visiting survey, statistical analysis and other research methods, it is found that there are a series of safety problems in the swimming pools of the universities and colleges in Chongqing, such as: sub-standard hardware, faulty rules and regulations, deficient lifeguard system, etc. Some other problems, such as the lack of safety education, unawareness of students’ physical situations, defects in exams and the presence of insurance, etc, also appear in swimming teaching. The paper analyzes swimming accidents in universities and suggests the corresponding countermeasures.
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    Current Situation of Line Dance Referees in Universities and the Countermeasures
    QU Hui-fang
    2014, 40 (9):  91-98. 
    Abstract ( 1633 )   PDF (872KB) ( 1877 )   Save
    To investigate the judging standard of line dance referees in Chinese universities, the paper adopts the methods of literature and investigation, etc, to investigate analyze the basic situations, professional level and the influencing factors of line dance referees in universities in Jiangsu Province as a case study. It also suggests some countermeasures to the existing problems.
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