ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    20 July 2014, Volume 40 Issue 7 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Existence of Traditional Martial Arts in the Contemporary Cultural Space
    RAN Xue-Dong
    2014, 40 (7):  8-12. 
    Abstract ( 1306 )   PDF (933KB) ( 1629 )   Save
    The cultural space is where culture exists and continues. Scientific understanding and interpretation of the cultural space provide a new perspective and paradigm for the protection, inheritance and development of traditional culture. Analysis of the elements of cultural space indicates that the existence of the traditional martial arts depends on the core symbol of martial arts schools, the core value of the spirit of martial arts, the core main body of martial arts practicers as well as the cultural evidence and field provided by the correlations of such elements. The interpretation of the meaning of cultural space demonstrates that traditional martial arts takes it roots in masses and it is a kind of life art with the cultural vitality of "eliminating the old and intaking the new ". The community character of the existence is the collective memory of an era, which helps to improve people's cultural recognition. The theory and practice of the protection of "intangible cultural heritages ", is the present cultural consciousness, which ensures the active inheritance of traditional martial arts.
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    Normalization, Overseeing and Examination: Foucault’s Understanding of Martial Arts Education
    TANG Shao-jun, DAI Guo-bin
    2014, 40 (7):  13-16. 
    Abstract ( 2144 )   PDF (920KB) ( 1929 )   Save
    Depending on literature research and text analysis, the text of Discipline and Punishment is analyzed and the literature on training methods of martial arts is collected in the educational field. Based on the popular Foucault body discipline theory at present, the paper discusses the standard classification of martial arts body by education of martial arts, ubiquitous moral surveillance of martial arts people and the internalized self-examination of external surveillance as the main body so as to summarize the experience in education of martial arts, enrich the content of the education of martial arts and diversify the approaches of martial arts education., thus providing service for improving the educational system of martial arts.
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    Historical Review and Research of English Wushu Translation
    ZHANG Ying-fan
    2014, 40 (7):  17-20. 
    Abstract ( 1789 )   PDF (1704KB) ( 1772 )   Save
    Wushu, as part of Chinese national treasures, has developed into a world sport, so the translation of Wushu is playing a more and more vital role in the worldwide promotion and popularization of Wushu. From the perspective of history, the paper studies the development of English translation of Wushu, summarizes the three stages of translation and compares the similarities and differences between China and the West. It further discusses the concerning problems and measures of Wushu translation.
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    Analysis on the Regulation of Case Study of Sports Social Science
    LI Xu-Wu
    2014, 40 (7):  21-26. 
    Abstract ( 1300 )   PDF (950KB) ( 1690 )   Save
    Depending on the understanding of literature as the main method, the paper, based on in the case study of standardization of the standardization of case study of sports social science, reveals several problems and considerations in this field by sorting out several dozens of articles in terms of their case establishment, case selection, data collection, data integration and analysis accreditation basis of examples from a file, select a case based on dozens of article, collecting data, data integration and analysis. The purpose of the paper is to arouse the attention of the sports field to case sports case studies so as to provide references for the research quality and reliability.
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    Empirical Research on the Diversified Rural Public Sports Service Supplyin the Balanced Urban and Rural Comprehensive Reform Pilot Area
    LIAO Heng
    2014, 40 (7):  27-32. 
    Abstract ( 1526 )   PDF (992KB) ( 1601 )   Save
    Based on the reform and development background of the national comprehensive experimental zone between urban and rural areas, the paper aims to explore the diversified supply situation of rural public sports service. The paper, depending on the methods of literature material law, questionnaire survey and interviews, statistical analysis method and so on, discusses the diversified supply system of sports public sports services in the rural areas in Chongqing and Chengdu and comes up with the concerning new system in order to provide theoretical references for a the healthy and sustainable development of sports in the new countryside.
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    Research on the Construction of Chinese Government's Basic Sport PublicService Standardization
    Li Jing, Linhu-Zhang
    2014, 40 (7):  33-36. 
    Abstract ( 1971 )   PDF (913KB) ( 1716 )   Save
    Based on the standardization of sports public services as the research subject, the paper analyzes the concept, construction background and current situation of standardization of government’s sports public service through the methods logical analysis, deductive reasoning, etc. It further explores the necessity and feasibility of the standardization construction.
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    Impact of Asian Games on Guangzhou Urban Development: From the Citizens’ Perspective
    LU Li , Song Ming-wei
    2014, 40 (7):  37-40. 
    Abstract ( 3222 )   PDF (902KB) ( 1780 )   Save
    The paper tries to explore the impact of the 16th Asian Games on Guangzhou urban development from the local citizens’ perspective. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are employed to examine the relationships between Asian Games and urban development. The empirical outcome shows that the Guangzhou government did well in promoting its economic development, improving the urban infrastructure and beautifying the appearance of the city. However, the Guangzhou government failed to build the city brand image, enhance the citizen's self-cultivation and increase government transparency.
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    Impact Factor for Competitive Sports Development in the Context of the Whole-nation Syste
    HUANG Bo, Zhu Min-min
    2014, 40 (7):  41-44. 
    Abstract ( 1662 )   PDF (910KB) ( 1778 )   Save
    This article empirically conducted regression analysis of the impact factor and achievements of competitive sports by means of econometrics. It is found that since the implementation of reform and opening up, the fast economic development has played an active role in promoting the development of competitive sports. The continuous increase of athletes and expansion of main competitive body for competitive sports boost the continuous prosperity of competitive sports of China. Meanwhile, it is also found that the impact of human resources in sports system and the number of professional coaches in the development of competitive sports is not significant. The findings have some practical significance for the sustainable development of Chin’s competitive sports.
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    Influence China's Star Athletes Micro-blogs
    Zhang Ling-ling
    2014, 40 (7):  45-48. 
    Abstract ( 1489 )   PDF (914KB) ( 1683 )   Save
    This paper researches the influence of star athletes’ micro-blogs from the three dimensions of active degree, coverage and degree of communication. The research result shows that their blogs are not frequently updated with the contents rarely related to sports. The influence of their blogs is closely related to important competitions and emergencies with great publicity effect and commercial value, etc. therefore such athletes have to improve their own attainments continually. Meanwhile, a professional team fully aware of managing their blogs should be created to take full advantage of their influence on the development of sports.
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    Revision of the Scale of Trust in Leader
    YANG Shang-jian, SUN You-ping
    2014, 40 (7):  49-53. 
    Abstract ( 1837 )   PDF (1743KB) ( 1807 )   Save
    The paper preliminarily revises “The Scale of Trust in Leader” (TLS) developed by Dirks, taking 331 athletes of the national youth league basketball clubs as subjects. The result shows that the TLS has good validity and reliability up to psychometrics standards, and can be used to assess trust in coach in youth sport teams.
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    Research on Establishing the Physical Fitness Evaluation System for Air police in China——a case study of the air police of the eight major airlines in China
    SHU Yan-bin
    2014, 40 (7):  54-58. 
    Abstract ( 2201 )   PDF (1308KB) ( 1772 )   Save
    Through the methods of documentation, questionnaire survey expert consultation, measurement and mathematical statistics, the paper analyzes the correlation of all the factors and criteria concerning the physical fitness for air police in China and the percentage of weight for all elements, providing the physical fitness measurement and selection approaches for air police with the scientific tools and references in order to completely establish the physical fitness evaluation system for air police in China and improve the scientific level of the physical fitness training.
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    Influence of Manual Digitizing Error for Quantitative Motion Analysis
    WANG Xiao-gang, ZhANG Ying
    2014, 40 (7):  59-62. 
    Abstract ( 1529 )   PDF (1098KB) ( 1790 )   Save
    Depending on hurdle movements as the study case, the research analyzes the influence of manual digitizing error on analysis results. The result shows that under the premise of clearly visible for cameras, all the body landmarks can obtain reliable result. After 3D reconstruction, the vertical direction is slightly less variable than the other directions. Additionally, the precision of linear displacement can match the analysis requirement, while angular velocity displays poor reliability no way. Some of the parameters, is greatly influenced by data smoothing.
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    Effect of Vibration Training on Biomechanical Properties of Rat Gastrocnemius
    GU Fu-ming, JIANG Li
    2014, 40 (7):  63-66. 
    Abstract ( 1265 )   PDF (942KB) ( 1792 )   Save
    The purpose of this study is to discuss the mechanism of vibration training in improving muscle strength from the perspective of sports biomechanics. 60 male rats of 3 months old are randomly divided into quiet control group, 25Hz training group, 35Hz training group, 45Hz training group. The biomechanical parameters of gastrocnemius are measured by AGIS-MS material testing machine of the SHIMADZU Corporation. The results show that: in 25Hz training group, the maximum load, the energy absorbed to maximum load, elastic modulus and maximum stress increase very significantly (P<0.01), while the strain to maximum load decrease significantly (P<0.05). In 35Hz training group, the biomechanical parameters of rat gastrocnemius are of no statistical significance (P>0.05). In 45Hz training group, the maximum load, the energy absorbed to maximum load, elastic modulus and maximum stress increase significantly (P<0.05), while the strain to maximum load indicates no significant change (P>0.05). It concludes that elastic elements in muscle mechanical model play the main role in vibration training.
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    Experimental Research on Plantar Pressure Distribution Law of Young Women
    DU Jie , SUN Li-juan
    2014, 40 (7):  67-70. 
    Abstract ( 1435 )   PDF (1063KB) ( 1776 )   Save
    Objective: Using the means and methods of sport biomechanics and depending on Belgian Footscan insole plate system among female college students, the paper tests the maximum value of plantar pressure in walking and jogging with normal gait, toe and toe in to explore the motion characteristics of gaits. This paper aims to provide the basis for function evaluation, orthopedic sports shoes design and sports prosthesis design. Methods: 450 young women from Shijiazhuang are randomly selected as samples to make comparisons between groups by One-Way ANOVA analysis. Results: Subjects with normal posture during walking have their foot maximum force position in the second metatarsal of palm while the abnormal walkers in the heel; during jogging, those with normal posture have their foot maximum force position in the second metatarsal, while the abnormal joggers, in the first metatarsal and the second metatarsal. Conclusion: heel peak of abnormal subjects is greater than that of the normal walkers and the differences are statistically significant (P<0.01). Because of the poor transition of plantar force from the heel to the whole foot, then to the palm, then the lack of cushioning effect, the heel bears pressure. Walking with abnormal gaits leads to instability for the greater pressure of heel than that of the palm; in jogging, the pressure of the first metatarsal and the second metatarsal is greater than that of the normal with statistically significant differences.
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    Mechanism of Exercise-induced Cardiac Remodeling by Local Angiotensin II
    YU Qi-zheng, LI Xin
    2014, 40 (7):  71-75. 
    Abstract ( 575 )   PDF (1739KB) ( 1950 )   Save
    This paper adopts the method of literature to summarize the latest research development in exercise-induced cardiac remodeling concept and the mechanism-related signal pathways with the focus on the research of the relationship between heart angiotensin II and cardiac remodeling. On this basis, it is decided that the heart local angiotensin II is one of the important factors to stabilize cardiac structure and function and also an important medium of sport cardiac remodeling. Exercise-induced cardiac remodeling demonstrates physiological and pathological changes, namely the exercise-induced myocardial hypertrophy is situated in a fully grey area between physiologic hypertrophy and pathologic hypertrophy.
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    Review of Higher Education Self-Assessment in Europe and Americaand Its Inspiration on China’s Sport Universities
    LIU Liu
    2014, 40 (7):  76-80. 
    Abstract ( 665 )   PDF (926KB) ( 1694 )   Save
    Europe and America have established a perfect quality evaluation system in their universities and their self-assessment system is the important part of it. The paper analyzes the recently issued self-assessment in order to provide the reference of sport universities in China. The analysis reveals that sport universities should establish a system on the background of enterprise management idea, carry out a specially-designed self-assessment system on a broad framework, focus on the benefit of stakeholders as one of the most important assessment purposes.
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    Significance and Strategic Vision of Campus Football Development in China
    CHEN Jun, LI Xian-qing
    2014, 40 (7):  81-85. 
    Abstract ( 1038 )   PDF (988KB) ( 2220 )   Save
    For more than 20 years, the decline of some important physical indicators in Chinese youth has triggered our profound ponderation. In the context of the expansion of campus football activities, the paper analyzes the concept of youth campus football and efficacy. It reasonably positions the function and role of campus football activities in order to achieve the goal of strategic vision to improve Chinese adolescents’ constitution.
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    Rethink of the College Football Promotion in China
    LIU Kun
    2014, 40 (7):  86-89. 
    Abstract ( 513 )   PDF (912KB) ( 1775 )   Save
    Literature, questionnaire, and mathematical statistics methods were used to rethink of the college football promotion in China. In order to further promote and popularize football in Chinese universities, it is necessary to rethink physical education including basic education thoroughly. Football in the end is a practical, functional sport, or football can serve as an important carrier of aesthetic, moral education, and between these two perspectives there is the need to find a balance, for the promotion of football in college it is so necessary. The key problem is that our patience. Whether to the direction on utilitarian, functional issues, or the emphasis on various educational value of football integrating into student life, is still an unresolved issue which deserves urgent attention.
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    Inclusive Physical Education in the Compulsory Education System of China
    LIU Yang, et al
    2014, 40 (7):  90-94. 
    Abstract ( 562 )   PDF (1007KB) ( 1666 )   Save
    Based on practical theories of inclusive physical education in foreign countries, the paper discusses the effect of realizing inclusive physical education between healthy and disabled students. It also analyzes the differences between intervention class and non-intervention class and the differences before and after the intervention through questionnaires and physical tests. The results indicate that the negative change in attitudes of nondisabled students toward inclusion was mainly because of the improperly selected teaching assistants. There are some contradictions between the ideas of elite education and test-centered education and the ideas of success education and the respect fro education. There are no significant differences P.E. achievements between the two kinds of classes and the attitudes of students in the intervention-class do not show any negative change due to the involvement of the disabled students.
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