ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    20 May 2014, Volume 40 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Theoretical Construction of Transforming the Development Pattern of China’s Mass Sports
    YU Rong-Juan, Tang Ji-Lan
    2014, 40 (5):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 607 )   PDF (935KB) ( 1772 )   Save
    The development pattern of mass sports is the collection of methods, means and mode to achieve its development. The development pattern of China’s mass sport depends on the present situation and transformation of material, society and concepts. The core of the transformation is its sustainable development while the key lies in its humanness. The transformation consists of the transformation of the government’s functions from a material to a people-oriented one, the transformation of the citizens’ rights from a conceptional to a realistic people-oriented one and the transformation of the development benefits from partial to entire people-oriented one. The joint motivity system promotes the transformation of China’s mass sports development mode, which includes the basic motivity generated by the contradiction between demand and deficiency of China’s mass sports resources, the direct motivity from the reform of the development system, the essential and objective motivity from the renovation of the development mechanism and the principle motivity.
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    Current Situation and Future Development Strategy of China’s Sports Human Resources ——An Empirical Analysis Based on Census and Education Data Repository Platform
    ZHANG Shuang, HU Rui-Wen
    2014, 40 (5):  6-12. 
    Abstract ( 610 )   PDF (1015KB) ( 1832 )   Save
    Based on the fifth and sixth census data and the national education data statistics over the years as the data platform, the paper conducts a panoramic description of the present situation sports human resources development in China. It further comes up with some corresponding suggestions regarding the present unsatisfactory situation in terms of China’s sports human resources.
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    Backtracking and Construction: Study on “Sportive Martial Arts Thoughts”Based on Genealogy
    LIU Zu-hui, DAI Guo-bin
    2014, 40 (5):  13-18. 
    Abstract ( 650 )   PDF (958KB) ( 1850 )   Save
    The sports martial arts thought is formed after the Sino-West conflict on sport culture and the discussion about the nature of martial arts. This paper tries to use the method of genealogy to break the conventional and narrative pattern of writing the history of martial arts, to reconstruct the thought of sports martial arts and to explore a new interpretation method of martial arts theory. This study indicates that martial arts is a culture to demonstrate body and sports martial arts thought has recorded the trace of the relationship between power and the knowledge profoundly. Sports martial arts thought started from Sino-west conflict on sport culture and it was restricted by the discourse of sportization. Through disciplining the Kong-Fu fighting theory, it was formed as a powerful relationship net with the modern knowledge and martial arts system and then it established a knowledge genealogy historically. The core of this thought is the sportization of martial arts. Sports martial arts thought can only come from the historical stage with specific world view and discourse and be understood by specific normative judgment and discourse, which can not exist by crossing different episteme
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    Research on the historical origin and inheritance of Guangdong Waihai Taixu Quan
    SUO Qi-shan, HU Xiao-jun
    2014, 40 (5):  19-21. 
    Abstract ( 968 )   PDF (950KB) ( 1850 )   Save
    Through literature research method and on-the-spot investigation, the paper consults the historical information of Taixu Quan and interviews inheritors of Taixu Quan to clarify its historical origin and inheritance with the main conclusion indicating that Taixu Quan derived from Wudang Quan created by Zhang Sanfeng. It was then passes on to the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty after the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties. During Xianfeng period in Qing Dynasty, Taixu Quan was finally inherited by Wu Rongyu. From the time Wu Rongyu acquired Taixu Quan in the late Qing Dynasty to its current flourishing development, Taixu Quan has owned a clear inheritance vein and sustainable development in the protection.
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    Aesthetic Ideology and Cultural Connotation of Taijiquan from the Perspective of Cultural Aesthetics
    DAI Wei
    2014, 40 (5):  22-24. 
    Abstract ( 649 )   PDF (1571KB) ( 1797 )   Save
    The paper researches Taijiquan’s aesthetic characteristics, the forms and cultural connotation in order to understand its aesthetic elements from its name, structure, shape and posture. The paper intends to appreciate Taijiquan’s aesthetic thoughts and cultural connotations by analyzing its pursuit of tranquility from movements , feminine beauty and curve beauty.
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    Body Movements in Prehistoric European Cliff Painting
    ZHANG Jie
    2014, 40 (5):  25-29. 
    Abstract ( 721 )   PDF (1073KB) ( 1618 )   Save
    The paper explores and analyzes prehistoric European cliff Paintings in order to research the main forms and characteristics of the body movements of early European, finding that there are various body movements which can be divided into three main categories: hunting, dancing and fighting apart from the other forms of body movements such as farming, sacrifices and acrobatics. These body movements demonstrate a vivid picture of early European people’s basic life style and living skills, which play an important role in such people’s existence and development. These various body movements are also of great value to the origin of sports.
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    Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration Features of Foreign Strength Training Research
    ZHAO Bing-jun
    2014, 40 (5):  30-36. 
    Abstract ( 783 )   PDF (2189KB) ( 1871 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature investigation, expert consultation, mathematical statistics, co-occurrence analysis, the paper researches the features of interdisciplinary knowledge integration of foreign strength training in last 100 years, with the result showing that disciplines related to foreign strength training research have seen exponential growth and among them, sports science, physiology, rehabilitation and nutrition are more involved. The knowledge exchange network between disciplines has witnessed remarkable characteristics of small world, but the interdisciplinary knowledge integration on the whole is not frequent or smooth, with knowledge overlapping and fusion between two disciplines. Foreign researches on strength training began in the sequence of single disciplinary research, double disciplinary research and then multidisciplinary research with obvious phase characters. Interdisciplinary integration of knowledge between new research subjects and relatively mature disciplines is an important knowledge innovation mechanism in the field of foreign strength training research.
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    Correlation between Core Stability, Functional Movements and Adolescents’ Physical Quality Performance
    LIAO Ting, et al
    2014, 40 (5):  37-43. 
    Abstract ( 649 )   PDF (1477KB) ( 1787 )   Save
    Based on adolescents’ physical development of, skill acceptance and psychological characteristics, the paper selected the torso muscle endurance tests designed by McGill, functional movement screening by Cook and physical fitness in "National Physical Health Standard" to verify their correlation. The results show that adolescents’ core stability, functional movement and physical quality performance are significantly correlated. The correlation focuses on the weak muscles of core area and symmetrical action patterns of adolescents. Analysis and researches on the characteristics of muscle strength and functional movement of Chinese adolescents in all ages are worth further explorations.
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    Review and Reflection on the Strategic Positioning of Competitive Basketball Development
    LI Ke-ke
    2014, 40 (5):  44-48. 
    Abstract ( 656 )   PDF (926KB) ( 1696 )   Save
    The paper reviews and summarizes the different stages of China’s athletic basketball development strategy and it further analyzes the previous positioning accuracy of China’s athletic basketball in terms of its guiding ideology, objectives and style, whereby the paper conceives the guiding ideology, objectives and style of China’s the future athletic basketball development.
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    The Formation of Threatening Tactical Attacking Means
    YANG Huan-su, YU Ji-cheng
    2014, 40 (5):  49-52. 
    Abstract ( 765 )   PDF (976KB) ( 1775 )   Save
    By using of literature, mathematical statistics and logic analysis and other research methods, and based on the video observations, statistics, analysis and summaries of the final 31 games at 2012 European Cup, the paper believes that the formation of the offensive side’s threatening attacking tactics means the grasp of the imitative and it is the process of realizing the transition of positiveness and passiveness and of rational application of techniques and tactics.
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    Sense of Apparatus for Rhythmic Gymnastics
    ZHAO Xiang, XU Ming
    2014, 40 (5):  53-56. 
    Abstract ( 716 )   PDF (915KB) ( 1747 )   Save
    Based on the research on the sense of equipment of rhythmic gymnasts’ in sport universities, the paper explores the important factors to impact the sense of equipment. On this basis, it proposes appropriate training methods so as to provide a reference to help the training of rhythmic gymnasts’ equipment sense.
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    Correlation between Elite Male Weightlifters’ Trunk and Knee Isokinetic Muscle Strength and Special Performance
    XIONG Wei-Zhi
    2014, 40 (5):  57-62. 
    Abstract ( 657 )   PDF (1016KB) ( 1816 )   Save
    Objective: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of elite male weightlifters’ trunk and knee isokinetic muscle strength, and analyze their correlation with snatch and clean and jerk performance. Method: IsoMed 2000 is used to conduct isokinetic muscle strength test on12 subjects` trunk and knee joint. Results: The indexes of the relative peak torque, untagonist muscle, the ratio of the active muscles and the ratio of side muscle with the same name are analyzed. The correlation between the relative peak torque of the trunk and knee and the subjects’ snatch /weight, lean and jerk weight/ weight are also analyzed Conclusion: (1) The subjects F/E ranges from 0.27 to 0.50, H/Q(0.41 -0.73), with the difference of most subjects’ side muscle of knee with the same name being within 20%, but in the quick test, 3 players need to strengthen the weaken side muscle group. 2)Snatch /weight demonstrates moderate positive correlation significantly with back extensor and knee medium-speed flexor, knee joint extensor’s relative peak torque values. The clean and jerk/ weight and the relative peak torque value of jerk trunk extensor have significantly moderate positive correlation with the relative peak torque values of the knee extensor. It is suggested that athletes should strengthen their explosive force of trunk extensor and their absolute strength and explosive powering the knee joint extensor.
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    Kinematics and sEMG Characteristics of Excellent Male Sanda Athletes’ "Side Leg Kick" Skill
    CHEN Yu-min
    2014, 40 (5):  63-66. 
    Abstract ( 662 )   PDF (956KB) ( 1723 )   Save
    Using 3d video analytic method and sEMG analysis, the paper intends to investigate the kinematic parameters of whip-kick joint in terms of the speed and angle, the main muscle groups` involvement percentage of eight excellent sanda athletes, the purpose of which is to detect the kinematics parameters and the biological law of the involvement percentage of the main muscle groups, thus providing quantitative basis for scientific training.
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    Research Progress in the Effect of Hydrotherapy on Athletes’ Post-training Recovery
    LI You
    2014, 40 (5):  67-71. 
    Abstract ( 868 )   PDF (1672KB) ( 1771 )   Save
    As a positive recovery strategy, hydrotherapy which consists of cold water immersion, ice bath and contrast bath has become a popular recovery intervention after training and exercise. These measures may increase athletes’ heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, respiratory minute volume and peripheral catecholamine. On the other hand they reduce the activity of CK, muscle micro-damage, soreness and formation of oedema, enabling the body feel less fatigue and attenuates post-exercise power and strength reductions, which helps the body return to its state before exercise more quickly.
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    Curative Effect Observation of the Treatment of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome by Zheng's Old Wound Medicine with Acupuncture
    LUO Lei
    2014, 40 (5):  72-74. 
    Abstract ( 694 )   PDF (903KB) ( 1693 )   Save
    Objective: To observe the curative effect on the treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome by Zheng's old wound medicine with acupuncture. Method: Patients coincide with Inclusion Criteria were randomly divided into 2 groups. In the experiment group, patients were treated with Zheng's old wound medicine with acupuncture and in the control group they were treated with Nanxing pain Paste with acupuncture. The treatment results were collected and analyzed. Results: The experiment group had 11 cases with excellent result, 15 cases with fine result and 4 cases with bad result; the control group had 6 cases with excellent result, 13 cases with fine result and 11cases with bad result. Statistical methods were adopted to analyze with the results indicating that the efficacy of the experiment group was better than that of the control group. Conclusion: The treatment of Zheng's old wound medicine with acupuncture is more operable with less possibility to injure patients, and the low cost is more accessible to patients, so it is suggested that this treatment should be popularized in clinic.
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    Preschool Learning Standards on Physical Education and Health——A comparative analysis in light of motor development
    WU Sheng-Kou, et al
    2014, 40 (5):  75-80. 
    Abstract ( 815 )   PDF (958KB) ( 1968 )   Save
    The paper depends on literature to compare the preschool learning standards on physical education and health of China with that of a few advanced western countries from the perspective of motor development, based on which it comes up with some suggestions for the reform and development of Chinese preschool physical education. Studies show that, in advanced western countries, motor development is taken as the primary objective of preschool health and physical education and applied systematically in practice. Motor development is now also listed in learning standards for Chinese children, yet it is still confused with physical health. This paper suggests that China should balance motor development and physical health objectives and apply motor development practices in a systematic fashion, while integrating contents of cognitive, emotional and social development education so as to realize a well-rounded system of education objectives.
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    Training Mode of Skill, Practice, Ability and Novelty for Professional P.E. Master Degree Students
    HUO Hong
    2014, 40 (5):  81-84. 
    Abstract ( 596 )   PDF (964KB) ( 1746 )   Save
    Based on the theories of modularization, modern cognitive psychology and psychological module, the paper, from the perspective of curriculum, classroom teaching, evaluation and off-campus training, researches the students’ practice motivation, general practice ability, professional practice ability and situational practice ability in order to establish the training mode of skills, practice, ability and novelty for professional P.E. master degree students.
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    Reconstruction of the Training Concept of Compound and High-Level Sports Masters under the New Situation
    CAO Jing-Chuan, WU Xu
    2014, 40 (5):  85-89. 
    Abstract ( 633 )   PDF (952KB) ( 1725 )   Save
    The paper adopts the questionnaire method to investigate the current training situation of China’s sports masters, the purpose of which is to reconstruct the training concept of compound and high-level sports masters. The corresponding new concept is thereby generated which includes the aspects of the solid foundation and wide caliber, the recombination of major setup according to demand, the segregated recombination of curriculum and teaching contents and the echeloned recombination of teaching practice.
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    Deepening Training of Sichuan’s PE Teachers in the rural primary and secondary school
    FU Dong
    2014, 40 (5):  90-94. 
    Abstract ( 637 )   PDF (929KB) ( 1825 )   Save
    Based on the investigation and analysis of PE teachers work and training of rural primary and middle school in Sichuan province, the paper lists the following suggestions: constructing the open system of services and training, innovating professional development training activities, highlighting problems to demonstrate individual characteristics, paying attention to integrity to achieve balanced development, enhancing practical pertinence in training. The paper further discusses the supporting training effect form the aspects of supporting measures, effect evaluation and result demonstration.
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