ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 February 2014, Volume 40 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Influence of Social Transition on Chinese Sports Development
    HAN Lei-Lei, LI Yan-Ling
    2014, 40 (2):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 1045 )   PDF (716KB) ( 1936 )   Save
    China's social transformation is the important demonstration of the development of Chinese society. The old fashioned government-leading transition has changed into the brand new mode directed by society. The rule of man has turned into that of law. The culture of power centralization has changed into civil culture. All the above-mentioned work together to produce important influence on Chinese sports development, thus promoting the change of the pattern of Chinese sports development.
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    Sports' Role in Shaping National Image from the Perspective of Constructivism
    WANG Jian,CHEN Jun-Qin
    2014, 40 (2):  7-13. 
    Abstract ( 689 )   PDF (757KB) ( 1826 )   Save
    At present, sports, as an important part of the national image, has become a showcase of a nation's comprehensive power and an important channel to shape national image. The constructivism maintains that national image is a social relation whose formation consists of three parts, namely, target objects, channel of information communication and cognitive subjects. To shape the national image through sports, a good sports entity is the prerequisite, and a good sports fact in turn needs various channels to be passed to the public before it can be known. When the public receive the related information, their cognitive and emotional system will select the information and store the selected information into their brain, thus a national image is formed. Therefore, to shape the national image through sports calls not only for the construction the sports entity that is in accord with the value of the public but also various media to shape the media image that can be cognized and acknowledged by the public.
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    3-Dimensional Structural Elements of Urban Community Sports' Public Service and Their Relationships
    YAO Ji-Wei, et al
    2014, 40 (2):  14-20. 
    Abstract ( 643 )   PDF (968KB) ( 1762 )   Save
    The development of urban community sports' public services has become one of the livelihood issues and common concerns paid attention to by the government and society. It is the important premise to construct and improve the public sports service system by scientifically understanding and accurately grasping the structural elements and their relationships. This study believes that the structure of urban community sports' public services includes the three-dimensional structural elements of the service providers, the service beneficiaries and the service itself, with the relationship between each being a kind of dynamic adjustment process of social battle between the providers and beneficiaries based on the service itself as the link. The providers, the beneficiaries and the service itself will make timely adjustment based on the actual supply of sports products, the satisfaction of public sports' demand before providing the communities with quality sports services.
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    Comparative Research on Preferential Tax Systems between Chinese and Foreign Nonprofit Sports Organizations
    WANG Xiao-fang, et al
    2014, 40 (2):  21-25. 
    Abstract ( 663 )   PDF (714KB) ( 1775 )   Save
    Preferential tax systems can effectively promote the development of nonprofit sports organizations. Depending on literature and comparative research methods, the paper investigates the gap of sports tax incentives on the part of nonprofit sports organizations between China and developed countries. Compared with the developed countries, tax preference management system in China is in a disordered situation with little operability, week tax incentives and the small scales. We should perfect the legal system of nonprofit sports organizations' preferential tax, distinguish the nature of the organizations, allow commercial behaviors, increase the preferential scales and set up diversified supervision mechanisms.
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    Development Modes of Competitive Sports Efficiency in China
    LI Song-Lin, LI Lian-Tang
    2014, 40 (2):  26-32. 
    Abstract ( 638 )   PDF (1187KB) ( 1896 )   Save
    Studies on competitive sports efficiency can help to evaluate the investment of a country or region in ' competitive sports and figure the related influence factors on the development of competitive sports so as to provide ideas for the further development of sports in this region. Depending on the DEA method and the K-centers functional clustering method, the paper analyzes the situations of economy, population and medals at the National Games in 31 provinces, regions and cities from 1994 to 2013, finding that there exist obvious differences in competitive sports development efficiency between different places. According to the situations of different provinces and regions, the 31 provinces are divided into five different development modes of economic-oriented high efficiency group, population-oriented high efficiency group, low efficiency group with economic advantages, low efficiency group with population advantages, and low efficiency group with both economic and population advantages. The paper further discusses the reasons for the increases and decreases of competitive sports efficiency so as to come up with suggestions for the improvement of competitive sports efficiency in different provinces and regions.
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    Cognition and Contradiction Analysis Supply and Demand of Rural Sports Venues
    KONG Qing-Bo, CUI Rui-Hua
    2014, 40 (2):  33-36. 
    Abstract ( 773 )   PDF (708KB) ( 1742 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature review, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, the paper, based on the present situation of the layout and unitization of rural public sports venues, comes up with the theoretical definitions of such concepts as "supply exceeding demand and demand exceeding supply", "absolute venue areas and relative venue areas" and "the valid and invalid occupancy of venues". On this basis, the paper selects 12 villages in Jinzhou of Dalian City as the research object to find out the main problems existing in the process of supply and demand. It further analyzes them from the aspects of the product attribute of rural public sports venues, rural sports culture and the farmers' incomes.
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    Evolution of Policies and Regulations of Public Sports Venues from the Perspective of Effective Supply Theory
    YANG Feng-Hua, et al
    2014, 40 (2):  37-42. 
    Abstract ( 701 )   PDF (771KB) ( 1914 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature, mathematical statistics, induction and deduction, the paper, from the perspective of effective supply theory, summarizes the three periods of the evolution of public sports venues for the sake of meeting the policy requirement of the venues. It further analyzes the supply effect of the policies and regulations so as to provide references for the validity of policy supply of public sports venues.
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    Deviant Behaviors at the Recent Three National Games and the Control Countermeasures
    HAN Xin-Jun, et al
    2014, 40 (2):  43-49. 
    Abstract ( 662 )   PDF (728KB) ( 1835 )   Save
    From the perspective of sociology of deviance, such behaviors at the National Games as passive play, doping abuse, bribery on the part of referees, etc., are considered as deviant behaviors. The research believes that the last three National Games are characterized by these deviant behaviors with harmful consequences, subjective universality and purposes, the reasons for which include the influence of social transformation, the low level of the participants' literacy, the huge differences in benefits and the defective regulations. The purpose of this research is to control the occurrence of deviant behaviors. Finally, the paper suggests some countermeasures to achieve this goal
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    Historical Data Value of the Early Magazine of Sports Theory and Practice
    QIU Ling-Yun
    2014, 40 (2):  50-53. 
    Abstract ( 713 )   PDF (715KB) ( 1986 )   Save
    Sports Theory and Practice is an important part of the sports history in the former Soviet Union. The historical existence of the magazine for over 80 years and the discussions on various sports theories and practices printed in it vividly reflected the historical change of the Soviet Unions' sports history and sports science. In the 1920s and 30s, the former Soviet Union witnessed great disturbances, which, although interrupting the magazine for a while, just reflected the twists and turns, the themes and the changes of Soviet union in its sports development, politics and society. The magazine's first decade was closely related to the sports and socialist construction of the country at that time.
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    High level Free Combaters' Psychological Skills and Their Coping Styles ——a case study of Sichuan team
    HE Ying, et al
    2014, 40 (2):  54-59. 
    Abstract ( 723 )   PDF (718KB) ( 1780 )   Save
    By using the scale of athletes' mental skills and coping styles, the paper investigates the high level free combaters preparing for the 12th National Games from Sichuan to explore correlation between their psychological skills and coping styles so as to provide theoretical bases for Sichuan combaters. The study shows: 1. In view of the high level free combaters n Sichuan, there are differences in genders, ages, sports life and training years in the six dimensions of psychological skills; 2.There is no significant difference in genders and sports level of four the dimensions of their coping styles while there are significant differences in the length of training in coping style of avoidant coping and centralized treatment; 3. There is a significant correlation between their sports psychological skills and coping styles. Active sport psychological skill contributes to the state of self-confidence, thus leading to positive coping style.
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    Research on the Cultivation of Korean Archery Reserve Talents
    FANG Xiao-Wei , Pang Tao
    2014, 40 (2):  60-64. 
    Abstract ( 783 )   PDF (834KB) ( 1577 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature, expert interviews, etc, the paper researches the cultivation of Korean archery reserve talents, believing that their cultivation concept is the one of "complete personality", which is to take advantage of some sports events such as archery as a means to educated teenagers. The fund needed for the cultivation is gradually co-paid by the government, society and enterprises. The archery association undertakes most of the management affairs while the cultivation mode mainly depends on the education system as the main body, the local archery associations as the leading organizations, schools of all levels as the cultivation channels and the joint efforts of the whole society for the overall development. The competition schedules are reasonably arranged with the competition intervals suitable for teenagers' physical condition. The corresponding performances have indicated that senior high school period is the prime time for the cultivation of archery reserve talents in Korea.
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    Risk or Protection——A Synthetic Review of Athlete's Physical Self Research
    CHEN Li, , ZHANG Li-wei
    2014, 40 (2):  65-69. 
    Abstract ( 708 )   PDF (725KB) ( 1821 )   Save
    To promote the related health behaviors, the meta-analysis studies and research reports of the athletes' physical self are reviewed, finding that the structures of athletes' physical self are similar to those of non-athlete population's. PSDQ, PSPP are also reliable and valid for athletes' samples. Athletes are more positive than non-athletes in body competence dimensions. Meta-analysis studies have found that athletes appear to be more at risk in eating disorders but to be less in body image disturbance than non-athletes. Genders, ages, disciplines, competitive levels are important variables that mediate and moderate the links between sport participation and physical self.
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    Browning of White Adipocytes and Weight Loss via Exercise
    XU Zhi-ping, et al
    2014, 40 (2):  70-74. 
    Abstract ( 777 )   PDF (729KB) ( 1793 )   Save
    The paper adopts literature method to explain the classifications, the existence location and the origin of brown fat as well as the browning of white adipocytes. It analyzes the mutual reaction and physiological function among PGC-1 α,Irisin and PRDM16 , which are the therapeutic targets related to the browning of white adipocytes. The paper then investigates the signal pathway of the exercise-induced browning of white adipocytes. In addition, the paper predicts future researches and prospects in this field.
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    Iinfluence of Natural Astaxanthin Supplementation on the Increasing Load Training Filtration Skeletal Muscle Metabolism of Free Radicals
    SHEN Ning
    2014, 40 (2):  75-79. 
    Abstract ( 675 )   PDF (758KB) ( 1896 )   Save
    Purpose: The purpose of the research is to discuss the effect of gavaging astaxanthin combined with quantitative load swimming training on antioxidant capacity in rats' skeletal muscle. Methods;32 healthy male SD rats of 7 weeks old are selected and fed adaptively for three days and divided into 4 groups randomly: control group(C), exercise group(T), medication group(M)and exercise medicine-taking group(TM). The exercise group and exercise medicine-taking group undergo progressive load swimming exercise for 6 weeks, The treated group and the control group were gavaged natural astaxanthin daily, a dose of 400mg/kg. Detection of rat blood Creatine kinase , lactate dehydrogenase content, skeletal muscle tissue superoxide dismutase, malondialdehyde, glutathione peroxidase, catalase content is conducted after 6 weeks swimming exercise. Results: long-term increasing load training significantly increases rats' serum LDH (P < 0.01) and CK (P < 0.01) levels, while skeletal muscle SOD activity, SOD/MDA ratio, GSH-PX , T- AOC and CAT decrease significantly. Gavaging natural astaxanthin reduces serum LDH, CK concentration and skeletal muscle MDA content induced by long-term increasing load training, but at the same time significantly increases the skeletal muscle SOD activity, SOD/MDA ratio, GSH-PX, T- AOC and CAT. Conclusions: (1) long-term increasing load training damages the structure, function and integrity of the skeletal muscle cell membrane, which is mainly reflected in the increase of concentration of serum LDH and CK.(2) Gavaging natural astaxanthin reduces serum LDH , CK concentration and skeletal muscle MDA content induced by long-term increasing load training. The SOD activity in skeletal muscles, SOD/MDA ratio, GSH-PX, T- AOC and CAT increase significantly, which might be the mechanism of natural astaxanthin to protect the function and structural integrity of the cell membrane in movement skeletal muscles
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    Investigation and Analysis on the Present Situation and Trend of School Sports Development China's Elementary Education Stage
    XU Hong, QIU Jun
    2014, 40 (2):  80-83. 
    Abstract ( 735 )   PDF (934KB) ( 1782 )   Save
    To comprehensively and accurately understand the current situation of school sports development since the implementation of Document No: 7 of the Central Government and to explore the proper development direction of school sports, the paper, depending on investigations, interviews, questionnaire, etc, investigates the school sports of 19 schools belonging to provincial departments, finding that the overall development of school sports is optimistic and promising, but greater efforts are still called for to improve the system, perfect the evaluation system and strengthen the infrastructure construction.
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    Cognitive Structure of Sports Students' Psychological Quality in Normal Universities before Employment
    YANG Jing,LONG Jia-Yong
    2014, 40 (2):  84-87. 
    Abstract ( 656 )   PDF (829KB) ( 1810 )   Save
    Sports students' psychological quality before employment in normal universities is a new research problem in of sports field. This paper, on the basis of the relevant theoretical researches, conducts a tentative analysis on the cognitive structure sports students' psychological quality, before employment, finding that the cognitive structure of such students' psychological quality is composed of self-confidence, emotion control ability and career values. The paper further analyzes the students' cognitive level and the inner link of the whole structure, concluding that such groups of students indicate very ordinary level of psychological quality and the internal influence path coefficient in all dimensions of the whole structure are confidence (0.42), emotion control ability (0.67), occupation values (0.39) according to the results of empirical research. It is therefore suggested in the paper that such students' cognitive level of psychological quality structure should be actively and selectively improved.
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    Correlation between Test Anxiety and Time Management Disposition in Sports Major Students ——a case study of Dali University
    PENG Chun-Jiang
    2014, 40 (2):  88-90. 
    Abstract ( 694 )   PDF (1065KB) ( 1818 )   Save
    Objective: The aim of this research is to explore the correlation between test anxiety and time management disposition of students in sports specialty. Methods: The test anxiety scale of Chinese version and the adolescence time management disposition scale are used to test 506 students of sports specialty. Results: There are gender differences in the total scores of time control dimensions and time management tend. Time control, time efficacy and time management disposition have negative correlation with family economic status. Time control, time efficacy and time management disposition have negative correlation with test anxiety. Conclusion: Sports major students' test anxiety can be reduced and their score can be increased by means of education and training in time management.
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    Extracurricular Development of P.E. Students' Comprehensive Ability
    ZHAN Ping
    2014, 40 (2):  91-94. 
    Abstract ( 774 )   PDF (707KB) ( 1840 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature and logical analysis, the paper, based on the analysis of the present situation of the comprehensive ability of physical education major students, explores the theoretical and practical bases of developing such students' comprehensive abilities. It further illustrates the necessity of developing their abilities by means of extracurricular ways so as to improve P.E. students' employment competitiveness to meet the social needs for P.E. personnel and realize the benign circle of the running of P.E majors.
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