ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 January 2014, Volume 40 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Deep Motivation of the Changes and Development of China's Social Sports Instructor System
    YU Shan-xu
    2014, 40 (1):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 803 )   PDF (768KB) ( 1910 )   Save
    Since the promulgation of the Technical Grading System of Social Sports Instructors in 1993, China's social sports instructor system has experienced the development process of the 2001 National Professional Standards of Social Sports instructors and the 2011 Social Sports Instructor Management Method. The paper conducts an integrated survey of the changes and development of the system and explores the deep motivations that have promoted the changes and development of China's social sports instructors.
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    Public sports service system in our country:The connotation, characteristic and value orientation
    WANG Jia-hong
    2014, 40 (1):  7-11. 
    Abstract ( 815 )   PDF (764KB) ( 1815 )   Save
    Comprehensively grasping the connotation and characteristics and value orientation of public sports service system has important significance to protect construction and promote efficiency, balanced development. The suggests are: the connotation mainly refers to government, market organization and non-profit organization in order to meet the needs of citizens and organizations make system arrangement of service contents, service forms and service mechanism and service policy ; the features mainly include Systematicness, publicity, integrated planning, service, indemnificatory, scientific and innovative; the Value orientation refers to the sharing and the equal participation, emphasis on public sports services and the effective interaction of the public sector, social organizations and the market main body.
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    Debate on Schools of Western Sports Culture Studies
    WEI Wei
    2014, 40 (1):  12-14. 
    Abstract ( 737 )   PDF (755KB) ( 1621 )   Save
    The route to western sports culture researches is embodies in the game between the three mainstream schools, neo-Marxism, British cultural studies and French postmodernism, which are also the theoretical sources for western sports culture researches. Not only do they have experts and scholars specialized in sports culture researches, but quite a few elite intellectuals have illustrated their comments on sports culture. Besides, scholars from United States, Scandinavian countries and the rising Asian scholars focus more and more on this realm. Sports culture researches stand a good chance to become the hotspot of sports studies in the future.
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    Multiple World and the Centennial China: Chinese Sports Culture Communication Scan
    WANG Hong-jiang,
    2014, 40 (1):  15-19. 
    Abstract ( 697 )   PDF (771KB) ( 1772 )   Save
    From the perspective of history, culture and communication, the paper analyses the sports exchanges between China and the western countries from the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China to the century-long New China. It discusses the historical background, social and cultural agents as well as the sports culture communication's significance at different stages of cultural conflicts and adaptation between western sports and traditional Chinese sports as heterogeneous cultures. The paper further reflects on the effects, lessons and historical contribution of various entities, sports organizations and media in the key nodes and typical events in order for the development of Chinese sports culture to become the contemporary sports culture with Chinese manner and spirit, thus providing references for creating the multiple world sports cultural pattern of " the co-existence of individual and common beauty".
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    Analysis and Prospect of the Hot Issues of China's National Minority Sports
    CHEN Zhen-yong
    2014, 40 (1):  20-24. 
    Abstract ( 724 )   PDF (770KB) ( 1728 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature and logical analysis, the paper analyses and discusses the hot issues in the academic researches of China's national minority sports in recent years. The paper believes that the sports academic research fields and contents of China's national minority are rich with abundant research results in recent years especially from the perspective of sociology and culturology; there exists an insufficient relation between the researches and social reality in theoretical and empirical researches, leading to an deficiency of research in the value of existence; the researches of minority sports culture focus mainly on the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage as well as the political and cultural function of " national cohesion " and " cultural identity ".
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    Inheritance, Innovation and Choice: Reflection on Sports Culture Industry
    ZHENG Yu
    2014, 40 (1):  25-27. 
    Abstract ( 749 )   PDF (757KB) ( 1660 )   Save
    Through the methods of literature material and logic analysis, the paper analyzes the development situation of China's sports culture industry, believing that modern sports are of both cultural and industrial characteristics, which makes it an inevitable process for sports culture to be industrialized. The paper thus suggests that we should strengthen the government function of top-level design, create development conditions in the manner of advancing strategic vision and layout the orientation of sports culture industry based on the social tolerance as the standard.
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    "Transcendence" Quality of Modern Sports:from Body Holism to Body Individualism
    GAO Qiang
    2014, 40 (1):  28-33. 
    Abstract ( 702 )   PDF (786KB) ( 1792 )   Save
    The transcendence quality is a representative symbol in modern sports. By means of knowledge criticism and genealogical analysis of philosophical anthropology, this paper draws a picture on the transformation process of social idea from body holism in sport of ancient Greece to the body individualism in modern sport. Dominated by body holism, the sport in ancient Greece pursues the "perfect" quality which holds the human body, nature and community as a whole. The medieval time is a period when the body holism transforms to the body individualism, different from natural body, despite the fact that the individual is still tied up in community. Finally, in the modern time when the body individualism is booming, the transcendence quality is interpreted fully in modern sport in terms of the forming of individual, the development of sport skills and the understanding of conception of "excellence". This paper highlights the value of philosophical anthropology in the body study in sport issues.
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    Digital Development of the Third Industrial Revolution and Sports
    HUANG Bin, GAO Jun
    2014, 40 (1):  34-38. 
    Abstract ( 720 )   PDF (811KB) ( 1699 )   Save
    In order to research the digital development of sports in the third industrial revolution, the paper, depending on the philosophy of science and technology, culturology and logical analysis, etc, analyzes innovations and changes the sports digital development in era of digital technology, believing that the combination of sports and digital technology the historical necessity for human beings to constantly understand, develop and perfect ourselves, which is characterized by the thought integration of science and technology, the method interaction of science and technology tools, and the innovation of tool practice of science and technology. It makes the development of digital sports become increasingly significant, thus optimizing sports techniques, improving sports management efficiency and enriching the social supply of sports.
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    Regional Promotion of Village-level Sports in Sichuan Countryside
    DENG Yue-Ning, et al
    2014, 40 (1):  39-42. 
    Abstract ( 665 )   PDF (787KB) ( 1548 )   Save
    From the perspective of "unbalanced - coordinated development", the paper researches the village-level sports in Sichuan countryside depending on the administrative villages as the basic analytical units, with the results indicating an unbalanced development trend in the village-level sports in Sichuan rural areas. It is therefore suggested that Sichuan rural sports development should grasp the opportunities of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone construction and the "multi-point and multipolar support". We should give the development priority to the Chengdu Plain region, the new rural pilot areas, peri-urban areas and city outskirts so as to form the "cluster areas", "growth pole" and "demonstration effect". We should speed up the construction of the "passage development zone" along the Yangtze River, Chengdu-Neijiang-Chongqing expressway, Chengdu-Nanchong-Chongqing expressway and Chongqing-Guangzhou-Dazhou expressway so as to develop "the sports development union of hilly village levels". We should promote the poverty relief and development in the neighboring areas of the Sichuan Basin, Qingba Mountain areas and the Liangshan areas so as to construct the comprehensive development experimental zone of rural sports in poor areas. We should also create the development mode of sports revitalization of village sports in the earthquake areas and the development mode of national folk sports in the Western Sichuan Plateau areas.
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    Cultural Reflection on the Transforming Process of Wushu into Sports
    RAN Xue-Dong
    2014, 40 (1):  43-48. 
    Abstract ( 703 )   PDF (780KB) ( 1637 )   Save
    The paper reviews the sports exchanges between China and the West and researches the transforming process of centennial Wushu into sports, with the result indicating that western sports guides the development of modern Chinese Wushu; Chinese Wushu carries the cultural responsibility of national rejuvenation, and it chooses the development model of Western sports, which led to the " cultural truth" of the sport transformation of the centennial Chinese Wushu.. However, the development of Wushu belonging to the sports discipline has caused the "alienation" of Chinese Wushu culture, leading to the loss of Wushu's cultural character and the misunderstanding of Wushu culture. Therefore, the development of Chinese Wushu has to possess its uniqueness so as to promote the universal development of Wushu culture under the condition of maintaining its national cultural uniqueness.
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    Physical Culture and Primitive Characters——The comparative research of body philosophy based on Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Dongba Characters
    WU Hai-tan,, et al
    2014, 40 (1):  49-53. 
    Abstract ( 672 )   PDF (796KB) ( 1442 )   Save
    Employing the theory and methodology of culturology, philosophy and philology, this paper explores the differences and similarities of body philosophy in Han ancestors and Naxi ancestors and its effect on character creation. The research tries to study the impact physical culture on the primitive civilization. The result is, Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Dongba characters have large proportion of characters that contain body shape and they reflect the ideology of "Humanism". But the different ideology of "People-oriented" and "Human-oriented" affected the tendency of character creation: Oracle Bone Inscriptions have large proportion of the side body shape, but Dongba Characters have large proportion of the positive body shape. This paper strives to research the physical culture from different angles and develop the new field of physical culture research.
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    Analysis on the Cultural Implication of the Original Pottery with Dancing Patterns
    SONG Ying-Dong
    2014, 40 (1):  54-59. 
    Abstract ( 755 )   PDF (1081KB) ( 1724 )   Save
    The paper introduces the cultural types and stages of pottery with dancing patterns and further discusses the cultural implication of the primitive pottery ornamented with dancing figures by combining the cultural artifacts with similar archaeological implications, believing that he headdresses or tail decorations of dancing figures should be the clan totem symbol, which is the witchcraft behavior to pray for a good harvest.
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    Cultural Cause of the Resemblances of Dazu Stone Carvings to the Weightlifting Activities in Ancient China
    LI Min, CHEN Dong
    2014, 40 (1):  60-62. 
    Abstract ( 783 )   PDF (769KB) ( 1785 )   Save
    A large amount of sport elements are found in Dazu stone carving statues. Through fieldwork and literature, a deep research was made on the legend of the features of military sports about Dazu Stone groups, where many dense antiquity military weightlifting activities elements. The origin and characteristics of ancient weightlifting activities can be known through the enormous elements in the stone carvings of the Baishan Mountain. The cause of ancient influenced the three aspects of the noble class, military culture literacy and the military culture system.
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    Characteristics of Surface Electromyography Signals on the Standing Vibration in Young Male Athletes during the Muscle Fatigue Process
    XU Shu-li, et al
    2014, 40 (1):  63-67. 
    Abstract ( 718 )   PDF (828KB) ( 1652 )   Save
    The aim of the study is to research the characteristics of surface EMG signals, the corresponding intensity vibration, MPFs absolute value, change rates of ApEn. The fractal dimensions are smaller than the traditional ones and the time of the fatigue exhaustion is significantly later than the traditional ones with both having significant differences. Conclusion: One time training with appropriate intensity standing vibration leads the fatigue to appear more slowly than that of traditional training, the standing vibration is the effective training new ideas with small level of fatigue.
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    EMG Analysis of Gymnasts' Horizontal Chin-ups Backhand and Neck-behind Backhand Grips
    ZHANG Pei, et al
    2014, 40 (1):  68-73. 
    Abstract ( 706 )   PDF (887KB) ( 1752 )   Save
    Depnding on telemetric EMG signal and image analysis methods, the research quantitatively analyzes 19 male gymnasts from Tianjin gymnastics team for their three kinds of horizontal bar chin-up actions, wide backhand grips, backhand grips and backhand neck-behind grips. The results show that: each of the three actions plays a dominant role in the development of gymnasts' latissimus dorsi and brachioradialis,with the mobilization of the motor unit rate being the highest; the three actions produce the same effects on developing trapezius muscle and the pectoralis major, with both discharge amount and degree of activation of the muscle being relatively stable; neck-behind wide backhand grips develop gymnasts' biceps and flexor carpi much better and the activation of motor unit rate is considerably higher than the other two kinds; the effect backhand grip on lexor carpi building is superior to the others and at last, the three horizontal bar chin-ups from backhand wide grip, grip to neck-behind grip develop flexor carpi power increasingly one by one.
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    Influence of Different Landing Techniques on the Knee Joints' load and Position
    LIN Yu-feng, et al
    2014, 40 (1):  74-78. 
    Abstract ( 676 )   PDF (976KB) ( 1443 )   Save
    Purpose: This paper aims to discuss the influence of knee injuries on joint load and position biomechanics after changing landing techniques. Method: In the research, twenty female students majoring in football are chosen to finish two unexpected tasks (side dodging and cutting, and turnaround), using front feet touchdown and hind feet touchdown respectively. Repetitive measurement deviation analysis is performed to assess the differences of kinematic and dynamic parameters in every landing technique. Result: when the front feet touch down, adduction torque of the knee joint is markedly higher than that when the hind feet touch down (p<0.001). In side dodging and cutting movement, eversion of knee joint is increasing when landed on hind feet. While in turnaround, eversion of knee joint is obvious only when landed on front feet (p<0.05. Conclusion: there are inherent differences between biomechanical results of different feet touchdown skills. Moreover, front feet touchdown exerts not only an increasing influence on the load of knee adduction torque, but also greater potential tension on the ACL.
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    Exercise Load Testing and Analysis of P.E. Classes for Middle School Students under the Background of "Sunshine Sports"
    Jin Zong-qiang, et al
    2014, 40 (1):  79-84. 
    Abstract ( 823 )   PDF (987KB) ( 1724 )   Save
    In this paper, through the methods of testing and statistics, exercise load of 120 PE lessons of five middle school students has been tested and evaluated under the background of "sunshine sports" in order to reveal the current situation and problems of physical education exercise load for students. The results show that: (1) the exercise intensity of the tested 120 P.E. classes is moderate. For different grades, there are significant differences in heart rate indexes , with the descending order of heart rate index value of the whole class being senior one, junior two, senior three, senior two, junior one and junior three.(2) From the point of view different genders , the boys' exercise intensity in physical education lessons is moderate, but the structural changes in heart rate is unreasonable. (3) From different teaching contents, the descending order of heart rate index ranks as ball games, mixed class of quality ball games, athletics and ball games classes, athletics, aerobics and martial arts. The first three can be classified as moderate exercise load grades while the latter three are small load level range if divided according to exercise load levels. Therefore it is obvious that the teaching contents are the main factors that influence the physical load of P.E. lessons.
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    Future Development of Chinese Track and Field from the Previous World Championships
    ZHANG LI-Qing, et al
    2014, 40 (1):  85-88. 
    Abstract ( 715 )   PDF (768KB) ( 1638 )   Save
    By using the methods of literature, logical analysis, mathematical statistics and expert interviews, the paper analyzes the achievements of Chinese team at the previous World Championships with the result indicating that China has been limited in terms of the events and there is still a gap between China and the world powers in competitive level. China is uncompetitive in successive speed ??event groups which are dominated by physical ability while women athletes demonstrate their advantage of wining medals. Both men and women athletes have their traditional advantage to match the world powers in the event groups dominated by physical endurance. The paper finally discusses the future development of Chinese tack and field sports.
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    Kinematic Analysis of the Instruments' Throwing and Meeting Difficulty Action 445+8 in Competitive Wushu of Bank B
    LIU Jian, et al
    2014, 40 (1):  89-94. 
    Abstract ( 762 )   PDF (783KB) ( 1776 )   Save
    The 3-D image analysis system of biomechanics is used to obtain the biomechanical parameters of the 445+8 high-difficulty movements by the athletes of different ranks. The paper analyzes the reasons and the differences of the success or failure in the technical movement, but also finds out the main reason of failure in order to improve difficulty movement of instruments' throwing and meeting, improving the athletes' performance and providing scientific bases.
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