ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    01 October 2013, Volume 39 Issue 10 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Orignal Article
    Key to Deepening China's Curriculum Reform of Physical Education and Health
    JI Liu,
    2013, 39 (10):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 718 )   PDF (545KB) ( 1742 )   Save
    The eighth basic education curriculum reform of China, starting in 2001, has brought unprecedentedly brand-new changes to schools, teachers and students with obvious positive effects. The formally promulgated "Curriculum Standard of P.E. and Health in Compulsory Education (2011 Edition)" marks the future development direction of P.E. and health course in Chinese primary and middle schools, indicating a deepening reform period of the two courses. The key to deepening the curriculum reform of P.E. and health includes the P.E. educators' thorough study and comprehension of the essence of the curriculum standard, primary and middle school P.E teachers' strengthening in their curriculum sense and ability and a close cooperation between primary and middle schools and colleges, which will ensure the healthy and sustainable development of the two courses.
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    Analysis on Local Sports Industry Policy Contents in China ——a case study of the Implementation Opinions about Accelerating the Development of Sports Industry
    YUANG Chun-mei, YANG Yi-kun
    2013, 39 (10):  7-11. 
    Abstract ( 646 )   PDF (411KB) ( 2057 )   Save
    AbstractFollowing the contents of the Guiding Opinion about Accelerating the Development of Sports Industry issued by the General Office of the State Council, most provinces in China have issued their own implementation suggestions about accelerating the development of sports industry as a response to the documents of the central government. Based on the policy contents in the implementation suggestions about accelerating the development of sports industry of different provinces, this paper analyzes the development objectives, policy subjects and measures of sports industry, finding that the local policies and the central government policies just coincide with each other and different provinces have made some breakthroughs and expansions according to their own situations in the establishment of their policy structures. However, there exist some problems in the local sports industry policies, such as the simple policy contents, the unspecific policy objectives, ambiguous executive implementation subjects as well as the indistinction of policy measures.
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    Supply and Demand Situation and Countermeasures for Public Sports Servicesin Economically Underdeveloped Areas——Based on the investigation of 10 Cities in Anhui
    JIN Tao, et al
    2013, 39 (10):  12-16. 
    Abstract ( 611 )   PDF (376KB) ( 1625 )   Save
    The paper adopts the research methods of literature, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics, etc. to research the situation of supply and demand of public sports services in the ten economically underdeveloped cities in Anhui involving their facilities, fitness guidance, information, organization, activities, the national physique monitoring, policies and regulations. The result reveals such defects existing in public sports services in these areas as insufficient supply, ill-match with masses' demand, imbalance between supply and demand, imperfection of the supply mechanism, etc. The paper thus suggests that we should strengthen financial investment to promote the equality of public sports services, improve the supply mechanism and modes gradually, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, individuals and non-profit organizations so as to establish a multi-supply center of public sports services.
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    Government Purchase of NPO's Sports Service in China
    LIAO Jian-mei
    2013, 39 (10):  17-21. 
    Abstract ( 594 )   PDF (386KB) ( 2059 )   Save
    Depending on literature and social investigations, the paper, based both academic and real background, researches the development situation of the government behavior of purchasing NPO's sport services in order to the promote the effective development of such behaviors of the government. The research suggests that although the government behavior is still in its start-up phase in general, in many places the purchase practice has demonstrated great development potentials with their respective characteristics. However, the purchasing behavior also exposes the phenomenon of "internalization" and "unsustainability". The paper thus suggests some guidance and implementation measures about such purchasing behaviors on the part of the government.
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    Re-discussion on Sports Development of Small Towns
    CHEN Jing-shuang
    2013, 39 (10):  22-25. 
    Abstract ( 652 )   PDF (320KB) ( 1858 )   Save
    Under the background of new-type urbanization construction, the paper, depending on literature, explains the reasons for refocusing the sports in small towns from the conception of urbanization, villages and towns. It further discusses the development paths to development sports in small towns from the aspects of the sports orientation, organizations, activities, industry and social support.
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    Cultural Ecology Reflected in the Contemporary Changes of Human Pyramid in Yecun Village
    LU Yu
    2013, 39 (10):  26-30. 
    Abstract ( 674 )   PDF (400KB) ( 1893 )   Save
    The changes of folk sports are common phenomenon. The exploration of the interactional relationship in many dimensions between its changes and outer environment is important to its future development. A case study shows that human pyramid in Yecun Village derives from the religious culture in traditional society because the transition of the contemporary society leads to the change of cultural ecological environment which compresses the survival space and further causes the deviation of such folk culture into the track of cultural market. Meanwhile, the expressional form of its cultural connotation experiences great changes. The research believes that the transition of folk sports is the choice of survival in cultural ecology and the environmental changes of cultural ecology are its reason. The change of human demand motivates the transition of folk sports and the transition of folk sports is a combined course of "anomie" and "regulation". The development of folk sports has to abide by the rules of ecological evolution.
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    Western Female Athlete Body Alienation and the Reasons
    YANG Xue,,LIU Zhi-min
    2013, 39 (10):  31-36. 
    Abstract ( 801 )   PDF (484KB) ( 2421 )   Save
    From the perspective of body sociology, this article makes a study of the phenomenon of female athletes' body alienation under media's construction as well as its reasons by means of literature and logical analysis. Conclusions are drawn as:1) body under sociological studies is the best carrier which reflects social activities and social practice. 2) body loses its subjectivity in the process of "objectification" when it becomes a production tool for benefits, and then further alienates. 3) female athletes' bodies in western sports media become the object of being forgotten and discriminated, as well as the symbolized consuming object. 4) the two reasons for body alienation are political strategy of maintaining and consolidating men's ideological hegemony as well as the drive of consumption times for economic benefit.
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    Socialization of Women's Roles under the Perspective of Olympics
    CHANG Nai-jun, SHEN Gui-fang
    2013, 39 (10):  37-40. 
    Abstract ( 640 )   PDF (340KB) ( 1830 )   Save
    This paper researches the socialization development of women's roles in the Olympic Games by means of literature, comparative analysis and mathematical statistics, with the result indicating an obvious equality in gender roles, a much higher level of women's roles in social development, a more equal role with men and a more and more important part in social development. The research believes that the socialization of women's roles is awaiting a further equal, fair and unique development
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    Popularization of Chinese Competitive Sports Reflected in "China Celebrity Splash"GU De-hong, et al
    2013, 39 (10):  41-45. 
    Abstract ( 684 )   PDF (404KB) ( 2013 )   Save
    Diving, a professional sport, transformed from an expert sport into a populace one through proper design on Celebrity Splash, a popular TV program, which affords lessons for the mode of development of popularization of the present competitive sports. This paper, through studying the contents, forms, ideas and characteristics of the program, not only analyses the roles and relationships between TV media and sports and summarizes the positive and negative influence on diving, but also brings to light the significance and development of popularization of competitive sports.
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    Interpretation of the Cultural Symbol of Golf in China
    SUN De-chao,et al
    2013, 39 (10):  46-49. 
    Abstract ( 921 )   PDF (338KB) ( 1557 )   Save
    Depending on literature, logical analysis and field investigation, the paper conducts depth interviews to golf participants, service people and management personnel. It further analyzes and describes golf sport in China from the perspective of cultural semiology, believing that golf is a leisure and luxurious cultural symbol belonging to the "noble people". The paper interprets the cultural symbol of golf in China from the dimensions of implements, system, behavior and mindset. Three cultural symbolic paths are finally suggested in the paperthe integration of competition and leisure, the equal sharing between the noble and ordinary people, and the mutual learning from each other between the western and eastern culture.
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    Communication and Fusion: Cultural Sociological Analysisof Sports Prosperity in the Tang Dynasty
    FAN Yun-qing
    2013, 39 (10):  50-53. 
    Abstract ( 754 )   PDF (325KB) ( 1921 )   Save
    The Tang Dynasty is the heyday of Chinese feudal society and its sports integrates the excellent cultures of all ethnic groups of China, enabling it to become a bright star in Chinese sports history. The paper, by taking the sports of the Tang Dynasty as the research sample, explores the relationship of sports and social development in the Tang Dynasty, and analyzes the cultural background of Tang's sports and the reasons for the prosperity of sports then. The purpose of this paper is to provide references for handling the relationship between foreign and local cultures, the relationship between western competitive sports and traditional Chinese sports and for spreading Chinese culture and booming Chinese sports.
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    Transition from the "Combination Mode" to "Fusion Mode of Sports and Education
    ZHAI Feng,ZHANG Yan-ping
    2013, 39 (10):  54-56. 
    Abstract ( 1061 )   PDF (244KB) ( 1904 )   Save
    The current combination mode of sports and education in primary and middle schools is represented by jointly operating sports teams between schools and governments. In the modes in colleges, the "mixed type" is the most ideal one for combining sports and education. The future development mode of combination of sports and education includes1.the implementation of the integration of talent selection of sports and education; 2. the realization of the combination mode depending on the teaching advantages of excellent schools. At present, there exist some contradictions and obstacles in the process of the combination of sports and education in the aspects of concepts, system, management, scientific training.etc, so it is vital to promote the fusion of educational and sports administrative sectors in order to ensure the effective development of competitive sports. The two sectors should renovate their systems, strengthen their cooperation and improve their work efficiency so as to realize the management system and operation mechanism of sharing resources, benefits and risks.
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    Reform of the Chinese Football Association Super League (CSL)under the Anti-monopoly Law
    NI Gang, et al
    2013, 39 (10):  57-61. 
    Abstract ( 627 )   PDF (427KB) ( 1917 )   Save
    Based on the research of Chinese anti-monopoly law and anti-monopoly exemption process of foreign professional sports, in-depth analysis has been carried out on the organizational structure, regulation of Anti-monopoly and operation pattern of CSL. Finally this paper concludes as followsthe independent development of CSL in Chinese professional sports market is limited; the league overlooks the importance of anti-monopoly regulation; sustainable development of CSL relies on obtaining anti-monopoly immunity in accordance with regular legal procedures.
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    rientation of the 2013 FIG Code of Points of Female Athletic Gymnastics
    LIU Zhi-li
    2013, 39 (10):  62-65. 
    Abstract ( 815 )   PDF (277KB) ( 2119 )   Save
    By using the methods of literature, the paper researches major changes of the 2013 code of points of FIG women's gymnastics and analyzes the development direction of world women's gymnastics of the new Olympic cycle on this basis1) Difficult and diversified connections are the subject of technical innovation.; 2) Super "difficulty"," standard" and "stability" are three cornerstones to improve the value of whole set; 3) Composition innovation of the exercise must be scientific, rational, ingenious, novel, economical and efficient; 4) Artistry highlights the competitive value while the perfect fusion of competitive difficulty and artistry is pursued.
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    Comprehensive evaluation on of offensive and defensive ability of thefinal eight team (adult)in the 12th national games men's basketball
    LIU Zhi
    2013, 39 (10):  66-71. 
    Abstract ( 728 )   PDF (407KB) ( 1791 )   Save
    By using of the Literature material method, RSR the comprehensive evaluation method (Rank Sum Ration), etc.The author make some comprehensive quantitative evaluation on the team's offensive and defensive ability of the final eight team in the 12th national games men's basketball team (junior) , explore the teams overall offensive and defensive characteristics and location characteristics, analyze the insufficiency, so as to develop a plan of training and competition for erery team, give some reference to national team talent selection, and futher improve the competitive level of basketball in our country.
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    Development Path of the All-round Events in Sichuan Rhythmic Gymnastics Reflectedat the 12th National Games
    QU Hui-Fang
    2013, 39 (10):  72-74. 
    Abstract ( 725 )   PDF (297KB) ( 1813 )   Save
    Rhythmic gymnastics in Sichuan takes a lead in its all-round events in the country. It is characterized by its advantages in the age structure, the movement difficulty of the overall techniques and the unique artistic style and so on while there are still some aspects needing to be reformed in terms of the increase of movement difficulty, the development of specialized physical fitness. So the development path of the all-round event of Sichuan rhythmic gymnastics should include the international level of movement difficulty, the integration of the Ba and Shu culture into the artistic arrangement, the high-end change in training environment and the market mechanism in training and management system, etc.
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    Effect of Physical Exercise on Adolescents' Psychological Stress, Coping Stylesand Subjective Well-being
    CHEN Kai-mei, et al
    2013, 39 (10):  75-79. 
    Abstract ( 773 )   PDF (349KB) ( 2069 )   Save
    In order to explore the relationship between physical exercise, psychological stress, coping styles and subjective well-being, the paper, by using structural equation modeling and controlling the correlated variables, draws the conclusion as follows(!) (1) Physical exercise is significantly correlated to psychological stress, coping methods and subjective well-being. Physical exercise, as an active response, can effectively relieve psychological stress, improve the individual's capacity to respond, enabling the participants to experience the emotional effect of joy, fluency and peak; (2) Physical exercise can not only directly affect the experience of subjective well-being, but also affect the subjective well-being indirectly by means of the intervening variable of psychological stress and coping variables; (3) The intervention of coping styles, on the one hand, eases the effect of psychological stress on subjective well-being. On the other hand, it strengthens the effect of physical exercise on subjective well-being and the regulatory effect is established. Active coping styles exhibit positive effect on subjective well-being while negative coping styles demonstrate negative effects.
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    Effect of Slim Exercise Prescription on Overweight College Students' WHR,Plasma Visfatin and Plasma Adiponectin
    BAI You-ping,et al
    2013, 39 (10):  80-85. 
    Abstract ( 761 )   PDF (420KB) ( 2231 )   Save
    PurposesThe purpose of the research is to explore the effect of slim exercise prescription on overweight college students' WHR, plasma visfatin and plasma adiponectin. Methods9 male and 13 female overweight students are used as subjects. Individual slim exercise prescriptions are worked out after the test of body shape, body function and sports ability. The exercise intensity is determied aroud 60-70 of the maxmum sports ability and the RPE is set between 13-15. Each exercise lasts for 60 minutes, 5 times per week RPE with the exercise intervention for 8 weeks. The relevant indexes are measure before and after exercise. Results8 weeks of slim exercise prescription results in a significant decrease (P<0.01)in both male and female subjects' BMI, body fat rate (FAT%), waist and hip circumference ratio (WHR). Plasma visfatin and adiponectin levels indicate a significant difference between the male and the female compared with indexes befeore exercise ((P<0.01). There is an obvious correlation in males between visfatin, BMI and obesity index. Plasma visfatin levels in females are significantly associated with BMI, body weight and body fat. Plasma adiponectin level in males and females both have significant negative correlation with BMI, obesity index and waist-to-hip ratio. ConclusionsSlim exercise prescription for 8 weeks effectively improves the situation of the overweight and obese students by significantly decreasing plasma visfatin and increasing plasma adiponectin, for plasma visfatin and adiponectin leaves can be used as the indirect indexes to reflect obese people's metabolism.
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    Analysis of the Characteristics of Isokinetic Muscle Strengthof Elite Male Long Jumpers Lower Limb Joints
    WU Xin-hua,et al
    2013, 39 (10):  86-89. 
    Abstract ( 711 )   PDF (278KB) ( 2491 )   Save
    The paper is to explore the muscle strength characteristics of male elite long jumpers' lower extremity and to compare the differences between the master-group and first-grade group. Isokinetic dynamometer( IsoMed 2000 from Germany) is adopted to measure the muscle strength for the subjects' (seven master group and eight first-grade athletes)hip , knee and ankle joint at the flexion and extension mode. 5 repeated maximum isokinetic contractions with an angular velocity of 60?/s at the angular velocity of 240?/s are measured 25 times. Results(1) The master group show their advantages in their ankle flexors' absolute force and explosive power in the hip , knee extensors and ankle flexors; (2) The specific value range of the two groups shoe no significant differences in their lower limb joint flexor and extensor, with the hip range ratio being 0.63-0.82, knee, 0.56 -0.64, ankle, 2.69 -5.53; (3) All the subjects' knee and ankle joint muscle endurance should be strengthened.
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    Research on Kinematics Throw Osoto Gari Technology in Judo Athletes
    Chen Ye, Lv Tao
    2013, 39 (10):  90-95. 
    Abstract ( 733 )   PDF (332KB) ( 1960 )   Save
    Osoto Gari of Nage Waza in Judo technique is used in contest and the success rate of one of the high technology, having strong lethality. In this study the use of literature, expert interview, video analysis and mathematical statistics and other research methods to Shanxi Province, the second judo athlete throws large foreign mow technical action in the link speed, displacement, angle for quantitative analysis and evaluation, trying to find out the Shanxi province man Soft Road Runners large foreign mow technology action characteristics and optimal model. The results show that, the master sportsman in the completion of the whole large external mow technology movement process, move more fully, action more strength, action is fast paced, action of cohesion and coherence, and good effect after harvest.
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